# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""General project related functionality."""
from __future__ import annotations
import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from dataclasses import dataclass
from efrotools.project import getprojectconfig, getlocalconfig
from efro.error import CleanError
from efro.terminal import Clr
from batools.featureset import FeatureSet
def project_centric_path(projroot: str, path: str) -> str:
"""Convert a CWD-relative path to a project-relative one."""
abspath = os.path.abspath(path)
if abspath == projroot:
return '.'
projprefix = f'{projroot}/'
if not abspath.startswith(projprefix):
raise RuntimeError(
f'Path "{abspath}" is not under project root "{projprefix}"'
return abspath[len(projprefix) :]
class _LineChange:
"""A change applying to a particular line in a file."""
line_number: int
expected: str
can_auto_update: bool
class ProjectUpdater:
"""Context for an project-updater run."""
def __init__(
projroot: str,
check: bool,
fix: bool,
empty: bool = False,
projname: str = 'BallisticaKit',
) -> None:
self.projname = projname
self.projroot = os.path.abspath(projroot)
self.check = check
self.fix = fix
# 'fix' implies making changes and 'check' implies no changes.
if fix and check:
raise RuntimeError('fix and check cannot both be enabled')
# We behave a bit differently in the public repo.
self.public: bool = getprojectconfig(Path(projroot)).get(
'public', False
assert isinstance(self.public, bool)
self._source_files: list[str] | None = None
self._header_files: list[str] | None = None
# Set of files this updater instance will update.
# Add stuff here as desired before calling run().
# The associated value can be input data for the file.
# If None, the existing file will be read from disk.
self._enqueued_updates: dict[str, str | None] = {}
# Individual line corrections made in _fix mode.
self._line_corrections: dict[str, list[_LineChange]] = {}
self._can_generate_files = False
# All files generated by going through updates. Note that
# this can include files not explicitly requested in
# updates (manifest files or other side-effect files).
self._generated_files: dict[str, str] = {}
# Cached feature-set list for any functionality/tools that might
# need it.
self._feature_sets: dict[str, FeatureSet] | None = None
self.license_line_checks = bool(
getlocalconfig(Path(projroot)).get('license_line_checks', True)
self._internal_source_dirs: set[str] | None = None
self._internal_source_files: set[str] | None = None
# Whether to run various checks across project files. This can
# be turned off to speed things up when updating a focused set
# of files.
self.run_file_checks = True
# For 'empty' mode we disable all default stuff and only do
# exactly what is requested of us.
if empty:
self.run_file_checks = False
# Schedule updates for all the things in normal mode.
def source_files(self) -> list[str]:
"""Return project source files."""
assert self._source_files is not None
return self._source_files
def header_files(self) -> list[str]:
"""Return project header files."""
assert self._header_files is not None
return self._header_files
def feature_sets(self) -> dict[str, FeatureSet]:
"""Cached list of project feature-sets."""
if self._feature_sets is None:
from batools.featureset import FeatureSet
self._feature_sets = {
f.name: f for f in FeatureSet.get_all_for_project(self.projroot)
return self._feature_sets
def enqueue_update(self, path: str, data: str | None = None) -> None:
"""Add an update to the queue."""
self._enqueued_updates[path] = data
def run(self) -> None:
"""Do the thing."""
start_updates = self._enqueued_updates.copy()
# Generate all files we've been asked to.
for path in self._enqueued_updates:
# Run some lovely checks.
if self.run_file_checks:
from batools.project import _checks
# Make sure nobody is changing this while processing.
self._can_generate_files = False
assert start_updates == self._enqueued_updates
# If we're all good to here, do the actual writes we set up above.
def prepare_to_generate(self) -> None:
# Make sure we're operating from a project root.
if not os.path.isdir(
os.path.join(self.projroot, 'config')
) or not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.projroot, 'tools')):
raise RuntimeError(
f"ProjectUpdater projroot '{self.projroot}' is not valid."
os.path.join(self.projroot, 'src/ballistica')
self._can_generate_files = True
def _get_internal_source_files(self) -> set[str]:
# Fetch/calc just once and cache results.
if self._internal_source_files is None:
sources: list[str]
if self.public:
sources = []
sources = getprojectconfig(Path(self.projroot)).get(
'internal_source_files', []
if not isinstance(sources, list):
raise CleanError(
f'Expected list for internal_source_files;'
f' got {type(sources)}'
self._internal_source_files = set(sources)
return self._internal_source_files
def _get_internal_source_dirs(self) -> set[str]:
# Fetch/calc just once and cache results.
if self._internal_source_dirs is None:
sources: list[str]
if self.public:
sources = []
sources = getprojectconfig(Path(self.projroot)).get(
'internal_source_dirs', []
if not isinstance(sources, list):
raise CleanError(
f'Expected list for internal_source_dirs;'
f' got {type(sources)}'
self._internal_source_dirs = set(sources)
return self._internal_source_dirs
def _apply_file_changes(self) -> None:
# Now write out any project files that have changed
# (or error if we're in check mode).
unchanged_file_count = 0
for fname, fcode in self._generated_files.items():
f_path_abs = os.path.join(self.projroot, fname)
# Allow for line ending changes by git?...
fcodefin = fcode.replace('\r\n', '\n')
f_orig: str | None
if os.path.exists(f_path_abs):
with open(f_path_abs, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as infile:
f_orig = infile.read()
f_orig = None
if f_orig == fcodefin:
unchanged_file_count += 1
if self.check:
# Dump the generated and print a command to diff it
# against the original. This can be useful to
# diagnose non-deterministic generation issues.
errfile = os.path.join(
self.projroot, 'build/project_check_error_file'
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(errfile), exist_ok=True)
with open(errfile, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile:
path1 = f_path_abs
path2 = errfile
raise CleanError(
f"Found out-of-date project file: '{fname}'.\n"
'To see what would change, run:\n'
f" diff '{path1}' '{path2}'\n"
print(f'{Clr.BLU}Writing project file: {fname}{Clr.RST}')
with open(f_path_abs, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile:
if unchanged_file_count > 0:
print(f'{unchanged_file_count} project files are up to date.')
def _apply_line_changes(self) -> None:
# Build a flat list of entries that can and can-not be auto
# applied.
manual_changes: list[tuple[str, _LineChange]] = []
auto_changes: list[tuple[str, _LineChange]] = []
for fname, entries in self._line_corrections.items():
for entry in entries:
if entry.can_auto_update:
auto_changes.append((fname, entry))
manual_changes.append((fname, entry))
# If there are any manual-only entries, list then and bail.
# (Don't wanna allow auto-apply unless it fixes everything)
if manual_changes:
f'{Clr.RED}Found erroneous lines '
f'requiring manual correction:{Clr.RST}'
for change in manual_changes:
f'{Clr.RED}{change[0]}:{change[1].line_number + 1}:'
f' Expected line to be:\n {change[1].expected}{Clr.RST}'
raise CleanError()
# Now, if we've got auto entries, either list or auto-correct them.
if auto_changes:
if not self.fix:
for i, change in enumerate(auto_changes):
f' {change[0]}:{change[1].line_number+1}:'
f'{Clr.RED} Expected "{change[1].expected}"{Clr.RST}'
with open(
os.path.join(self.projroot, change[0]), encoding='utf-8'
) as infile:
lines = infile.read().splitlines()
line = lines[change[1].line_number]
print(f'{Clr.RED} Found "{line}"{Clr.RST}')
raise CleanError(
f'All {len(auto_changes)} errors are'
f' auto-fixable; run tools/pcommand update_project'
f' --fix to apply corrections.'
for i, change in enumerate(auto_changes):
f' {change[0]} line {change[1].line_number+1}{Clr.RST}'
with open(
os.path.join(self.projroot, change[0]), encoding='utf-8'
) as infile:
lines = infile.read().splitlines()
lines[change[1].line_number] = change[1].expected
with open(
os.path.join(self.projroot, change[0]),
) as outfile:
outfile.write('\n'.join(lines) + '\n')
# If there were no issues whatsoever, note that.
if not manual_changes and not auto_changes:
fcount = len(self.header_files) + len(self.source_files)
print(f'No issues found in {fcount} source files.')
def add_line_correction(
filename: str,
line_number: int,
expected: str,
can_auto_update: bool,
) -> None:
"""Add a correction that the updater can optionally perform."""
# No longer allowing negatives here since they don't show up
# nicely in correction list.
assert line_number >= 0
self._line_corrections.setdefault(filename, []).append(
def generate_file(self, path: str) -> str:
"""Generate/return the contents for the file at the given path."""
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
if not self._can_generate_files:
raise RuntimeError('Generate cannot be called right now.')
if path not in self._generated_files:
# First we need input data. If the user provided it explicitly,
# go with theirs. Otherwise load the existing file from disk.
existing_data = self._enqueued_updates.get(path)
if existing_data is None:
with open(
os.path.join(self.projroot, path), encoding='utf-8'
) as infile:
existing_data = infile.read()
# Dispatch to generator methods depending on extension/etc.
if path.endswith('/project.pbxproj'):
self._generate_xcode_project(path, existing_data)
elif path.endswith('.vcxproj.filters'):
path, existing_data
elif path.endswith('.vcxproj'):
self._generate_visual_studio_project(path, existing_data)
elif path.endswith('CMakeLists.txt'):
self._generate_cmake_file(path, existing_data)
elif path == 'Makefile':
self._generate_top_level_makefile(path, existing_data)
elif path == 'src/assets/Makefile':
self._generate_assets_makefile(path, existing_data)
elif path.startswith('src/assets/.asset_manifest_public'):
# These are always generated as a side-effect of the
# assets Makefile.
elif path.startswith('src/assets/.asset_manifest_private'):
if self.public:
# In public repos these are just pulled through as-is
# from the source project.
self._generate_passthrough_file(path, existing_data)
# In private repos, these are generated as a side-effect
# of the assets Makefile.
elif path == 'src/resources/Makefile':
self._generate_resources_makefile(path, existing_data)
elif path == 'src/meta/Makefile':
elif path == 'src/assets/ba_data/python/babase/_app.py':
self._generate_app_module(path, existing_data)
elif path.startswith('src/meta/.meta_manifest_'):
# These are always generated as a side-effect of the
# meta Makefile.
assert path in self._generated_files
raise RuntimeError(
f"No known formula to create project file: '{path}'."
assert path in self._generated_files
return self._generated_files[path]
def _update_app_module(self) -> None:
def _update_xcode_projects(self) -> None:
# from batools.xcode import update_xcode_project
for projpath in [
# These currently aren't bundled in public.
if self.public:
assert not os.path.exists(projpath)
def _generate_xcode_project(self, path: str, existing_data: str) -> None:
from batools.xcodeproject import update_xcode_project
all_files = sorted(
[f'ballistica{p}' for p in (self.source_files + self.header_files)]
# We have .pbxproj; this wants .xcodeproj above it.
# Should probably change that as its confusing...
assert path.endswith('.pbxproj')
self._generated_files[path] = update_xcode_project(
def _update_visual_studio_project(self, basename: str) -> None:
fname = (
def _generate_visual_studio_project(
self, fname: str, existing_data: str
) -> None:
lines = existing_data.splitlines()
src_root = '..\\..\\src'
public_project = 'Plus' not in os.path.basename(fname)
all_files = sorted(
for f in (self.source_files + self.header_files)
if not f.endswith('.m')
and not f.endswith('.mm')
and not f.endswith('.c')
and not f.endswith('.swift')
and self._is_public_source_file(f) == public_project
# Find the ItemGroup containing stdafx.cpp. This is where we'll
# dump our stuff.
index = lines.index(' <ClCompile Include="stdafx.cpp">')
begin_index = end_index = index
while lines[begin_index] != ' <ItemGroup>':
begin_index -= 1
while lines[end_index] != ' </ItemGroup>':
end_index += 1
group_lines = lines[begin_index + 1 : end_index]
# Strip out any existing files from src/ballistica.
group_lines = [
l for l in group_lines if src_root + '\\ballistica\\' not in l
# Now add in our own.
# Note: we can't use C files in this build at the moment; breaks
# precompiled header stuff. (shouldn't be a problem though).
group_lines = [
' <'
+ ('ClInclude' if src.endswith('.h') else 'ClCompile')
+ ' Include="'
+ src_root
+ '\\ballistica'
+ src.replace('/', '\\')
+ '" />'
for src in all_files
] + group_lines
filtered = lines[: begin_index + 1] + group_lines + lines[end_index:]
out = '\r\n'.join(filtered) + '\r\n'
self._generated_files[fname] = out
def _generate_visual_studio_project_filters(
self, fname: str, existing_data: str
) -> None:
del existing_data # Unused.
assert fname.endswith('.filters')
# We rely on the generated project file itself.
project = self.generate_file(fname.removesuffix('.filters'))
lines_in = project.splitlines()
src_root = '..\\..\\src'
filterpaths: set[str] = set()
filterlines: list[str] = [
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>',
'<Project ToolsVersion="4.0"'
' xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">',
' <ItemGroup>',
sourcelines = [l for l in lines_in if 'Include="' + src_root in l]
for line in sourcelines:
entrytype = line.strip().split()[0][1:]
path = line.split('"')[1]
filterlines.append(' <' + entrytype + ' Include="' + path + '">')
# If we have a dir foo/bar/eep we need to create filters for
# each of foo, foo/bar, and foo/bar/eep
splits = path[len(src_root) :].split('\\')
splits = [s for s in splits if s != '']
splits = splits[:-1]
for i in range(len(splits)):
filterpaths.add('\\'.join(splits[: (i + 1)]))
' <Filter>' + '\\'.join(splits) + '</Filter>'
filterlines.append(' </' + entrytype + '>')
filterlines += [
' </ItemGroup>',
' <ItemGroup>',
for filterpath in sorted(filterpaths):
filterlines.append(' <Filter Include="' + filterpath + '" />')
filterlines += [
' </ItemGroup>',
self._generated_files[fname] = '\r\n'.join(filterlines) + '\r\n'
def _update_visual_studio_projects(self) -> None:
if not self.public:
def _is_public_source_file(self, filename: str) -> bool:
assert filename.startswith('/')
filename = f'src/ballistica{filename}'
# If its under any of our internal source dirs, make it internal.
for srcdir in self._get_internal_source_dirs():
assert not srcdir.startswith('/')
assert not srcdir.endswith('/')
if filename.startswith(f'{srcdir}/'):
return False
# If its specifically listed as an internal file, make it internal.
return filename not in self._get_internal_source_files()
def _generate_cmake_file(self, fname: str, existing_data: str) -> None:
lines = existing_data.splitlines()
for section in ['PUBLIC', 'PRIVATE']:
# Public repo has no private section.
if self.public and section == 'PRIVATE':
auto_start = lines.index(
f' # AUTOGENERATED_{section}_BEGIN (this section'
f' is managed by the "update_project" tool)'
auto_end = lines.index(f' # AUTOGENERATED_{section}_END')
our_lines = [
' ${BA_SRC_ROOT}/ballistica' + f
for f in sorted(self.source_files + self.header_files)
if not f.endswith('.mm')
and not f.endswith('.m')
and not f.endswith('.swift')
and self._is_public_source_file(f) == (section == 'PUBLIC')
lines = lines[: auto_start + 1] + our_lines + lines[auto_end:]
self._generated_files[fname] = '\n'.join(lines) + '\n'
def _update_cmake_files(self) -> None:
# Our regular cmake build.
# Our Android cmake build (Currently not included in public).
fname = (
if not self.public:
# So we don't forget to turn this on once added.
assert not os.path.exists(fname)
def _find_sources_and_headers(self, scan_dir: str) -> None:
src_files = set()
header_files = set()
exts = ['.c', '.cc', '.cpp', '.cxx', '.m', '.mm', '.swift']
header_exts = ['.h']
# Gather all sources and headers.
# HMMM: Ideally we should use
# efrotools.code.get_code_filenames() here (though we return
# things relative to the scan-dir which could throw things off).
for root, _dirs, files in os.walk(scan_dir):
for ftst in files:
if any(ftst.endswith(ext) for ext in exts):
src_files.add(os.path.join(root, ftst)[len(scan_dir) :])
if any(ftst.endswith(ext) for ext in header_exts):
header_files.add(os.path.join(root, ftst)[len(scan_dir) :])
# IMPORTANT - exclude generated files.
# For now these just consist of headers so its ok to completely
# ignore their existence here, but at some point if we start
# generating .cc files that need to be compiled we'll have to
# ask the meta system which files it *will* be generating and
# add THAT list (not what we see on disk) to projects.
self._source_files = sorted(s for s in src_files if '/mgen/' not in s)
self._header_files = sorted(
h for h in header_files if '/mgen/' not in h
def _update_assets_makefile(self) -> None:
def _generate_assets_makefile(self, path: str, existing_data: str) -> None:
from batools.assetsmakefile import generate_assets_makefile
# We need to know what files meta will be creating (since they
# can be asset sources).
meta_manifests: dict[str, str] = {}
for mantype in ['public', 'private']:
manifest_file_name = f'src/meta/.meta_manifest_{mantype}.json'
meta_manifests[manifest_file_name] = self.generate_file(
# Special case; the app module file in the base feature set
# is created/updated here as a project file. It may or may not
# exist on disk, but we want to ignore it if it does and add it
# explicitly similarly to meta-manifests.
if 'base' in self.feature_sets:
explicit_sources = {'src/assets/ba_data/python/babase/_app.py'}
explicit_sources = set()
outfiles = generate_assets_makefile(
self.projroot, path, existing_data, meta_manifests, explicit_sources
for out_path, out_contents in outfiles.items():
self._generated_files[out_path] = out_contents
def _update_top_level_makefile(self) -> None:
def _generate_top_level_makefile(
self, path: str, existing_data: str
) -> None:
from batools.toplevelmakefile import generate_top_level_makefile
self._generated_files[path] = generate_top_level_makefile(
self.projroot, existing_data
def _generate_app_module(self, path: str, existing_data: str) -> None:
from batools.appmodule import generate_app_module
self._generated_files[path] = generate_app_module(
self.projroot, self.feature_sets, existing_data
def _update_meta_makefile(self) -> None:
def _generate_passthrough_file(self, path: str, existing_data: str) -> None:
self._generated_files[path] = existing_data
def _generate_meta_makefile(self, existing_data: str) -> None:
from batools.metamakefile import generate_meta_makefile
outfiles = generate_meta_makefile(self.projroot, existing_data)
for out_path, out_contents in outfiles.items():
self._generated_files[out_path] = out_contents
def _update_resources_makefile(self) -> None:
def _generate_resources_makefile(
self, path: str, existing_data: str
) -> None:
from batools.resourcesmakefile import ResourcesMakefileGenerator
self._generated_files[path] = ResourcesMakefileGenerator(