Source code for bauiv1lib.gettokens

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""UI functionality for purchasing/acquiring currency."""

from __future__ import annotations

import time
from enum import Enum
from functools import partial
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, assert_never, override

import bauiv1 as bui

    from typing import Any, Callable

class _ButtonDef:
    itemid: str
    width: float
    color: tuple[float, float, float]
    imgdefs: list[_ImgDef]
    txtdefs: list[_TxtDef]
    prepad: float = 0.0

class _ImgDef:
    tex: str
    pos: tuple[float, float]
    size: tuple[float, float]
    color: tuple[float, float, float] = (1, 1, 1)
    opacity: float = 1.0
    draw_controller_mult: float | None = None

[docs] class TextContents(Enum): """Some type of text to show.""" PRICE = 'price'
@dataclass class _TxtDef: text: str | TextContents | bui.Lstr pos: tuple[float, float] maxwidth: float | None scale: float = 1.0 color: tuple[float, float, float] = (1, 1, 1) rotate: float | None = None
[docs] class GetTokensWindow(bui.MainWindow): """Window for purchasing/acquiring classic tickets."""
[docs] class State(Enum): """What are we doing?""" LOADING = 'loading' NOT_SIGNED_IN = 'not_signed_in' HAVE_GOLD_PASS = 'have_gold_pass' SHOWING_STORE = 'showing_store'
def __init__( self, transition: str | None = 'in_right', origin_widget: bui.Widget | None = None, # restore_previous_call: Callable[[bui.Widget], None] | None = None, ): bwidthstd = 170 bwidthwide = 300 ycolor = (0, 0, 0.3) pcolor = (0, 0, 0.3) pos1 = 65 pos2 = 34 titlescale = 0.9 pricescale = 0.65 bcapcol1 = (0.25, 0.13, 0.02) self._buttondefs: list[_ButtonDef] = [ _ButtonDef( itemid='tokens1', width=bwidthstd, color=ycolor, imgdefs=[ _ImgDef( 'tokens1', pos=(-3, 85), size=(172, 172), opacity=1.0, draw_controller_mult=0.5, ), _ImgDef( 'windowBottomCap', pos=(1.5, 4), size=(bwidthstd * 0.960, 100), color=bcapcol1, opacity=1.0, ), ], txtdefs=[ _TxtDef( bui.Lstr( resource='tokens.numTokensText', subs=[('${COUNT}', '50')], ), pos=(bwidthstd * 0.5, pos1), color=(1.1, 1.05, 1.0), scale=titlescale, maxwidth=bwidthstd * 0.9, ), _TxtDef( TextContents.PRICE, pos=(bwidthstd * 0.5, pos2), color=(1.1, 1.05, 1.0), scale=pricescale, maxwidth=bwidthstd * 0.9, ), ], ), _ButtonDef( itemid='tokens2', width=bwidthstd, color=ycolor, imgdefs=[ _ImgDef( 'tokens2', pos=(-3, 85), size=(172, 172), opacity=1.0, draw_controller_mult=0.5, ), _ImgDef( 'windowBottomCap', pos=(1.5, 4), size=(bwidthstd * 0.960, 100), color=bcapcol1, opacity=1.0, ), ], txtdefs=[ _TxtDef( bui.Lstr( resource='tokens.numTokensText', subs=[('${COUNT}', '500')], ), pos=(bwidthstd * 0.5, pos1), color=(1.1, 1.05, 1.0), scale=titlescale, maxwidth=bwidthstd * 0.9, ), _TxtDef( TextContents.PRICE, pos=(bwidthstd * 0.5, pos2), color=(1.1, 1.05, 1.0), scale=pricescale, maxwidth=bwidthstd * 0.9, ), ], ), _ButtonDef( itemid='tokens3', width=bwidthstd, color=ycolor, imgdefs=[ _ImgDef( 'tokens3', pos=(-3, 85), size=(172, 172), opacity=1.0, draw_controller_mult=0.5, ), _ImgDef( 'windowBottomCap', pos=(1.5, 4), size=(bwidthstd * 0.960, 100), color=bcapcol1, opacity=1.0, ), ], txtdefs=[ _TxtDef( bui.Lstr( resource='tokens.numTokensText', subs=[('${COUNT}', '1200')], ), pos=(bwidthstd * 0.5, pos1), color=(1.1, 1.05, 1.0), scale=titlescale, maxwidth=bwidthstd * 0.9, ), _TxtDef( TextContents.PRICE, pos=(bwidthstd * 0.5, pos2), color=(1.1, 1.05, 1.0), scale=pricescale, maxwidth=bwidthstd * 0.9, ), ], ), _ButtonDef( itemid='tokens4', width=bwidthstd, color=ycolor, imgdefs=[ _ImgDef( 'tokens4', pos=(-3, 85), size=(172, 172), opacity=1.0, draw_controller_mult=0.5, ), _ImgDef( 'windowBottomCap', pos=(1.5, 4), size=(bwidthstd * 0.960, 100), color=bcapcol1, opacity=1.0, ), ], txtdefs=[ _TxtDef( bui.Lstr( resource='tokens.numTokensText', subs=[('${COUNT}', '2600')], ), pos=(bwidthstd * 0.5, pos1), color=(1.1, 1.05, 1.0), scale=titlescale, maxwidth=bwidthstd * 0.9, ), _TxtDef( TextContents.PRICE, pos=(bwidthstd * 0.5, pos2), color=(1.1, 1.05, 1.0), scale=pricescale, maxwidth=bwidthstd * 0.9, ), ], ), _ButtonDef( itemid='gold_pass', width=bwidthwide, color=pcolor, imgdefs=[ _ImgDef( 'goldPass', pos=(-7, 102), size=(312, 156), draw_controller_mult=0.3, ), _ImgDef( 'windowBottomCap', pos=(8, 4), size=(bwidthwide * 0.923, 116), color=(0.25, 0.12, 0.15), opacity=1.0, ), ], txtdefs=[ _TxtDef( bui.Lstr(resource='goldPass.goldPassText'), pos=(bwidthwide * 0.5, pos1 + 27), color=(1.1, 1.05, 1.0), scale=titlescale, maxwidth=bwidthwide * 0.8, ), _TxtDef( bui.Lstr(resource='goldPass.desc1InfTokensText'), pos=(bwidthwide * 0.5, pos1 + 6), color=(1.1, 1.05, 1.0), scale=0.4, maxwidth=bwidthwide * 0.8, ), _TxtDef( bui.Lstr(resource='goldPass.desc2NoAdsText'), pos=(bwidthwide * 0.5, pos1 + 6 - 13 * 1), color=(1.1, 1.05, 1.0), scale=0.4, maxwidth=bwidthwide * 0.8, ), _TxtDef( bui.Lstr(resource='goldPass.desc3ForeverText'), pos=(bwidthwide * 0.5, pos1 + 6 - 13 * 2), color=(1.1, 1.05, 1.0), scale=0.4, maxwidth=bwidthwide * 0.8, ), _TxtDef( TextContents.PRICE, pos=(bwidthwide * 0.5, pos2 - 9), color=(1.1, 1.05, 1.0), scale=pricescale, maxwidth=bwidthwide * 0.8, ), ], prepad=-8, ), ] self._transitioning_out = False # self._restore_previous_call = restore_previous_call self._textcolor = (0.92, 0.92, 2.0) self._query_in_flight = False self._last_query_time = -1.0 self._last_query_response: | None = ( None ) # If they provided an origin-widget, scale up from that. # scale_origin: tuple[float, float] | None # if origin_widget is not None: # self._transition_out = 'out_scale' # scale_origin = origin_widget.get_screen_space_center() # transition = 'in_scale' # else: # self._transition_out = 'out_right' # scale_origin = None uiscale = self._width = 1000.0 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 800.0 self._x_inset = 25.0 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 0.0 self._height = 550 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 480.0 self._y_offset = -60 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 0 self._r = 'getTokensWindow' super().__init__( root_widget=bui.containerwidget( size=(self._width, self._height), # transition=transition, # scale_origin_stack_offset=scale_origin, color=(0.3, 0.23, 0.36), scale=( 1.5 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 1.2 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.MEDIUM else 1.0 ), stack_offset=( (0, -3) if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else (0, 0) ), # toolbar_visibility='menu_minimal', toolbar_visibility=( 'get_tokens' if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 'menu_full' ), ), transition=transition, origin_widget=origin_widget, ) if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL: bui.containerwidget( edit=self._root_widget, on_cancel_call=self.main_window_back ) self._back_button = bui.get_special_widget('back_button') else: self._back_button = bui.buttonwidget( parent=self._root_widget, position=( 55 + self._x_inset, self._height - 80 + self._y_offset, ), size=( # (140, 60) # if self._restore_previous_call is None # else (60, 60) ), scale=1.0, autoselect=True, label=( # bui.Lstr(resource='doneText') # if self._restore_previous_call is None # else bui.charstr(bui.SpecialChar.BACK) ), button_type=( # 'regular' # if self._restore_previous_call is None # else 'backSmall' ), on_activate_call=self.main_window_back, ) # if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL: # bui.widget( # edit=self._back_button, # up_widget=bui.get_special_widget('tokens_meter'), # ) bui.containerwidget( edit=self._root_widget, cancel_button=self._back_button ) self._title_text = bui.textwidget( parent=self._root_widget, position=(self._width * 0.5, self._height - 42 + self._y_offset), size=(0, 0), color=self._textcolor, flatness=0.0, shadow=1.0, scale=1.2, h_align='center', v_align='center', text=bui.Lstr(resource='tokens.getTokensText'), maxwidth=260, ) self._status_text = bui.textwidget( parent=self._root_widget, size=(0, 0), position=(self._width * 0.5, self._height * 0.5), h_align='center', v_align='center', color=(0.6, 0.6, 0.6), scale=0.75, text=bui.Lstr(resource='store.loadingText'), ) self._core_widgets = [ self._back_button, self._title_text, self._status_text, ] # self._token_count_widget: bui.Widget | None = None # self._smooth_update_timer: bui.AppTimer | None = None # self._smooth_token_count: float | None = None # self._token_count: int = 0 # self._smooth_increase_speed = 1.0 # self._ticking_sound: bui.Sound | None = None # Get all textures used by our buttons preloading so hopefully # they'll be in place by the time we show them. for bdef in self._buttondefs: for bimg in bdef.imgdefs: bui.gettexture(bimg.tex) self._state = self.State.LOADING self._update_timer = bui.AppTimer( 0.789, bui.WeakCall(self._update), repeat=True ) self._update() # def __del__(self) -> None: # if self._ticking_sound is not None: # self._ticking_sound.stop() # self._ticking_sound = None
[docs] @override def get_main_window_state(self) -> bui.MainWindowState: # Support recreating our window for back/refresh purposes. cls = type(self) return bui.BasicMainWindowState( create_call=lambda transition, origin_widget: cls( transition=transition, origin_widget=origin_widget ) )
def _update(self) -> None: # No-op if our underlying widget is dead or on its way out. if not self._root_widget or self._root_widget.transitioning_out: return plus = if plus is None or plus.accounts.primary is None: self._update_state(self.State.NOT_SIGNED_IN) return # Poll for relevant changes to the store or our account. now = time.monotonic() if not self._query_in_flight and now - self._last_query_time > 2.0: self._last_query_time = now self._query_in_flight = True with plus.accounts.primary:, on_response=bui.WeakCall(self._on_store_query_response), ) # Can't do much until we get a store state. if self._last_query_response is None: return # If we've got a gold-pass, just show that. No need to offer any # other purchases. if self._last_query_response.gold_pass: self._update_state(self.State.HAVE_GOLD_PASS) return # Ok we seem to be signed in and have store stuff we can show. # Do that. self._update_state(self.State.SHOWING_STORE) def _update_state(self, state: State) -> None: # We don't do much when state is unchanged. if state is self._state: # Update a few things in store mode though, such as token # count. if state is self.State.SHOWING_STORE: self._update_store_state() return # Ok, state is changing. Start by resetting to a blank slate. # self._token_count_widget = None for widget in self._root_widget.get_children(): if widget not in self._core_widgets: widget.delete() # Build up new state. if state is self.State.NOT_SIGNED_IN: bui.textwidget( edit=self._status_text, color=(1, 0, 0), text=bui.Lstr(resource='notSignedInErrorText'), ) elif state is self.State.LOADING: raise RuntimeError('Should never return to loading state.') elif state is self.State.HAVE_GOLD_PASS: bui.textwidget( edit=self._status_text, color=(0, 1, 0), text=bui.Lstr(resource='tokens.youHaveGoldPassText'), ) elif state is self.State.SHOWING_STORE: assert self._last_query_response is not None bui.textwidget(edit=self._status_text, text='') self._build_store_for_response(self._last_query_response) else: # Make sure we handle all cases. assert_never(state) self._state = state def _on_load_error(self) -> None: bui.textwidget( edit=self._status_text, text=bui.Lstr(resource='internal.unavailableNoConnectionText'), color=(1, 0, 0), ) def _on_store_query_response( self, response: | Exception ) -> None: self._query_in_flight = False if isinstance(response, self._last_query_response = response # Hurry along any effects of this response. self._update() def _build_store_for_response( self, response: ) -> None: # pylint: disable=too-many-locals plus = uiscale = bui.textwidget(edit=self._status_text, text='') xinset = 40 scrollwidth = self._width - 2 * (self._x_inset + xinset) scrollheight = 280 buttonpadding = -5 yoffs = 5 # We currently don't handle the zero-button case. assert self._buttondefs sidepad = 10.0 total_button_width = ( sum(b.width + b.prepad for b in self._buttondefs) + buttonpadding * (len(self._buttondefs) - 1) + 2 * sidepad ) h_scroll = bui.hscrollwidget( parent=self._root_widget, size=(scrollwidth, scrollheight), position=( self._x_inset + xinset, self._height - 415 + self._y_offset, ), claims_left_right=True, highlight=False, border_opacity=0.3 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 1.0, ) subcontainer = bui.containerwidget( parent=h_scroll, background=False, size=(max(total_button_width, scrollwidth), scrollheight), ) tinfobtn = bui.buttonwidget( parent=self._root_widget, autoselect=True, label=bui.Lstr(resource='learnMoreText'), position=( self._width * 0.5 - 75, self._height - 125 + self._y_offset, ), size=(180, 43), scale=0.8, color=(0.4, 0.25, 0.5), textcolor=self._textcolor, on_activate_call=partial( self._on_learn_more_press, response.token_info_url ), ) if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL: bui.widget( edit=tinfobtn, left_widget=bui.get_special_widget('back_button'), up_widget=bui.get_special_widget('back_button'), ) bui.widget( edit=tinfobtn, right_widget=bui.get_special_widget('tokens_meter'), ) x = sidepad bwidgets: list[bui.Widget] = [] for i, buttondef in enumerate(self._buttondefs): price = None if plus is None else plus.get_price(buttondef.itemid) x += buttondef.prepad tdelay = 0.3 - i / len(self._buttondefs) * 0.25 btn = bui.buttonwidget( autoselect=True, label='', color=buttondef.color, transition_delay=tdelay, up_widget=tinfobtn, parent=subcontainer, size=(buttondef.width, 275), position=(x, -10 + yoffs), button_type='square', on_activate_call=partial( self._purchase_press, buttondef.itemid ), ) bwidgets.append(btn) if i == 0: bui.widget(edit=btn, left_widget=self._back_button) for imgdef in buttondef.imgdefs: _img = bui.imagewidget( parent=subcontainer, size=imgdef.size, position=(x + imgdef.pos[0], imgdef.pos[1] + yoffs), draw_controller=btn, draw_controller_mult=imgdef.draw_controller_mult, color=imgdef.color, texture=bui.gettexture(imgdef.tex), transition_delay=tdelay, opacity=imgdef.opacity, ) for txtdef in buttondef.txtdefs: txt: bui.Lstr | str if isinstance(txtdef.text, TextContents): if txtdef.text is TextContents.PRICE: tcolor = ( (1, 1, 1, 0.5) if price is None else txtdef.color ) txt = ( bui.Lstr(resource='unavailableText') if price is None else price ) else: # Make sure we cover all cases. assert_never(txtdef.text) else: tcolor = txtdef.color txt = txtdef.text _txt = bui.textwidget( parent=subcontainer, text=txt, position=(x + txtdef.pos[0], txtdef.pos[1] + yoffs), size=(0, 0), scale=txtdef.scale, h_align='center', v_align='center', draw_controller=btn, color=tcolor, transition_delay=tdelay, flatness=0.0, shadow=1.0, rotate=txtdef.rotate, maxwidth=txtdef.maxwidth, ) x += buttondef.width + buttonpadding bui.containerwidget(edit=subcontainer, visible_child=bwidgets[0]) _tinfotxt = bui.textwidget( parent=self._root_widget, position=(self._width * 0.5, self._height - 70 + self._y_offset), color=self._textcolor, shadow=1.0, scale=0.7, size=(0, 0), h_align='center', v_align='center', text=bui.Lstr(resource='tokens.shinyNewCurrencyText'), ) # self._token_count_widget = bui.textwidget( # parent=self._root_widget, # position=( # self._width - self._x_inset - 120.0, # self._height - 48 + self._y_offset, # ), # color=(2.0, 0.7, 0.0), # shadow=1.0, # flatness=0.0, # size=(0, 0), # h_align='left', # v_align='center', # text='', # ) # self._token_count = response.tokens # self._smooth_token_count = float(self._token_count) # self._smooth_update() # will set the text widget. # _tlabeltxt = bui.textwidget( # parent=self._root_widget, # position=( # self._width - self._x_inset - 123.0, # self._height - 48 + self._y_offset, # ), # size=(0, 0), # h_align='right', # v_align='center', # text=bui.charstr(bui.SpecialChar.TOKEN), # ) def _purchase_press(self, itemid: str) -> None: plus = price = None if plus is None else plus.get_price(itemid) if price is None: if plus is not None and plus.supports_purchases(): # Looks like internet is down or something temporary. errmsg = bui.Lstr(resource='purchaseNotAvailableText') else: # Looks like purchases will never work here. errmsg = bui.Lstr(resource='purchaseNeverAvailableText') bui.screenmessage(errmsg, color=(1, 0.5, 0)) bui.getsound('error').play() return assert plus is not None plus.purchase(itemid) def _update_store_state(self) -> None: """Called to make minor updates to an already shown store.""" # assert self._token_count_widget is not None assert self._last_query_response is not None # self._token_count = self._last_query_response.tokens # Kick off new smooth update if need be. # assert self._smooth_token_count is not None # if ( # self._token_count != int(self._smooth_token_count) # and self._smooth_update_timer is None # ): # self._smooth_update_timer = bui.AppTimer( # 0.05, bui.WeakCall(self._smooth_update), repeat=True # ) # diff = abs(float(self._token_count) - self._smooth_token_count) # self._smooth_increase_speed = ( # diff / 100.0 # if diff >= 5000 # else ( # diff / 50.0 # if diff >= 1500 # else diff / 30.0 if diff >= 500 else diff / 15.0 # ) # ) # def _smooth_update(self) -> None: # # Stop if the count widget disappears. # if not self._token_count_widget: # self._smooth_update_timer = None # return # finished = False # # If we're going down, do it immediately. # assert self._smooth_token_count is not None # if int(self._smooth_token_count) >= self._token_count: # self._smooth_token_count = float(self._token_count) # finished = True # else: # # We're going up; start a sound if need be. # self._smooth_token_count = min( # self._smooth_token_count + 1.0 * self._smooth_increase_speed, # self._token_count, # ) # if int(self._smooth_token_count) >= self._token_count: # finished = True # self._smooth_token_count = float(self._token_count) # elif self._ticking_sound is None: # self._ticking_sound = bui.getsound('scoreIncrease') # # bui.textwidget( # edit=self._token_count_widget, # text=str(int(self._smooth_token_count)), # ) # # If we've reached the target, kill the timer/sound/etc. # if finished: # self._smooth_update_timer = None # if self._ticking_sound is not None: # self._ticking_sound.stop() # self._ticking_sound = None # bui.getsound('cashRegister2').play() # def _back(self) -> None: # self.main_ # No-op if our underlying widget is dead or on its way out. # if not self._root_widget or self._root_widget.transitioning_out: # return # bui.containerwidget( # edit=self._root_widget, transition=self._transition_out # ) # if self._restore_previous_call is not None: # self._restore_previous_call(self._root_widget) def _on_learn_more_press(self, url: str) -> None: bui.open_url(url)
[docs] def show_get_tokens_prompt() -> None: """Show a 'not enough tokens' prompt with an option to purchase more. Note that the purchase option may not always be available depending on the build of the game. """ from bauiv1lib.confirm import ConfirmWindow assert is not None # Currently always allowing token purchases. if bool(True): ConfirmWindow( bui.Lstr(resource='tokens.notEnoughTokensText'), GetTokensWindow, ok_text=bui.Lstr(resource='tokens.getTokensText'), width=460, height=130, ) else: ConfirmWindow( bui.Lstr(resource='tokens.notEnoughTokensText'), cancel_button=False, width=460, height=130, )