Source code for efrotools.pcommand

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""Standard snippets that can be pulled into project pcommand scripts.

A snippet is a mini-program that directly takes input from stdin and does
some focused task. This module is a repository of common snippets that can
be imported into projects' pcommand script for easy reuse.
from __future__ import annotations

# Note: import as little as possible here at the module level to keep
# launch times fast for small snippets.
import os
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

    import io
    import threading
    from typing import Any

    from efro.terminal import ClrBase

# Absolute path of the project root.
PROJROOT = Path(__file__).resolve().parents[2]

# Set of arguments for the currently running command.
# Note that, unlike sys.argv, this will not include the script path or
# the name of the pcommand; only the arguments *to* the command.
_g_thread_local_storage: threading.local | None = None

# Discovered functions for the current project.
_g_funcs: dict | None = None

# Are we running as a server?
_g_batch_server_mode: bool = False

[docs] def pcommand_main(globs: dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Main entry point to pcommand scripts. We simply look for all public functions in the provided module globals and call the one corresponding to the first passed arg. """ import types from efro.terminal import Clr from efro.error import CleanError global _g_funcs # pylint: disable=global-statement assert _g_funcs is None # Nowadays generated pcommand scripts run themselves using the # project virtual environment's Python interpreter # (.venv/bin/pythonX.Y, etc.). This nicely sets up the Python # environment but does not touch PATH, meaning the stuff under # .venv/bin won't get found if we do # # One way to solve this would be to always do `source # .venv/bin/activate` before running tools/pcommand. This sets PATH # but also seems unwieldy and easy to forget. It's nice to be able # to just run tools/pcommand and assume it'll do the right thing. # # So let's go ahead and set up PATH here so tools/pcommand by itself # *does* do the right thing. # Don't do this on Windows; we're not currently using virtual-envs # there for the little bit of tools stuff we support. if not sys.platform.startswith('win'): abs_exe_path = Path(sys.executable).absolute() pathparts = if ( len(pathparts) < 3 or pathparts[-3] != '.venv' or pathparts[-2] != 'bin' or not pathparts[-1].startswith('python') ): raise RuntimeError( 'Unexpected Python environment;' f' we expect to be running under something like' f" .venv/bin/pythonX.Y; found '{abs_exe_path}'." ) cur_paths_str = os.environ.get('PATH') if cur_paths_str is None: raise RuntimeError("'PATH' is not currently set; unexpected.") venv_bin_dir = str(abs_exe_path.parent) # Only add our entry if it's not already there; don't want PATH to # get out of control if we're doing recursive stuff. cur_paths = cur_paths_str.split(':') if venv_bin_dir not in cur_paths: os.environ['PATH'] = ':'.join([venv_bin_dir] + cur_paths) # Build our list of available command functions. _g_funcs = dict( ( (name, obj) for name, obj in globs.items() if not name.startswith('_') and name != 'pcommand_main' and isinstance(obj, types.FunctionType) ) ) try: _run_pcommand(sys.argv) except KeyboardInterrupt as exc: print(f'{Clr.RED}{exc}{Clr.RST}') sys.exit(1) except CleanError as exc: exc.pretty_print() sys.exit(1)
[docs] def get_args() -> list[str]: """Return the args for the current pcommand.""" # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object, not-an-iterable if not _g_batch_server_mode: return sys.argv[2:] # Ok, we're in batch mode. We should have stuffed some args into # thread-local storage. assert _g_thread_local_storage is not None argv: list[str] | None = getattr(_g_thread_local_storage, 'argv', None) if argv is None: raise RuntimeError('Thread local args not found where expected.') assert isinstance(argv, list) assert all(isinstance(i, str) for i in argv) return argv[2:]
[docs] def clr() -> type[ClrBase]: """Like efro.terminal.Clr but for use with pcommand.clientprint(). This properly colorizes or doesn't colorize based on whether the *client* where output will be displayed is running on a terminal. Regular print() output should still use efro.terminal.Clr for this purpose. """ import efro.terminal if _g_batch_server_mode: assert _g_thread_local_storage is not None clrtp: type[ClrBase] = _g_thread_local_storage.clr assert issubclass(clrtp, efro.terminal.ClrBase) return clrtp return efro.terminal.Clr
[docs] def clientprint( *args: Any, stderr: bool = False, end: str | None = None ) -> None: """Print to client stdout. Note that, in batch mode, the results of all clientprints will show up only after the command completes. In regular mode, clientprint() simply passes through to regular print(). """ if _g_batch_server_mode: assert _g_thread_local_storage is not None print( *args, file=( _g_thread_local_storage.stderr if stderr else _g_thread_local_storage.stdout ), end=end, ) else: print(*args, end=end)
def _run_pcommand(sysargv: list[str]) -> None: """Run a pcommand given raw sys args.""" from efro.error import CleanError assert _g_funcs is not None clrtp = clr() error = False show_help = False if len(sysargv) < 2: clientprint(f'{clrtp.SRED}Error: Command expected.{clrtp.RST}') show_help = True error = True else: if sysargv[1] == 'help': if len(sysargv) == 2: show_help = True elif sysargv[2] not in _g_funcs: raise CleanError('Invalid help command.') else: docs = _trim_docstring( getattr(_g_funcs[sysargv[2]], '__doc__', '<no docs>') ) clientprint( f'\n{clrtp.MAG}{clrtp.BLD}' f'pcommand {sysargv[2]}:{clrtp.RST}\n' f'{clrtp.MAG}{docs}{clrtp.RST}\n' ) elif sysargv[1] in _g_funcs: _g_funcs[sysargv[1]]() else: raise CleanError(f"Unknown pcommand '{sysargv[1]}'.") if show_help: clientprint( f'The {clrtp.MAG}{clrtp.BLD}pcommand{clrtp.RST} script encapsulates' f' a collection of project-related commands.' ) clientprint( f"Run {clrtp.MAG}{clrtp.BLD}'pcommand [COMMAND] ...'" f'{clrtp.RST} to run a command.' ) clientprint( f"Run {clrtp.MAG}{clrtp.BLD}'pcommand help [COMMAND]'" f'{clrtp.RST} for full documentation for a command.' ) clientprint('Available commands:') for func, obj in sorted(_g_funcs.items()): doc = getattr(obj, '__doc__', '').splitlines()[0].strip() clientprint(f'{clrtp.MAG}{func}{clrtp.BLU} - {doc}{clrtp.RST}') if error: raise CleanError()
[docs] def enter_batch_server_mode() -> None: """Called by pcommandserver when we start serving.""" # (try to avoid importing this in non-batch mode in case it shaves # off a bit of time) import threading # pylint: disable=global-statement global _g_batch_server_mode, _g_thread_local_storage assert not _g_batch_server_mode _g_batch_server_mode = True # Spin up our thread-local storage. assert _g_thread_local_storage is None _g_thread_local_storage = threading.local()
[docs] def is_batch() -> bool: """Is the current pcommand running under a batch server? Commands that do things that are unsafe to do in server mode such as chdir should assert that this is not true. """ return _g_batch_server_mode
[docs] def run_client_pcommand( args: list[str], clrtp: type[ClrBase], logpath: str ) -> tuple[int, str, str]: """Call a pcommand function as a server. Returns a result code and stdout output. """ import io import traceback from efro.error import CleanError assert _g_batch_server_mode assert _g_thread_local_storage is not None with io.StringIO() as stdout, io.StringIO() as stderr: # Stuff some state into thread-local storage for the handler thread # to access. _g_thread_local_storage.stdout = stdout _g_thread_local_storage.stderr = stderr _g_thread_local_storage.argv = args _g_thread_local_storage.clr = clrtp try: _run_pcommand(args) resultcode = 0 except KeyboardInterrupt as exc: clientprint(f'{clrtp.RED}{exc}{clrtp.RST}') resultcode = 1 except CleanError as exc: exc.pretty_print(file=stderr, clr=clrtp) resultcode = 1 except Exception: traceback.print_exc(file=stderr) print( f'More error output may be available at {logpath}', file=stderr ) resultcode = 1 stdout_str = stdout.getvalue() stderr_str = stderr.getvalue() return resultcode, stdout_str, stderr_str
[docs] def disallow_in_batch() -> None: """Utility call to raise a clean error if running under batch mode.""" from efro.error import CleanError if _g_batch_server_mode: raise CleanError( 'This pcommand does not support batch mode.\n' 'See docs in efrotools.pcommand if you want to add it.' )
def _trim_docstring(docstring: str) -> str: """Trim raw doc-strings for pretty printing. Taken straight from PEP 257. """ if not docstring: return '' # Convert tabs to spaces (following the normal Python rules) and # split into a list of lines. lines = docstring.expandtabs().splitlines() # Determine minimum indentation (first line doesn't count). indent = sys.maxsize for line in lines[1:]: stripped = line.lstrip() if stripped: indent = min(indent, len(line) - len(stripped)) # Remove indentation (first line is special). trimmed = [lines[0].strip()] if indent < sys.maxsize: for line in lines[1:]: trimmed.append(line[indent:].rstrip()) # Strip off trailing and leading blank lines. while trimmed and not trimmed[-1]: trimmed.pop() while trimmed and not trimmed[0]: trimmed.pop(0) # Return a single string. return '\n'.join(trimmed)