Source code for bascenev1._level

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""Functionality related to individual levels in a campaign."""
from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import weakref
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, override

import babase

    from typing import Any

    import bascenev1

class Level:
    """An entry in a bascenev1.Campaign.

    Category: **Gameplay Classes**

    def __init__(
        name: str,
        gametype: type[bascenev1.GameActivity],
        settings: dict,
        preview_texture_name: str,
        displayname: str | None = None,
        self._name = name
        self._gametype = gametype
        self._settings = settings
        self._preview_texture_name = preview_texture_name
        self._displayname = displayname
        self._campaign: weakref.ref[bascenev1.Campaign] | None = None
        self._index: int | None = None
        self._score_version_string: str | None = None

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        cls = type(self)
        return f"<{cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__} '{self._name}'>"

    def name(self) -> str:
        """The unique name for this Level."""
        return self._name

[docs] def get_settings(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Returns the settings for this Level.""" settings = copy.deepcopy(self._settings) # So the game knows what the level is called. # Hmm; seems hacky; I think we should take this out. settings['name'] = self._name return settings
@property def preview_texture_name(self) -> str: """The preview texture name for this Level.""" return self._preview_texture_name # def get_preview_texture(self) -> bauiv1.Texture: # """Load/return the preview Texture for this Level.""" # return _bauiv1.gettexture(self._preview_texture_name) @property def displayname(self) -> bascenev1.Lstr: """The localized name for this Level.""" return babase.Lstr( translate=( 'coopLevelNames', ( self._displayname if self._displayname is not None else self._name ), ), subs=[ ('${GAME}', self._gametype.get_display_string(self._settings)) ], ) @property def gametype(self) -> type[bascenev1.GameActivity]: """The type of game used for this Level.""" return self._gametype @property def campaign(self) -> bascenev1.Campaign | None: """The baclassic.Campaign this Level is associated with, or None.""" return None if self._campaign is None else self._campaign() @property def index(self) -> int: """The zero-based index of this Level in its baclassic.Campaign. Access results in a RuntimeError if the Level is not assigned to a Campaign. """ if self._index is None: raise RuntimeError('Level is not part of a Campaign') return self._index @property def complete(self) -> bool: """Whether this Level has been completed.""" config = self._get_config_dict() val = config.get('Complete', False) assert isinstance(val, bool) return val
[docs] def set_complete(self, val: bool) -> None: """Set whether or not this level is complete.""" old_val = self.complete assert isinstance(old_val, bool) assert isinstance(val, bool) if val != old_val: config = self._get_config_dict() config['Complete'] = val
[docs] def get_high_scores(self) -> dict: """Return the current high scores for this Level.""" config = self._get_config_dict() high_scores_key = 'High Scores' + self.get_score_version_string() if high_scores_key not in config: return {} return copy.deepcopy(config[high_scores_key])
[docs] def set_high_scores(self, high_scores: dict) -> None: """Set high scores for this level.""" config = self._get_config_dict() high_scores_key = 'High Scores' + self.get_score_version_string() config[high_scores_key] = high_scores
[docs] def get_score_version_string(self) -> str: """Return the score version string for this Level. If a Level's gameplay changes significantly, its version string can be changed to separate its new high score lists/etc. from the old. """ if self._score_version_string is None: scorever = self._gametype.getscoreconfig().version if scorever != '': scorever = ' ' + scorever self._score_version_string = scorever assert self._score_version_string is not None return self._score_version_string
@property def rating(self) -> float: """The current rating for this Level.""" val = self._get_config_dict().get('Rating', 0.0) assert isinstance(val, float) return val
[docs] def set_rating(self, rating: float) -> None: """Set a rating for this Level, replacing the old ONLY IF higher.""" old_rating = self.rating config = self._get_config_dict() config['Rating'] = max(old_rating, rating)
def _get_config_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return/create the persistent state dict for this level. The referenced dict exists under the game's config dict and can be modified in place.""" campaign = self.campaign if campaign is None: raise RuntimeError('Level is not in a campaign.') configdict = campaign.configdict val: dict[str, Any] = configdict.setdefault( self._name, {'Rating': 0.0, 'Complete': False} ) assert isinstance(val, dict) return val
[docs] def set_campaign(self, campaign: bascenev1.Campaign, index: int) -> None: """For use by baclassic.Campaign when adding levels to itself. (internal)""" self._campaign = weakref.ref(campaign) self._index = index