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batools.spinoff package

Module contents

A system to wrangle projects spun off from a parent Ballistica project.

Think of this as ‘subclassing’ the project. Spinoff can arbitrarily filter/override/exclude files from the source project such that only a minimal number of additions and changes need to be included in the spinoff project itself.

Spinoff operates by copying or hard-linking source project files in from a git submodule, while also telling git to ignore those same files. At any point, the submodule/core system can be jettisoned to leave a 100% self contained standalone project. To do this, just kill the submodule and remove the ‘spinoff’ section in .gitignore.

class batools.spinoff.SpinoffContext(src_root: str, dst_root: str, mode: Mode, *, force: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, print_full_lists: bool = False, override_paths: list[str] | None = None, backport_file: str | None = None, auto_backport: bool = False, describe_path: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

Guts of the spinoff system.

exception BackportInProgressError[source]

Bases: Exception

Error we can raise to bow out of processing during a backport.

class Mode(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: Enum

Mode the context can operate in.

BACKPORT = 'backport'
CHECK = 'check'
CLEAN = 'clean'
CLEAN_CHECK = 'cleancheck'
CLEAN_LIST = 'cleanlist'
DESCRIBE_PATH = 'describe_path'
DIFF = 'diff'
OVERRIDE = 'override'
STATUS = 'status'
UPDATE = 'update'
default_filter_file(src_path: str, text: str) str[source]

Run default filtering on a file.

default_filter_path(text: str) str[source]

Run default filtering on path text.

default_filter_text(text: str) str[source]

Run default filtering on a piece of text.

classmethod get_active() SpinoffContext[source]

Return the context currently running.

replace_path_components(path: str, replace_src: str, replace_dst: str) str[source]

Replace a path hierarchy with another.

Does the right thing for parents. For instance, src ‘a/b/c’ and dst ‘a2/b2/c2’ will correctly filter ‘a/foo’ to ‘a2/foo’ and ‘a/b/foo’ to ‘a2/b2/foo’.

run() None[source]

Do the thing.

batools.spinoff.spinoff_main() None[source]

Main script entry point.

batools.spinoff.spinoff_test(args: list[str]) None[source]

High level test run command; accepts args and raises CleanErrors.