Source code for bascenev1._stats

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""Functionality related to scores and statistics."""
from __future__ import annotations

import random
import weakref
import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from dataclasses import dataclass

import babase

import _bascenev1

    from typing import Any, Sequence

    import bascenev1

class PlayerScoredMessage:
    """Informs something that a bascenev1.Player scored.

    Category: **Message Classes**

    score: int
    """The score value."""

class PlayerRecord:
    """Stats for an individual player in a bascenev1.Stats object.

    Category: **Gameplay Classes**

    This does not necessarily correspond to a bascenev1.Player that is
    still present (stats may be retained for players that leave

    character: str

    def __init__(
        name: str,
        name_full: str,
        sessionplayer: bascenev1.SessionPlayer,
        stats: bascenev1.Stats,
    ): = name
        self.name_full = name_full
        self.score = 0
        self.accumscore = 0
        self.kill_count = 0
        self.accum_kill_count = 0
        self.killed_count = 0
        self.accum_killed_count = 0
        self._multi_kill_timer: bascenev1.Timer | None = None
        self._multi_kill_count = 0
        self._stats = weakref.ref(stats)
        self._last_sessionplayer: bascenev1.SessionPlayer | None = None
        self._sessionplayer: bascenev1.SessionPlayer | None = None
        self._sessionteam: weakref.ref[bascenev1.SessionTeam] | None = None
        self.streak = 0

    def team(self) -> bascenev1.SessionTeam:
        """The bascenev1.SessionTeam the last associated player was last on.

        This can still return a valid result even if the player is gone.
        Raises a bascenev1.SessionTeamNotFoundError if the team no longer
        assert self._sessionteam is not None
        team = self._sessionteam()
        if team is None:
            raise babase.SessionTeamNotFoundError()
        return team

    def player(self) -> bascenev1.SessionPlayer:
        """Return the instance's associated bascenev1.SessionPlayer.

        Raises a bascenev1.SessionPlayerNotFoundError if the player
        no longer exists.
        if not self._sessionplayer:
            raise babase.SessionPlayerNotFoundError()
        return self._sessionplayer

[docs] def getname(self, full: bool = False) -> str: """Return the player entry's name.""" return self.name_full if full else
[docs] def get_icon(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Get the icon for this instance's player.""" player = self._last_sessionplayer assert player is not None return player.get_icon()
[docs] def cancel_multi_kill_timer(self) -> None: """Cancel any multi-kill timer for this player entry.""" self._multi_kill_timer = None
[docs] def getactivity(self) -> bascenev1.Activity | None: """Return the bascenev1.Activity this instance is associated with. Returns None if the activity no longer exists.""" stats = self._stats() if stats is not None: return stats.getactivity() return None
[docs] def associate_with_sessionplayer( self, sessionplayer: bascenev1.SessionPlayer ) -> None: """Associate this entry with a bascenev1.SessionPlayer.""" self._sessionteam = weakref.ref(sessionplayer.sessionteam) self.character = sessionplayer.character self._last_sessionplayer = sessionplayer self._sessionplayer = sessionplayer self.streak = 0
def _end_multi_kill(self) -> None: self._multi_kill_timer = None self._multi_kill_count = 0
[docs] def get_last_sessionplayer(self) -> bascenev1.SessionPlayer: """Return the last bascenev1.Player we were associated with.""" assert self._last_sessionplayer is not None return self._last_sessionplayer
[docs] def submit_kill(self, showpoints: bool = True) -> None: """Submit a kill for this player entry.""" # FIXME Clean this up. # pylint: disable=too-many-statements self._multi_kill_count += 1 stats = self._stats() assert stats if self._multi_kill_count == 1: score = 0 name = None delay = 0.0 color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) scale = 1.0 sound = None elif self._multi_kill_count == 2: score = 20 name = babase.Lstr(resource='twoKillText') color = (0.1, 1.0, 0.0, 1) scale = 1.0 delay = 0.0 sound = stats.orchestrahitsound1 elif self._multi_kill_count == 3: score = 40 name = babase.Lstr(resource='threeKillText') color = (1.0, 0.7, 0.0, 1) scale = 1.1 delay = 0.3 sound = stats.orchestrahitsound2 elif self._multi_kill_count == 4: score = 60 name = babase.Lstr(resource='fourKillText') color = (1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1) scale = 1.2 delay = 0.6 sound = stats.orchestrahitsound3 elif self._multi_kill_count == 5: score = 80 name = babase.Lstr(resource='fiveKillText') color = (1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1) scale = 1.3 delay = 0.9 sound = stats.orchestrahitsound4 else: score = 100 name = babase.Lstr( resource='multiKillText', subs=[('${COUNT}', str(self._multi_kill_count))], ) color = (1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1) scale = 1.3 delay = 1.0 sound = stats.orchestrahitsound4 def _apply( name2: babase.Lstr, score2: int, showpoints2: bool, color2: tuple[float, float, float, float], scale2: float, sound2: bascenev1.Sound | None, ) -> None: # pylint: disable=too-many-positional-arguments from import PopupText # Only award this if they're still alive and we can get # a current position for them. our_pos: babase.Vec3 | None = None if self._sessionplayer: if self._sessionplayer.activityplayer is not None: try: our_pos = self._sessionplayer.activityplayer.position except babase.NotFoundError: pass if our_pos is None: return # Jitter position a bit since these often come in clusters. our_pos = babase.Vec3( our_pos[0] + (random.random() - 0.5) * 2.0, our_pos[1] + (random.random() - 0.5) * 2.0, our_pos[2] + (random.random() - 0.5) * 2.0, ) activity = self.getactivity() if activity is not None: PopupText( babase.Lstr( value=(('+' + str(score2) + ' ') if showpoints2 else '') + '${N}', subs=[('${N}', name2)], ), color=color2, scale=scale2, position=our_pos, ).autoretain() if sound2: self.score += score2 self.accumscore += score2 # Inform a running game of the score. if score2 != 0 and activity is not None: activity.handlemessage(PlayerScoredMessage(score=score2)) if name is not None: _bascenev1.timer( 0.3 + delay, babase.Call( _apply, name, score, showpoints, color, scale, sound ), ) # Keep the tally rollin'... # set a timer for a bit in the future. self._multi_kill_timer = _bascenev1.Timer(1.0, self._end_multi_kill)
class Stats: """Manages scores and statistics for a bascenev1.Session. Category: **Gameplay Classes** """ def __init__(self) -> None: self._activity: weakref.ref[bascenev1.Activity] | None = None self._player_records: dict[str, PlayerRecord] = {} self.orchestrahitsound1: bascenev1.Sound | None = None self.orchestrahitsound2: bascenev1.Sound | None = None self.orchestrahitsound3: bascenev1.Sound | None = None self.orchestrahitsound4: bascenev1.Sound | None = None
[docs] def setactivity(self, activity: bascenev1.Activity | None) -> None: """Set the current activity for this instance.""" self._activity = None if activity is None else weakref.ref(activity) # Load our media into this activity's context. if activity is not None: if activity.expired: logging.exception('Unexpected finalized activity.') else: with activity.context: self._load_activity_media()
[docs] def getactivity(self) -> bascenev1.Activity | None: """Get the activity associated with this instance. May return None. """ if self._activity is None: return None return self._activity()
def _load_activity_media(self) -> None: self.orchestrahitsound1 = _bascenev1.getsound('orchestraHit') self.orchestrahitsound2 = _bascenev1.getsound('orchestraHit2') self.orchestrahitsound3 = _bascenev1.getsound('orchestraHit3') self.orchestrahitsound4 = _bascenev1.getsound('orchestraHit4')
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: """Reset the stats instance completely.""" # Just to be safe, lets make sure no multi-kill timers are gonna go off # for no-longer-on-the-list players. for p_entry in list(self._player_records.values()): p_entry.cancel_multi_kill_timer() self._player_records = {}
[docs] def reset_accum(self) -> None: """Reset per-sound sub-scores.""" for s_player in list(self._player_records.values()): s_player.cancel_multi_kill_timer() s_player.accumscore = 0 s_player.accum_kill_count = 0 s_player.accum_killed_count = 0 s_player.streak = 0
[docs] def register_sessionplayer(self, player: bascenev1.SessionPlayer) -> None: """Register a bascenev1.SessionPlayer with this score-set.""" assert player.exists() # Invalid refs should never be passed to funcs. name = player.getname() if name in self._player_records: # If the player already exists, update his character and such as # it may have changed. self._player_records[name].associate_with_sessionplayer(player) else: name_full = player.getname(full=True) self._player_records[name] = PlayerRecord( name, name_full, player, self )
[docs] def get_records(self) -> dict[str, bascenev1.PlayerRecord]: """Get PlayerRecord corresponding to still-existing players.""" records = {} # Go through our player records and return ones whose player id still # corresponds to a player with that name. for record_id, record in self._player_records.items(): lastplayer = record.get_last_sessionplayer() if lastplayer and lastplayer.getname() == record_id: records[record_id] = record return records
[docs] def player_scored( self, player: bascenev1.Player, base_points: int = 1, *, target: Sequence[float] | None = None, kill: bool = False, victim_player: bascenev1.Player | None = None, scale: float = 1.0, color: Sequence[float] | None = None, title: str | babase.Lstr | None = None, screenmessage: bool = True, display: bool = True, importance: int = 1, showpoints: bool = True, big_message: bool = False, ) -> int: """Register a score for the player. Return value is actual score with multipliers and such factored in. """ # FIXME: Tidy this up. # pylint: disable=cyclic-import # pylint: disable=too-many-branches # pylint: disable=too-many-locals from import PopupText from bascenev1._gameactivity import GameActivity del victim_player # Currently unused. name = player.getname() s_player = self._player_records[name] if kill: s_player.submit_kill(showpoints=showpoints) display_color: Sequence[float] = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) if color is not None: display_color = color elif importance != 1: display_color = (1.0, 1.0, 0.4, 1.0) points = base_points # If they want a big announcement, throw a zoom-text up there. if display and big_message: try: assert self._activity is not None activity = self._activity() if isinstance(activity, GameActivity): name_full = player.getname(full=True, icon=False) activity.show_zoom_message( babase.Lstr( resource='nameScoresText', subs=[('${NAME}', name_full)], ), color=babase.normalized_color(, ) except Exception: logging.exception('Error showing big_message.') # If we currently have a actor, pop up a score over it. if display and showpoints: our_pos = player.node.position if player.node else None if our_pos is not None: if target is None: target = our_pos # If display-pos is *way* lower than us, raise it up # (so we can still see scores from dudes that fell off cliffs). display_pos = ( target[0], max(target[1], our_pos[1] - 2.0), min(target[2], our_pos[2] + 2.0), ) activity = self.getactivity() if activity is not None: if title is not None: sval = babase.Lstr( value='+${A} ${B}', subs=[('${A}', str(points)), ('${B}', title)], ) else: sval = babase.Lstr( value='+${A}', subs=[('${A}', str(points))] ) PopupText( sval, color=display_color, scale=1.2 * scale, position=display_pos, ).autoretain() # Tally kills. if kill: s_player.accum_kill_count += 1 s_player.kill_count += 1 # Report non-kill scorings. try: if screenmessage and not kill: _bascenev1.broadcastmessage( babase.Lstr( resource='nameScoresText', subs=[('${NAME}', name)] ), top=True, color=player.color, image=player.get_icon(), ) except Exception: logging.exception('Error announcing score.') s_player.score += points s_player.accumscore += points # Inform a running game of the score. if points != 0: activity = self._activity() if self._activity is not None else None if activity is not None: activity.handlemessage(PlayerScoredMessage(score=points)) return points
[docs] def player_was_killed( self, player: bascenev1.Player, killed: bool = False, killer: bascenev1.Player | None = None, ) -> None: """Should be called when a player is killed.""" name = player.getname() prec = self._player_records[name] prec.streak = 0 if killed: prec.accum_killed_count += 1 prec.killed_count += 1 try: if killed and _bascenev1.getactivity().announce_player_deaths: if killer is player: _bascenev1.broadcastmessage( babase.Lstr( resource='nameSuicideText', subs=[('${NAME}', name)] ), top=True, color=player.color, image=player.get_icon(), ) elif killer is not None: if is _bascenev1.broadcastmessage( babase.Lstr( resource='nameBetrayedText', subs=[ ('${NAME}', killer.getname()), ('${VICTIM}', name), ], ), top=True, color=killer.color, image=killer.get_icon(), ) else: _bascenev1.broadcastmessage( babase.Lstr( resource='nameKilledText', subs=[ ('${NAME}', killer.getname()), ('${VICTIM}', name), ], ), top=True, color=killer.color, image=killer.get_icon(), ) else: _bascenev1.broadcastmessage( babase.Lstr( resource='nameDiedText', subs=[('${NAME}', name)] ), top=True, color=player.color, image=player.get_icon(), ) except Exception: logging.exception('Error announcing kill.')