Source code for efro.dataclassio._pathcapture

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""Functionality related to capturing nested dataclass paths."""

from __future__ import annotations

import dataclasses
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, TypeVar, Generic

from efro.dataclassio._base import _parse_annotated, _get_origin
from efro.dataclassio._prep import PrepSession

    from typing import Any, Callable

T = TypeVar('T')

class _PathCapture:
    """Utility for obtaining dataclass storage paths in a type safe way."""

    def __init__(self, obj: Any, pathparts: list[str] | None = None):
        self._is_dataclass = dataclasses.is_dataclass(obj)
        if pathparts is None:
            pathparts = []
        self._cls = obj if isinstance(obj, type) else type(obj)
        self._pathparts = pathparts

    def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> _PathCapture:
        # We only allow diving into sub-objects if we are a dataclass.
        if not self._is_dataclass:
            raise TypeError(
                f"Field path cannot include attribute '{name}' "
                f'under parent {self._cls}; parent types must be dataclasses.'

        prep = PrepSession(explicit=False).prep_dataclass(
            self._cls, recursion_level=0
        assert prep is not None
            anntype = prep.annotations[name]
        except KeyError as exc:
            raise AttributeError(f'{type(self)} has no {name} field.') from exc
        anntype, ioattrs = _parse_annotated(anntype)
        storagename = (
            if (ioattrs is None or ioattrs.storagename is None)
            else ioattrs.storagename
        origin = _get_origin(anntype)
        return _PathCapture(origin, pathparts=self._pathparts + [storagename])

    def path(self) -> str:
        """The final output path."""
        return '.'.join(self._pathparts)

class DataclassFieldLookup(Generic[T]):
    """Get info about nested dataclass fields in type-safe way."""

    def __init__(self, cls: type[T]) -> None:
        self.cls = cls

[docs] def path(self, callback: Callable[[T], Any]) -> str: """Look up a path on child dataclass fields. example: DataclassFieldLookup(MyType).path(lambda obj: The above example will return the string '' or something like 'f.b' if the dataclasses have custom storage names set. It will also be static-type-checked, triggering an error if is not a valid path. Note, however, that the callback technically allows any return value but only nested dataclasses and their fields will succeed. """ # We tell the type system that we are returning an instance # of our class, which allows it to perform type checking on # member lookups. In reality, however, we are providing a # special object which captures path lookups, so we can build # a string from them. if not TYPE_CHECKING: out = callback(_PathCapture(self.cls)) if not isinstance(out, _PathCapture): raise TypeError( f'Expected a valid path under' f' the provided object; got a {type(out)}.' ) return out.path return ''
[docs] def paths(self, callback: Callable[[T], list[Any]]) -> list[str]: """Look up multiple paths on child dataclass fields. Functionality is identical to path() but for multiple paths at once. example: DataclassFieldLookup(MyType).paths(lambda obj: [,]) """ outvals: list[str] = [] if not TYPE_CHECKING: outs = callback(_PathCapture(self.cls)) assert isinstance(outs, list) for out in outs: if not isinstance(out, _PathCapture): raise TypeError( f'Expected a valid path under' f' the provided object; got a {type(out)}.' ) outvals.append(out.path) return outvals