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bascenev1 package

Module contents

Gameplay-centric api for classic BombSquad.

class bascenev1.Activity(settings: dict)

Bases: DependencyComponent, Generic[PlayerT, TeamT]

Units of execution wrangled by a bascenev1.Session.

Category: Gameplay Classes

Examples of Activities include games, score-screens, cutscenes, etc. A bascenev1.Session has one ‘current’ Activity at any time, though their existence can overlap during transitions.

add_actor_weak_ref(actor: bascenev1.Actor) None[source]

Add a weak-reference to a bascenev1.Actor to the bascenev1.Activity.

(called by the bascenev1.Actor base class)

add_player(sessionplayer: bascenev1.SessionPlayer) None[source]


add_team(sessionteam: bascenev1.SessionTeam) None[source]

Add a team to the Activity


allow_kick_idle_players = True
allow_mid_activity_joins: bool = True
allow_pausing = False
announce_player_deaths = False
begin(session: bascenev1.Session) None[source]

Begin the activity.


can_show_ad_on_death = False
property context: bascenev1.ContextRef

A context-ref pointing at this activity.

create_player(sessionplayer: bascenev1.SessionPlayer) PlayerT[source]

Create the Player instance for this Activity.

Subclasses can override this if the activity’s player class requires a custom constructor; otherwise it will be called with no args. Note that the player object should not be used at this point as it is not yet fully wired up; wait for bascenev1.Activity.on_player_join() for that.

create_team(sessionteam: bascenev1.SessionTeam) TeamT[source]

Create the Team instance for this Activity.

Subclasses can override this if the activity’s team class requires a custom constructor; otherwise it will be called with no args. Note that the team object should not be used at this point as it is not yet fully wired up; wait for on_team_join() for that.

property customdata: dict

Entities needing to store simple data with an activity can put it here. This dict will be deleted when the activity expires, so contained objects generally do not need to worry about handling expired activities.

end(results: Any = None, delay: float = 0.0, force: bool = False) None[source]

Commences Activity shutdown and delivers results to the Session.

‘delay’ is the time delay before the Activity actually ends (in seconds). Further calls to end() will be ignored up until this time, unless ‘force’ is True, in which case the new results will replace the old.

expire() None[source]

Begin the process of tearing down the activity.


property expired: bool

Whether the activity is expired.

An activity is set as expired when shutting down. At this point no new nodes, timers, etc should be made, run, etc, and the activity should be considered a ‘zombie’.

property globalsnode: bascenev1.Node

The ‘globals’ bascenev1.Node for the activity. This contains various global controls and values.

handlemessage(msg: Any) Any[source]

General message handling; can be passed any message object.

has_begun() bool[source]

Return whether bascenev1.Activity.on_begin() has run.

has_ended() bool[source]

Return whether the activity has commenced ending.

has_transitioned_in() bool[source]

Return whether bascenev1.Activity.on_transition_in() has run.

inherits_music = False
inherits_slow_motion = False
inherits_tint = False
inherits_vr_camera_offset = False
inherits_vr_overlay_center = False
is_joining_activity = False
is_transitioning_out() bool[source]

Return whether bascenev1.Activity.on_transition_out() has run.

on_begin() None[source]

Called once the previous Activity has finished transitioning out.

At this point the activity’s initial players and teams are filled in and it should begin its actual game logic.

on_expire() None[source]

Called when your activity is being expired.

If your activity has created anything explicitly that may be retaining a strong reference to the activity and preventing it from dying, you should clear that out here. From this point on your activity’s sole purpose in life is to hit zero references and die so the next activity can begin.

on_player_join(player: PlayerT) None[source]

Called when a new bascenev1.Player has joined the Activity.

(including the initial set of Players)

on_player_leave(player: PlayerT) None[source]

Called when a bascenev1.Player is leaving the Activity.

on_team_join(team: TeamT) None[source]

Called when a new bascenev1.Team joins the Activity.

(including the initial set of Teams)

on_team_leave(team: TeamT) None[source]

Called when a bascenev1.Team leaves the Activity.

on_transition_in() None[source]

Called when the Activity is first becoming visible.

Upon this call, the Activity should fade in backgrounds, start playing music, etc. It does not yet have access to players or teams, however. They remain owned by the previous Activity up until bascenev1.Activity.on_begin() is called.

on_transition_out() None[source]

Called when your activity begins transitioning out.

Note that this may happen at any time even if bascenev1.Activity.end() has not been called.

players: list[PlayerT]
property playertype: type[PlayerT]

The type of bascenev1.Player this Activity is using.

remove_player(sessionplayer: bascenev1.SessionPlayer) None[source]

Remove a player from the Activity while it is running.


remove_team(sessionteam: bascenev1.SessionTeam) None[source]

Remove a team from a Running Activity


retain_actor(actor: bascenev1.Actor) None[source]

Add a strong-reference to a bascenev1.Actor to this Activity.

The reference will be lazily released once bascenev1.Actor.exists() returns False for the Actor. The bascenev1.Actor.autoretain() method is a convenient way to access this same functionality.

property session: bascenev1.Session

The bascenev1.Session this bascenev1.Activity belongs to.

Raises a babase.SessionNotFoundError if the Session no longer exists.

set_has_ended(val: bool) None[source]


settings_raw: dict[str, Any]
slow_motion = False
property stats: bascenev1.Stats

The stats instance accessible while the activity is running.

If access is attempted before or after, raises a bascenev1.NotFoundError.

teams: list[TeamT]
property teamtype: type[TeamT]

The type of bascenev1.Team this Activity is using.

transition_in(prev_globals: bascenev1.Node | None) None[source]

Called by Session to kick off transition-in.


transition_out() None[source]

Called by the Session to start us transitioning out.

transition_time = 0.0
use_fixed_vr_overlay = False
class bascenev1.ActivityData[source]

Bases: object


context() bascenev1.ContextRef[source]

Return a context-ref pointing to the activity.

exists() bool[source]

Returns whether the ActivityData still exists. Most functionality will fail on a nonexistent instance.

expire() None[source]

Expires the internal data for the activity

make_foreground() None[source]

Sets this activity as the foreground one in its session.

start() None[source]

Begins the activity running

class bascenev1.Actor

Bases: object

High level logical entities in a bascenev1.Activity.

Category: Gameplay Classes

Actors act as controllers, combining some number of Nodes, Textures, Sounds, etc. into a high-level cohesive unit.

Some example actors include the Bomb, Flag, and Spaz classes that live in the* modules.

One key feature of Actors is that they generally ‘die’ (killing off or transitioning out their nodes) when the last Python reference to them disappears, so you can use logic such as:

##### Example >>> # Create a flag Actor in our game activity: … from import Flag … self.flag = Flag(position=(0, 10, 0)) … … # Later, destroy the flag. … # (provided nothing else is holding a reference to it) … # We could also just assign a new flag to this value. … # Either way, the old flag disappears. … self.flag = None

This is in contrast to the behavior of the more low level bascenev1.Node, which is always explicitly created and destroyed and doesn’t care how many Python references to it exist.

Note, however, that you can use the bascenev1.Actor.autoretain() method if you want an Actor to stick around until explicitly killed regardless of references.

Another key feature of bascenev1.Actor is its bascenev1.Actor.handlemessage() method, which takes a single arbitrary object as an argument. This provides a safe way to communicate between bascenev1.Actor, bascenev1.Activity, bascenev1.Session, and any other class providing a handlemessage() method. The most universally handled message type for Actors is the bascenev1.DieMessage.

Another way to kill the flag from the example above: We can safely call this on any type with a ‘handlemessage’ method (though its not guaranteed to always have a meaningful effect). In this case the Actor instance will still be around, but its bascenev1.Actor.exists() and bascenev1.Actor.is_alive() methods will both return False. >>> self.flag.handlemessage(bascenev1.DieMessage())

property activity: bascenev1.Activity

The Activity this Actor was created in.

Raises a bascenev1.ActivityNotFoundError if the Activity no longer exists.

autoretain() ActorT[source]

Keep this Actor alive without needing to hold a reference to it.

This keeps the bascenev1.Actor in existence by storing a reference to it with the bascenev1.Activity it was created in. The reference is lazily released once bascenev1.Actor.exists() returns False for it or when the Activity is set as expired. This can be a convenient alternative to storing references explicitly just to keep a bascenev1.Actor from dying. For convenience, this method returns the bascenev1.Actor it is called with, enabling chained statements such as: myflag = bascenev1.Flag().autoretain()

exists() bool[source]

Returns whether the Actor is still present in a meaningful way.

Note that a dying character should still return True here as long as their corpse is visible; this is about presence, not being ‘alive’ (see bascenev1.Actor.is_alive() for that).

If this returns False, it is assumed the Actor can be completely deleted without affecting the game; this call is often used when pruning lists of Actors, such as with bascenev1.Actor.autoretain()

The default implementation of this method always return True.

Note that the boolean operator for the Actor class calls this method, so a simple “if myactor” test will conveniently do the right thing even if myactor is set to None.

property expired: bool

Whether the Actor is expired.

(see bascenev1.Actor.on_expire())

getactivity(doraise: bool = True) bascenev1.Activity | None[source]

Return the bascenev1.Activity this Actor is associated with.

If the Activity no longer exists, raises a bascenev1.ActivityNotFoundError or returns None depending on whether ‘doraise’ is True.

handlemessage(msg: Any) Any[source]

General message handling; can be passed any message object.

is_alive() bool[source]

Returns whether the Actor is ‘alive’.

What this means is up to the Actor. It is not a requirement for Actors to be able to die; just that they report whether they consider themselves to be alive or not. In cases where dead/alive is irrelevant, True should be returned.

on_expire() None[source]

Called for remaining `bascenev1.Actor`s when their activity dies.

Actors can use this opportunity to clear callbacks or other references which have the potential of keeping the bascenev1.Activity alive inadvertently (Activities can not exit cleanly while any Python references to them remain.)

Once an actor is expired (see bascenev1.Actor.is_expired()) it should no longer perform any game-affecting operations (creating, modifying, or deleting nodes, media, timers, etc.) Attempts to do so will likely result in errors.

class bascenev1.AppIntent

Bases: object

A high level directive given to the app.

Category: App Classes

class bascenev1.AppIntentDefault

Bases: AppIntent

Tells the app to simply run in its default mode.

class bascenev1.AppIntentExec(code: str)

Bases: AppIntent

Tells the app to exec some Python code.

class bascenev1.AppMode

Bases: object

A high level mode for the app.

Category: App Classes

classmethod can_handle_intent(intent: AppIntent) bool[source]

Return whether this mode can handle the provided intent.

For this to return True, the AppMode must claim to support the provided intent (via its _supports_intent() method) AND the AppExperience associated with the AppMode must be supported by the current app and runtime environment.

classmethod get_app_experience() AppExperience[source]

Return the overall experience provided by this mode.

handle_intent(intent: AppIntent) None[source]

Handle an intent.

on_activate() None[source]

Called when the mode is being activated.

on_app_active_changed() None[source]

Called when ba* changes while this mode is active.

The app-mode may want to take action such as pausing a running game in such cases.

on_deactivate() None[source]

Called when the mode is being deactivated.

class bascenev1.AppTimer(time: float, call: Callable[[], Any], repeat: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object

Timers are used to run code at later points in time.

Category: General Utility Classes

This class encapsulates a timer based on app-time. The underlying timer will be destroyed when this object is no longer referenced. If you do not want to worry about keeping a reference to your timer around, use the babase.apptimer() function instead to get a one-off timer.

##### Arguments ###### time > Length of time in seconds that the timer will wait before firing.

###### call > A callable Python object. Remember that the timer will retain a strong reference to the callable for as long as it exists, so you may want to look into concepts such as babase.WeakCall if that is not desired.

###### repeat > If True, the timer will fire repeatedly, with each successive firing having the same delay as the first.

##### Example

Use a Timer object to print repeatedly for a few seconds: … def say_it(): … babase.screenmessage(‘BADGER!’) … def stop_saying_it(): … global g_timer … g_timer = None … babase.screenmessage(‘MUSHROOM MUSHROOM!’) … # Create our timer; it will run as long as we have the self.t ref. … g_timer = babase.AppTimer(0.3, say_it, repeat=True) … # Now fire off a one-shot timer to kill it. … babase.apptimer(3.89, stop_saying_it)

class bascenev1.AssetPackage

Bases: DependencyComponent

bascenev1.DependencyComponent representing a bundled package of assets.

Category: Asset Classes

classmethod dep_is_present(config: Any = None) bool[source]

Return whether this component/config is present on this device.

getcollisionmesh(name: str) bascenev1.CollisionMesh[source]

Load a named bascenev1.CollisionMesh from the AssetPackage.

Behavior is similar to bascenev1.getcollisionmesh()

getdata(name: str) bascenev1.Data[source]

Load a named bascenev1.Data from the AssetPackage.

Behavior is similar to bascenev1.getdata()

getmesh(name: str) bascenev1.Mesh[source]

Load a named bascenev1.Mesh from the AssetPackage.

Behavior is similar to bascenev1.getmesh()

getsound(name: str) bascenev1.Sound[source]

Load a named bascenev1.Sound from the AssetPackage.

Behavior is similar to bascenev1.getsound()

gettexture(name: str) bascenev1.Texture[source]

Load a named bascenev1.Texture from the AssetPackage.

Behavior is similar to bascenev1.gettexture()

class bascenev1.BaseTimer(time: float, call: Callable[[], Any], repeat: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object

Timers are used to run code at later points in time.

Category: General Utility Classes

This class encapsulates a base-time timer in the current scene context. The underlying timer will be destroyed when either this object is no longer referenced or when its Context (Activity, etc.) dies. If you do not want to worry about keeping a reference to your timer around, you should use the bascenev1.basetimer() function instead.

###### time (float) > Length of time in seconds that the timer will wait before firing.

###### call (Callable[[], Any]) > A callable Python object. Remember that the timer will retain a strong reference to the callable for as long as it exists, so you may want to look into concepts such as babase.WeakCall if that is not desired.

###### repeat (bool) > If True, the timer will fire repeatedly, with each successive firing having the same delay as the first.

##### Example

Use a BaseTimer object to print repeatedly for a few seconds: >>> import bascenev1 as bs … def say_it(): … bs.screenmessage(‘BADGER!’) … def stop_saying_it(): … global g_timer … g_timer = None … bs.screenmessage(‘MUSHROOM MUSHROOM!’) … # Create our timer; it will run as long as we have the self.t ref. … g_timer = bs.BaseTimer(0.3, say_it, repeat=True) … # Now fire off a one-shot timer to kill it. … bs.basetimer(3.89, stop_saying_it)

class bascenev1.BoolSetting(name: str, default: bool)

Bases: Setting

A boolean game setting.

Category: Settings Classes

default: bool
class bascenev1.Call(*args: Any, **keywds: Any)

Bases: object

Wraps a callable and arguments into a single callable object.

Category: General Utility Classes

The callable is strong-referenced so it won’t die until this object does.

WARNING: This is exactly the same as Python’s built in functools.partial(). Use functools.partial instead of this for new code, as this will probably be deprecated at some point.

Note that a bound method (ex: myobj.dosomething) contains a reference to self (myobj in that case), so you will be keeping that object alive too. Use babase.WeakCall if you want to pass a method to a callback without keeping its object alive.

class bascenev1.Campaign(name: str, sequential: bool = True, levels: list[bascenev1.Level] | None = None)

Bases: object

Represents a unique set or series of baclassic.Level-s.

Category: App Classes

addlevel(level: bascenev1.Level, index: int | None = None) None[source]

Adds a baclassic.Level to the Campaign.

property configdict: dict[str, Any]

Return the live config dict for this campaign.

get_selected_level() str[source]

Return the name of the Level currently selected in the UI.

getlevel(name: str) bascenev1.Level[source]

Return a contained baclassic.Level by name.

property levels: list[bascenev1.Level]

The list of baclassic.Level-s in the Campaign.

property name: str

The name of the Campaign.

reset() None[source]

Reset state for the Campaign.

property sequential: bool

Whether this Campaign’s levels must be played in sequence.

set_selected_level(levelname: str) None[source]

Set the Level currently selected in the UI (by name).

class bascenev1.CelebrateMessage(duration: float = 10.0)

Bases: object

Tells an object to celebrate.

Category: Message Classes

duration: float = 10.0
class bascenev1.ChoiceSetting(name: str, default: Any, choices: list[tuple[str, Any]])

Bases: Setting

A setting with multiple choices.

Category: Settings Classes

choices: list[tuple[str, Any]]
class bascenev1.Chooser(vpos: float, sessionplayer: bascenev1.SessionPlayer, lobby: Lobby)

Bases: object

A character/team selector for a bascenev1.Player.

Category: Gameplay Classes

get_character_name() str[source]

Return the selected character name.

get_color() Sequence[float][source]

Return the currently selected color.

get_highlight() Sequence[float][source]

Return the currently selected highlight.

get_lobby() bascenev1.Lobby | None[source]

Return this chooser’s lobby if it still exists; otherwise None.

getplayer() bascenev1.SessionPlayer[source]

Return the player associated with this chooser.

handlemessage(msg: Any) Any[source]

Standard generic message handler.

property lobby: bascenev1.Lobby

The chooser’s baclassic.Lobby.

property ready: bool

Whether this chooser is checked in as ready.

reload_profiles() None[source]

Reload all player profiles.

property sessionplayer: bascenev1.SessionPlayer

The bascenev1.SessionPlayer associated with this chooser.

property sessionteam: bascenev1.SessionTeam

Return this chooser’s currently selected bascenev1.SessionTeam.

set_dead(val: bool) None[source]


set_vpos(vpos: float) None[source]


update_from_profile() None[source]

Set character/colors based on the current profile.

update_position() None[source]

Update this chooser’s position.

class bascenev1.Collision

Bases: object

A class providing info about occurring collisions.

Category: Gameplay Classes

property opposingbody: int

The body index on the opposing node in the current collision.

property opposingnode: bascenev1.Node

The node the current callback material node is hitting.

Throws a bascenev1.NodeNotFoundError if the node does not exist. This can be expected in some cases such as in ‘disconnect’ callbacks triggered by deleting a currently-colliding node.

property position: bascenev1.Vec3

The position of the current collision.

property sourcenode: bascenev1.Node

The node containing the material triggering the current callback.

Throws a bascenev1.NodeNotFoundError if the node does not exist, though the node should always exist (at least at the start of the collision callback).

class bascenev1.CollisionMesh[source]

Bases: object

A reference to a collision-mesh.

Category: Asset Classes

Use bascenev1.getcollisionmesh() to instantiate one.

exception bascenev1.ContextError

Bases: Exception

Exception raised when a call is made in an invalid context.

Category: Exception Classes

Examples of this include calling UI functions within an Activity context or calling scene manipulation functions outside of a game context.

class bascenev1.ContextRef[source]

Bases: object

Store or use a ballistica context.

Category: General Utility Classes

Many operations such as bascenev1.newnode() or bascenev1.gettexture() operate implicitly on a current ‘context’. A context is some sort of state that functionality can implicitly use. Context determines, for example, which scene nodes or textures get added to without having to specify it explicitly in the newnode()/gettexture() call. Contexts can also affect object lifecycles; for example a babase.ContextCall will become a no-op when the context it was created in is destroyed.

In general, if you are a modder, you should not need to worry about contexts; mod code should mostly be getting run in the correct context and timers and other callbacks will take care of saving and restoring contexts automatically. There may be rare cases, however, where you need to deal directly with contexts, and that is where this class comes in.

Creating a babase.ContextRef() will capture a reference to the current context. Other modules may provide ways to access their contexts; for example a bascenev1.Activity instance has a ‘context’ attribute. You can also use babase.ContextRef.empty() to create a reference to no context. Some code such as UI calls may expect this and may complain if you try to use them within a context.

##### Usage ContextRefs are generally used with the Python ‘with’ statement, which sets the context they point to as current on entry and resets it to the previous value on exit.

##### Example Explicitly create a few UI bits with no context set. (UI stuff may complain if called within a context): >>> with bui.ContextRef.empty(): … my_container = bui.containerwidget()

classmethod empty() ContextRef[source]

Return a ContextRef pointing to no context.

This is useful when code should be run free of a context. For example, UI code generally insists on being run this way. Otherwise, callbacks set on the UI could inadvertently stop working due to a game activity ending, which would be unintuitive behavior.

is_empty() bool[source]

Whether the context was created as empty.

is_expired() bool[source]

Whether the context has expired.

class bascenev1.CoopGameActivity(settings: dict)

Bases: GameActivity[PlayerT, TeamT]

Base class for cooperative-mode games.

Category: Gameplay Classes

celebrate(duration: float) None[source]

Tells all existing player-controlled characters to celebrate.

Can be useful in co-op games when the good guys score or complete a wave. duration is given in seconds.

fade_to_red() None[source]

Fade the screen to red; (such as when the good guys have lost).

get_score_type() str[source]

Return the score unit this co-op game uses (‘point’, ‘seconds’, etc.)

on_begin() None[source]

Called once the previous Activity has finished transitioning out.

At this point the activity’s initial players and teams are filled in and it should begin its actual game logic.

setup_low_life_warning_sound() None[source]

Set up a beeping noise to play when any players are near death.

spawn_player_spaz(player: PlayerT, position: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), angle: float | None = None) PlayerSpaz[source]

Spawn and wire up a standard player spaz.

classmethod supports_session_type(sessiontype: type[bascenev1.Session]) bool[source]

Return whether this game supports the provided Session type.

class bascenev1.CoopSession

Bases: Session

A bascenev1.Session which runs cooperative-mode games.

Category: Gameplay Classes

These generally consist of 1-4 players against the computer and include functionality such as high score lists.

allow_mid_activity_joins = False
campaign: bascenev1.Campaign | None
get_current_game_instance() bascenev1.GameActivity[source]

Get the game instance currently being played.

get_custom_menu_entries() list[dict[str, Any]][source]

Subclasses can override this to provide custom menu entries.

The returned value should be a list of dicts, each containing a ‘label’ and ‘call’ entry, with ‘label’ being the text for the entry and ‘call’ being the callable to trigger if the entry is pressed.

on_activity_end(activity: bascenev1.Activity, results: Any) None[source]

Method override for co-op sessions.

Jumps between co-op games and score screens.

on_player_leave(sessionplayer: bascenev1.SessionPlayer) None[source]

Called when a previously-accepted bascenev1.SessionPlayer leaves.

restart() None[source]

Restart the current game activity.

should_allow_mid_activity_joins(activity: bascenev1.Activity) bool[source]

Ask ourself if we should allow joins during an Activity.

Note that for a join to be allowed, both the Session and Activity have to be ok with it (via this function and the Activity.allow_mid_activity_joins property.

use_team_colors = False
use_teams = True
class bascenev1.Data[source]

Bases: object

A reference to a data object.

Category: Asset Classes

Use bascenev1.getdata() to instantiate one.

getvalue() Any[source]

Return the data object’s value.

This can consist of anything representable by json (dicts, lists, numbers, bools, None, etc). Note that this call will block if the data has not yet been loaded, so it can be beneficial to plan a short bit of time between when the data object is requested and when it’s value is accessed.

class bascenev1.DeathType(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

A reason for a death.

Category: Enums

FALL = 'fall'
GENERIC = 'generic'
IMPACT = 'impact'
LEFT_GAME = 'left_game'
OUT_OF_BOUNDS = 'out_of_bounds'
REACHED_GOAL = 'reached_goal'
class bascenev1.Dependency(cls: type[T], config: Any = None)

Bases: Generic[T]

A dependency on a DependencyComponent (with an optional config).

Category: Dependency Classes

This class is used to request and access functionality provided by other DependencyComponent classes from a DependencyComponent class. The class functions as a descriptor, allowing dependencies to be added at a class level much the same as properties or methods and then used with class instances to access those dependencies. For instance, if you do ‘floofcls = bascenev1.Dependency(FloofClass)’ you would then be able to instantiate a FloofClass in your class’s methods via self.floofcls().

get_hash() int[source]

Return the dependency’s hash, calculating it if necessary.

class bascenev1.DependencyComponent

Bases: object

Base class for all classes that can act as or use dependencies.

Category: Dependency Classes

classmethod dep_is_present(config: Any = None) bool[source]

Return whether this component/config is present on this device.

classmethod get_dynamic_deps(config: Any = None) list[Dependency][source]

Return any dynamically-calculated deps for this component/config.

Deps declared statically as part of the class do not need to be included here; this is only for additional deps that may vary based on the dep config value. (for instance a map required by a game type)

class bascenev1.DependencySet(root_dependency: Dependency[T])

Bases: Generic[T]

Set of resolved dependencies and their associated data.

Category: Dependency Classes

To use DependencyComponents, a set must be created, resolved, and then loaded. The DependencyComponents are only valid while the set remains in existence.

get_asset_package_ids() set[str][source]

Return the set of asset-package-ids required by this dep-set.

Must be called on a resolved dep-set.

load() None[source]

Instantiate all DependencyComponents in the set.

Returns a wrapper which can be used to instantiate the root dep.

resolve() None[source]

Resolve the complete set of required dependencies for this set.

Raises a bascenev1.DependencyError if dependencies are missing (or other Exception types on other errors).

property resolved: bool

Whether this set has been successfully resolved.

property root: T

The instantiated root DependencyComponent instance for the set.

class bascenev1.DieMessage(immediate: bool = False, how: DeathType = DeathType.GENERIC)

Bases: object

A message telling an object to die.

Category: Message Classes

Most bascenev1.Actor-s respond to this.

how: DeathType = 'generic'
immediate: bool = False
class bascenev1.DisplayTimer(time: float, call: Callable[[], Any], repeat: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object

Timers are used to run code at later points in time.

Category: General Utility Classes

This class encapsulates a timer based on display-time. The underlying timer will be destroyed when this object is no longer referenced. If you do not want to worry about keeping a reference to your timer around, use the babase.displaytimer() function instead to get a one-off timer.

Display-time is a time value intended to be used for animation and other visual purposes. It will generally increment by a consistent amount each frame. It will pass at an overall similar rate to AppTime, but trades accuracy for smoothness.

##### Arguments ###### time > Length of time in seconds that the timer will wait before firing.

###### call > A callable Python object. Remember that the timer will retain a strong reference to the callable for as long as it exists, so you may want to look into concepts such as babase.WeakCall if that is not desired.

###### repeat > If True, the timer will fire repeatedly, with each successive firing having the same delay as the first.

##### Example

Use a Timer object to print repeatedly for a few seconds: … def say_it(): … babase.screenmessage(‘BADGER!’) … def stop_saying_it(): … global g_timer … g_timer = None … babase.screenmessage(‘MUSHROOM MUSHROOM!’) … # Create our timer; it will run as long as we have the self.t ref. … g_timer = babase.DisplayTimer(0.3, say_it, repeat=True) … # Now fire off a one-shot timer to kill it. … babase.displaytimer(3.89, stop_saying_it)

class bascenev1.DropMessage

Bases: object

Tells an object that it has dropped what it was holding.

Category: Message Classes

class bascenev1.DroppedMessage(node: bascenev1.Node)

Bases: object

Tells an object that it has been dropped.

Category: Message Classes

node: bascenev1.Node
class bascenev1.DualTeamSession

Bases: MultiTeamSession

bascenev1.Session type for teams mode games.

Category: Gameplay Classes

use_team_colors = True
use_teams = True
class bascenev1.EmptyPlayer

Bases: Player[bascenev1.EmptyTeam]

An empty player for use by Activities that don’t need to define one.

Category: Gameplay Classes

bascenev1.Player and bascenev1.Team are ‘Generic’ types, and so passing those top level classes as type arguments when defining a bascenev1.Activity reduces type safety. For example, activity.teams[0].player will have type ‘Any’ in that case. For that reason, it is better to pass EmptyPlayer and EmptyTeam when defining a bascenev1.Activity that does not need custom types of its own.

Note that EmptyPlayer defines its team type as EmptyTeam and vice versa, so if you want to define your own class for one of them you should do so for both.

class bascenev1.EmptyTeam

Bases: Team[bascenev1.EmptyPlayer]

An empty player for use by Activities that don’t need to define one.

Category: Gameplay Classes

bascenev1.Player and bascenev1.Team are ‘Generic’ types, and so passing those top level classes as type arguments when defining a bascenev1.Activity reduces type safety. For example, activity.teams[0].player will have type ‘Any’ in that case. For that reason, it is better to pass EmptyPlayer and EmptyTeam when defining a bascenev1.Activity that does not need custom types of its own.

Note that EmptyPlayer defines its team type as EmptyTeam and vice versa, so if you want to define your own class for one of them you should do so for both.

class bascenev1.FloatChoiceSetting(name: str, default: float, choices: list[tuple[str, float]])

Bases: ChoiceSetting

A float setting with multiple choices.

Category: Settings Classes

choices: list[tuple[str, float]]
default: float
class bascenev1.FloatSetting(name: str, default: float, min_value: float = 0.0, max_value: float = 9999.0, increment: float = 1.0)

Bases: Setting

A floating point game setting.

Category: Settings Classes

default: float
increment: float = 1.0
max_value: float = 9999.0
min_value: float = 0.0
class bascenev1.FreeForAllSession

Bases: MultiTeamSession

bascenev1.Session type for free-for-all mode games.

Category: Gameplay Classes

get_ffa_point_awards() dict[int, int][source]

Return the number of points awarded for different rankings.

This is based on the current number of players.

use_team_colors = False
use_teams = False
class bascenev1.FreezeMessage

Bases: object

Tells an object to become frozen.

Category: Message Classes

As seen in the effects of an ice bascenev1.Bomb.

class bascenev1.GameActivity(settings: dict)

Bases: Activity[PlayerT, TeamT]

Common base class for all game bascenev1.Activities.

Category: Gameplay Classes

allow_kick_idle_players = True
allow_pausing = True
available_settings: list[bascenev1.Setting] | None = None
default_music: bascenev1.MusicType | None = None
description: str | None = None
end(results: Any = None, delay: float = 0.0, force: bool = False) None[source]

Commences Activity shutdown and delivers results to the Session.

‘delay’ is the time delay before the Activity actually ends (in seconds). Further calls to end() will be ignored up until this time, unless ‘force’ is True, in which case the new results will replace the old.

end_game() None[source]

Tell the game to wrap up and call bascenev1.Activity.end().

This method should be overridden by subclasses. A game should always be prepared to end and deliver results, even if there is no ‘winner’ yet; this way things like the standard time-limit (bascenev1.GameActivity.setup_standard_time_limit()) will work with the game.

classmethod get_available_settings(sessiontype: type[bascenev1.Session]) list[bascenev1.Setting][source]

Return a list of settings relevant to this game type when running under the provided session type.

classmethod get_description(sessiontype: type[bascenev1.Session]) str[source]

Get a str description of this game type.

The default implementation simply returns the ‘description’ class var. Classes which want to change their description depending on the session can override this method.

classmethod get_description_display_string(sessiontype: type[bascenev1.Session]) babase.Lstr[source]

Return a translated version of get_description().

Sub-classes should override get_description(); not this.

classmethod get_display_string(settings: dict | None = None) Lstr[source]

Return a descriptive name for this game/settings combo.

Subclasses should override getname(); not this.

get_instance_description() str | Sequence[source]

Return a description for this game instance, in English.

This is shown in the center of the screen below the game name at the start of a game. It should start with a capital letter and end with a period, and can be a bit more verbose than the version returned by get_instance_description_short().

Note that translation is applied by looking up the specific returned value as a key, so the number of returned variations should be limited; ideally just one or two. To include arbitrary values in the description, you can return a sequence of values in the following form instead of just a string:

# This will give us something like ‘Score 3 goals.’ in English # and can properly translate to ‘Anota 3 goles.’ in Spanish. # If we just returned the string ‘Score 3 Goals’ here, there would # have to be a translation entry for each specific number. ew. return [‘Score ${ARG1} goals.’, self.settings_raw[‘Score to Win’]]

This way the first string can be consistently translated, with any arg values then substituted into the result. ${ARG1} will be replaced with the first value, ${ARG2} with the second, etc.

get_instance_description_short() str | Sequence[source]

Return a short description for this game instance in English.

This description is used above the game scoreboard in the corner of the screen, so it should be as concise as possible. It should be lowercase and should not contain periods or other punctuation.

Note that translation is applied by looking up the specific returned value as a key, so the number of returned variations should be limited; ideally just one or two. To include arbitrary values in the description, you can return a sequence of values in the following form instead of just a string:

# This will give us something like ‘score 3 goals’ in English # and can properly translate to ‘anota 3 goles’ in Spanish. # If we just returned the string ‘score 3 goals’ here, there would # have to be a translation entry for each specific number. ew. return [‘score ${ARG1} goals’, self.settings_raw[‘Score to Win’]]

This way the first string can be consistently translated, with any arg values then substituted into the result. ${ARG1} will be replaced with the first value, ${ARG2} with the second, etc.

get_instance_display_string() Lstr[source]

Return a name for this particular game instance.

get_instance_scoreboard_display_string() Lstr[source]

Return a name for this particular game instance.

This name is used above the game scoreboard in the corner of the screen, so it should be as concise as possible.

classmethod get_settings_display_string(config: dict[str, Any]) babase.Lstr[source]

Given a game config dict, return a short description for it.

This is used when viewing game-lists or showing what game is up next in a series.

classmethod get_supported_maps(sessiontype: type[bascenev1.Session]) list[str][source]

Called by the default bascenev1.GameActivity.create_settings_ui() implementation; should return a list of map names valid for this game-type for the given bascenev1.Session type.

classmethod get_team_display_string(name: str) Lstr[source]

Given a team name, returns a localized version of it.

classmethod getname() str[source]

Return a str name for this game type.

This default implementation simply returns the ‘name’ class attr.

classmethod getscoreconfig() bascenev1.ScoreConfig[source]

Return info about game scoring setup; can be overridden by games.

handlemessage(msg: Any) Any[source]

General message handling; can be passed any message object.

property map: Map

The map being used for this game.

Raises a bascenev1.MapNotFoundError if the map does not currently exist.

name: str | None = None
on_begin() None[source]

Called once the previous Activity has finished transitioning out.

At this point the activity’s initial players and teams are filled in and it should begin its actual game logic.

on_player_join(player: PlayerT) None[source]

Called when a new bascenev1.Player has joined the Activity.

(including the initial set of Players)

on_transition_in() None[source]

Called when the Activity is first becoming visible.

Upon this call, the Activity should fade in backgrounds, start playing music, etc. It does not yet have access to players or teams, however. They remain owned by the previous Activity up until bascenev1.Activity.on_begin() is called.

respawn_player(player: PlayerT, respawn_time: float | None = None) None[source]

Given a bascenev1.Player, sets up a standard respawn timer, along with the standard counter display, etc. At the end of the respawn period spawn_player() will be called if the Player still exists. An explicit ‘respawn_time’ can optionally be provided (in seconds).

scoreconfig: bascenev1.ScoreConfig | None = None
setup_standard_powerup_drops(enable_tnt: bool = True) None[source]

Create standard powerup drops for the current map.

setup_standard_time_limit(duration: float) None[source]

Create a standard game time-limit given the provided duration in seconds. This will be displayed at the top of the screen. If the time-limit expires, end_game() will be called.

show_kill_points = True
show_zoom_message(message: babase.Lstr, *, color: Sequence[float] = (0.9, 0.4, 0.0), scale: float = 0.8, duration: float = 2.0, trail: bool = False) None[source]

Zooming text used to announce game names and winners.

spawn_player(player: PlayerT) bascenev1.Actor[source]

Spawn something for the provided bascenev1.Player.

The default implementation simply calls spawn_player_spaz().

spawn_player_if_exists(player: PlayerT) None[source]

A utility method which calls self.spawn_player() only if the bascenev1.Player provided still exists; handy for use in timers and whatnot.

There is no need to override this; just override spawn_player().

spawn_player_spaz(player: PlayerT, position: Sequence[float] = (0, 0, 0), angle: float | None = None) PlayerSpaz[source]

Create and wire up a bascenev1.PlayerSpaz for the provided Player.

classmethod supports_session_type(sessiontype: type[bascenev1.Session]) bool[source]

Return whether this game supports the provided Session type.

tips: list[str | bascenev1.GameTip] = []
class bascenev1.GameResults

Bases: object

Results for a completed game.

Category: Gameplay Classes

Upon completion, a game should fill one of these out and pass it to its bascenev1.Activity.end call.

get_sessionteam_score(sessionteam: bascenev1.SessionTeam) int | None[source]

Return the score for a given bascenev1.SessionTeam.

get_sessionteam_score_str(sessionteam: bascenev1.SessionTeam) babase.Lstr[source]

Return the score for the given session-team as an Lstr.

(properly formatted for the score type.)

has_score_for_sessionteam(sessionteam: bascenev1.SessionTeam) bool[source]

Return whether there is a score for a given session-team.

property lower_is_better: bool

Whether lower scores are better.

property playerinfos: list[bascenev1.PlayerInfo]

Get info about the players represented by the results.

property score_label: str

The label associated with scores (‘points’, etc).

property scoretype: bascenev1.ScoreType

The type of score.

property sessionteams: list[bascenev1.SessionTeam]

Return all bascenev1.SessionTeams in the results.

set_game(game: bascenev1.GameActivity) None[source]

Set the game instance these results are applying to.

set_team_score(team: bascenev1.Team, score: int | None) None[source]

Set the score for a given team.

This can be a number or None. (see the none_is_winner arg in the constructor)

property winnergroups: list[WinnerGroup]

Get an ordered list of winner groups.

property winning_sessionteam: bascenev1.SessionTeam | None

The winning SessionTeam if there is exactly one, or else None.

class bascenev1.GameTip(text: str, icon: bascenev1.Texture | None = None, sound: bascenev1.Sound | None = None)

Bases: object

Defines a tip presentable to the user at the start of a game.

Category: Gameplay Classes

icon: bascenev1.Texture | None = None
sound: bascenev1.Sound | None = None
text: str
class bascenev1.HitMessage(*, srcnode: bascenev1.Node | None = None, pos: Sequence[float] | None = None, velocity: Sequence[float] | None = None, magnitude: float = 1.0, velocity_magnitude: float = 0.0, radius: float = 1.0, source_player: bascenev1.Player | None = None, kick_back: float = 1.0, flat_damage: float | None = None, hit_type: str = 'generic', force_direction: Sequence[float] | None = None, hit_subtype: str = 'default')

Bases: object

Tells an object it has been hit in some way.

Category: Message Classes

This is used by punches, explosions, etc to convey their effect to a target.

get_source_player(playertype: type[PlayerT]) PlayerT | None[source]

Return the source-player if one exists and is the provided type.

class bascenev1.HostInfo(name: str, build_number: int, address: str | None, port: int | None)

Bases: object

Info about a host.

address: str | None
build_number: int
name: str
port: int | None
class bascenev1.ImpactDamageMessage(intensity: float)

Bases: object

Tells an object that it has been jarred violently.

Category: Message Classes

intensity: float
class bascenev1.InputDevice[source]

Bases: object

An input-device such as a gamepad, touchscreen, or keyboard.

Category: Gameplay Classes

allows_configuring: bool

Whether the input-device can be configured in the app.

allows_configuring_in_system_settings: bool

Whether the input-device can be configured in the system. setings app. This can be used to redirect the user to go there if they attempt to configure the device.

client_id: int

The numeric client-id this device is associated with. This is only meaningful for remote client inputs; for all local devices this will be -1.

detach_from_player() None[source]

Detach the device from any player it is controlling.

This applies both to local players and remote players.

exists() bool[source]

Return whether the underlying device for this object is still present.

get_axis_name(axis_id: int) str[source]

Given an axis ID, return the name of the axis on this device.

Can return an empty string if the value is not meaningful to humans.

get_button_name(button_id: int) babase.Lstr[source]

Given a button ID, return a human-readable name for that key/button.

Can return an empty string if the value is not meaningful to humans.

get_default_player_name() str[source]


Returns the default player name for this device. (used for the ‘random’ profile)

get_player_profiles() dict[source]


get_v1_account_name(full: bool) str[source]

Returns the account name associated with this device.

(can be used to get account names for remote players)

has_meaningful_button_names: bool

Whether button names returned by this instance match labels on the actual device. (Can be used to determine whether to show them in controls-overlays, etc.).

id: int

The unique numeric id of this device.

instance_number: int

The number of this device among devices of the same type.

is_attached_to_player() bool[source]

Return whether this device is controlling a player of some sort.

This can mean either a local player or a remote player.

is_controller_app: bool

Whether this input-device represents a locally-connected controller-app.

is_remote_client: bool

Whether this input-device represents a remotely-connected client.

is_test_input: bool

Whether this input-device is a dummy device for testing.

name: str

The name of the device.

player: bascenev1.SessionPlayer | None

The player associated with this input device.

unique_identifier: str

A string that can be used to persistently identify the device, even among other devices of the same type. Used for saving prefs, etc.

class bascenev1.InputType(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

Types of input a controller can send to the game.

Category: Enums

RUN = 12
class bascenev1.IntChoiceSetting(name: str, default: int, choices: list[tuple[str, int]])

Bases: ChoiceSetting

An int setting with multiple choices.

Category: Settings Classes

choices: list[tuple[str, int]]
default: int
class bascenev1.IntSetting(name: str, default: int, min_value: int = 0, max_value: int = 9999, increment: int = 1)

Bases: Setting

An integer game setting.

Category: Settings Classes

default: int
increment: int = 1
max_value: int = 9999
min_value: int = 0
class bascenev1.JoinActivity(settings: dict)

Bases: Activity[EmptyPlayer, EmptyTeam]

Standard activity for waiting for players to join.

It shows tips and other info and waits for all players to check ready.

on_transition_in() None[source]

Called when the Activity is first becoming visible.

Upon this call, the Activity should fade in backgrounds, start playing music, etc. It does not yet have access to players or teams, however. They remain owned by the previous Activity up until bascenev1.Activity.on_begin() is called.

class bascenev1.Level(name: str, gametype: type[bascenev1.GameActivity], settings: dict, preview_texture_name: str, *, displayname: str | None = None)

Bases: object

An entry in a bascenev1.Campaign.

Category: Gameplay Classes

property campaign: bascenev1.Campaign | None

The baclassic.Campaign this Level is associated with, or None.

property complete: bool

Whether this Level has been completed.

property displayname: bascenev1.Lstr

The localized name for this Level.

property gametype: type[bascenev1.GameActivity]

The type of game used for this Level.

get_high_scores() dict[source]

Return the current high scores for this Level.

get_score_version_string() str[source]

Return the score version string for this Level.

If a Level’s gameplay changes significantly, its version string can be changed to separate its new high score lists/etc. from the old.

get_settings() dict[str, Any][source]

Returns the settings for this Level.

property index: int

The zero-based index of this Level in its baclassic.Campaign.

Access results in a RuntimeError if the Level is not assigned to a Campaign.

property name: str

The unique name for this Level.

property preview_texture_name: str

The preview texture name for this Level.

property rating: float

The current rating for this Level.

set_campaign(campaign: bascenev1.Campaign, index: int) None[source]

For use by baclassic.Campaign when adding levels to itself.


set_complete(val: bool) None[source]

Set whether or not this level is complete.

set_high_scores(high_scores: dict) None[source]

Set high scores for this level.

set_rating(rating: float) None[source]

Set a rating for this Level, replacing the old ONLY IF higher.

class bascenev1.Lobby

Bases: object

Container for baclassic.Choosers.

Category: Gameplay Classes

add_chooser(sessionplayer: bascenev1.SessionPlayer) None[source]

Add a chooser to the lobby for the provided player.

check_all_ready() bool[source]

Return whether all choosers are marked ready.

create_join_info() JoinInfo[source]

Create a display of on-screen information for joiners.

(how to switch teams, players, etc.) Intended for use in initial joining-screens.

get_choosers() list[Chooser][source]

Return the lobby’s current choosers.

property next_add_team: int


reload_profiles() None[source]

Reload available player profiles.

remove_all_choosers() None[source]

Remove all choosers without kicking players.

This is called after all players check in and enter a game.

remove_all_choosers_and_kick_players() None[source]

Remove all player choosers and kick attached players.

remove_chooser(player: bascenev1.SessionPlayer) None[source]

Remove a single player’s chooser; does not kick them.

This is used when a player enters the game and no longer needs a chooser.

property sessionteams: list[bascenev1.SessionTeam]

bascenev1.SessionTeams available in this lobby.

update_positions() None[source]

Update positions for all choosers.

property use_team_colors: bool

A bool for whether this lobby is using team colors.

If False, inidividual player colors are used instead.

class bascenev1.Lstr(*args: Any, **keywds: Any)

Bases: object

Used to define strings in a language-independent way.

Category: General Utility Classes

These should be used whenever possible in place of hard-coded strings so that in-game or UI elements show up correctly on all clients in their currently-active language.

To see available resource keys, look at any of the bs_language_*.py files in the game or the translations pages at

##### Examples EXAMPLE 1: specify a string from a resource path >>> mynode.text = babase.Lstr(resource=’audioSettingsWindow.titleText’)

EXAMPLE 2: specify a translated string via a category and english value; if a translated value is available, it will be used; otherwise the english value will be. To see available translation categories, look under the ‘translations’ resource section. >>> mynode.text = babase.Lstr(translate=(‘gameDescriptions’, … ‘Defeat all enemies’))

EXAMPLE 3: specify a raw value and some substitutions. Substitutions can be used with resource and translate modes as well. >>> mynode.text = babase.Lstr(value=’${A} / ${B}’, … subs=[(‘${A}’, str(score)), (‘${B}’, str(total))])

EXAMPLE 4: babase.Lstr’s can be nested. This example would display the resource at res_a but replace ${NAME} with the value of the resource at res_b >>> mytextnode.text = babase.Lstr( … resource=’res_a’, … subs=[(‘${NAME}’, babase.Lstr(resource=’res_b’))])

evaluate() str[source]

Evaluate the Lstr and returns a flat string in the current language.

You should avoid doing this as much as possible and instead pass and store Lstr values.

static from_json(json_string: str) babase.Lstr[source]

Given a json string, returns a babase.Lstr. Does no validation.

is_flat_value() bool[source]

Return whether the Lstr is a ‘flat’ value.

This is defined as a simple string value incorporating no translations, resources, or substitutions. In this case it may be reasonable to replace it with a raw string value, perform string manipulation on it, etc.

class bascenev1.Map(vr_overlay_offset: Sequence[float] | None = None)

Bases: Actor

A game map.

Category: Gameplay Classes

Consists of a collection of terrain nodes, metadata, and other functionality comprising a game map.

defs: Any = None
exists() bool[source]

Returns whether the Actor is still present in a meaningful way.

Note that a dying character should still return True here as long as their corpse is visible; this is about presence, not being ‘alive’ (see bascenev1.Actor.is_alive() for that).

If this returns False, it is assumed the Actor can be completely deleted without affecting the game; this call is often used when pruning lists of Actors, such as with bascenev1.Actor.autoretain()

The default implementation of this method always return True.

Note that the boolean operator for the Actor class calls this method, so a simple “if myactor” test will conveniently do the right thing even if myactor is set to None.

get_def_bound_box(name: str) tuple[float, float, float, float, float, float] | None[source]

Return a 6 member bounds tuple or None if it is not defined.

get_def_point(name: str) Sequence[float] | None[source]

Return a single defined point or a default value in its absence.

get_def_points(name: str) list[Sequence[float]][source]

Return a list of named points.

Return as many sequential ones are defined (flag1, flag2, flag3), etc. If none are defined, returns an empty list.

get_ffa_start_position(players: Sequence[bascenev1.Player]) Sequence[float][source]

Return a random starting position in one of the FFA spawn areas.

If a list of bascenev1.Player-s is provided; the returned points will be as far from these players as possible.

get_flag_position(team_index: int | None = None) Sequence[float][source]

Return a flag position on the map for the given team index.

Pass None to get the default flag point. (used for things such as king-of-the-hill)

classmethod get_music_type() bascenev1.MusicType | None[source]

Return a music-type string that should be played on this map.

If None is returned, default music will be used.

classmethod get_play_types() list[str][source]

Return valid play types for this map.

classmethod get_preview_texture_name() str | None[source]

Return the name of the preview texture for this map.

get_start_position(team_index: int) Sequence[float][source]

Return a random starting position for the given team index.

classmethod getname() str[source]

Return the unique name of this map, in English.

handlemessage(msg: Any) Any[source]

General message handling; can be passed any message object.

is_point_near_edge(point: Vec3, running: bool = False) bool[source]

Return whether the provided point is near an edge of the map.

Simple bot logic uses this call to determine if they are approaching a cliff or wall. If this returns True they will generally not walk/run any farther away from the origin. If ‘running’ is True, the buffer should be a bit larger.

name = 'Map'
classmethod on_preload() Any[source]

Called when the map is being preloaded.

It should return any media/data it requires to operate

classmethod preload() None[source]

Preload map media.

This runs the class’s on_preload() method as needed to prep it to run. Preloading should generally be done in a bascenev1.Activity’s __init__ method. Note that this is a classmethod since it is not operate on map instances but rather on the class itself before instances are made

class bascenev1.Material(label: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

An entity applied to game objects to modify collision behavior.

Category: Gameplay Classes

A material can affect physical characteristics, generate sounds, or trigger callback functions when collisions occur.

Materials are applied to ‘parts’, which are groups of one or more rigid bodies created as part of a bascenev1.Node. Nodes can have any number of parts, each with its own set of materials. Generally materials are specified as array attributes on the Node. The spaz node, for example, has various attributes such as materials, roller_materials, and punch_materials, which correspond to the various parts it creates.

Use bascenev1.Material to instantiate a blank material, and then use its babase.Material.add_actions() method to define what the material does.

add_actions(actions: tuple, conditions: tuple | None = None) None[source]

Add one or more actions to the material, optionally with conditions.

##### Conditions Conditions are provided as tuples which can be combined to form boolean logic. A single condition might look like (‘condition_name’, cond_arg), or a more complex nested one might look like ((‘some_condition’, cond_arg), ‘or’, (‘another_condition’, cond2_arg)).

‘and’, ‘or’, and ‘xor’ are available to chain together 2 conditions, as seen above.

##### Available Conditions ###### (‘they_have_material’, material) > Does the part we’re hitting have a given bascenev1.Material?

###### (‘they_dont_have_material’, material) > Does the part we’re hitting not have a given bascenev1.Material?

###### (‘eval_colliding’) > Is ‘collide’ true at this point in material evaluation? (see the modify_part_collision action)

###### (‘eval_not_colliding’) > Is ‘collide’ false at this point in material evaluation? (see the modify_part_collision action)

###### (‘we_are_younger_than’, age) > Is our part younger than age (in milliseconds)?

###### (‘we_are_older_than’, age) > Is our part older than age (in milliseconds)?

###### (‘they_are_younger_than’, age) > Is the part we’re hitting younger than age (in milliseconds)?

###### (‘they_are_older_than’, age) > Is the part we’re hitting older than age (in milliseconds)?

###### (‘they_are_same_node_as_us’) > Does the part we’re hitting belong to the same bascenev1.Node as us?

###### (‘they_are_different_node_than_us’) > Does the part we’re hitting belong to a different bascenev1.Node?

##### Actions In a similar manner, actions are specified as tuples. Multiple actions can be specified by providing a tuple of tuples.

##### Available Actions ###### (‘call’, when, callable) > Calls the provided callable; when can be either ‘at_connect’ or ‘at_disconnect’. ‘at_connect’ means to fire when the two parts first come in contact; ‘at_disconnect’ means to fire once they cease being in contact.

###### (‘message’, who, when, message_obj) > Sends a message object; who can be either ‘our_node’ or ‘their_node’, when can be ‘at_connect’ or ‘at_disconnect’, and message_obj is the message object to send. This has the same effect as calling the node’s babase.Node.handlemessage() method.

###### (‘modify_part_collision’, attr, value) > Changes some characteristic of the physical collision that will occur between our part and their part. This change will remain in effect as long as the two parts remain overlapping. This means if you have a part with a material that turns ‘collide’ off against parts younger than 100ms, and it touches another part that is 50ms old, it will continue to not collide with that part until they separate, even if the 100ms threshold is passed. Options for attr/value are: ‘physical’ (boolean value; whether a physical response will occur at all), ‘friction’ (float value; how friction-y the physical response will be), ‘collide’ (boolean value; whether any collision will occur at all, including non-physical stuff like callbacks), ‘use_node_collide’ (boolean value; whether to honor modify_node_collision overrides for this collision), ‘stiffness’ (float value, how springy the physical response is), ‘damping’ (float value, how damped the physical response is), ‘bounce’ (float value; how bouncy the physical response is).

###### (‘modify_node_collision’, attr, value) > Similar to modify_part_collision, but operates at a node-level. collision attributes set here will remain in effect as long as anything from our part’s node and their part’s node overlap. A key use of this functionality is to prevent new nodes from colliding with each other if they appear overlapped; if modify_part_collision is used, only the individual parts that were overlapping would avoid contact, but other parts could still contact leaving the two nodes ‘tangled up’. Using modify_node_collision ensures that the nodes must completely separate before they can start colliding. Currently the only attr available here is ‘collide’ (a boolean value).

###### (‘sound’, sound, volume) > Plays a bascenev1.Sound when a collision occurs, at a given volume, regardless of the collision speed/etc.

###### (‘impact_sound’, sound, targetImpulse, volume) > Plays a sound when a collision occurs, based on the speed of impact. Provide a bascenev1.Sound, a target-impulse, and a volume.

###### (‘skid_sound’, sound, targetImpulse, volume) > Plays a sound during a collision when parts are ‘scraping’ against each other. Provide a bascenev1.Sound, a target-impulse, and a volume.

###### (‘roll_sound’, sound, targetImpulse, volume) > Plays a sound during a collision when parts are ‘rolling’ against each other. Provide a bascenev1.Sound, a target-impulse, and a volume.

##### Examples Example 1: create a material that lets us ignore collisions against any nodes we touch in the first 100 ms of our existence; handy for preventing us from exploding outward if we spawn on top of another object: >>> m = bascenev1.Material() … m.add_actions( … conditions=((‘we_are_younger_than’, 100), … ‘or’, (‘they_are_younger_than’, 100)), … actions=(‘modify_node_collision’, ‘collide’, False))

Example 2: send a bascenev1.DieMessage to anything we touch, but cause no physical response. This should cause any bascenev1.Actor to drop dead: >>> m = bascenev1.Material() … m.add_actions( … actions=((‘modify_part_collision’, ‘physical’, False), … (‘message’, ‘their_node’, ‘at_connect’, … bascenev1.DieMessage())))

Example 3: play some sounds when we’re contacting the ground: >>> m = bascenev1.Material() … m.add_actions( … conditions=(‘they_have_material’, shared.footing_material), … actions=(

(‘impact_sound’, bascenev1.getsound(‘metalHit’), 2, 5), (‘skid_sound’, bascenev1.getsound(‘metalSkid’), 2, 5)))

label: str

A label for the material; only used for debugging.

class bascenev1.Mesh[source]

Bases: object

A reference to a mesh.

Category: Asset Classes

Meshes are used for drawing. Use bascenev1.getmesh() to instantiate one.

class bascenev1.MultiTeamSession

Bases: Session

Common base for DualTeamSession and FreeForAllSession.

Category: Gameplay Classes

Free-for-all-mode is essentially just teams-mode with each bascenev1.Player having their own bascenev1.Team, so there is much overlap in functionality.

announce_game_results(activity: bascenev1.GameActivity, results: bascenev1.GameResults, delay: float, announce_winning_team: bool = True) None[source]

Show basic game result at the end of a game.

(before transitioning to a score screen). This will include a zoom-text of ‘BLUE WINS’ or whatnot, along with a possible audio announcement of the same.

get_ffa_series_length() int[source]

Return free-for-all series length.

get_game_number() int[source]

Returns which game in the series is currently being played.

get_max_players() int[source]

Return max number of Players allowed to join the game at once.

get_next_game_description() Lstr[source]

Returns a description of the next game on deck.

get_series_length() int[source]

Return teams series length.

on_activity_end(activity: bascenev1.Activity, results: Any) None[source]

Called when the current bascenev1.Activity has ended.

The bascenev1.Session should look at the results and start another bascenev1.Activity.

on_team_join(team: bascenev1.SessionTeam) None[source]

Called when a new bascenev1.Team joins the session.

class bascenev1.MusicType(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

Types of music available to play in-game.

Category: Enums

These do not correspond to specific pieces of music, but rather to ‘situations’. The actual music played for each type can be overridden by the game or by the user.

CHAR_SELECT = 'CharSelect'
CHOSEN_ONE = 'Chosen One'
EPIC = 'Epic'
EPIC_RACE = 'Epic Race'
FLAG_CATCHER = 'FlagCatcher'
FLYING = 'Flying'
FOOTBALL = 'Football'
FORWARD_MARCH = 'ForwardMarch'
GRAND_ROMP = 'GrandRomp'
HOCKEY = 'Hockey'
KEEP_AWAY = 'Keep Away'
MARCHING = 'Marching'
MENU = 'Menu'
ONSLAUGHT = 'Onslaught'
RACE = 'Race'
RUN_AWAY = 'RunAway'
SCARY = 'Scary'
SCORES = 'Scores'
SPORTS = 'Sports'
SURVIVAL = 'Survival'
TO_THE_DEATH = 'ToTheDeath'
VICTORY = 'Victory'
class bascenev1.Node[source]

Bases: object

Reference to a Node; the low level building block of a game.

Category: Gameplay Classes

At its core, a game is nothing more than a scene of Nodes with attributes getting interconnected or set over time.

A bascenev1.Node instance should be thought of as a weak-reference to a game node; not the node itself. This means a Node’s lifecycle is completely independent of how many Python references to it exist. To explicitly add a new node to the game, use bascenev1.newnode(), and to explicitly delete one,

use bascenev1.Node.delete().

babase.Node.exists() can be used to determine if a Node still points to a live node in the game.

You can use ba.Node(None) to instantiate an invalid Node reference (sometimes used as attr values/etc).

add_death_action(action: Callable[[], None]) None[source]

Add a callable object to be called upon this node’s death. Note that these actions are run just after the node dies, not before.

allow_kick_idle_players: bool = False
always_show_health_bar: bool = False
ambient_color: Sequence[float] = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
area_of_interest_bounds: Sequence[float] = (-1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1)
billboard_cross_out: bool = False
billboard_opacity: float = 0.0
billboard_texture: bascenev1.Texture | None = None
bomb_pressed: bool = False
boxing_gloves: bool = False
boxing_gloves_flashing: bool = False
camera_mode: str = 'rotate'
client_only: bool = False
color: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
connectattr(srcattr: str, dstnode: Node, dstattr: str) None[source]

Connect one of this node’s attributes to an attribute on another node. This will immediately set the target attribute’s value to that of the source attribute, and will continue to do so once per step as long as the two nodes exist. The connection can be severed by setting the target attribute to any value or connecting another node attribute to it.

##### Example Create a locator and attach a light to it: >>> light = bascenev1.newnode(‘light’) … loc = bascenev1.newnode(‘locator’, attrs={‘position’: (0, 10, 0)}) … loc.connectattr(‘position’, light, ‘position’)

counter_text: str = ''
counter_texture: bascenev1.Texture | None = None
curse_death_time: int = 0
damage: int = 0
damage_smoothed: float = 0.0
dead: bool = False
debris_friction: float = 0.0
debris_kill_height: float = 0.0
delete(ignore_missing: bool = True) None[source]

Delete the node. Ignores already-deleted nodes if ignore_missing is True; otherwise a bascenev1.NodeNotFoundError is thrown.

exists() bool[source]

Returns whether the Node still exists. Most functionality will fail on a nonexistent Node, so it’s never a bad idea to check this.

Note that you can also use the boolean operator for this same functionality, so a statement such as “if mynode” will do the right thing both for Node objects and values of None.

extras_material: Sequence[bascenev1.Material] = ()
flashing: bool = False
floor_reflection: bool = False
fly_pressed: bool = False
frozen: bool = False
getdelegate(type: type[_T], doraise: Literal[False] = False) _T | None[source]
getdelegate(type: type[_T], doraise: Literal[True]) _T

Return the node’s current delegate object if it matches a certain type.

If the node has no delegate or it is not an instance of the passed type, then None will be returned. If ‘doraise’ is True, then an babase.DelegateNotFoundError will be raised instead.

getname() str[source]

Return the name assigned to a Node; used mainly for debugging

getnodetype() str[source]

Return the type of Node referenced by this object as a string. (Note this is different from the Python type which is always


gravity_scale: float = 1.0
handlemessage(*args: Any) None[source]

General message handling; can be passed any message object.

All standard message objects are forwarded along to the bascenev1.Node’s delegate for handling (generally the bascenev1.Actor that made the node).

bascenev1.Node-s are unique, however, in that they can be passed a second form of message; ‘node-messages’. These consist of a string type-name as a first argument along with the args specific to that type name as additional arguments. Node-messages communicate directly with the low-level node layer and are delivered simultaneously on all game clients, acting as an alternative to setting node attributes.

happy_thoughts_mode: bool = False
hockey: bool = False
hold_body: int = 0
hold_node: bascenev1.Node | None = None
hold_position_pressed: bool = False
host_only: bool = False
hurt: float = 0.0
input0: float = 0.0
input1: float = 0.0
input2: float = 0.0
input3: float = 0.0
invincible: bool = False
is_area_of_interest: bool = False
jump_pressed: bool = False
knockout: float = 0.0
loop: bool = False
materials: Sequence[bascenev1.Material] = ()
mesh_opaque: bascenev1.Mesh | None = None
mesh_transparent: bascenev1.Mesh | None = None
mini_billboard_1_end_time: int = 0
mini_billboard_1_start_time: int = 0
mini_billboard_1_texture: bascenev1.Texture | None = None
mini_billboard_2_end_time: int = 0
mini_billboard_2_start_time: int = 0
mini_billboard_2_texture: bascenev1.Texture | None = None
mini_billboard_3_end_time: int = 0
mini_billboard_3_start_time: int = 0
mini_billboard_3_texture: bascenev1.Texture | None = None
move_left_right: float = 0.0
move_up_down: float = 0.0
music: str = ''
music_continuous: bool = False
music_count: int = 0
name: str = ''
name_color: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
offset: float = 0.0
opacity: float = 0.0
paused: bool = False
pickup_materials: Sequence[bascenev1.Material] = ()
pickup_pressed: bool = False
position: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
position_center: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
position_forward: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
premultiplied: bool = False
punch_materials: Sequence[bascenev1.Material] = ()
punch_momentum_angular: float = 0.0
punch_momentum_linear: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
punch_position: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
punch_power: float = 0.0
punch_pressed: bool = False
punch_velocity: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
rate: int = 0
roller_materials: Sequence[bascenev1.Material] = ()
rotate: float = 0.0
run: float = 0.0
scale: float | Sequence[float] = 0.0
shadow_offset: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0)
shadow_ortho: bool = False
shadow_range: Sequence[float] = (0, 0, 0, 0)
shattered: int = 0
size: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
slow_motion: bool = False
source_player: bascenev1.Player | None = None
stick_to_owner: bool = False
text: babase.Lstr | str = ''
texture: bascenev1.Texture | None = None
time: int = 0
time1: int = 0
time2: int = 0
timemax: int = 0
times: Sequence[int] = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
tint: Sequence[float] = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
tint2_color: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
tint_color: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
tint_texture: bascenev1.Texture | None = None
use_fixed_vr_overlay: bool = False
values: Sequence[float] = (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)
velocity: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
vignette_inner: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0)
vignette_outer: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0)
vr_camera_offset: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
vr_depth: float = 0.0
vr_near_clip: float = 0.0
vr_overlay_center: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
vr_overlay_center_enabled: bool = False
class bascenev1.NodeActor(node: bascenev1.Node)

Bases: Actor

A simple bascenev1.Actor type that wraps a single bascenev1.Node.

Category: Gameplay Classes

This Actor will delete its Node when told to die, and it’s exists() call will return whether the Node still exists or not.

exists() bool[source]

Returns whether the Actor is still present in a meaningful way.

Note that a dying character should still return True here as long as their corpse is visible; this is about presence, not being ‘alive’ (see bascenev1.Actor.is_alive() for that).

If this returns False, it is assumed the Actor can be completely deleted without affecting the game; this call is often used when pruning lists of Actors, such as with bascenev1.Actor.autoretain()

The default implementation of this method always return True.

Note that the boolean operator for the Actor class calls this method, so a simple “if myactor” test will conveniently do the right thing even if myactor is set to None.

handlemessage(msg: Any) Any[source]

General message handling; can be passed any message object.

exception bascenev1.NodeNotFoundError

Bases: NotFoundError

Exception raised when an expected Node does not exist.

Category: Exception Classes

exception bascenev1.NotFoundError

Bases: Exception

Exception raised when a referenced object does not exist.

Category: Exception Classes

class bascenev1.OutOfBoundsMessage

Bases: object

A message telling an object that it is out of bounds.

Category: Message Classes

class bascenev1.PickUpMessage(node: bascenev1.Node)

Bases: object

Tells an object that it has picked something up.

Category: Message Classes

node: bascenev1.Node
class bascenev1.PickedUpMessage(node: bascenev1.Node)

Bases: object

Tells an object that it has been picked up by something.

Category: Message Classes

node: bascenev1.Node
class bascenev1.Player

Bases: Generic[TeamT]

A player in a specific bascenev1.Activity.

Category: Gameplay Classes

These correspond to bascenev1.SessionPlayer objects, but are associated with a single bascenev1.Activity instance. This allows activities to specify their own custom bascenev1.Player types.

actor: bascenev1.Actor | None
assigninput(inputtype: babase.InputType | tuple[babase.InputType, ...], call: Callable) None[source]

Set the python callable to be run for one or more types of input.

character: str
color: Sequence[float]
property customdata: dict

Arbitrary values associated with the player. Though it is encouraged that most player values be properly defined on the bascenev1.Player subclass, it may be useful for player-agnostic objects to store values here. This dict is cleared when the player leaves or expires so objects stored here will be disposed of at the expected time, unlike the Player instance itself which may continue to be referenced after it is no longer part of the game.

exists() bool[source]

Whether the underlying player still exists.

This will return False if the underlying bascenev1.SessionPlayer has left the game or if the bascenev1.Activity this player was associated with has ended. Most functionality will fail on a nonexistent player. Note that you can also use the boolean operator for this same functionality, so a statement such as “if player” will do the right thing both for Player objects and values of None.

expire() None[source]

Called when the Player is expiring (when its Activity does so).


get_icon() dict[str, Any][source]

Returns the character’s icon (images, colors, etc contained in a dict)

getname(full: bool = False, icon: bool = True) str[source]

Returns the player’s name. If icon is True, the long version of the name may include an icon.

highlight: Sequence[float]
is_alive() bool[source]

Returns True if the player has a bascenev1.Actor assigned and its is_alive() method return True. False is returned otherwise.

leave() None[source]

Called when the Player leaves a running game.


property node: bascenev1.Node

A bascenev1.Node of type ‘player’ associated with this Player.

This node can be used to get a generic player position/etc.

on_expire() None[source]

Can be overridden to handle player expiration.

The player expires when the Activity it is a part of expires. Expired players should no longer run any game logic (which will likely error). They should, however, remove any references to players/teams/games/etc. which could prevent them from being freed.

property position: Vec3

The position of the player, as defined by its bascenev1.Actor.

If the player currently has no actor, raises a babase.ActorNotFoundError.

postinit(sessionplayer: bascenev1.SessionPlayer) None[source]

Wire up a newly created player.


resetinput() None[source]

Clears out the player’s assigned input actions.

property sessionplayer: bascenev1.SessionPlayer

Return the bascenev1.SessionPlayer corresponding to this Player.

Throws a bascenev1.SessionPlayerNotFoundError if it does not exist.

property team: TeamT

The bascenev1.Team for this player.

class bascenev1.PlayerDiedMessage(player: bascenev1.Player, was_killed: bool, killerplayer: bascenev1.Player | None, how: DeathType)

Bases: object

A message saying a bascenev1.Player has died.

Category: Message Classes

getkillerplayer(playertype: type[PlayerT]) PlayerT | None[source]

Return the bascenev1.Player responsible for the killing, if any.

Pass the Player type being used by the current game.

getplayer(playertype: type[PlayerT]) PlayerT[source]

Return the bascenev1.Player that died.

The type of player for the current activity should be passed so that the type-checker properly identifies the returned value as one.

how: DeathType
killed: bool
class bascenev1.PlayerInfo(name: str, character: str)

Bases: object

Holds basic info about a player.

Category: Gameplay Classes

character: str
name: str
exception bascenev1.PlayerNotFoundError

Bases: NotFoundError

Exception raised when an expected player does not exist.

Category: Exception Classes

class bascenev1.PlayerProfilesChangedMessage

Bases: object

Signals player profiles may have changed and should be reloaded.

class bascenev1.PlayerRecord(name: str, name_full: str, sessionplayer: bascenev1.SessionPlayer, stats: bascenev1.Stats)

Bases: object

Stats for an individual player in a bascenev1.Stats object.

Category: Gameplay Classes

This does not necessarily correspond to a bascenev1.Player that is still present (stats may be retained for players that leave mid-game)

associate_with_sessionplayer(sessionplayer: bascenev1.SessionPlayer) None[source]

Associate this entry with a bascenev1.SessionPlayer.

cancel_multi_kill_timer() None[source]

Cancel any multi-kill timer for this player entry.

character: str
get_icon() dict[str, Any][source]

Get the icon for this instance’s player.

get_last_sessionplayer() bascenev1.SessionPlayer[source]

Return the last bascenev1.Player we were associated with.

getactivity() bascenev1.Activity | None[source]

Return the bascenev1.Activity this instance is associated with.

Returns None if the activity no longer exists.

getname(full: bool = False) str[source]

Return the player entry’s name.

property player: bascenev1.SessionPlayer

Return the instance’s associated bascenev1.SessionPlayer.

Raises a bascenev1.SessionPlayerNotFoundError if the player no longer exists.

submit_kill(showpoints: bool = True) None[source]

Submit a kill for this player entry.

property team: bascenev1.SessionTeam

The bascenev1.SessionTeam the last associated player was last on.

This can still return a valid result even if the player is gone. Raises a bascenev1.SessionTeamNotFoundError if the team no longer exists.

class bascenev1.PlayerScoredMessage(score: int)

Bases: object

Informs something that a bascenev1.Player scored.

Category: Message Classes

score: int
class bascenev1.Plugin

Bases: object

A plugin to alter app behavior in some way.

Category: App Classes

Plugins are discoverable by the meta-tag system and the user can select which ones they want to enable. Enabled plugins are then called at specific times as the app is running in order to modify its behavior in some way.

has_settings_ui() bool[source]

Called to ask if we have settings UI we can show.

on_app_running() None[source]

Called when the app reaches the running state.

on_app_shutdown() None[source]

Called when the app is beginning the shutdown process.

on_app_shutdown_complete() None[source]

Called when the app has completed the shutdown process.

on_app_suspend() None[source]

Called when the app enters the suspended state.

on_app_unsuspend() None[source]

Called when the app exits the suspended state.

show_settings_ui(source_widget: Any | None) None[source]

Called to show our settings UI.

class bascenev1.PowerupAcceptMessage

Bases: object

A message informing a bascenev1.Powerup that it was accepted.

Category: Message Classes

This is generally sent in response to a bascenev1.PowerupMessage to inform the box (or whoever granted it) that it can go away.

class bascenev1.PowerupMessage(poweruptype: str, sourcenode: bascenev1.Node | None = None)

Bases: object

A message telling an object to accept a powerup.

Category: Message Classes

This message is normally received by touching a bascenev1.PowerupBox.

poweruptype: str
sourcenode: bascenev1.Node | None = None
class bascenev1.ScoreConfig(label: str = 'Score', scoretype: bascenev1.ScoreType = ScoreType.POINTS, lower_is_better: bool = False, none_is_winner: bool = False, version: str = '')

Bases: object

Settings for how a game handles scores.

Category: Gameplay Classes

label: str = 'Score'
lower_is_better: bool = False
none_is_winner: bool = False
scoretype: bascenev1.ScoreType = 'p'
version: str = ''
class bascenev1.ScoreScreenActivity(settings: dict)

Bases: Activity[EmptyPlayer, EmptyTeam]

A standard score screen that fades in and shows stuff for a while.

After a specified delay, player input is assigned to end the activity.

default_music: MusicType | None = 'Scores'
inherits_tint = True
inherits_vr_camera_offset = True
on_begin() None[source]

Called once the previous Activity has finished transitioning out.

At this point the activity’s initial players and teams are filled in and it should begin its actual game logic.

on_player_join(player: EmptyPlayer) None[source]

Called when a new bascenev1.Player has joined the Activity.

(including the initial set of Players)

on_transition_in() None[source]

Called when the Activity is first becoming visible.

Upon this call, the Activity should fade in backgrounds, start playing music, etc. It does not yet have access to players or teams, however. They remain owned by the previous Activity up until bascenev1.Activity.on_begin() is called.

transition_time = 0.5
use_fixed_vr_overlay = True
class bascenev1.ScoreType(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

Type of scores.

Category: Enums

POINTS = 'p'
class bascenev1.Session(depsets: Sequence[bascenev1.DependencySet], *, team_names: Sequence[str] | None = None, team_colors: Sequence[Sequence[float]] | None = None, min_players: int = 1, max_players: int = 8, submit_score: bool = True)

Bases: object

Defines a high level series of bascenev1.Activity-es.

Category: Gameplay Classes

Examples of sessions are bascenev1.FreeForAllSession, bascenev1.DualTeamSession, and bascenev1.CoopSession.

A Session is responsible for wrangling and transitioning between various bascenev1.Activity instances such as mini-games and score-screens, and for maintaining state between them (players, teams, score tallies, etc).

begin_next_activity() None[source]

Called once the previous activity has been totally torn down.

This means we’re ready to begin the next one

property context: bascenev1.ContextRef

A context-ref pointing at this activity.

customdata: dict
end() None[source]

Initiates an end to the session and a return to the main menu.

Note that this happens asynchronously, allowing the session and its activities to shut down gracefully.

end_activity(activity: bascenev1.Activity, results: Any, delay: float, force: bool) None[source]

Commence shutdown of a bascenev1.Activity (if not already occurring).

‘delay’ is the time delay before the Activity actually ends (in seconds). Further calls to end() will be ignored up until this time, unless ‘force’ is True, in which case the new results will replace the old.

get_custom_menu_entries() list[dict[str, Any]][source]

Subclasses can override this to provide custom menu entries.

The returned value should be a list of dicts, each containing a ‘label’ and ‘call’ entry, with ‘label’ being the text for the entry and ‘call’ being the callable to trigger if the entry is pressed.

getactivity() bascenev1.Activity | None[source]

Return the current foreground activity for this session.

handlemessage(msg: Any) Any[source]

General message handling; can be passed any message object.

lobby: bascenev1.Lobby
max_players: int
min_players: int
on_activity_end(activity: bascenev1.Activity, results: Any) None[source]

Called when the current bascenev1.Activity has ended.

The bascenev1.Session should look at the results and start another bascenev1.Activity.

on_player_leave(sessionplayer: bascenev1.SessionPlayer) None[source]

Called when a previously-accepted bascenev1.SessionPlayer leaves.

on_player_request(player: bascenev1.SessionPlayer) bool[source]

Called when a new bascenev1.Player wants to join the Session.

This should return True or False to accept/reject.

on_team_join(team: bascenev1.SessionTeam) None[source]

Called when a new bascenev1.Team joins the session.

on_team_leave(team: bascenev1.SessionTeam) None[source]

Called when a bascenev1.Team is leaving the session.

property sessionglobalsnode: bascenev1.Node

The sessionglobals bascenev1.Node for the session.

sessionplayers: list[bascenev1.SessionPlayer]
sessionteams: list[bascenev1.SessionTeam]
setactivity(activity: bascenev1.Activity) None[source]

Assign a new current bascenev1.Activity for the session.

Note that this will not change the current context to the new Activity’s. Code must be run in the new activity’s methods (on_transition_in, etc) to get it. (so you can’t do session.setactivity(foo) and then bascenev1.newnode() to add a node to foo)

should_allow_mid_activity_joins(activity: bascenev1.Activity) bool[source]

Ask ourself if we should allow joins during an Activity.

Note that for a join to be allowed, both the Session and Activity have to be ok with it (via this function and the Activity.allow_mid_activity_joins property.

transitioning_out_activity_was_freed(can_show_ad_on_death: bool) None[source]


use_team_colors: bool = True
use_teams: bool = False
class bascenev1.SessionData[source]

Bases: object


context() bascenev1.ContextRef[source]

Return a context-ref pointing to the session.

exists() bool[source]

Returns whether the SessionData still exists. Most functionality will fail on a nonexistent instance.

class bascenev1.SessionPlayer[source]

Bases: object

A reference to a player in the bascenev1.Session.

Category: Gameplay Classes

These are created and managed internally and provided to your bascenev1.Session/bascenev1.Activity instances. Be aware that, like `ba.Node`s, bascenev1.SessionPlayer objects are ‘weak’ references under-the-hood; a player can leave the game at

any point. For this reason, you should make judicious use of the

babase.SessionPlayer.exists() method (or boolean operator) to ensure that a SessionPlayer is still present if retaining references to one for any length of time.

activityplayer: bascenev1.Player | None

The current game-specific instance for this player.

assigninput(type: bascenev1.InputType | tuple[bascenev1.InputType, ...], call: Callable) None[source]

Set the python callable to be run for one or more types of input.

character: str

The character this player has selected in their profile.

color: Sequence[float]

The base color for this Player. In team games this will match the bascenev1.SessionTeam’s color.

exists() bool[source]

Return whether the underlying player is still in the game.

get_icon() dict[str, Any][source]

Returns the character’s icon (images, colors, etc contained in a dict.

get_icon_info() dict[str, Any][source]


get_v1_account_id() str[source]

Return the V1 Account ID this player is signed in under, if there is one and it can be determined with relative certainty. Returns None otherwise. Note that this may require an active internet connection (especially for network-connected players) and may return None for a short while after a player initially joins (while verification occurs).

getname(full: bool = False, icon: bool = True) str[source]

Returns the player’s name. If icon is True, the long version of the name may include an icon.

highlight: Sequence[float]

A secondary color for this player. This is used for minor highlights and accents to allow a player to stand apart from his teammates who may all share the same team (primary) color.

id: int

The unique numeric ID of the Player.

Note that you can also use the boolean operator for this same functionality, so a statement such as “if player” will do the right thing both for Player objects and values of None.

in_game: bool

This bool value will be True once the Player has completed any lobby character/team selection.

inputdevice: bascenev1.InputDevice

The input device associated with the player.

remove_from_game() None[source]

Removes the player from the game.

resetinput() None[source]

Clears out the player’s assigned input actions.

sessionteam: bascenev1.SessionTeam

The bascenev1.SessionTeam this Player is on. If the SessionPlayer is still in its lobby selecting a team/etc. then a bascenev1.SessionTeamNotFoundError will be raised.

set_icon_info(texture: str, tint_texture: str, tint_color: Sequence[float], tint2_color: Sequence[float]) None[source]


setactivity(activity: bascenev1.Activity | None) None[source]


setdata(team: bascenev1.SessionTeam, character: str, color: Sequence[float], highlight: Sequence[float]) None[source]


setname(name: str, full_name: str | None = None, real: bool = True) None[source]

Set the player’s name to the provided string. A number will automatically be appended if the name is not unique from other players.

setnode(node: bascenev1.Node | None) None[source]


class bascenev1.SessionTeam(team_id: int = 0, name: babase.Lstr | str = '', color: Sequence[float] = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0))

Bases: object

A team of one or more bascenev1.SessionPlayers.

Category: Gameplay Classes

Note that a SessionPlayer always has a SessionTeam; in some cases, such as free-for-all bascenev1.Sessions, each SessionTeam consists of just one SessionPlayer.

color: tuple[float, ...]
customdata: dict
id: int
leave() None[source]


name: babase.Lstr | str
players: list[bascenev1.SessionPlayer]
class bascenev1.Setting(name: str, default: Any)

Bases: object

Defines a user-controllable setting for a game or other entity.

Category: Gameplay Classes

default: Any
name: str
class bascenev1.ShouldShatterMessage

Bases: object

Tells an object that it should shatter.

Category: Message Classes

class bascenev1.Sound[source]

Bases: object

A reference to a sound.

Category: Asset Classes

Use bascenev1.getsound() to instantiate one.

play(volume: float = 1.0, position: Sequence[float] | None = None, host_only: bool = False) None[source]

Play the sound a single time.

Category: Gameplay Functions

If position is not provided, the sound will be at a constant volume everywhere. Position should be a float tuple of size 3.

class bascenev1.StandLocation(position: Vec3, angle: float | None = None)

Bases: object

Describes a point in space and an angle to face.

Category: Gameplay Classes

angle: float | None = None
position: babase.Vec3
class bascenev1.StandMessage(position: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), angle: float = 0.0)

Bases: object

A message telling an object to move to a position in space.

Category: Message Classes

Used when teleporting players to home base, etc.

angle: float = 0.0
position: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
class bascenev1.Stats

Bases: object

Manages scores and statistics for a bascenev1.Session.

Category: Gameplay Classes

get_records() dict[str, bascenev1.PlayerRecord][source]

Get PlayerRecord corresponding to still-existing players.

getactivity() bascenev1.Activity | None[source]

Get the activity associated with this instance.

May return None.

player_scored(player: bascenev1.Player, base_points: int = 1, *, target: Sequence[float] | None = None, kill: bool = False, victim_player: bascenev1.Player | None = None, scale: float = 1.0, color: Sequence[float] | None = None, title: str | babase.Lstr | None = None, screenmessage: bool = True, display: bool = True, importance: int = 1, showpoints: bool = True, big_message: bool = False) int[source]

Register a score for the player.

Return value is actual score with multipliers and such factored in.

player_was_killed(player: bascenev1.Player, killed: bool = False, killer: bascenev1.Player | None = None) None[source]

Should be called when a player is killed.

register_sessionplayer(player: bascenev1.SessionPlayer) None[source]

Register a bascenev1.SessionPlayer with this score-set.

reset() None[source]

Reset the stats instance completely.

reset_accum() None[source]

Reset per-sound sub-scores.

setactivity(activity: bascenev1.Activity | None) None[source]

Set the current activity for this instance.

class bascenev1.Team

Bases: Generic[PlayerT]

A team in a specific bascenev1.Activity.

Category: Gameplay Classes

These correspond to bascenev1.SessionTeam objects, but are created per activity so that the activity can use its own custom team subclass.

color: tuple[float, ...]
property customdata: dict

Arbitrary values associated with the team. Though it is encouraged that most player values be properly defined on the bascenev1.Team subclass, it may be useful for player-agnostic objects to store values here. This dict is cleared when the team leaves or expires so objects stored here will be disposed of at the expected time, unlike the Team instance itself which may continue to be referenced after it is no longer part of the game.

expire() None[source]

Called when the Team is expiring (due to the Activity expiring).


id: int
leave() None[source]

Called when the Team leaves a running game.


manual_init(team_id: int, name: Lstr | str, color: tuple[float, ...]) None[source]

Manually init a team for uses such as bots.

name: babase.Lstr | str
on_expire() None[source]

Can be overridden to handle team expiration.

players: list[PlayerT]
postinit(sessionteam: SessionTeam) None[source]

Wire up a newly created SessionTeam.


property sessionteam: SessionTeam

Return the bascenev1.SessionTeam corresponding to this Team.

Throws a babase.SessionTeamNotFoundError if there is none.

class bascenev1.TeamGameActivity(settings: dict)

Bases: GameActivity[PlayerT, TeamT]

Base class for teams and free-for-all mode games.

Category: Gameplay Classes

(Free-for-all is essentially just a special case where every bascenev1.Player has their own bascenev1.Team)

end(results: Any = None, announce_winning_team: bool = True, announce_delay: float = 0.1, force: bool = False) None[source]

End the game and announce the single winning team unless ‘announce_winning_team’ is False. (for results without a single most-important winner).

on_begin() None[source]

Called once the previous Activity has finished transitioning out.

At this point the activity’s initial players and teams are filled in and it should begin its actual game logic.

on_transition_in() None[source]

Called when the Activity is first becoming visible.

Upon this call, the Activity should fade in backgrounds, start playing music, etc. It does not yet have access to players or teams, however. They remain owned by the previous Activity up until bascenev1.Activity.on_begin() is called.

spawn_player_spaz(player: PlayerT, position: Sequence[float] | None = None, angle: float | None = None) PlayerSpaz[source]

Method override; spawns and wires up a standard bascenev1.PlayerSpaz for a bascenev1.Player.

If position or angle is not supplied, a default will be chosen based on the bascenev1.Player and their bascenev1.Team.

classmethod supports_session_type(sessiontype: type[bascenev1.Session]) bool[source]

Class method override; returns True for ba.DualTeamSessions and ba.FreeForAllSessions; False otherwise.

class bascenev1.Texture[source]

Bases: object

A reference to a texture.

Category: Asset Classes

Use bascenev1.gettexture() to instantiate one.

class bascenev1.ThawMessage

Bases: object

Tells an object to stop being frozen.

Category: Message Classes

class bascenev1.Timer(time: float, call: Callable[[], Any], repeat: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object

Timers are used to run code at later points in time.

Category: General Utility Classes

This class encapsulates a scene-time timer in the current bascenev1.Context. The underlying timer will be destroyed when either this object is no longer referenced or when its Context (Activity, etc.) dies. If you do not want to worry about keeping a reference to your timer around, you should use the bs.timer() function instead.

Scene time maps to local simulation time in bascenev1.Activity or bascenev1.Session Contexts. This means that it may progress slower in slow-motion play modes, stop when the game is paused, etc.

###### time > Length of time (in seconds by default) that the timer will wait before firing. Note that the actual delay experienced may vary depending on the timetype. (see below)

###### call > A callable Python object. Note that the timer will retain a strong reference to the callable for as long as it exists, so you may want to look into concepts such as babase.WeakCall if that is not desired.

###### repeat > If True, the timer will fire repeatedly, with each successive firing having the same delay as the first.

##### Example

Use a Timer object to print repeatedly for a few seconds: >>> import bascenev1 as bs … def say_it(): … bs.screenmessage(‘BADGER!’) … def stop_saying_it(): … global g_timer … g_timer = None … bs.screenmessage(‘MUSHROOM MUSHROOM!’) … # Create our timer; it will run as long as we have the self.t ref. … g_timer = bs.Timer(0.3, say_it, repeat=True) … # Now fire off a one-shot timer to kill it. … bs.timer(3.89, stop_saying_it)

class bascenev1.UIScale(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

The overall scale the UI is being rendered for. Note that this is independent of pixel resolution. For example, a phone and a desktop PC might render the game at similar pixel resolutions but the size they display content at will vary significantly.

Category: Enums

‘large’ is used for devices such as desktop PCs where fine details can

be clearly seen. UI elements are generally smaller on the screen and more content can be seen at once.

‘medium’ is used for devices such as tablets, TVs, or VR headsets.

This mode strikes a balance between clean readability and amount of content visible.

‘small’ is used primarily for phones or other small devices where

content needs to be presented as large and clear in order to remain readable from an average distance.

class bascenev1.Vec3[source]
class bascenev1.Vec3(value: float)
class bascenev1.Vec3(values: Sequence[float])
class bascenev1.Vec3(x: float, y: float, z: float)

Bases: Sequence[float]

A vector of 3 floats.

Category: General Utility Classes

These can be created the following ways (checked in this order): - with no args, all values are set to 0 - with a single numeric arg, all values are set to that value - with a single three-member sequence arg, sequence values are copied - otherwise assumes individual x/y/z args (positional or keywords)

cross(other: Vec3) Vec3[source]

Returns the cross product of this vector and another.

dot(other: Vec3) float[source]

Returns the dot product of this vector and another.

length() float[source]

Returns the length of the vector.

normalized() Vec3[source]

Returns a normalized version of the vector.

x: float

The vector’s X component.

y: float

The vector’s Y component.

z: float

The vector’s Z component.

class bascenev1.WeakCall(*args: Any, **keywds: Any)

Bases: object

Wrap a callable and arguments into a single callable object.

Category: General Utility Classes

When passed a bound method as the callable, the instance portion of it is weak-referenced, meaning the underlying instance is free to die if all other references to it go away. Should this occur, calling the WeakCall is simply a no-op.

Think of this as a handy way to tell an object to do something at some point in the future if it happens to still exist.

##### Examples EXAMPLE A: this code will create a FooClass instance and call its bar() method 5 seconds later; it will be kept alive even though we overwrite its variable with None because the bound method we pass as a timer callback ( strong-references it >>> foo = FooClass() … babase.apptimer(5.0, … foo = None

EXAMPLE B: This code will not keep our object alive; it will die when we overwrite it with None and the timer will be a no-op when it fires >>> foo = FooClass() … babase.apptimer(5.0, ba.WeakCall( … foo = None

EXAMPLE C: Wrap a method call with some positional and keyword args: >>> myweakcall = babase.WeakCall(self.dostuff, argval1, … namedarg=argval2) … # Now we have a single callable to run that whole mess. … # The same as calling myobj.dostuff(argval1, namedarg=argval2) … # (provided my_obj still exists; this will do nothing … # otherwise). … myweakcall()

Note: additional args and keywords you provide to the WeakCall() constructor are stored as regular strong-references; you’ll need to wrap them in weakrefs manually if desired.

bascenev1.add_clean_frame_callback(call: Callable) None[source]


Provide an object to be called once the next non-progress-bar-frame has been rendered. Useful for queueing things to load in the background without elongating any current progress-bar-load.

bascenev1.animate(node: bascenev1.Node, attr: str, keys: dict[float, float], loop: bool = False, offset: float = 0) bascenev1.Node

Animate values on a target bascenev1.Node.

Category: Gameplay Functions

Creates an ‘animcurve’ node with the provided values and time as an input, connect it to the provided attribute, and set it to die with the target. Key values are provided as time:value dictionary pairs. Time values are relative to the current time. By default, times are specified in seconds, but timeformat can also be set to MILLISECONDS to recreate the old behavior (prior to ba 1.5) of taking milliseconds. Returns the animcurve node.

bascenev1.animate_array(node: bascenev1.Node, attr: str, size: int, keys: dict[float, Sequence[float]], *, loop: bool = False, offset: float = 0) None

Animate an array of values on a target bascenev1.Node.

Category: Gameplay Functions

Like bs.animate, but operates on array attributes.

bascenev1.apptime() babase.AppTime[source]

Return the current app-time in seconds.

Category: General Utility Functions

App-time is a monotonic time value; it starts at 0.0 when the app launches and will never jump by large amounts or go backwards, even if the system time changes. Its progression will pause when the app is in a suspended state.

Note that the AppTime returned here is simply float; it just has a unique type in the type-checker’s eyes to help prevent it from being accidentally used with time functionality expecting other time types.

bascenev1.apptimer(time: float, call: Callable[[], Any]) None[source]

Schedule a callable object to run based on app-time.

Category: General Utility Functions

This function creates a one-off timer which cannot be canceled or modified once created. If you require the ability to do so, or need a repeating timer, use the babase.AppTimer class instead.

##### Arguments ###### time (float) > Length of time in seconds that the timer will wait before firing.

###### call (Callable[[], Any]) > A callable Python object. Note that the timer will retain a strong reference to the callable for as long as the timer exists, so you may want to look into concepts such as babase.WeakCall if that is not desired.

##### Examples Print some stuff through time: >>> babase.screenmessage(‘hello from now!’) >>> babase.apptimer(1.0, babase.Call(babase.screenmessage,

‘hello from the future!’))

>>> babase.apptimer(2.0, babase.Call(babase.screenmessage,
...                       'hello from the future 2!'))
bascenev1.basetime() bascenev1.BaseTime[source]

Return the base-time in seconds for the current scene-v1 context.

Category: General Utility Functions

Base-time is a time value that progresses at a constant rate for a scene, even when the scene is sped up, slowed down, or paused. It may, however, speed up or slow down due to replay speed adjustments or may slow down if the cpu is overloaded. Note that the value returned here is simply a float; it just has a unique type in the type-checker’s eyes to help prevent it from being accidentally used with time functionality expecting other time types.

bascenev1.basetimer(time: float, call: Callable[[], Any], repeat: bool = False) None[source]

Schedule a call to run at a later point in scene base-time. Base-time is a value that progresses at a constant rate for a scene,

even when the scene is sped up, slowed down, or paused. It may, however, speed up or slow down due to replay speed adjustments or may slow down if the cpu is overloaded.

Category: General Utility Functions

This function adds a timer to the current scene context. This timer cannot be canceled or modified once created. If you

require the ability to do so, use the bascenev1.BaseTimer class instead.

##### Arguments ###### time (float) > Length of time in seconds that the timer will wait before firing.

###### call (Callable[[], Any]) > A callable Python object. Remember that the timer will retain a strong reference to the callable for the duration of the timer, so you may want to look into concepts such as babase.WeakCall if that is not desired.

###### repeat (bool) > If True, the timer will fire repeatedly, with each successive firing having the same delay as the first.

##### Examples Print some stuff through time: >>> import bascenev1 as bs >>> bs.screenmessage(‘hello from now!’) >>> bs.basetimer(1.0, bs.Call(bs.screenmessage, ‘hello from the future!’)) >>> bs.basetimer(2.0, bs.Call(bs.screenmessage, … ‘hello from the future 2!’))

bascenev1.broadcastmessage(message: str | babase.Lstr, color: Sequence[float] | None = None, top: bool = False, image: dict[str, Any] | None = None, log: bool = False, clients: Sequence[int] | None = None, transient: bool = False) None[source]

Broadcast a screen-message to clients in the current session.

Category: General Utility Functions

If ‘top’ is True, the message will go to the top message area. For ‘top’ messages, ‘image’ must be a dict containing ‘texture’ and ‘tint_texture’ textures and ‘tint_color’ and ‘tint2_color’ colors. This defines an icon to display alongside the message. If ‘log’ is True, the message will also be submitted to the log. ‘clients’ can be a list of client-ids the message should be sent to, or None to specify that everyone should receive it. If ‘transient’ is True, the message will not be included in the game-stream and thus will not show up when viewing replays. Currently the ‘clients’ option only works for transient messages.

bascenev1.cameraflash(duration: float = 999.0) None

Create a strobing camera flash effect.

Category: Gameplay Functions

(as seen when a team wins a game) Duration is in seconds.

bascenev1.camerashake(intensity: float = 1.0) None[source]

Shake the camera.

Category: Gameplay Functions

Note that some cameras and/or platforms (such as VR) may not display camera-shake, so do not rely on this always being visible to the player as a gameplay cue.

bascenev1.capture_gamepad_input(call: Callable[[dict], None]) None[source]


Add a callable to be called for subsequent gamepad events. The method is passed a dict containing info about the event.

bascenev1.capture_keyboard_input(call: Callable[[dict], None]) None[source]


Add a callable to be called for subsequent keyboard-game-pad events. The method is passed a dict containing info about the event.

bascenev1.chatmessage(message: str | babase.Lstr, clients: Sequence[int] | None = None, sender_override: str | None = None) None[source]


bascenev1.client_info_query_response(token: str, response: Any) None[source]


bascenev1.connect_to_party(address: str, port: int | None = None, print_progress: bool = True) None[source]


bascenev1.disconnect_client(client_id: int, ban_time: int = 300) bool[source]


bascenev1.disconnect_from_host() None[source]


Category: General Utility Functions

bascenev1.displaytime() babase.DisplayTime[source]

Return the current display-time in seconds.

Category: General Utility Functions

Display-time is a time value intended to be used for animation and other visual purposes. It will generally increment by a consistent amount each frame. It will pass at an overall similar rate to AppTime, but trades accuracy for smoothness.

Note that the value returned here is simply a float; it just has a unique type in the type-checker’s eyes to help prevent it from being accidentally used with time functionality expecting other time types.

bascenev1.displaytimer(time: float, call: Callable[[], Any]) None[source]

Schedule a callable object to run based on display-time.

Category: General Utility Functions

This function creates a one-off timer which cannot be canceled or modified once created. If you require the ability to do so, or need a repeating timer, use the babase.DisplayTimer class instead.

Display-time is a time value intended to be used for animation and other visual purposes. It will generally increment by a consistent amount each frame. It will pass at an overall similar rate to AppTime, but trades accuracy for smoothness.

##### Arguments ###### time (float) > Length of time in seconds that the timer will wait before firing.

###### call (Callable[[], Any]) > A callable Python object. Note that the timer will retain a strong reference to the callable for as long as the timer exists, so you may want to look into concepts such as babase.WeakCall if that is not desired.

##### Examples Print some stuff through time: >>> babase.screenmessage(‘hello from now!’) >>> babase.displaytimer(1.0, babase.Call(babase.screenmessage, … ‘hello from the future!’)) >>> babase.displaytimer(2.0, babase.Call(babase.screenmessage, … ‘hello from the future 2!’))

bascenev1.emitfx(position: Sequence[float], velocity: Sequence[float] | None = None, count: int = 10, scale: float = 1.0, spread: float = 1.0, chunk_type: str = 'rock', emit_type: str = 'chunks', tendril_type: str = 'smoke') None[source]

Emit particles, smoke, etc. into the fx sim layer.

Category: Gameplay Functions

The fx sim layer is a secondary dynamics simulation that runs in the background and just looks pretty; it does not affect gameplay. Note that the actual amount emitted may vary depending on graphics settings, exiting element counts, or other factors.

bascenev1.end_host_scanning() None[source]


Category: General Utility Functions

bascenev1.existing(obj: ExistableT | None) ExistableT | None

Convert invalid references to None for any babase.Existable object.

Category: Gameplay Functions

To best support type checking, it is important that invalid references not be passed around and instead get converted to values of None. That way the type checker can properly flag attempts to pass possibly-dead objects (FooType | None) into functions expecting only live ones (FooType), etc. This call can be used on any ‘existable’ object (one with an exists() method) and will convert it to a None value if it does not exist.

For more info, see notes on ‘existables’ here:

bascenev1.fade_screen(to: int = 0, time: float = 0.25, endcall: Callable[[], None] | None = None) None[source]


Fade the local game screen in our out from black over a duration of time. if “to” is 0, the screen will fade out to black. Otherwise it will fade in from black. If endcall is provided, it will be run after a completely faded frame is drawn.

bascenev1.filter_playlist(playlist: PlaylistType, sessiontype: type[Session], *, add_resolved_type: bool = False, remove_unowned: bool = True, mark_unowned: bool = False, name: str = '?') PlaylistType

Return a filtered version of a playlist.

Strips out or replaces invalid or unowned game types, makes sure all settings are present, and adds in a ‘resolved_type’ which is the actual type.

bascenev1.get_chat_messages() list[str][source]


bascenev1.get_connection_to_host_info() dict[source]


bascenev1.get_connection_to_host_info_2() bascenev1.HostInfo | None[source]

Return info about the host we are currently connected to.

bascenev1.get_default_free_for_all_playlist() list[dict[str, Any]]

Return a default playlist for free-for-all mode.

bascenev1.get_default_powerup_distribution() Sequence[tuple[str, int]]

Standard set of powerups.

bascenev1.get_default_teams_playlist() list[dict[str, Any]]

Return a default playlist for teams mode.

bascenev1.get_filtered_map_name(name: str) str

Filter a map name to account for name changes, etc.

Category: Asset Functions

This can be used to support old playlists, etc.

bascenev1.get_foreground_host_activity() bascenev1.Activity | None[source]


Returns the bascenev1.Activity currently in the foreground, or None if there is none.

bascenev1.get_foreground_host_session() bascenev1.Session | None[source]


Return the bascenev1.Session currently being displayed, or None if there is none.

bascenev1.get_game_port() int[source]


Return the port ballistica is hosting on.

bascenev1.get_game_roster() list[dict[str, Any]][source]


bascenev1.get_local_active_input_devices_count() int[source]


bascenev1.get_map_class(name: str) type[Map]

Return a map type given a name.

Category: Asset Functions

bascenev1.get_map_display_string(name: str) Lstr

Return a babase.Lstr for displaying a given map’s name.

Category: Asset Functions

bascenev1.get_player_colors() list[tuple[float, float, float]]

Return user-selectable player colors.

bascenev1.get_player_profile_colors(profilename: str | None, profiles: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] | None = None) tuple[tuple[float, float, float], tuple[float, float, float]]

Given a profile, return colors for them.

bascenev1.get_player_profile_icon(profilename: str) str

Given a profile name, returns an icon string for it.

(non-account profiles only)

bascenev1.get_public_party_enabled() bool[source]


bascenev1.get_public_party_max_size() int[source]


bascenev1.get_random_names() list[source]


Returns the random names used by the game.

bascenev1.get_remote_app_name() babase.Lstr


bascenev1.get_replay_speed_exponent() int[source]


Returns current replay speed value. Actual displayed speed is pow(2,speed).

bascenev1.get_trophy_string(trophy_id: str) str

Given a trophy id, returns a string to visualize it.

bascenev1.get_ui_input_device() bascenev1.InputDevice | None[source]


Returns the input-device that currently owns the user interface, or None if there is none.

bascenev1.getactivity(doraise: bool = True) bascenev1.Activity | None[source]

Return the current bascenev1.Activity instance.

Category: Gameplay Functions

Note that this is based on context_ref; thus code run in a timer generated in Activity ‘foo’ will properly return ‘foo’ here, even if another Activity has since been created or is transitioning in. If there is no current Activity, raises a babase.ActivityNotFoundError. If doraise is False, None will be returned instead in that case.

bascenev1.getcollision() Collision

Return the in-progress collision.

Category: Gameplay Functions

bascenev1.getcollisionmesh(name: str) bascenev1.CollisionMesh[source]

Return a collision-mesh, loading it if necessary.

Category: Asset Functions

Collision-meshes are used in physics calculations for such things as terrain.

Note that this function returns immediately even if the asset has yet to be loaded. To avoid hitches, instantiate your asset objects in advance of when you will be using them, allowing time for them to load in the background if necessary.

bascenev1.getdata(name: str) bascenev1.Data[source]

Return a data, loading it if necessary.

Category: Asset Functions

Note that this function returns immediately even if the asset has yet to be loaded. To avoid hitches, instantiate your asset objects in advance of when you will be using them, allowing time for them to load in the background if necessary.

bascenev1.getinputdevice(name: str, unique_id: str, doraise: bool = True) Any[source]


Given a type name and a unique identifier, returns an InputDevice. Throws an Exception if the input-device is not found, or returns None if ‘doraise’ is False.

bascenev1.getmesh(name: str) bascenev1.Mesh[source]

Return a mesh, loading it if necessary.

Category: Asset Functions

Note that this function returns immediately even if the asset has yet to be loaded. To avoid hitches, instantiate your asset objects in advance of when you will be using them, allowing time for them to

load in the background if necessary.

bascenev1.getnodes() list[source]

Return all nodes in the current bascenev1.Context.

Category: Gameplay Functions

bascenev1.getsession(doraise: bool = True) bascenev1.Session | None[source]

Category: Gameplay Functions

Returns the current bascenev1.Session instance. Note that this is based on context_ref; thus code being run in the UI context will return the UI context_ref here even if a game Session also exists, etc. If there is no current Session, an Exception is raised, or if doraise is False then None is returned instead.

bascenev1.getsound(name: str) bascenev1.Sound[source]

Return a sound, loading it if necessary.

Category: Asset Functions

Note that this function returns immediately even if the asset has yet to be loaded. To avoid hitches, instantiate your asset objects in advance of when you will be using them, allowing time for them to load in the background if necessary.

bascenev1.gettexture(name: str) bascenev1.Texture[source]

Return a texture, loading it if necessary.

Category: Asset Functions

Note that this function returns immediately even if the asset has yet to be loaded. To avoid hitches, instantiate your asset objects in advance of when you will be using them, allowing time for them to load in the background if necessary.

bascenev1.have_connected_clients() bool[source]


Category: General Utility Functions

bascenev1.have_touchscreen_input() bool[source]


Returns whether or not a touch-screen input is present

bascenev1.host_scan_cycle() list[source]


bascenev1.increment_analytics_count(name: str, increment: int = 1) None[source]


bascenev1.init_campaigns() None

Fill out initial default Campaigns.

bascenev1.is_in_replay() bool[source]


bascenev1.is_point_in_box(pnt: Sequence[float], box: Sequence[float]) bool

Return whether a given point is within a given box.

category: General Utility Functions

For use with standard def boxes (position|rotate|scale).

bascenev1.is_replay_paused() bool[source]


Returns if Replay is paused or not.

bascenev1.lock_all_input() None[source]


Prevents all keyboard, mouse, and gamepad events from being processed.

bascenev1.ls_input_devices() None[source]

Print debugging info about game objects.

Category: General Utility Functions

This call only functions in debug builds of the game. It prints various info about the current object count, etc.

bascenev1.ls_objects() None[source]

Log debugging info about C++ level objects.

Category: General Utility Functions

This call only functions in debug builds of the game. It prints various info about the current object count, etc.

bascenev1.new_host_session(sessiontype: type[bascenev1.Session], benchmark_type: str | None = None) None[source]


bascenev1.new_replay_session(file_name: str) None[source]


bascenev1.newactivity(activity_type: type[bascenev1.Activity], settings: dict | None = None) bascenev1.Activity[source]

Instantiates a bascenev1.Activity given a type object.

Category: General Utility Functions

Activities require special setup and thus cannot be directly instantiated; you must go through this function.

bascenev1.newnode(type: str, owner: bascenev1.Node | None = None, attrs: dict | None = None, name: str | None = None, delegate: Any = None) bascenev1.Node[source]

Add a node of the given type to the game.

Category: Gameplay Functions

If a dict is provided for ‘attributes’, the node’s initial attributes will be set based on them.

‘name’, if provided, will be stored with the node purely for debugging purposes. If no name is provided, an automatic one will be generated such as ‘’.

If ‘delegate’ is provided, Python messages sent to the node will go to that object’s handlemessage() method. Note that the delegate is stored as a weak-ref, so the node itself will not keep the object alive.

if ‘owner’ is provided, the node will be automatically killed when that object dies. ‘owner’ can be another node or a bascenev1.Actor

bascenev1.normalized_color(color: Sequence[float]) tuple[float, ...]

Scale a color so its largest value is 1; useful for coloring lights.

category: General Utility Functions

bascenev1.pause_replay() None[source]


Pauses replay.

bascenev1.print_live_object_warnings(when: Any, ignore_session: bascenev1.Session | None = None, ignore_activity: bascenev1.Activity | None = None) None

Print warnings for remaining objects in the current context.

IMPORTANT - don’t call this in production; usage of gc.get_objects() can bork Python. See notes at top of efro.debug module.

bascenev1.printnodes() None[source]

Print various info about existing nodes; useful for debugging.

Category: Gameplay Functions

bascenev1.protocol_version() int[source]


bascenev1.pushcall(call: Callable, from_other_thread: bool = False, suppress_other_thread_warning: bool = False, other_thread_use_fg_context: bool = False, raw: bool = False) None[source]

Push a call to the logic event-loop. Category: General Utility Functions

This call expects to be used in the logic thread, and will automatically save and restore the babase.Context to behave seamlessly.

If you want to push a call from outside of the logic thread, however, you can pass ‘from_other_thread’ as True. In this case the call will always run in the UI context_ref on the logic thread or whichever context_ref is in the foreground if other_thread_use_fg_context is True. Passing raw=True will disable thread checks and context_ref sets/restores.

bascenev1.register_map(maptype: type[Map]) None

Register a map class with the game.

bascenev1.release_gamepad_input() None[source]


Resumes normal gamepad event processing.

bascenev1.release_keyboard_input() None[source]


Resumes normal keyboard event processing.

bascenev1.reset_random_player_names() None[source]


bascenev1.resume_replay() None[source]


Resumes replay.

bascenev1.safecolor(color: Sequence[float], target_intensity: float = 0.6) tuple[float, ...][source]

Given a color tuple, return a color safe to display as text.

Category: General Utility Functions

Accepts tuples of length 3 or 4. This will slightly brighten very dark colors, etc.

bascenev1.screenmessage(message: str | babase.Lstr, color: Sequence[float] | None = None, log: bool = False) None[source]

Print a message to the local client’s screen, in a given color.

Category: General Utility Functions

Note that this version of the function is purely for local display. To broadcast screen messages in network play, look for methods such as broadcastmessage() provided by the scene-version packages.

bascenev1.seek_replay(delta: float) None[source]


Rewind or fast-forward replay.

bascenev1.set_admins(admins: list[str]) None[source]


bascenev1.set_analytics_screen(screen: str) None[source]

Used for analytics to see where in the app players spend their time.

Category: General Utility Functions

Generally called when opening a new window or entering some UI. ‘screen’ should be a string description of an app location (‘Main Menu’, etc.)

bascenev1.set_authenticate_clients(enable: bool) None[source]


bascenev1.set_debug_speed_exponent(speed: int) None[source]


Sets the debug speed scale for the game. Actual speed is pow(2,speed).

bascenev1.set_enable_default_kick_voting(enable: bool) None[source]


bascenev1.set_internal_music(music: babase.SimpleSound | None, volume: float = 1.0, loop: bool = True) None[source]


bascenev1.set_map_bounds(bounds: tuple[float, float, float, float, float, float]) None[source]


Set map bounds. Generally nodes that go outside of this box are killed.

bascenev1.set_master_server_source(source: int) None[source]


bascenev1.set_max_players_override(max_players: int | None) None

Set the override for how many players can join a session

bascenev1.set_player_rejoin_cooldown(cooldown: float) None

Set the cooldown for individual players rejoining after leaving.

bascenev1.set_public_party_enabled(enabled: bool) None[source]


bascenev1.set_public_party_max_size(max_size: int) None[source]


bascenev1.set_public_party_name(name: str) None[source]


bascenev1.set_public_party_public_address_ipv4(address: str | None) None[source]


bascenev1.set_public_party_public_address_ipv6(address: str | None) None[source]


bascenev1.set_public_party_queue_enabled(max_size: bool) None[source]


bascenev1.set_public_party_stats_url(url: str | None) None[source]


bascenev1.set_replay_speed_exponent(speed: int) None[source]


Set replay speed. Actual displayed speed is pow(2, speed).

bascenev1.set_touchscreen_editing(editing: bool) None[source]


bascenev1.setmusic(musictype: MusicType | None, continuous: bool = False) None

Set the app to play (or stop playing) a certain type of music.

category: Gameplay Functions

This function will handle loading and playing sound assets as necessary, and also supports custom user soundtracks on specific platforms so the user can override particular game music with their own.

Pass None to stop music.

if ‘continuous’ is True and musictype is the same as what is already playing, the playing track will not be restarted.

bascenev1.show_damage_count(damage: str, position: Sequence[float], direction: Sequence[float]) None

Pop up a damage count at a position in space.

Category: Gameplay Functions

bascenev1.storagename(suffix: str | None = None) str

Generate a unique name for storing class data in shared places.

Category: General Utility Functions

This consists of a leading underscore, the module path at the call site with dots replaced by underscores, the containing class’s qualified name, and the provided suffix. When storing data in public places such as ‘customdata’ dicts, this minimizes the chance of collisions with other similarly named classes.

Note that this will function even if called in the class definition.

##### Examples Generate a unique name for storage purposes: >>> class MyThingie: … # This will give something like … # ‘_mymodule_submodule_mythingie_data’. … _STORENAME = babase.storagename(‘data’) … … # Use that name to store some data in the Activity we were … # passed. … def __init__(self, activity): … activity.customdata[self._STORENAME] = {}

bascenev1.time() bascenev1.Time[source]

Return the current scene time in seconds.

Category: General Utility Functions

Scene time maps to local simulation time in bascenev1.Activity or bascenev1.Session Contexts. This means that it may progress slower in slow-motion play modes, stop when the game is paused, etc.

Note that the value returned here is simply a float; it just has a unique type in the type-checker’s eyes to help prevent it from being accidentally used with time functionality expecting other time types.

bascenev1.timer(time: float, call: Callable[[], Any], repeat: bool = False) None[source]

Schedule a call to run at a later point in time.

Category: General Utility Functions

This function adds a scene-time timer to the current babase.Context. This timer cannot be canceled or modified once created. If you

require the ability to do so, use the babase.Timer class instead.

Scene time maps to local simulation time in bascenev1.Activity or bascenev1.Session Contexts. This means that it may progress slower in slow-motion play modes, stop when the game is paused, etc.

##### Arguments ###### time (float) > Length of scene time in seconds that the timer will wait before firing.

###### call (Callable[[], Any]) > A callable Python object. Note that the timer will retain a strong reference to the callable for as long as it exists, so you may want to look into concepts such as babase.WeakCall if that is not desired.

###### repeat (bool) > If True, the timer will fire repeatedly, with each successive firing having the same delay as the first.

##### Examples Print some stuff through time: >>> import bascenev1 as bs >>> bs.screenmessage(‘hello from now!’) >>> bs.timer(1.0, bs.Call(bs.screenmessage, ‘hello from the future!’)) >>> bs.timer(2.0, bs.Call(bs.screenmessage, … ‘hello from the future 2!’))

bascenev1.timestring(timeval: float | int, centi: bool = True) babase.Lstr

Generate a babase.Lstr for displaying a time value.

Category: General Utility Functions

Given a time value, returns a babase.Lstr with: (hours if > 0 ) : minutes : seconds : (centiseconds if centi=True).

WARNING: the underlying Lstr value is somewhat large so don’t use this to rapidly update Node text values for an onscreen timer or you may consume significant network bandwidth. For that purpose you should use a ‘timedisplay’ Node and attribute connections.

bascenev1.unlock_all_input() None[source]


Resumes normal keyboard, mouse, and gamepad event processing.