Source code for efrotools.pylintplugins

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""Plugins for pylint"""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import astroid

    from typing import Any
    from astroid import nodes as nc


[docs] def register(linter: Any) -> None: """Unused here; we're modifying the ast; not linters.""" del linter # Unused.
failed_imports: set[str] = set()
[docs] def failed_import_hook(modname: str) -> None: """Custom failed import callback.""" # We don't actually do anything here except note in our log that # something couldn't be imported. (may help sanity-check our filtering) if VERBOSE: if modname not in failed_imports: failed_imports.add(modname) print('GOT FAILED IMPORT OF', modname) raise astroid.AstroidBuildingError(modname=modname)
[docs] def ignore_type_check_filter(if_node: nc.NodeNG) -> nc.NodeNG: """Ignore stuff under 'if TYPE_CHECKING:' block at module level.""" # Look for a non-nested 'if TYPE_CHECKING:' if ( isinstance(if_node.test, astroid.Name) and == 'TYPE_CHECKING' and isinstance(if_node.parent, astroid.Module) ): # Special case: some third party modules are starting to contain # code that we don't handle cleanly which results in pylint runs # breaking. For now just ignoring them as they pop up. # We should try to figure out how to disable this filtering # for third party modules altogether or make our filtering more # robust. if in { 'filelock', 'aiohttp.web_app', 'aiohttp.web_response', }: return if_node module_node = if_node.parent # Remove any locals getting defined under this if statement. # (ideally should recurse in case we have nested if statements/etc # but keeping it simple for now). for name, locations in list(module_node.locals.items()): # Calc which remaining name locations are outside of the if # block. Update or delete the list as needed. new_locs = [l for l in locations if not _under_if(l, if_node)] if len(new_locs) == len(locations): continue if new_locs: module_node.locals[name] = new_locs continue del module_node.locals[name] # Now replace its children with a simple pass statement. passnode = astroid.Pass( parent=if_node, lineno=if_node.lineno + 1, end_lineno=if_node.lineno + 1, col_offset=if_node.col_offset + 1, end_col_offset=if_node.col_offset + 1, ) if_node.body = [passnode] return if_node
def _under_if(node: nc.NodeNG, if_node: nc.NodeNG) -> bool: """Return whether the node is under the if statement. (This returns False if it is under an elif/else portion) """ # Quick out: if node.parent is not if_node: return False return node in if_node.body
[docs] def ignore_reveal_type_call(node: nc.NodeNG) -> nc.NodeNG: """Make 'reveal_type()' not trigger an error. The 'reveal_type()' fake call is used for type debugging types with mypy and it is annoying having pylint errors pop up alongside the mypy info. """ # Let's just replace any reveal_type(x) call with print(x).. if isinstance(node.func, astroid.Name) and == 'reveal_type': = 'print' return node return node
[docs] def using_future_annotations(node: nc.NodeNG) -> nc.NodeNG: """Return whether postponed annotation evaluation is enabled (PEP 563).""" # Find the module. mnode = node while mnode.parent is not None: mnode = mnode.parent # Look for 'from __future__ import annotations' to decide # if we should assume all annotations are defer-eval'ed. # NOTE: this will become default at some point within a few years.. annotations_set = mnode.locals.get('annotations') if ( annotations_set and isinstance(annotations_set[0], astroid.ImportFrom) and annotations_set[0].modname == '__future__' ): return True return False
[docs] def func_annotations_filter(node: nc.NodeNG) -> nc.NodeNG: """Filter annotated function args/retvals. This accounts for deferred evaluation available in in Python 3.7+ via 'from __future__ import annotations'. In this case we don't want Pylint to complain about missing symbols in annotations when they aren't actually needed at runtime. """ # Only do this if deferred annotations are on. if not using_future_annotations(node): return node # Wipe out argument annotations. # Special-case: certain function decorators *do* # evaluate annotations at runtime so we want to leave theirs intact. # This includes functools.singledispatch, babase.dispatchmethod, and # efro.MessageReceiver. # Lets just look for a @XXX.register or @XXX.handler decorators for # now; can get more specific if we get false positives. if node.decorators is not None: for dnode in node.decorators.nodes: if isinstance(dnode, astroid.nodes.Name) and in { 'dispatchmethod', 'singledispatch', }: return node # Leave annotations intact. if isinstance( dnode, astroid.nodes.Attribute ) and dnode.attrname in {'register', 'handler'}: return node # Leave annotations intact. node.args.annotations = [None for _ in node.args.args] node.args.varargannotation = None node.args.kwargannotation = None node.args.kwonlyargs_annotations = [None for _ in node.args.kwonlyargs] node.args.posonlyargs_annotations = [None for _ in node.args.kwonlyargs] # Wipe out return-value annotation. if node.returns is not None: node.returns = None return node
[docs] def var_annotations_filter(node: nc.NodeNG) -> nc.NodeNG: """Filter annotated function variable assigns. This accounts for deferred evaluation. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-branches # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks if using_future_annotations(node): # Future behavior: # Annotated assigns under functions are not evaluated. # Class and module vars are normally not either. However we # *do* evaluate if we come across an 'ioprepped' dataclass # decorator. (the 'ioprepped' decorator explicitly evaluates # dataclass annotations). fnode = node willeval = False while fnode is not None: if isinstance(fnode, astroid.FunctionDef): # Assigns within functions never eval. break if isinstance(fnode, astroid.ClassDef): # Ok; the assign seems to be at the class level. # See if its an ioprepped dataclass. if fnode.decorators is not None: found_ioprepped = False for dec in fnode.decorators.nodes: # Look for dataclassio.ioprepped. if ( isinstance(dec, astroid.nodes.Attribute) and dec.attrname in {'ioprepped', 'will_ioprep'} and isinstance(dec.expr, astroid.nodes.Name) and == 'dataclassio' ): found_ioprepped = True break # Look for simply 'ioprepped'. if isinstance(dec, astroid.nodes.Name) and in { 'ioprepped', 'will_ioprep', }: found_ioprepped = True break if found_ioprepped: willeval = True break fnode = fnode.parent else: # Legacy behavior: # Annotated assigns under functions are not evaluated, # but class or module vars are. fnode = node willeval = True while fnode is not None: if isinstance( fnode, (astroid.FunctionDef, astroid.AsyncFunctionDef) ): willeval = False break if isinstance(fnode, astroid.ClassDef): willeval = True break fnode = fnode.parent # If this annotation won't be eval'ed, replace its annotation with # a dummy value. if not willeval: dummyval = astroid.Const(parent=node, value='dummyval') node.annotation = dummyval return node
# Stripping subscripts on some generics seems to cause # more harm than good, so we leave some intact. # ALLOWED_GENERICS = {'Sequence'} # def _is_strippable_subscript(node: nc.NodeNG) -> bool: # if isinstance(node, astroid.Subscript): # # We can strip if its not in our allowed list. # if not ( # isinstance(node.value, astroid.Name) # and in ALLOWED_GENERICS # ): # return True # return False # def class_generics_filter(node: nc.NodeNG) -> nc.NodeNG: # """Filter generics subscripts out of class declarations.""" # # First, quick-out if nothing here should be filtered. # found = False # for base in node.bases: # if _is_strippable_subscript(base): # found = True # if not found: # return node # # Now strip subscripts from base classes. # new_bases: list[nc.NodeNG] = [] # for base in node.bases: # if _is_strippable_subscript(base): # new_bases.append(base.value) # base.value.parent = node # else: # new_bases.append(base) # node.bases = new_bases # return node
[docs] def register_plugins(manager: astroid.Manager) -> None: """Apply our transforms to a given astroid manager object.""" # Hmm; is this still necessary? if VERBOSE: manager.register_failed_import_hook(failed_import_hook) # Completely ignore everything under an 'if TYPE_CHECKING' conditional. # That stuff only gets run for mypy, and in general we want to # check code as if it doesn't exist at all. manager.register_transform(astroid.If, ignore_type_check_filter) # We use 'reveal_type()' quite often, which tells mypy to print # the type of an expression. Let's ignore it in Pylint's eyes so # we don't see an ugly error there. manager.register_transform(astroid.Call, ignore_reveal_type_call) # We make use of 'from __future__ import annotations' which causes Python # to receive annotations as strings, and also 'if TYPE_CHECKING:' blocks, # which lets us do imports and whatnot that are limited to type-checking. # Let's make Pylint understand these. manager.register_transform(astroid.AnnAssign, var_annotations_filter) manager.register_transform(astroid.FunctionDef, func_annotations_filter) manager.register_transform( astroid.AsyncFunctionDef, func_annotations_filter )
# Pylint doesn't seem to support Generics much right now, and it seems # to lead to some buggy behavior and slowdowns. So let's filter them # out. So instead of this: # class MyClass(MyType[T]): # Pylint will see this: # class MyClass(MyType): # I've opened a github issue related to the problems I was hitting, # so we can revisit the need for this if that gets resolved. # # UPDATE: As of July 2024 this seems to be no longer necessary; hooray! # manager.register_transform(astroid.ClassDef, class_generics_filter) register_plugins(astroid.MANAGER)