Source code for bauiv1lib.account.settings

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""Provides UI for account functionality."""
# pylint: disable=too-many-lines

from __future__ import annotations

import time
import logging
from typing import override

from import WebLocation
from bacommon.login import LoginType
import bauiv1 as bui

# These days we're directing people to the web based account settings
# for V2 account linking and trying to get them to disconnect remaining
# V1 links, but leaving this escape hatch here in case needed.

[docs] class AccountSettingsWindow(bui.MainWindow): """Window for account related functionality.""" def __init__( self, transition: str | None = 'in_right', modal: bool = False, origin_widget: bui.Widget | None = None, close_once_signed_in: bool = False, ): # pylint: disable=too-many-statements plus = assert plus is not None self._sign_in_v2_proxy_button: bui.Widget | None = None self._sign_in_device_button: bui.Widget | None = None self._show_legacy_unlink_button = False self._signing_in_adapter: bui.LoginAdapter | None = None self._close_once_signed_in = close_once_signed_in bui.set_analytics_screen('Account Window') self._explicitly_signed_out_of_gpgs = False self._r = 'accountSettingsWindow' self._modal = modal self._needs_refresh = False self._v1_signed_in = plus.get_v1_account_state() == 'signed_in' self._v1_account_state_num = plus.get_v1_account_state_num() self._check_sign_in_timer = bui.AppTimer( 1.0, bui.WeakCall(self._update), repeat=True ) self._can_reset_achievements = False app = assert app.classic is not None uiscale = app.ui_v1.uiscale self._width = 850 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 660 x_offs = 70 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 0 self._height = ( 380 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 430 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.MEDIUM else 490 ) self._sign_in_button = None self._sign_in_text = None self._scroll_width = self._width - (100 + x_offs * 2) self._scroll_height = self._height - 120 self._sub_width = self._scroll_width - 20 # Determine which sign-in/sign-out buttons we should show. self._show_sign_in_buttons: list[str] = [] if LoginType.GPGS in plus.accounts.login_adapters: self._show_sign_in_buttons.append('Google Play') if LoginType.GAME_CENTER in plus.accounts.login_adapters: self._show_sign_in_buttons.append('Game Center') # Always want to show our web-based v2 login option. self._show_sign_in_buttons.append('V2Proxy') # Legacy v1 device accounts available only if the user # has explicitly enabled deprecated login types. if'Show Deprecated Login Types'): self._show_sign_in_buttons.append('Device') top_extra = 15 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 0 super().__init__( root_widget=bui.containerwidget( size=(self._width, self._height + top_extra), # transition=transition, toolbar_visibility=( 'menu_minimal' if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 'menu_full' ), scale=( 2.07 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 1.4 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.MEDIUM else 1.0 ), stack_offset=( (0, 8) if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else (0, 0) ), ), transition=transition, origin_widget=origin_widget, ) if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL: self._back_button = None bui.containerwidget( edit=self._root_widget, on_cancel_call=self.main_window_back ) else: self._back_button = btn = bui.buttonwidget( parent=self._root_widget, position=(51 + x_offs, self._height - 62), size=(120, 60), scale=0.8, text_scale=1.2, autoselect=True, label=bui.Lstr( resource='doneText' if self._modal else 'backText' ), button_type='regular' if self._modal else 'back', on_activate_call=self.main_window_back, ) bui.containerwidget(edit=self._root_widget, cancel_button=btn) if not self._modal: bui.buttonwidget( edit=btn, button_type='backSmall', size=(60, 56), label=bui.charstr(bui.SpecialChar.BACK), ) titleyoffs = -12 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 0 titlescale = 0.6 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 1.0 bui.textwidget( parent=self._root_widget, position=(self._width * 0.5, self._height - 41 + titleyoffs), size=(0, 0), text=bui.Lstr(resource=f'{self._r}.titleText'), color=app.ui_v1.title_color, scale=titlescale, maxwidth=self._width - 340, h_align='center', v_align='center', ) self._scrollwidget = bui.scrollwidget( parent=self._root_widget, highlight=False, position=( (self._width - self._scroll_width) * 0.5, self._height - 65 - self._scroll_height, ), size=(self._scroll_width, self._scroll_height), claims_left_right=True, claims_tab=True, selection_loops_to_parent=True, ) self._subcontainer: bui.Widget | None = None self._refresh() self._restore_state()
[docs] @override def get_main_window_state(self) -> bui.MainWindowState: # Support recreating our window for back/refresh purposes. cls = type(self) return bui.BasicMainWindowState( create_call=lambda transition, origin_widget: cls( transition=transition, origin_widget=origin_widget ) )
[docs] @override def on_main_window_close(self) -> None: self._save_state()
def _update(self) -> None: plus = assert plus is not None # If they want us to close once we're signed in, do so. if self._close_once_signed_in and self._v1_signed_in: self.main_window_back() return # Hmm should update this to use get_account_state_num. # Theoretically if we switch from one signed-in account to another # in the background this would break. v1_account_state_num = plus.get_v1_account_state_num() v1_account_state = plus.get_v1_account_state() show_legacy_unlink_button = self._should_show_legacy_unlink_button() if ( v1_account_state_num != self._v1_account_state_num or show_legacy_unlink_button != self._show_legacy_unlink_button or self._needs_refresh ): self._v1_account_state_num = v1_account_state_num self._v1_signed_in = v1_account_state == 'signed_in' self._show_legacy_unlink_button = show_legacy_unlink_button self._refresh() # Go ahead and refresh some individual things # that may change under us. self._update_linked_accounts_text() self._update_unlink_accounts_button() self._refresh_campaign_progress_text() self._refresh_achievements() self._refresh_tickets_text() self._refresh_account_name_text() def _refresh(self) -> None: # pylint: disable=too-many-statements # pylint: disable=too-many-branches # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=cyclic-import plus = assert plus is not None via_lines: list[str] = [] primary_v2_account = plus.accounts.primary v1_state = plus.get_v1_account_state() v1_account_type = ( plus.get_v1_account_type() if v1_state == 'signed_in' else 'unknown' ) # We expose GPGS-specific functionality only if it is 'active' # (meaning the current GPGS player matches one of our account's # logins). adapter = plus.accounts.login_adapters.get(LoginType.GPGS) gpgs_active = adapter is not None and adapter.is_back_end_active() # Ditto for Game Center. adapter = plus.accounts.login_adapters.get(LoginType.GAME_CENTER) game_center_active = ( adapter is not None and adapter.is_back_end_active() ) show_signed_in_as = self._v1_signed_in signed_in_as_space = 95.0 # To reduce confusion about the whole V2 account situation for # people used to seeing their Google Play Games or Game Center # account name and icon and whatnot, let's show those underneath # the V2 tag to help communicate that they are in fact logged in # through that account. via_space = 25.0 if show_signed_in_as and is not None: accounts = if accounts.primary is not None: # For these login types, we show 'via' IF there is a # login of that type attached to our account AND it is # currently active (We don't want to show 'via Game # Center' if we're signed out of Game Center or # currently running on Steam, even if there is a Game # Center login attached to our account). for ltype, lchar in [ (LoginType.GPGS, bui.SpecialChar.GOOGLE_PLAY_GAMES_LOGO), (LoginType.GAME_CENTER, bui.SpecialChar.GAME_CENTER_LOGO), ]: linfo = accounts.primary.logins.get(ltype) ladapter = accounts.login_adapters.get(ltype) if ( linfo is not None and ladapter is not None and ladapter.is_back_end_active() ): via_lines.append(f'{bui.charstr(lchar)}{}') # TEMP TESTING if bool(False): icontxt = bui.charstr(bui.SpecialChar.GAME_CENTER_LOGO) via_lines.append(f'{icontxt}FloofDibble') icontxt = bui.charstr( bui.SpecialChar.GOOGLE_PLAY_GAMES_LOGO ) via_lines.append(f'{icontxt}StinkBobble') show_sign_in_benefits = not self._v1_signed_in sign_in_benefits_space = 80.0 show_signing_in_text = ( v1_state == 'signing_in' or self._signing_in_adapter is not None ) signing_in_text_space = 80.0 show_google_play_sign_in_button = ( v1_state == 'signed_out' and self._signing_in_adapter is None and 'Google Play' in self._show_sign_in_buttons ) show_game_center_sign_in_button = ( v1_state == 'signed_out' and self._signing_in_adapter is None and 'Game Center' in self._show_sign_in_buttons ) show_v2_proxy_sign_in_button = ( v1_state == 'signed_out' and self._signing_in_adapter is None and 'V2Proxy' in self._show_sign_in_buttons ) show_device_sign_in_button = ( v1_state == 'signed_out' and self._signing_in_adapter is None and 'Device' in self._show_sign_in_buttons ) sign_in_button_space = 70.0 deprecated_space = 60 # Game Center currently has a single UI for everything. show_game_service_button = game_center_active game_service_button_space = 60.0 # Phasing this out (for V2 accounts at least). show_linked_accounts_text = ( self._v1_signed_in and v1_account_type != 'V2' ) linked_accounts_text_space = 60.0 # Update: No longer showing this since its visible on main # toolbar. show_achievements_text = False achievements_text_space = 27.0 show_leaderboards_button = self._v1_signed_in and gpgs_active leaderboards_button_space = 60.0 # Update: No longer showing this; trying to get progress type # stuff out of the account panel. # show_campaign_progress = self._v1_signed_in show_campaign_progress = False campaign_progress_space = 27.0 # show_tickets = self._v1_signed_in show_tickets = False tickets_space = 27.0 show_manage_account_button = primary_v2_account is not None manage_account_button_space = 70.0 show_delete_account_button = primary_v2_account is not None delete_account_button_space = 70.0 show_link_accounts_button = self._v1_signed_in and ( primary_v2_account is None or FORCE_ENABLE_V1_LINKING ) link_accounts_button_space = 70.0 show_unlink_accounts_button = show_link_accounts_button unlink_accounts_button_space = 90.0 # Phasing this out. show_v2_link_info = False v2_link_info_space = 70.0 legacy_unlink_button_space = 120.0 show_sign_out_button = primary_v2_account is not None or ( self._v1_signed_in and v1_account_type == 'Local' ) sign_out_button_space = 70.0 # We can show cancel if we're either waiting on an adapter to # provide us with v2 credentials or waiting for those # credentials to be verified. show_cancel_sign_in_button = self._signing_in_adapter is not None or ( plus.accounts.have_primary_credentials() and primary_v2_account is None ) cancel_sign_in_button_space = 70.0 if self._subcontainer is not None: self._subcontainer.delete() self._sub_height = 60.0 if show_signed_in_as: self._sub_height += signed_in_as_space self._sub_height += via_space * len(via_lines) if show_signing_in_text: self._sub_height += signing_in_text_space if show_google_play_sign_in_button: self._sub_height += sign_in_button_space if show_game_center_sign_in_button: self._sub_height += sign_in_button_space if show_v2_proxy_sign_in_button: self._sub_height += sign_in_button_space if show_device_sign_in_button: self._sub_height += sign_in_button_space + deprecated_space if show_game_service_button: self._sub_height += game_service_button_space if show_linked_accounts_text: self._sub_height += linked_accounts_text_space if show_achievements_text: self._sub_height += achievements_text_space if show_leaderboards_button: self._sub_height += leaderboards_button_space if show_campaign_progress: self._sub_height += campaign_progress_space if show_tickets: self._sub_height += tickets_space if show_sign_in_benefits: self._sub_height += sign_in_benefits_space if show_manage_account_button: self._sub_height += manage_account_button_space if show_link_accounts_button: self._sub_height += link_accounts_button_space if show_unlink_accounts_button: self._sub_height += unlink_accounts_button_space if show_v2_link_info: self._sub_height += v2_link_info_space if self._show_legacy_unlink_button: self._sub_height += legacy_unlink_button_space if show_sign_out_button: self._sub_height += sign_out_button_space if show_delete_account_button: self._sub_height += delete_account_button_space if show_cancel_sign_in_button: self._sub_height += cancel_sign_in_button_space self._subcontainer = bui.containerwidget( parent=self._scrollwidget, size=(self._sub_width, self._sub_height), background=False, claims_left_right=True, claims_tab=True, selection_loops_to_parent=True, ) first_selectable = None v = self._sub_height - 10.0 assert is not None self._account_name_text: bui.Widget | None if show_signed_in_as: v -= signed_in_as_space * 0.2 txt = bui.Lstr( resource='accountSettingsWindow.youAreSignedInAsText', fallback_resource='accountSettingsWindow.youAreLoggedInAsText', ) bui.textwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=(self._sub_width * 0.5, v), size=(0, 0), text=txt, scale=0.9,, maxwidth=self._sub_width * 0.9, h_align='center', v_align='center', ) v -= signed_in_as_space * 0.5 self._account_name_text = bui.textwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=(self._sub_width * 0.5, v), size=(0, 0), scale=1.5, maxwidth=self._sub_width * 0.9, res_scale=1.5, color=(1, 1, 1, 1), h_align='center', v_align='center', ) self._refresh_account_name_text() v -= signed_in_as_space * 0.4 for via in via_lines: v -= via_space * 0.1 sscale = 0.7 swidth = ( bui.get_string_width(via, suppress_warning=True) * sscale ) bui.textwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=(self._sub_width * 0.5, v), size=(0, 0), text=via, scale=sscale, color=(0.6, 0.6, 0.6), flatness=1.0, shadow=0.0, h_align='center', v_align='center', ) bui.textwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=(self._sub_width * 0.5 - swidth * 0.5 - 5, v), size=(0, 0), text=bui.Lstr( value='(${VIA}', subs=[('${VIA}', bui.Lstr(resource='viaText'))], ), scale=0.5, color=(0.4, 0.6, 0.4, 0.5), flatness=1.0, shadow=0.0, h_align='right', v_align='center', ) bui.textwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=(self._sub_width * 0.5 + swidth * 0.5 + 10, v), size=(0, 0), text=')', scale=0.5, color=(0.4, 0.6, 0.4, 0.5), flatness=1.0, shadow=0.0, h_align='right', v_align='center', ) v -= via_space * 0.9 else: self._account_name_text = None if self._back_button is None: bbtn = bui.get_special_widget('back_button') else: bbtn = self._back_button if show_sign_in_benefits: v -= sign_in_benefits_space bui.textwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=( self._sub_width * 0.5, v + sign_in_benefits_space * 0.4, ), size=(0, 0), text=bui.Lstr(resource=f'{self._r}.signInInfoText'), max_height=sign_in_benefits_space * 0.9, scale=0.9, color=(0.75, 0.7, 0.8), maxwidth=self._sub_width * 0.8, h_align='center', v_align='center', ) if show_signing_in_text: v -= signing_in_text_space bui.textwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=( self._sub_width * 0.5, v + signing_in_text_space * 0.5, ), size=(0, 0), text=bui.Lstr(resource='accountSettingsWindow.signingInText'), scale=0.9, color=(0, 1, 0), maxwidth=self._sub_width * 0.8, h_align='center', v_align='center', ) if show_google_play_sign_in_button: button_width = 350 v -= sign_in_button_space self._sign_in_google_play_button = btn = bui.buttonwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=((self._sub_width - button_width) * 0.5, v - 20), autoselect=True, size=(button_width, 60), label=bui.Lstr( value='${A} ${B}', subs=[ ( '${A}', bui.charstr(bui.SpecialChar.GOOGLE_PLAY_GAMES_LOGO), ), ( '${B}', bui.Lstr( resource=f'{self._r}.signInWithText', subs=[ ( '${SERVICE}', bui.Lstr(resource='googlePlayText'), ) ], ), ), ], ), on_activate_call=lambda: self._sign_in_press(LoginType.GPGS), ) if first_selectable is None: first_selectable = btn bui.widget( edit=btn, right_widget=bui.get_special_widget('squad_button') ) bui.widget(edit=btn, left_widget=bbtn) bui.widget(edit=btn, show_buffer_bottom=40, show_buffer_top=100) self._sign_in_text = None if show_game_center_sign_in_button: button_width = 350 v -= sign_in_button_space self._sign_in_google_play_button = btn = bui.buttonwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=((self._sub_width - button_width) * 0.5, v - 20), autoselect=True, size=(button_width, 60), # Note: Apparently Game Center is just called 'Game Center' # in all languages. Can revisit if not true. # label=bui.Lstr( value='${A} ${B}', subs=[ ( '${A}', bui.charstr(bui.SpecialChar.GAME_CENTER_LOGO), ), ( '${B}', bui.Lstr( resource=f'{self._r}.signInWithText', subs=[('${SERVICE}', 'Game Center')], ), ), ], ), on_activate_call=lambda: self._sign_in_press( LoginType.GAME_CENTER ), ) if first_selectable is None: first_selectable = btn bui.widget( edit=btn, right_widget=bui.get_special_widget('squad_button') ) bui.widget(edit=btn, left_widget=bbtn) bui.widget(edit=btn, show_buffer_bottom=40, show_buffer_top=100) self._sign_in_text = None if show_v2_proxy_sign_in_button: button_width = 350 v -= sign_in_button_space self._sign_in_v2_proxy_button = btn = bui.buttonwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=((self._sub_width - button_width) * 0.5, v - 20), autoselect=True, size=(button_width, 60), label='', on_activate_call=self._v2_proxy_sign_in_press, ) v2labeltext: bui.Lstr | str = ( bui.Lstr(resource=f'{self._r}.signInWithAnEmailAddressText') if show_game_center_sign_in_button or show_google_play_sign_in_button or show_device_sign_in_button else bui.Lstr(resource=f'{self._r}.signInText') ) v2infotext: bui.Lstr | str | None = None bui.textwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, draw_controller=btn, h_align='center', v_align='center', size=(0, 0), position=( self._sub_width * 0.5, v + (17 if v2infotext is not None else 10), ), text=bui.Lstr( value='${A} ${B}', subs=[ ('${A}', bui.charstr(bui.SpecialChar.V2_LOGO)), ( '${B}', v2labeltext, ), ], ), maxwidth=button_width * 0.8, color=(0.75, 1.0, 0.7), ) if v2infotext is not None: bui.textwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, draw_controller=btn, h_align='center', v_align='center', size=(0, 0), position=(self._sub_width * 0.5, v - 4), text=v2infotext, flatness=1.0, scale=0.57, maxwidth=button_width * 0.9, color=(0.55, 0.8, 0.5), ) if first_selectable is None: first_selectable = btn bui.widget( edit=btn, right_widget=bui.get_special_widget('squad_button') ) bui.widget(edit=btn, left_widget=bbtn) bui.widget(edit=btn, show_buffer_bottom=40, show_buffer_top=100) self._sign_in_text = None if show_device_sign_in_button: button_width = 350 v -= sign_in_button_space + deprecated_space self._sign_in_device_button = btn = bui.buttonwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=((self._sub_width - button_width) * 0.5, v - 20), autoselect=True, size=(button_width, 60), label='', on_activate_call=lambda: self._sign_in_press('Local'), ) bui.textwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, h_align='center', v_align='center', size=(0, 0), position=(self._sub_width * 0.5, v + 60), text=bui.Lstr(resource='deprecatedText'), scale=0.8, maxwidth=300, color=(0.6, 0.55, 0.45), ) bui.textwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, draw_controller=btn, h_align='center', v_align='center', size=(0, 0), position=(self._sub_width * 0.5, v + 17), text=bui.Lstr( value='${A} ${B}', subs=[ ('${A}', bui.charstr(bui.SpecialChar.LOCAL_ACCOUNT)), ( '${B}', bui.Lstr( resource=f'{self._r}.signInWithDeviceText' ), ), ], ), maxwidth=button_width * 0.8, color=(0.75, 1.0, 0.7), ) bui.textwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, draw_controller=btn, h_align='center', v_align='center', size=(0, 0), position=(self._sub_width * 0.5, v - 4), text=bui.Lstr(resource=f'{self._r}.signInWithDeviceInfoText'), flatness=1.0, scale=0.57, maxwidth=button_width * 0.9, color=(0.55, 0.8, 0.5), ) if first_selectable is None: first_selectable = btn bui.widget( edit=btn, right_widget=bui.get_special_widget('squad_button') ) bui.widget(edit=btn, left_widget=bbtn) bui.widget(edit=btn, show_buffer_bottom=40, show_buffer_top=100) self._sign_in_text = None if show_manage_account_button: button_width = 300 v -= manage_account_button_space self._manage_button = btn = bui.buttonwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=((self._sub_width - button_width) * 0.5, v), autoselect=True, size=(button_width, 60), label=bui.Lstr(resource=f'{self._r}.manageAccountText'), color=(0.55, 0.5, 0.6), icon=bui.gettexture('settingsIcon'), textcolor=(0.75, 0.7, 0.8), on_activate_call=bui.WeakCall(self._on_manage_account_press), ) if first_selectable is None: first_selectable = btn bui.widget( edit=btn, right_widget=bui.get_special_widget('squad_button') ) bui.widget(edit=btn, left_widget=bbtn) # the button to go to OS-Specific leaderboards/high-score-lists/etc. if show_game_service_button: button_width = 300 v -= game_service_button_space * 0.6 if game_center_active: # Note: Apparently Game Center is just called 'Game Center' # in all languages. Can revisit if not true. # game_service_button_label = bui.Lstr( value=bui.charstr(bui.SpecialChar.GAME_CENTER_LOGO) + 'Game Center' ) else: raise ValueError( "unknown account type: '" + str(v1_account_type) + "'" ) self._game_service_button = btn = bui.buttonwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=((self._sub_width - button_width) * 0.5, v), color=(0.55, 0.5, 0.6), textcolor=(0.75, 0.7, 0.8), autoselect=True, on_activate_call=self._on_game_service_button_press, size=(button_width, 50), label=game_service_button_label, ) if first_selectable is None: first_selectable = btn bui.widget( edit=btn, right_widget=bui.get_special_widget('squad_button') ) bui.widget(edit=btn, left_widget=bbtn) v -= game_service_button_space * 0.4 else: self.game_service_button = None self._achievements_text: bui.Widget | None if show_achievements_text: v -= achievements_text_space * 0.5 self._achievements_text = bui.textwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=(self._sub_width * 0.5, v), size=(0, 0), scale=0.9, color=(0.75, 0.7, 0.8), maxwidth=self._sub_width * 0.8, h_align='center', v_align='center', ) v -= achievements_text_space * 0.5 else: self._achievements_text = None if show_achievements_text: self._refresh_achievements() self._leaderboards_button: bui.Widget | None if show_leaderboards_button: button_width = 300 v -= leaderboards_button_space * 0.85 self._leaderboards_button = btn = bui.buttonwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=((self._sub_width - button_width) * 0.5, v), color=(0.55, 0.5, 0.6), textcolor=(0.75, 0.7, 0.8), autoselect=True, icon=bui.gettexture('googlePlayLeaderboardsIcon'), icon_color=(0.8, 0.95, 0.7), on_activate_call=self._on_leaderboards_press, size=(button_width, 50), label=bui.Lstr(resource='leaderboardsText'), ) if first_selectable is None: first_selectable = btn bui.widget( edit=btn, right_widget=bui.get_special_widget('squad_button') ) bui.widget(edit=btn, left_widget=bbtn) v -= leaderboards_button_space * 0.15 else: self._leaderboards_button = None self._campaign_progress_text: bui.Widget | None if show_campaign_progress: v -= campaign_progress_space * 0.5 self._campaign_progress_text = bui.textwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=(self._sub_width * 0.5, v), size=(0, 0), scale=0.9, color=(0.75, 0.7, 0.8), maxwidth=self._sub_width * 0.8, h_align='center', v_align='center', ) v -= campaign_progress_space * 0.5 self._refresh_campaign_progress_text() else: self._campaign_progress_text = None self._tickets_text: bui.Widget | None if show_tickets: v -= tickets_space * 0.5 self._tickets_text = bui.textwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=(self._sub_width * 0.5, v), size=(0, 0), scale=0.9, color=(0.75, 0.7, 0.8), maxwidth=self._sub_width * 0.8, flatness=1.0, h_align='center', v_align='center', ) v -= tickets_space * 0.5 self._refresh_tickets_text() else: self._tickets_text = None # bit of spacing before the reset/sign-out section # v -= 5 button_width = 300 self._linked_accounts_text: bui.Widget | None if show_linked_accounts_text: v -= linked_accounts_text_space * 0.8 self._linked_accounts_text = bui.textwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=(self._sub_width * 0.5, v), size=(0, 0), scale=0.9, color=(0.75, 0.7, 0.8), maxwidth=self._sub_width * 0.95, text=bui.Lstr(resource=f'{self._r}.linkedAccountsText'), h_align='center', v_align='center', ) v -= linked_accounts_text_space * 0.2 self._update_linked_accounts_text() else: self._linked_accounts_text = None # Show link/unlink buttons only for V1 accounts. if show_link_accounts_button: v -= link_accounts_button_space self._link_accounts_button = btn = bui.buttonwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=((self._sub_width - button_width) * 0.5, v), autoselect=True, size=(button_width, 60), label='', color=(0.55, 0.5, 0.6), on_activate_call=self._link_accounts_press, ) bui.textwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, draw_controller=btn, h_align='center', v_align='center', size=(0, 0), position=(self._sub_width * 0.5, v + 17 + 20), text=bui.Lstr(resource=f'{self._r}.linkAccountsText'), maxwidth=button_width * 0.8, color=(0.75, 0.7, 0.8), ) bui.textwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, draw_controller=btn, h_align='center', v_align='center', size=(0, 0), position=(self._sub_width * 0.5, v - 4 + 20), text=bui.Lstr(resource=f'{self._r}.linkAccountsInfoText'), flatness=1.0, scale=0.5, maxwidth=button_width * 0.8, color=(0.75, 0.7, 0.8), ) if first_selectable is None: first_selectable = btn bui.widget( edit=btn, right_widget=bui.get_special_widget('squad_button') ) bui.widget(edit=btn, left_widget=bbtn, show_buffer_bottom=50) self._unlink_accounts_button: bui.Widget | None if show_unlink_accounts_button: v -= unlink_accounts_button_space self._unlink_accounts_button = btn = bui.buttonwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=((self._sub_width - button_width) * 0.5, v + 25), autoselect=True, size=(button_width, 60), label='', color=(0.55, 0.5, 0.6), on_activate_call=self._unlink_accounts_press, ) self._unlink_accounts_button_label = bui.textwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, draw_controller=btn, h_align='center', v_align='center', size=(0, 0), position=(self._sub_width * 0.5, v + 55), text=bui.Lstr(resource=f'{self._r}.unlinkAccountsText'), maxwidth=button_width * 0.8, color=(0.75, 0.7, 0.8), ) if first_selectable is None: first_selectable = btn bui.widget( edit=btn, right_widget=bui.get_special_widget('squad_button') ) bui.widget(edit=btn, left_widget=bbtn, show_buffer_bottom=50) self._update_unlink_accounts_button() else: self._unlink_accounts_button = None if show_v2_link_info: v -= v2_link_info_space bui.textwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, h_align='center', v_align='center', size=(0, 0), position=(self._sub_width * 0.5, v + v2_link_info_space - 20), text=bui.Lstr(resource='v2AccountLinkingInfoText'), flatness=1.0, scale=0.8, maxwidth=450, color=(0.5, 0.45, 0.55), ) if self._show_legacy_unlink_button: v -= legacy_unlink_button_space button_width_w = button_width * 1.5 bui.textwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=(self._sub_width * 0.5 - 150.0, v + 75), size=(300.0, 60), text=bui.Lstr(resource='whatIsThisText'), scale=0.8, color=(0.3, 0.7, 0.05), maxwidth=200.0, h_align='center', v_align='center', autoselect=True, selectable=True, on_activate_call=show_what_is_legacy_unlinking_page, click_activate=True, ) btn = bui.buttonwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=((self._sub_width - button_width_w) * 0.5, v + 25), autoselect=True, size=(button_width_w, 60), label=bui.Lstr( resource=f'{self._r}.unlinkLegacyV1AccountsText' ), textcolor=(0.8, 0.4, 0), color=(0.55, 0.5, 0.6), on_activate_call=self._unlink_accounts_press, ) if show_sign_out_button: v -= sign_out_button_space self._sign_out_button = btn = bui.buttonwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=((self._sub_width - button_width) * 0.5, v), size=(button_width, 60), label=bui.Lstr(resource=f'{self._r}.signOutText'), color=(0.55, 0.5, 0.6), textcolor=(0.75, 0.7, 0.8), autoselect=True, on_activate_call=self._sign_out_press, ) if first_selectable is None: first_selectable = btn bui.widget( edit=btn, right_widget=bui.get_special_widget('squad_button') ) bui.widget(edit=btn, left_widget=bbtn, show_buffer_bottom=15) if show_cancel_sign_in_button: v -= cancel_sign_in_button_space self._cancel_sign_in_button = btn = bui.buttonwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=((self._sub_width - button_width) * 0.5, v), size=(button_width, 60), label=bui.Lstr(resource='cancelText'), color=(0.55, 0.5, 0.6), textcolor=(0.75, 0.7, 0.8), autoselect=True, on_activate_call=self._cancel_sign_in_press, ) if first_selectable is None: first_selectable = btn bui.widget( edit=btn, right_widget=bui.get_special_widget('squad_button') ) bui.widget(edit=btn, left_widget=bbtn, show_buffer_bottom=15) if show_delete_account_button: v -= delete_account_button_space self._delete_account_button = btn = bui.buttonwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=((self._sub_width - button_width) * 0.5, v), size=(button_width, 60), label=bui.Lstr(resource=f'{self._r}.deleteAccountText'), color=(0.85, 0.5, 0.6), textcolor=(0.9, 0.7, 0.8), autoselect=True, on_activate_call=self._on_delete_account_press, ) if first_selectable is None: first_selectable = btn bui.widget( edit=btn, right_widget=bui.get_special_widget('squad_button') ) bui.widget(edit=btn, left_widget=bbtn, show_buffer_bottom=15) # Whatever the topmost selectable thing is, we want it to scroll all # the way up when we select it. if first_selectable is not None: bui.widget( edit=first_selectable, up_widget=bbtn, show_buffer_top=400 ) # (this should re-scroll us to the top..) bui.containerwidget( edit=self._subcontainer, visible_child=first_selectable ) self._needs_refresh = False def _on_game_service_button_press(self) -> None: if is not None: else: logging.warning( 'game-service-ui not available without plus feature-set.' ) def _on_custom_achievements_press(self) -> None: if is not None: bui.apptimer( 0.15, bui.Call(, 'achievements'), ) else: logging.warning('show_game_service_ui requires plus feature-set.') def _on_manage_account_press(self) -> None: self._do_manage_account_press(WebLocation.ACCOUNT_EDITOR) def _on_delete_account_press(self) -> None: self._do_manage_account_press(WebLocation.ACCOUNT_DELETE_SECTION) def _do_manage_account_press(self, weblocation: WebLocation) -> None: plus = assert plus is not None # Preemptively fail if it looks like we won't be able to talk to # the server anyway. if not bui.screenmessage( bui.Lstr(resource='internal.unavailableNoConnectionText'), color=(1, 0, 0), ) bui.getsound('error').play() return bui.screenmessage(bui.Lstr(resource='oneMomentText')) # We expect to have a v2 account signed in if we get here. if plus.accounts.primary is None: logging.exception( 'got manage-account press without v2 account present' ) return with plus.accounts.primary:, on_response=bui.WeakCall(self._on_manage_account_response), ) def _on_manage_account_response( self, response: | Exception ) -> None: if isinstance(response, Exception) or response.url is None: logging.warning( 'Got error in manage-account-response: %s.', response ) bui.screenmessage(bui.Lstr(resource='errorText'), color=(1, 0, 0)) bui.getsound('error').play() return bui.open_url(response.url) def _on_leaderboards_press(self) -> None: if is not None: bui.apptimer( 0.15, bui.Call(, 'leaderboards'), ) else: logging.warning('show_game_service_ui requires classic') def _have_unlinkable_v1_accounts(self) -> bool: plus = assert plus is not None # if this is not present, we haven't had contact from the server so # let's not proceed.. if plus.get_v1_account_public_login_id() is None: return False accounts = plus.get_v1_account_misc_read_val_2('linkedAccounts', []) return len(accounts) > 1 def _update_unlink_accounts_button(self) -> None: if self._unlink_accounts_button is None: return if self._have_unlinkable_v1_accounts(): clr = (0.75, 0.7, 0.8, 1.0) else: clr = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.25) bui.textwidget(edit=self._unlink_accounts_button_label, color=clr) def _should_show_legacy_unlink_button(self) -> bool: plus = assert plus is not None # Only show this when fully signed in to a v2 account. if not self._v1_signed_in or plus.accounts.primary is None: return False out = self._have_unlinkable_v1_accounts() return out def _update_linked_accounts_text(self) -> None: plus = assert plus is not None if self._linked_accounts_text is None: return # Disable this by default when signed in to a V2 account # (since this shows V1 links which we should no longer care about). if plus.accounts.primary is not None and not FORCE_ENABLE_V1_LINKING: return # if this is not present, we haven't had contact from the server so # let's not proceed.. if plus.get_v1_account_public_login_id() is None: num = int(time.time()) % 4 accounts_str = num * '.' + (4 - num) * ' ' else: accounts = plus.get_v1_account_misc_read_val_2('linkedAccounts', []) # UPDATE - we now just print the number here; not the actual # accounts (they can see that in the unlink section if they're # curious) accounts_str = str(max(0, len(accounts) - 1)) bui.textwidget( edit=self._linked_accounts_text, text=bui.Lstr( value='${L} ${A}', subs=[ ( '${L}', bui.Lstr(resource=f'{self._r}.linkedAccountsText'), ), ('${A}', accounts_str), ], ), ) def _refresh_campaign_progress_text(self) -> None: if self._campaign_progress_text is None: return p_str: str | bui.Lstr try: assert is not None campaign ='Default') levels = campaign.levels levels_complete = sum((1 if l.complete else 0) for l in levels) # Last level cant be completed; hence the -1; progress = min(1.0, float(levels_complete) / (len(levels) - 1)) p_str = bui.Lstr( resource=f'{self._r}.campaignProgressText', subs=[('${PROGRESS}', str(int(progress * 100.0)) + '%')], ) except Exception: p_str = '?' logging.exception('Error calculating co-op campaign progress.') bui.textwidget(edit=self._campaign_progress_text, text=p_str) def _refresh_tickets_text(self) -> None: plus = assert plus is not None if self._tickets_text is None: return try: tc_str = str(plus.get_v1_account_ticket_count()) except Exception: logging.exception('error refreshing tickets text') tc_str = '-' bui.textwidget( edit=self._tickets_text, text=bui.Lstr( resource=f'{self._r}.ticketsText', subs=[('${COUNT}', tc_str)] ), ) def _refresh_account_name_text(self) -> None: plus = assert plus is not None if self._account_name_text is None: return try: name_str = plus.get_v1_account_display_string() except Exception: logging.exception('error refreshing tickets text') name_str = '??' bui.textwidget(edit=self._account_name_text, text=name_str) def _refresh_achievements(self) -> None: assert is not None if self._achievements_text is None: return complete = sum( 1 if a.complete else 0 for a in ) total = len( txt_final = bui.Lstr( resource=f'{self._r}.achievementProgressText', subs=[('${COUNT}', str(complete)), ('${TOTAL}', str(total))], ) if self._achievements_text is not None: bui.textwidget(edit=self._achievements_text, text=txt_final) def _link_accounts_press(self) -> None: # pylint: disable=cyclic-import from import AccountLinkWindow AccountLinkWindow(origin_widget=self._link_accounts_button) def _unlink_accounts_press(self) -> None: # pylint: disable=cyclic-import from bauiv1lib.account.unlink import AccountUnlinkWindow if not self._have_unlinkable_v1_accounts(): bui.getsound('error').play() return AccountUnlinkWindow(origin_widget=self._unlink_accounts_button) def _cancel_sign_in_press(self) -> None: # If we're waiting on an adapter to give us credentials, abort. self._signing_in_adapter = None plus = assert plus is not None # Say we don't wanna be signed in anymore if we are. plus.accounts.set_primary_credentials(None) self._needs_refresh = True # Speed UI updates along. bui.apptimer(0.1, bui.WeakCall(self._update)) def _sign_out_press(self) -> None: plus = assert plus is not None if plus.accounts.have_primary_credentials(): if ( plus.accounts.primary is not None and LoginType.GPGS in plus.accounts.primary.logins ): self._explicitly_signed_out_of_gpgs = True plus.accounts.set_primary_credentials(None) else: plus.sign_out_v1() cfg = # Also take note that its our *explicit* intention to not be # signed in at this point (affects v1 accounts). cfg['Auto Account State'] = 'signed_out' cfg.commit() bui.buttonwidget( edit=self._sign_out_button, label=bui.Lstr(resource=f'{self._r}.signingOutText'), ) # Speed UI updates along. bui.apptimer(0.1, bui.WeakCall(self._update)) def _sign_in_press(self, login_type: str | LoginType) -> None: from bauiv1lib.connectivity import wait_for_connectivity # If we're still waiting for our master-server connection, # keep the user informed of this instead of rushing in and # failing immediately. wait_for_connectivity(on_connected=lambda: self._sign_in(login_type)) def _sign_in(self, login_type: str | LoginType) -> None: plus = assert plus is not None # V1 login types are strings. if isinstance(login_type, str): plus.sign_in_v1(login_type) # Make note of the type account we're *wanting* # to be signed in with. cfg = cfg['Auto Account State'] = login_type cfg.commit() self._needs_refresh = True bui.apptimer(0.1, bui.WeakCall(self._update)) return # V2 login sign-in buttons generally go through adapters. adapter = plus.accounts.login_adapters.get(login_type) if adapter is not None: self._signing_in_adapter = adapter adapter.sign_in( result_cb=bui.WeakCall(self._on_adapter_sign_in_result), description='account settings button', ) # Will get 'Signing in...' to show. self._needs_refresh = True bui.apptimer(0.1, bui.WeakCall(self._update)) else: bui.screenmessage(f'Unsupported login_type: {}') def _on_adapter_sign_in_result( self, adapter: bui.LoginAdapter, result: bui.LoginAdapter.SignInResult | Exception, ) -> None: is_us = self._signing_in_adapter is adapter # If this isn't our current one we don't care. if not is_us: return # If it is us, note that we're done. self._signing_in_adapter = None if isinstance(result, Exception): # For now just make a bit of noise if anything went wrong; # can get more specific as needed later. logging.warning('Got error in v2 sign-in result: %s', result) bui.screenmessage( bui.Lstr(resource='internal.signInNoConnectionText'), color=(1, 0, 0), ) bui.getsound('error').play() else: # Success! Plug in these credentials which will begin # verifying them and set our primary account-handle when # finished. plus = assert plus is not None plus.accounts.set_primary_credentials(result.credentials) # Special case - if the user has explicitly signed out and # signed in again with GPGS via this button, warn them that # they need to use the app if they want to switch to a # different GPGS account. if ( self._explicitly_signed_out_of_gpgs and adapter.login_type is LoginType.GPGS ): # Delay this slightly so it hopefully pops up after # credentials go through and the account name shows up. bui.apptimer( 1.5, bui.Call( bui.screenmessage, bui.Lstr( resource=self._r + '.googlePlayGamesAccountSwitchText' ), ), ) # Speed any UI updates along. self._needs_refresh = True bui.apptimer(0.1, bui.WeakCall(self._update)) def _v2_proxy_sign_in_press(self) -> None: # pylint: disable=cyclic-import from bauiv1lib.connectivity import wait_for_connectivity # If we're still waiting for our master-server connection, keep # the user informed of this instead of rushing in and failing # immediately. wait_for_connectivity(on_connected=self._v2_proxy_sign_in) def _v2_proxy_sign_in(self) -> None: # pylint: disable=cyclic-import from bauiv1lib.account.v2proxy import V2ProxySignInWindow assert self._sign_in_v2_proxy_button is not None V2ProxySignInWindow(origin_widget=self._sign_in_v2_proxy_button) def _save_state(self) -> None: try: sel = self._root_widget.get_selected_child() if sel == self._back_button: sel_name = 'Back' elif sel == self._scrollwidget: sel_name = 'Scroll' else: raise ValueError('unrecognized selection') assert is not None[type(self)] = sel_name except Exception: logging.exception('Error saving state for %s.', self) def _restore_state(self) -> None: try: assert is not None sel_name = if sel_name == 'Back': sel = self._back_button elif sel_name == 'Scroll': sel = self._scrollwidget else: sel = self._back_button bui.containerwidget(edit=self._root_widget, selected_child=sel) except Exception: logging.exception('Error restoring state for %s.', self)
[docs] def show_what_is_legacy_unlinking_page() -> None: """Show the webpage describing legacy unlinking.""" plus = assert plus is not None bamasteraddr = plus.get_master_server_address(version=2) bui.open_url(f'{bamasteraddr}/whatarev1links')