Source code for bascenev1._teamgame

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""Functionality related to team games."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, TypeVar, override

import babase

import _bascenev1
from bascenev1._freeforallsession import FreeForAllSession
from bascenev1._gameactivity import GameActivity
from bascenev1._gameresults import GameResults
from bascenev1._dualteamsession import DualTeamSession

    from typing import Any, Sequence

    from import PlayerSpaz

    import bascenev1

PlayerT = TypeVar('PlayerT', bound='bascenev1.Player')
TeamT = TypeVar('TeamT', bound='bascenev1.Team')

class TeamGameActivity(GameActivity[PlayerT, TeamT]):
    """Base class for teams and free-for-all mode games.

    Category: **Gameplay Classes**

    (Free-for-all is essentially just a special case where every
    bascenev1.Player has their own bascenev1.Team)

[docs] @override @classmethod def supports_session_type( cls, sessiontype: type[bascenev1.Session] ) -> bool: """ Class method override; returns True for ba.DualTeamSessions and ba.FreeForAllSessions; False otherwise. """ return issubclass(sessiontype, DualTeamSession) or issubclass( sessiontype, FreeForAllSession )
def __init__(self, settings: dict): super().__init__(settings) # By default we don't show kill-points in free-for-all sessions. # (there's usually some activity-specific score and we don't # wanna confuse things) if isinstance(self.session, FreeForAllSession): self.show_kill_points = False
[docs] @override def on_transition_in(self) -> None: # pylint: disable=cyclic-import from bascenev1._coopsession import CoopSession from import ControlsGuide super().on_transition_in() # On the first game, show the controls UI momentarily. # (unless we're being run in co-op mode, in which case we leave # it up to them) if not isinstance(self.session, CoopSession) and getattr( self, 'show_controls_guide', True ): attrname = '_have_shown_ctrl_help_overlay' if not getattr(self.session, attrname, False): delay = 4.0 lifespan = 10.0 if self.slow_motion: lifespan *= 0.3 ControlsGuide( delay=delay, lifespan=lifespan, scale=0.8, position=(380, 200), bright=True, ).autoretain() setattr(self.session, attrname, True)
[docs] @override def on_begin(self) -> None: super().on_begin() try: # Award a few (classic) achievements. if isinstance(self.session, FreeForAllSession): if len(self.players) >= 2: if is not None: 'Free Loader' ) elif isinstance(self.session, DualTeamSession): if len(self.players) >= 4: if is not None: 'Team Player' ) except Exception: logging.exception('Error in on_begin.')
[docs] @override def spawn_player_spaz( self, player: PlayerT, position: Sequence[float] | None = None, angle: float | None = None, ) -> PlayerSpaz: """ Method override; spawns and wires up a standard bascenev1.PlayerSpaz for a bascenev1.Player. If position or angle is not supplied, a default will be chosen based on the bascenev1.Player and their bascenev1.Team. """ if position is None: # In teams-mode get our team-start-location. if isinstance(self.session, DualTeamSession): position = else: # Otherwise do free-for-all spawn locations. position = return super().spawn_player_spaz(player, position, angle)
# FIXME: need to unify these arguments with GameActivity.end()
[docs] def end( # type: ignore self, results: Any = None, announce_winning_team: bool = True, announce_delay: float = 0.1, force: bool = False, ) -> None: """ End the game and announce the single winning team unless 'announce_winning_team' is False. (for results without a single most-important winner). """ # pylint: disable=arguments-renamed from bascenev1._coopsession import CoopSession from bascenev1._multiteamsession import MultiTeamSession # Announce win (but only for the first finish() call) # (also don't announce in co-op sessions; we leave that up to them). session = self.session if not isinstance(session, CoopSession): do_announce = not self.has_ended() super().end(results, delay=2.0 + announce_delay, force=force) # Need to do this *after* end end call so that results is valid. assert isinstance(results, GameResults) if do_announce and isinstance(session, MultiTeamSession): session.announce_game_results( self, results, delay=announce_delay, announce_winning_team=announce_winning_team, ) # For co-op we just pass this up the chain with a delay added # (in most cases). Team games expect a delay for the announce # portion in teams/ffa mode so this keeps it consistent. else: # don't want delay on restarts.. if ( isinstance(results, dict) and 'outcome' in results and results['outcome'] == 'restart' ): delay = 0.0 else: delay = 2.0 _bascenev1.timer(0.1, _bascenev1.getsound('boxingBell').play) super().end(results, delay=delay, force=force)