babase package¶
babase.modutils module¶
Functionality related to modding.
- babase.modutils.create_user_system_scripts() None [source]¶
Set up a copy of Ballistica app scripts under user scripts dir.
(for editing and experimenting)
- babase.modutils.delete_user_system_scripts() None [source]¶
Clean out the scripts created by create_user_system_scripts().
Module contents¶
Common shared Ballistica components.
For modding purposes, this package should generally not be used directly. Instead one should use purpose-built packages such as bascenev1 or bauiv1 which themselves import various functionality from here and reexpose it in a more focused way.
- class babase.AccountV2Handle¶
Handle for interacting with a V2 account.
This class supports the ‘with’ statement, which is how it is used with some operations such as cloud messaging.
- accountid: str¶
- tag: str¶
- workspaceid: str | None¶
- workspacename: str | None¶
- class babase.AccountV2Subsystem¶
Subsystem for modern account handling in the app.
Category: App Classes
Access the single shared instance of this class at ‘ba.app.plus.accounts’.
- do_get_primary() AccountV2Handle | None [source]¶
Internal - should be overridden by subclass.
- have_primary_credentials() bool [source]¶
Are credentials currently set for the primary app account?
Note that this does not mean these credentials have been checked for validity; only that they exist. If/when credentials are validated, the ‘primary’ account handle will be set.
- on_active_logins_changed(logins: dict[LoginType, str]) None [source]¶
Should be called when logins for the active account change.
- on_implicit_login_state_changed(login_type: LoginType, state: LoginAdapter.ImplicitLoginState | None) None [source]¶
Called when implicit login state changes.
Login systems that tend to sign themselves in/out in the background are considered implicit. We may choose to honor or ignore their states, allowing the user to opt for other login types even if the default implicit one can’t be explicitly logged out or otherwise controlled.
- on_implicit_sign_in(login_type: LoginType, login_id: str, display_name: str) None [source]¶
An implicit sign-in happened (called by native layer).
- on_implicit_sign_out(login_type: LoginType) None [source]¶
An implicit sign-out happened (called by native layer).
- on_no_initial_primary_account() None [source]¶
Callback run if the app has no primary account after launch.
Either this callback or on_primary_account_changed will be called within a few seconds of app launch; the app can move forward with the startup sequence at that point.
- on_primary_account_changed(account: AccountV2Handle | None) None [source]¶
Callback run after the primary account changes.
Will be called with None on log-outs and when new credentials are set but have not yet been verified.
- property primary: AccountV2Handle | None¶
The primary account for the app, or None if not logged in.
- exception babase.ActivityNotFoundError¶
Exception raised when an expected bascenev1.Activity does not exist.
Category: Exception Classes
- exception babase.ActorNotFoundError¶
Exception raised when an expected actor does not exist.
Category: Exception Classes
- class babase.App¶
A class for high level app functionality and state.
Category: App Classes
Use babase.app to access the single shared instance of this class.
Note that properties not documented here should be considered internal and subject to change without warning.
- class DefaultAppModeSelector[source]¶
Decides which AppModes to use to handle AppIntents.
This default version is generated by the project updater based on the ‘default_app_modes’ value in the projectconfig.
It is also possible to modify app mode selection behavior by setting app.mode_selector to an instance of a custom AppModeSelector subclass. This is a good way to go if you are modifying app behavior dynamically via a plugin instead of statically in a spinoff project.
- class State(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]¶
High level state the app can be in.
- INITING = 2¶
- LOADING = 3¶
- RUNNING = 4¶
- property active: bool¶
Whether the app is currently front and center.
This will be False when the app is hidden, other activities are covering it, etc. (depending on the platform).
- add_shutdown_task(coro: Coroutine[None, None, None]) None [source]¶
Add a task to be run on app shutdown.
Note that shutdown tasks will be canceled after App.SHUTDOWN_TASK_TIMEOUT_SECONDS if they are still running.
- property asyncio_loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop¶
The logic thread’s asyncio event loop.
This allow async tasks to be run in the logic thread.
Generally you should call App.create_async_task() to schedule async code to run instead of using this directly. That will handle retaining the task and logging errors automatically. Only schedule tasks onto asyncio_loop yourself when you intend to hold on to the returned task and await its results. Releasing the task reference can lead to subtle bugs such as unreported errors and garbage-collected tasks disappearing before their work is done.
Note that, at this time, the asyncio loop is encapsulated and explicitly stepped by the engine’s logic thread loop and thus things like asyncio.get_running_loop() will unintuitively not return this loop from most places in the logic thread; only from within a task explicitly created in this loop. Hopefully this situation will be improved in the future with a unified event loop.
- property classic: ClassicAppSubsystem | None¶
Our classic subsystem (if available).
- create_async_task(coro: Coroutine[Any, Any, T], *, name: str | None = None) None [source]¶
Create a fully managed async task.
This will automatically retain and release a reference to the task and log any exceptions that occur in it. If you need to await a task or otherwise need more control, schedule a task directly using App.asyncio_loop.
- health_monitor: AppHealthMonitor¶
- lang: LanguageSubsystem¶
- property mode_selector: babase.AppModeSelector¶
Controls which app-modes are used for handling given intents.
Plugins can override this to change high level app behavior and spinoff projects can change the default implementation for the same effect.
- on_initial_sign_in_complete() None [source]¶
Called when initial sign-in (or lack thereof) completes.
This normally gets called by the plus subsystem. The initial-sign-in process may include tasks such as syncing account workspaces or other data so it may take a substantial amount of time.
- on_native_active_changed() None [source]¶
Called by the native layer when the app active state changes.
- on_native_bootstrapping_complete() None [source]¶
Called by the native layer once its ready to rock.
- on_native_shutdown_complete() None [source]¶
Called by the native layer when the app is done shutting down.
- plugins: PluginSubsystem¶
- property plus: PlusAppSubsystem | None¶
Our plus subsystem (if available).
- postinit() None [source]¶
Called after we’ve been inited and assigned to babase.app.
Anything that accesses babase.app as part of its init process must go here instead of __init__.
- push_apply_app_config() None [source]¶
Internal. Use app.config.apply() to apply app config changes.
- register_subsystem(subsystem: AppSubsystem) None [source]¶
Called by the AppSubsystem class. Do not use directly.
- run() None [source]¶
Run the app to completion.
Note that this only works on builds where Ballistica manages its own event loop.
- set_intent(intent: AppIntent) None [source]¶
Set the intent for the app.
Intent defines what the app is trying to do at a given time. This call is asynchronous; the intent switch will happen in the logic thread in the near future. If set_intent is called repeatedly before the change takes place, the final intent to be set will be used.
- set_ui_scale(scale: babase.UIScale) None [source]¶
Change ui-scale on the fly.
Currently this is mainly for debugging and will not be called as part of normal app operation.
- property ui_v1: UIV1AppSubsystem¶
Our ui_v1 subsystem (always available).
- class babase.AppConfig¶
A special dict that holds the game’s persistent configuration values.
Category: App Classes
It also provides methods for fetching values with app-defined fallback defaults, applying contained values to the game, and committing the config to storage.
Call babase.appconfig() to get the single shared instance of this class.
AppConfig data is stored as json on disk on so make sure to only place json-friendly values in it (dict, list, str, float, int, bool). Be aware that tuples will be quietly converted to lists when stored.
- apply() None [source]¶
Apply config values to the running app.
This call is thread-safe and asynchronous; changes will happen in the next logic event loop cycle.
- apply_and_commit() None [source]¶
Run apply() followed by commit(); for convenience.
(This way the commit() will not occur if apply() hits invalid data)
- builtin_keys() list[str] [source]¶
Return the list of valid key names recognized by babase.AppConfig.
This set of keys can be used with resolve(), default_value(), etc. It does not vary across platforms and may include keys that are obsolete or not relevant on the current running version. (for instance, VR related keys on non-VR platforms). This is to minimize the amount of platform checking necessary)
Note that it is perfectly legal to store arbitrary named data in the config, but in that case it is up to the user to test for the existence of the key in the config dict, fall back to consistent defaults, etc.
- commit() None [source]¶
Commits the config to local storage.
Note that this call is asynchronous so the actual write to disk may not occur immediately.
- default_value(key: str) Any [source]¶
Given a string key, return its predefined default value.
This is the value that will be returned by babase.AppConfig.resolve() if the key is not present in the config dict or of an incompatible type.
Raises an Exception for unrecognized key names. To get the list of keys supported by this method, use babase.AppConfig.builtin_keys(). Note that it is perfectly legal to store other data in the config; it just needs to be accessed through standard dict methods and missing values handled manually.
- resolve(key: str) Any [source]¶
Given a string key, return a config value (type varies).
This will substitute application defaults for values not present in the config dict, filter some invalid values, etc. Note that these values do not represent the state of the app; simply the state of its config. Use babase.App to access actual live state.
Raises an Exception for unrecognized key names. To get the list of keys supported by this method, use babase.AppConfig.builtin_keys(). Note that it is perfectly legal to store other data in the config; it just needs to be accessed through standard dict methods and missing values handled manually.
- class babase.AppHealthMonitor¶
Logs things like app-not-responding issues.
- class babase.AppIntent¶
A high level directive given to the app.
Category: App Classes
- class babase.AppMode¶
A high level mode for the app.
Category: App Classes
- classmethod can_handle_intent(intent: AppIntent) bool [source]¶
Return whether this mode can handle the provided intent.
For this to return True, the AppMode must claim to support the provided intent (via its _can_handle_intent() method) AND the AppExperience associated with the AppMode must be supported by the current app and runtime environment.
- classmethod get_app_experience() AppExperience [source]¶
Return the overall experience provided by this mode.
- class babase.AppModeSelector¶
Defines which AppModes are available or used to handle given AppIntents.
Category: App Classes
The app calls an instance of this class when passed an AppIntent to determine which AppMode to use to handle the intent. Plugins or spinoff projects can modify high level app behavior by replacing or modifying the app’s mode-selector.
- class babase.AppSubsystem¶
Base class for an app subsystem.
Category: App Classes
An app ‘subsystem’ is a bit of a vague term, as pieces of the app can technically be any class and are not required to use this, but building one out of this base class provides conveniences such as predefined callbacks during app state changes.
Subsystems must be registered with the app before it completes its transition to the ‘running’ state.
- on_app_loading() None [source]¶
Called when the app reaches the loading state.
Note that subsystems created after the app switches to the loading state will not receive this callback. Subsystems created by plugins are an example of this.
- on_screen_size_change() None [source]¶
Called when the screen size changes.
Will not be called for the initial screen size.
- class babase.AppTimer(time: float, call: Callable[[], Any], repeat: bool = False)[source]¶
Timers are used to run code at later points in time.
Category: General Utility Classes
This class encapsulates a timer based on app-time. The underlying timer will be destroyed when this object is no longer referenced. If you do not want to worry about keeping a reference to your timer around, use the babase.apptimer() function instead to get a one-off timer.
##### Arguments ###### time > Length of time in seconds that the timer will wait before firing.
###### call > A callable Python object. Remember that the timer will retain a strong reference to the callable for as long as it exists, so you may want to look into concepts such as babase.WeakCall if that is not desired.
###### repeat > If True, the timer will fire repeatedly, with each successive firing having the same delay as the first.
##### Example
Use a Timer object to print repeatedly for a few seconds: … def say_it(): … babase.screenmessage(‘BADGER!’) … def stop_saying_it(): … global g_timer … g_timer = None … babase.screenmessage(‘MUSHROOM MUSHROOM!’) … # Create our timer; it will run as long as we have the self.t ref. … g_timer = babase.AppTimer(0.3, say_it, repeat=True) … # Now fire off a one-shot timer to kill it. … babase.apptimer(3.89, stop_saying_it)
- class babase.Call(*args: Any, **keywds: Any)¶
Wraps a callable and arguments into a single callable object.
Category: General Utility Classes
The callable is strong-referenced so it won’t die until this object does.
WARNING: This is exactly the same as Python’s built in functools.partial(). Use functools.partial instead of this for new code, as this will probably be deprecated at some point.
Note that a bound method (ex:
) contains a reference toself
in that case), so you will be keeping that object alive too. Use babase.WeakCall if you want to pass a method to a callback without keeping its object alive.
- class babase.CloudSubscription(subscription_id: int)¶
User handle to a subscription to some cloud data.
Do not instantiate these directly; use the subscribe methods in *.app.plus.cloud to create them.
- class babase.ContextCall(call: Callable)[source]¶
A context-preserving callable.
Category: General Utility Classes
A ContextCall wraps a callable object along with a reference to the current context (see babase.ContextRef); it handles restoring the context when run and automatically clears itself if the context it belongs to dies.
Generally you should not need to use this directly; all standard Ballistica callbacks involved with timers, materials, UI functions, etc. handle this under-the-hood so you don’t have to worry about it. The only time it may be necessary is if you are implementing your own callbacks, such as a worker thread that does some action and then runs some game code when done. By wrapping said callback in one of these, you can ensure that you will not inadvertently be keeping the current activity alive or running code in a torn-down (expired) context_ref.
You can also use babase.WeakCall for similar functionality, but ContextCall has the added bonus that it will not run during context_ref shutdown, whereas babase.WeakCall simply looks at whether the target object instance still exists.
##### Examples Example A: code like this can inadvertently prevent our activity (self) from ending until the operation completes, since the bound method we’re passing (self.dosomething) contains a strong-reference to self). >>> start_some_long_action(callback_when_done=self.dosomething)
Example B: in this case our activity (self) can still die properly; the callback will clear itself when the activity starts shutting down, becoming a harmless no-op and releasing the reference to our activity.
>>> start_long_action( ... callback_when_done=babase.ContextCall(self.mycallback))
- exception babase.ContextError¶
Exception raised when a call is made in an invalid context.
Category: Exception Classes
Examples of this include calling UI functions within an Activity context or calling scene manipulation functions outside of a game context.
- class babase.ContextRef[source]¶
Store or use a ballistica context.
Category: General Utility Classes
Many operations such as bascenev1.newnode() or bascenev1.gettexture() operate implicitly on a current ‘context’. A context is some sort of state that functionality can implicitly use. Context determines, for example, which scene nodes or textures get added to without having to specify it explicitly in the newnode()/gettexture() call. Contexts can also affect object lifecycles; for example a babase.ContextCall will become a no-op when the context it was created in is destroyed.
In general, if you are a modder, you should not need to worry about contexts; mod code should mostly be getting run in the correct context and timers and other callbacks will take care of saving and restoring contexts automatically. There may be rare cases, however, where you need to deal directly with contexts, and that is where this class comes in.
Creating a babase.ContextRef() will capture a reference to the current context. Other modules may provide ways to access their contexts; for example a bascenev1.Activity instance has a ‘context’ attribute. You can also use babase.ContextRef.empty() to create a reference to no context. Some code such as UI calls may expect this and may complain if you try to use them within a context.
##### Usage ContextRefs are generally used with the Python ‘with’ statement, which sets the context they point to as current on entry and resets it to the previous value on exit.
##### Example Explicitly create a few UI bits with no context set. (UI stuff may complain if called within a context): >>> with bui.ContextRef.empty(): … my_container = bui.containerwidget()
- classmethod empty() ContextRef [source]¶
Return a ContextRef pointing to no context.
This is useful when code should be run free of a context. For example, UI code generally insists on being run this way. Otherwise, callbacks set on the UI could inadvertently stop working due to a game activity ending, which would be unintuitive behavior.
- exception babase.DelegateNotFoundError¶
Exception raised when an expected delegate object does not exist.
Category: Exception Classes
- class babase.DevConsoleSubsystem¶
Subsystem for wrangling the dev console.
The single instance of this class can be found at babase.app.devconsole. The dev-console is a simple always-available UI intended for use by developers; not end users. Traditionally it is available by typing a backtick (`) key on a keyboard, but now can be accessed via an on-screen button (see settings/advanced to enable said button).
- class babase.DevConsoleTab¶
Defines behavior for a tab in the dev-console.
- property base_scale: float¶
A scale value set depending on the app’s UI scale.
Dev-console tabs can incorporate this into their UI sizes and positions if they desire. This must be done manually however.
- button(label: str, pos: tuple[float, float], size: tuple[float, float], call: Callable[[], Any] | None = None, *, h_anchor: Literal['left', 'center', 'right'] = 'center', label_scale: float = 1.0, corner_radius: float = 8.0, style: Literal['normal', 'bright', 'red', 'red_bright', 'purple', 'purple_bright', 'yellow', 'yellow_bright', 'blue', 'blue_bright', 'white', 'white_bright', 'black', 'black_bright'] = 'normal', disabled: bool = False) None [source]¶
Add a button to the tab being refreshed.
- property height: float¶
Return the current tab height. Only call during refreshes.
- text(text: str, pos: tuple[float, float], *, h_anchor: Literal['left', 'center', 'right'] = 'center', h_align: Literal['left', 'center', 'right'] = 'center', v_align: Literal['top', 'center', 'bottom', 'none'] = 'center', scale: float = 1.0) None [source]¶
Add a button to the tab being refreshed.
- property width: float¶
Return the current tab width. Only call during refreshes.
- class babase.DevConsoleTabEntry(name: str, factory: Callable[[], DevConsoleTab])¶
Represents a distinct tab in the dev-console.
- factory: Callable[[], DevConsoleTab]¶
- name: str¶
- class babase.DisplayTimer(time: float, call: Callable[[], Any], repeat: bool = False)[source]¶
Timers are used to run code at later points in time.
Category: General Utility Classes
This class encapsulates a timer based on display-time. The underlying timer will be destroyed when this object is no longer referenced. If you do not want to worry about keeping a reference to your timer around, use the babase.displaytimer() function instead to get a one-off timer.
Display-time is a time value intended to be used for animation and other visual purposes. It will generally increment by a consistent amount each frame. It will pass at an overall similar rate to AppTime, but trades accuracy for smoothness.
##### Arguments ###### time > Length of time in seconds that the timer will wait before firing.
###### call > A callable Python object. Remember that the timer will retain a strong reference to the callable for as long as it exists, so you may want to look into concepts such as babase.WeakCall if that is not desired.
###### repeat > If True, the timer will fire repeatedly, with each successive firing having the same delay as the first.
##### Example
Use a Timer object to print repeatedly for a few seconds: … def say_it(): … babase.screenmessage(‘BADGER!’) … def stop_saying_it(): … global g_timer … g_timer = None … babase.screenmessage(‘MUSHROOM MUSHROOM!’) … # Create our timer; it will run as long as we have the self.t ref. … g_timer = babase.DisplayTimer(0.3, say_it, repeat=True) … # Now fire off a one-shot timer to kill it. … babase.displaytimer(3.89, stop_saying_it)
- class babase.EmptyAppMode¶
An AppMode that does not do much at all.
- classmethod get_app_experience() AppExperience [source]¶
Return the overall experience provided by this mode.
- class babase.Env[source]¶
Unchanging values for the current running app instance. Access the single shared instance of this class at babase.app.env.
- android: bool¶
Is this build targeting an Android based OS?
- api_version: int¶
The app’s api version.
Only Python modules and packages associated with the current API version number will be detected by the game (see the ba_meta tag). This value will change whenever substantial backward-incompatible changes are introduced to Ballistica APIs. When that happens, modules/packages should be updated accordingly and set to target the newer API version number.
- arcade: bool¶
Whether the app is targeting an arcade-centric experience.
- config_file_path: str¶
Where the app’s config file is stored on disk.
- data_directory: str¶
Where bundled static app data lives.
- debug: bool¶
Whether the app is running in debug mode.
Debug builds generally run substantially slower than non-debug builds due to compiler optimizations being disabled and extra checks being run.
- demo: bool¶
Whether the app is targeting a demo experience.
- device_name: str¶
Human readable name of the device running this app.
- engine_build_number: int¶
Integer build number for the engine.
This value increases by at least 1 with each release of the engine. It is independent of the human readable version string.
- engine_version: str¶
Human-readable version string for the engine; something like ‘1.3.24’.
This should not be interpreted as a number; it may contain string elements such as ‘alpha’, ‘beta’, ‘test’, etc. If a numeric version is needed, use build_number.
- gui: bool¶
Whether the app is running with a gui.
This is the opposite of headless.
- headless: bool¶
Whether the app is running headlessly (without a gui).
This is the opposite of gui.
- python_directory_app: str | None¶
Path where the app expects its bundled modules to live.
Be aware that this value may be None if Ballistica is running in a non-standard environment, and that python-path modifications may cause modules to be loaded from other locations.
- python_directory_app_site: str | None¶
Path where the app expects its bundled pip modules to live.
Be aware that this value may be None if Ballistica is running in a non-standard environment, and that python-path modifications may cause modules to be loaded from other locations.
- python_directory_user: str | None¶
Path where the app expects its user scripts (mods) to live.
Be aware that this value may be None if Ballistica is running in a non-standard environment, and that python-path modifications may cause modules to be loaded from other locations.
- supports_soft_quit: bool¶
Whether the running app supports ‘soft’ quit options.
This generally applies to mobile derived OSs, where an act of ‘quitting’ may leave the app running in the background waiting in case it is used again.
- test: bool¶
Whether the app is running in test mode.
Test mode enables extra checks and features that are useful for release testing but which do not slow the game down significantly.
- tv: bool¶
Whether the app is targeting a TV-centric experience.
- vr: bool¶
Whether the app is currently running in VR.
- class babase.Existable(*args, **kwargs)¶
A Protocol for objects supporting an exists() method.
Category: Protocols
- exception babase.InputDeviceNotFoundError¶
Exception raised when an expected input-device does not exist.
Category: Exception Classes
- class babase.InputType(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)¶
Types of input a controller can send to the game.
Category: Enums
- DOWN_PRESS = 25¶
- FLY_PRESS = 13¶
- LEFT_PRESS = 19¶
- RUN = 12¶
- UP_DOWN = 2¶
- UP_PRESS = 23¶
- UP_RELEASE = 24¶
- class babase.LanguageSubsystem¶
Language functionality for the app.
Category: App Classes
Access the single instance of this class at ‘babase.app.lang’.
- property available_languages: list[str]¶
A list of all available languages.
Note that languages that may be present in game assets but which are not displayable on the running version of the game are not included here.
- get_resource(resource: str, fallback_resource: str | None = None, fallback_value: Any = None) Any [source]¶
Return a translation resource by name.
DEPRECATED; use babase.Lstr functionality for these purposes.
- is_custom_unicode_char(char: str) bool [source]¶
Return whether a char is in the custom unicode range we use.
- property language: str¶
The current active language for the app.
This can be selected explicitly by the user or may be set automatically based on locale or other factors.
- property locale: str¶
Raw country/language code detected by the game (such as ‘en_US’).
Generally for language-specific code you should look at babase.App.language, which is the language the game is using (which may differ from locale if the user sets a language, etc.)
- setlanguage(language: str | dict | None, print_change: bool = True, store_to_config: bool = True) None [source]¶
Set the active app language.
Pass None to use OS default language.
- testlanguage(langid: str) None [source]¶
Set the app to test an in-progress language.
Pass a language id from the translation editor website as ‘langid’; something like ‘Gibberish_3263’. Once set to testing, the engine will repeatedly download and apply that same test language, so changes can be made to it and observed live.
- class babase.LoginAdapter(login_type: LoginType)¶
Allows using implicit login types in an explicit way.
Some login types such as Google Play Game Services or Game Center are basically always present and often do not provide a way to log out from within a running app, so this adapter exists to use them in a flexible manner by ‘attaching’ and ‘detaching’ from an always-present login, allowing for its use alongside other login types. It also provides common functionality for server-side account verification and other handy bits.
- class ImplicitLoginState(login_id: str, display_name: str)[source]¶
Describes the current state of an implicit login.
- display_name: str¶
- login_id: str¶
- class SignInResult(credentials: str)[source]¶
Describes the final result of a sign-in attempt.
- credentials: str¶
- get_sign_in_token(completion_cb: Callable[[str | None], None]) None [source]¶
Get a sign-in token from the adapter back end.
This token is then passed to the master-server to complete the sign-in process. The adapter can use this opportunity to bring up account creation UI, call its internal sign_in function, etc. as needed. The provided completion_cb should then be called with either a token or None if sign in failed or was cancelled.
- on_back_end_active_change(active: bool) None [source]¶
Called when active state for the back-end is (possibly) changing.
Meant to be overridden by subclasses. Being active means that the implicit login provided by the back-end is actually being used by the app. It should therefore register unlocked achievements, leaderboard scores, allow viewing native UIs, etc. When not active it should ignore everything and behave as if signed out, even if it technically is still signed in.
- set_active_logins(logins: dict[LoginType, str]) None [source]¶
Keep the adapter informed of actively used logins.
This should be called by the app’s account subsystem to keep adapters up to date on the full set of logins attached to the currently-in-use account. Note that the logins dict passed in should be immutable as only a reference to it is stored, not a copy.
- set_implicit_login_state(state: ImplicitLoginState | None) None [source]¶
Keep the adapter informed of implicit login states.
This should be called by the adapter back-end when an account of their associated type gets logged in or out.
- sign_in(result_cb: Callable[[LoginAdapter, SignInResult | Exception], None], description: str) None [source]¶
Attempt to sign in via this adapter.
This can be called even if the back-end is not implicitly signed in; the adapter will attempt to sign in if possible. An exception will be returned if the sign-in attempt fails.
- class babase.LoginInfo(name: str)¶
Basic info about a login available in the app.plus.accounts section.
- name: str¶
- class babase.Lstr(*args: Any, **keywds: Any)¶
Used to define strings in a language-independent way.
Category: General Utility Classes
These should be used whenever possible in place of hard-coded strings so that in-game or UI elements show up correctly on all clients in their currently-active language.
To see available resource keys, look at any of the bs_language_*.py files in the game or the translations pages at legacy.ballistica.net/translate.
##### Examples EXAMPLE 1: specify a string from a resource path >>> mynode.text = babase.Lstr(resource=’audioSettingsWindow.titleText’)
EXAMPLE 2: specify a translated string via a category and english value; if a translated value is available, it will be used; otherwise the english value will be. To see available translation categories, look under the ‘translations’ resource section. >>> mynode.text = babase.Lstr(translate=(‘gameDescriptions’, … ‘Defeat all enemies’))
EXAMPLE 3: specify a raw value and some substitutions. Substitutions can be used with resource and translate modes as well. >>> mynode.text = babase.Lstr(value=’${A} / ${B}’, … subs=[(‘${A}’, str(score)), (‘${B}’, str(total))])
EXAMPLE 4: babase.Lstr’s can be nested. This example would display the resource at res_a but replace ${NAME} with the value of the resource at res_b >>> mytextnode.text = babase.Lstr( … resource=’res_a’, … subs=[(‘${NAME}’, babase.Lstr(resource=’res_b’))])
- args¶
- evaluate() str [source]¶
Evaluate the Lstr and returns a flat string in the current language.
You should avoid doing this as much as possible and instead pass and store Lstr values.
- static from_json(json_string: str) babase.Lstr [source]¶
Given a json string, returns a babase.Lstr. Does no validation.
- exception babase.MapNotFoundError¶
Exception raised when an expected bascenev1.Map does not exist.
Category: Exception Classes
- class babase.MetadataSubsystem¶
Subsystem for working with script metadata in the app.
Category: App Classes
Access the single shared instance of this class at ‘babase.app.meta’.
- load_exported_classes(cls: type[T], completion_cb: Callable[[list[type[T]]], None], completion_cb_in_bg_thread: bool = False) None [source]¶
High level function to load meta-exported classes.
Will wait for scanning to complete if necessary, and will load all registered classes of a particular type in a background thread before calling the passed callback in the logic thread. Errors may be logged to messaged to the user in some way but the callback will be called regardless. To run the completion callback directly in the bg thread where the loading work happens, pass completion_cb_in_bg_thread=True.
- exception babase.NodeNotFoundError¶
Exception raised when an expected Node does not exist.
Category: Exception Classes
- exception babase.NotFoundError¶
Exception raised when a referenced object does not exist.
Category: Exception Classes
- class babase.Permission(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)¶
Permissions that can be requested from the OS.
Category: Enums
- STORAGE = 0¶
- exception babase.PlayerNotFoundError¶
Exception raised when an expected player does not exist.
Category: Exception Classes
- class babase.Plugin¶
A plugin to alter app behavior in some way.
Category: App Classes
Plugins are discoverable by the meta-tag system and the user can select which ones they want to enable. Enabled plugins are then called at specific times as the app is running in order to modify its behavior in some way.
- class babase.PluginSpec(class_path: str, loadable: bool)¶
Represents a plugin the engine knows about.
Category: App Classes
The ‘enabled’ attr represents whether this plugin is set to load. Getting or setting that attr affects the corresponding app-config key. Remember to commit the app-config after making any changes.
The ‘attempted_load’ attr will be True if the engine has attempted to load the plugin. If ‘attempted_load’ is True for a PluginSpec but the ‘plugin’ attr is None, it means there was an error loading the plugin. If a plugin’s api-version does not match the running app, if a new plugin is detected with auto-enable-plugins disabled, or if the user has explicitly disabled a plugin, the engine will not even attempt to load it.
- property enabled: bool¶
Whether the user wants this plugin to load.
- class babase.PluginSubsystem¶
Subsystem for plugin handling in the app.
Category: App Classes
Access the single shared instance of this class at ba.app.plugins.
- class babase.QuitType(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)¶
Types of input a controller can send to the game.
Category: Enums
- ‘soft’ may hide/reset the app but keep the process running, depending
on the platform.
- ‘back’ is a variant of ‘soft’ which may give ‘back-button-pressed’
behavior depending on the platform. (returning to some previous activity instead of dumping to the home screen, etc.)
- ‘hard’ leads to the process exiting. This generally should be avoided
on platforms such as mobile.
- BACK = 1¶
- HARD = 2¶
- SOFT = 0¶
- exception babase.SessionNotFoundError¶
Exception raised when an expected session does not exist.
Category: Exception Classes
- exception babase.SessionPlayerNotFoundError¶
Exception raised when an expected session-player does not exist.
Category: Exception Classes
- exception babase.SessionTeamNotFoundError¶
Exception raised when an expected session-team does not exist.
Category: Exception Classes
- class babase.SimpleSound[source]¶
A simple sound wrapper for internal use.
Do not use for gameplay code as it will only play locally.
- class babase.SpecialChar(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)¶
Special characters the game can print.
Category: Enums
- BACK = 10¶
- CROWN = 64¶
- DELETE = 8¶
- DICE_BUTTON1 = 31¶
- DICE_BUTTON2 = 32¶
- DICE_BUTTON3 = 33¶
- DICE_BUTTON4 = 34¶
- DRAGON = 69¶
- EYE_BALL = 66¶
- FEDORA = 62¶
- FIREBALL = 76¶
- FLAG_CHILE = 94¶
- FLAG_CHINA = 52¶
- FLAG_EGYPT = 79¶
- FLAG_INDIA = 55¶
- FLAG_IRAN = 90¶
- FLAG_ITALY = 59¶
- FLAG_JAPAN = 56¶
- FLAG_QATAR = 78¶
- HAL = 63¶
- HEART = 68¶
- HELMET = 70¶
- LOGO = 27¶
- LOGO_FLAT = 11¶
- MIKIROG = 95¶
- MOON = 74¶
- MUSHROOM = 71¶
- NINJA_STAR = 72¶
- PARTY_ICON = 36¶
- SHIFT = 9¶
- SKULL = 67¶
- SPIDER = 75¶
- STEAM_LOGO = 88¶
- TICKET = 28¶
- TOKEN = 26¶
- TROPHY0A = 42¶
- TROPHY0B = 43¶
- TROPHY1 = 39¶
- TROPHY2 = 40¶
- TROPHY3 = 41¶
- TROPHY4 = 44¶
- UP_ARROW = 1¶
- V2_LOGO = 96¶
- YIN_YANG = 65¶
- class babase.StringEditAdapter(description: str, initial_text: str, max_length: int | None, screen_space_center: tuple[float, float] | None)¶
Represents a string editing operation on some object.
Editable objects such as text widgets or in-app-consoles can subclass this to make their contents editable on all platforms.
There can only be one string-edit at a time for the app. New StringEdits will attempt to register themselves as the globally active one in their constructor, but this may not succeed. When creating a StringEditAdapter, always check its ‘is_valid()’ value after creating it. If this is False, it was not able to set itself as the global active one and should be discarded.
- apply(new_text: str) None [source]¶
Should be called by the owner when editing is complete.
Note that in some cases this call may be a no-op (such as if this StringEditAdapter is no longer the globally active one).
- class babase.StringEditSubsystem¶
Full string-edit state for the app.
- exception babase.TeamNotFoundError¶
Exception raised when an expected bascenev1.Team does not exist.
Category: Exception Classes
- class babase.UIScale(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)¶
The overall scale the UI is being rendered for. Note that this is independent of pixel resolution. For example, a phone and a desktop PC might render the game at similar pixel resolutions but the size they display content at will vary significantly.
Category: Enums
- ‘large’ is used for devices such as desktop PCs where fine details can
be clearly seen. UI elements are generally smaller on the screen and more content can be seen at once.
- ‘medium’ is used for devices such as tablets, TVs, or VR headsets.
This mode strikes a balance between clean readability and amount of content visible.
- ‘small’ is used primarily for phones or other small devices where
content needs to be presented as large and clear in order to remain readable from an average distance.
- LARGE = 2¶
- MEDIUM = 1¶
- SMALL = 0¶
- class babase.Vec3[source]¶
- class babase.Vec3(value: float)
- class babase.Vec3(values: Sequence[float])
- class babase.Vec3(x: float, y: float, z: float)
]A vector of 3 floats.
Category: General Utility Classes
These can be created the following ways (checked in this order): - with no args, all values are set to 0 - with a single numeric arg, all values are set to that value - with a single three-member sequence arg, sequence values are copied - otherwise assumes individual x/y/z args (positional or keywords)
- x: float¶
The vector’s X component.
- y: float¶
The vector’s Y component.
- z: float¶
The vector’s Z component.
- class babase.WeakCall(*args: Any, **keywds: Any)¶
Wrap a callable and arguments into a single callable object.
Category: General Utility Classes
When passed a bound method as the callable, the instance portion of it is weak-referenced, meaning the underlying instance is free to die if all other references to it go away. Should this occur, calling the WeakCall is simply a no-op.
Think of this as a handy way to tell an object to do something at some point in the future if it happens to still exist.
##### Examples EXAMPLE A: this code will create a FooClass instance and call its bar() method 5 seconds later; it will be kept alive even though we overwrite its variable with None because the bound method we pass as a timer callback (foo.bar) strong-references it >>> foo = FooClass() … babase.apptimer(5.0, foo.bar) … foo = None
EXAMPLE B: This code will not keep our object alive; it will die when we overwrite it with None and the timer will be a no-op when it fires >>> foo = FooClass() … babase.apptimer(5.0, ba.WeakCall(foo.bar)) … foo = None
EXAMPLE C: Wrap a method call with some positional and keyword args: >>> myweakcall = babase.WeakCall(self.dostuff, argval1, … namedarg=argval2) … # Now we have a single callable to run that whole mess. … # The same as calling myobj.dostuff(argval1, namedarg=argval2) … # (provided my_obj still exists; this will do nothing … # otherwise). … myweakcall()
Note: additional args and keywords you provide to the WeakCall() constructor are stored as regular strong-references; you’ll need to wrap them in weakrefs manually if desired.
- exception babase.WidgetNotFoundError¶
Exception raised when an expected widget does not exist.
Category: Exception Classes
- babase.add_clean_frame_callback(call: Callable) None [source]¶
Provide an object to be called once the next non-progress-bar-frame has been rendered. Useful for queueing things to load in the background without elongating any current progress-bar-load.
- babase.android_get_external_files_dir() str [source]¶
Returns the android external storage path, or None if there is none on this device
- babase.appnameupper() str [source]¶
Return whether this build of the game can display full unicode such as Emoji, Asian languages, etc.
- babase.apptime() babase.AppTime [source]¶
Return the current app-time in seconds.
Category: General Utility Functions
App-time is a monotonic time value; it starts at 0.0 when the app launches and will never jump by large amounts or go backwards, even if the system time changes. Its progression will pause when the app is in a suspended state.
Note that the AppTime returned here is simply float; it just has a unique type in the type-checker’s eyes to help prevent it from being accidentally used with time functionality expecting other time types.
- babase.apptimer(time: float, call: Callable[[], Any]) None [source]¶
Schedule a callable object to run based on app-time.
Category: General Utility Functions
This function creates a one-off timer which cannot be canceled or modified once created. If you require the ability to do so, or need a repeating timer, use the babase.AppTimer class instead.
##### Arguments ###### time (float) > Length of time in seconds that the timer will wait before firing.
###### call (Callable[[], Any]) > A callable Python object. Note that the timer will retain a strong reference to the callable for as long as the timer exists, so you may want to look into concepts such as babase.WeakCall if that is not desired.
##### Examples Print some stuff through time: >>> babase.screenmessage(‘hello from now!’) >>> babase.apptimer(1.0, babase.Call(babase.screenmessage,
‘hello from the future!’))
>>> babase.apptimer(2.0, babase.Call(babase.screenmessage, ... 'hello from the future 2!'))
- babase.charstr(char_id: babase.SpecialChar) str [source]¶
Get a unicode string representing a special character.
Category: General Utility Functions
Note that these utilize the private-use block of unicode characters (U+E000-U+F8FF) and are specific to the game; exporting or rendering them elsewhere will be meaningless.
See babase.SpecialChar for the list of available characters.
- babase.clipboard_get_text() str [source]¶
Return text currently on the system clipboard.
Category: General Utility Functions
- Ensure that babase.clipboard_has_text() returns True before calling
this function.
- babase.clipboard_has_text() bool [source]¶
Return whether there is currently text on the clipboard.
Category: General Utility Functions
- This will return False if no system clipboard is available; no need
to call babase.clipboard_is_supported() separately.
- babase.clipboard_is_supported() bool [source]¶
Return whether this platform supports clipboard operations at all.
Category: General Utility Functions
If this returns False, UIs should not show ‘copy to clipboard’ buttons, etc.
- babase.clipboard_set_text(value: str) None [source]¶
Copy a string to the system clipboard.
Category: General Utility Functions
- Ensure that babase.clipboard_is_supported() returns True before adding
buttons/etc. that make use of this functionality.
- babase.commit_app_config() None ¶
Commit the config to persistent storage.
Category: General Utility Functions
- babase.displaytime() babase.DisplayTime [source]¶
Return the current display-time in seconds.
Category: General Utility Functions
Display-time is a time value intended to be used for animation and other visual purposes. It will generally increment by a consistent amount each frame. It will pass at an overall similar rate to AppTime, but trades accuracy for smoothness.
Note that the value returned here is simply a float; it just has a unique type in the type-checker’s eyes to help prevent it from being accidentally used with time functionality expecting other time types.
- babase.displaytimer(time: float, call: Callable[[], Any]) None [source]¶
Schedule a callable object to run based on display-time.
Category: General Utility Functions
This function creates a one-off timer which cannot be canceled or modified once created. If you require the ability to do so, or need a repeating timer, use the babase.DisplayTimer class instead.
Display-time is a time value intended to be used for animation and other visual purposes. It will generally increment by a consistent amount each frame. It will pass at an overall similar rate to AppTime, but trades accuracy for smoothness.
##### Arguments ###### time (float) > Length of time in seconds that the timer will wait before firing.
###### call (Callable[[], Any]) > A callable Python object. Note that the timer will retain a strong reference to the callable for as long as the timer exists, so you may want to look into concepts such as babase.WeakCall if that is not desired.
##### Examples Print some stuff through time: >>> babase.screenmessage(‘hello from now!’) >>> babase.displaytimer(1.0, babase.Call(babase.screenmessage, … ‘hello from the future!’)) >>> babase.displaytimer(2.0, babase.Call(babase.screenmessage, … ‘hello from the future 2!’))
- babase.do_once() bool [source]¶
Return whether this is the first time running a line of code.
Category: General Utility Functions
This is used by ‘print_once()’ type calls to keep from overflowing logs. The call functions by registering the filename and line where The call is made from. Returns True if this location has not been registered already, and False if it has.
##### Example This print will only fire for the first loop iteration: >>> for i in range(10): … if babase.do_once(): … print(‘HelloWorld once from loop!’)
- babase.env() dict [source]¶
Returns a dict containing general info about the operating environment such as version, platform, etc. This info is now exposed through babase.App; refer to those docs for info on specific elements.
- babase.existing(obj: ExistableT | None) ExistableT | None ¶
Convert invalid references to None for any babase.Existable object.
Category: Gameplay Functions
To best support type checking, it is important that invalid references not be passed around and instead get converted to values of None. That way the type checker can properly flag attempts to pass possibly-dead objects (FooType | None) into functions expecting only live ones (FooType), etc. This call can be used on any ‘existable’ object (one with an exists() method) and will convert it to a None value if it does not exist.
For more info, see notes on ‘existables’ here: https://ballistica.net/wiki/Coding-Style-Guide
- babase.fade_screen(to: int = 0, time: float = 0.25, endcall: Callable[[], None] | None = None) None [source]¶
Fade the local game screen in our out from black over a duration of time. if “to” is 0, the screen will fade out to black. Otherwise it will fade in from black. If endcall is provided, it will be run after a completely faded frame is drawn.
- babase.fatal_error(message: str) None [source]¶
Trigger a fatal error. Use this in situations where it is not possible for the engine to continue on in a useful way. This can sometimes help provide more clear information at the exact source of a problem as compared to raising an Exception. In the vast majority of cases, however, Exceptions should be preferred.
- babase.garbage_collect() None ¶
Run an explicit pass of garbage collection.
category: General Utility Functions
May also print warnings/etc. if collection takes too long or if uncollectible objects are found (so use this instead of simply gc.collect().
- babase.get_display_resolution() tuple[int, int] | None [source]¶
Return the currently selected display resolution for fullscreen display. Returns None if resolutions cannot be directly set.
- babase.get_input_idle_time() float [source]¶
Return seconds since any local input occurred (touch, keypress, etc.).
- babase.get_ip_address_type(addr: str) AddressFamily ¶
Return socket.AF_INET6 or socket.AF_INET4 for the provided address.
- babase.get_max_graphics_quality() str [source]¶
Return the max graphics-quality supported on the current hardware.
- babase.get_remote_app_name() babase.Lstr ¶
- babase.get_string_height(string: str, suppress_warning: bool = False) float [source]¶
Given a string, returns its height using the standard small app font.
- babase.get_string_width(string: str, suppress_warning: bool = False) float [source]¶
Given a string, returns its width using the standard small app font.
- babase.get_type_name(cls: type) str ¶
Return a full type name including module for a class.
- babase.get_virtual_safe_area_size() tuple[float, float] [source]¶
Return the size of the area on screen that will always be visible.
- babase.get_virtual_screen_size() tuple[float, float] [source]¶
Return the current virtual size of the display.
- babase.getclass(name: str, subclassof: type[T], check_sdlib_modulename_clash: bool = False) type[T] ¶
Given a full class name such as foo.bar.MyClass, return the class.
Category: General Utility Functions
The class will be checked to make sure it is a subclass of the provided ‘subclassof’ class, and a TypeError will be raised if not.
- babase.getsimplesound(name: str) SimpleSound [source]¶
- babase.handle_leftover_v1_cloud_log_file() None ¶
Handle an un-uploaded v1-cloud-log from a previous run.
- babase.have_permission(permission: babase.Permission) bool [source]¶
- babase.in_logic_thread() bool [source]¶
Returns whether or not the current thread is the logic thread.
Returns whether or not the app-mode is currently in a main menu situation (as opposed to gameplay).
High level call to bring up the main menu if it is not present.
This is essentially the same as pressing the menu button on a controller.
- babase.is_browser_likely_available() bool ¶
Return whether a browser likely exists on the current device.
category: General Utility Functions
If this returns False you may want to avoid calling babase.open_url() with any lengthy addresses. (babase.open_url() will display an address as a string in a window if unable to bring up a browser, but that is only useful for simple URLs.)
- babase.is_os_playing_music() bool [source]¶
Tells whether the OS is currently playing music of some sort.
(Used to determine whether the app should avoid playing its own)
- babase.is_point_in_box(pnt: Sequence[float], box: Sequence[float]) bool ¶
Return whether a given point is within a given box.
category: General Utility Functions
For use with standard def boxes (position|rotate|scale).
- babase.lock_all_input() None [source]¶
Prevents all keyboard, mouse, and gamepad events from being processed.
- babase.music_player_play(files: Any) None [source]¶
Starts internal music file playback (for internal use)
- babase.music_player_set_volume(volume: float) None [source]¶
Sets internal music player volume (for internal use)
- babase.music_player_shutdown() None [source]¶
Finalizes internal music file playback (for internal use)
- babase.music_player_stop() None [source]¶
Stops internal music file playback (for internal use)
- babase.native_stack_trace() str | None [source]¶
Return a native stack trace as a string, or None if not available.
Category: General Utility Functions
Stack traces contain different data and formatting across platforms. Only use them for debugging.
- babase.normalized_color(color: Sequence[float]) tuple[float, ...] ¶
Scale a color so its largest value is 1; useful for coloring lights.
category: General Utility Functions
- babase.open_file_externally(path: str) None [source]¶
Open the provided file in the default external app.
- babase.open_url(address: str, force_fallback: bool = False) None [source]¶
Open the provided URL.
Category: General Utility Functions
Attempts to open the provided url in a web-browser. If that is not possible (or force_fallback is True), instead displays the url as a string and/or qrcode.
- babase.overlay_web_browser_close() bool [source]¶
Close any open overlay web browser.
Category: General Utility Functions
- babase.overlay_web_browser_is_open() bool [source]¶
Return whether an overlay web browser is open currently.
Category: General Utility Functions
- babase.overlay_web_browser_is_supported() bool [source]¶
Return whether an overlay web browser is supported here.
Category: General Utility Functions
An overlay web browser is a small dialog that pops up over the top of the main engine window. It can be used for performing simple tasks such as sign-ins.
- babase.overlay_web_browser_open_url(address: str) None [source]¶
Open the provided URL in an overlayw web browser.
Category: General Utility Functions
An overlay web browser is a small dialog that pops up over the top of the main engine window. It can be used for performing simple tasks such as sign-ins.
- babase.print_error(err_str: str, once: bool = False) None ¶
Print info about an error along with pertinent context state.
Category: General Utility Functions
Prints all positional arguments provided along with various info about the current context. Pass the keyword ‘once’ as True if you want the call to only happen one time from an exact calling location.
- babase.print_exception(*args: Any, **keywds: Any) None ¶
Print info about an exception along with pertinent context state.
Category: General Utility Functions
Prints all arguments provided along with various info about the current context and the outstanding exception. Pass the keyword ‘once’ as True if you want the call to only happen one time from an exact calling location.
- babase.pushcall(call: Callable, from_other_thread: bool = False, suppress_other_thread_warning: bool = False, other_thread_use_fg_context: bool = False, raw: bool = False) None [source]¶
Push a call to the logic event-loop. Category: General Utility Functions
This call expects to be used in the logic thread, and will automatically save and restore the babase.Context to behave seamlessly.
If you want to push a call from outside of the logic thread, however, you can pass ‘from_other_thread’ as True. In this case the call will always run in the UI context_ref on the logic thread or whichever context_ref is in the foreground if other_thread_use_fg_context is True. Passing raw=True will disable thread checks and context_ref sets/restores.
- babase.quit(confirm: bool = False, quit_type: babase.QuitType | None = None) None [source]¶
Quit the app.
Category: General Utility Functions
If ‘confirm’ is True, a confirm dialog will be presented if conditions allow; otherwise the quit will still be immediate. See docs for babase.QuitType for explanations of the optional ‘quit_type’ arg.
- babase.reload_media() None [source]¶
Reload all currently loaded game media; useful for development/debugging.
- babase.request_permission(permission: babase.Permission) None [source]¶
- babase.safecolor(color: Sequence[float], target_intensity: float = 0.6) tuple[float, ...] [source]¶
Given a color tuple, return a color safe to display as text.
Category: General Utility Functions
Accepts tuples of length 3 or 4. This will slightly brighten very dark colors, etc.
- babase.screenmessage(message: str | babase.Lstr, color: Sequence[float] | None = None, log: bool = False) None [source]¶
Print a message to the local client’s screen, in a given color.
Category: General Utility Functions
Note that this version of the function is purely for local display. To broadcast screen messages in network play, look for methods such as broadcastmessage() provided by the scene-version packages.
- babase.set_analytics_screen(screen: str) None [source]¶
Used for analytics to see where in the app players spend their time.
Category: General Utility Functions
Generally called when opening a new window or entering some UI. ‘screen’ should be a string description of an app location (‘Main Menu’, etc.)
- babase.set_thread_name(name: str) None [source]¶
Sets the name of the current thread (on platforms where this is available). EventLoop names are only for debugging and should not be used in logic, as naming behavior can vary across platforms.
- babase.set_ui_input_device(input_device_id: int | None) None [source]¶
Sets the input-device that currently owns the user interface.
- babase.storagename(suffix: str | None = None) str ¶
Generate a unique name for storing class data in shared places.
Category: General Utility Functions
This consists of a leading underscore, the module path at the call site with dots replaced by underscores, the containing class’s qualified name, and the provided suffix. When storing data in public places such as ‘customdata’ dicts, this minimizes the chance of collisions with other similarly named classes.
Note that this will function even if called in the class definition.
##### Examples Generate a unique name for storage purposes: >>> class MyThingie: … # This will give something like … # ‘_mymodule_submodule_mythingie_data’. … _STORENAME = babase.storagename(‘data’) … … # Use that name to store some data in the Activity we were … # passed. … def __init__(self, activity): … activity.customdata[self._STORENAME] = {}
- babase.supports_unicode_display() bool [source]¶
Return whether we can display all unicode characters in the gui.
- babase.timestring(timeval: float | int, centi: bool = True) babase.Lstr ¶
Generate a babase.Lstr for displaying a time value.
Category: General Utility Functions
Given a time value, returns a babase.Lstr with: (hours if > 0 ) : minutes : seconds : (centiseconds if centi=True).
WARNING: the underlying Lstr value is somewhat large so don’t use this to rapidly update Node text values for an onscreen timer or you may consume significant network bandwidth. For that purpose you should use a ‘timedisplay’ Node and attribute connections.
- babase.unlock_all_input() None [source]¶
Resumes normal keyboard, mouse, and gamepad event processing.
- babase.update_internal_logger_levels() None [source]¶
Update the native layer to re-cache Python logger levels.
The native layer caches logger levels so it can efficiently avoid making Python log calls for disabled logger levels. If any logger levels are changed at runtime, call this method after to instruct the native layer to regenerate its cache so the change is properly reflected in logs originating from the native layer.
- babase.utc_now_cloud() datetime.datetime ¶
Returns estimated utc time regardless of local clock settings.
Applies offsets pulled from server communication/etc.
- babase.utf8_all(data: Any) Any ¶
Convert any unicode data in provided sequence(s) to utf8 bytes.
- babase.vec3validate(value: Sequence[float]) Sequence[float] ¶
Ensure a value is valid for use as a Vec3.
category: General Utility Functions
Raises a TypeError exception if not. Valid values include any type of sequence consisting of 3 numeric values. Returns the same value as passed in (but with a definite type so this can be used to disambiguate ‘Any’ types). Generally this should be used in ‘if __debug__’ or assert clauses to keep runtime overhead minimal.
- babase.verify_object_death(obj: object) None ¶
Warn if an object does not get freed within a short period.
Category: General Utility Functions
This can be handy to detect and prevent memory/resource leaks.