# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""Stage files for builds."""
from __future__ import annotations
import hashlib
import os
import sys
import subprocess
from functools import partial
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from efro.terminal import Clr
from efro.util import extract_arg, extract_flag
from efrotools.util import is_wsl_windows_build_path
from efrotools.pyver import PYVER
from concurrent.futures import Future
# Suffix for the pyc files we include in stagings. We're using
# deterministic opt pyc files; see PEP 552.
# Note: this means anyone wanting to modify .py files in a build will
# need to wipe out the existing .pyc files first or the changes will be
# ignored.
OPT_PYC_SUFFIX = 'cpython-' + PYVER.replace('.', '') + '.opt-1.pyc'
def stage_build(projroot: str, args: list[str] | None = None) -> None:
"""Stage assets for a build."""
if args is None:
args = sys.argv
class AssetStager:
"""Context for a run of the tool."""
def __init__(self, projroot: str) -> None:
self.projroot = projroot
self.desc = 'unknown'
# We always calc src relative to this script.
self.src = f'{self.projroot}/build/assets'
self.dst: str | None = None
self.serverdst: str | None = None
self.asset_package_flavor: str | None = None
self.win_extras_src: str | None = None
self.win_platform: str | None = None
self.win_type: str | None = None
self.include_python_dylib = False
self.include_shell_executable = False
self.include_audio = True
self.include_meshes = True
self.include_collision_meshes = True
self.include_scripts = True
self.include_python = True
self.include_textures = True
self.include_fonts = True
self.include_json = True
self.include_pylib = False
self.include_binary_executable = False
self.executable_name: str | None = None
self.pylib_src_name: str | None = None
self.include_payload_file = False
self.tex_suffix: str | None = None
self.is_payload_full = False
self.debug: bool | None = None
self.builddir: str | None = None
self.dist_mode: bool = False
self.wsl_chmod_workaround = False
def run(self, args: list[str]) -> None:
"""Do the thing."""
f'{Clr.BLU}Staging for {Clr.MAG}{Clr.BLD}{self.desc}{Clr.RST}'
f'{Clr.BLU} at {Clr.MAG}{Clr.BLD}{self.dst}'
# Do our janky wsl permissions workaround if need be.
if self.wsl_chmod_workaround and self.dst is not None:
cmd = ['chmod', '-R', 'u+w', self.dst]
f'Running WSL permissions workaround: {cmd}'
subprocess.run(cmd, check=True)
# Ok, now for every top level dir in src, come up with a nice single
# command to sync the needed subset of it to dst.
# We can now use simple speedy timestamp based updates since we no
# longer have to try to preserve timestamps to get .pyc files to
# behave (hooray!).
# Do our stripped down pylib dir for platforms that use that.
if self.include_pylib:
if self.dst is not None and os.path.isdir(f'{self.dst}/pylib'):
subprocess.run(['rm', '-rf', f'{self.dst}/pylib'], check=True)
# Sync our server files if we're doing that.
if self.serverdst is not None:
# On windows we need to pull in some dlls and this and that (we also
# include a non-stripped-down set of Python libs).
if self.win_extras_src is not None:
# Legacy assets going into ba_data.
# New asset-package stuff going into ba_data.
if self.asset_package_flavor is not None:
if self.include_binary_executable:
if self.include_python_dylib:
if self.include_shell_executable:
# On Android we need to build a payload file so it knows what to
# pull out of the apk.
if self.include_payload_file:
assert self.dst is not None
_write_payload_file(self.dst, self.is_payload_full)
def _parse_args(self, args: list[str]) -> None:
"""Parse args and apply to ourself."""
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
# pylint: disable=too-many-statements
if len(args) < 1:
raise RuntimeError('Expected at least one argument.')
platform_arg = args[0]
# First, look for a few optional args:
# Some build types require a build dir to pull stuff from beyond
# the normal assets dir.
self.builddir = extract_arg(args, '-builddir')
# In some cases we behave differently when building a 'dist'
# version compared to a regular version; copying files in instead
# of symlinking them/etc.
self.dist_mode = extract_flag(args, '-dist')
# Require either -debug or -release in args.
# (or a few common variants from cmake, etc.)
if '-debug' in args:
self.debug = True
assert '-release' not in args
elif any(
val in args
for val in ['-release', '-minsizerel', '-relwithdebinfo']
self.debug = False
raise RuntimeError(
"Expected some form of '-debug' or '-release' in args"
f' ({args=}).'
if platform_arg == '-android':
self.desc = 'android'
elif platform_arg.startswith('-win'):
self.desc = 'windows'
self.asset_package_flavor = 'gui_desktop_v2dev1'
self._parse_win_args(platform_arg, args)
elif platform_arg == '-cmake':
self.desc = 'cmake'
self.dst = args[-1]
self.tex_suffix = '.dds'
self.asset_package_flavor = 'gui_desktop_v2dev1'
# Link/copy in a binary *if* builddir is provided.
self.include_binary_executable = self.builddir is not None
self.executable_name = 'ballisticakit'
elif platform_arg == '-cmakemodular':
self.desc = 'cmake modular'
self.dst = args[-1]
self.tex_suffix = '.dds'
self.asset_package_flavor = 'gui_desktop_v2dev1'
self.include_python_dylib = True
self.include_shell_executable = True
self.executable_name = 'ballisticakit'
elif platform_arg == '-cmakeserver':
self.desc = 'cmake server'
self.dst = os.path.join(args[-1], 'dist')
self.serverdst = args[-1]
self.include_textures = False
self.include_audio = False
self.include_meshes = False
# Link/copy in a binary *if* builddir is provided.
self.include_binary_executable = self.builddir is not None
self.executable_name = 'ballisticakit_headless'
elif platform_arg == '-cmakemodularserver':
self.desc = 'cmake modular server'
self.dst = os.path.join(args[-1], 'dist')
self.serverdst = args[-1]
self.include_textures = False
self.include_audio = False
self.include_meshes = False
self.include_python_dylib = True
self.include_shell_executable = True
self.executable_name = 'ballisticakit_headless'
elif platform_arg == '-xcode-mac':
self.desc = 'xcode mac'
self.src = os.environ['SOURCE_ROOT'] + '/../build/assets'
self.dst = (
+ '/'
self.include_pylib = True
self.pylib_src_name = 'pylib-apple'
self.tex_suffix = '.dds'
elif platform_arg == '-xcode-ios':
self.desc = 'xcode ios'
self.src = os.environ['SOURCE_ROOT'] + '/build/assets'
self.dst = (
+ '/'
self.include_pylib = True
self.pylib_src_name = 'pylib-apple'
self.tex_suffix = '.pvr'
raise RuntimeError('No valid platform arg provided.')
# Special case: running rsync to a windows drive via WSL fails
# to overwrite non-writable files.
# See: https://github.com/microsoft/WSL/issues/5087
# As a janky workaround, make everything in our dst dir writable
# by us before we do our work.
if is_wsl_windows_build_path(self.projroot):
self.wsl_chmod_workaround = True
def _parse_android_args(self, args: list[str]) -> None:
# On Android we get nitpicky with exactly what we want to copy
# in since we can speed up iterations by installing stripped
# down apks.
self.dst = 'assets/ballistica_files'
self.pylib_src_name = 'pylib-android'
self.include_payload_file = True
self.tex_suffix = '.ktx'
self.include_audio = False
self.include_meshes = False
self.include_collision_meshes = False
self.include_scripts = False
self.include_python = False
self.include_textures = False
self.include_fonts = False
self.include_json = False
self.include_pylib = False
for arg in args:
if arg == '-full':
self.include_audio = True
self.include_meshes = True
self.include_collision_meshes = True
self.include_scripts = True
self.include_python = True
self.include_textures = True
self.include_fonts = True
self.include_json = True
self.is_payload_full = True
self.include_pylib = True
elif arg == '-none':
elif arg == '-meshes':
self.include_meshes = True
self.include_collision_meshes = True
elif arg == '-python':
self.include_python = True
self.include_pylib = True
elif arg == '-textures':
self.include_textures = True
elif arg == '-fonts':
self.include_fonts = True
elif arg == '-scripts':
self.include_scripts = True
elif arg == '-audio':
self.include_audio = True
def _parse_win_args(self, platform: str, args: list[str]) -> None:
"""Parse sub-args in the windows platform string."""
winempty, wintype, winplt = platform.split('-')
self.win_platform = winplt
self.win_type = wintype
assert winempty == ''
self.tex_suffix = '.dds'
if wintype == 'win':
self.dst = args[-1]
elif wintype == 'winserver':
self.dst = os.path.join(args[-1], 'dist')
self.serverdst = args[-1]
self.include_textures = False
self.include_audio = False
self.include_meshes = False
raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid wintype: '{wintype}'.")
if winplt == 'Win32':
self.win_extras_src = f'{self.projroot}/build/assets/windows/Win32'
elif winplt == 'x64':
self.win_extras_src = f'{self.projroot}/build/assets/windows/x64'
raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid winplt: '{winplt}'.")
def _sync_windows_extras(self) -> None:
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
assert self.win_extras_src is not None
assert self.win_platform is not None
assert self.win_type is not None
if not os.path.isdir(self.win_extras_src):
raise RuntimeError(
f"Win extras src dir not found: '{self.win_extras_src}'."
# Ok, lets do full syncs on each subdir we find so we properly
# delete anything in dst that disappeared from src. Lastly we'll
# sync over the remaining top level files. Note: technically it'll
# be possible to leave orphaned top level files in dst, so when
# building packages/etc. we should always start from scratch.
assert self.dst is not None
assert self.debug is not None
pyd_rules: list[str]
if self.debug:
pyd_rules = ['--include', '*_d.pyd']
pyd_rules = ['--exclude', '*_d.pyd', '--include', '*.pyd']
for dirname in ('DLLs', 'Lib'):
# EWW: seems Windows Python currently sets its path to ./lib but
# it comes with Lib. Windows is normally case-insensitive but
# this messes it up when running under WSL. Let's install it as
# lib for now.
dstdirname = 'lib' if dirname == 'Lib' else dirname
os.makedirs(f'{self.dst}/{dstdirname}', exist_ok=True)
cmd: list[str] = (
+ pyd_rules
+ [
f'{os.path.join(self.win_extras_src, dirname)}/',
subprocess.run(cmd, check=True)
# Now sync the top level individual files that we want. We could
# technically copy everything over but this keeps staging dirs a bit
# tidier.
dbgsfx = '_d' if self.debug else ''
# Note: Needs updating when Python version changes (currently 3.12).
toplevelfiles: list[str] = [f'python312{dbgsfx}.dll']
if self.win_type == 'win':
toplevelfiles += [
elif self.win_type == 'winserver':
toplevelfiles += [f'python{dbgsfx}.exe']
# Include debug dlls so folks without msvc can run them.
if self.debug:
if self.win_platform == 'x64':
toplevelfiles += [
toplevelfiles += [
# Include the runtime redistributables in release builds.
if not self.debug:
if self.win_platform == 'x64':
elif self.win_platform == 'Win32':
raise RuntimeError(f'Invalid win_platform {self.win_platform}')
cmd2 = (
['rsync', '--times']
+ [os.path.join(self.win_extras_src, f) for f in toplevelfiles]
+ [f'{self.dst}/']
subprocess.run(cmd2, check=True)
# If we're running under WSL we won't be able to launch these .exe
# files unless they're marked executable, so do that here. Update:
# gonna try simply setting this flag on the source side.
# _run(f'chmod +x {self.dst}/*.exe')
def _sync_pylib(self) -> None:
assert self.pylib_src_name is not None
assert self.dst is not None
os.makedirs(f'{self.dst}/pylib', exist_ok=True)
cmd: list[str] = [
subprocess.run(cmd, check=True)
def _sync_ba_data_legacy(self) -> None:
assert self.dst is not None
os.makedirs(f'{self.dst}/ba_data', exist_ok=True)
cmd: list[str] = [
# Traditionally we used --delete-excluded so that we could do
# sparse syncs for quick iteration on android apks/etc. However
# for our modular builds (and now for asset-package assets) we
# need to avoid that flag because we do further passes after to
# sync in python-dylib stuff or asset-package stuff and with that
# flag it all gets blown away on the first pass.
if not self.include_python_dylib and self.asset_package_flavor is None:
# Shouldn't be trying to do sparse stuff in server builds.
if self.serverdst is not None:
assert self.include_json and self.include_collision_meshes
assert (
and self.include_audio
and self.include_fonts
and self.include_json
and self.include_meshes
and self.include_collision_meshes
# Keep rsync from deleting the other stuff we're overlaying.
cmd += ['--exclude', '/python-dylib']
cmd += ['--exclude', '/textures2']
if self.include_scripts:
cmd += [
if self.include_textures:
assert self.tex_suffix is not None
cmd += ['--include', f'*{self.tex_suffix}']
if self.include_audio:
cmd += ['--include', '*.ogg']
if self.include_fonts:
cmd += ['--include', '*.fdata']
if self.include_json:
cmd += ['--include', '*.json']
if self.include_meshes:
cmd += ['--include', '*.bob']
if self.include_collision_meshes:
cmd += ['--include', '*.cob']
# By default we want to include all dirs and exclude all files.
cmd += [
subprocess.run(cmd, check=True)
def _sync_ba_data_new(self) -> None:
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
import json
import stat
import shutil
from threading import Lock
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from bacommon.bacloud import asset_file_cache_path
assert self.asset_package_flavor is not None
assert self.dst is not None
# Just going with raw json here instead of dataclassio to
# maximize speed; we'll be going over lots of files here.
with open(
) as infile:
manifest = json.loads(infile.read())
filehashes: dict[str, str] = manifest['h']
mkdirlock = Lock()
def _prep_syncdir(syncdir: str) -> None:
# First, take a pass through and delete all files not found in
# our manifest.
assert self.dst is not None
dstdir = os.path.join(self.dst, syncdir)
os.makedirs(dstdir, exist_ok=True)
for entry in os.scandir(dstdir):
if entry.is_file():
path = os.path.join(syncdir, entry.name)
if path not in filehashes:
os.unlink(os.path.join(self.dst, path))
def _sync_path(src: str, dst: str) -> None:
# Quick-out: if there's a file already at dst and its
# modtime and size *exactly* match src, we're done. Note
# that this is a bit different than Makefile logic where
# things update when src is newer than dst. In our case,
# a manifest change could cause src to point to a cache
# file with an *older* modtime than the previous one
# (cache file modtimes are static and arbitrary) so such
# logic doesn't work. However if we look for an *exact*
# modtime match as well as size match we can be
# reasonably sure that the file is still the same. We'll
# see how this goes...
srcstat = os.stat(src)
dststat = os.stat(dst)
except FileNotFoundError:
dststat = None
if (
dststat is not None
and srcstat.st_size == dststat.st_size
and srcstat.st_mtime == dststat.st_mtime
# If dst is a directory, blow it away (use the stat we
# already fetched to save a bit of time).
if dststat is not None and stat.S_ISDIR(dststat.st_mode):
# Hold a lock while creating any parent directories just in
# case multiple files are trying to create the same
# directory simultaneously (not sure if that could cause
# problems but might as well be extra safe).
with mkdirlock:
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst), exist_ok=True)
# Ok, dst doesn't exist or modtimes don't line up. Copy it
# and try to copy its modtime.
shutil.copyfile(src, dst)
shutil.copystat(src, dst)
def _cleanup_syncdir(syncdir: str) -> None:
"""Handle pruning empty directories."""
# Walk the tree bottom-up so we can properly kill recursive
# empty dirs.
assert self.dst is not None
dstdir = os.path.join(self.dst, syncdir)
for basename, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dstdir, topdown=False):
# It seems that child dirs we kill during the walk are still
# listed when the parent dir is visited, so lets make sure
# to only acknowledge still-existing ones.
dirnames = [
for d in dirnames
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(basename, d))
if not dirnames and not filenames and basename != dstdir:
syncdirs: list[str] = ['ba_data/textures2']
futures: list[Future]
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4) as executor:
# First, prep each of our sync dirs (make sure they exist,
# blow away files not in our manifest, etc.)
futures = []
for syncdir in syncdirs:
futures.append(executor.submit(_prep_syncdir, syncdir=syncdir))
# Await all results to get any exceptions.
for future in futures:
_result = future.result()
# Now go through all our manifest paths, syncing any files
# destined for any of our syncdirs.
futures = []
for path, hashval in filehashes.items():
for syncdir in syncdirs:
if path.startswith(syncdir):
dst=os.path.join(self.dst, path),
# Await all results to get any exceptions.
for future in futures:
_result = future.result()
# Lastly, run a cleanup pass on all our sync dirs (blow away
# empty dirs, etc.)
futures = []
for syncdir in syncdirs:
executor.submit(_cleanup_syncdir, syncdir=syncdir)
# Await all results to get any exceptions.
for future in futures:
_result = future.result()
def _sync_shell_executable(self) -> None:
if self.executable_name is None:
raise RuntimeError('Executable name must be set for this staging.')
path = f'{self.dst}/{self.executable_name}'
# For now this is so simple we just do an ad-hoc write each time;
# not worth setting up files and syncs.
if self.debug:
optstuff = 'export PYTHONDEVMODE=1\nexport PYTHONOPTIMIZE=0\n'
optstuff = 'export PYTHONDEVMODE=0\nexport PYTHONOPTIMIZE=1\n'
optnm = 'DEBUG' if self.debug else 'RELEASE'
with open(path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile:
'# We should error if anything here errors.\n'
'set -e\n'
'# We want Python to use UTF-8 everywhere for consistency.\n'
'# (This will be the default in the future; see PEP 686).\n'
f'export PYTHONUTF8=1\n'
f'# This is a Ballistica {optnm} build; set Python to match.\n'
'# Run the app, forwarding along all arguments.\n'
'# Basically this will do:\n'
'# import baenv; baenv.configure();'
' import babase; babase.app.run().\n'
'exec python3.12 ba_data/python/baenv.py "$@"\n'
subprocess.run(['chmod', '+x', path], check=True)
def _copy_or_symlink_file(self, srcpath: str, dstpath: str) -> None:
# Copy the file in for dist mode; otherwise set up a symlink for
# faster iteration.
if self.dist_mode:
# Blow away any symlink.
if os.path.islink(dstpath):
if not os.path.isfile(dstpath):
subprocess.run(['cp', srcpath, dstpath], check=True)
if not os.path.islink(dstpath):
relpath = os.path.relpath(srcpath, os.path.dirname(dstpath))
subprocess.run(['ln', '-sf', relpath, dstpath], check=True)
def _sync_binary_executable(self) -> None:
if self.builddir is None:
raise RuntimeError("This staging type requires '-builddir' arg.")
if self.executable_name is None:
raise RuntimeError('monolithic-binary-name is not set.')
mbname = self.executable_name
f'{self.builddir}/{mbname}', f'{self.dst}/{mbname}'
def _sync_python_dylib(self) -> None:
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
from batools.featureset import FeatureSet
# Note: we're technically not *syncing* quite so much as
# *constructing* here.
dylib_staging_dir = f'{self.dst}/ba_data/python-dylib'
if self.executable_name is None:
raise RuntimeError('executable_name is not set.')
# Name of our single shared library containing all our stuff.
soname = f'{self.executable_name}.so'
# All featuresets in the project with binary modules.
bmodfeaturesets = {
f.name: f
for f in FeatureSet.get_all_for_project(self.projroot)
if f.has_python_binary_module
# Map of featureset names (foo) to module filenames (_foo.so).
fsetmfilenames = {
f.name: f'{f.name_python_binary_module}.so'
for f in bmodfeaturesets.values()
# Set of all module filenames (_foo.so, etc.) we should have.
fsetmfilenamevals = set(fsetmfilenames.values())
if not os.path.exists(dylib_staging_dir):
os.makedirs(dylib_staging_dir, exist_ok=True)
# Create a symlink to our original built so. (or copy the actual
# file for dist mode)
if self.builddir is None:
raise RuntimeError("This staging type requires '-builddir' arg.")
built_so_path = f'{self.builddir}/{soname}'
staged_so_path = f'{dylib_staging_dir}/{soname}'
self._copy_or_symlink_file(built_so_path, staged_so_path)
# Ok, now we want to create symlinks for each of our featureset
# Python modules. All of our stuff lives in the same .so and we
# can use symlinks to help Python find them all there. See the
# following:
# https://peps.python.org/pep-0489/#multiple-modules-in-one-library
for fsetname, featureset in bmodfeaturesets.items():
if featureset.has_python_binary_module:
mfilename = fsetmfilenames[fsetname]
instpath = f'{dylib_staging_dir}/{mfilename}'
if not os.path.islink(instpath):
subprocess.run(['ln', '-sf', soname, instpath], check=True)
# Lastly, blow away anything in that dir that's not something we
# just made (clears out featuresets that get renamed or
# disabled, etc).
fnames = os.listdir(dylib_staging_dir)
for fname in fnames:
if not fname in fsetmfilenamevals and fname != soname:
fpath = f'{dylib_staging_dir}/{fname}'
print(f"Pruning orphaned dylib path: '{fpath}'.")
subprocess.run(['rm', '-rf', fpath], check=True)
def _sync_server_files(self) -> None:
assert self.serverdst is not None
assert self.debug is not None
modeval = 'debug' if self.debug else 'release'
# NOTE: staging these directly from src; not build.
if self.win_type is not None
else 'ballisticakit_server'
outfilename=os.path.join(self.serverdst, 'README.txt'),
outfilename=os.path.join(self.serverdst, 'config_template.toml'),
if self.win_type is not None:
fname = 'launch_ballisticakit_server.bat'
outfilename=os.path.join(self.serverdst, fname),
def _filehash(filename: str) -> str:
"""Generate a hash for a file."""
md5 = hashlib.md5()
with open(filename, mode='rb') as infile:
for buf in iter(partial(infile.read, 1024), b''):
return md5.hexdigest()
def _write_payload_file(assets_root: str, full: bool) -> None:
if not assets_root.endswith('/'):
assets_root = f'{assets_root}/'
# Now construct a payload file if we have any files.
file_list = []
payload_str = ''
for root, _subdirs, fnames in os.walk(assets_root):
for fname in fnames:
if fname.startswith('.'):
if fname == 'payload_info':
fpath = os.path.join(root, fname)
fpathshort = fpath.replace(assets_root, '')
if ' ' in fpathshort:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Invalid filename (contains spaces): '{fpathshort}'"
payload_str += f'{fpathshort} {_filehash(fpath)}\n'
payload_path = f'{assets_root}/payload_info'
if file_list:
# Write the file count, whether this is a 'full' payload, and
# finally the file list.
fullstr = '1' if full else '0'
payload_str = f'{len(file_list)}\n{fullstr}\n{payload_str}'
with open(payload_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile:
# Remove the payload file; this will cause the game to
# completely skip the payload processing step.
if os.path.exists(payload_path):
def _write_if_changed(
path: str, contents: str, make_executable: bool = False
) -> None:
changed: bool
with open(path, encoding='utf-8') as infile:
existing = infile.read()
changed = contents != existing
except FileNotFoundError:
changed = True
if changed:
with open(path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile:
if make_executable:
subprocess.run(['chmod', '+x', path], check=True)
def _stage_server_file(
projroot: str, mode: str, infilename: str, outfilename: str
) -> None:
"""Stage files for the server environment with some filtering."""
import batools.build
from efrotools.util import replace_exact
if mode not in ('debug', 'release'):
raise RuntimeError(
f"Invalid server-file-staging mode '{mode}';"
f" expected 'debug' or 'release'."
print(f'Building server file: {os.path.basename(outfilename)}')
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(outfilename), exist_ok=True)
basename = os.path.basename(infilename)
if basename == 'config_template.toml':
# Inject all available config values into the config file.
batools.build.filter_server_config_toml(str(projroot), infilename),
elif basename == 'ballisticakit_server.py':
# Run Python in opt mode for release builds.
with open(infilename, encoding='utf-8') as infile:
lines = infile.read().splitlines()
if mode == 'release':
lines[0] = replace_exact(
f'#!/usr/bin/env python{PYVER}',
f'#!/usr/bin/env -S python{PYVER} -O',
outfilename, '\n'.join(lines) + '\n', make_executable=True
elif basename == 'README.txt':
with open(infilename, encoding='utf-8') as infile:
readme = infile.read()
_write_if_changed(outfilename, readme)
elif basename == 'launch_ballisticakit_server.bat':
# Run Python in opt mode for release builds.
with open(infilename, encoding='utf-8') as infile:
lines = infile.read().splitlines()
if mode == 'release':
lines[1] = replace_exact(
':: Python interpreter.',
':: Python interpreter.'
' (in opt mode so we use bundled .opt-1.pyc files)',
lines[2] = replace_exact(
'dist\\\\python.exe ballisticakit_server.py',
'dist\\\\python.exe -O ballisticakit_server.py',
# In debug mode we use the bundled debug interpreter.
lines[2] = replace_exact(
'dist\\\\python.exe ballisticakit_server.py',
'dist\\\\python_d.exe ballisticakit_server.py',
_write_if_changed(outfilename, '\n'.join(lines) + '\n')
raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown server file for staging: '{basename}'.")