Source code for efrotools.pcommands

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""A set of lovely pcommands ready for use."""

from __future__ import annotations

import sys
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from efrotools import pcommand


def _spelling(words: list[str]) -> None:
    from efrotools.code import sort_jetbrains_dict
    import os


    num_modded_dictionaries = 0
    for fname in [
        if not os.path.exists(fname):
        with open(fname, encoding='utf-8') as infile:
            lines =
        if lines[2] != '    <words>':
            raise RuntimeError('Unexpected dictionary format.')
        added_count = 0
        for word in words:
            line = f'      <w>{word.lower()}</w>'
            if line not in lines:
                lines.insert(3, line)
                added_count += 1

        with open(fname, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile:

        print(f'Added {added_count} words to {fname}.')
        num_modded_dictionaries += 1
    print(f'Modified {num_modded_dictionaries} dictionaries.')

[docs] def requirements_upgrade() -> None: """Upgrade project requirements.""" import os import tempfile import subprocess from efro.error import CleanError pcommand.disallow_in_batch() args = pcommand.get_args() if len(args) != 1: raise CleanError('Expected a single arg.') reqpath = args[0] with open(reqpath, encoding='utf-8') as infile: reqs = # Operate on a temp file and compare against our existing so we don't # write unless it has changed. with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir: fname = os.path.join(tempdir, 'reqs') with open(fname, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile: outfile.write(reqs)[sys.executable, '-m', 'pur', '-r', fname], check=True) # Sort lines. with open(fname, encoding='utf-8') as infile: reqs2 = reqs_new = ( '\n'.join(sorted(reqs2.splitlines(), key=lambda l: l.lower())) + '\n' ) if reqs_new != reqs: with open(reqpath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile: outfile.write(reqs_new)
[docs] def spelling_all() -> None: """Add all misspellings from a pycharm run.""" import subprocess pcommand.disallow_in_batch() print('Running "make pycharm-full"...') lines = [ line for line in ['make', 'pycharm-full'], check=False, capture_output=True ) .stdout.decode() .splitlines() if 'Typo: In word' in line ] words = [line.split('Typo: In word')[1].strip() for line in lines] # Strip enclosing quotes but not internal ones. for i, word in enumerate(words): assert word[0] == "'" assert word[-1] == "'" words[i] = word[1:-1] _spelling(words)
[docs] def spelling() -> None: """Add words to the PyCharm dictionary.""" pcommand.disallow_in_batch() _spelling(sys.argv[2:])
[docs] def xcodebuild() -> None: """Run xcodebuild with added smarts.""" from efrotools.xcodebuild import XCodeBuild pcommand.disallow_in_batch() XCodeBuild(projroot=str(pcommand.PROJROOT), args=sys.argv[2:]).run()
def _xcodepath(executable: bool) -> str: import os from efro.error import CleanError from efrotools.xcodebuild import project_build_path pcommand.disallow_in_batch() if len(sys.argv) != 5: raise CleanError( 'Expected 3 args: <xcode project path> <configuration name>' ) project_path = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[2]) scheme = sys.argv[3] configuration = sys.argv[4] return project_build_path( projroot=str(pcommand.PROJROOT), project_path=project_path, scheme=scheme, configuration=configuration, executable=executable, )
[docs] def xcodeshow() -> None: """Open folder containing xcode build in the finder.""" import subprocess['open', _xcodepath(executable=False)], check=True)
[docs] def xcoderun() -> None: """Run an xcode build in the terminal.""" import subprocess path = _xcodepath(executable=True), check=True)
[docs] def pyver() -> None: """Prints the Python version used by this project.""" from efrotools.pyver import PYVER pcommand.disallow_in_batch() print(PYVER, end='')
[docs] def try_repeat() -> None: """Run a command with repeat attempts on failure. First arg is the number of retries; remaining args are the command. """ import subprocess from efro.error import CleanError pcommand.disallow_in_batch() # We require one number arg and at least one command arg. if len(sys.argv) < 4: raise CleanError( 'Expected a retry-count arg and at least one command arg' ) try: repeats = int(sys.argv[2]) except Exception: raise CleanError('Expected int as first arg') from None if repeats < 0: raise CleanError('Retries must be >= 0') cmd = sys.argv[3:] for i in range(repeats + 1): result =, check=False) if result.returncode == 0: return print( f'try_repeat attempt {i + 1} of {repeats + 1} failed for {cmd}.', file=sys.stderr, flush=True, ) raise CleanError(f'Command failed {repeats + 1} time(s): {cmd}')
[docs] def check_clean_safety() -> None: """Ensure all files are are added to git or in gitignore. Use to avoid losing work if we accidentally do a clean without adding something. """ import os import subprocess from efro.error import CleanError pcommand.disallow_in_batch() if len(sys.argv) != 2: raise CleanError('invalid arguments') # Make sure we wouldn't be deleting anything not tracked by git # or ignored. output = subprocess.check_output( ['git', 'status', '--porcelain=v2'] ).decode() if any(line.startswith('?') for line in output.splitlines()): raise CleanError( 'Untracked file(s) found; aborting.' ' (see "git status" from "' + os.getcwd() + '") Either \'git add\' them, add them to .gitignore,' ' or remove them and try again.' )
[docs] def gen_empty_py_init() -> None: """Generate an empty for a package dir. Used as part of meta builds. """ from pathlib import Path from efro.terminal import Clr from efro.error import CleanError pcommand.disallow_in_batch() if len(sys.argv) != 3: raise CleanError('Expected a single path arg.') outpath = Path(sys.argv[2]) outpath.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) print(f'Meta-building {Clr.BLD}{outpath}{Clr.RST}') with open(outpath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile: outfile.write('# This file is autogenerated; do not hand-edit.\n')
[docs] def formatcode() -> None: """Format all of our C/C++/etc. code.""" import efrotools.code pcommand.disallow_in_batch() full = '-full' in sys.argv efrotools.code.format_project_cpp_files(pcommand.PROJROOT, full)
[docs] def formatscripts() -> None: """Format all of our Python/etc. code.""" import efrotools.code pcommand.disallow_in_batch() full = '-full' in sys.argv efrotools.code.format_project_python_files(pcommand.PROJROOT, full)
[docs] def formatmakefile() -> None: """Format the main makefile.""" from efrotools.makefile import Makefile with open('Makefile', encoding='utf-8') as infile: original = pcommand.disallow_in_batch() formatted = Makefile(original).get_output() # Only write if it changed. if formatted != original: with open('Makefile', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile: outfile.write(formatted)
[docs] def cpplint() -> None: """Run lint-checking on all code deemed lint-able.""" import efrotools.code pcommand.disallow_in_batch() full = '-full' in sys.argv efrotools.code.check_cpplint(pcommand.PROJROOT, full)
[docs] def scriptfiles() -> None: """List project script files. Pass -lines to use newlines as separators. The default is spaces. """ import efrotools.code pcommand.disallow_in_batch() paths = efrotools.code.get_script_filenames(projroot=pcommand.PROJROOT) assert not any(' ' in path for path in paths) if '-lines' in sys.argv: print('\n'.join(paths)) else: print(' '.join(paths))
[docs] def pylint() -> None: """Run pylint checks on our scripts.""" import efrotools.code pcommand.disallow_in_batch() full = '-full' in sys.argv fast = '-fast' in sys.argv efrotools.code.pylint(pcommand.PROJROOT, full, fast)
[docs] def pylint_files() -> None: """Run pylint checks on provided filenames.""" from efro.terminal import Clr from efro.error import CleanError import efrotools.code pcommand.disallow_in_batch() if len(sys.argv) < 3: raise CleanError('Expected at least 1 filename arg.') filenames = sys.argv[2:] efrotools.code.runpylint(pcommand.PROJROOT, filenames) print(f'{Clr.GRN}Pylint Passed.{Clr.RST}')
[docs] def mypy() -> None: """Run mypy checks on our scripts.""" import efrotools.code pcommand.disallow_in_batch() full = '-full' in sys.argv efrotools.code.mypy(pcommand.PROJROOT, full)
[docs] def mypy_files() -> None: """Run mypy checks on provided filenames.""" from efro.terminal import Clr from efro.error import CleanError import efrotools.code pcommand.disallow_in_batch() if len(sys.argv) < 3: raise CleanError('Expected at least 1 filename arg.') filenames = sys.argv[2:] try: efrotools.code.mypy_files(pcommand.PROJROOT, filenames) print(f'{Clr.GRN}Mypy Passed.{Clr.RST}') except Exception as exc: raise CleanError('Mypy Failed.') from exc
[docs] def dmypy() -> None: """Run mypy checks on our scripts using the mypy daemon.""" import efrotools.code pcommand.disallow_in_batch() efrotools.code.dmypy(pcommand.PROJROOT)
[docs] def pycharm() -> None: """Run PyCharm checks on our scripts.""" import efrotools.code pcommand.disallow_in_batch() full = '-full' in sys.argv verbose = '-v' in sys.argv efrotools.code.check_pycharm(pcommand.PROJROOT, full, verbose)
[docs] def clioncode() -> None: """Run CLion checks on our code.""" import efrotools.code pcommand.disallow_in_batch() full = '-full' in sys.argv verbose = '-v' in sys.argv efrotools.code.check_clioncode(pcommand.PROJROOT, full, verbose)
[docs] def androidstudiocode() -> None: """Run Android Studio checks on our code.""" import efrotools.code pcommand.disallow_in_batch() full = '-full' in sys.argv verbose = '-v' in sys.argv efrotools.code.check_android_studio(pcommand.PROJROOT, full, verbose)
[docs] def tool_config_install() -> None: """Install a tool config file (with some filtering).""" from pathlib import Path from efro.error import CleanError import efrotools.toolconfig pcommand.disallow_in_batch() if len(sys.argv) != 4: raise CleanError('expected 2 args') src = Path(sys.argv[2]) dst = Path(sys.argv[3]) efrotools.toolconfig.install_tool_config(pcommand.PROJROOT, src, dst)
[docs] def sync_all() -> None: """Runs full syncs between all efrotools projects. This list is defined in the EFROTOOLS_SYNC_PROJECTS env var. This assumes that there is a 'sync-full' and 'sync-list' Makefile target under each project. """ import os import subprocess import concurrent.futures from efro.error import CleanError from efro.terminal import Clr pcommand.disallow_in_batch() print(f'{Clr.BLD}Updating formatting for all projects...{Clr.RST}') projects_str = os.environ.get('EFROTOOLS_SYNC_PROJECTS') if projects_str is None: raise CleanError('EFROTOOL_SYNC_PROJECTS is not defined.') projects = projects_str.split(':') def _format_project(fproject: str) -> None: fcmd = f'cd "{fproject}" && make format' # print(fcmd), shell=True, check=True) # No matter what we're doing (even if just listing), run formatting # in all projects before beginning. Otherwise if we do a sync and then # a preflight we'll often wind up getting out-of-sync errors due to # formatting changing after the sync. with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=len(projects) ) as executor: # Converting this to a list will propagate any errors. list(, projects)) if len(sys.argv) > 2 and sys.argv[2] == 'list': # List mode for project in projects_str.split(':'): cmd = f'cd "{project}" && make sync-list' print(cmd), shell=True, check=True) else: # Real mode for i in range(2): if i == 0: print( f'{Clr.BLD}Running sync pass 1' f' (ensures all changes at dsts are pushed to src):' f'{Clr.RST}' ) else: print( f'{Clr.BLD}Running sync pass 2' f' (ensures latest src is pulled to all dsts):{Clr.RST}' ) for project in projects_str.split(':'): cmd = f'cd "{project}" && make sync-full', shell=True, check=True) print(Clr.BLD + 'Sync-all successful!' + Clr.RST)
[docs] def sync() -> None: """Runs standard syncs between this project and others.""" from efrotools.project import getprojectconfig from efrotools.sync import Mode, SyncItem, run_standard_syncs pcommand.disallow_in_batch() mode = Mode(sys.argv[2]) if len(sys.argv) > 2 else Mode.PULL # Load sync-items from project config and run them sync_items = [ SyncItem(**i) for i in getprojectconfig(pcommand.PROJROOT).get('sync_items', []) ] run_standard_syncs(pcommand.PROJROOT, mode, sync_items)
[docs] def copy_win_extra_file() -> None: """Copy a windows extra file.""" _simple_file_copy('Copying file')
[docs] def compile_language_file() -> None: """Compile a language file.""" _simple_file_copy('Compiling language json')
[docs] def compile_mesh_file() -> None: """Compile a mesh file.""" import os import subprocess from efro.error import CleanError args = pcommand.get_args() if len(args) != 3: raise CleanError('Expected 3 args.') src, dst, makebob = args # Show project-relative paths when possible. relpath = os.path.abspath(dst).removeprefix(f'{pcommand.PROJROOT}/') pcommand.clientprint(f'Compiling mesh: {relpath}') os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst), exist_ok=True)[makebob, src, dst], check=True) assert os.path.exists(dst)
[docs] def compile_collision_mesh_file() -> None: """Compile a mesh file.""" import os import subprocess from efro.error import CleanError args = pcommand.get_args() if len(args) != 3: raise CleanError('Expected 3 args.') src, dst, makebob = args # Show project-relative paths when possible. relpath = os.path.abspath(dst).removeprefix(f'{pcommand.PROJROOT}/') pcommand.clientprint(f'Compiling collision mesh: {relpath}') os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst), exist_ok=True)[makebob, src, dst], check=True) assert os.path.exists(dst)
[docs] def compile_python_file() -> None: """Compile pyc files for packaging. This creates hash-based PYC files in opt level 1 with hash checks defaulting to off, so we don't have to worry about timestamps or loading speed hits due to hash checks. (see PEP 552). We just need to tell modders that they'll need to clear these cache files out or turn on debugging mode if they want to tweak the built-in scripts directly (or go through the asset build system which properly recreates the .pyc files). """ import os import py_compile from efro.error import CleanError args = pcommand.get_args() if len(args) != 1: raise CleanError('Expected a single arg.') fname = args[0] # Show project-relative path when possible. relpath = os.path.abspath(fname).removeprefix(f'{pcommand.PROJROOT}/') pcommand.clientprint(f'Compiling script: {relpath}') py_compile.compile( fname, doraise=True, optimize=1, invalidation_mode=py_compile.PycInvalidationMode.UNCHECKED_HASH, )
[docs] def copy_python_file() -> None: """Copy Python files for packaging.""" _simple_file_copy('Copying script', make_unwritable=True)
def _simple_file_copy(msg: str, make_unwritable: bool = False) -> None: import os import shutil from efro.error import CleanError args = pcommand.get_args() if len(args) != 2: raise CleanError('Expected 2 args.') src, dst = args relpath = os.path.abspath(dst).removeprefix(f'{pcommand.PROJROOT}/') pcommand.clientprint(f'{msg}: {relpath}') # If we're making built files unwritable, we need to blow # away exiting ones to allow this to succeed. if make_unwritable: if os.path.exists(dst): os.unlink(dst) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst), exist_ok=True) shutil.copyfile(src, dst) assert os.path.exists(dst) # Make built files unwritable to save myself from accidentally # doing editing there and then blowing away my work. if make_unwritable: os.chmod(dst, 0o444)
[docs] def compile_font_file() -> None: """Compile a font file.""" _simple_file_copy('Compiling font')
[docs] def pytest() -> None: """Run pytest with project environment set up properly.""" import os import platform import subprocess from efrotools.project import getprojectconfig from efro.error import CleanError pcommand.disallow_in_batch() # Grab our python paths for the project and stuff them in PYTHONPATH. pypaths = getprojectconfig(pcommand.PROJROOT).get('python_paths') if pypaths is None: raise CleanError('python_paths not found in project config.') separator = ';' if platform.system() == 'Windows' else ':' os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = separator.join(pypaths) # Also tell Python interpreters not to write __pycache__ dirs everywhere # which can screw up our builds. os.environ['PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE'] = '1' # Let's flip on dev mode to hopefully be informed on more bad stuff # happening. os.environ['PYTHONDEVMODE'] = '1' # Do the thing. results = [sys.executable, '-m', 'pytest'] + sys.argv[2:], check=False ) if results.returncode != 0: sys.exit(results.returncode)
[docs] def makefile_target_list() -> None: """Prints targets in a makefile. Takes a single argument: a path to a Makefile. """ from dataclasses import dataclass from efro.error import CleanError from efro.terminal import Clr pcommand.disallow_in_batch() @dataclass class _Entry: kind: str line: int title: str if len(sys.argv) != 3: raise CleanError('Expected exactly one filename arg.') with open(sys.argv[2], encoding='utf-8') as infile: lines = infile.readlines() def _docstr(lines2: list[str], linenum: int) -> str: doc = '' j = linenum - 1 while j >= 0 and lines2[j].startswith('#'): doc = lines2[j][1:].strip() j -= 1 if doc != '': return ' - ' + doc return doc print( '----------------------\n' 'Available Make Targets\n' '----------------------' ) entries: list[_Entry] = [] for i, line in enumerate(lines): # Targets. if ( ':' in line and line.split(':')[0].replace('-', '').replace('_', '').isalnum() and not line.startswith('_') ): entries.append( _Entry(kind='target', line=i, title=line.split(':')[0]) ) # Section titles. if ( line.startswith('# ') and line.endswith(' #\n') and len(line.split()) > 2 ): entries.append( _Entry(kind='section', line=i, title=line[1:-2].strip()) ) for i, entry in enumerate(entries): if entry.kind == 'section': # Don't print headers for empty sections. if i + 1 >= len(entries) or entries[i + 1].kind == 'section': continue print('\n' + entry.title + '\n' + '-' * len(entry.title)) elif entry.kind == 'target': print( Clr.MAG + entry.title + Clr.BLU + _docstr(lines, entry.line) + Clr.RST )
[docs] def echo() -> None: """Echo with support for efro.terminal.Clr args (RED, GRN, BLU, etc). Prints a Clr.RST at the end so that can be omitted. """ clr = pcommand.clr() clrnames = {n for n in dir(clr) if n.isupper() and not n.startswith('_')} first = True out: list[str] = [] last_was_tag = False for arg in pcommand.get_args(): if arg in clrnames: out.append(getattr(clr, arg)) last_was_tag = True else: # Special case: punctuation by itself after a tag doesn't # get a space before it. if not first and not (last_was_tag and arg in ('.', '?', '!')): out.append(' ') first = False last_was_tag = False out.append(arg) out.append(clr.RST) pcommand.clientprint(''.join(out))
[docs] def urandom_pretty() -> None: """Spits out urandom bytes formatted for source files.""" # Note; this is not especially efficient. It should probably be rewritten # if ever needed in a performance-sensitive context. import os from efro.error import CleanError pcommand.disallow_in_batch() if len(sys.argv) not in (3, 4): raise CleanError( 'Expected one arg (count) and possibly two (line len).' ) size = int(sys.argv[2]) linemax = 72 if len(sys.argv) < 4 else int(sys.argv[3]) val = os.urandom(size) lines: list[str] = [] line = b'' for i in range(len(val)): char = val[i : i + 1] thislinelen = len(repr(line + char)) if thislinelen > linemax: lines.append(repr(line)) line = b'' line += char if line: lines.append(repr(line)) bstr = '\n'.join(str(l) for l in lines) print(f'({bstr})')
[docs] def tweak_empty_py_files() -> None: """Find any zero-length Python files and make them length 1.""" from efro.error import CleanError import efrotools.pybuild pcommand.disallow_in_batch() if len(sys.argv) != 3: raise CleanError('Expected exactly 1 path arg.') efrotools.pybuild.tweak_empty_py_files(sys.argv[2])
[docs] def make_ensure() -> None: """Make sure a makefile target is up-to-date. This can technically be done by simply `make --question`, but this has some extra bells and whistles such as printing some of the commands that would run. Can be useful to run after cloud-builds to ensure the local results consider themselves up-to-date. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals from efro.error import CleanError from efro.terminal import Clr import subprocess pcommand.disallow_in_batch() dirpath: str | None = None args = sys.argv[2:] if '--dir' in args: argindex = args.index('--dir') dirpath = args[argindex + 1] del args[argindex : argindex + 2] if len(args) not in (0, 1): raise CleanError('Expected zero or one target args.') target = args[0] if args else None cmd = ['make', '--no-print-directory', '--dry-run'] if target is not None: cmd.append(target) results =, check=False, capture_output=True, cwd=dirpath) out = results.stdout.decode() err = results.stderr.decode() if results.returncode != 0: print(f'Failed command stdout:\n{out}\nFailed command stderr:\n{err}') raise CleanError(f"Command failed during make_ensure: '{cmd}'.") targetname: str = '<default>' if target is None else target lines = out.splitlines() in_str = '' if dirpath is None else f"in directory '{dirpath}' " if len(lines) == 1 and 'Nothing to be done for ' in lines[0]: print(f"make_ensure: '{targetname}' target {in_str}is up to date.") else: maxlines = 20 if len(lines) > maxlines: outlines = '\n'.join( lines[:maxlines] + [f'(plus {len(lines)-maxlines} more lines)'] ) else: outlines = '\n'.join(lines) print( f"make_ensure: '{targetname}' target {in_str}" f'is out of date; would run:\n\n' '-------------------------- MAKE-ENSURE COMMANDS BEGIN ' f'--------------------------\n{Clr.YLW}' f'{outlines}{Clr.RST}\n' '--------------------------- MAKE-ENSURE COMMANDS END ' '---------------------------\n' ) raise CleanError( f"make_ensure: '{targetname}' target {in_str}is out of date." )
[docs] def make_target_debug() -> None: """Debug makefile src/target mod times given src and dst path. Built to debug stubborn Makefile targets that insist on being rebuilt just after being built via a cloud target. """ import os import datetime from efro.error import CleanError pcommand.disallow_in_batch() # from efro.util import ago_str, utc_now args = sys.argv[2:] if len(args) != 2: raise CleanError('Expected 2 args.') def _utc_mod_time(path: str) -> datetime.datetime: mtime = os.path.getmtime(path) mdtime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(mtime, datetime.timezone.utc) # mdtime.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) return mdtime # srcname = os.path.basename(args[0]) # dstname = os.path.basename(args[1]) srctime = _utc_mod_time(args[0]) dsttime = _utc_mod_time(args[1]) # now = utc_now() # src_ago = ago_str(srctime, maxparts=3, decimals=2, now=now) # dst_ago = ago_str(dsttime, maxparts=3, decimals=2, now=now) srctimestr = ( f'{srctime.hour}:{srctime.minute}:{srctime.second}:' f'{srctime.microsecond}' ) dsttimestr = ( f'{dsttime.hour}:{dsttime.minute}:{dsttime.second}:' f'{dsttime.microsecond}' ) print(f'SRC modified at {srctimestr}.') print(f'DST modified at {dsttimestr}.')