Source code for bascenev1._session

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""Defines base session class."""
from __future__ import annotations

import math
import weakref
import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import babase

import _bascenev1
from bascenev1._player import Player

    from typing import Sequence, Any

    import bascenev1

# How many seconds someone who left the session (but not the party) must
# wait to rejoin the session again. Intended to prevent game exploits
# such as skipping respawn waits.
_g_player_rejoin_cooldown: float = 0.0

# overrides the session's decision of max_players
_max_players_override: int | None = None

def set_player_rejoin_cooldown(cooldown: float) -> None:
    """Set the cooldown for individual players rejoining after leaving."""
    global _g_player_rejoin_cooldown  # pylint: disable=global-statement
    _g_player_rejoin_cooldown = max(0.0, cooldown)

def set_max_players_override(max_players: int | None) -> None:
    """Set the override for how many players can join a session"""
    global _max_players_override  # pylint: disable=global-statement
    _max_players_override = max_players

class Session:
    """Defines a high level series of bascenev1.Activity-es.

    Category: **Gameplay Classes**

    Examples of sessions are bascenev1.FreeForAllSession,
    bascenev1.DualTeamSession, and bascenev1.CoopSession.

    A Session is responsible for wrangling and transitioning between various
    bascenev1.Activity instances such as mini-games and score-screens, and for
    maintaining state between them (players, teams, score tallies, etc).

    use_teams: bool = False
    """Whether this session groups players into an explicit set of
       teams. If this is off, a unique team is generated for each
       player that joins."""

    use_team_colors: bool = True
    """Whether players on a team should all adopt the colors of that
       team instead of their own profile colors. This only applies if
       use_teams is enabled."""

    # Note: even though these are instance vars, we annotate and document them
    # at the class level so that looks better and nobody get lost while
    # reading large __init__

    lobby: bascenev1.Lobby
    """The baclassic.Lobby instance where new bascenev1.Player-s go to select
       a Profile/Team/etc. before being added to games.
       Be aware this value may be None if a Session does not allow
       any such selection."""

    max_players: int
    """The maximum number of players allowed in the Session."""

    min_players: int
    """The minimum number of players who must be present for the Session
       to proceed past the initial joining screen"""

    sessionplayers: list[bascenev1.SessionPlayer]
    """All bascenev1.SessionPlayers in the Session. Most things should use
       the list of bascenev1.Player-s in bascenev1.Activity; not this. Some
       players, such as those who have not yet selected a character, will
       only be found on this list."""

    customdata: dict
    """A shared dictionary for objects to use as storage on this session.
       Ensure that keys here are unique to avoid collisions."""

    sessionteams: list[bascenev1.SessionTeam]
    """All the bascenev1.SessionTeams in the Session. Most things should
       use the list of bascenev1.Team-s in bascenev1.Activity; not this."""

    def __init__(
        depsets: Sequence[bascenev1.DependencySet],
        team_names: Sequence[str] | None = None,
        team_colors: Sequence[Sequence[float]] | None = None,
        min_players: int = 1,
        max_players: int = 8,
        submit_score: bool = True,
        """Instantiate a session.

        depsets should be a sequence of successfully resolved
        bascenev1.DependencySet instances; one for each bascenev1.Activity
        the session may potentially run.
        # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
        # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
        # pylint: disable=cyclic-import
        # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
        from efro.util import empty_weakref
        from bascenev1._dependency import (
        from bascenev1._lobby import Lobby
        from bascenev1._stats import Stats
        from bascenev1._gameactivity import GameActivity
        from bascenev1._activity import Activity
        from bascenev1._team import SessionTeam

        # First off, resolve all dependency-sets we were passed.
        # If things are missing, we'll try to gather them into a single
        # missing-deps exception if possible to give the caller a clean
        # path to download missing stuff and try again.
        missing_asset_packages: set[str] = set()
        for depset in depsets:
            except DependencyError as exc:
                # Gather/report missing assets only; barf on anything else.
                if all(issubclass(d.cls, AssetPackage) for d in exc.deps):
                    for dep in exc.deps:
                        assert isinstance(dep.config, str)
                    missing_info = [(d.cls, d.config) for d in exc.deps]
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        f'Missing non-asset dependencies: {missing_info}'
                    ) from exc

        # Throw a combined exception if we found anything missing.
        if missing_asset_packages:
            raise DependencyError(
                    Dependency(AssetPackage, set_id)
                    for set_id in missing_asset_packages

        # Ok; looks like our dependencies check out.
        # Now give the engine a list of asset-set-ids to pass along to clients.
        required_asset_packages: set[str] = set()
        for depset in depsets:

        # print('Would set host-session asset-reqs to:',
        # required_asset_packages)

        # Init our C++ layer data.
        self._sessiondata = _bascenev1.register_session(self)

        # Should remove this if possible.
        self.tournament_id: str | None = None

        self.sessionteams = []
        self.sessionplayers = []
        self.min_players = min_players
        self.max_players = (
            if _max_players_override is None
            else _max_players_override
        self.submit_score = submit_score

        self.customdata = {}
        self._in_set_activity = False
        self._next_team_id = 0
        self._activity_retained: bascenev1.Activity | None = None
        self._launch_end_session_activity_time: float | None = None
        self._activity_end_timer: bascenev1.BaseTimer | None = None
        self._activity_weak = empty_weakref(Activity)
        self._next_activity: bascenev1.Activity | None = None
        self._wants_to_end = False
        self._ending = False
        self._activity_should_end_immediately = False
        self._activity_should_end_immediately_results: (
            bascenev1.GameResults | None
        ) = None
        self._activity_should_end_immediately_delay = 0.0

        # Create static teams if we're using them.
        if self.use_teams:
            if team_names is None:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'use_teams is True but team_names not provided.'
            if team_colors is None:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'use_teams is True but team_colors not provided.'
            if len(team_colors) != len(team_names):
                raise RuntimeError(
                    f'Got {len(team_names)} team_names'
                    f' and {len(team_colors)} team_colors;'
                    f' these numbers must match.'
            for i, color in enumerate(team_colors):
                team = SessionTeam(
                self._next_team_id += 1
                    with self.context:
                except Exception:
                    logging.exception('Error in on_team_join for %s.', self)

        self.lobby = Lobby()
        self.stats = Stats()

        # Instantiate our session globals node which will apply its settings.
        self._sessionglobalsnode = _bascenev1.newnode('sessionglobals')

        # Rejoin cooldown stuff.
        self._players_on_wait: dict = {}
        self._player_requested_identifiers: dict = {}
        self._waitlist_timers: dict = {}

    def context(self) -> bascenev1.ContextRef:
        """A context-ref pointing at this activity."""
        return self._sessiondata.context()

    def sessionglobalsnode(self) -> bascenev1.Node:
        """The sessionglobals bascenev1.Node for the session."""
        node = self._sessionglobalsnode
        if not node:
            raise babase.NodeNotFoundError()
        return node

[docs] def should_allow_mid_activity_joins( self, activity: bascenev1.Activity ) -> bool: """Ask ourself if we should allow joins during an Activity. Note that for a join to be allowed, both the Session and Activity have to be ok with it (via this function and the Activity.allow_mid_activity_joins property. """ del activity # Unused. return True
[docs] def on_player_request(self, player: bascenev1.SessionPlayer) -> bool: """Called when a new bascenev1.Player wants to join the Session. This should return True or False to accept/reject. """ # Limit player counts *unless* we're in a stress test. if ( is not None and is None ): if len(self.sessionplayers) >= self.max_players >= 0: # Print a rejection message *only* to the client trying to # join (prevents spamming everyone else in the game). _bascenev1.getsound('error').play() _bascenev1.broadcastmessage( babase.Lstr( resource='playerLimitReachedText', subs=[('${COUNT}', str(self.max_players))], ), color=(0.8, 0.0, 0.0), clients=[player.inputdevice.client_id], transient=True, ) return False # Rejoin cooldown. identifier = player.get_v1_account_id() if identifier: leave_time = self._players_on_wait.get(identifier) if leave_time: diff = str( math.ceil( _g_player_rejoin_cooldown - babase.apptime() + leave_time ) ) _bascenev1.broadcastmessage( babase.Lstr( translate=( 'serverResponses', 'You can join in ${COUNT} seconds.', ), subs=[('${COUNT}', diff)], ), color=(1, 1, 0), clients=[player.inputdevice.client_id], transient=True, ) return False self._player_requested_identifiers[] = identifier _bascenev1.getsound('dripity').play() return True
[docs] def on_player_leave(self, sessionplayer: bascenev1.SessionPlayer) -> None: """Called when a previously-accepted bascenev1.SessionPlayer leaves.""" if sessionplayer not in self.sessionplayers: print( 'ERROR: Session.on_player_leave called' ' for player not in our list.' ) return _bascenev1.getsound('playerLeft').play() activity = self._activity_weak() # Rejoin cooldown. identifier = self._player_requested_identifiers.get( if identifier: self._players_on_wait[identifier] = babase.apptime() with babase.ContextRef.empty(): self._waitlist_timers[identifier] = babase.AppTimer( _g_player_rejoin_cooldown, babase.Call(self._remove_player_from_waitlist, identifier), ) if not sessionplayer.in_game: # Ok, the player is still in the lobby; simply remove them. with self.context: try: self.lobby.remove_chooser(sessionplayer) except Exception: logging.exception('Error in Lobby.remove_chooser().') else: # Ok, they've already entered the game. Remove them from # teams/activities/etc. sessionteam = sessionplayer.sessionteam assert sessionteam is not None _bascenev1.broadcastmessage( babase.Lstr( resource='playerLeftText', subs=[('${PLAYER}', sessionplayer.getname(full=True))], ) ) # Remove them from their SessionTeam. if sessionplayer in sessionteam.players: sessionteam.players.remove(sessionplayer) else: print( 'SessionPlayer not found in SessionTeam' ' in on_player_leave.' ) # Grab their activity-specific player instance. player = sessionplayer.activityplayer assert isinstance(player, (Player, type(None))) # Remove them from any current Activity. if player is not None and activity is not None: if player in activity.players: activity.remove_player(sessionplayer) else: print('Player not found in Activity in on_player_leave.') # If we're a non-team session, remove their team too. if not self.use_teams: self._remove_player_team(sessionteam, activity) # Now remove them from the session list. self.sessionplayers.remove(sessionplayer)
def _remove_player_team( self, sessionteam: bascenev1.SessionTeam, activity: bascenev1.Activity | None, ) -> None: """Remove the player-specific team in non-teams mode.""" # They should have been the only one on their team. assert not sessionteam.players # Remove their Team from the Activity. if activity is not None: if sessionteam.activityteam in activity.teams: activity.remove_team(sessionteam) else: print('Team not found in Activity in on_player_leave.') # And then from the Session. with self.context: if sessionteam in self.sessionteams: try: self.sessionteams.remove(sessionteam) self.on_team_leave(sessionteam) except Exception: logging.exception( 'Error in on_team_leave for Session %s.', self ) else: print('Team no in Session teams in on_player_leave.') try: sessionteam.leave() except Exception: logging.exception( 'Error clearing sessiondata for team %s in session %s.', sessionteam, self, )
[docs] def end(self) -> None: """Initiates an end to the session and a return to the main menu. Note that this happens asynchronously, allowing the session and its activities to shut down gracefully. """ self._wants_to_end = True if self._next_activity is None: self._launch_end_session_activity()
def _launch_end_session_activity(self) -> None: """(internal)""" from bascenev1._activitytypes import EndSessionActivity with self.context: curtime = babase.apptime() if self._ending: # Ignore repeats unless its been a while. assert self._launch_end_session_activity_time is not None since_last = curtime - self._launch_end_session_activity_time if since_last < 30.0: return logging.error( '_launch_end_session_activity called twice (since_last=%s)', since_last, ) self._launch_end_session_activity_time = curtime self.setactivity(_bascenev1.newactivity(EndSessionActivity)) self._wants_to_end = False self._ending = True # Prevent further actions.
[docs] def on_team_join(self, team: bascenev1.SessionTeam) -> None: """Called when a new bascenev1.Team joins the session."""
[docs] def on_team_leave(self, team: bascenev1.SessionTeam) -> None: """Called when a bascenev1.Team is leaving the session."""
[docs] def end_activity( self, activity: bascenev1.Activity, results: Any, delay: float, force: bool, ) -> None: """Commence shutdown of a bascenev1.Activity (if not already occurring). 'delay' is the time delay before the Activity actually ends (in seconds). Further calls to end() will be ignored up until this time, unless 'force' is True, in which case the new results will replace the old. """ # Only pay attention if this is coming from our current activity. if activity is not self._activity_retained: return # If this activity hasn't begun yet, just set it up to end immediately # once it does. if not activity.has_begun(): # activity.set_immediate_end(results, delay, force) if not self._activity_should_end_immediately or force: self._activity_should_end_immediately = True self._activity_should_end_immediately_results = results self._activity_should_end_immediately_delay = delay # The activity has already begun; get ready to end it. else: if (not activity.has_ended()) or force: activity.set_has_ended(True) # Set a timer to set in motion this activity's demise. self._activity_end_timer = _bascenev1.BaseTimer( delay, babase.Call(self._complete_end_activity, activity, results), )
[docs] def handlemessage(self, msg: Any) -> Any: """General message handling; can be passed any message object.""" from bascenev1._lobby import PlayerReadyMessage from bascenev1._messages import PlayerProfilesChangedMessage, UNHANDLED if isinstance(msg, PlayerReadyMessage): self._on_player_ready(msg.chooser) elif isinstance(msg, PlayerProfilesChangedMessage): # If we have a current activity with a lobby, ask it to reload # profiles. with self.context: self.lobby.reload_profiles() return None else: return UNHANDLED return None
class _SetActivityScopedLock: def __init__(self, session: Session) -> None: self._session = session if session._in_set_activity: raise RuntimeError('Session.setactivity() called recursively.') self._session._in_set_activity = True def __del__(self) -> None: self._session._in_set_activity = False
[docs] def setactivity(self, activity: bascenev1.Activity) -> None: """Assign a new current bascenev1.Activity for the session. Note that this will not change the current context to the new Activity's. Code must be run in the new activity's methods (on_transition_in, etc) to get it. (so you can't do session.setactivity(foo) and then bascenev1.newnode() to add a node to foo) """ # Make sure we don't get called recursively. _rlock = self._SetActivityScopedLock(self) if activity.session is not _bascenev1.getsession(): raise RuntimeError("Provided Activity's Session is not current.") # Quietly ignore this if the whole session is going down. if self._ending: return if activity is self._activity_retained: logging.error('Activity set to already-current activity.') return if self._next_activity is not None: raise RuntimeError( 'Activity switch already in progress (to ' + str(self._next_activity) + ')' ) prev_activity = self._activity_retained prev_globals = ( prev_activity.globalsnode if prev_activity is not None else None ) # Let the activity do its thing. activity.transition_in(prev_globals) self._next_activity = activity # If we have a current activity, tell it it's transitioning out; # the next one will become current once this one dies. if prev_activity is not None: prev_activity.transition_out() # Setting this to None should free up the old activity to die, # which will call begin_next_activity. # We can still access our old activity through # self._activity_weak() to keep it up to date on player # joins/departures/etc until it dies. self._activity_retained = None # There's no existing activity; lets just go ahead with the begin call. else: self.begin_next_activity() # We want to call destroy() for the previous activity once it should # tear itself down, clear out any self-refs, etc. After this call # the activity should have no refs left to it and should die (which # will trigger the next activity to run). if prev_activity is not None: with babase.ContextRef.empty(): babase.apptimer( max(0.0, activity.transition_time), prev_activity.expire ) self._in_set_activity = False
[docs] def getactivity(self) -> bascenev1.Activity | None: """Return the current foreground activity for this session.""" return self._activity_weak()
[docs] def get_custom_menu_entries(self) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: """Subclasses can override this to provide custom menu entries. The returned value should be a list of dicts, each containing a 'label' and 'call' entry, with 'label' being the text for the entry and 'call' being the callable to trigger if the entry is pressed. """ return []
def _complete_end_activity( self, activity: bascenev1.Activity, results: Any ) -> None: # Run the subclass callback in the session context. try: with self.context: self.on_activity_end(activity, results) except Exception: logging.error( 'Error in on_activity_end() for session %s' ' activity %s with results %s', self, activity, results, ) def _request_player(self, sessionplayer: bascenev1.SessionPlayer) -> bool: """Called by the native layer when a player wants to join.""" # If we're ending, allow no new players. if self._ending: return False # Ask the bascenev1.Session subclass to approve/deny this request. try: with self.context: result = self.on_player_request(sessionplayer) except Exception: logging.exception('Error in on_player_request for %s.', self) result = False # If they said yes, add the player to the lobby. if result: self.sessionplayers.append(sessionplayer) with self.context: try: self.lobby.add_chooser(sessionplayer) except Exception: logging.exception('Error in lobby.add_chooser().') return result
[docs] def on_activity_end( self, activity: bascenev1.Activity, results: Any ) -> None: """Called when the current bascenev1.Activity has ended. The bascenev1.Session should look at the results and start another bascenev1.Activity. """
[docs] def begin_next_activity(self) -> None: """Called once the previous activity has been totally torn down. This means we're ready to begin the next one """ if self._next_activity is None: # Should this ever happen? logging.error('begin_next_activity() called with no _next_activity') return # We store both a weak and a strong ref to the new activity; # the strong is to keep it alive and the weak is so we can access # it even after we've released the strong-ref to allow it to die. self._activity_retained = self._next_activity self._activity_weak = weakref.ref(self._next_activity) self._next_activity = None self._activity_should_end_immediately = False # Kick out anyone loitering in the lobby. self.lobby.remove_all_choosers_and_kick_players() # Kick off the activity. self._activity_retained.begin(self) # If we want to completely end the session, we can now kick that off. if self._wants_to_end: self._launch_end_session_activity() else: # Otherwise, if the activity has already been told to end, # do so now. if self._activity_should_end_immediately: self._activity_retained.end( self._activity_should_end_immediately_results, self._activity_should_end_immediately_delay, )
def _on_player_ready(self, chooser: bascenev1.Chooser) -> None: """Called when a bascenev1.Player has checked themself ready.""" lobby = chooser.lobby activity = self._activity_weak() # This happens sometimes. That seems like it shouldn't be happening; # when would we have a session and a chooser with players but no # active activity? if activity is None: print('_on_player_ready called with no activity.') return # In joining-activities, we wait till all choosers are ready # and then create all players at once. if activity.is_joining_activity: if not lobby.check_all_ready(): return choosers = lobby.get_choosers() min_players = self.min_players if len(choosers) >= min_players: for lch in lobby.get_choosers(): self._add_chosen_player(lch) lobby.remove_all_choosers() # Get our next activity going. self._complete_end_activity(activity, {}) else: _bascenev1.broadcastmessage( babase.Lstr( resource='notEnoughPlayersText', subs=[('${COUNT}', str(min_players))], ), color=(1, 1, 0), ) _bascenev1.getsound('error').play() # Otherwise just add players on the fly. else: self._add_chosen_player(chooser) lobby.remove_chooser(chooser.getplayer())
[docs] def transitioning_out_activity_was_freed( self, can_show_ad_on_death: bool ) -> None: """(internal)""" # pylint: disable=cyclic-import # Since things should be generally still right now, it's a good time # to run garbage collection to clear out any circular dependency # loops. We keep this disabled normally to avoid non-deterministic # hitches. babase.garbage_collect() assert is not None with self.context: if can_show_ad_on_death: else: babase.pushcall(self.begin_next_activity)
def _add_chosen_player( self, chooser: bascenev1.Chooser ) -> bascenev1.SessionPlayer: from bascenev1._team import SessionTeam sessionplayer = chooser.getplayer() assert sessionplayer in self.sessionplayers, ( 'SessionPlayer not found in session ' 'player-list after chooser selection.' ) activity = self._activity_weak() assert activity is not None # Reset the player's input here, as it is probably # referencing the chooser which could inadvertently keep it alive. sessionplayer.resetinput() # We can pass it to the current activity if it has already begun # (otherwise it'll get passed once begin is called). pass_to_activity = ( activity.has_begun() and not activity.is_joining_activity ) # However, if we're not allowing mid-game joins, don't actually pass; # just announce the arrival and say they'll partake next round. if pass_to_activity: if not ( activity.allow_mid_activity_joins and self.should_allow_mid_activity_joins(activity) ): pass_to_activity = False with self.context: _bascenev1.broadcastmessage( babase.Lstr( resource='playerDelayedJoinText', subs=[ ('${PLAYER}', sessionplayer.getname(full=True)) ], ), color=(0, 1, 0), ) # If we're a non-team session, each player gets their own team. # (keeps mini-game coding simpler if we can always deal with teams). if self.use_teams: sessionteam = chooser.sessionteam else: our_team_id = self._next_team_id self._next_team_id += 1 sessionteam = SessionTeam( team_id=our_team_id, color=chooser.get_color(), name=chooser.getplayer().getname(full=True, icon=False), ) # Add player's team to the Session. self.sessionteams.append(sessionteam) with self.context: try: self.on_team_join(sessionteam) except Exception: logging.exception('Error in on_team_join for %s.', self) # Add player's team to the Activity. if pass_to_activity: activity.add_team(sessionteam) assert sessionplayer not in sessionteam.players sessionteam.players.append(sessionplayer) sessionplayer.setdata( team=sessionteam, character=chooser.get_character_name(), color=chooser.get_color(), highlight=chooser.get_highlight(), ) self.stats.register_sessionplayer(sessionplayer) if pass_to_activity: activity.add_player(sessionplayer) return sessionplayer def _remove_player_from_waitlist(self, identifier: str) -> None: try: self._players_on_wait.pop(identifier) except KeyError: pass