Source code for bascenev1._messages

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""Defines some standard message objects for use with handlemessage() calls."""

from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, TypeVar
from enum import Enum

import babase

    from typing import Sequence, Any

    import bascenev1

class _UnhandledType:

# A special value that should be returned from handlemessage()
# functions for unhandled message types.  This may result
# in fallback message types being attempted/etc.
UNHANDLED = _UnhandledType()

class OutOfBoundsMessage:
    """A message telling an object that it is out of bounds.

    Category: Message Classes

class DeathType(Enum):
    """A reason for a death.

    Category: Enums

    GENERIC = 'generic'
    OUT_OF_BOUNDS = 'out_of_bounds'
    IMPACT = 'impact'
    FALL = 'fall'
    REACHED_GOAL = 'reached_goal'
    LEFT_GAME = 'left_game'

class DieMessage:
    """A message telling an object to die.

    Category: **Message Classes**

    Most bascenev1.Actor-s respond to this.

    immediate: bool = False
    """If this is set to True, the actor should disappear immediately.
       This is for 'removing' stuff from the game more so than 'killing'
       it. If False, the actor should die a 'normal' death and can take
       its time with lingering corpses, sound effects, etc."""

    how: DeathType = DeathType.GENERIC
    """The particular reason for death."""

PlayerT = TypeVar('PlayerT', bound='bascenev1.Player')

class PlayerDiedMessage:
    """A message saying a bascenev1.Player has died.

    Category: **Message Classes**

    killed: bool
    """If True, the player was killed;
       If False, they left the game or the round ended."""

    how: DeathType
    """The particular type of death."""

    def __init__(
        player: bascenev1.Player,
        was_killed: bool,
        killerplayer: bascenev1.Player | None,
        how: DeathType,
        """Instantiate a message with the given values."""

        # Invalid refs should never be passed as args.
        assert player.exists()
        self._player = player

        # Invalid refs should never be passed as args.
        assert killerplayer is None or killerplayer.exists()
        self._killerplayer = killerplayer
        self.killed = was_killed = how

[docs] def getkillerplayer(self, playertype: type[PlayerT]) -> PlayerT | None: """Return the bascenev1.Player responsible for the killing, if any. Pass the Player type being used by the current game. """ assert isinstance(self._killerplayer, (playertype, type(None))) return self._killerplayer
[docs] def getplayer(self, playertype: type[PlayerT]) -> PlayerT: """Return the bascenev1.Player that died. The type of player for the current activity should be passed so that the type-checker properly identifies the returned value as one. """ player: Any = self._player assert isinstance(player, playertype) # We should never be delivering invalid refs. # (could theoretically happen if someone holds on to us) assert player.exists() return player
@dataclass class StandMessage: """A message telling an object to move to a position in space. Category: **Message Classes** Used when teleporting players to home base, etc. """ position: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) """Where to move to.""" angle: float = 0.0 """The angle to face (in degrees)""" @dataclass class PickUpMessage: """Tells an object that it has picked something up. Category: **Message Classes** """ node: bascenev1.Node """The bascenev1.Node that is getting picked up.""" @dataclass class DropMessage: """Tells an object that it has dropped what it was holding. Category: **Message Classes** """ @dataclass class PickedUpMessage: """Tells an object that it has been picked up by something. Category: **Message Classes** """ node: bascenev1.Node """The bascenev1.Node doing the picking up.""" @dataclass class DroppedMessage: """Tells an object that it has been dropped. Category: **Message Classes** """ node: bascenev1.Node """The bascenev1.Node doing the dropping.""" @dataclass class ShouldShatterMessage: """Tells an object that it should shatter. Category: **Message Classes** """ @dataclass class ImpactDamageMessage: """Tells an object that it has been jarred violently. Category: **Message Classes** """ intensity: float """The intensity of the impact.""" @dataclass class FreezeMessage: """Tells an object to become frozen. Category: **Message Classes** As seen in the effects of an ice bascenev1.Bomb. """ @dataclass class ThawMessage: """Tells an object to stop being frozen. Category: **Message Classes** """ @dataclass class CelebrateMessage: """Tells an object to celebrate. Category: **Message Classes** """ duration: float = 10.0 """Amount of time to celebrate in seconds.""" class HitMessage: """Tells an object it has been hit in some way. Category: **Message Classes** This is used by punches, explosions, etc to convey their effect to a target. """ def __init__( self, *, srcnode: bascenev1.Node | None = None, pos: Sequence[float] | None = None, velocity: Sequence[float] | None = None, magnitude: float = 1.0, velocity_magnitude: float = 0.0, radius: float = 1.0, source_player: bascenev1.Player | None = None, kick_back: float = 1.0, flat_damage: float | None = None, hit_type: str = 'generic', force_direction: Sequence[float] | None = None, hit_subtype: str = 'default', ): """Instantiate a message with given values.""" self.srcnode = srcnode self.pos = pos if pos is not None else babase.Vec3() self.velocity = velocity if velocity is not None else babase.Vec3() self.magnitude = magnitude self.velocity_magnitude = velocity_magnitude self.radius = radius # We should not be getting passed an invalid ref. assert source_player is None or source_player.exists() self._source_player = source_player self.kick_back = kick_back self.flat_damage = flat_damage self.hit_type = hit_type self.hit_subtype = hit_subtype self.force_direction = ( force_direction if force_direction is not None else velocity )
[docs] def get_source_player(self, playertype: type[PlayerT]) -> PlayerT | None: """Return the source-player if one exists and is the provided type.""" player: Any = self._source_player # We should not be delivering invalid refs. # (we could translate to None here but technically we are changing # the message delivered which seems wrong) assert player is None or player.exists() # Return the player *only* if they're the type given. return player if isinstance(player, playertype) else None
@dataclass class PlayerProfilesChangedMessage: """Signals player profiles may have changed and should be reloaded."""