Source code for babase._appconfig

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""Provides the AppConfig class."""
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import _babase

    from typing import Any

_g_pending_apply = False  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

class AppConfig(dict):
    """A special dict that holds the game's persistent configuration values.

    Category: **App Classes**

    It also provides methods for fetching values with app-defined fallback
    defaults, applying contained values to the game, and committing the
    config to storage.

    Call babase.appconfig() to get the single shared instance of this class.

    AppConfig data is stored as json on disk on so make sure to only place
    json-friendly values in it (dict, list, str, float, int, bool).
    Be aware that tuples will be quietly converted to lists when stored.

[docs] def resolve(self, key: str) -> Any: """Given a string key, return a config value (type varies). This will substitute application defaults for values not present in the config dict, filter some invalid values, etc. Note that these values do not represent the state of the app; simply the state of its config. Use babase.App to access actual live state. Raises an Exception for unrecognized key names. To get the list of keys supported by this method, use babase.AppConfig.builtin_keys(). Note that it is perfectly legal to store other data in the config; it just needs to be accessed through standard dict methods and missing values handled manually. """ return _babase.resolve_appconfig_value(key)
[docs] def default_value(self, key: str) -> Any: """Given a string key, return its predefined default value. This is the value that will be returned by babase.AppConfig.resolve() if the key is not present in the config dict or of an incompatible type. Raises an Exception for unrecognized key names. To get the list of keys supported by this method, use babase.AppConfig.builtin_keys(). Note that it is perfectly legal to store other data in the config; it just needs to be accessed through standard dict methods and missing values handled manually. """ return _babase.get_appconfig_default_value(key)
[docs] def builtin_keys(self) -> list[str]: """Return the list of valid key names recognized by babase.AppConfig. This set of keys can be used with resolve(), default_value(), etc. It does not vary across platforms and may include keys that are obsolete or not relevant on the current running version. (for instance, VR related keys on non-VR platforms). This is to minimize the amount of platform checking necessary) Note that it is perfectly legal to store arbitrary named data in the config, but in that case it is up to the user to test for the existence of the key in the config dict, fall back to consistent defaults, etc. """ return _babase.get_appconfig_builtin_keys()
[docs] def apply(self) -> None: """Apply config values to the running app. This call is thread-safe and asynchronous; changes will happen in the next logic event loop cycle. """
[docs] def commit(self) -> None: """Commits the config to local storage. Note that this call is asynchronous so the actual write to disk may not occur immediately. """ commit_app_config()
[docs] def apply_and_commit(self) -> None: """Run apply() followed by commit(); for convenience. (This way the commit() will not occur if apply() hits invalid data) """ self.apply() self.commit()
def read_app_config() -> AppConfig: """Read the app config.""" import os import json # NOTE: it is assumed that this only gets called once and the config # object will not change from here on out config_file_path = config_contents = '' try: if os.path.exists(config_file_path): with open(config_file_path, encoding='utf-8') as infile: config_contents = config = AppConfig(json.loads(config_contents)) else: config = AppConfig() except Exception: logging.exception( "Error reading config file '%s' at time %.3f.\n" "Backing up broken config to'%s.broken'.", config_file_path, _babase.apptime(), config_file_path, ) try: import shutil shutil.copyfile(config_file_path, config_file_path + '.broken') except Exception: logging.exception('Error copying broken config.') config = AppConfig() return config def commit_app_config() -> None: """Commit the config to persistent storage. Category: **General Utility Functions** (internal) """ plus = assert plus is not None plus.mark_config_dirty()