Source code for bauiv1lib.playoptions

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""Provides a window for configuring play options."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, override

import bascenev1 as bs
import bauiv1 as bui

from bauiv1lib.popup import PopupWindow

    from typing import Any

    from import PlaylistSelectContext


[docs] class PlayOptionsWindow(PopupWindow): """A popup window for configuring play options.""" def __init__( self, *, sessiontype: type[bs.Session], playlist: str, scale_origin: tuple[float, float], delegate: Any = None, playlist_select_context: PlaylistSelectContext | None = None, ): # FIXME: Tidy this up. # pylint: disable=too-many-branches # pylint: disable=too-many-statements # pylint: disable=too-many-locals from bascenev1 import filter_playlist, get_map_class from bauiv1lib.playlist import PlaylistTypeVars from bauiv1lib.config import ConfigNumberEdit self._r = 'gameListWindow' self._delegate = delegate self._pvars = PlaylistTypeVars(sessiontype) self._transitioning_out = False self._playlist_select_context = playlist_select_context self._do_randomize_val = self._pvars.config_name + ' Playlist Randomize', 0 ) self._sessiontype = sessiontype self._playlist = playlist self._width = 500.0 self._height = 370.0 - 50.0 # In teams games, show the custom names/colors button. if self._sessiontype is bs.DualTeamSession: self._height += 50.0 self._row_height = 45.0 # Grab our maps to display. mesh_opaque = bui.getmesh('level_select_button_opaque') mesh_transparent = bui.getmesh('level_select_button_transparent') mask_tex = bui.gettexture('mapPreviewMask') # Poke into this playlist and see if we can display some of its # maps. map_textures = [] map_texture_entries = [] rows = 0 columns = 0 game_count = 0 scl = 0.35 c_width_total = 0.0 try: max_columns = 5 name = playlist if name == '__default__': plst = self._pvars.get_default_list_call() else: try: plst =[ self._pvars.config_name + ' Playlists' ][name] except Exception: print( 'ERROR INFO: self._config_name is:', self._pvars.config_name, ) print( 'ERROR INFO: playlist names are:', list([ self._pvars.config_name + ' Playlists' ].keys() ), ) raise plst = filter_playlist( plst, self._sessiontype, remove_unowned=False, mark_unowned=True, name=name, ) game_count = len(plst) for entry in plst: mapname = entry['settings']['map'] maptype: type[bs.Map] | None try: maptype = get_map_class(mapname) except bui.NotFoundError: maptype = None if maptype is not None: tex_name = maptype.get_preview_texture_name() if tex_name is not None: map_textures.append(tex_name) map_texture_entries.append(entry) rows = (max(0, len(map_textures) - 1) // max_columns) + 1 columns = min(max_columns, len(map_textures)) if len(map_textures) == 1: scl = 1.1 elif len(map_textures) == 2: scl = 0.7 elif len(map_textures) == 3: scl = 0.55 else: scl = 0.35 self._row_height = 128.0 * scl c_width_total = scl * 250.0 * columns if map_textures: self._height += self._row_height * rows except Exception: logging.exception('Error listing playlist maps.') show_shuffle_check_box = game_count > 1 if show_shuffle_check_box: self._height += 40 uiscale = scale = ( 1.69 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 1.1 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.MEDIUM else 0.85 ) # Creates our _root_widget. super().__init__( position=scale_origin, size=(self._width, self._height), scale=scale ) playlist_name: str | bui.Lstr = ( self._pvars.default_list_name if playlist == '__default__' else playlist ) self._title_text = bui.textwidget( parent=self.root_widget, position=(self._width * 0.5, self._height - 89 + 51), size=(0, 0), text=playlist_name, scale=1.4, color=(1, 1, 1), maxwidth=self._width * 0.7, h_align='center', v_align='center', ) self._cancel_button = bui.buttonwidget( parent=self.root_widget, position=(25, self._height - 53), size=(50, 50), scale=0.7, label='', color=(0.42, 0.73, 0.2), on_activate_call=self._on_cancel_press, autoselect=True, icon=bui.gettexture('crossOut'), iconscale=1.2, ) h_offs_img = self._width * 0.5 - c_width_total * 0.5 v_offs_img = self._height - 118 - scl * 125.0 + 50 bottom_row_buttons = [] self._have_at_least_one_owned = False for row in range(rows): for col in range(columns): tex_index = row * columns + col if tex_index < len(map_textures): tex_name = map_textures[tex_index] h = h_offs_img + scl * 250 * col v = v_offs_img - self._row_height * row entry = map_texture_entries[tex_index] owned = not ( ('is_unowned_map' in entry and entry['is_unowned_map']) or ( 'is_unowned_game' in entry and entry['is_unowned_game'] ) ) if owned: self._have_at_least_one_owned = True try: desc = bui.getclass( entry['type'], subclassof=bs.GameActivity ).get_settings_display_string(entry) if not owned: desc = bui.Lstr( value='${DESC}\n${UNLOCK}', subs=[ ('${DESC}', desc), ( '${UNLOCK}', bui.Lstr( resource='unlockThisInTheStoreText' ), ), ], ) desc_color = (0, 1, 0) if owned else (1, 0, 0) except Exception: desc = bui.Lstr(value='(invalid)') desc_color = (1, 0, 0) btn = bui.buttonwidget( parent=self.root_widget, size=(scl * 240.0, scl * 120.0), position=(h, v), texture=bui.gettexture(tex_name if owned else 'empty'), mesh_opaque=mesh_opaque if owned else None, on_activate_call=bui.Call( bui.screenmessage, desc, desc_color ), label='', color=(1, 1, 1), autoselect=True, extra_touch_border_scale=0.0, mesh_transparent=mesh_transparent if owned else None, mask_texture=mask_tex if owned else None, ) if row == 0 and col == 0: bui.widget(edit=self._cancel_button, down_widget=btn) if row == rows - 1: bottom_row_buttons.append(btn) if not owned: # Ewww; buttons don't currently have alpha so in this # case we draw an image over our button with an empty # texture on it. bui.imagewidget( parent=self.root_widget, size=(scl * 260.0, scl * 130.0), position=(h - 10.0 * scl, v - 4.0 * scl), draw_controller=btn, color=(1, 1, 1), texture=bui.gettexture(tex_name), mesh_opaque=mesh_opaque, opacity=0.25, mesh_transparent=mesh_transparent, mask_texture=mask_tex, ) bui.imagewidget( parent=self.root_widget, size=(scl * 100, scl * 100), draw_controller=btn, position=(h + scl * 70, v + scl * 10), texture=bui.gettexture('lock'), ) y_offs = 50 if show_shuffle_check_box else 0 # Series Length y_offs2 = 40 if self._sessiontype is bs.DualTeamSession else 0 self._series_length_numedit = ConfigNumberEdit( parent=self.root_widget, position=(100, 200 + y_offs + y_offs2), configkey=( 'FFA' if self._sessiontype is bs.FreeForAllSession else 'Teams' ) + ' Series Length', displayname=bui.Lstr( resource=self._r + ( '.pointsToWinText' if self._sessiontype is bs.FreeForAllSession else '.seriesLengthText' ) ), minval=1.0, maxval=100.0 if self._sessiontype is bs.FreeForAllSession else 99.0, increment=1.0 if self._sessiontype is bs.FreeForAllSession else 2.0, fallback_value=( 24 if self._sessiontype is bs.FreeForAllSession else 7 ), f=0, ) # Team names/colors. self._custom_colors_names_button: bui.Widget | None if self._sessiontype is bs.DualTeamSession: self._custom_colors_names_button = bui.buttonwidget( parent=self.root_widget, position=(100, 195 + y_offs), size=(290, 35), on_activate_call=bui.WeakCall(self._custom_colors_names_press), autoselect=True, textcolor=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), label=bui.Lstr(resource='teamNamesColorText'), ) assert is not None if REQUIRE_PRO and not bui.imagewidget( parent=self.root_widget, size=(30, 30), position=(95, 202 + y_offs), texture=bui.gettexture('lock'), draw_controller=self._custom_colors_names_button, ) else: self._custom_colors_names_button = None # Shuffle. def _cb_callback(val: bool) -> None: self._do_randomize_val = val cfg = cfg[self._pvars.config_name + ' Playlist Randomize'] = ( self._do_randomize_val ) cfg.commit() if show_shuffle_check_box: self._shuffle_check_box = bui.checkboxwidget( parent=self.root_widget, position=(110, 200), scale=1.0, size=(250, 30), autoselect=True, text=bui.Lstr(resource=f'{self._r}.shuffleGameOrderText'), maxwidth=300, textcolor=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), value=self._do_randomize_val, on_value_change_call=_cb_callback, ) # Show tutorial. show_tutorial = bool('Show Tutorial', True)) def _cb_callback_2(val: bool) -> None: cfg = cfg['Show Tutorial'] = val cfg.commit() self._show_tutorial_check_box = bui.checkboxwidget( parent=self.root_widget, position=(110, 151), scale=1.0, size=(250, 30), autoselect=True, text=bui.Lstr(resource=f'{self._r}.showTutorialText'), maxwidth=300, textcolor=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), value=show_tutorial, on_value_change_call=_cb_callback_2, ) # Grumble: current autoselect doesn't do a very good job # with checkboxes. if self._custom_colors_names_button is not None: for btn in bottom_row_buttons: bui.widget( edit=btn, down_widget=self._custom_colors_names_button ) if show_shuffle_check_box: bui.widget( edit=self._custom_colors_names_button, down_widget=self._shuffle_check_box, ) bui.widget( edit=self._shuffle_check_box, up_widget=self._custom_colors_names_button, ) else: bui.widget( edit=self._custom_colors_names_button, down_widget=self._show_tutorial_check_box, ) bui.widget( edit=self._show_tutorial_check_box, up_widget=self._custom_colors_names_button, ) self._ok_button = bui.buttonwidget( parent=self.root_widget, position=(70, 44), size=(200, 45), scale=1.8, text_res_scale=1.5, on_activate_call=self._on_ok_press, autoselect=True, label=bui.Lstr( resource=( 'okText' if self._playlist_select_context is not None else 'playText' ) ), ) bui.widget( edit=self._ok_button, up_widget=self._show_tutorial_check_box ) bui.containerwidget( edit=self.root_widget, start_button=self._ok_button, cancel_button=self._cancel_button, selected_child=self._ok_button, ) # Update now and once per second. self._update_timer = bui.AppTimer( 1.0, bui.WeakCall(self._update), repeat=True ) self._update() def _custom_colors_names_press(self) -> None: from bauiv1lib.account.signin import show_sign_in_prompt from bauiv1lib.teamnamescolors import TeamNamesColorsWindow from bauiv1lib.purchase import PurchaseWindow plus = assert plus is not None assert is not None if REQUIRE_PRO and not if plus.get_v1_account_state() != 'signed_in': show_sign_in_prompt() else: PurchaseWindow(items=['pro']) self._transition_out() return assert self._custom_colors_names_button TeamNamesColorsWindow( scale_origin=( self._custom_colors_names_button.get_screen_space_center() ) ) def _does_target_playlist_exist(self) -> bool: if self._playlist == '__default__': return True return self._playlist in self._pvars.config_name + ' Playlists', {} ) def _update(self) -> None: # All we do here is make sure our targeted playlist still exists, # and close ourself if not. if not self._does_target_playlist_exist(): self._transition_out() def _transition_out(self, transition: str = 'out_scale') -> None: if not self._transitioning_out: self._transitioning_out = True bui.containerwidget(edit=self.root_widget, transition=transition)
[docs] @override def on_popup_cancel(self) -> None: bui.getsound('swish').play() self._transition_out()
def _on_cancel_press(self) -> None: self._transition_out() def _on_ok_press(self) -> None: # no-op if our underlying widget is dead or on its way out. if not self.root_widget or self.root_widget.transitioning_out: return # Disallow if our playlist has disappeared. if not self._does_target_playlist_exist(): return # Disallow if we have no unlocked games. if not self._have_at_least_one_owned: bui.getsound('error').play() bui.screenmessage( bui.Lstr(resource='playlistNoValidGamesErrorText'), color=(1, 0, 0), ) return cfg = cfg[self._pvars.config_name + ' Playlist Selection'] = self._playlist # Head back to the gather window in playlist-select mode or # start the game in regular mode. if self._playlist_select_context is not None: # from bauiv1lib.gather import GatherWindow if self._sessiontype is bs.FreeForAllSession: typename = 'ffa' elif self._sessiontype is bs.DualTeamSession: typename = 'teams' else: raise RuntimeError('Only teams and ffa currently supported') cfg['Private Party Host Session Type'] = typename bui.getsound('gunCocking').play() self._transition_out(transition='out_left') if self._delegate is not None: self._delegate.on_play_options_window_run_game() else: bui.fade_screen(False, endcall=self._run_selected_playlist) bui.lock_all_input() self._transition_out(transition='out_left') if self._delegate is not None: self._delegate.on_play_options_window_run_game() cfg.commit() def _run_selected_playlist(self) -> None: bui.unlock_all_input() # Save our place in the UI that we'll return to when done. if is not None: try: bs.new_host_session(self._sessiontype) except Exception: from bascenev1lib import mainmenu logging.exception('Error running session %s.', self._sessiontype) # Drop back into a main menu session. bs.new_host_session(mainmenu.MainMenuSession)