Source code for batools.version

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""Util to get ballisticakit versions."""

from __future__ import annotations

import os
from enum import Enum
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, assert_never

from efro.error import CleanError


[docs] class Mode(Enum): """Mode we can run this command in.""" INFO = 'info' BUILD = 'build' VERSION = 'version' API = 'api'
def _handle_args(args: list[str]) -> Mode: """parse os args and return a mode""" mode: Mode | None = None if len(args) == 0: print('OPTIONS: info, build, version', 'api') raise CleanError() try: mode = Mode(args[0]) except ValueError as exc: raise CleanError(f"Invalid mode '{args[0]}'") from exc if len(args) != 1: raise CleanError('Incorrect args.') return mode
[docs] def get_current_version() -> tuple[str, int]: """Pull current version and build_number from the project.""" version = None build_number = None with open( 'src/ballistica/shared/', encoding='utf-8' ) as infile: lines = infile.readlines() for line in lines: prefix = 'const char* kEngineVersion = "' suffix = '";\n' if line.startswith(prefix) and line.endswith(suffix): if version is not None: raise RuntimeError('Found multiple version lines.') version = line.removeprefix(prefix).removesuffix(suffix) prefix = 'const int kEngineBuildNumber = ' suffix = ';\n' if line.startswith(prefix) and line.endswith(suffix): if build_number is not None: raise RuntimeError('Found multiple build number lines.') build_number = int(line.removeprefix(prefix).removesuffix(suffix)) if version is None: raise RuntimeError('Version not found.') if build_number is None: raise RuntimeError('Build number not found.') return version, build_number
[docs] def get_current_api_version() -> int: """Pull current api version from the project.""" with open( 'src/ballistica/shared/', encoding='utf-8' ) as infile: lines = infile.readlines() linestart = 'const int kEngineApiVersion = ' lineend = ';' for line in lines: if line.startswith(linestart): return int( line.strip() .removeprefix(linestart) .removesuffix(lineend) .strip() ) raise RuntimeError('Api version line not found.')
[docs] def run(projroot: str, args: list[str]) -> None: """Main entry point for this script.""" mode = _handle_args(args) # We want to run from the root dir. os.chdir(projroot) version, build_number = get_current_version() if mode is Mode.INFO: print('version = ' + version) print('build = ' + str(build_number)) print('api = ' + str(get_current_api_version())) elif mode is Mode.VERSION: print(version) elif mode is Mode.BUILD: print(build_number) elif mode is Mode.API: print(get_current_api_version()) else: assert_never(mode)