Source code for efrotools.util

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""Misc util calls/etc.

Ideally the stuff in here should migrate to more descriptive module names.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

    from typing import Sequence, Literal
    from pathlib import Path

[docs] def explicit_bool(value: bool) -> bool: """Simply return input value; can avoid unreachable-code type warnings.""" return value
[docs] def replace_section( text: str, begin_marker: str, end_marker: str, replace_text: str = '', *, keep_markers: bool = False, error_if_missing: bool = True, ) -> str: """Replace all text between two marker strings (including the markers).""" if begin_marker not in text: if error_if_missing: raise RuntimeError(f"Marker not found in text: '{begin_marker}'.") return text splits = text.split(begin_marker) if len(splits) != 2: raise RuntimeError( f"Expected one marker '{begin_marker}'" f'; found {text.count(begin_marker)}.' ) before_begin, after_begin = splits splits = after_begin.split(end_marker) if len(splits) != 2: raise RuntimeError( f"Expected one marker '{end_marker}'" f'; found {text.count(end_marker)}.' ) _before_end, after_end = splits if keep_markers: replace_text = f'{begin_marker}{replace_text}{end_marker}' return f'{before_begin}{replace_text}{after_end}'
[docs] def readfile(path: str | Path) -> str: """Read a utf-8 text file into a string.""" with open(path, encoding='utf-8') as infile: return
[docs] def writefile(path: str | Path, txt: str) -> None: """Write a string to a utf-8 text file.""" with open(path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile: outfile.write(txt)
[docs] def replace_exact( opstr: str, old: str, new: str, count: int = 1, label: str | None = None ) -> str: """Replace text ensuring that exactly x occurrences are replaced. Useful when filtering data in some predefined way to ensure the original has not changed. """ found = opstr.count(old) label_str = f' in {label}' if label is not None else '' if found != count: raise RuntimeError( f'Expected {count} string occurrence(s){label_str};' f' found {found}. String: {repr(old)}' ) return opstr.replace(old, new)
[docs] def get_files_hash( filenames: Sequence[str | Path], extrahash: str = '', int_only: bool = False, hashtype: Literal['md5', 'sha256'] = 'md5', ) -> str: """Return a hash for the given files.""" import hashlib if not isinstance(filenames, list): raise RuntimeError(f'Expected a list; got a {type(filenames)}.') if TYPE_CHECKING: # Help Mypy infer the right type for this. hashobj = hashlib.md5() else: hashobj = getattr(hashlib, hashtype)() for fname in filenames: with open(fname, 'rb') as infile: while True: data =**20) if not data: break hashobj.update(data) hashobj.update(extrahash.encode()) if int_only: return str(int.from_bytes(hashobj.digest(), byteorder='big')) return hashobj.hexdigest()
[docs] def get_string_hash( value: str, int_only: bool = False, hashtype: Literal['md5', 'sha256'] = 'md5', ) -> str: """Return a hash for the given files.""" import hashlib if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError('Expected a str.') if TYPE_CHECKING: # Help Mypy infer the right type for this. hashobj = hashlib.md5() else: hashobj = getattr(hashlib, hashtype)() hashobj.update(value.encode()) if int_only: return str(int.from_bytes(hashobj.digest(), byteorder='big')) return hashobj.hexdigest()
[docs] def wsl_windows_build_path_description() -> str: """Describe where wsl windows builds need to live.""" return 'anywhere under /mnt/c/'
[docs] def is_wsl_windows_build_path(path: str) -> bool: """Return whether a path is used for wsl windows builds. Building Windows Visual Studio builds through WSL is currently only supported in specific locations; namely anywhere under /mnt/c/. This is enforced because building on the Linux filesystem errors due to case-sensitivity issues, and also because a number of workarounds need to be employed to deal with filesystem/permission quirks, so we want to keep things as consistent as possible. Note that said quirk workarounds WILL be applied if this returns true, so this check should be as specific as possible. """ return path.startswith('/mnt/c/')