Source code for efrotools.pybuild

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""Functionality related to building python for ios, android, etc."""

# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
from __future__ import annotations

import os
import subprocess
from enum import Enum
from dataclasses import dataclass

from efrotools.util import readfile, writefile, replace_exact

# Slowly testing new setup which is significantly different.

# Python version we build here (not necessarily same as we use in repo).
PY_VER_APPLE = '3.12'
PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE = '3.12.4' if APPLE_NEW else '3.12.0'

# Can bump these up to whatever the min we need is. Though perhaps
# leaving them at what the repo uses would lead to fewer build issues.
VERSION_MIN_IOS = '13.0' if APPLE_NEW else '12.0'
VERSION_MIN_TVOS = '12.0' if APPLE_NEW else '9.0'

# I occasionally run into openssl problems (particularly on arm systems)
# so keeping exact control of the versions we're building here to try
# and minimize it.
# Earlier I ran into an issue with android builds testing while OpenSSL
# was probing for ARMV7_TICK instruction presence (see android_patch_ssl
# here), and more recently I'm seeing a similar thing in 3.1.0 with
# arm_v8_sve_probe on mac. Ugh.
# See
# why-is-lldb-generating-exc-bad-instruction-with-user-compiled-library-on-macos
# For now will try to ride out this 3.0 LTS version as long as possible.
OPENSSL_VER_APPLE = '3.0.12-1'

LIBFFI_VER_APPLE = '3.4.6-1' if APPLE_NEW else '3.4.4-1'
BZIP2_VER_APPLE = '1.0.8-1'
XZ_VER_APPLE = '5.4.7-1' if APPLE_NEW else '5.4.4-1'

# Android repo doesn't seem to be getting updated much so manually
# bumping various versions to keep things up to date.
XZ_VER_ANDROID = '5.6.2'
LIBUUID_VER_ANDROID = ('2.39', '2.39.3')
SQLITE_VER_ANDROID = ('2024', '3460000')

# Filenames we prune from Python lib dirs in source repo to cut down on
# size.

# Same but for DLLs dir (windows only)
PRUNE_DLL_NAMES = ['*.ico', '*.pdb']

[docs] def build_apple(arch: str, debug: bool = False) -> None: """Run a build for the provided apple arch (mac, ios, or tvos).""" # pylint: disable=too-many-branches import platform from efro.error import CleanError # IMPORTANT; seems we currently wind up building against /usr/local # gettext stuff. Hopefully the maintainer fixes this, but for now I # need to remind myself to blow it away while building. (via brew # remove gettext --ignore-dependencies) # # NOTE: Should check to see if this is still necessary on Apple # silicon since homebrew stuff is no longer in /usr/local there. if bool(False): if ( 'MacBook-Fro' in platform.node() and os.environ.get('SKIP_GETTEXT_WARNING') != '1' ): if ( 'which gettext', shell=True, check=False ).returncode == 0 ): raise CleanError( 'NEED TO TEMP-KILL GETTEXT (or set SKIP_GETTEXT_WARNING=1)' ) builddir = f'build/python_apple_{arch}' + ('_debug' if debug else '')['rm', '-rf', builddir], check=True)['mkdir', '-p', 'build'], check=True) [ 'git', 'clone', '', builddir, ], check=True, ) os.chdir(builddir) # TEMP: The recent update (Oct 2023) switched a bit of stuff around # (apparently dylib support has been revamped more) so I need to # re-test things and probably make adjustments. Holding off for now. # Might just do this when I update everything to 3.12 which will be # a bit of work anyway. if not APPLE_NEW: ['git', 'checkout', 'c6808e53640de86d520fe39849b8f15d40ac589a'], check=True, ) else: # Grab the branch corresponding to our target Python version.['git', 'checkout', PY_VER_APPLE], check=True) txt = readfile('Makefile') # Sanity check; we don't actually change Python version for these # builds but we need to make sure exactly what version the repo is # building (for path purposes and whatnot). Ideally we should just # parse these values from the Makefile so we don't have to keep # things in sync. if f'\nPYTHON_VERSION={PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}\n' not in txt: raise RuntimeError( f'Does not look like our PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE' f' ({PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}) matches the repo;' f' please update it in {__name__}.' ) # Same for ffi version. if f'\nLIBFFI_VERSION={LIBFFI_VER_APPLE}\n' not in txt: raise RuntimeError( 'Does not look like our LIBFFI_VER_APPLE matches the repo;' f' please update it in {__name__}.' ) # Same for bzip2 version. if f'\nBZIP2_VERSION={BZIP2_VER_APPLE}\n' not in txt: raise RuntimeError( 'Does not look like our BZIP2_VERSION matches the repo;' f' please update it in {__name__}.' ) # Same for xz version. if f'\nXZ_VERSION={XZ_VER_APPLE}\n' not in txt: raise RuntimeError( 'Does not look like our XZ_VER_APPLE matches the repo;' f' please update it in {__name__}.' ) # Customize our minimum OS version requirements. txt = replace_exact( txt, 'VERSION_MIN-macOS=11.0\n', f'VERSION_MIN-macOS={VERSION_MIN_MACOS}\n', ) txt = replace_exact( txt, 'VERSION_MIN-iOS=' + ('13.0' if APPLE_NEW else '12.0') + '\n', f'VERSION_MIN-iOS={VERSION_MIN_IOS}\n', ) txt = replace_exact( txt, 'VERSION_MIN-tvOS=' + ('12.0' if APPLE_NEW else '9.0') + '\n', f'VERSION_MIN-tvOS={VERSION_MIN_TVOS}\n', ) txt = replace_exact( txt, 'OPENSSL_VERSION=' + ('3.0.14-1' if APPLE_NEW else '3.0.12-1') + '\n', f'OPENSSL_VERSION={OPENSSL_VER_APPLE}\n', ) # Don't copy in lib-dynload; we don't build it so it errors if we try. if not APPLE_NEW: txt = replace_exact( txt, '\t$$(foreach sdk,$$(SDKS-$(os)),cp $$(PYTHON_STDLIB-$$(sdk))/' 'lib-dynload/*', '\t# (ericf disabled) $$(foreach sdk,$$(SDKS-$(os)),' 'cp $$(PYTHON_STDLIB-$$(sdk))/lib-dynload/*', ) assert '--with-pydebug' not in txt if debug: # Add debug build flag dbgafter = '--with-system-libmpdec' if APPLE_NEW else '--enable-ipv6' txt = replace_exact( txt, f'\t\t\t{dbgafter} \\\n', f'\t\t\t{dbgafter} \\\n\t\t\t--with-pydebug \\\n', count=1 if APPLE_NEW else 2, ) # Debug lib has a different name. if not APPLE_NEW: txt = replace_exact( txt, '))/lib/libpython$(PYTHON_VER).a', '))/lib/libpython$(PYTHON_VER)d.a', count=2, ) txt = replace_exact( txt, '/include/python$(PYTHON_VER)', '/include/python$(PYTHON_VER)d', count=2 if APPLE_NEW else 3, ) if not APPLE_NEW: txt = replace_exact( txt, '/config-$(PYTHON_VER)-', '/config-$(PYTHON_VER)d-', count=2, ) txt = replace_exact( txt, '/_sysconfigdata__', '/_sysconfigdata_d_', count=1 if APPLE_NEW else 3, ) # Rename the patch files corresponding to these as well. patchpaths = [ os.path.join('patch/Python', n) for n in os.listdir('patch/Python') if n.startswith('_sysconfigdata__') ] for path in patchpaths: [ 'mv', path, path.replace('_sysconfigdata__', '_sysconfigdata_d_'), ], check=True, ) # Add our bit of patching right after standard patching. if not APPLE_NEW: for tword in ['target', 'sdk']: txt = replace_exact( txt, ( '\t# Apply target Python patches\n' f'\tcd $$(PYTHON_SRCDIR-$({tword})) && ' 'patch -p1 < $(PROJECT_DIR)/patch/Python/Python.patch\n' ), ( '\t# Apply target Python patches\n' f'\tcd $$(PYTHON_SRCDIR-$({tword})) && ' 'patch -p1 < $(PROJECT_DIR)/patch/Python/Python.patch\n' f'\t../../tools/pcommand python_apple_patch' f' $$(PYTHON_SRCDIR-$({tword}))\n' ), count=1, ) writefile('Makefile', txt) # Ok; let 'er rip. # # (we run these in parallel so limit to 1 job a piece; otherwise # they inherit the -j12 or whatever from the top level) (also this # build seems to fail with multiple threads) [ 'make', '-j1', { 'mac': 'macOS', 'ios': 'iOS', 'tvos': 'tvOS', }[arch], ], check=True, ) print('python build complete! (apple/' + arch + ')')
[docs] def build_android(rootdir: str, arch: str, debug: bool = False) -> None: """Run a build for android with the given architecture. (can be arm, arm64, x86, or x86_64) """ builddir = f'build/python_android_{arch}' + ('_debug' if debug else '')['rm', '-rf', builddir], check=True)['mkdir', '-p', 'build'], check=True) [ 'git', 'clone', '', builddir, ], check=True, ) os.chdir(builddir) # If we need to use a particular branch. if bool(False):['git', 'checkout', PY_VER_EXACT_ANDROID], check=True) # These builds require ANDROID_NDK to be set; make sure that's the case. ndkpath = ( subprocess.check_output( [f'{rootdir}/tools/pcommand', 'android_sdk_utils', 'get-ndk-path'] ) .decode() .strip() ) if not os.path.isdir(ndkpath): raise RuntimeError(f'NDK path does not exist: "{ndkpath}".') os.environ['ANDROID_NDK'] = ndkpath # TEMP - hard coding old ndk for the moment; looks like libffi needs to # be fixed to build with it. I *think* this has already been done; we just # need to wait for the official update beyond 3.4.4. # print('TEMP TEMP TEMP HARD-CODING OLD NDK FOR LIBFFI BUG') # os.environ['ANDROID_NDK'] = '/home/ubuntu/AndroidSDK/ndk/25.2.9519653' # Disable builds for dependencies we don't use. ftxt = readfile('Android/') ftxt = replace_exact( ftxt, ' ' 'BZip2, GDBM, LibFFI, LibUUID, OpenSSL, Readline, SQLite, XZ, ZLib,\n', ' BZip2, LibFFI, LibUUID, OpenSSL, SQLite, XZ, ZLib,\n', ) # Set specific OpenSSL version. ftxt = replace_exact( ftxt, "source = ''", f"source = '" f"source/openssl-{OPENSSL_VER_ANDROID}.tar.gz'", count=1, ) # Set specific ZLib version. ftxt = replace_exact( ftxt, "source = ''", f"source = '{ZLIB_VER_ANDROID}.tar.gz'", count=1, ) # Set specific XZ version. ftxt = replace_exact( ftxt, "source = ''", f"source = '{XZ_VER_ANDROID}.tar.xz'", count=1, ) # Set specific BZip2 version. ftxt = replace_exact( ftxt, "source = ''", f'source = ' f"'{BZIP2_VER_ANDROID}.tar.gz'", count=1, ) # Set specific GDBM version. ftxt = replace_exact( ftxt, "source = ''", "source = '" f"gnu/gdbm/gdbm-{GDBM_VER_ANDROID}.tar.gz'", count=1, ) # Set specific libffi version. ftxt = replace_exact( ftxt, "source = '" "download/v3.4.4/libffi-3.4.4.tar.gz'", "source = '" f"download/v{LIBFFI_VER_ANDROID}/libffi-{LIBFFI_VER_ANDROID}.tar.gz'", ) # Set specific LibUUID version. ftxt = replace_exact( ftxt, "source = '" "util-linux/v2.39/util-linux-2.39.2.tar.xz'", "source = '" f'util-linux/v{LIBUUID_VER_ANDROID[0]}/' f"util-linux-{LIBUUID_VER_ANDROID[1]}.tar.xz'", count=1, ) # Set specific NCurses version. ftxt = replace_exact( ftxt, "source = ''", "source = '" f"ncurses-{NCURSES_VER_ANDROID}.tar.gz'", count=1, ) # Set specific ReadLine version. ftxt = replace_exact( ftxt, "source = ''", "source = '" f"readline-{READLINE_VER_ANDROID}.tar.gz'", count=1, ) # Set specific SQLite version. ftxt = replace_exact( ftxt, "source = ''", "source = '" f'{SQLITE_VER_ANDROID[0]}/' f"sqlite-autoconf-{SQLITE_VER_ANDROID[1]}.tar.gz'", count=1, ) # Give ourselves a handle to patch the OpenSSL build. ftxt = replace_exact( ftxt, ' # OpenSSL handles NDK internal paths by itself', ' # Ericf addition: do some patching:\n' '["../../../../../../../tools/pcommand",' ' "python_android_patch_ssl"])\n' ' # OpenSSL handles NDK internal paths by itself', ) writefile('Android/', ftxt) ftxt = readfile('Android/') ftxt = replace_exact( ftxt, "choices=range(30, 40), dest='android_api_level'", "choices=range(23, 40), dest='android_api_level'", ) writefile('Android/', ftxt) # Tweak some things in the base build script; grab the right version # of Python and also inject some code to modify bits of python # after it is extracted. ftxt = readfile('') # Repo has gone 30+, but we currently want our own which is lower. ftxt = replace_exact( ftxt, 'COMMON_ARGS="--arch ${ARCH:-arm} --api ${ANDROID_API:-30}"', 'COMMON_ARGS="--arch ${ARCH:-arm} --api ${ANDROID_API:-' + str(ANDROID_API_VER) + '}"', ) ftxt = replace_exact(ftxt, 'PYVER=3.12.4', f'PYVER={PY_VER_EXACT_ANDROID}') ftxt = replace_exact( ftxt, ' popd\n', f' ../../../tools/pcommand' f' python_android_patch Python-{PY_VER_EXACT_ANDROID}\n popd\n', ) writefile('', ftxt) # Ok; let 'er rip! exargs = ' --with-pydebug' if debug else '' pyvershort = PY_VER_ANDROID.replace('.', '') f'ARCH={arch} ANDROID_API=23 ./{exargs} --without-ensurepip' f' --with-build-python=' f'/home/ubuntu/.py{pyvershort}/bin/python{PY_VER_ANDROID}', shell=True, check=True, ) print('python build complete! (android/' + arch + ')')
[docs] def apple_patch(python_dir: str) -> None: """New test.""" patch_modules_setup(python_dir, 'apple') # Filter an instance of 'itms-services' that appeared in Python3.12 # and which was getting me rejected from the app store. fname = os.path.join(python_dir, 'Lib', 'urllib', '') ftxt = readfile(fname) ftxt = replace_exact( ftxt, "'wss', 'itms-services']", "'wss', 'i!t!m!s!-!s!e!r!v!i!c!e!s'.replace('!', '')]", ) writefile(fname, ftxt)
[docs] def patch_modules_setup(python_dir: str, baseplatform: str) -> None: """Muck with the Setup.* files Python uses to build modules.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-locals del baseplatform # Unused. assert ' ' not in python_dir # Use the shiny new Setup.stdlib setup (Sounds like this will be # default in the future?). It looks like by mucking with # we can make pretty minimal changes to get the # results we want without having to inject platform-specific linker # flags and whatnot like we had to previously. f'cd {python_dir}/Modules && ln -sf ./Setup.stdlib ./Setup.local', shell=True, check=True, ) # Edit the inputs for that shiny new setup. fname = os.path.join(python_dir, 'Modules', '') ftxt = readfile(fname) # Start by flipping everything to hard-coded static. ftxt = replace_exact( ftxt, '*@MODULE_BUILDTYPE@*', '*static*', count=1, ) # This list should contain all possible compiled modules to start. # If any .so files are coming out of builds or anything unrecognized # is showing up in the final Setup.local or the build, add it here. # # TODO(ericf): could automate a warning for at least the last part # of that. cmodules: set[tuple[str, int]] = { ('_asyncio', 1), ('_bisect', 1), ('_blake2', 1), ('_codecs_cn', 1), ('_codecs_hk', 1), ('_codecs_iso2022', 1), ('_codecs_jp', 1), ('_codecs_kr', 1), ('_codecs_tw', 1), ('_contextvars', 1), ('_crypt', 1), ('_csv', 1), ('_ctypes_test', 1), ('_curses_panel', 1), ('_curses', 1), ('_datetime', 1), ('_decimal', 1), ('_gdbm', 1), ('_dbm', 1), ('_elementtree', 1), ('_heapq', 1), ('_json', 1), ('_lsprof', 1), ('_lzma', 1), ('_md5', 1), ('_multibytecodec', 1), ('_multiprocessing', 1), ('_opcode', 1), ('_pickle', 1), ('_posixsubprocess', 1), ('_posixshmem', 1), ('_queue', 1), ('_random', 1), ('_sha1', 1), ('_sha2', 1), ('_sha3', 1), ('_socket', 1), ('_statistics', 1), ('_struct', 1), ('_testbuffer', 1), ('_testcapi', 1), ('_testimportmultiple', 1), ('_testinternalcapi', 1), ('_testmultiphase', 2), ('_testclinic', 1), ('_uuid', 1), ('_xxsubinterpreters', 1), ('_xxtestfuzz', 1), ('spwd', 1), ('_zoneinfo', 1), ('array', 1), ('audioop', 1), ('binascii', 1), ('cmath', 1), ('fcntl', 1), ('grp', 1), ('math', 1), ('_tkinter', 1), ('mmap', 1), ('ossaudiodev', 1), ('pyexpat', 1), ('resource', 1), ('select', 1), ('nis', 1), ('syslog', 1), ('termios', 1), ('unicodedata', 1), ('xxlimited', 1), ('xxlimited_35', 1), ('zlib', 1), ('readline', 1), } # The set of modules we want statically compiled into our Python lib. enables = { '_asyncio', 'array', 'cmath', 'math', '_contextvars', '_struct', '_random', '_elementtree', '_pickle', '_datetime', '_zoneinfo', '_bisect', '_heapq', '_json', '_ctypes', '_statistics', 'unicodedata', 'fcntl', 'select', 'mmap', '_csv', '_socket', '_blake2', '_lzma', 'binascii', '_posixsubprocess', 'zlib', } # Muck with things in line form for a bit. lines = ftxt.splitlines() disable_at_end = set[str]() for cmodule, expected_instances in cmodules: linebegin = f'@MODULE_{cmodule.upper()}_TRUE@' indices = [i for i, val in enumerate(lines) if linebegin in val] if len(indices) != expected_instances: raise RuntimeError( f'Expected to find exactly {expected_instances}' f' entry for {cmodule};' f' found {len(indices)}.' ) for index in indices: line = lines[index] is_enabled = not line.startswith('#') should_enable = cmodule in enables if not should_enable: # If something is enabled but we don't want it, comment it # out. Also stick all disabled stuff in a *disabled* section # at the bottom so it won't get built even as shared. if is_enabled: lines[index] = f'#{line}' disable_at_end.add(cmodule) elif not is_enabled: # Ok; its enabled and shouldn't be. What to do... if bool(False): # Uncomment the line to enable it. # # UPDATE: Seems this doesn't work; will have to figure # out the right way to get things like _ctypes compiling # statically. lines[index] = replace_exact( line, f'#{linebegin}', linebegin, count=1 ) else: # Don't support this currently. raise RuntimeError( f'UNEXPECTED is_enabled=False' f' should_enable=True for {cmodule}' ) ftxt = '\n'.join(lines) + '\n' # There is one last hacky bit, which is a holdover from previous years. # Seems makesetup still has a bug where *any* line containing an equals # gets interpreted as a global DEF instead of a target, which means our # custom _ctypes lines above get ignored. Ugh. # # To fix it we need to revert the *=* case to what it apparently used to # be: [A-Z]*=*. I wonder why this got changed and how has it not broken # tons of stuff? Maybe I'm missing something. # fname2 = os.path.join(python_dir, 'Modules', 'makesetup') # ftxt2 = readfile(fname2) # ftxt2 = replace_exact( # ftxt2, # ' *=*) DEFS="$line$NL$DEFS"; continue;;', # ' [A-Z]*=*) DEFS="$line$NL$DEFS"; continue;;', # ) # assert ftxt2.count('[A-Z]*=*') == 1 # writefile(fname2, ftxt2) # Explicitly mark the remaining ones as disabled # (so Python won't try to build them as dynamic libs). remaining_disabled = ' '.join(sorted(disable_at_end)) ftxt += ( '\n# Disabled by efrotools build:\n' '*disabled*\n' f'{remaining_disabled}\n' ) writefile(fname, ftxt)
[docs] def android_patch() -> None: """Run necessary patches on an android archive before building.""" patch_modules_setup('.', 'android') # Add our low level debug call. _patch_py_h() # Use that call... _patch_py_wreadlink_test()
# _patch_py_ssl()
[docs] def android_patch_ssl() -> None: """Run necessary patches on an android ssl before building.""" # We bundle our own SSL root certificates on various platforms and use # the OpenSSL 'SSL_CERT_FILE' env var override to get them to be used # by default. However, OpenSSL is picky about allowing env-vars to be # used and something about the Android environment makes it disallow # them. So we need to force the issue. Alternately we could explicitly # pass 'cafile' args to SSLContexts whenever we do network-y stuff # but it seems cleaner to just have things work everywhere by default. fname = 'crypto/getenv.c' txt = readfile(fname) txt = replace_exact( txt, 'char *ossl_safe_getenv(const char *name)\n{\n', ( 'char *ossl_safe_getenv(const char *name)\n' '{\n' ' // ERICF TWEAK: ALWAYS ALLOW GETENV.\n' ' return getenv(name);\n' ), ) writefile(fname, txt) # Update: looks like this might have been disabled by default for # newer SSL builds used by 3.11+; can remove this if it seems stable. if bool(False): # Getting a lot of crashes in _armv7_tick, which seems to be a # somewhat known issue with certain arm7 devices. Sounds like # there are no major downsides to disabling this feature, so doing that. # (Sounds like its possible to somehow disable it through an env var # but let's just be sure and #ifdef it out in the source. # see fname = 'crypto/armcap.c' txt = readfile(fname) txt = replace_exact( txt, ' /* Things that getauxval didn\'t tell us */\n' ' if (sigsetjmp(ill_jmp, 1) == 0) {\n' ' _armv7_tick();\n' ' OPENSSL_armcap_P |= ARMV7_TICK;\n' ' }\n', '# if 0 // ericf disabled; causing crashes' ' on some android devices.\n' ' /* Things that getauxval didn\'t tell us */\n' ' if (sigsetjmp(ill_jmp, 1) == 0) {\n' ' _armv7_tick();\n' ' OPENSSL_armcap_P |= ARMV7_TICK;\n' ' }\n' '# endif // 0\n', ) writefile(fname, txt)
def _patch_py_wreadlink_test() -> None: fname = 'Python/fileutils.c' txt = readfile(fname) # Final fix for this problem. # It seems that readlink() might be broken in android at the moment, # returning an int while claiming it to be a ssize_t value. This makes # the error case (-1) actually come out as 4294967295. When cast back # to an int it is -1, so that's what we do. This should be fine to do # even on a fixed version. txt = replace_exact( txt, ' res = readlink(cpath, cbuf, cbuf_len);\n', ' res = (int)readlink(cpath, cbuf, cbuf_len);\n', ) # Verbose problem exploration: # txt = replace_exact( # txt, # '#include <stdlib.h> // mbstowcs()\n', # '#include <stdlib.h> // mbstowcs()\n' # '#include <sys/syscall.h>\n', # ) # txt = replace_exact(txt, ' Py_ssize_t res;\n', '') # txt = replace_exact( # txt, # ' res = readlink(cpath, cbuf, cbuf_len);\n', # ( # ' Py_ssize_t res = readlink(cpath, cbuf, cbuf_len);\n' # ' Py_ssize_t res2 = readlink(cpath, cbuf, cbuf_len);\n' # ' ssize_t res3 = readlink(cpath, cbuf, cbuf_len);\n' # ' ssize_t res4 = readlinkat(AT_FDCWD, cpath, # cbuf, cbuf_len);\n' # ' int res5 = syscall(SYS_readlinkat, AT_FDCWD, cpath,' # ' cbuf, cbuf_len);\n' # ' ssize_t res6 = syscall(SYS_readlinkat, AT_FDCWD, cpath,' # ' cbuf, cbuf_len);\n' # ' char dlog[512];\n' # ' snprintf(dlog, sizeof(dlog),' # ' "res=%zd res2=%zd res3=%zd res4=%zd res5=%d res6=%zd"\n' # ' " (res == -1)=%d (res2 == -1)=%d (res3 == -1)=%d' # ' (res4 == -1)=%d (res5 == -1)=%d (res6 == -1)=%d",\n' # ' res, res2, res3, res4, res5, res6,\n' # ' (res == -1), (res2 == -1), (res3 == -1),' # ' (res4 == -1), (res5 == -1), (res6 == -1));\n' # ' Py_BallisticaLowLevelDebugLog(dlog);\n' # '\n' # ' char dlog1[512];\n' # ' ssize_t st1;\n' # ' Py_ssize_t st2;\n' # ' snprintf(dlog1, sizeof(dlog1), # "ValsA1 sz1=%zu sz2=%zu res=%zd' # ' res_hex=%lX res_cmp=%d res_cmp_2=%d pathlen=%d slen=%d' # ' path=\'%s\'", sizeof(st1), sizeof(st2), res,' # ' res, (int)(res == -1), (int)((int)res == -1),' # ' (int)wcslen(path), (int)strlen(cpath), cpath);\n' # ' Py_BallisticaLowLevelDebugLog(dlog1);\n' # ), # ) # txt = replace_exact( # txt, # " cbuf[res] = '\\0'; /* buf will be null terminated */", # ( # ' char dlog[512];\n' # ' snprintf(dlog, sizeof(dlog), "ValsB res=%d resx=%lX' # ' eq1=%d eq2=%d",' # ' (int)res, res, (int)(res == -1),' # ' (int)((size_t)res == cbuf_len));\n' # ' Py_BallisticaLowLevelDebugLog(dlog);\n' # " cbuf[res] = '\\0'; /* buf will be null terminated */" # ), # ) writefile(fname, txt) def _patch_py_h() -> None: fname = 'Include/fileutils.h' txt = readfile(fname) txt = replace_exact( txt, '\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n}\n', ( '\n' '/* ericf hack for debugging */\n' '#define PY_HAVE_BALLISTICA_LOW_LEVEL_DEBUG_LOG\n' 'extern void (*Py_BallisticaLowLevelDebugLog)(const char* msg);\n' '\n' '#ifdef __cplusplus\n}\n' ), ) writefile(fname, txt) fname = 'Python/fileutils.c' txt = readfile(fname) txt = replace_exact( txt, ' _Py_END_SUPPRESS_IPH\n}', ' _Py_END_SUPPRESS_IPH\n}\n\n' 'void (*Py_BallisticaLowLevelDebugLog)(const char* msg) = NULL;\n', ) writefile(fname, txt) def _patch_py_ssl() -> None: # UPDATE: this is now included in Python as of 3.10.6; woohoo! if bool(True): return # I've tracked down an issue where Python's SSL module # can spend lots of time in SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths() # while holding the GIL, which hitches the game like crazy. # On debug builds on older Android devices it can spend up to # 1-2 seconds there. So its necessary to release the GIL during that # call to keep things smooth. Will submit a report/patch to the # Python folks, but for now am just patching it for our Python builds. # NOTE TO SELF: It would also be good to look into why that call can be # so slow and if there's anything we can do about that. # UPDATE: This should be fixed in Python itself as of 3.10.6 # (see # UPDATE 2: Have also confirmed that call is expected to be slow in # some situations. fname = 'Modules/_ssl.c' txt = readfile(fname) txt = replace_exact( txt, ' if (!SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths(self->ctx)) {', ' int ret = 0;\n' '\n' ' PySSL_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS\n' ' ret = SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths(self->ctx);\n' ' PySSL_END_ALLOW_THREADS\n' '\n' ' if (!ret) {', ) writefile(fname, txt)
[docs] def winprune() -> None: """Prune unneeded files from windows python dists. Should run this after dropping updated windows libs/dlls/etc into our src dirs. """ for libdir in ( 'src/assets/windows/Win32/Lib', 'src/assets/windows/x64/Lib', ): assert os.path.isdir(libdir) assert all(' ' not in name for name in PRUNE_LIB_NAMES) f'cd "{libdir}" && rm -rf ' + ' '.join(PRUNE_LIB_NAMES), shell=True, check=True, ) # Kill python cache dirs. f'find "{libdir}" -name __pycache__ -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf', shell=True, check=True, ) tweak_empty_py_files(libdir) for dlldir in ( 'src/assets/windows/Win32/DLLs', 'src/assets/windows/x64/DLLs', ): assert os.path.isdir(dlldir) assert all(' ' not in name for name in PRUNE_DLL_NAMES) f'cd "{dlldir}" && rm -rf ' + ' '.join(PRUNE_DLL_NAMES), shell=True, check=True, ) print('Win-prune successful.')
[docs] def gather(do_android: bool, do_apple: bool) -> None: """Gather per-platform python headers, libs, and modules into our src. This assumes all embeddable py builds have been run successfully, and that PROJROOT is the cwd. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=too-many-statements # pylint: disable=too-many-branches class CompileArch(Enum): """The exhaustive set of single architectures we build for. Basically if there is a unique pyconfig.h for it somewhere, it should be listed here. This does not include debug/release though. """ ANDROID_ARM = 'android_arm' ANDROID_ARM64 = 'android_arm64' ANDROID_X86 = 'android_x86' ANDROID_X86_64 = 'android_x86_64' IOS_ARM64 = 'ios_arm64' IOS_SIM_ARM64 = 'ios_simulator_arm64' # IOS_SIM_X86_64 = 'ios_simulator_x86_64' TVOS_ARM64 = 'tvos_arm64' TVOS_SIM_ARM64 = 'tvos_simulator_arm64' # TVOS_SIM_X86_64 = 'tvos_simulator_x86_64' MAC_ARM64 = 'mac_arm64' MAC_X86_64 = 'mac_x86_64' @dataclass class GroupDef: """apple, android, etc.""" # Vanilla headers from the python version. # The first dir will be actually used and any others will # simply be checked to make sure they're identical. baseheaders: list[str] # Vanilla lib dir from the python version. basepylib: list[str] @dataclass class BuildDef: """macos, etc.""" name: str group: GroupDef config_headers: dict[CompileArch, str] libs: list[str] libinst: str | None = None sys_config_scripts: list[str] | None = None # First off, clear out any existing output. for platform, enabled in [('android', do_android), ('apple', do_apple)]: if enabled: [ 'rm', '-rf', f'src/external/python-{platform}', f'src/external/python-{platform}-debug', f'src/assets/pylib-{platform}', ], check=True, ) apost2 = f'src/Python-{PY_VER_EXACT_ANDROID}/Android/sysroot' for buildtype in ['debug', 'release']: debug = buildtype == 'debug' debug_d = 'd' if debug else '' bsuffix = '_debug' if buildtype == 'debug' else '' bsuffix2 = '-debug' if buildtype == 'debug' else '' alibname = 'python' + PY_VER_ANDROID + debug_d # Where our base stuff got built to. bases = { 'mac': f'build/python_apple_mac{bsuffix}', 'ios': f'build/python_apple_ios{bsuffix}', 'ios_simulator': f'build/python_apple_ios{bsuffix}', 'tvos': f'build/python_apple_tvos{bsuffix}', 'tvos_simulator': f'build/python_apple_tvos{bsuffix}', 'android_arm': f'build/python_android_arm{bsuffix}/build', 'android_arm64': f'build/python_android_arm64{bsuffix}/build', 'android_x86': f'build/python_android_x86{bsuffix}/build', 'android_x86_64': f'build/python_android_x86_64{bsuffix}/build', } # Where some support libraries got built to. # NOTE: Mac builds here are universal which covers x86_64 and arm64, # but for ios/tvos/etc. we just go with arm64. The only thing that # leaves out these days is x86_64 simulator, but we don't need to care # about that so it's not worth the complicated lipo setup to merge # things. bases2 = { # 'mac': f'{bases["mac"]}/merge/macOS/macosx', 'mac': f'{bases['mac']}/install/macOS/macosx', # 'ios': f'{bases["ios"]}/merge/iOS/iphoneos', 'ios': f'{bases['ios']}/install/iOS/iphoneos.arm64', # 'ios_simulator': ( # f'{bases["ios_simulator"]}/merge/iOS/iphonesimulator' # ), 'ios_simulator': ( f'{bases['ios_simulator']}/install/iOS/iphonesimulator.arm64' ), # 'tvos': f'{bases["tvos"]}/merge/tvOS/appletvos', 'tvos': f'{bases['tvos']}/install/tvOS/appletvos.arm64', # 'tvos_simulator': ( # f'{bases["tvos_simulator"]}/merge/tvOS/appletvsimulator' # ), 'tvos_simulator': ( f'{bases['tvos_simulator']}/install/tvOS/appletvsimulator.arm64' ), 'android_arm': f'build/python_android_arm{bsuffix}/{apost2}', 'android_arm64': f'build/python_android_arm64{bsuffix}/{apost2}', 'android_x86': f'build/python_android_x86{bsuffix}/{apost2}', 'android_x86_64': f'build/python_android_x86_64{bsuffix}/{apost2}', } # Groups should point to base sets of headers and pylibs that # are used by all builds in the group. # # Note we point to a bunch of bases here but that is only for # sanity check purposes (to make sure they are all identical); # only the first actually gets used. groups: dict[str, GroupDef] = { 'apple': GroupDef( baseheaders=[ f'{bases['mac']}/build/macOS/macosx/' f'python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/Include', f'{bases['ios']}/build/iOS/iphoneos.arm64/' f'python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/Include', f'{bases['ios_simulator']}' f'/build/iOS/iphonesimulator.arm64/' f'python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/Include', f'{bases['ios_simulator']}' f'/build/iOS/iphonesimulator.x86_64/' f'python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/Include', f'{bases['tvos']}/build/tvOS/appletvos.arm64/' f'python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/Include', f'{bases['tvos_simulator']}' f'/build/tvOS/appletvsimulator.arm64/' f'python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/Include', f'{bases['tvos_simulator']}' f'/build/tvOS/appletvsimulator.x86_64/' f'python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/Include', ], basepylib=[ f'{bases['mac']}/build/macOS/macosx/' f'python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/Lib', f'{bases['ios']}/build/iOS/iphoneos.arm64/' f'python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/Lib', f'{bases['ios_simulator']}' f'/build/iOS/iphonesimulator.arm64/' f'python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/Lib', f'{bases['ios_simulator']}' f'/build/iOS/iphonesimulator.x86_64/' f'python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/Lib', f'{bases['tvos']}/build/tvOS/appletvos.arm64/' f'python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/Lib', f'{bases['tvos_simulator']}' f'/build/tvOS/appletvsimulator.arm64/' f'python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/Lib', f'{bases['tvos_simulator']}' f'/build/tvOS/appletvsimulator.x86_64/' f'python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/Lib', ], ), 'android': GroupDef( baseheaders=[ f'build/python_android_arm/src/' f'Python-{PY_VER_EXACT_ANDROID}/Include', f'build/python_android_arm64/src/' f'Python-{PY_VER_EXACT_ANDROID}/Include', f'build/python_android_x86/src/' f'Python-{PY_VER_EXACT_ANDROID}/Include', f'build/python_android_x86_64/src/' f'Python-{PY_VER_EXACT_ANDROID}/Include', ], basepylib=[ f'build/python_android_arm/src/' f'Python-{PY_VER_EXACT_ANDROID}/Lib', f'build/python_android_arm64/src/' f'Python-{PY_VER_EXACT_ANDROID}/Lib', f'build/python_android_x86/src/' f'Python-{PY_VER_EXACT_ANDROID}/Lib', f'build/python_android_x86_64/src/' f'Python-{PY_VER_EXACT_ANDROID}/Lib', ], ), } def _apple_libs(base: str) -> list[str]: # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop out = [ ( f'{bases2[base]}/python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}' # f'/libPython{PY_VER_APPLE}.a' f'/lib/libpython{PY_VER_APPLE}{debug_d}.a' ), f'{bases2[base]}/openssl-{OPENSSL_VER_APPLE}/lib/libssl.a', f'{bases2[base]}/openssl-{OPENSSL_VER_APPLE}/lib/libcrypto.a', f'{bases2[base]}/xz-{XZ_VER_APPLE}/lib/liblzma.a', f'{bases2[base]}/bzip2-{BZIP2_VER_APPLE}/lib/libbz2.a', ] if base != 'mac': out.append( f'{bases2[base]}/libffi-{LIBFFI_VER_APPLE}/lib/libffi.a' ) return out def _android_libs(base: str) -> list[str]: # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop return [ f'{bases[base]}/usr/lib/lib{alibname}.a', f'{bases2[base]}/usr/lib/libssl.a', f'{bases2[base]}/usr/lib/libcrypto.a', f'{bases2[base]}/usr/lib/liblzma.a', f'{bases2[base]}/usr/lib/libsqlite3.a', f'{bases2[base]}/usr/lib/libffi.a', f'{bases2[base]}/usr/lib/libbz2.a', f'{bases2[base]}/usr/lib/libuuid.a', ] builds: list[BuildDef] = [ BuildDef( name='macos', group=groups['apple'], # There's just a single config for the universal build; # that seems odd but I guess it's right?... config_headers={ CompileArch.MAC_ARM64: bases2['mac'] # + f'/python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/Headers/pyconfig.h', + f'/python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/' f'include/python{PY_VER_APPLE}{debug_d}/pyconfig.h', CompileArch.MAC_X86_64: bases2['mac'] # + f'/python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/Headers/pyconfig.h', + f'/python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/' f'include/python{PY_VER_APPLE}{debug_d}/pyconfig.h', }, sys_config_scripts=[ bases2['mac'] + f'/python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/lib/python{PY_VER_APPLE}/' f'_sysconfigdata_{debug_d}' ], libs=_apple_libs('mac'), ), BuildDef( name='ios', group=groups['apple'], config_headers={ CompileArch.IOS_ARM64: bases2['ios'] # + f'/python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/' # f'Headers/pyconfig-arm64.h', + f'/python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/' f'include/python{PY_VER_APPLE}{debug_d}/pyconfig.h', }, sys_config_scripts=[ # bases2['ios'] # + f'/python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/' # f'lib/python{PY_VER_APPLE}/' # f'_sysconfigdata_{debug_d}', bases2['ios'] + f'/python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/' f'lib/python{PY_VER_APPLE}/' f'_sysconfigdata_{debug_d}', ], libs=_apple_libs('ios'), ), BuildDef( name='ios_simulator', group=groups['apple'], config_headers={ CompileArch.IOS_SIM_ARM64: bases2['ios_simulator'] # + f'/python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/' # 'Headers/pyconfig-arm64.h', + f'/python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/' f'include/python{PY_VER_APPLE}{debug_d}/pyconfig.h', # CompileArch.IOS_SIM_X86_64: bases2['ios_simulator'] # + f'/python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/' # 'Headers/pyconfig-x86_64.h', }, sys_config_scripts=[ # bases2['ios_simulator'] # + f'/python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/python-stdlib/' # f'_sysconfigdata_{debug_d}', bases2['ios_simulator'] + f'/python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/' f'lib/python{PY_VER_APPLE}/' f'_sysconfigdata_{debug_d}', # bases2['ios_simulator'] # + f'/python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/python-stdlib/' # f'_sysconfigdata_{debug_d}', ], libs=_apple_libs('ios_simulator'), ), BuildDef( name='tvos', group=groups['apple'], config_headers={ CompileArch.TVOS_ARM64: bases2['tvos'] + f'/python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/' f'include/python{PY_VER_APPLE}{debug_d}/pyconfig.h', # + f'/python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/ # Headers/pyconfig-arm64.h', }, sys_config_scripts=[ # bases2['tvos'] # + f'/python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/python-stdlib/' # f'_sysconfigdata_{debug_d}', bases2['tvos'] + f'/python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/' f'lib/python{PY_VER_APPLE}/' f'_sysconfigdata_{debug_d}', ], libs=_apple_libs('tvos'), ), BuildDef( name='tvos_simulator', group=groups['apple'], config_headers={ CompileArch.TVOS_SIM_ARM64: bases2['tvos_simulator'] + f'/python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/' f'include/python{PY_VER_APPLE}{debug_d}/pyconfig.h', # CompileArch.TVOS_SIM_X86_64: bases2['ios_simulator'] # + f'/python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/' # f'Headers/pyconfig-x86_64.h', }, sys_config_scripts=[ # bases2['tvos_simulator'] # + f'/python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/python-stdlib/' # f'_sysconfigdata_{debug_d}', bases2['tvos_simulator'] + f'/python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/' f'lib/python{PY_VER_APPLE}/' f'_sysconfigdata_{debug_d}', # bases2['tvos_simulator'] # + f'/python-{PY_VER_EXACT_APPLE}/python-stdlib/' # f'_sysconfigdata_{debug_d}' # '', ], libs=_apple_libs('tvos_simulator'), ), BuildDef( name='android_arm64', group=groups['android'], config_headers={ CompileArch.ANDROID_ARM64: bases['android_arm64'] + f'/usr/include/{alibname}/pyconfig.h' }, sys_config_scripts=[ bases['android_arm64'] + f'/usr/lib/python{PY_VER_ANDROID}/' f'_sysconfigdata_{debug_d}' # f'' f'' ], libs=_android_libs('android_arm64'), libinst='android_arm64-v8a', ), BuildDef( name='android_arm', group=groups['android'], config_headers={ CompileArch.ANDROID_ARM: bases['android_arm'] + f'/usr/include/{alibname}/pyconfig.h' }, sys_config_scripts=[ bases['android_arm'] + f'/usr/lib/python{PY_VER_ANDROID}/' # f'_sysconfigdata_{debug_d}' f'_sysconfigdata_{debug_d}' ], libs=_android_libs('android_arm'), libinst='android_armeabi-v7a', ), BuildDef( name='android_x86_64', group=groups['android'], config_headers={ CompileArch.ANDROID_X86_64: bases['android_x86_64'] + f'/usr/include/{alibname}/pyconfig.h' }, sys_config_scripts=[ bases['android_x86_64'] + f'/usr/lib/python{PY_VER_ANDROID}/' f'_sysconfigdata_{debug_d}' # f'' f'' ], libs=_android_libs('android_x86_64'), libinst='android_x86_64', ), BuildDef( name='android_x86', group=groups['android'], config_headers={ CompileArch.ANDROID_X86: bases['android_x86'] + f'/usr/include/{alibname}/pyconfig.h' }, sys_config_scripts=[ bases['android_x86'] + f'/usr/lib/python{PY_VER_ANDROID}/' f'_sysconfigdata_{debug_d}' # f'' f'' ], libs=_android_libs('android_x86'), libinst='android_x86', ), ] # if do_apple: # # The default apple builds spit out static libs which are # # then linked into shared libs that python loads # # dynamically. We, however, want to build everything # # statically, so we need to use lipo to combine some # # architectures such as x86_64/arm64 simulator builds. XCode # # allows specifying paths per architecture in some cases but # # not all, which is why we need this. # print('LIPO-ING STANDALONE LIBS') # # ['rm', '-rf', bases2['mac'] + '/efromerge'], check=True # ) #['mkdir', bases2['mac'] # + '/efromerge'], check=True) # Assemble per-group stuff. for grpname, grp in groups.items(): if not do_android and grpname == 'android': continue if not do_apple and grpname == 'apple': continue # Sanity check: if we have more than one set of base headers/libs # for this group, make sure they're all identical. for dirlist, dirdesc in [ (grp.baseheaders, 'baseheaders'), (grp.basepylib, 'basepylib'), ]: for i in range(len(dirlist) - 1): returncode = ['diff', dirlist[i], dirlist[i + 1]], check=False, capture_output=True, ).returncode if returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError( f'Sanity check failed: the following {dirdesc}' f' dirs differ:\n' f'{dirlist[i]}\n' f'{dirlist[i+1]}' ) pylib_dst = f'src/assets/pylib-{grpname}' src_dst = f'src/external/python-{grpname}{bsuffix2}' include_dst = os.path.join(src_dst, 'include') lib_dst = os.path.join(src_dst, 'lib') assert not os.path.exists(src_dst) assert not os.path.exists(lib_dst)['mkdir', '-p', src_dst], check=True)['mkdir', '-p', lib_dst], check=True) # Copy in the base 'include' dir for this group. ['cp', '-r', grp.baseheaders[0], include_dst], check=True, ) # Write a master pyconfig.h that reroutes to each # compile-arch's actual header (pyconfig-FOO_BAR.h). # FIXME - we are using ballistica-specific values here; # could be nice to generalize this so its usable elsewhere. unified_pyconfig = ( f'#if BA_XCODE_BUILD\n' f'// Necessary to get the TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR define.\n' f'#include <TargetConditionals.h>\n' f'#endif\n' f'\n' f'#if BA_OSTYPE_MACOS and defined(__aarch64__)\n' f'#include "pyconfig_{CompileArch.MAC_ARM64.value}.h"\n' f'\n' f'#elif BA_OSTYPE_MACOS and defined(__x86_64__)\n' f'#include "pyconfig_{CompileArch.MAC_X86_64.value}.h"\n' f'\n' f'#elif BA_OSTYPE_IOS and defined(__aarch64__)\n' f'#if TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR\n' f'#include "pyconfig_{CompileArch.IOS_SIM_ARM64.value}.h"\n' f'#else\n' f'#include "pyconfig_{CompileArch.IOS_ARM64.value}.h"\n' f'#endif // TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR\n' f'\n' f'#elif BA_OSTYPE_IOS and defined(__x86_64__)\n' f'#if TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR\n' f'#error x86 simulator no longer supported here.\n' # f'#include "pyconfig_{CompileArch.IOS_SIM_X86_64.value}.h"\n' f'#else\n' f'#error this platform combo should not be possible\n' f'#endif // TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR\n' f'\n' f'#elif BA_OSTYPE_TVOS and defined(__aarch64__)\n' f'#if TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR\n' f'#include "pyconfig_{CompileArch.TVOS_SIM_ARM64.value}.h"\n' f'#else\n' f'#include "pyconfig_{CompileArch.TVOS_ARM64.value}.h"\n' f'#endif // TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR\n' f'\n' f'#elif BA_OSTYPE_TVOS and defined(__x86_64__)\n' f'#if TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR\n' f'#error x86 simulator no longer supported here.\n' # f'#include "pyconfig_{CompileArch.TVOS_SIM_X86_64.value}.h"\n' f'#else\n' f'#error this platform combo should not be possible\n' f'#endif // TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR\n' f'\n' f'#elif BA_OSTYPE_ANDROID and defined(__arm__)\n' f'#include "pyconfig_{CompileArch.ANDROID_ARM.value}.h"\n' f'\n' f'#elif BA_OSTYPE_ANDROID and defined(__aarch64__)\n' f'#include "pyconfig_{CompileArch.ANDROID_ARM64.value}.h"\n' f'\n' f'#elif BA_OSTYPE_ANDROID and defined(__i386__)\n' f'#include "pyconfig_{CompileArch.ANDROID_X86.value}.h"\n' f'\n' f'#elif BA_OSTYPE_ANDROID and defined(__x86_64__)\n' f'#include "pyconfig_{CompileArch.ANDROID_X86_64.value}.h"\n' f'\n' f'#else\n' f'#error unknown platform\n' f'\n' f'#endif\n' ) with open( f'{include_dst}/pyconfig.h', 'w', encoding='utf-8' ) as hfile: hfile.write(unified_pyconfig) # Pylib is the same for debug and release, so we only need # to assemble for one of them. if not os.path.exists(pylib_dst): assert not os.path.exists(pylib_dst)['mkdir', '-p', pylib_dst], check=True) [ 'rsync', '--recursive', '--include', '*.py', '--exclude', '__pycache__', '--include', '*/', '--exclude', '*', f'{grp.basepylib[0]}/', pylib_dst, ], check=True, ) tweak_empty_py_files(pylib_dst) # Prune a bunch of modules we don't need to cut down on size. # NOTE: allowing shell expansion in PRUNE_LIB_NAMES so need # to run this as shell=True. 'cd "' + pylib_dst + '" && rm -rf ' + ' '.join(PRUNE_LIB_NAMES), shell=True, check=True, ) # UPDATE: now bundling sysconfigdata scripts AND # disabling when initializing python for bundled # builds so this should no longer be necessary. if bool(False): # Some minor filtering to system scripts: # on iOS/tvOS, addusersitepackages() leads to a crash # due to _sysconfigdata_dm_ios_darwin module not existing, # so let's remove that logic in all cases. # In general we *could* bundle _sysconfigdata everywhere but # gonna try to just avoid anything that uses it for now # and save a bit of memory. fname = f'{pylib_dst}/' txt = readfile(fname) txt = replace_exact( txt, ' known_paths = addusersitepackages(known_paths)', ' # efro tweak: this craps out on ios/tvos.\n' ' # (and we don\'t use it anyway)\n' ' # known_paths = addusersitepackages(known_paths)', ) writefile(fname, txt) # Pull stuff in from all builds in this group. for build in builds: if is not grp: continue # Copy the build's pyconfig.h in with a unique name # (which the unified pyconfig.h we wrote above will route to). for compilearch, pycfgpath in build.config_headers.items(): dstpath = f'{include_dst}/pyconfig_{compilearch.value}.h' assert not os.path.exists(dstpath), f'exists!: {dstpath}'['cp', pycfgpath, dstpath], check=True) # If the build points at any sysconfig scripts, pull those # in (and ensure each has a unique name). if build.sys_config_scripts is not None: for script in build.sys_config_scripts: scriptdst = os.path.join( pylib_dst, os.path.basename(script) ) # Note to self: Python 3.12 seemed to change # something where the sys_config_scripts for # each of the architectures has the same name # whereas it did not before. We could patch this # by hand to split them out again, but for now # just going to hope it gets fixed in 3.13 (when # Android Python becomes an officially supported # target; yay!). Hopefully nobody is using stuff # from sysconfig anyway. But if they are, I # rearranged the order so x86 is the actual one # which will hopefully make errors obvious. if os.path.exists(scriptdst): print( 'WARNING: TEMPORARILY ALLOWING' ' REPEAT SYS CONFIG SCRIPTS' ) # raise RuntimeError( # 'Multiple sys-config-scripts trying to write' # f" to '{scriptdst}'." # )['cp', script, pylib_dst], check=True) # Copy in this build's libs. libinst = ( build.libinst if build.libinst is not None else ) targetdir = f'{lib_dst}/{libinst}'['rm', '-rf', targetdir], check=True)['mkdir', '-p', targetdir], check=True) for lib in build.libs: finalpath = os.path.join(targetdir, os.path.basename(lib)) assert not os.path.exists(finalpath)['cp', lib, targetdir], check=True) assert os.path.exists(finalpath) print('Great success!')
[docs] def tweak_empty_py_files(dirpath: str) -> None: """Find any zero-length Python files and make them length 1 I'm finding that my jenkins server updates modtimes on all empty files when fetching updates regardless of whether anything has changed. This leads to a decent number of assets getting rebuilt when not necessary. As a slightly-hacky-but-effective workaround I'm sticking a newline up in there. """ for root, _subdirs, fnames in os.walk(dirpath): for fname in fnames: if ( fname.endswith('.py') or fname == 'py.typed' ) and os.path.getsize(os.path.join(root, fname)) == 0: if bool(False): print('Tweaking empty py file:', os.path.join(root, fname)) with open( os.path.join(root, fname), 'w', encoding='utf-8' ) as outfile: outfile.write('\n')