Source code for

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""UI for browsing available co-op levels/games/etc."""
# FIXME: Break this up.
# pylint: disable=too-many-lines

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, override

import bauiv1 as bui

    from typing import Any

    from import TournamentButton


[docs] class CoopBrowserWindow(bui.MainWindow): """Window for browsing co-op levels/games/etc.""" def __init__( self, transition: str | None = 'in_right', origin_widget: bui.Widget | None = None, ): # pylint: disable=too-many-statements # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=cyclic-import plus = assert plus is not None # Preload some modules we use in a background thread so we won't # have a visual hitch when the user taps them. bui.set_analytics_screen('Coop Window') app = classic = app.classic assert classic is not None cfg = app.config # Quick note to players that tourneys won't work in ballistica # core builds. (need to split the word so it won't get subbed # out) if 'ballistica' + 'kit' == bui.appname() and bui.do_once(): bui.apptimer( 1.0, lambda: bui.screenmessage( bui.Lstr(resource='noTournamentsInTestBuildText'), color=(1, 1, 0), ), ) # Try to recreate the same number of buttons we had last time so our # re-selection code works. self._tournament_button_count = app.config.get('Tournament Rows', 0) assert isinstance(self._tournament_button_count, int) self.star_tex = bui.gettexture('star') self.lsbt = bui.getmesh('level_select_button_transparent') self.lsbo = bui.getmesh('level_select_button_opaque') self.a_outline_tex = bui.gettexture('achievementOutline') self.a_outline_mesh = bui.getmesh('achievementOutline') self._campaign_sub_container: bui.Widget | None = None self._tournament_info_button: bui.Widget | None = None self._easy_button: bui.Widget | None = None self._hard_button: bui.Widget | None = None self._hard_button_lock_image: bui.Widget | None = None self._campaign_percent_text: bui.Widget | None = None uiscale = app.ui_v1.uiscale self._width = 1600 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 1120 self._height = ( 1200 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 730 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.MEDIUM else 800 ) self._r = 'coopSelectWindow' top_extra = 0 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 0 self._tourney_data_up_to_date = False self._campaign_difficulty = plus.get_v1_account_misc_val( 'campaignDifficulty', 'easy' ) if ( self._campaign_difficulty == 'hard' and HARD_REQUIRES_PRO and not classic.accounts.have_pro_options() ): plus.add_v1_account_transaction( { 'type': 'SET_MISC_VAL', 'name': 'campaignDifficulty', 'value': 'easy', } ) self._campaign_difficulty = 'easy' # Do some fancy math to fill all available screen area up to the # size of our backing container. This lets us fit to the exact # screen shape at small ui scale. screensize = bui.get_virtual_screen_size() scale = ( 1.5 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 0.8 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.MEDIUM else 0.75 ) # Calc screen size in our local container space and clamp to a # bit smaller than our container size. target_width = min(self._width - 120, screensize[0] / scale) target_height = min(self._height - 120, screensize[1] / scale) # To get top/left coords, go to the center of our window and # offset by half the width/height of our target area. yoffs = 0.5 * self._height + 0.5 * target_height + 30.0 self._scroll_width = target_width self._scroll_height = target_height - 40 self._scroll_bottom = yoffs - 70 - self._scroll_height super().__init__( root_widget=bui.containerwidget( size=(self._width, self._height + top_extra), toolbar_visibility='menu_full', scale=scale, ), transition=transition, origin_widget=origin_widget, # We're affected by screen size only at small ui-scale. refresh_on_screen_size_changes=uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL, ) if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL: self._back_button = bui.get_special_widget('back_button') bui.containerwidget( edit=self._root_widget, on_cancel_call=self.main_window_back ) else: self._back_button = bui.buttonwidget( parent=self._root_widget, position=(75, yoffs - 48.0), size=(60, 50), scale=1.2, autoselect=True, label=bui.charstr(bui.SpecialChar.BACK), button_type='backSmall', on_activate_call=self.main_window_back, ) bui.containerwidget( edit=self._root_widget, cancel_button=self._back_button ) self._last_tournament_query_time: float | None = None self._last_tournament_query_response_time: float | None = None self._doing_tournament_query = False self._selected_campaign_level = cfg.get( 'Selected Coop Campaign Level', None ) self._selected_custom_level = cfg.get( 'Selected Coop Custom Level', None ) if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL: tmaxw = 130 if bui.get_virtual_screen_size()[0] < 1320 else 175 else: tmaxw = 300 # Don't want initial construction affecting our last-selected. self._do_selection_callbacks = False bui.textwidget( parent=self._root_widget, position=( self._width * 0.5, yoffs - (50 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 24), ), size=(0, 0), text=bui.Lstr( resource='playModes.singlePlayerCoopText', fallback_resource='playModes.coopText', ), h_align='center', color=app.ui_v1.title_color, scale=0.85 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 1.5, maxwidth=tmaxw, v_align='center', ) self._selected_row = cfg.get('Selected Coop Row', None) self._subcontainerwidth = 800.0 self._subcontainerheight = 1400.0 self._scrollwidget = bui.scrollwidget( parent=self._root_widget, highlight=False, size=(self._scroll_width, self._scroll_height), position=( self._width * 0.5 - self._scroll_width * 0.5, self._scroll_bottom, ), simple_culling_v=10.0, claims_left_right=True, selection_loops_to_parent=True, border_opacity=0.4, ) if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL: blotchwidth = 500.0 blotchheight = 200.0 bimg = bui.imagewidget( parent=self._root_widget, texture=bui.gettexture('uiAtlas'), mesh_transparent=bui.getmesh('windowBGBlotch'), position=( self._width * 0.5 - self._scroll_width * 0.5 + 60.0 - blotchwidth * 0.5, self._scroll_bottom - blotchheight * 0.5, ), size=(blotchwidth, blotchheight), color=(0.4, 0.37, 0.49), # color=(1, 0, 0), ) bui.widget(edit=bimg, depth_range=(0.9, 1.0)) bimg = bui.imagewidget( parent=self._root_widget, texture=bui.gettexture('uiAtlas'), mesh_transparent=bui.getmesh('windowBGBlotch'), position=( self._width * 0.5 + self._scroll_width * 0.5 - 60.0 - blotchwidth * 0.5, self._scroll_bottom - blotchheight * 0.5, ), size=(blotchwidth, blotchheight), color=(0.4, 0.37, 0.49), # color=(1, 0, 0), ) bui.widget(edit=bimg, depth_range=(0.9, 1.0)) self._subcontainer: bui.Widget | None = None # Take note of our account state; we'll refresh later if this changes. self._account_state_num = plus.get_v1_account_state_num() # Same for fg/bg state. self._fg_state = app.fg_state self._refresh() self._restore_state() # Even though we might display cached tournament data immediately, we # don't consider it valid until we've pinged. # the server for an update self._tourney_data_up_to_date = False # If we've got a cached tournament list for our account and info for # each one of those tournaments, go ahead and display it as a # starting point. if ( classic.accounts.account_tournament_list is not None and classic.accounts.account_tournament_list[0] == plus.get_v1_account_state_num() and all( t_id in classic.accounts.tournament_info for t_id in classic.accounts.account_tournament_list[1] ) ): tourney_data = [ classic.accounts.tournament_info[t_id] for t_id in classic.accounts.account_tournament_list[1] ] self._update_for_data(tourney_data) # This will pull new data periodically, update timers, etc. self._update_timer = bui.AppTimer( 1.0, bui.WeakCall(self._update), repeat=True ) self._update()
[docs] @override def get_main_window_state(self) -> bui.MainWindowState: # Support recreating our window for back/refresh purposes. cls = type(self) return bui.BasicMainWindowState( create_call=lambda transition, origin_widget: cls( transition=transition, origin_widget=origin_widget ) )
[docs] @override def on_main_window_close(self) -> None: self._save_state()
@staticmethod def _preload_modules() -> None: """Preload modules we use; avoids hitches (called in bg thread).""" # pylint: disable=cyclic-import import bauiv1lib.purchase as _unused1 import as _unused2 import bauiv1lib.confirm as _unused3 import bauiv1lib.account as _unused4 import bauiv1lib.league.rankwindow as _unused5 import as _unused6 import bauiv1lib.account.viewer as _unused7 import bauiv1lib.tournamentscores as _unused8 import bauiv1lib.tournamententry as _unused9 import as _unused10 import as _unused11 def _update(self) -> None: plus = assert plus is not None # Do nothing if we've somehow outlived our actual UI. if not self._root_widget: return cur_time = bui.apptime() # If its been a while since we got a tournament update, consider # the data invalid (prevents us from joining tournaments if our # internet connection goes down for a while). if ( self._last_tournament_query_response_time is None or bui.apptime() - self._last_tournament_query_response_time > 60.0 * 2 ): self._tourney_data_up_to_date = False # If our account login state has changed, do a # full request. account_state_num = plus.get_v1_account_state_num() if account_state_num != self._account_state_num: self._account_state_num = account_state_num self._save_state() self._refresh() # Also encourage a new tournament query since this will clear out # our current results. if not self._doing_tournament_query: self._last_tournament_query_time = None # If we've been backgrounded/foregrounded, invalidate our # tournament entries (they will be refreshed below asap). if self._fg_state != self._tourney_data_up_to_date = False # Send off a new tournament query if its been long enough or whatnot. if not self._doing_tournament_query and ( self._last_tournament_query_time is None or cur_time - self._last_tournament_query_time > 30.0 or self._fg_state != ): self._fg_state = self._last_tournament_query_time = cur_time self._doing_tournament_query = True plus.tournament_query( args={'source': 'coop window refresh', 'numScores': 1}, callback=bui.WeakCall(self._on_tournament_query_response), ) # Decrement time on our tournament buttons. ads_enabled = plus.have_incentivized_ad() for tbtn in self._tournament_buttons: tbtn.time_remaining = max(0, tbtn.time_remaining - 1) if tbtn.time_remaining_value_text is not None: bui.textwidget( edit=tbtn.time_remaining_value_text, text=( bui.timestring(tbtn.time_remaining, centi=False) if ( tbtn.has_time_remaining and self._tourney_data_up_to_date ) else '-' ), ) # Also adjust the ad icon visibility. if tbtn.allow_ads and plus.has_video_ads(): bui.imagewidget( edit=tbtn.entry_fee_ad_image, opacity=1.0 if ads_enabled else 0.25, ) bui.textwidget( edit=tbtn.entry_fee_text_remaining, color=(0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1 if ads_enabled else 0.2), ) self._update_hard_mode_lock_image() def _update_hard_mode_lock_image(self) -> None: assert is not None try: bui.imagewidget( edit=self._hard_button_lock_image, opacity=( 0.0 if ( (not HARD_REQUIRES_PRO) or ) else 1.0 ), ) except Exception: logging.exception('Error updating campaign lock.') def _update_for_data(self, data: list[dict[str, Any]] | None) -> None: # If the number of tournaments or challenges in the data differs # from our current arrangement, refresh with the new number. if (data is None and self._tournament_button_count != 0) or ( data is not None and (len(data) != self._tournament_button_count) ): self._tournament_button_count = len(data) if data is not None else 0['Tournament Rows'] = self._tournament_button_count self._refresh() # Update all of our tourney buttons based on whats in data. for i, tbtn in enumerate(self._tournament_buttons): assert data is not None tbtn.update_for_data(data[i]) def _on_tournament_query_response( self, data: dict[str, Any] | None ) -> None: plus = assert plus is not None assert is not None accounts = if data is not None: tournament_data = data['t'] # This used to be the whole payload. self._last_tournament_query_response_time = bui.apptime() else: tournament_data = None # Keep our cached tourney info up to date. if data is not None: self._tourney_data_up_to_date = True accounts.cache_tournament_info(tournament_data) # Also cache the current tourney list/order for this account. accounts.account_tournament_list = ( plus.get_v1_account_state_num(), [e['tournamentID'] for e in tournament_data], ) self._doing_tournament_query = False self._update_for_data(tournament_data) def _set_campaign_difficulty(self, difficulty: str) -> None: # pylint: disable=cyclic-import from bauiv1lib.purchase import PurchaseWindow plus = assert plus is not None assert is not None if difficulty != self._campaign_difficulty: if ( difficulty == 'hard' and HARD_REQUIRES_PRO and not ): PurchaseWindow(items=['pro']) return bui.getsound('gunCocking').play() if difficulty not in ('easy', 'hard'): print('ERROR: invalid campaign difficulty:', difficulty) difficulty = 'easy' self._campaign_difficulty = difficulty plus.add_v1_account_transaction( { 'type': 'SET_MISC_VAL', 'name': 'campaignDifficulty', 'value': difficulty, } ) self._refresh_campaign_row() else: bui.getsound('click01').play() def _refresh_campaign_row(self) -> None: # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=too-many-statements # pylint: disable=cyclic-import from import GameButton parent_widget = self._campaign_sub_container # Clear out anything in the parent widget already. assert parent_widget is not None for child in parent_widget.get_children(): child.delete() next_widget_down = self._tournament_info_button h = 0 v2 = -2 sel_color = (0.75, 0.85, 0.5) sel_color_hard = (0.4, 0.7, 0.2) un_sel_color = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) sel_textcolor = (2, 2, 0.8) un_sel_textcolor = (0.6, 0.6, 0.6) self._easy_button = bui.buttonwidget( parent=parent_widget, position=(h + 30, v2 + 105), size=(120, 70), label=bui.Lstr(resource='difficultyEasyText'), button_type='square', autoselect=True, enable_sound=False, on_activate_call=bui.Call(self._set_campaign_difficulty, 'easy'), on_select_call=bui.Call(self.sel_change, 'campaign', 'easyButton'), color=( sel_color if self._campaign_difficulty == 'easy' else un_sel_color ), textcolor=( sel_textcolor if self._campaign_difficulty == 'easy' else un_sel_textcolor ), ) bui.widget(edit=self._easy_button, show_buffer_left=100) if self._selected_campaign_level == 'easyButton': bui.containerwidget( edit=parent_widget, selected_child=self._easy_button, visible_child=self._easy_button, ) lock_tex = bui.gettexture('lock') self._hard_button = bui.buttonwidget( parent=parent_widget, position=(h + 30, v2 + 32), size=(120, 70), label=bui.Lstr(resource='difficultyHardText'), button_type='square', autoselect=True, enable_sound=False, on_activate_call=bui.Call(self._set_campaign_difficulty, 'hard'), on_select_call=bui.Call(self.sel_change, 'campaign', 'hardButton'), color=( sel_color_hard if self._campaign_difficulty == 'hard' else un_sel_color ), textcolor=( sel_textcolor if self._campaign_difficulty == 'hard' else un_sel_textcolor ), ) self._hard_button_lock_image = bui.imagewidget( parent=parent_widget, size=(30, 30), draw_controller=self._hard_button, position=(h + 30 - 10, v2 + 32 + 70 - 35), texture=lock_tex, ) self._update_hard_mode_lock_image() bui.widget(edit=self._hard_button, show_buffer_left=100) if self._selected_campaign_level == 'hardButton': bui.containerwidget( edit=parent_widget, selected_child=self._hard_button, visible_child=self._hard_button, ) bui.widget(edit=self._hard_button, down_widget=next_widget_down) h_spacing = 200 campaign_buttons = [] if self._campaign_difficulty == 'easy': campaignname = 'Easy' else: campaignname = 'Default' items = [ campaignname + ':Onslaught Training', campaignname + ':Rookie Onslaught', campaignname + ':Rookie Football', campaignname + ':Pro Onslaught', campaignname + ':Pro Football', campaignname + ':Pro Runaround', campaignname + ':Uber Onslaught', campaignname + ':Uber Football', campaignname + ':Uber Runaround', ] items += [campaignname + ':The Last Stand'] if self._selected_campaign_level is None: self._selected_campaign_level = items[0] h = 150 for i in items: is_last_sel = i == self._selected_campaign_level campaign_buttons.append( GameButton( self, parent_widget, i, h, v2, is_last_sel, 'campaign' ).get_button() ) h += h_spacing bui.widget(edit=campaign_buttons[0], left_widget=self._easy_button) bui.widget( edit=self._easy_button, left_widget=self._back_button, up_widget=self._back_button, ) bui.widget(edit=self._hard_button, left_widget=self._back_button) for btn in campaign_buttons: bui.widget( edit=btn, up_widget=self._back_button, ) for btn in campaign_buttons: bui.widget(edit=btn, down_widget=next_widget_down) # Update our existing percent-complete text. assert is not None campaign = levels = campaign.levels levels_complete = sum((1 if l.complete else 0) for l in levels) # Last level cant be completed; hence the -1. progress = min(1.0, float(levels_complete) / (len(levels) - 1)) p_str = str(int(progress * 100.0)) + '%' self._campaign_percent_text = bui.textwidget( edit=self._campaign_percent_text, text=bui.Lstr( value='${C} (${P})', subs=[ ('${C}', bui.Lstr(resource=f'{self._r}.campaignText')), ('${P}', p_str), ], ), ) def _on_tournament_info_press(self) -> None: # pylint: disable=cyclic-import from bauiv1lib.confirm import ConfirmWindow txt = bui.Lstr(resource=f'{self._r}.tournamentInfoText') ConfirmWindow( txt, cancel_button=False, width=550, height=260, origin_widget=self._tournament_info_button, ) def _refresh(self) -> None: # pylint: disable=too-many-statements # pylint: disable=too-many-branches # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=cyclic-import from import GameButton from import TournamentButton plus = assert plus is not None assert is not None # (Re)create the sub-container if need be. if self._subcontainer is not None: self._subcontainer.delete() tourney_row_height = 200 self._subcontainerheight = ( 700 + self._tournament_button_count * tourney_row_height ) self._subcontainer = bui.containerwidget( parent=self._scrollwidget, size=(self._subcontainerwidth, self._subcontainerheight), background=False, claims_left_right=True, selection_loops_to_parent=True, ) bui.containerwidget( edit=self._root_widget, selected_child=self._scrollwidget ) w_parent = self._subcontainer h_base = 6 v = self._subcontainerheight - 90 self._campaign_percent_text = bui.textwidget( parent=w_parent, position=(h_base + 27, v + 30), size=(0, 0), text='', h_align='left', v_align='center',, scale=1.1, ) row_v_show_buffer = 80 v -= 198 h_scroll = bui.hscrollwidget( parent=w_parent, size=(self._scroll_width, 205), position=(-5, v), simple_culling_h=70, highlight=False, border_opacity=0.0, color=(0.45, 0.4, 0.5), on_select_call=lambda: self._on_row_selected('campaign'), ) self._campaign_h_scroll = h_scroll bui.widget( edit=h_scroll, show_buffer_top=row_v_show_buffer, show_buffer_bottom=row_v_show_buffer, autoselect=True, ) if self._selected_row == 'campaign': bui.containerwidget( edit=w_parent, selected_child=h_scroll, visible_child=h_scroll ) bui.containerwidget(edit=h_scroll, claims_left_right=True) self._campaign_sub_container = bui.containerwidget( parent=h_scroll, size=(180 + 200 * 10, 200), background=False ) # Tournaments self._tournament_buttons: list[TournamentButton] = [] v -= 53 # FIXME shouldn't use hard-coded strings here. txt = bui.Lstr( resource='tournamentsText', fallback_resource='tournamentText' ).evaluate() t_width = bui.get_string_width(txt, suppress_warning=True) bui.textwidget( parent=w_parent, position=(h_base + 27, v + 30), size=(0, 0), text=txt, h_align='left', v_align='center',, scale=1.1, ) self._tournament_info_button = bui.buttonwidget( parent=w_parent, label='?', size=(20, 20), text_scale=0.6, position=(h_base + 27 + t_width * 1.1 + 15, v + 18), button_type='square', color=(0.6, 0.5, 0.65), textcolor=(0.7, 0.6, 0.75), autoselect=True, up_widget=self._campaign_h_scroll, left_widget=self._back_button, on_activate_call=self._on_tournament_info_press, ) bui.widget( edit=self._tournament_info_button, right_widget=self._tournament_info_button, ) # Say 'unavailable' if there are zero tournaments, and if we're # not signed in add that as well (that's probably why we see no # tournaments). if self._tournament_button_count == 0: unavailable_text = bui.Lstr(resource='unavailableText') if plus.get_v1_account_state() != 'signed_in': unavailable_text = bui.Lstr( value='${A} (${B})', subs=[ ('${A}', unavailable_text), ('${B}', bui.Lstr(resource='notSignedInText')), ], ) bui.textwidget( parent=w_parent, position=(h_base + 47, v), size=(0, 0), text=unavailable_text, h_align='left', v_align='center',, scale=0.9, ) v -= 40 v -= 198 tournament_h_scroll = None if self._tournament_button_count > 0: for i in range(self._tournament_button_count): tournament_h_scroll = h_scroll = bui.hscrollwidget( parent=w_parent, size=(self._scroll_width, 205), position=(-5, v), highlight=False, border_opacity=0.0, color=(0.45, 0.4, 0.5), on_select_call=bui.Call( self._on_row_selected, 'tournament' + str(i + 1) ), ) bui.widget( edit=h_scroll, show_buffer_top=row_v_show_buffer, show_buffer_bottom=row_v_show_buffer, autoselect=True, ) if self._selected_row == 'tournament' + str(i + 1): bui.containerwidget( edit=w_parent, selected_child=h_scroll, visible_child=h_scroll, ) bui.containerwidget(edit=h_scroll, claims_left_right=True) sc2 = bui.containerwidget( parent=h_scroll, size=(self._scroll_width - 24, 200), background=False, ) h = 0 v2 = -2 is_last_sel = True self._tournament_buttons.append( TournamentButton( sc2, h, v2, is_last_sel, on_pressed=bui.WeakCall(self.run_tournament), ) ) v -= 200 # Custom Games. (called 'Practice' in UI these days). v -= 50 bui.textwidget( parent=w_parent, position=(h_base + 27, v + 30 + 198), size=(0, 0), text=bui.Lstr( resource='practiceText', fallback_resource='coopSelectWindow.customText', ), h_align='left', v_align='center',, scale=1.1, ) items = [ 'Challenges:Infinite Onslaught', 'Challenges:Infinite Runaround', 'Challenges:Ninja Fight', 'Challenges:Pro Ninja Fight', 'Challenges:Meteor Shower', 'Challenges:Target Practice B', 'Challenges:Target Practice', ] # Show easter-egg-hunt either if its easter or we own it. if plus.get_v1_account_misc_read_val( 'easter', False ) or plus.get_v1_account_product_purchased('games.easter_egg_hunt'): items = [ 'Challenges:Easter Egg Hunt', 'Challenges:Pro Easter Egg Hunt', ] + items # If we've defined custom games, put them at the beginning. if items = + items self._custom_h_scroll = custom_h_scroll = h_scroll = bui.hscrollwidget( parent=w_parent, size=(self._scroll_width, 205), position=(-5, v), highlight=False, border_opacity=0.0, color=(0.45, 0.4, 0.5), on_select_call=bui.Call(self._on_row_selected, 'custom'), ) bui.widget( edit=h_scroll, show_buffer_top=row_v_show_buffer, show_buffer_bottom=1.5 * row_v_show_buffer, autoselect=True, ) if self._selected_row == 'custom': bui.containerwidget( edit=w_parent, selected_child=h_scroll, visible_child=h_scroll ) bui.containerwidget(edit=h_scroll, claims_left_right=True) sc2 = bui.containerwidget( parent=h_scroll, size=(max(self._scroll_width - 24, 30 + 200 * len(items)), 200), background=False, ) h_spacing = 200 self._custom_buttons: list[GameButton] = [] h = 0 v2 = -2 for item in items: is_last_sel = item == self._selected_custom_level self._custom_buttons.append( GameButton(self, sc2, item, h, v2, is_last_sel, 'custom') ) h += h_spacing # We can't fill in our campaign row until tourney buttons are in place. # (for wiring up) self._refresh_campaign_row() for i, tbutton in enumerate(self._tournament_buttons): bui.widget( edit=tbutton.button, up_widget=( self._tournament_info_button if i == 0 else self._tournament_buttons[i - 1].button ), down_widget=( self._tournament_buttons[(i + 1)].button if i + 1 < len(self._tournament_buttons) else custom_h_scroll ), left_widget=self._back_button, ) bui.widget( edit=tbutton.more_scores_button, down_widget=( self._tournament_buttons[(i + 1)].current_leader_name_text if i + 1 < len(self._tournament_buttons) else custom_h_scroll ), ) bui.widget( edit=tbutton.current_leader_name_text, up_widget=( self._tournament_info_button if i == 0 else self._tournament_buttons[i - 1].more_scores_button ), ) for i, btn in enumerate(self._custom_buttons): try: bui.widget( edit=btn.get_button(), up_widget=( tournament_h_scroll if self._tournament_buttons else self._tournament_info_button ), ) if i == 0: bui.widget( edit=btn.get_button(), left_widget=self._back_button ) except Exception: logging.exception('Error wiring up custom buttons.') # There's probably several 'onSelected' callbacks pushed onto the # event queue.. we need to push ours too so we're enabled *after* them. bui.pushcall(self._enable_selectable_callback) def _on_row_selected(self, row: str) -> None: if self._do_selection_callbacks: if self._selected_row != row: self._selected_row = row def _enable_selectable_callback(self) -> None: self._do_selection_callbacks = True
[docs] def is_tourney_data_up_to_date(self) -> bool: """Return whether our tourney data is up to date.""" return self._tourney_data_up_to_date
[docs] def run_game( self, game: str, origin_widget: bui.Widget | None = None ) -> None: """Run the provided game.""" from efro.util import strict_partial from bauiv1lib.confirm import ConfirmWindow classic = assert classic is not None if classic.chest_dock_full: ConfirmWindow( bui.Lstr(resource='chests.slotsFullWarningText'), width=550, height=140, ok_text=bui.Lstr(resource='continueText'), origin_widget=origin_widget, action=strict_partial( self._run_game, game=game, origin_widget=origin_widget ), ) else: self._run_game(game=game, origin_widget=origin_widget)
def _run_game( self, game: str, origin_widget: bui.Widget | None = None ) -> None: """Run the provided game.""" # pylint: disable=cyclic-import from bauiv1lib.confirm import ConfirmWindow from bauiv1lib.purchase import PurchaseWindow from bauiv1lib.account.signin import show_sign_in_prompt plus = assert plus is not None assert is not None args: dict[str, Any] = {} if game == 'Easy:The Last Stand': ConfirmWindow( bui.Lstr( resource='difficultyHardUnlockOnlyText', fallback_resource='difficultyHardOnlyText', ), cancel_button=False, width=460, height=130, ) return required_purchases = # Show pop-up to allow purchasing any required stuff we don't have. for purchase in required_purchases: if not plus.get_v1_account_product_purchased(purchase): if plus.get_v1_account_state() != 'signed_in': show_sign_in_prompt() else: PurchaseWindow( items=[purchase], origin_widget=origin_widget ) return self._save_state() if, args=args): bui.containerwidget(edit=self._root_widget, transition='out_left')
[docs] def run_tournament(self, tournament_button: TournamentButton) -> None: """Run the provided tournament game.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements from bauiv1lib.purchase import PurchaseWindow from bauiv1lib.account.signin import show_sign_in_prompt from bauiv1lib.tournamententry import TournamentEntryWindow plus = assert plus is not None classic = assert classic is not None if plus.get_v1_account_state() != 'signed_in': show_sign_in_prompt() return if bui.workspaces_in_use(): bui.screenmessage( bui.Lstr(resource='tournamentsDisabledWorkspaceText'), color=(1, 0, 0), ) bui.getsound('error').play() return if not self._tourney_data_up_to_date: bui.screenmessage( bui.Lstr(resource='tournamentCheckingStateText'), color=(1, 1, 0), ) bui.getsound('error').play() return if tournament_button.tournament_id is None: bui.screenmessage( bui.Lstr(resource='internal.unavailableNoConnectionText'), color=(1, 0, 0), ) bui.getsound('error').play() return if tournament_button.required_league is not None: bui.screenmessage( bui.Lstr( resource='league.tournamentLeagueText', subs=[ ( '${NAME}', bui.Lstr( translate=( 'leagueNames', tournament_button.required_league, ) ), ) ], ), color=(1, 0, 0), ) bui.getsound('error').play() return if is not None and not classic.is_game_unlocked( ): required_purchases = classic.required_purchases_for_game( ) # We gotta be missing *something* if its locked. assert required_purchases for purchase in required_purchases: if not plus.get_v1_account_product_purchased(purchase): if plus.get_v1_account_state() != 'signed_in': show_sign_in_prompt() else: PurchaseWindow( items=[purchase], origin_widget=tournament_button.button, ) return # assert required_purchases # if plus.get_v1_account_state() != 'signed_in': # show_sign_in_prompt() # else: # # Hmm; just show the first requirement. They can come # # back to see more after they purchase the first. # PurchaseWindow( # items=[required_purchases[0]], # origin_widget=tournament_button.button, # ) # return if tournament_button.time_remaining <= 0: bui.screenmessage( bui.Lstr(resource='tournamentEndedText'), color=(1, 0, 0) ) bui.getsound('error').play() return self._save_state() assert tournament_button.tournament_id is not None TournamentEntryWindow( tournament_id=tournament_button.tournament_id, position=tournament_button.button.get_screen_space_center(), )
def _save_state(self) -> None: cfg = try: sel = self._root_widget.get_selected_child() if sel == self._back_button: sel_name = 'Back' elif sel == self._scrollwidget: sel_name = 'Scroll' else: raise ValueError('unrecognized selection') assert is not None[type(self)] = {'sel_name': sel_name} except Exception: logging.exception('Error saving state for %s.', self) cfg['Selected Coop Row'] = self._selected_row cfg['Selected Coop Custom Level'] = self._selected_custom_level cfg['Selected Coop Campaign Level'] = self._selected_campaign_level cfg.commit() def _restore_state(self) -> None: try: assert is not None sel_name =, {}).get( 'sel_name' ) if sel_name == 'Back': sel = self._back_button elif sel_name == 'Scroll': sel = self._scrollwidget else: sel = self._scrollwidget bui.containerwidget(edit=self._root_widget, selected_child=sel) except Exception: logging.exception('Error restoring state for %s.', self)
[docs] def sel_change(self, row: str, game: str) -> None: """(internal)""" if self._do_selection_callbacks: if row == 'custom': self._selected_custom_level = game elif row == 'campaign': self._selected_campaign_level = game