Source code for _bascenev1

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""A dummy stub module for the real _bascenev1.

The real _bascenev1 is a compiled extension module and only available
in the live engine. This dummy-module allows Pylint/Mypy/etc. to
function reasonably well outside of that environment.

Make sure this file is never included in dirs seen by the engine!

In the future perhaps this can be a stub (.pyi) file, but we will need
to make sure that it works with all our tools (mypy, pylint, pycharm).

NOTE: This file was autogenerated by batools.dummymodule; do not edit by hand.

# I'm sorry Pylint. I know this file saddens you. Be strong.
# pylint: disable=useless-suppression
# pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass
# pylint: disable=use-dict-literal
# pylint: disable=use-list-literal
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
# pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
# pylint: disable=unused-import
# pylint: disable=too-many-positional-arguments

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, overload, override, TypeVar

    from typing import Any, Callable, Literal, Sequence
    import babase
    import bascenev1

_T = TypeVar('_T')

[docs] def _uninferrable() -> Any: """Get an "Any" in mypy and "uninferrable" in Pylint.""" # pylint: disable=undefined-variable return _not_a_real_variable # type: ignore
[docs] class ActivityData: """(internal)"""
[docs] def context(self) -> bascenev1.ContextRef: """Return a context-ref pointing to the activity.""" import bascenev1 # pylint: disable=cyclic-import return bascenev1.ContextRef()
[docs] def exists(self) -> bool: """Returns whether the ActivityData still exists. Most functionality will fail on a nonexistent instance. """ return bool()
[docs] def expire(self) -> None: """Expires the internal data for the activity""" return None
[docs] def make_foreground(self) -> None: """Sets this activity as the foreground one in its session.""" return None
[docs] def start(self) -> None: """Begins the activity running""" return None
# noinspection PyShadowingNames
[docs] class BaseTimer: """Timers are used to run code at later points in time. Category: **General Utility Classes** This class encapsulates a base-time timer in the current scene context. The underlying timer will be destroyed when either this object is no longer referenced or when its Context (Activity, etc.) dies. If you do not want to worry about keeping a reference to your timer around, you should use the bascenev1.basetimer() function instead. ###### time (float) > Length of time in seconds that the timer will wait before firing. ###### call (Callable[[], Any]) > A callable Python object. Remember that the timer will retain a strong reference to the callable for as long as it exists, so you may want to look into concepts such as babase.WeakCall if that is not desired. ###### repeat (bool) > If True, the timer will fire repeatedly, with each successive firing having the same delay as the first. ##### Example Use a BaseTimer object to print repeatedly for a few seconds: >>> import bascenev1 as bs ... def say_it(): ... bs.screenmessage('BADGER!') ... def stop_saying_it(): ... global g_timer ... g_timer = None ... bs.screenmessage('MUSHROOM MUSHROOM!') ... # Create our timer; it will run as long as we have the self.t ref. ... g_timer = bs.BaseTimer(0.3, say_it, repeat=True) ... # Now fire off a one-shot timer to kill it. ... bs.basetimer(3.89, stop_saying_it) """ def __init__( self, time: float, call: Callable[[], Any], repeat: bool = False ) -> None: pass
[docs] class CollisionMesh: """A reference to a collision-mesh. Category: **Asset Classes** Use bascenev1.getcollisionmesh() to instantiate one. """ pass
[docs] class Data: """A reference to a data object. Category: **Asset Classes** Use bascenev1.getdata() to instantiate one. """
[docs] def getvalue(self) -> Any: """Return the data object's value. This can consist of anything representable by json (dicts, lists, numbers, bools, None, etc). Note that this call will block if the data has not yet been loaded, so it can be beneficial to plan a short bit of time between when the data object is requested and when it's value is accessed. """ return _uninferrable()
[docs] class InputDevice: """An input-device such as a gamepad, touchscreen, or keyboard. Category: **Gameplay Classes** """ allows_configuring: bool """Whether the input-device can be configured in the app.""" allows_configuring_in_system_settings: bool """Whether the input-device can be configured in the system. setings app. This can be used to redirect the user to go there if they attempt to configure the device.""" has_meaningful_button_names: bool """Whether button names returned by this instance match labels on the actual device. (Can be used to determine whether to show them in controls-overlays, etc.).""" player: bascenev1.SessionPlayer | None """The player associated with this input device.""" client_id: int """The numeric client-id this device is associated with. This is only meaningful for remote client inputs; for all local devices this will be -1.""" name: str """The name of the device.""" unique_identifier: str """A string that can be used to persistently identify the device, even among other devices of the same type. Used for saving prefs, etc.""" id: int """The unique numeric id of this device.""" instance_number: int """The number of this device among devices of the same type.""" is_controller_app: bool """Whether this input-device represents a locally-connected controller-app.""" is_remote_client: bool """Whether this input-device represents a remotely-connected client.""" is_test_input: bool """Whether this input-device is a dummy device for testing.""" def __bool__(self) -> bool: """Support for bool evaluation.""" return bool(True) # Slight obfuscation.
[docs] def detach_from_player(self) -> None: """Detach the device from any player it is controlling. This applies both to local players and remote players. """ return None
[docs] def exists(self) -> bool: """Return whether the underlying device for this object is still present. """ return bool()
[docs] def get_axis_name(self, axis_id: int) -> str: """Given an axis ID, return the name of the axis on this device. Can return an empty string if the value is not meaningful to humans. """ return str()
[docs] def get_button_name(self, button_id: int) -> babase.Lstr: """Given a button ID, return a human-readable name for that key/button. Can return an empty string if the value is not meaningful to humans. """ import babase # pylint: disable=cyclic-import return babase.Lstr(value='')
[docs] def get_default_player_name(self) -> str: """(internal) Returns the default player name for this device. (used for the 'random' profile) """ return str()
[docs] def get_player_profiles(self) -> dict: """(internal)""" return dict()
[docs] def get_v1_account_name(self, full: bool) -> str: """Returns the account name associated with this device. (can be used to get account names for remote players) """ return str()
[docs] def is_attached_to_player(self) -> bool: """Return whether this device is controlling a player of some sort. This can mean either a local player or a remote player. """ return bool()
[docs] class Material: """An entity applied to game objects to modify collision behavior. Category: **Gameplay Classes** A material can affect physical characteristics, generate sounds, or trigger callback functions when collisions occur. Materials are applied to 'parts', which are groups of one or more rigid bodies created as part of a bascenev1.Node. Nodes can have any number of parts, each with its own set of materials. Generally materials are specified as array attributes on the Node. The `spaz` node, for example, has various attributes such as `materials`, `roller_materials`, and `punch_materials`, which correspond to the various parts it creates. Use bascenev1.Material to instantiate a blank material, and then use its babase.Material.add_actions() method to define what the material does. """ def __init__(self, label: str | None = None) -> None: pass label: str """A label for the material; only used for debugging."""
[docs] def add_actions( self, actions: tuple, conditions: tuple | None = None ) -> None: """Add one or more actions to the material, optionally with conditions. ##### Conditions Conditions are provided as tuples which can be combined to form boolean logic. A single condition might look like `('condition_name', cond_arg)`, or a more complex nested one might look like `(('some_condition', cond_arg), 'or', ('another_condition', cond2_arg))`. `'and'`, `'or'`, and `'xor'` are available to chain together 2 conditions, as seen above. ##### Available Conditions ###### `('they_have_material', material)` > Does the part we're hitting have a given bascenev1.Material? ###### `('they_dont_have_material', material)` > Does the part we're hitting not have a given bascenev1.Material? ###### `('eval_colliding')` > Is `'collide'` true at this point in material evaluation? (see the `modify_part_collision` action) ###### `('eval_not_colliding')` > Is 'collide' false at this point in material evaluation? (see the `modify_part_collision` action) ###### `('we_are_younger_than', age)` > Is our part younger than `age` (in milliseconds)? ###### `('we_are_older_than', age)` > Is our part older than `age` (in milliseconds)? ###### `('they_are_younger_than', age)` > Is the part we're hitting younger than `age` (in milliseconds)? ###### `('they_are_older_than', age)` > Is the part we're hitting older than `age` (in milliseconds)? ###### `('they_are_same_node_as_us')` > Does the part we're hitting belong to the same bascenev1.Node as us? ###### `('they_are_different_node_than_us')` > Does the part we're hitting belong to a different bascenev1.Node? ##### Actions In a similar manner, actions are specified as tuples. Multiple actions can be specified by providing a tuple of tuples. ##### Available Actions ###### `('call', when, callable)` > Calls the provided callable; `when` can be either `'at_connect'` or `'at_disconnect'`. `'at_connect'` means to fire when the two parts first come in contact; `'at_disconnect'` means to fire once they cease being in contact. ###### `('message', who, when, message_obj)` > Sends a message object; `who` can be either `'our_node'` or `'their_node'`, `when` can be `'at_connect'` or `'at_disconnect'`, and `message_obj` is the message object to send. This has the same effect as calling the node's babase.Node.handlemessage() method. ###### `('modify_part_collision', attr, value)` > Changes some characteristic of the physical collision that will occur between our part and their part. This change will remain in effect as long as the two parts remain overlapping. This means if you have a part with a material that turns `'collide'` off against parts younger than 100ms, and it touches another part that is 50ms old, it will continue to not collide with that part until they separate, even if the 100ms threshold is passed. Options for attr/value are: `'physical'` (boolean value; whether a *physical* response will occur at all), `'friction'` (float value; how friction-y the physical response will be), `'collide'` (boolean value; whether *any* collision will occur at all, including non-physical stuff like callbacks), `'use_node_collide'` (boolean value; whether to honor modify_node_collision overrides for this collision), `'stiffness'` (float value, how springy the physical response is), `'damping'` (float value, how damped the physical response is), `'bounce'` (float value; how bouncy the physical response is). ###### `('modify_node_collision', attr, value)` > Similar to `modify_part_collision`, but operates at a node-level. collision attributes set here will remain in effect as long as *anything* from our part's node and their part's node overlap. A key use of this functionality is to prevent new nodes from colliding with each other if they appear overlapped; if `modify_part_collision` is used, only the individual parts that were overlapping would avoid contact, but other parts could still contact leaving the two nodes 'tangled up'. Using `modify_node_collision` ensures that the nodes must completely separate before they can start colliding. Currently the only attr available here is `'collide'` (a boolean value). ###### `('sound', sound, volume)` > Plays a bascenev1.Sound when a collision occurs, at a given volume, regardless of the collision speed/etc. ###### `('impact_sound', sound, targetImpulse, volume)` > Plays a sound when a collision occurs, based on the speed of impact. Provide a bascenev1.Sound, a target-impulse, and a volume. ###### `('skid_sound', sound, targetImpulse, volume)` > Plays a sound during a collision when parts are 'scraping' against each other. Provide a bascenev1.Sound, a target-impulse, and a volume. ###### `('roll_sound', sound, targetImpulse, volume)` > Plays a sound during a collision when parts are 'rolling' against each other. Provide a bascenev1.Sound, a target-impulse, and a volume. ##### Examples **Example 1:** create a material that lets us ignore collisions against any nodes we touch in the first 100 ms of our existence; handy for preventing us from exploding outward if we spawn on top of another object: >>> m = bascenev1.Material() ... m.add_actions( ... conditions=(('we_are_younger_than', 100), ... 'or', ('they_are_younger_than', 100)), ... actions=('modify_node_collision', 'collide', False)) **Example 2:** send a bascenev1.DieMessage to anything we touch, but cause no physical response. This should cause any bascenev1.Actor to drop dead: >>> m = bascenev1.Material() ... m.add_actions( ... actions=(('modify_part_collision', 'physical', False), ... ('message', 'their_node', 'at_connect', ... bascenev1.DieMessage()))) **Example 3:** play some sounds when we're contacting the ground: >>> m = bascenev1.Material() ... m.add_actions( ... conditions=('they_have_material', shared.footing_material), ... actions=( ('impact_sound', bascenev1.getsound('metalHit'), 2, 5), ('skid_sound', bascenev1.getsound('metalSkid'), 2, 5))) """ return None
[docs] class Mesh: """A reference to a mesh. Category: **Asset Classes** Meshes are used for drawing. Use bascenev1.getmesh() to instantiate one. """ pass
# noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
[docs] class Node: """Reference to a Node; the low level building block of a game. Category: **Gameplay Classes** At its core, a game is nothing more than a scene of Nodes with attributes getting interconnected or set over time. A bascenev1.Node instance should be thought of as a weak-reference to a game node; *not* the node itself. This means a Node's lifecycle is completely independent of how many Python references to it exist. To explicitly add a new node to the game, use bascenev1.newnode(), and to explicitly delete one, use bascenev1.Node.delete(). babase.Node.exists() can be used to determine if a Node still points to a live node in the game. You can use `ba.Node(None)` to instantiate an invalid Node reference (sometimes used as attr values/etc). """ # Note attributes: # NOTE: I'm just adding *all* possible node attrs here # now now since we have a single bascenev1.Node type; in the # future I hope to create proper individual classes # corresponding to different node types with correct # attributes per node-type. color: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) size: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) position: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) position_center: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) position_forward: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) punch_position: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) punch_velocity: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) velocity: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) name_color: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) tint_color: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) tint2_color: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) text: babase.Lstr | str = '' texture: bascenev1.Texture | None = None tint_texture: bascenev1.Texture | None = None times: Sequence[int] = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) values: Sequence[float] = (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0) offset: float = 0.0 input0: float = 0.0 input1: float = 0.0 input2: float = 0.0 input3: float = 0.0 flashing: bool = False scale: float | Sequence[float] = 0.0 opacity: float = 0.0 loop: bool = False time1: int = 0 time2: int = 0 timemax: int = 0 client_only: bool = False materials: Sequence[bascenev1.Material] = () roller_materials: Sequence[bascenev1.Material] = () name: str = '' punch_materials: Sequence[bascenev1.Material] = () pickup_materials: Sequence[bascenev1.Material] = () extras_material: Sequence[bascenev1.Material] = () rotate: float = 0.0 hold_node: bascenev1.Node | None = None hold_body: int = 0 host_only: bool = False premultiplied: bool = False source_player: bascenev1.Player | None = None mesh_opaque: bascenev1.Mesh | None = None mesh_transparent: bascenev1.Mesh | None = None damage_smoothed: float = 0.0 gravity_scale: float = 1.0 punch_power: float = 0.0 punch_momentum_linear: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) punch_momentum_angular: float = 0.0 rate: int = 0 vr_depth: float = 0.0 is_area_of_interest: bool = False jump_pressed: bool = False pickup_pressed: bool = False punch_pressed: bool = False bomb_pressed: bool = False fly_pressed: bool = False hold_position_pressed: bool = False knockout: float = 0.0 invincible: bool = False stick_to_owner: bool = False damage: int = 0 run: float = 0.0 move_up_down: float = 0.0 move_left_right: float = 0.0 curse_death_time: int = 0 boxing_gloves: bool = False hockey: bool = False use_fixed_vr_overlay: bool = False allow_kick_idle_players: bool = False music_continuous: bool = False music_count: int = 0 hurt: float = 0.0 always_show_health_bar: bool = False mini_billboard_1_texture: bascenev1.Texture | None = None mini_billboard_1_start_time: int = 0 mini_billboard_1_end_time: int = 0 mini_billboard_2_texture: bascenev1.Texture | None = None mini_billboard_2_start_time: int = 0 mini_billboard_2_end_time: int = 0 mini_billboard_3_texture: bascenev1.Texture | None = None mini_billboard_3_start_time: int = 0 mini_billboard_3_end_time: int = 0 boxing_gloves_flashing: bool = False dead: bool = False floor_reflection: bool = False debris_friction: float = 0.0 debris_kill_height: float = 0.0 vr_near_clip: float = 0.0 shadow_ortho: bool = False happy_thoughts_mode: bool = False shadow_offset: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0) paused: bool = False time: int = 0 ambient_color: Sequence[float] = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) camera_mode: str = 'rotate' frozen: bool = False area_of_interest_bounds: Sequence[float] = (-1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1) shadow_range: Sequence[float] = (0, 0, 0, 0) counter_text: str = '' counter_texture: bascenev1.Texture | None = None shattered: int = 0 billboard_texture: bascenev1.Texture | None = None billboard_cross_out: bool = False billboard_opacity: float = 0.0 slow_motion: bool = False music: str = '' vr_camera_offset: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) vr_overlay_center: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) vr_overlay_center_enabled: bool = False vignette_outer: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0) vignette_inner: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0) tint: Sequence[float] = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) def __bool__(self) -> bool: """Support for bool evaluation.""" return bool(True) # Slight obfuscation.
[docs] def add_death_action(self, action: Callable[[], None]) -> None: """Add a callable object to be called upon this node's death. Note that these actions are run just after the node dies, not before. """ return None
[docs] def connectattr(self, srcattr: str, dstnode: Node, dstattr: str) -> None: """Connect one of this node's attributes to an attribute on another node. This will immediately set the target attribute's value to that of the source attribute, and will continue to do so once per step as long as the two nodes exist. The connection can be severed by setting the target attribute to any value or connecting another node attribute to it. ##### Example Create a locator and attach a light to it: >>> light = bascenev1.newnode('light') ... loc = bascenev1.newnode('locator', attrs={'position': (0, 10, 0)}) ... loc.connectattr('position', light, 'position') """ return None
[docs] def delete(self, ignore_missing: bool = True) -> None: """Delete the node. Ignores already-deleted nodes if `ignore_missing` is True; otherwise a bascenev1.NodeNotFoundError is thrown. """ return None
[docs] def exists(self) -> bool: """Returns whether the Node still exists. Most functionality will fail on a nonexistent Node, so it's never a bad idea to check this. Note that you can also use the boolean operator for this same functionality, so a statement such as "if mynode" will do the right thing both for Node objects and values of None. """ return bool()
# Show that ur return type varies based on "doraise" value: @overload def getdelegate( self, type: type[_T], doraise: Literal[False] = False ) -> _T | None: ... @overload def getdelegate(self, type: type[_T], doraise: Literal[True]) -> _T: ...
[docs] def getdelegate(self, type: Any, doraise: bool = False) -> Any: """Return the node's current delegate object if it matches a certain type. If the node has no delegate or it is not an instance of the passed type, then None will be returned. If 'doraise' is True, then an babase.DelegateNotFoundError will be raised instead. """ return None
[docs] def getname(self) -> str: """Return the name assigned to a Node; used mainly for debugging""" return str()
[docs] def getnodetype(self) -> str: """Return the type of Node referenced by this object as a string. (Note this is different from the Python type which is always bascenev1.Node) """ return str()
[docs] def handlemessage(self, *args: Any) -> None: """General message handling; can be passed any message object. All standard message objects are forwarded along to the bascenev1.Node's delegate for handling (generally the bascenev1.Actor that made the node). bascenev1.Node-s are unique, however, in that they can be passed a second form of message; 'node-messages'. These consist of a string type-name as a first argument along with the args specific to that type name as additional arguments. Node-messages communicate directly with the low-level node layer and are delivered simultaneously on all game clients, acting as an alternative to setting node attributes. """ return None
[docs] class SessionData: """(internal)"""
[docs] def context(self) -> bascenev1.ContextRef: """Return a context-ref pointing to the session.""" import bascenev1 # pylint: disable=cyclic-import return bascenev1.ContextRef()
[docs] def exists(self) -> bool: """Returns whether the SessionData still exists. Most functionality will fail on a nonexistent instance. """ return bool()
# noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
[docs] class SessionPlayer: """A reference to a player in the bascenev1.Session. Category: **Gameplay Classes** These are created and managed internally and provided to your bascenev1.Session/bascenev1.Activity instances. Be aware that, like `ba.Node`s, bascenev1.SessionPlayer objects are 'weak' references under-the-hood; a player can leave the game at any point. For this reason, you should make judicious use of the babase.SessionPlayer.exists() method (or boolean operator) to ensure that a SessionPlayer is still present if retaining references to one for any length of time. """ id: int """The unique numeric ID of the Player. Note that you can also use the boolean operator for this same functionality, so a statement such as "if player" will do the right thing both for Player objects and values of None.""" in_game: bool """This bool value will be True once the Player has completed any lobby character/team selection.""" sessionteam: bascenev1.SessionTeam """The bascenev1.SessionTeam this Player is on. If the SessionPlayer is still in its lobby selecting a team/etc. then a bascenev1.SessionTeamNotFoundError will be raised.""" inputdevice: bascenev1.InputDevice """The input device associated with the player.""" color: Sequence[float] """The base color for this Player. In team games this will match the bascenev1.SessionTeam's color.""" highlight: Sequence[float] """A secondary color for this player. This is used for minor highlights and accents to allow a player to stand apart from his teammates who may all share the same team (primary) color.""" character: str """The character this player has selected in their profile.""" activityplayer: bascenev1.Player | None """The current game-specific instance for this player.""" def __bool__(self) -> bool: """Support for bool evaluation.""" return bool(True) # Slight obfuscation.
[docs] def assigninput( self, type: bascenev1.InputType | tuple[bascenev1.InputType, ...], call: Callable, ) -> None: """Set the python callable to be run for one or more types of input.""" return None
[docs] def exists(self) -> bool: """Return whether the underlying player is still in the game.""" return bool()
[docs] def get_icon(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Returns the character's icon (images, colors, etc contained in a dict. """ return {'foo': 'bar'}
[docs] def get_icon_info(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """(internal)""" return {'foo': 'bar'}
[docs] def get_v1_account_id(self) -> str: """Return the V1 Account ID this player is signed in under, if there is one and it can be determined with relative certainty. Returns None otherwise. Note that this may require an active internet connection (especially for network-connected players) and may return None for a short while after a player initially joins (while verification occurs). """ return str()
[docs] def getname(self, full: bool = False, icon: bool = True) -> str: """Returns the player's name. If icon is True, the long version of the name may include an icon. """ return str()
[docs] def remove_from_game(self) -> None: """Removes the player from the game.""" return None
[docs] def resetinput(self) -> None: """Clears out the player's assigned input actions.""" return None
[docs] def set_icon_info( self, texture: str, tint_texture: str, tint_color: Sequence[float], tint2_color: Sequence[float], ) -> None: """(internal)""" return None
[docs] def setactivity(self, activity: bascenev1.Activity | None) -> None: """(internal)""" return None
[docs] def setdata( self, team: bascenev1.SessionTeam, character: str, color: Sequence[float], highlight: Sequence[float], ) -> None: """(internal)""" return None
[docs] def setname( self, name: str, full_name: str | None = None, real: bool = True ) -> None: """Set the player's name to the provided string. A number will automatically be appended if the name is not unique from other players. """ return None
[docs] def setnode(self, node: bascenev1.Node | None) -> None: """(internal)""" return None
[docs] class Sound: """A reference to a sound. Category: **Asset Classes** Use bascenev1.getsound() to instantiate one. """
[docs] def play( self, volume: float = 1.0, position: Sequence[float] | None = None, host_only: bool = False, ) -> None: """Play the sound a single time. Category: **Gameplay Functions** If position is not provided, the sound will be at a constant volume everywhere. Position should be a float tuple of size 3. """ return None
[docs] class Texture: """A reference to a texture. Category: **Asset Classes** Use bascenev1.gettexture() to instantiate one. """ pass
# noinspection PyShadowingNames
[docs] class Timer: """Timers are used to run code at later points in time. Category: **General Utility Classes** This class encapsulates a scene-time timer in the current bascenev1.Context. The underlying timer will be destroyed when either this object is no longer referenced or when its Context (Activity, etc.) dies. If you do not want to worry about keeping a reference to your timer around, you should use the bs.timer() function instead. Scene time maps to local simulation time in bascenev1.Activity or bascenev1.Session Contexts. This means that it may progress slower in slow-motion play modes, stop when the game is paused, etc. ###### time > Length of time (in seconds by default) that the timer will wait before firing. Note that the actual delay experienced may vary depending on the timetype. (see below) ###### call > A callable Python object. Note that the timer will retain a strong reference to the callable for as long as it exists, so you may want to look into concepts such as babase.WeakCall if that is not desired. ###### repeat > If True, the timer will fire repeatedly, with each successive firing having the same delay as the first. ##### Example Use a Timer object to print repeatedly for a few seconds: >>> import bascenev1 as bs ... def say_it(): ... bs.screenmessage('BADGER!') ... def stop_saying_it(): ... global g_timer ... g_timer = None ... bs.screenmessage('MUSHROOM MUSHROOM!') ... # Create our timer; it will run as long as we have the self.t ref. ... g_timer = bs.Timer(0.3, say_it, repeat=True) ... # Now fire off a one-shot timer to kill it. ... bs.timer(3.89, stop_saying_it) """ def __init__( self, time: float, call: Callable[[], Any], repeat: bool = False ) -> None: pass
[docs] def basetime() -> bascenev1.BaseTime: """Return the base-time in seconds for the current scene-v1 context. Category: **General Utility Functions** Base-time is a time value that progresses at a constant rate for a scene, even when the scene is sped up, slowed down, or paused. It may, however, speed up or slow down due to replay speed adjustments or may slow down if the cpu is overloaded. Note that the value returned here is simply a float; it just has a unique type in the type-checker's eyes to help prevent it from being accidentally used with time functionality expecting other time types. """ import bascenev1 # pylint: disable=cyclic-import return bascenev1.BaseTime(0.0)
# noinspection PyShadowingNames # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
[docs] def basetimer( time: float, call: Callable[[], Any], repeat: bool = False ) -> None: """Schedule a call to run at a later point in scene base-time. Base-time is a value that progresses at a constant rate for a scene, even when the scene is sped up, slowed down, or paused. It may, however, speed up or slow down due to replay speed adjustments or may slow down if the cpu is overloaded. Category: **General Utility Functions** This function adds a timer to the current scene context. This timer cannot be canceled or modified once created. If you require the ability to do so, use the bascenev1.BaseTimer class instead. ##### Arguments ###### time (float) > Length of time in seconds that the timer will wait before firing. ###### call (Callable[[], Any]) > A callable Python object. Remember that the timer will retain a strong reference to the callable for the duration of the timer, so you may want to look into concepts such as babase.WeakCall if that is not desired. ###### repeat (bool) > If True, the timer will fire repeatedly, with each successive firing having the same delay as the first. ##### Examples Print some stuff through time: >>> import bascenev1 as bs >>> bs.screenmessage('hello from now!') >>> bs.basetimer(1.0, bs.Call(bs.screenmessage, 'hello from the future!')) >>> bs.basetimer(2.0, bs.Call(bs.screenmessage, ... 'hello from the future 2!')) """ return None
[docs] def broadcastmessage( message: str | babase.Lstr, color: Sequence[float] | None = None, top: bool = False, image: dict[str, Any] | None = None, log: bool = False, clients: Sequence[int] | None = None, transient: bool = False, ) -> None: """Broadcast a screen-message to clients in the current session. Category: **General Utility Functions** If 'top' is True, the message will go to the top message area. For 'top' messages, 'image' must be a dict containing 'texture' and 'tint_texture' textures and 'tint_color' and 'tint2_color' colors. This defines an icon to display alongside the message. If 'log' is True, the message will also be submitted to the log. 'clients' can be a list of client-ids the message should be sent to, or None to specify that everyone should receive it. If 'transient' is True, the message will not be included in the game-stream and thus will not show up when viewing replays. Currently the 'clients' option only works for transient messages. """ return None
[docs] def camerashake(intensity: float = 1.0) -> None: """Shake the camera. Category: **Gameplay Functions** Note that some cameras and/or platforms (such as VR) may not display camera-shake, so do not rely on this always being visible to the player as a gameplay cue. """ return None
[docs] def capture_gamepad_input(call: Callable[[dict], None]) -> None: """(internal) Add a callable to be called for subsequent gamepad events. The method is passed a dict containing info about the event. """ return None
[docs] def capture_keyboard_input(call: Callable[[dict], None]) -> None: """(internal) Add a callable to be called for subsequent keyboard-game-pad events. The method is passed a dict containing info about the event. """ return None
[docs] def chatmessage( message: str | babase.Lstr, clients: Sequence[int] | None = None, sender_override: str | None = None, ) -> None: """(internal)""" return None
[docs] def client_info_query_response(token: str, response: Any) -> None: """(internal)""" return None
[docs] def connect_to_party( address: str, port: int | None = None, print_progress: bool = True ) -> None: """(internal)""" return None
[docs] def disconnect_client(client_id: int, ban_time: int = 300) -> bool: """(internal)""" return bool()
[docs] def disconnect_from_host() -> None: """(internal) Category: General Utility Functions """ return None
[docs] def emitfx( position: Sequence[float], velocity: Sequence[float] | None = None, count: int = 10, scale: float = 1.0, spread: float = 1.0, chunk_type: str = 'rock', emit_type: str = 'chunks', tendril_type: str = 'smoke', ) -> None: """Emit particles, smoke, etc. into the fx sim layer. Category: **Gameplay Functions** The fx sim layer is a secondary dynamics simulation that runs in the background and just looks pretty; it does not affect gameplay. Note that the actual amount emitted may vary depending on graphics settings, exiting element counts, or other factors. """ return None
[docs] def end_host_scanning() -> None: """(internal) Category: General Utility Functions """ return None
[docs] def get_chat_messages() -> list[str]: """(internal)""" return ['blah', 'blah2']
[docs] def get_client_public_device_uuid(client_id: int) -> str | None: """(internal) Category: General Utility Functions Return a public device UUID for a client. If the client does not exist or is running a version older than 1.6.10, returns None. Public device UUID uniquely identifies the device the client is using in a semi-permanent way. The UUID value will change periodically with updates to the game or operating system. """ return ''
[docs] def get_collision_info(*args: Any) -> Any: """Return collision related values Category: **Gameplay Functions** Returns a single collision value or tuple of values such as location, depth, nodes involved, etc. Only call this in the handler of a collision-triggered callback or message """ return _uninferrable()
[docs] def get_configurable_game_pads() -> list: """(internal) Returns a list of the currently connected gamepads that can be configured. """ return list()
[docs] def get_connection_to_host_info() -> dict: """(internal)""" return dict()
[docs] def get_connection_to_host_info_2() -> bascenev1.HostInfo | None: """Return info about the host we are currently connected to.""" import bascenev1 # pylint: disable=cyclic-import return bascenev1.HostInfo('dummyname', -1, 'dummy_addr', -1)
[docs] def get_foreground_host_activity() -> bascenev1.Activity | None: """(internal) Returns the bascenev1.Activity currently in the foreground, or None if there is none. """ import bascenev1 # pylint: disable=cyclic-import return bascenev1.Activity(settings={})
[docs] def get_foreground_host_session() -> bascenev1.Session | None: """(internal) Return the bascenev1.Session currently being displayed, or None if there is none. """ import bascenev1 # pylint: disable=cyclic-import return bascenev1.Session([])
[docs] def get_game_port() -> int: """(internal) Return the port ballistica is hosting on. """ return int()
[docs] def get_game_roster() -> list[dict[str, Any]]: """(internal)""" return [{'foo': 'bar'}]
[docs] def get_local_active_input_devices_count() -> int: """(internal)""" return int()
[docs] def get_package_collision_mesh( package: bascenev1.AssetPackage, name: str ) -> bascenev1.CollisionMesh: """(internal)""" import bascenev1 # pylint: disable=cyclic-import return bascenev1.CollisionMesh()
[docs] def get_package_data( package: bascenev1.AssetPackage, name: str ) -> bascenev1.Data: """(internal).""" import bascenev1 # pylint: disable=cyclic-import return bascenev1.Data()
[docs] def get_package_mesh( package: bascenev1.AssetPackage, name: str ) -> bascenev1.Mesh: """(internal)""" import bascenev1 # pylint: disable=cyclic-import return bascenev1.Mesh()
[docs] def get_package_sound( package: bascenev1.AssetPackage, name: str ) -> bascenev1.Sound: """(internal).""" import bascenev1 # pylint: disable=cyclic-import return bascenev1.Sound()
[docs] def get_package_texture( package: bascenev1.AssetPackage, name: str ) -> bascenev1.Texture: """(internal)""" import bascenev1 # pylint: disable=cyclic-import return bascenev1.Texture()
[docs] def get_public_party_enabled() -> bool: """(internal)""" return bool()
[docs] def get_public_party_max_size() -> int: """(internal)""" return int()
[docs] def get_random_names() -> list: """(internal) Returns the random names used by the game. """ return list()
[docs] def get_replay_speed_exponent() -> int: """(internal) Returns current replay speed value. Actual displayed speed is pow(2,speed). """ return int()
[docs] def get_ui_input_device() -> bascenev1.InputDevice | None: """(internal) Returns the input-device that currently owns the user interface, or None if there is none. """ return InputDevice()
# Show that our return type varies based on "doraise" value: @overload def getactivity(doraise: Literal[True] = True) -> bascenev1.Activity: ... @overload def getactivity(doraise: Literal[False]) -> bascenev1.Activity | None: ...
[docs] def getactivity(doraise: bool = True) -> bascenev1.Activity | None: """Return the current bascenev1.Activity instance. Category: **Gameplay Functions** Note that this is based on context_ref; thus code run in a timer generated in Activity 'foo' will properly return 'foo' here, even if another Activity has since been created or is transitioning in. If there is no current Activity, raises a babase.ActivityNotFoundError. If doraise is False, None will be returned instead in that case. """ return None
[docs] def getcollisionmesh(name: str) -> bascenev1.CollisionMesh: """Return a collision-mesh, loading it if necessary. Category: **Asset Functions** Collision-meshes are used in physics calculations for such things as terrain. Note that this function returns immediately even if the asset has yet to be loaded. To avoid hitches, instantiate your asset objects in advance of when you will be using them, allowing time for them to load in the background if necessary. """ import bascenev1 # pylint: disable=cyclic-import return bascenev1.CollisionMesh()
[docs] def getdata(name: str) -> bascenev1.Data: """Return a data, loading it if necessary. Category: **Asset Functions** Note that this function returns immediately even if the asset has yet to be loaded. To avoid hitches, instantiate your asset objects in advance of when you will be using them, allowing time for them to load in the background if necessary. """ import bascenev1 # pylint: disable=cyclic-import return bascenev1.Data()
# Show that our return type varies based on "doraise" value: @overload def getinputdevice( name: str, unique_id: str, doraise: Literal[True] = True ) -> bascenev1.InputDevice: ... @overload def getinputdevice( name: str, unique_id: str, doraise: Literal[False] ) -> bascenev1.InputDevice | None: ...
[docs] def getinputdevice(name: str, unique_id: str, doraise: bool = True) -> Any: """(internal) Given a type name and a unique identifier, returns an InputDevice. Throws an Exception if the input-device is not found, or returns None if 'doraise' is False. """ return None
[docs] def getmesh(name: str) -> bascenev1.Mesh: """Return a mesh, loading it if necessary. Category: **Asset Functions** Note that this function returns immediately even if the asset has yet to be loaded. To avoid hitches, instantiate your asset objects in advance of when you will be using them, allowing time for them to load in the background if necessary. """ import bascenev1 # pylint: disable=cyclic-import return bascenev1.Mesh()
[docs] def getnodes() -> list: """Return all nodes in the current bascenev1.Context. Category: **Gameplay Functions** """ return list()
# Show that our return type varies based on "doraise" value: @overload def getsession(doraise: Literal[True] = True) -> bascenev1.Session: ... @overload def getsession(doraise: Literal[False]) -> bascenev1.Session | None: ...
[docs] def getsession(doraise: bool = True) -> bascenev1.Session | None: """Category: **Gameplay Functions** Returns the current bascenev1.Session instance. Note that this is based on context_ref; thus code being run in the UI context will return the UI context_ref here even if a game Session also exists, etc. If there is no current Session, an Exception is raised, or if doraise is False then None is returned instead. """ return None
[docs] def getsound(name: str) -> bascenev1.Sound: """Return a sound, loading it if necessary. Category: **Asset Functions** Note that this function returns immediately even if the asset has yet to be loaded. To avoid hitches, instantiate your asset objects in advance of when you will be using them, allowing time for them to load in the background if necessary. """ import bascenev1 # pylint: disable=cyclic-import return bascenev1.Sound()
[docs] def gettexture(name: str) -> bascenev1.Texture: """Return a texture, loading it if necessary. Category: **Asset Functions** Note that this function returns immediately even if the asset has yet to be loaded. To avoid hitches, instantiate your asset objects in advance of when you will be using them, allowing time for them to load in the background if necessary. """ import bascenev1 # pylint: disable=cyclic-import return bascenev1.Texture()
[docs] def have_connected_clients() -> bool: """(internal) Category: General Utility Functions """ return bool()
[docs] def have_touchscreen_input() -> bool: """(internal) Returns whether or not a touch-screen input is present """ return bool()
[docs] def host_scan_cycle() -> list: """(internal)""" return list()
[docs] def is_in_replay() -> bool: """(internal)""" return bool()
[docs] def is_replay_paused() -> bool: """(internal) Returns if Replay is paused or not. """ return bool()
[docs] def ls_input_devices() -> None: """Print debugging info about game objects. Category: **General Utility Functions** This call only functions in debug builds of the game. It prints various info about the current object count, etc. """ return None
[docs] def ls_objects() -> None: """Log debugging info about C++ level objects. Category: **General Utility Functions** This call only functions in debug builds of the game. It prints various info about the current object count, etc. """ return None
[docs] def new_host_session( sessiontype: type[bascenev1.Session], benchmark_type: str | None = None ) -> None: """(internal)""" return None
[docs] def new_replay_session(file_name: str) -> None: """(internal)""" return None
[docs] def newactivity( activity_type: type[bascenev1.Activity], settings: dict | None = None ) -> bascenev1.Activity: """Instantiates a bascenev1.Activity given a type object. Category: **General Utility Functions** Activities require special setup and thus cannot be directly instantiated; you must go through this function. """ import bascenev1 # pylint: disable=cyclic-import return bascenev1.Activity(settings={})
# noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
[docs] def newnode( type: str, owner: bascenev1.Node | None = None, attrs: dict | None = None, name: str | None = None, delegate: Any = None, ) -> bascenev1.Node: """Add a node of the given type to the game. Category: **Gameplay Functions** If a dict is provided for 'attributes', the node's initial attributes will be set based on them. 'name', if provided, will be stored with the node purely for debugging purposes. If no name is provided, an automatic one will be generated such as ''. If 'delegate' is provided, Python messages sent to the node will go to that object's handlemessage() method. Note that the delegate is stored as a weak-ref, so the node itself will not keep the object alive. if 'owner' is provided, the node will be automatically killed when that object dies. 'owner' can be another node or a bascenev1.Actor """ import bascenev1 # pylint: disable=cyclic-import return bascenev1.Node()
[docs] def pause_replay() -> None: """(internal) Pauses replay. """ return None
[docs] def printnodes() -> None: """Print various info about existing nodes; useful for debugging. Category: **Gameplay Functions** """ return None
[docs] def protocol_version() -> int: """(internal)""" return int()
[docs] def register_activity(activity: bascenev1.Activity) -> bascenev1.ActivityData: """(internal)""" import bascenev1 # pylint: disable=cyclic-import return bascenev1.ActivityData()
[docs] def register_session(session: bascenev1.Session) -> bascenev1.SessionData: """(internal)""" import bascenev1 # pylint: disable=cyclic-import return bascenev1.SessionData()
[docs] def release_gamepad_input() -> None: """(internal) Resumes normal gamepad event processing. """ return None
[docs] def release_keyboard_input() -> None: """(internal) Resumes normal keyboard event processing. """ return None
[docs] def reset_random_player_names() -> None: """(internal)""" return None
[docs] def resume_replay() -> None: """(internal) Resumes replay. """ return None
[docs] def seek_replay(delta: float) -> None: """(internal) Rewind or fast-forward replay. """ return None
[docs] def set_admins(admins: list[str]) -> None: """(internal)""" return None
[docs] def set_authenticate_clients(enable: bool) -> None: """(internal)""" return None
[docs] def set_debug_speed_exponent(speed: int) -> None: """(internal) Sets the debug speed scale for the game. Actual speed is pow(2,speed). """ return None
[docs] def set_enable_default_kick_voting(enable: bool) -> None: """(internal)""" return None
[docs] def set_internal_music( music: babase.SimpleSound | None, volume: float = 1.0, loop: bool = True ) -> None: """(internal).""" return None
[docs] def set_map_bounds( bounds: tuple[float, float, float, float, float, float] ) -> None: """(internal) Set map bounds. Generally nodes that go outside of this box are killed. """ return None
[docs] def set_master_server_source(source: int) -> None: """(internal)""" return None
[docs] def set_public_party_enabled(enabled: bool) -> None: """(internal)""" return None
[docs] def set_public_party_max_size(max_size: int) -> None: """(internal)""" return None
[docs] def set_public_party_name(name: str) -> None: """(internal)""" return None
[docs] def set_public_party_public_address_ipv4(address: str | None) -> None: """(internal)""" return None
[docs] def set_public_party_public_address_ipv6(address: str | None) -> None: """(internal)""" return None
[docs] def set_public_party_queue_enabled(max_size: bool) -> None: """(internal)""" return None
[docs] def set_public_party_stats_url(url: str | None) -> None: """(internal)""" return None
[docs] def set_replay_speed_exponent(speed: int) -> None: """(internal) Set replay speed. Actual displayed speed is pow(2, speed). """ return None
[docs] def set_touchscreen_editing(editing: bool) -> None: """(internal)""" return None
[docs] def time() -> bascenev1.Time: """Return the current scene time in seconds. Category: **General Utility Functions** Scene time maps to local simulation time in bascenev1.Activity or bascenev1.Session Contexts. This means that it may progress slower in slow-motion play modes, stop when the game is paused, etc. Note that the value returned here is simply a float; it just has a unique type in the type-checker's eyes to help prevent it from being accidentally used with time functionality expecting other time types. """ import bascenev1 # pylint: disable=cyclic-import return bascenev1.Time(0.0)
# noinspection PyShadowingNames
[docs] def timer(time: float, call: Callable[[], Any], repeat: bool = False) -> None: """Schedule a call to run at a later point in time. Category: **General Utility Functions** This function adds a scene-time timer to the current babase.Context. This timer cannot be canceled or modified once created. If you require the ability to do so, use the babase.Timer class instead. Scene time maps to local simulation time in bascenev1.Activity or bascenev1.Session Contexts. This means that it may progress slower in slow-motion play modes, stop when the game is paused, etc. ##### Arguments ###### time (float) > Length of scene time in seconds that the timer will wait before firing. ###### call (Callable[[], Any]) > A callable Python object. Note that the timer will retain a strong reference to the callable for as long as it exists, so you may want to look into concepts such as babase.WeakCall if that is not desired. ###### repeat (bool) > If True, the timer will fire repeatedly, with each successive firing having the same delay as the first. ##### Examples Print some stuff through time: >>> import bascenev1 as bs >>> bs.screenmessage('hello from now!') >>> bs.timer(1.0, bs.Call(bs.screenmessage, 'hello from the future!')) >>> bs.timer(2.0, bs.Call(bs.screenmessage, ... 'hello from the future 2!')) """ return None