Source code for bascenev1._gameactivity

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""Provides GameActivity class."""
# pylint: disable=too-many-lines

from __future__ import annotations

import random
import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, TypeVar, override

import babase

import _bascenev1
from bascenev1._activity import Activity
from bascenev1._player import PlayerInfo
from bascenev1._messages import PlayerDiedMessage, StandMessage
from bascenev1._score import ScoreConfig
from bascenev1 import _map
from bascenev1 import _music

    from typing import Any, Callable, Sequence

    from import PlayerSpaz
    from import TNTSpawner
    import bascenev1

PlayerT = TypeVar('PlayerT', bound='bascenev1.Player')
TeamT = TypeVar('TeamT', bound='bascenev1.Team')

class GameActivity(Activity[PlayerT, TeamT]):
    """Common base class for all game bascenev1.Activities.

    Category: **Gameplay Classes**

    # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods

    # Tips to be presented to the user at the start of the game.
    tips: list[str | bascenev1.GameTip] = []

    # Default getname() will return this if not None.
    name: str | None = None

    # Default get_description() will return this if not None.
    description: str | None = None

    # Default get_available_settings() will return this if not None.
    available_settings: list[bascenev1.Setting] | None = None

    # Default getscoreconfig() will return this if not None.
    scoreconfig: bascenev1.ScoreConfig | None = None

    # Override some defaults.
    allow_pausing = True
    allow_kick_idle_players = True

    # Whether to show points for kills.
    show_kill_points = True

    # If not None, the music type that should play in on_transition_in()
    # (unless overridden by the map).
    default_music: bascenev1.MusicType | None = None

[docs] @classmethod def getscoreconfig(cls) -> bascenev1.ScoreConfig: """Return info about game scoring setup; can be overridden by games.""" return cls.scoreconfig if cls.scoreconfig is not None else ScoreConfig()
[docs] @classmethod def getname(cls) -> str: """Return a str name for this game type. This default implementation simply returns the 'name' class attr. """ return if is not None else 'Untitled Game'
[docs] @classmethod def get_display_string(cls, settings: dict | None = None) -> babase.Lstr: """Return a descriptive name for this game/settings combo. Subclasses should override getname(); not this. """ name = babase.Lstr(translate=('gameNames', cls.getname())) # A few substitutions for 'Epic', 'Solo' etc. modes. # FIXME: Should provide a way for game types to define filters of # their own and should not rely on hard-coded settings names. if settings is not None: if 'Solo Mode' in settings and settings['Solo Mode']: name = babase.Lstr( resource='soloNameFilterText', subs=[('${NAME}', name)] ) if 'Epic Mode' in settings and settings['Epic Mode']: name = babase.Lstr( resource='epicNameFilterText', subs=[('${NAME}', name)] ) return name
[docs] @classmethod def get_team_display_string(cls, name: str) -> babase.Lstr: """Given a team name, returns a localized version of it.""" return babase.Lstr(translate=('teamNames', name))
[docs] @classmethod def get_description(cls, sessiontype: type[bascenev1.Session]) -> str: """Get a str description of this game type. The default implementation simply returns the 'description' class var. Classes which want to change their description depending on the session can override this method. """ del sessiontype # Unused arg. return cls.description if cls.description is not None else ''
[docs] @classmethod def get_description_display_string( cls, sessiontype: type[bascenev1.Session] ) -> babase.Lstr: """Return a translated version of get_description(). Sub-classes should override get_description(); not this. """ description = cls.get_description(sessiontype) return babase.Lstr(translate=('gameDescriptions', description))
[docs] @classmethod def get_available_settings( cls, sessiontype: type[bascenev1.Session] ) -> list[bascenev1.Setting]: """Return a list of settings relevant to this game type when running under the provided session type. """ del sessiontype # Unused arg. return [] if cls.available_settings is None else cls.available_settings
[docs] @classmethod def get_supported_maps( cls, sessiontype: type[bascenev1.Session] ) -> list[str]: """ Called by the default bascenev1.GameActivity.create_settings_ui() implementation; should return a list of map names valid for this game-type for the given bascenev1.Session type. """ del sessiontype # Unused arg. assert is not None return'melee')
[docs] @classmethod def get_settings_display_string(cls, config: dict[str, Any]) -> babase.Lstr: """Given a game config dict, return a short description for it. This is used when viewing game-lists or showing what game is up next in a series. """ name = cls.get_display_string(config['settings']) # In newer configs, map is in settings; it used to be in the # config root. if 'map' in config['settings']: sval = babase.Lstr( value='${NAME} @ ${MAP}', subs=[ ('${NAME}', name), ( '${MAP}', _map.get_map_display_string( _map.get_filtered_map_name( config['settings']['map'] ) ), ), ], ) elif 'map' in config: sval = babase.Lstr( value='${NAME} @ ${MAP}', subs=[ ('${NAME}', name), ( '${MAP}', _map.get_map_display_string( _map.get_filtered_map_name(config['map']) ), ), ], ) else: print('invalid game config - expected map entry under settings') sval = babase.Lstr(value='???') return sval
[docs] @classmethod def supports_session_type( cls, sessiontype: type[bascenev1.Session] ) -> bool: """Return whether this game supports the provided Session type.""" from bascenev1._multiteamsession import MultiTeamSession # By default, games support any versus mode return issubclass(sessiontype, MultiTeamSession)
def __init__(self, settings: dict): """Instantiate the Activity.""" super().__init__(settings) # Holds some flattened info about the player set at the point # when on_begin() is called. self.initialplayerinfos: list[bascenev1.PlayerInfo] | None = None # Go ahead and get our map loading. self._map_type = _map.get_map_class(self._calc_map_name(settings)) self._spawn_sound = _bascenev1.getsound('spawn') self._map_type.preload() self._map: bascenev1.Map | None = None self._powerup_drop_timer: bascenev1.Timer | None = None self._tnt_spawners: dict[int, TNTSpawner] | None = None self._tnt_drop_timer: bascenev1.Timer | None = None self._game_scoreboard_name_text: bascenev1.Actor | None = None self._game_scoreboard_description_text: bascenev1.Actor | None = None self._standard_time_limit_time: int | None = None self._standard_time_limit_timer: bascenev1.Timer | None = None self._standard_time_limit_text: bascenev1.NodeActor | None = None self._standard_time_limit_text_input: bascenev1.NodeActor | None = None self._tournament_time_limit: int | None = None self._tournament_time_limit_timer: bascenev1.BaseTimer | None = None self._tournament_time_limit_title_text: bascenev1.NodeActor | None = ( None ) self._tournament_time_limit_text: bascenev1.NodeActor | None = None self._tournament_time_limit_text_input: bascenev1.NodeActor | None = ( None ) self._zoom_message_times: dict[int, float] = {} @property def map(self) -> _map.Map: """The map being used for this game. Raises a bascenev1.MapNotFoundError if the map does not currently exist. """ if self._map is None: raise babase.MapNotFoundError return self._map
[docs] def get_instance_display_string(self) -> babase.Lstr: """Return a name for this particular game instance.""" return self.get_display_string(self.settings_raw)
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
[docs] def get_instance_scoreboard_display_string(self) -> babase.Lstr: """Return a name for this particular game instance. This name is used above the game scoreboard in the corner of the screen, so it should be as concise as possible. """ # If we're in a co-op session, use the level name. # FIXME: Should clean this up. try: from bascenev1._coopsession import CoopSession if isinstance(self.session, CoopSession): campaign = self.session.campaign assert campaign is not None return campaign.getlevel( self.session.campaign_level_name ).displayname except Exception: logging.exception('Error getting campaign level name.') return self.get_instance_display_string()
[docs] def get_instance_description(self) -> str | Sequence: """Return a description for this game instance, in English. This is shown in the center of the screen below the game name at the start of a game. It should start with a capital letter and end with a period, and can be a bit more verbose than the version returned by get_instance_description_short(). Note that translation is applied by looking up the specific returned value as a key, so the number of returned variations should be limited; ideally just one or two. To include arbitrary values in the description, you can return a sequence of values in the following form instead of just a string: # This will give us something like 'Score 3 goals.' in English # and can properly translate to 'Anota 3 goles.' in Spanish. # If we just returned the string 'Score 3 Goals' here, there would # have to be a translation entry for each specific number. ew. return ['Score ${ARG1} goals.', self.settings_raw['Score to Win']] This way the first string can be consistently translated, with any arg values then substituted into the result. ${ARG1} will be replaced with the first value, ${ARG2} with the second, etc. """ return self.get_description(type(self.session))
[docs] def get_instance_description_short(self) -> str | Sequence: """Return a short description for this game instance in English. This description is used above the game scoreboard in the corner of the screen, so it should be as concise as possible. It should be lowercase and should not contain periods or other punctuation. Note that translation is applied by looking up the specific returned value as a key, so the number of returned variations should be limited; ideally just one or two. To include arbitrary values in the description, you can return a sequence of values in the following form instead of just a string: # This will give us something like 'score 3 goals' in English # and can properly translate to 'anota 3 goles' in Spanish. # If we just returned the string 'score 3 goals' here, there would # have to be a translation entry for each specific number. ew. return ['score ${ARG1} goals', self.settings_raw['Score to Win']] This way the first string can be consistently translated, with any arg values then substituted into the result. ${ARG1} will be replaced with the first value, ${ARG2} with the second, etc. """ return ''
[docs] @override def on_transition_in(self) -> None: super().on_transition_in() # Make our map. self._map = self._map_type() # Give our map a chance to override the music. # (for happy-thoughts and other such themed maps) map_music = self._map_type.get_music_type() music = map_music if map_music is not None else self.default_music if music is not None: _music.setmusic(music)
[docs] @override def on_begin(self) -> None: super().on_begin() if is not None: # We don't do this in on_transition_in because it may depend on # players/teams which aren't available until now. _bascenev1.timer(0.001, self._show_scoreboard_info) _bascenev1.timer(1.0, self._show_info) _bascenev1.timer(2.5, self._show_tip) # Store some basic info about players present at start time. self.initialplayerinfos = [ PlayerInfo(name=p.getname(full=True), character=p.character) for p in self.players ] # Sort this by name so high score lists/etc will be consistent # regardless of player join order. self.initialplayerinfos.sort(key=lambda x: # If this is a tournament, query info about it such as how much # time is left. tournament_id = self.session.tournament_id if tournament_id is not None: assert is not None args={ 'tournamentIDs': [tournament_id], 'source': 'in-game time remaining query', }, callback=babase.WeakCall(self._on_tournament_query_response), )
def _on_tournament_query_response( self, data: dict[str, Any] | None ) -> None: if data is not None: data_t = data['t'] # This used to be the whole payload. # Keep our cached tourney info up to date assert is not None self._setup_tournament_time_limit( max(5, data_t[0]['timeRemaining']) )
[docs] @override def on_player_join(self, player: PlayerT) -> None: super().on_player_join(player) # By default, just spawn a dude. self.spawn_player(player)
[docs] @override def handlemessage(self, msg: Any) -> Any: if isinstance(msg, PlayerDiedMessage): # pylint: disable=cyclic-import from import Spaz player = msg.getplayer(self.playertype) killer = msg.getkillerplayer(self.playertype) # Inform our stats of the demise. self.stats.player_was_killed( player, killed=msg.killed, killer=killer ) # Award the killer points if he's on a different team. # FIXME: This should not be linked to Spaz actors. # (should move get_death_points to Actor or make it a message) if killer and is not assert isinstance(, Spaz) pts, importance = if not self.has_ended(): self.stats.player_scored( killer, pts, kill=True, victim_player=player, importance=importance, showpoints=self.show_kill_points, ) else: return super().handlemessage(msg) return None
def _show_scoreboard_info(self) -> None: """Create the game info display. This is the thing in the top left corner showing the name and short description of the game. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals from bascenev1._freeforallsession import FreeForAllSession from bascenev1._gameutils import animate from bascenev1._nodeactor import NodeActor sb_name = self.get_instance_scoreboard_display_string() # The description can be either a string or a sequence with args # to swap in post-translation. sb_desc_in = self.get_instance_description_short() sb_desc_l: Sequence if isinstance(sb_desc_in, str): sb_desc_l = [sb_desc_in] # handle simple string case else: sb_desc_l = sb_desc_in if not isinstance(sb_desc_l[0], str): raise TypeError('Invalid format for instance description.') is_empty = sb_desc_l[0] == '' subs = [] for i in range(len(sb_desc_l) - 1): subs.append(('${ARG' + str(i + 1) + '}', str(sb_desc_l[i + 1]))) translation = babase.Lstr( translate=('gameDescriptions', sb_desc_l[0]), subs=subs ) sb_desc = translation vrmode = yval = -34 if is_empty else -20 yval -= 16 sbpos = ( (15, yval) if isinstance(self.session, FreeForAllSession) else (15, yval) ) self._game_scoreboard_name_text = NodeActor( _bascenev1.newnode( 'text', attrs={ 'text': sb_name, 'maxwidth': 300, 'position': sbpos, 'h_attach': 'left', 'vr_depth': 10, 'v_attach': 'top', 'v_align': 'bottom', 'color': (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 'shadow': 1.0 if vrmode else 0.6, 'flatness': 1.0 if vrmode else 0.5, 'scale': 1.1, }, ) ) assert self._game_scoreboard_name_text.node animate( self._game_scoreboard_name_text.node, 'opacity', {0: 0.0, 1.0: 1.0} ) descpos = ( (17, -44 + 10) if isinstance(self.session, FreeForAllSession) else (17, -44 + 10) ) self._game_scoreboard_description_text = NodeActor( _bascenev1.newnode( 'text', attrs={ 'text': sb_desc, 'maxwidth': 480, 'position': descpos, 'scale': 0.7, 'h_attach': 'left', 'v_attach': 'top', 'v_align': 'top', 'shadow': 1.0 if vrmode else 0.7, 'flatness': 1.0 if vrmode else 0.8, 'color': (1, 1, 1, 1) if vrmode else (0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0), }, ) ) assert self._game_scoreboard_description_text.node animate( self._game_scoreboard_description_text.node, 'opacity', {0: 0.0, 1.0: 1.0}, ) def _show_info(self) -> None: """Show the game description.""" from bascenev1._gameutils import animate from import ZoomText name = self.get_instance_display_string() ZoomText( name, maxwidth=800, lifespan=2.5, jitter=2.0, position=(0, 180), flash=False, color=(0.93 * 1.25, 0.9 * 1.25, 1.0 * 1.25), trailcolor=(0.15, 0.05, 1.0, 0.0), ).autoretain() _bascenev1.timer(0.2, _bascenev1.getsound('gong').play) # _bascenev1.timer( # 0.2, Call(_bascenev1.playsound, _bascenev1.getsound('gong')) # ) # The description can be either a string or a sequence with args # to swap in post-translation. desc_in = self.get_instance_description() desc_l: Sequence if isinstance(desc_in, str): desc_l = [desc_in] # handle simple string case else: desc_l = desc_in if not isinstance(desc_l[0], str): raise TypeError('Invalid format for instance description') subs = [] for i in range(len(desc_l) - 1): subs.append(('${ARG' + str(i + 1) + '}', str(desc_l[i + 1]))) translation = babase.Lstr( translate=('gameDescriptions', desc_l[0]), subs=subs ) # Do some standard filters (epic mode, etc). if self.settings_raw.get('Epic Mode', False): translation = babase.Lstr( resource='epicDescriptionFilterText', subs=[('${DESCRIPTION}', translation)], ) vrmode = dnode = _bascenev1.newnode( 'text', attrs={ 'v_attach': 'center', 'h_attach': 'center', 'h_align': 'center', 'color': (1, 1, 1, 1), 'shadow': 1.0 if vrmode else 0.5, 'flatness': 1.0 if vrmode else 0.5, 'vr_depth': -30, 'position': (0, 80), 'scale': 1.2, 'maxwidth': 700, 'text': translation, }, ) cnode = _bascenev1.newnode( 'combine', owner=dnode, attrs={'input0': 1.0, 'input1': 1.0, 'input2': 1.0, 'size': 4}, ) cnode.connectattr('output', dnode, 'color') keys = {0.5: 0, 1.0: 1.0, 2.5: 1.0, 4.0: 0.0} animate(cnode, 'input3', keys) _bascenev1.timer(4.0, dnode.delete) def _show_tip(self) -> None: # pylint: disable=too-many-locals from bascenev1._gameutils import animate, GameTip # If there's any tips left on the list, display one. if tip = tip_title = babase.Lstr( value='${A}:', subs=[('${A}', babase.Lstr(resource='tipText'))] ) icon: bascenev1.Texture | None = None sound: bascenev1.Sound | None = None if isinstance(tip, GameTip): icon = tip.icon sound = tip.sound tip = tip.text assert isinstance(tip, str) # Do a few substitutions. tip_lstr = babase.Lstr( translate=('tips', tip), subs=[ ('${PICKUP}', babase.charstr(babase.SpecialChar.TOP_BUTTON)) ], ) base_position = (75, 50) tip_scale = 0.8 tip_title_scale = 1.2 vrmode = t_offs = -350.0 tnode = _bascenev1.newnode( 'text', attrs={ 'text': tip_lstr, 'scale': tip_scale, 'maxwidth': 900, 'position': (base_position[0] + t_offs, base_position[1]), 'h_align': 'left', 'vr_depth': 300, 'shadow': 1.0 if vrmode else 0.5, 'flatness': 1.0 if vrmode else 0.5, 'v_align': 'center', 'v_attach': 'bottom', }, ) t2pos = ( base_position[0] + t_offs - (20 if icon is None else 82), base_position[1] + 2, ) t2node = _bascenev1.newnode( 'text', owner=tnode, attrs={ 'text': tip_title, 'scale': tip_title_scale, 'position': t2pos, 'h_align': 'right', 'vr_depth': 300, 'shadow': 1.0 if vrmode else 0.5, 'flatness': 1.0 if vrmode else 0.5, 'maxwidth': 140, 'v_align': 'center', 'v_attach': 'bottom', }, ) if icon is not None: ipos = (base_position[0] + t_offs - 40, base_position[1] + 1) img = _bascenev1.newnode( 'image', attrs={ 'texture': icon, 'position': ipos, 'scale': (50, 50), 'opacity': 1.0, 'vr_depth': 315, 'color': (1, 1, 1), 'absolute_scale': True, 'attach': 'bottomCenter', }, ) animate(img, 'opacity', {0: 0, 1.0: 1, 4.0: 1, 5.0: 0}) _bascenev1.timer(5.0, img.delete) if sound is not None: combine = _bascenev1.newnode( 'combine', owner=tnode, attrs={'input0': 1.0, 'input1': 0.8, 'input2': 1.0, 'size': 4}, ) combine.connectattr('output', tnode, 'color') combine.connectattr('output', t2node, 'color') animate(combine, 'input3', {0: 0, 1.0: 1, 4.0: 1, 5.0: 0}) _bascenev1.timer(5.0, tnode.delete)
[docs] @override def end( self, results: Any = None, delay: float = 0.0, force: bool = False ) -> None: from bascenev1._gameresults import GameResults # If results is a standard team-game-results, associate it with us # so it can grab our score prefs. if isinstance(results, GameResults): results.set_game(self) # If we had a standard time-limit that had not expired, stop it so # it doesnt tick annoyingly. if ( self._standard_time_limit_time is not None and self._standard_time_limit_time > 0 ): self._standard_time_limit_timer = None self._standard_time_limit_text = None # Ditto with tournament time limits. if ( self._tournament_time_limit is not None and self._tournament_time_limit > 0 ): self._tournament_time_limit_timer = None self._tournament_time_limit_text = None self._tournament_time_limit_title_text = None super().end(results, delay, force)
[docs] def end_game(self) -> None: """Tell the game to wrap up and call bascenev1.Activity.end(). This method should be overridden by subclasses. A game should always be prepared to end and deliver results, even if there is no 'winner' yet; this way things like the standard time-limit (bascenev1.GameActivity.setup_standard_time_limit()) will work with the game. """ print( 'WARNING: default end_game() implementation called;' ' your game should override this.' )
[docs] def respawn_player( self, player: PlayerT, respawn_time: float | None = None ) -> None: """ Given a bascenev1.Player, sets up a standard respawn timer, along with the standard counter display, etc. At the end of the respawn period spawn_player() will be called if the Player still exists. An explicit 'respawn_time' can optionally be provided (in seconds). """ # pylint: disable=cyclic-import assert player if respawn_time is None: teamsize = len( if teamsize == 1: respawn_time = 3.0 elif teamsize == 2: respawn_time = 5.0 elif teamsize == 3: respawn_time = 6.0 else: respawn_time = 7.0 # If this standard setting is present, factor it in. if 'Respawn Times' in self.settings_raw: respawn_time *= self.settings_raw['Respawn Times'] # We want whole seconds. assert respawn_time is not None respawn_time = round(max(1.0, respawn_time), 0) if and not self.has_ended(): from import RespawnIcon player.customdata['respawn_timer'] = _bascenev1.Timer( respawn_time, babase.WeakCall(self.spawn_player_if_exists, player), ) player.customdata['respawn_icon'] = RespawnIcon( player, respawn_time )
[docs] def spawn_player_if_exists(self, player: PlayerT) -> None: """ A utility method which calls self.spawn_player() *only* if the bascenev1.Player provided still exists; handy for use in timers and whatnot. There is no need to override this; just override spawn_player(). """ if player: self.spawn_player(player)
[docs] def spawn_player(self, player: PlayerT) -> bascenev1.Actor: """Spawn *something* for the provided bascenev1.Player. The default implementation simply calls spawn_player_spaz(). """ assert player # Dead references should never be passed as args. return self.spawn_player_spaz(player)
[docs] def spawn_player_spaz( self, player: PlayerT, position: Sequence[float] = (0, 0, 0), angle: float | None = None, ) -> PlayerSpaz: """Create and wire up a bascenev1.PlayerSpaz for the provided Player.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=cyclic-import from bascenev1._gameutils import animate from bascenev1._coopsession import CoopSession from import PlayerSpaz name = player.getname() color = player.color highlight = player.highlight playerspaztype = getattr(player, 'playerspaztype', PlayerSpaz) if not issubclass(playerspaztype, PlayerSpaz): playerspaztype = PlayerSpaz light_color = babase.normalized_color(color) display_color = babase.safecolor(color, target_intensity=0.75) spaz = playerspaztype( color=color, highlight=highlight, character=player.character, player=player, ) = spaz assert spaz.node # If this is co-op and we're on Courtyard or Runaround, add the # material that allows us to collide with the player-walls. # FIXME: Need to generalize this. if isinstance(self.session, CoopSession) and in [ 'Courtyard', 'Tower D', ]: mat =['collide_with_wall_material'] assert isinstance(spaz.node.materials, tuple) assert isinstance(spaz.node.roller_materials, tuple) spaz.node.materials += (mat,) spaz.node.roller_materials += (mat,) = name spaz.node.name_color = display_color spaz.connect_controls_to_player() # Move to the stand position and add a flash of light. spaz.handlemessage( StandMessage( position, angle if angle is not None else random.uniform(0, 360) ) ), position=spaz.node.position) light = _bascenev1.newnode('light', attrs={'color': light_color}) spaz.node.connectattr('position', light, 'position') animate(light, 'intensity', {0: 0, 0.25: 1, 0.5: 0}) _bascenev1.timer(0.5, light.delete) return spaz
[docs] def setup_standard_powerup_drops(self, enable_tnt: bool = True) -> None: """Create standard powerup drops for the current map.""" # pylint: disable=cyclic-import from import DEFAULT_POWERUP_INTERVAL self._powerup_drop_timer = _bascenev1.Timer( DEFAULT_POWERUP_INTERVAL, babase.WeakCall(self._standard_drop_powerups), repeat=True, ) self._standard_drop_powerups() if enable_tnt: self._tnt_spawners = {} self._setup_standard_tnt_drops()
def _standard_drop_powerup(self, index: int, expire: bool = True) -> None: # pylint: disable=cyclic-import from import PowerupBox, PowerupBoxFactory PowerupBox([index], poweruptype=PowerupBoxFactory.get().get_random_powerup_type(), expire=expire, ).autoretain() def _standard_drop_powerups(self) -> None: """Standard powerup drop.""" # Drop one powerup per point. points = for i in range(len(points)): _bascenev1.timer( i * 0.4, babase.WeakCall(self._standard_drop_powerup, i) ) def _setup_standard_tnt_drops(self) -> None: """Standard tnt drop.""" # pylint: disable=cyclic-import from import TNTSpawner for i, point in enumerate( assert self._tnt_spawners is not None if self._tnt_spawners.get(i) is None: self._tnt_spawners[i] = TNTSpawner(point)
[docs] def setup_standard_time_limit(self, duration: float) -> None: """ Create a standard game time-limit given the provided duration in seconds. This will be displayed at the top of the screen. If the time-limit expires, end_game() will be called. """ from bascenev1._nodeactor import NodeActor if duration <= 0.0: return self._standard_time_limit_time = int(duration) self._standard_time_limit_timer = _bascenev1.Timer( 1.0, babase.WeakCall(self._standard_time_limit_tick), repeat=True ) self._standard_time_limit_text = NodeActor( _bascenev1.newnode( 'text', attrs={ 'v_attach': 'top', 'h_attach': 'center', 'h_align': 'left', 'color': (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5), 'position': (-25, -30), 'flatness': 1.0, 'scale': 0.9, }, ) ) self._standard_time_limit_text_input = NodeActor( _bascenev1.newnode( 'timedisplay', attrs={'time2': duration * 1000, 'timemin': 0} ) ) self.globalsnode.connectattr( 'time', self._standard_time_limit_text_input.node, 'time1' ) assert self._standard_time_limit_text_input.node assert self._standard_time_limit_text.node self._standard_time_limit_text_input.node.connectattr( 'output', self._standard_time_limit_text.node, 'text' )
def _standard_time_limit_tick(self) -> None: from bascenev1._gameutils import animate assert self._standard_time_limit_time is not None self._standard_time_limit_time -= 1 if self._standard_time_limit_time <= 10: if self._standard_time_limit_time == 10: assert self._standard_time_limit_text is not None assert self._standard_time_limit_text.node self._standard_time_limit_text.node.scale = 1.3 self._standard_time_limit_text.node.position = (-30, -45) cnode = _bascenev1.newnode( 'combine', owner=self._standard_time_limit_text.node, attrs={'size': 4}, ) cnode.connectattr( 'output', self._standard_time_limit_text.node, 'color' ) animate(cnode, 'input0', {0: 1, 0.15: 1}, loop=True) animate(cnode, 'input1', {0: 1, 0.15: 0.5}, loop=True) animate(cnode, 'input2', {0: 0.1, 0.15: 0.0}, loop=True) cnode.input3 = 1.0 _bascenev1.getsound('tick').play() if self._standard_time_limit_time <= 0: self._standard_time_limit_timer = None self.end_game() node = _bascenev1.newnode( 'text', attrs={ 'v_attach': 'top', 'h_attach': 'center', 'h_align': 'center', 'color': (1, 0.7, 0, 1), 'position': (0, -90), 'scale': 1.2, 'text': babase.Lstr(resource='timeExpiredText'), }, ) _bascenev1.getsound('refWhistle').play() animate(node, 'scale', {0.0: 0.0, 0.1: 1.4, 0.15: 1.2}) def _setup_tournament_time_limit(self, duration: float) -> None: """ Create a tournament game time-limit given the provided duration in seconds. This will be displayed at the top of the screen. If the time-limit expires, end_game() will be called. """ from bascenev1._nodeactor import NodeActor if duration <= 0.0: return self._tournament_time_limit = int(duration) # We want this timer to match the server's time as close as possible, # so lets go with base-time. Theoretically we should do real-time but # then we have to mess with contexts and whatnot since its currently # not available in activity contexts. :-/ self._tournament_time_limit_timer = _bascenev1.BaseTimer( 1.0, babase.WeakCall(self._tournament_time_limit_tick), repeat=True ) self._tournament_time_limit_title_text = NodeActor( _bascenev1.newnode( 'text', attrs={ 'v_attach': 'bottom', 'h_attach': 'left', 'h_align': 'center', 'v_align': 'center', 'vr_depth': 300, 'maxwidth': 100, 'color': (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5), 'position': (60, 50), 'flatness': 1.0, 'scale': 0.5, 'text': babase.Lstr(resource='tournamentText'), }, ) ) self._tournament_time_limit_text = NodeActor( _bascenev1.newnode( 'text', attrs={ 'v_attach': 'bottom', 'h_attach': 'left', 'h_align': 'center', 'v_align': 'center', 'vr_depth': 300, 'maxwidth': 100, 'color': (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5), 'position': (60, 30), 'flatness': 1.0, 'scale': 0.9, }, ) ) self._tournament_time_limit_text_input = NodeActor( _bascenev1.newnode( 'timedisplay', attrs={ 'timemin': 0, 'time2': self._tournament_time_limit * 1000, }, ) ) assert self._tournament_time_limit_text.node assert self._tournament_time_limit_text_input.node self._tournament_time_limit_text_input.node.connectattr( 'output', self._tournament_time_limit_text.node, 'text' ) def _tournament_time_limit_tick(self) -> None: from bascenev1._gameutils import animate assert self._tournament_time_limit is not None self._tournament_time_limit -= 1 if self._tournament_time_limit <= 10: if self._tournament_time_limit == 10: assert self._tournament_time_limit_title_text is not None assert self._tournament_time_limit_title_text.node assert self._tournament_time_limit_text is not None assert self._tournament_time_limit_text.node self._tournament_time_limit_title_text.node.scale = 1.0 self._tournament_time_limit_text.node.scale = 1.3 self._tournament_time_limit_title_text.node.position = (80, 85) self._tournament_time_limit_text.node.position = (80, 60) cnode = _bascenev1.newnode( 'combine', owner=self._tournament_time_limit_text.node, attrs={'size': 4}, ) cnode.connectattr( 'output', self._tournament_time_limit_title_text.node, 'color', ) cnode.connectattr( 'output', self._tournament_time_limit_text.node, 'color' ) animate(cnode, 'input0', {0: 1, 0.15: 1}, loop=True) animate(cnode, 'input1', {0: 1, 0.15: 0.5}, loop=True) animate(cnode, 'input2', {0: 0.1, 0.15: 0.0}, loop=True) cnode.input3 = 1.0 _bascenev1.getsound('tick').play() if self._tournament_time_limit <= 0: self._tournament_time_limit_timer = None self.end_game() tval = babase.Lstr( resource='tournamentTimeExpiredText', fallback_resource='timeExpiredText', ) node = _bascenev1.newnode( 'text', attrs={ 'v_attach': 'top', 'h_attach': 'center', 'h_align': 'center', 'color': (1, 0.7, 0, 1), 'position': (0, -200), 'scale': 1.6, 'text': tval, }, ) _bascenev1.getsound('refWhistle').play() animate(node, 'scale', {0: 0.0, 0.1: 1.4, 0.15: 1.2}) # Normally we just connect this to time, but since this is a bit of a # funky setup we just update it manually once per second. assert self._tournament_time_limit_text_input is not None assert self._tournament_time_limit_text_input.node self._tournament_time_limit_text_input.node.time2 = ( self._tournament_time_limit * 1000 )
[docs] def show_zoom_message( self, message: babase.Lstr, *, color: Sequence[float] = (0.9, 0.4, 0.0), scale: float = 0.8, duration: float = 2.0, trail: bool = False, ) -> None: """Zooming text used to announce game names and winners.""" # pylint: disable=cyclic-import from import ZoomText # Reserve a spot on the screen (in case we get multiple of these so # they don't overlap). i = 0 cur_time = babase.apptime() while True: if ( i not in self._zoom_message_times or self._zoom_message_times[i] < cur_time ): self._zoom_message_times[i] = cur_time + duration break i += 1 ZoomText( message, lifespan=duration, jitter=2.0, position=(0, 200 - i * 100), scale=scale, maxwidth=800, trail=trail, color=color, ).autoretain()
def _calc_map_name(self, settings: dict) -> str: map_name: str if 'map' in settings: map_name = settings['map'] else: # If settings doesn't specify a map, pick a random one from the # list of supported ones. unowned_maps: list[str] = ( if is not None else [] ) valid_maps: list[str] = [ m for m in self.get_supported_maps(type(self.session)) if m not in unowned_maps ] if not valid_maps: _bascenev1.broadcastmessage( babase.Lstr(resource='noValidMapsErrorText') ) raise RuntimeError('No valid maps') map_name = valid_maps[random.randrange(len(valid_maps))] return map_name