# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""Functionality related to dynamic discoverability of classes."""
from __future__ import annotations
import os
import time
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from threading import Thread
from functools import partial
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, TypeVar
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import _babase
from typing import Callable
# Meta export lines can use these names to represent these classes.
# This is purely a convenience; it is possible to use full class paths
# instead of these or to make the meta system aware of arbitrary classes.
'plugin': 'babase.Plugin',
# DEPRECATED as of 12/2023. Currently am warning if finding these
# but should take this out eventually.
'keyboard': 'bauiv1.Keyboard',
T = TypeVar('T')
class ScanResults:
"""Final results from a meta-scan."""
exports: dict[str, list[str]] = field(default_factory=dict)
incorrect_api_modules: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
announce_errors_occurred: bool = False
def exports_of_class(self, cls: type) -> list[str]:
"""Return exports of a given class."""
return self.exports.get(f'{cls.__module__}.{cls.__qualname__}', [])
class MetadataSubsystem:
"""Subsystem for working with script metadata in the app.
Category: **App Classes**
Access the single shared instance of this class at 'babase.app.meta'.
def __init__(self) -> None:
self._scan: DirectoryScan | None = None
# Can be populated before starting the scan.
self.extra_scan_dirs: list[str] = []
# Results populated once scan is complete.
self.scanresults: ScanResults | None = None
self._scan_complete_cb: Callable[[], None] | None = None
def _load_exported_classes(
cls: type[T],
completion_cb: Callable[[list[type[T]]], None],
completion_cb_in_bg_thread: bool,
) -> None:
from babase._general import getclass
classes: list[type[T]] = []
classnames = self._wait_for_scan_results().exports_of_class(cls)
for classname in classnames:
classes.append(getclass(classname, cls))
except Exception:
logging.exception('error importing %s', classname)
except Exception:
logging.exception('Error loading exported classes.')
completion_call = partial(completion_cb, classes)
if completion_cb_in_bg_thread:
_babase.pushcall(completion_call, from_other_thread=True)
def _wait_for_scan_results(self) -> ScanResults:
"""Return scan results, blocking if the scan is not yet complete."""
if self.scanresults is None:
if _babase.in_logic_thread():
' called in logic thread before scan completed;'
' this can cause hitches.'
# Now wait a bit for the scan to complete.
# Eventually error though if it doesn't.
starttime = time.time()
while self.scanresults is None:
if time.time() - starttime > 10.0:
raise TimeoutError(
'timeout waiting for meta scan to complete.'
return self.scanresults
def _run_scan_in_bg(self) -> None:
"""Runs a scan (for use in background thread)."""
assert self._scan is not None
results = self._scan.results
self._scan = None
except Exception:
logging.exception('metascan: Error running scan in bg.')
results = ScanResults(announce_errors_occurred=True)
# Place results and tell the logic thread they're ready.
self.scanresults = results
_babase.pushcall(self._handle_scan_results, from_other_thread=True)
def _handle_scan_results(self) -> None:
"""Called in the logic thread with results of a completed scan."""
from babase._language import Lstr
assert _babase.in_logic_thread()
results = self.scanresults
assert results is not None
do_play_error_sound = False
# If we found modules needing to be updated to the newer api version,
# mention that specifically.
if results.incorrect_api_modules:
if len(results.incorrect_api_modules) > 1:
msg = Lstr(
('${PATH}', results.incorrect_api_modules[0]),
str(len(results.incorrect_api_modules) - 1),
('${API}', str(_babase.app.env.api_version)),
msg = Lstr(
('${PATH}', results.incorrect_api_modules[0]),
('${API}', str(_babase.app.env.api_version)),
_babase.screenmessage(msg, color=(1, 0, 0))
do_play_error_sound = True
# Let the user know if there's warning/errors in their log
# they may want to look at.
if results.announce_errors_occurred:
Lstr(resource='scanScriptsErrorText'), color=(1, 0, 0)
do_play_error_sound = True
if do_play_error_sound:
# Let the game know we're done.
assert self._scan_complete_cb is not None
class DirectoryScan:
"""Scans directories for metadata."""
def __init__(self, paths: list[str]):
"""Given one or more paths, parses available meta information.
It is assumed that these paths are also in PYTHONPATH.
It is also assumed that any subdirectories are Python packages.
# Skip non-existent paths completely.
self.base_paths = [Path(p) for p in paths if os.path.isdir(p)]
self.extra_paths: list[Path] = []
self.extra_paths_set = False
self.results = ScanResults()
def set_extras(self, paths: list[str]) -> None:
"""Set extra portion."""
# Skip non-existent paths completely.
self.extra_paths += [Path(p) for p in paths if os.path.isdir(p)]
self.extra_paths_set = True
def run(self) -> None:
"""Do the thing."""
for pathlist in [self.base_paths, self.extra_paths]:
# Spin and wait until extra paths are provided before doing them.
if pathlist is self.extra_paths:
while not self.extra_paths_set:
modules: list[tuple[Path, Path]] = []
for path in pathlist:
self._get_path_module_entries(path, '', modules)
for moduledir, subpath in modules:
self._scan_module(moduledir, subpath)
except Exception:
logging.exception("metascan: Error scanning '%s'.", subpath)
# Sort our results.
for exportlist in self.results.exports.values():
def _get_path_module_entries(
self, path: Path, subpath: str | Path, modules: list[tuple[Path, Path]]
) -> None:
"""Scan provided path and add module entries to provided list."""
fullpath = Path(path, subpath)
# Note: skipping hidden dirs (starting with '.').
entries = [
(path, Path(subpath, name))
for name in os.listdir(fullpath)
if not name.startswith('.')
except PermissionError:
# Expected sometimes.
entries = []
except Exception:
# Unexpected; report this.
logging.exception('metascan: Error in _get_path_module_entries.')
self.results.announce_errors_occurred = True
entries = []
# Now identify python packages/modules out of what we found.
for entry in entries:
if entry[1].name.endswith('.py'):
elif (
Path(entry[0], entry[1]).is_dir()
and Path(entry[0], entry[1], '__init__.py').is_file()
def _scan_module(self, moduledir: Path, subpath: Path) -> None:
"""Scan an individual module and add the findings to results."""
if subpath.name.endswith('.py'):
fpath = Path(moduledir, subpath)
ispackage = False
fpath = Path(moduledir, subpath, '__init__.py')
ispackage = True
with fpath.open(encoding='utf-8') as infile:
flines = infile.readlines()
meta_lines = {
lnum: l[1:].split()
for lnum, l in enumerate(flines)
# Do a simple 'in' check for speed but then make sure its
# also at the beginning of the line. This allows disabling
# meta-lines and avoids false positives from code that
# wrangles them.
if ('# ba_meta' in l and l.strip().startswith('# ba_meta '))
is_top_level = len(subpath.parts) <= 1
required_api = self._get_api_requirement(
subpath, meta_lines, is_top_level
# Top level modules with no discernible api version get ignored.
if is_top_level and required_api is None:
# If we find a module requiring a different api version, warn
# and ignore.
if (
required_api is not None
and required_api != _babase.app.env.api_version
'metascan: %s requires api %s but we are running'
' %s. Ignoring module.',
# Ok; can proceed with a full scan of this module.
self._process_module_meta_tags(subpath, flines, meta_lines)
# If its a package, recurse into its subpackages.
if ispackage:
submodules: list[tuple[Path, Path]] = []
self._get_path_module_entries(moduledir, subpath, submodules)
for submodule in submodules:
if submodule[1].name != '__init__.py':
self._scan_module(submodule[0], submodule[1])
except Exception:
logging.exception('metascan: Error scanning %s.', subpath)
def _module_name_for_subpath(self, subpath: Path) -> str:
# (should not be getting these)
assert '__init__.py' not in str(subpath)
return '.'.join(subpath.parts).removesuffix('.py')
def _process_module_meta_tags(
self, subpath: Path, flines: list[str], meta_lines: dict[int, list[str]]
) -> None:
"""Pull data from a module based on its ba_meta tags."""
for lindex, mline in meta_lines.items():
# meta_lines is just anything containing '# ba_meta '; make sure
# the ba_meta is in the right place.
if mline[0] != 'ba_meta':
# Make an exception for this specific file, otherwise we
# get lots of warnings about ba_meta showing up in weird
# places here.
if subpath.as_posix() != 'babase/_meta.py':
'metascan: %s:%d: malformed ba_meta statement.',
lindex + 1,
self.results.announce_errors_occurred = True
elif (
len(mline) == 4 and mline[1] == 'require' and mline[2] == 'api'
# Ignore 'require api X' lines in this pass.
elif len(mline) != 3 or mline[1] != 'export':
# Currently we only support 'ba_meta export FOO';
# complain for anything else we see.
'metascan: %s:%d: unrecognized ba_meta statement.',
lindex + 1,
self.results.announce_errors_occurred = True
# Looks like we've got a valid export line!
modulename = self._module_name_for_subpath(subpath)
exporttypestr = mline[2]
export_class_name = self._get_export_class_name(
subpath, flines, lindex
if export_class_name is not None:
classname = modulename + '.' + export_class_name
# Migrating away from the 'keyboard' name shortcut
# since it's specific to bauiv1; warn if we find it.
if exporttypestr == 'keyboard':
"metascan: %s:%d: '# ba_meta export"
" keyboard' tag should be replaced by '# ba_meta"
" export bauiv1.Keyboard'.",
lindex + 1,
self.results.announce_errors_occurred = True
# If export type is one of our shortcuts, sub in the
# actual class path. Otherwise assume its a classpath
# itself.
exporttype = EXPORT_CLASS_NAME_SHORTCUTS.get(exporttypestr)
if exporttype is None:
exporttype = exporttypestr
self.results.exports.setdefault(exporttype, []).append(
def _get_export_class_name(
self, subpath: Path, lines: list[str], lindex: int
) -> str | None:
"""Given line num of an export tag, returns its operand class name."""
lindexorig = lindex
classname = None
while True:
lindex += 1
if lindex >= len(lines):
lbits = lines[lindex].split()
if not lbits:
continue # Skip empty lines.
if lbits[0] != 'class':
if len(lbits) > 1:
cbits = lbits[1].split('(')
if len(cbits) > 1 and cbits[0].isidentifier():
classname = cbits[0]
break # Success!
if classname is None:
'metascan: %s:%d: class definition not found below'
" 'ba_meta export' statement.",
lindexorig + 1,
self.results.announce_errors_occurred = True
return classname
def _get_api_requirement(
subpath: Path,
meta_lines: dict[int, list[str]],
toplevel: bool,
) -> int | None:
"""Return an API requirement integer or None if none present.
Malformed api requirement strings will be logged as warnings.
lines = [
for l in meta_lines.values()
if len(l) == 4
and l[0] == 'ba_meta'
and l[1] == 'require'
and l[2] == 'api'
and l[3].isdigit()
# We're successful if we find exactly one properly formatted
# line.
if len(lines) == 1:
return int(lines[0][3])
# Ok; not successful. lets issue warnings for a few error cases.
if len(lines) > 1:
"metascan: %s: multiple '# ba_meta require api <NUM>'"
' lines found; ignoring module.',
self.results.announce_errors_occurred = True
elif not lines and toplevel and meta_lines:
# If we're a top-level module containing meta lines but no
# valid "require api" line found, complain.
"metascan: %s: no valid '# ba_meta require api <NUM>"
' line found; ignoring module.',
self.results.announce_errors_occurred = True
return None