Source code for babase._devconsole

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""Dev-Console functionality."""
from __future__ import annotations

import os
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, override
from dataclasses import dataclass
import logging

import _babase

    from typing import Callable, Any, Literal

class DevConsoleTab:
    """Defines behavior for a tab in the dev-console."""

[docs] def refresh(self) -> None: """Called when the tab should refresh itself."""
[docs] def request_refresh(self) -> None: """The tab can call this to request that it be refreshed.""" _babase.dev_console_request_refresh()
[docs] def button( self, label: str, pos: tuple[float, float], size: tuple[float, float], call: Callable[[], Any] | None = None, h_anchor: Literal['left', 'center', 'right'] = 'center', label_scale: float = 1.0, corner_radius: float = 8.0, style: Literal['normal', 'dark'] = 'normal', ) -> None: """Add a button to the tab being refreshed.""" assert _babase.dev_console_add_button( label, pos[0], pos[1], size[0], size[1], call, h_anchor, label_scale, corner_radius, style, )
[docs] def text( self, text: str, pos: tuple[float, float], h_anchor: Literal['left', 'center', 'right'] = 'center', h_align: Literal['left', 'center', 'right'] = 'center', v_align: Literal['top', 'center', 'bottom', 'none'] = 'center', scale: float = 1.0, ) -> None: """Add a button to the tab being refreshed.""" assert _babase.dev_console_add_text( text, pos[0], pos[1], h_anchor, h_align, v_align, scale )
[docs] def python_terminal(self) -> None: """Add a Python Terminal to the tab being refreshed.""" assert _babase.dev_console_add_python_terminal()
@property def width(self) -> float: """Return the current tab width. Only call during refreshes.""" assert return _babase.dev_console_tab_width() @property def height(self) -> float: """Return the current tab height. Only call during refreshes.""" assert return _babase.dev_console_tab_height() @property def base_scale(self) -> float: """A scale value set depending on the app's UI scale. Dev-console tabs can incorporate this into their UI sizes and positions if they desire. This must be done manually however. """ assert return _babase.dev_console_base_scale() class DevConsoleTabPython(DevConsoleTab): """The Python dev-console tab.""" @override def refresh(self) -> None: self.python_terminal() class DevConsoleTabTest(DevConsoleTab): """Test dev-console tab.""" @override def refresh(self) -> None: import random self.button( f'FLOOP-{random.randrange(200)}', pos=(10, 10), size=(100, 30), h_anchor='left', label_scale=0.6, call=self.request_refresh, ) self.button( f'FLOOP2-{random.randrange(200)}', pos=(120, 10), size=(100, 30), h_anchor='left', label_scale=0.6, style='dark', ) self.text( 'TestText', scale=0.8, pos=(15, 50), h_anchor='left', h_align='left', v_align='none', ) @dataclass class DevConsoleTabEntry: """Represents a distinct tab in the dev-console.""" name: str factory: Callable[[], DevConsoleTab] class DevConsoleSubsystem: """Subsystem for wrangling the dev console. The single instance of this class can be found at The dev-console is a simple always-available UI intended for use by developers; not end users. Traditionally it is available by typing a backtick (`) key on a keyboard, but now can be accessed via an on-screen button (see settings/advanced to enable said button). """ def __init__(self) -> None: # All tabs in the dev-console. Add your own stuff here via # plugins or whatnot. self.tabs: list[DevConsoleTabEntry] = [ DevConsoleTabEntry('Python', DevConsoleTabPython) ] if os.environ.get('BA_DEV_CONSOLE_TEST_TAB', '0') == '1': self.tabs.append(DevConsoleTabEntry('Test', DevConsoleTabTest)) self.is_refreshing = False
[docs] def do_refresh_tab(self, tabname: str) -> None: """Called by the C++ layer when a tab should be filled out.""" assert _babase.in_logic_thread() # FIXME: We currently won't handle multiple tabs with the same # name. We should give a clean error or something in that case. tab: DevConsoleTab | None = None for tabentry in self.tabs: if == tabname: tab = tabentry.factory() break if tab is None: logging.error( 'DevConsole got refresh request for tab' " '%s' which does not exist.", tabname, ) return self.is_refreshing = True try: tab.refresh() finally: self.is_refreshing = False