Source code for bauiv1lib.settings.plugins

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""Plugin Window UI."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from enum import Enum
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, assert_never, override

import bauiv1 as bui
from bauiv1lib import popup


[docs] class Category(Enum): """Categories we can display.""" ALL = 'all' ENABLED = 'enabled' DISABLED = 'disabled' @property def resource(self) -> str: """Resource name for us.""" return f'{self.value}Text'
[docs] class PluginWindow(bui.MainWindow): """Window for configuring plugins.""" def __init__( self, transition: str | None = 'in_right', origin_widget: bui.Widget | None = None, ): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals app = self._category = Category.ALL assert is not None uiscale = self._width = 1200.0 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 670.0 self._height = ( 900.0 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 450.0 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.MEDIUM else 520.0 ) # Do some fancy math to fill all available screen area up to the # size of our backing container. This lets us fit to the exact # screen shape at small ui scale. screensize = bui.get_virtual_screen_size() scale = ( 1.9 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 1.4 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.MEDIUM else 1.0 ) # Calc screen size in our local container space and clamp to a # bit smaller than our container size. target_width = min(self._width - 80, screensize[0] / scale) target_height = min(self._height - 80, screensize[1] / scale) # To get top/left coords, go to the center of our window and # offset by half the width/height of our target area. yoffs = 0.5 * self._height + 0.5 * target_height + 20.0 self._scroll_width = target_width self._scroll_height = target_height - 40 self._scroll_bottom = yoffs - 64 - self._scroll_height super().__init__( root_widget=bui.containerwidget( size=(self._width, self._height), toolbar_visibility=( 'menu_minimal' if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 'menu_full' ), scale=scale, ), transition=transition, origin_widget=origin_widget, # We're affected by screen size only at small ui-scale. refresh_on_screen_size_changes=uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL, ) self._sub_width = self._scroll_width * 0.95 self._sub_height = 724.0 assert app.classic is not None if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL: bui.containerwidget( edit=self._root_widget, on_cancel_call=self.main_window_back ) self._back_button = None else: self._back_button = bui.buttonwidget( parent=self._root_widget, position=(53, yoffs - 49), size=(60, 60), scale=0.8, autoselect=True, label=bui.charstr(bui.SpecialChar.BACK), button_type='backSmall', on_activate_call=self.main_window_back, ) bui.containerwidget( edit=self._root_widget, cancel_button=self._back_button ) self._title_text = bui.textwidget( parent=self._root_widget, position=( self._width * 0.5, yoffs - (42 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 30), ), size=(0, 0), text=bui.Lstr(resource='pluginsText'), color=app.ui_v1.title_color, maxwidth=170, h_align='center', v_align='center', ) settings_button_x = ( self._width * 0.5 + self._scroll_width * 0.5 - (100 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 40) ) button_row_yoffs = yoffs + (-2 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 10) self._num_plugins_text = bui.textwidget( parent=self._root_widget, position=(settings_button_x - 130, button_row_yoffs - 41), size=(0, 0), text='', h_align='center', v_align='center', ) self._category_button = bui.buttonwidget( parent=self._root_widget, scale=0.7, position=(settings_button_x - 105, button_row_yoffs - 60), size=(130, 60), label=bui.Lstr(resource='allText'), autoselect=True, on_activate_call=bui.WeakCall(self._show_category_options), color=(0.55, 0.73, 0.25), iconscale=1.2, ) self._settings_button = bui.buttonwidget( parent=self._root_widget, position=(settings_button_x, button_row_yoffs - 58), size=(40, 40), label='', on_activate_call=self._open_settings, ) bui.imagewidget( parent=self._root_widget, position=(settings_button_x + 3, button_row_yoffs - 57), draw_controller=self._settings_button, size=(35, 35), texture=bui.gettexture('settingsIcon'), ) bui.widget( edit=self._settings_button, up_widget=self._settings_button, right_widget=self._settings_button, ) self._scrollwidget = bui.scrollwidget( parent=self._root_widget, size=(self._scroll_width, self._scroll_height), position=( self._width * 0.5 - self._scroll_width * 0.5, self._scroll_bottom, ), simple_culling_v=20.0, highlight=False, selection_loops_to_parent=True, claims_left_right=True, border_opacity=0.4, ) bui.widget(edit=self._scrollwidget, right_widget=self._scrollwidget) self._no_plugins_installed_text = bui.textwidget( parent=self._root_widget, position=(self._width * 0.5, self._height * 0.5), size=(0, 0), text='', color=(0.6, 0.6, 0.6), scale=0.8, h_align='center', v_align='center', ) if is None: bui.screenmessage( 'Still scanning plugins; please try again.', color=(1, 0, 0) ) bui.getsound('error').play() plugspecs = plugstates: dict[str, dict] ='Plugins', {}) assert isinstance(plugstates, dict) plug_line_height = 50 sub_width = self._scroll_width sub_height = len(plugspecs) * plug_line_height self._subcontainer = bui.containerwidget( parent=self._scrollwidget, size=(sub_width, sub_height), background=False, ) self._show_plugins() bui.containerwidget( edit=self._root_widget, selected_child=self._scrollwidget ) self._restore_state()
[docs] @override def get_main_window_state(self) -> bui.MainWindowState: # Support recreating our window for back/refresh purposes. cls = type(self) return bui.BasicMainWindowState( create_call=lambda transition, origin_widget: cls( transition=transition, origin_widget=origin_widget ) )
[docs] @override def on_main_window_close(self) -> None: self._save_state()
def _check_value_changed(self, plug: bui.PluginSpec, value: bool) -> None: bui.screenmessage( bui.Lstr(resource='settingsWindowAdvanced.mustRestartText'), color=(1.0, 0.5, 0.0), ) plugstates: dict[str, dict] ='Plugins', {}) assert isinstance(plugstates, dict) plugstate = plugstates.setdefault(plug.class_path, {}) plugstate['enabled'] = value def _open_settings(self) -> None: # pylint: disable=cyclic-import from bauiv1lib.settings.pluginsettings import PluginSettingsWindow # no-op if we don't have control. if not self.main_window_has_control(): return self.main_window_replace(PluginSettingsWindow(transition='in_right')) def _show_category_options(self) -> None: uiscale = popup.PopupMenuWindow( position=self._category_button.get_screen_space_center(), scale=( 2.3 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 1.65 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.MEDIUM else 1.23 ), choices=[c.value for c in Category], choices_display=[bui.Lstr(resource=c.resource) for c in Category], current_choice=self._category.value, delegate=self, )
[docs] def popup_menu_selected_choice( self, popup_window: popup.PopupMenuWindow, choice: str ) -> None: """Called when a choice is selected in the popup.""" del popup_window # unused self._category = Category(choice) self._clear_scroll_widget() self._show_plugins() bui.buttonwidget( edit=self._category_button, label=bui.Lstr(resource=self._category.resource), )
[docs] def popup_menu_closing(self, popup_window: popup.PopupWindow) -> None: """Called when the popup is closing."""
def _clear_scroll_widget(self) -> None: existing_widgets = self._subcontainer.get_children() if existing_widgets: for i in existing_widgets: i.delete() def _show_plugins(self) -> None: # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=too-many-branches # pylint: disable=too-many-statements plugspecs = plugstates: dict[str, dict] ='Plugins', {}) assert isinstance(plugstates, dict) plug_line_height = 50 sub_width = self._scroll_width num_enabled = 0 num_disabled = 0 plugspecs_sorted = sorted(plugspecs.items()) bui.textwidget( edit=self._no_plugins_installed_text, text='', ) for _classpath, plugspec in plugspecs_sorted: # counting number of enabled and disabled plugins # plugstate = plugstates.setdefault(plugspec[0], {}) if plugspec.enabled: num_enabled += 1 else: num_disabled += 1 if self._category is Category.ALL: sub_height = len(plugspecs) * plug_line_height bui.containerwidget( edit=self._subcontainer, size=(self._scroll_width, sub_height) ) elif self._category is Category.ENABLED: sub_height = num_enabled * plug_line_height bui.containerwidget( edit=self._subcontainer, size=(self._scroll_width, sub_height) ) elif self._category is Category.DISABLED: sub_height = num_disabled * plug_line_height bui.containerwidget( edit=self._subcontainer, size=(self._scroll_width, sub_height) ) else: # Make sure we handle all cases. assert_never(self._category) num_shown = 0 for classpath, plugspec in plugspecs_sorted: plugin = plugspec.plugin enabled = plugspec.enabled if self._category is Category.ALL: show = True elif self._category is Category.ENABLED: show = enabled elif self._category is Category.DISABLED: show = not enabled else: assert_never(self._category) if not show: continue item_y = sub_height - (num_shown + 1) * plug_line_height check = bui.checkboxwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, text=bui.Lstr(value=classpath), autoselect=True, value=enabled, maxwidth=self._scroll_width - ( 200 if plugin is not None and plugin.has_settings_ui() else 80 ), position=(10, item_y), size=(self._scroll_width - 40, 50), on_value_change_call=bui.Call( self._check_value_changed, plugspec ), textcolor=( (0.8, 0.3, 0.3) if (plugspec.attempted_load and plugspec.plugin is None) else ( (0.6, 0.6, 0.6) if plugspec.plugin is None else (0, 1, 0) ) ), ) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences if plugin is not None and plugin.has_settings_ui(): button = bui.buttonwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, label=bui.Lstr(resource='mainMenu.settingsText'), autoselect=True, size=(100, 40), position=(sub_width - 130, item_y + 6), ) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences bui.buttonwidget( edit=button, on_activate_call=bui.Call(plugin.show_settings_ui, button), ) else: button = None # Allow getting back to back button. if num_shown == 0: bui.widget( edit=check, up_widget=self._back_button, left_widget=self._back_button, right_widget=( self._settings_button if button is None else button ), ) if button is not None: bui.widget(edit=button, up_widget=self._back_button) # Make sure we scroll all the way to the end when using # keyboard/button nav. bui.widget(edit=check, show_buffer_top=40, show_buffer_bottom=40) num_shown += 1 bui.textwidget( edit=self._num_plugins_text, text=str(num_shown), ) if num_shown == 0: bui.textwidget( edit=self._no_plugins_installed_text, text=bui.Lstr(resource='noPluginsInstalledText'), ) def _save_state(self) -> None: try: sel = self._root_widget.get_selected_child() if sel == self._category_button: sel_name = 'Category' elif sel == self._settings_button: sel_name = 'Settings' elif sel == self._back_button: sel_name = 'Back' elif sel == self._scrollwidget: sel_name = 'Scroll' else: raise ValueError(f'unrecognized selection \'{sel}\'') assert is not None[type(self)] = sel_name except Exception: logging.exception('Error saving state for %s.', self) def _restore_state(self) -> None: try: assert is not None sel_name = sel: bui.Widget | None if sel_name == 'Category': sel = self._category_button elif sel_name == 'Settings': sel = self._settings_button elif sel_name == 'Back': sel = self._back_button else: sel = self._scrollwidget if sel: bui.containerwidget(edit=self._root_widget, selected_child=sel) except Exception: logging.exception('Error restoring state for %s.', self)