Source code for

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""UI functionality related to UI items."""
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import bascenev1 as bs
import bauiv1 as bui

    from typing import Any

[docs] def instantiate_store_item_display( item_name: str, item: dict[str, Any], parent_widget: bui.Widget, b_pos: tuple[float, float], b_width: float, b_height: float, *, boffs_h: float = 0.0, boffs_h2: float = 0.0, boffs_v2: float = 0, delay: float = 0.0, button: bool = True, ) -> None: """(internal)""" # pylint: disable=too-many-positional-arguments # pylint: disable=too-many-statements # pylint: disable=too-many-branches # pylint: disable=too-many-locals assert is not None store = plus = assert plus is not None del boffs_h # unused arg del boffs_h2 # unused arg del boffs_v2 # unused arg item_info = store.get_store_item(item_name) title_v = 0.24 price_v = 0.145 base_text_scale = 1.0 item['name'] = title = store.get_store_item_name_translated(item_name) btn: bui.Widget | None # Hack; showbuffer stuff isn't working well when we're showing merch. showbuffer = 10 if item_name in {'merch', 'pro', 'pro_sale'} else 76.0 if button: item['button'] = btn = bui.buttonwidget( parent=parent_widget, position=b_pos, transition_delay=delay, show_buffer_top=showbuffer, enable_sound=False, button_type='square', size=(b_width, b_height), autoselect=True, label='', ) bui.widget(edit=btn, show_buffer_bottom=showbuffer) else: btn = None b_offs_x = -0.015 * b_width check_pos = 0.76 icon_tex = None tint_tex = None tint_color = None tint2_color = None tex_name: str | None = None desc: str | None = None modes: bui.Lstr | None = None if item_name.startswith('characters.'): assert is not None character =[item_info['character']] tint_color = ( item_info['color'] if 'color' in item_info else ( character.default_color if character.default_color is not None else (1, 1, 1) ) ) tint2_color = ( item_info['highlight'] if 'highlight' in item_info else ( character.default_highlight if character.default_highlight is not None else (1, 1, 1) ) ) icon_tex = character.icon_texture tint_tex = character.icon_mask_texture title_v = 0.255 price_v = 0.145 elif item_name == 'merch': base_text_scale = 0.6 title_v = 0.85 price_v = 0.15 elif item_name in ['', 'pro']: base_text_scale = 0.6 title_v = 0.85 price_v = 0.15 elif item_name.startswith('maps.'): map_type = item_info['map_type'] tex_name = map_type.get_preview_texture_name() title_v = 0.312 price_v = 0.17 elif item_name.startswith('games.'): gametype = item_info['gametype'] modes_l = [] if gametype.supports_session_type(bs.CoopSession): modes_l.append(bui.Lstr(resource='playModes.coopText')) if gametype.supports_session_type(bs.DualTeamSession): modes_l.append(bui.Lstr(resource='playModes.teamsText')) if gametype.supports_session_type(bs.FreeForAllSession): modes_l.append(bui.Lstr(resource='playModes.freeForAllText')) if len(modes_l) == 3: modes = bui.Lstr( value='${A}, ${B}, ${C}', subs=[ ('${A}', modes_l[0]), ('${B}', modes_l[1]), ('${C}', modes_l[2]), ], ) elif len(modes_l) == 2: modes = bui.Lstr( value='${A}, ${B}', subs=[('${A}', modes_l[0]), ('${B}', modes_l[1])], ) elif len(modes_l) == 1: modes = modes_l[0] else: raise RuntimeError() desc = gametype.get_description_display_string(bs.CoopSession) tex_name = item_info['previewTex'] base_text_scale = 0.8 title_v = 0.48 price_v = 0.17 elif item_name.startswith('icons.'): base_text_scale = 1.5 price_v = 0.2 check_pos = 0.6 if item_name.startswith('characters.'): frame_size = b_width * 0.7 im_dim = frame_size * (100.0 / 113.0) im_pos = ( b_pos[0] + b_width * 0.5 - im_dim * 0.5 + b_offs_x, b_pos[1] + b_height * 0.57 - im_dim * 0.5, ) mask_texture = bui.gettexture('characterIconMask') assert icon_tex is not None assert tint_tex is not None bui.imagewidget( parent=parent_widget, position=im_pos, size=(im_dim, im_dim), color=(1, 1, 1), transition_delay=delay, mask_texture=mask_texture, draw_controller=btn, texture=bui.gettexture(icon_tex), tint_texture=bui.gettexture(tint_tex), tint_color=tint_color, tint2_color=tint2_color, ) if item_name == 'merch': frame_size = b_width * 0.65 im_dim = frame_size * (100.0 / 113.0) im_pos = ( b_pos[0] + b_width * 0.5 - im_dim * 0.5 + b_offs_x, b_pos[1] + b_height * 0.47 - im_dim * 0.5, ) bui.imagewidget( parent=parent_widget, position=im_pos, size=(im_dim, im_dim), transition_delay=delay, draw_controller=btn, opacity=1.0, texture=bui.gettexture('merch'), ) if item_name in ['pro', '']: frame_size = b_width * 0.5 im_dim = frame_size * (100.0 / 113.0) im_pos = ( b_pos[0] + b_width * 0.5 - im_dim * 0.5 + b_offs_x, b_pos[1] + b_height * 0.5 - im_dim * 0.5, ) bui.imagewidget( parent=parent_widget, position=im_pos, size=(im_dim, im_dim), transition_delay=delay, draw_controller=btn, color=(0.3, 0.0, 0.3), opacity=0.3, texture=bui.gettexture('logo'), ) txt = bui.Lstr(resource='store.bombSquadProNewDescriptionText') item['descriptionText'] = bui.textwidget( parent=parent_widget, text=txt, position=(b_pos[0] + b_width * 0.5, b_pos[1] + b_height * 0.69), transition_delay=delay, scale=b_width * (1.0 / 230.0) * base_text_scale * 0.75, maxwidth=b_width * 0.75, max_height=b_height * 0.2, size=(0, 0), h_align='center', v_align='center', draw_controller=btn, color=(0.3, 1, 0.3), ) extra_backings = item['extra_backings'] = [] extra_images = item['extra_images'] = [] extra_texts = item['extra_texts'] = [] extra_texts_2 = item['extra_texts_2'] = [] backing_color = (0.5, 0.8, 0.3) if button else (0.6, 0.5, 0.65) b_square_texture = bui.gettexture('buttonSquare') char_mask_texture = bui.gettexture('characterIconMask') pos = (0.17, 0.43) tile_size = (b_width * 0.16 * 1.2, b_width * 0.2 * 1.2) tile_pos = (b_pos[0] + b_width * pos[0], b_pos[1] + b_height * pos[1]) extra_backings.append( bui.imagewidget( parent=parent_widget, position=( tile_pos[0] - tile_size[0] * 0.5, tile_pos[1] - tile_size[1] * 0.5, ), size=tile_size, transition_delay=delay, draw_controller=btn, color=backing_color, texture=b_square_texture, ) ) im_size = tile_size[0] * 0.8 extra_images.append( bui.imagewidget( parent=parent_widget, position=( tile_pos[0] - im_size * 0.5, tile_pos[1] - im_size * 0.4, ), size=(im_size, im_size), transition_delay=delay, draw_controller=btn, color=(1, 1, 1), texture=bui.gettexture('ticketsMore'), ) ) bonus_tickets = str( plus.get_v1_account_misc_read_val('proBonusTickets', 100) ) extra_texts.append( bui.textwidget( parent=parent_widget, draw_controller=btn, position=( tile_pos[0] - tile_size[0] * 0.03, tile_pos[1] - tile_size[1] * 0.25, ), size=(0, 0), color=(0.6, 1, 0.6), transition_delay=delay, h_align='center', v_align='center', maxwidth=tile_size[0] * 0.7, scale=0.55, text=bui.Lstr( resource='getTicketsWindow.ticketsText', subs=[('${COUNT}', bonus_tickets)], ), flatness=1.0, shadow=0.0, ) ) for charname, pos in [ ('Kronk', (0.32, 0.45)), ('Zoe', (0.425, 0.4)), ('Jack Morgan', (0.555, 0.45)), ('Mel', (0.645, 0.4)), ]: tile_size = (b_width * 0.16 * 0.9, b_width * 0.2 * 0.9) tile_pos = ( b_pos[0] + b_width * pos[0], b_pos[1] + b_height * pos[1], ) assert is not None character =[charname] extra_backings.append( bui.imagewidget( parent=parent_widget, position=( tile_pos[0] - tile_size[0] * 0.5, tile_pos[1] - tile_size[1] * 0.5, ), size=tile_size, transition_delay=delay, draw_controller=btn, color=backing_color, texture=b_square_texture, ) ) im_size = tile_size[0] * 0.7 extra_images.append( bui.imagewidget( parent=parent_widget, position=( tile_pos[0] - im_size * 0.53, tile_pos[1] - im_size * 0.35, ), size=(im_size, im_size), transition_delay=delay, draw_controller=btn, color=(1, 1, 1), texture=bui.gettexture(character.icon_texture), tint_texture=bui.gettexture(character.icon_mask_texture), tint_color=character.default_color, tint2_color=character.default_highlight, mask_texture=char_mask_texture, ) ) extra_texts.append( bui.textwidget( parent=parent_widget, draw_controller=btn, position=( tile_pos[0] - im_size * 0.03, tile_pos[1] - im_size * 0.51, ), size=(0, 0), color=(0.6, 1, 0.6), transition_delay=delay, h_align='center', v_align='center', maxwidth=tile_size[0] * 0.7, scale=0.55, text=bui.Lstr(translate=('characterNames', charname)), flatness=1.0, shadow=0.0, ) ) # If we have a 'total-worth' item-id for this id, show that price so # the user knows how much this is worth. total_worth_item = plus.get_v1_account_misc_read_val('twrths', {}).get( item_name ) total_worth_price: str | None if total_worth_item is not None: price = plus.get_price(total_worth_item) total_worth_price = ( store.get_clean_price(price) if price is not None else '??' ) else: total_worth_price = None if total_worth_price is not None: total_worth_text = bui.Lstr( resource='store.totalWorthText', subs=[('${TOTAL_WORTH}', total_worth_price)], ) extra_texts_2.append( bui.textwidget( parent=parent_widget, text=total_worth_text, position=( b_pos[0] + b_width * 0.5 + b_offs_x, b_pos[1] + b_height * 0.25, ), transition_delay=delay, scale=b_width * (1.0 / 230.0) * base_text_scale * 0.45, maxwidth=b_width * 0.5, size=(0, 0), h_align='center', v_align='center', shadow=1.0, flatness=1.0, draw_controller=btn, color=(0.3, 1, 1), ) ) mesh_opaque = bui.getmesh('level_select_button_opaque') mesh_transparent = bui.getmesh('level_select_button_transparent') mask_tex = bui.gettexture('mapPreviewMask') for levelname, preview_tex_name, pos in [ ('Infinite Onslaught', 'doomShroomPreview', (0.80, 0.48)), ('Infinite Runaround', 'towerDPreview', (0.80, 0.32)), ]: tile_size = (b_width * 0.2, b_width * 0.13) tile_pos = ( b_pos[0] + b_width * pos[0], b_pos[1] + b_height * pos[1], ) im_size = tile_size[0] * 0.8 extra_backings.append( bui.imagewidget( parent=parent_widget, position=( tile_pos[0] - tile_size[0] * 0.5, tile_pos[1] - tile_size[1] * 0.5, ), size=tile_size, transition_delay=delay, draw_controller=btn, color=backing_color, texture=b_square_texture, ) ) # Hack - gotta draw two transparent versions to avoid z issues. for mod in mesh_opaque, mesh_transparent: extra_images.append( bui.imagewidget( parent=parent_widget, position=( tile_pos[0] - im_size * 0.52, tile_pos[1] - im_size * 0.2, ), size=(im_size, im_size * 0.5), transition_delay=delay, mesh_transparent=mod, mask_texture=mask_tex, draw_controller=btn, texture=bui.gettexture(preview_tex_name), ) ) extra_texts.append( bui.textwidget( parent=parent_widget, draw_controller=btn, position=( tile_pos[0] - im_size * 0.03, tile_pos[1] - im_size * 0.2, ), size=(0, 0), color=(0.6, 1, 0.6), transition_delay=delay, h_align='center', v_align='center', maxwidth=tile_size[0] * 0.7, scale=0.55, text=bui.Lstr(translate=('coopLevelNames', levelname)), flatness=1.0, shadow=0.0, ) ) if item_name.startswith('icons.'): item['icon_text'] = bui.textwidget( parent=parent_widget, text=item_info['icon'], position=(b_pos[0] + b_width * 0.5, b_pos[1] + b_height * 0.5), transition_delay=delay, scale=b_width * (1.0 / 230.0) * base_text_scale * 2.0, maxwidth=b_width * 0.9, max_height=b_height * 0.9, size=(0, 0), h_align='center', v_align='center', draw_controller=btn, ) if item_name.startswith('maps.'): frame_size = b_width * 0.9 im_dim = frame_size * (100.0 / 113.0) im_pos = ( b_pos[0] + b_width * 0.5 - im_dim * 0.5 + b_offs_x, b_pos[1] + b_height * 0.62 - im_dim * 0.25, ) mesh_opaque = bui.getmesh('level_select_button_opaque') mesh_transparent = bui.getmesh('level_select_button_transparent') mask_tex = bui.gettexture('mapPreviewMask') assert tex_name is not None bui.imagewidget( parent=parent_widget, position=im_pos, size=(im_dim, im_dim * 0.5), transition_delay=delay, mesh_opaque=mesh_opaque, mesh_transparent=mesh_transparent, mask_texture=mask_tex, draw_controller=btn, texture=bui.gettexture(tex_name), ) if item_name.startswith('games.'): frame_size = b_width * 0.8 im_dim = frame_size * (100.0 / 113.0) im_pos = ( b_pos[0] + b_width * 0.5 - im_dim * 0.5 + b_offs_x, b_pos[1] + b_height * 0.72 - im_dim * 0.25, ) mesh_opaque = bui.getmesh('level_select_button_opaque') mesh_transparent = bui.getmesh('level_select_button_transparent') mask_tex = bui.gettexture('mapPreviewMask') assert tex_name is not None bui.imagewidget( parent=parent_widget, position=im_pos, size=(im_dim, im_dim * 0.5), transition_delay=delay, mesh_opaque=mesh_opaque, mesh_transparent=mesh_transparent, mask_texture=mask_tex, draw_controller=btn, texture=bui.gettexture(tex_name), ) item['descriptionText'] = bui.textwidget( parent=parent_widget, text=desc, position=(b_pos[0] + b_width * 0.5, b_pos[1] + b_height * 0.36), transition_delay=delay, scale=b_width * (1.0 / 230.0) * base_text_scale * 0.78, maxwidth=b_width * 0.8, max_height=b_height * 0.14, size=(0, 0), h_align='center', v_align='center', draw_controller=btn, flatness=1.0, shadow=0.0, color=(0.6, 1, 0.6), ) item['gameModesText'] = bui.textwidget( parent=parent_widget, text=modes, position=(b_pos[0] + b_width * 0.5, b_pos[1] + b_height * 0.26), transition_delay=delay, scale=b_width * (1.0 / 230.0) * base_text_scale * 0.65, maxwidth=b_width * 0.8, size=(0, 0), h_align='center', v_align='center', draw_controller=btn, shadow=0, flatness=1.0, color=(0.6, 0.8, 0.6), ) if not item_name.startswith('icons.'): item['title_text'] = bui.textwidget( parent=parent_widget, text=title, position=( b_pos[0] + b_width * 0.5 + b_offs_x, b_pos[1] + b_height * title_v, ), transition_delay=delay, scale=b_width * (1.0 / 230.0) * base_text_scale, maxwidth=b_width * 0.8, size=(0, 0), h_align='center', v_align='center', draw_controller=btn, color=(0.7, 0.9, 0.7, 1.0), ) item['purchase_check'] = bui.imagewidget( parent=parent_widget, position=(b_pos[0] + b_width * check_pos, b_pos[1] + b_height * 0.05), transition_delay=delay, mesh_transparent=bui.getmesh('checkTransparent'), opacity=0.0, size=(60, 60), color=(0.6, 0.5, 0.8), draw_controller=btn, texture=bui.gettexture('uiAtlas'), ) item['price_widget'] = bui.textwidget( parent=parent_widget, text='', position=( b_pos[0] + b_width * 0.5 + b_offs_x, b_pos[1] + b_height * price_v, ), transition_delay=delay, scale=b_width * (1.0 / 300.0) * base_text_scale, maxwidth=b_width * 0.9, size=(0, 0), h_align='center', v_align='center', draw_controller=btn, color=(0.2, 1, 0.2, 1.0), ) item['price_widget_left'] = bui.textwidget( parent=parent_widget, text='', position=( b_pos[0] + b_width * 0.33 + b_offs_x, b_pos[1] + b_height * price_v, ), transition_delay=delay, scale=b_width * (1.0 / 300.0) * base_text_scale, maxwidth=b_width * 0.3, size=(0, 0), h_align='center', v_align='center', draw_controller=btn, color=(0.2, 1, 0.2, 0.5), ) item['price_widget_right'] = bui.textwidget( parent=parent_widget, text='', position=( b_pos[0] + b_width * 0.66 + b_offs_x, b_pos[1] + b_height * price_v, ), transition_delay=delay, scale=1.1 * b_width * (1.0 / 300.0) * base_text_scale, maxwidth=b_width * 0.3, size=(0, 0), h_align='center', v_align='center', draw_controller=btn, color=(0.2, 1, 0.2, 1.0), ) item['price_slash_widget'] = bui.imagewidget( parent=parent_widget, position=( b_pos[0] + b_width * 0.33 + b_offs_x - 36, b_pos[1] + b_height * price_v - 35, ), transition_delay=delay, texture=bui.gettexture('slash'), opacity=0.0, size=(70, 70), draw_controller=btn, color=(1, 0, 0), ) badge_rad = 44 badge_center = ( b_pos[0] + b_width * 0.1 + b_offs_x, b_pos[1] + b_height * 0.87, ) item['sale_bg_widget'] = bui.imagewidget( parent=parent_widget, position=(badge_center[0] - badge_rad, badge_center[1] - badge_rad), opacity=0.0, transition_delay=delay, texture=bui.gettexture('circleZigZag'), draw_controller=btn, size=(badge_rad * 2, badge_rad * 2), color=(0.5, 0, 1), ) item['sale_title_widget'] = bui.textwidget( parent=parent_widget, position=(badge_center[0], badge_center[1] + 12), transition_delay=delay, scale=1.0, maxwidth=badge_rad * 1.6, size=(0, 0), h_align='center', v_align='center', draw_controller=btn, shadow=0.0, flatness=1.0, color=(0, 1, 0), ) item['sale_time_widget'] = bui.textwidget( parent=parent_widget, position=(badge_center[0], badge_center[1] - 12), transition_delay=delay, scale=0.7, maxwidth=badge_rad * 1.6, size=(0, 0), h_align='center', v_align='center', draw_controller=btn, shadow=0.0, flatness=1.0, color=(0.0, 1, 0.0, 1), )