Source code for bauiv1lib.playlist.editcontroller

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""Defines a controller for wrangling playlist edit UIs."""

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import bascenev1 as bs
import bauiv1 as bui

    from typing import Any

[docs] class PlaylistEditController: """Coordinates various UIs involved in playlist editing.""" def __init__( self, sessiontype: type[bs.Session], existing_playlist_name: str | None = None, transition: str = 'in_right', playlist: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, playlist_name: str | None = None, ): from bascenev1 import filter_playlist from bauiv1lib.playlist import PlaylistTypeVars from bauiv1lib.playlist.edit import PlaylistEditWindow appconfig = # Since we may be showing our map list momentarily, # lets go ahead and preload all map preview textures. if is not None: self._sessiontype = sessiontype self._editing_game = False self._editing_game_type: type[bs.GameActivity] | None = None self._pvars = PlaylistTypeVars(sessiontype) self._existing_playlist_name = existing_playlist_name self._config_name_full = self._pvars.config_name + ' Playlists' # Make sure config exists. if self._config_name_full not in appconfig: appconfig[self._config_name_full] = {} self._selected_index = 0 if existing_playlist_name: self._name = existing_playlist_name # Filter out invalid games. self._playlist = filter_playlist( appconfig[self._pvars.config_name + ' Playlists'][ existing_playlist_name ], sessiontype=sessiontype, remove_unowned=False, name=existing_playlist_name, ) self._edit_ui_selection = None else: if playlist is not None: self._playlist = playlist else: self._playlist = [] if playlist_name is not None: self._name = playlist_name else: # Find a good unused name. i = 1 while True: self._name = ( self._pvars.default_new_list_name.evaluate() + ((' ' + str(i)) if i > 1 else '') ) if ( self._name not in appconfig[self._pvars.config_name + ' Playlists'] ): break i += 1 # Also we want it to start with 'add' highlighted since its empty # and that's all they can do. self._edit_ui_selection = 'add_button' assert is not None PlaylistEditWindow( editcontroller=self, transition=transition ).get_root_widget(), from_window=False, # Disable this check. )
[docs] def get_config_name(self) -> str: """(internal)""" return self._pvars.config_name
[docs] def get_existing_playlist_name(self) -> str | None: """(internal)""" return self._existing_playlist_name
[docs] def get_edit_ui_selection(self) -> str | None: """(internal)""" return self._edit_ui_selection
[docs] def set_edit_ui_selection(self, selection: str) -> None: """(internal)""" self._edit_ui_selection = selection
[docs] def getname(self) -> str: """(internal)""" return self._name
[docs] def setname(self, name: str) -> None: """(internal)""" self._name = name
[docs] def get_playlist(self) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: """Return the current state of the edited playlist.""" return copy.deepcopy(self._playlist)
[docs] def set_playlist(self, playlist: list[dict[str, Any]]) -> None: """Set the playlist contents.""" self._playlist = copy.deepcopy(playlist)
[docs] def get_session_type(self) -> type[bs.Session]: """Return the bascenev1.Session type for this edit-session.""" return self._sessiontype
[docs] def get_selected_index(self) -> int: """Return the index of the selected playlist.""" return self._selected_index
[docs] def get_default_list_name(self) -> bui.Lstr: """(internal)""" return self._pvars.default_list_name
[docs] def set_selected_index(self, index: int) -> None: """Sets the selected playlist index.""" self._selected_index = index
[docs] def add_game_pressed(self) -> None: """(internal)""" from bauiv1lib.playlist.addgame import PlaylistAddGameWindow assert is not None'out_left') PlaylistAddGameWindow(editcontroller=self).get_root_widget(), from_window=None, )
[docs] def edit_game_pressed(self) -> None: """Should be called by supplemental UIs when a game is to be edited.""" if not self._playlist: return self._show_edit_ui( gametype=bui.getclass( self._playlist[self._selected_index]['type'], subclassof=bs.GameActivity, ), settings=self._playlist[self._selected_index], )
[docs] def add_game_cancelled(self) -> None: """(internal)""" from bauiv1lib.playlist.edit import PlaylistEditWindow assert is not None'out_right') PlaylistEditWindow( editcontroller=self, transition='in_left' ).get_root_widget(), from_window=None, )
def _show_edit_ui( self, gametype: type[bs.GameActivity], settings: dict[str, Any] | None ) -> None: self._editing_game = settings is not None self._editing_game_type = gametype assert self._sessiontype is not None gametype.create_settings_ui( self._sessiontype, copy.deepcopy(settings), self._edit_game_done )
[docs] def add_game_type_selected(self, gametype: type[bs.GameActivity]) -> None: """(internal)""" self._show_edit_ui(gametype=gametype, settings=None)
def _edit_game_done(self, config: dict[str, Any] | None) -> None: from bauiv1lib.playlist.edit import PlaylistEditWindow from bauiv1lib.playlist.addgame import PlaylistAddGameWindow assert is not None if config is None: # If we were editing, go back to our list. if self._editing_game: bui.getsound('powerdown01').play()'out_right') PlaylistEditWindow( editcontroller=self, transition='in_left' ).get_root_widget(), from_window=None, ) # Otherwise we were adding; go back to the add type choice list. else:'out_right') PlaylistAddGameWindow( editcontroller=self, transition='in_left' ).get_root_widget(), from_window=None, ) else: # Make sure type is in there. assert self._editing_game_type is not None config['type'] = bui.get_type_name(self._editing_game_type) if self._editing_game: self._playlist[self._selected_index] = copy.deepcopy(config) else: # Add a new entry to the playlist. insert_index = min( len(self._playlist), self._selected_index + 1 ) self._playlist.insert(insert_index, copy.deepcopy(config)) self._selected_index = insert_index bui.getsound('gunCocking').play()'out_right') PlaylistEditWindow( editcontroller=self, transition='in_left' ).get_root_widget(), from_window=None, )