Source code for efrotools.ios

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""Tools related to ios development."""

from __future__ import annotations

import pathlib
import subprocess
import sys
from dataclasses import dataclass

from efrotools.project import getprojectconfig, getlocalconfig

    'debug': {'configuration': 'Debug'},
    'release': {'configuration': 'Release'},

[docs] @dataclass class Config: """Configuration values for this project.""" # Same as XCode setting. product_name: str # Project relative xcodeproj path ('MyAppName/MyAppName.xcodeproj'). projectpath: str # App bundle name (''). # app_bundle_name: str # Base name of the ipa archive to be pushed ('myappname'). # archive_name: str # Scheme to build ('MyAppName iOS'). scheme: str
[docs] @dataclass class LocalConfig: """Configuration values specific to the machine.""" # Sftp host (''). sftp_host: str # Path to push ipa to ('/home/myhome/dir/where/i/want/this/). sftp_dir: str
[docs] def push_ipa( root: pathlib.Path, modename: str, signing_config: str | None ) -> None: """Construct ios IPA and push it to staging server for device testing. This takes some shortcuts to minimize turnaround time; It doesn't recreate the ipa completely each run, uses rsync for speedy pushes to the staging server, etc. The use case for this is quick build iteration on a device that is not physically near the build machine. """ from efrotools.xcodebuild import project_build_path # Load both the local and project config data. # FIXME: switch this to use dataclassio. cfg = Config(**getprojectconfig(root)['push_ipa_config']) lcfg = LocalConfig(**getlocalconfig(root)['push_ipa_local_config']) if modename not in MODES: raise RuntimeError(f'invalid mode: "{modename}"') mode = MODES[modename] xcprojpath = pathlib.Path(root, cfg.projectpath) app_dir = project_build_path( projroot=str(root), project_path=str(xcprojpath), scheme=cfg.scheme, configuration=mode['configuration'], executable=False, ) built_app_path = pathlib.Path(app_dir, f'{cfg.product_name}.app') workdir = pathlib.Path(root, 'build', 'push_ipa') workdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) pathlib.Path(root, 'build').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) exportoptionspath = pathlib.Path(root, workdir, 'exportoptions.plist') ipa_dir_path = pathlib.Path(root, workdir, 'ipa') ipa_dir_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Inject our latest build into an existing xcarchive (creating if needed). archivepath = _add_build_to_xcarchive( workdir, xcprojpath, built_app_path, cfg, signing_config ) # Export an IPA from said xcarchive. ipa_path = _export_ipa_from_xcarchive( archivepath, exportoptionspath, ipa_dir_path, cfg, signing_config ) # And lastly sync said IPA up to our staging server. print('Pushing to staging server...') sys.stdout.flush() [ 'rsync', '--verbose', ipa_path, '-e', 'ssh -oBatchMode=yes -oStrictHostKeyChecking=yes', f'{lcfg.sftp_host}:{lcfg.sftp_dir}', ], check=True, ) print('iOS Package Updated Successfully!')
def _add_build_to_xcarchive( workdir: pathlib.Path, xcprojpath: pathlib.Path, built_app_path: pathlib.Path, cfg: Config, ba_signing_config: str | None, ) -> pathlib.Path: archivepathbase = pathlib.Path(workdir, cfg.product_name) archivepath = pathlib.Path(workdir, cfg.product_name + '.xcarchive') # Rebuild a full archive if one doesn't exist. if not archivepath.exists(): print('Base archive not found; doing full build (can take a while)...') sys.stdout.flush() args = [ 'tools/pcommand', 'xcodebuild', 'archive', '-project', str(xcprojpath), '-scheme', cfg.scheme, '-configuration', MODES['debug']['configuration'], '-archivePath', str(archivepathbase), '-allowProvisioningUpdates', ] if ba_signing_config is not None: args += ['-baSigningConfig', ba_signing_config], check=True, capture_output=False) # Now copy our just-built app into the archive. print('Copying build to archive...') sys.stdout.flush() archive_app_path = pathlib.Path( archivepath, f'Products/Applications/{cfg.product_name}.app' )['rm', '-rf', archive_app_path], check=True)['cp', '-r', built_app_path, archive_app_path], check=True) return archivepath def _export_ipa_from_xcarchive( archivepath: pathlib.Path, exportoptionspath: pathlib.Path, ipa_dir_path: pathlib.Path, cfg: Config, signing_config: str | None, ) -> pathlib.Path: import textwrap print('Exporting IPA...') exportoptions = textwrap.dedent( """ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>compileBitcode</key> <false/> <key>destination</key> <string>export</string> <key>method</key> <string>development</string> <key>signingStyle</key> <string>automatic</string> <key>stripSwiftSymbols</key> <true/> <key>teamID</key> <string>G7TQB7SM63</string> <key>thinning</key> <string>&lt;none&gt;</string> </dict> </plist> """ ).strip() with'w') as outfile: outfile.write(exportoptions) sys.stdout.flush() args = [ 'tools/pcommand', 'xcodebuild', '-allowProvisioningUpdates', '-exportArchive', '-archivePath', str(archivepath), '-exportOptionsPlist', str(exportoptionspath), '-exportPath', str(ipa_dir_path), ] if signing_config is not None: args += ['-baSigningConfig', signing_config] try:, check=True, capture_output=True) except Exception: print( 'Error exporting code-signed archive; ' ' perhaps try running "security unlock-keychain login.keychain"' ) raise ipa_path_exported = pathlib.Path(ipa_dir_path, cfg.product_name + '.ipa') # ipa_path = pathlib.Path(ipa_dir_path, cfg.archive_name + '.ipa') #['mv', ipa_path_exported, ipa_path], check=True) return ipa_path_exported