# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""A nice collection of ready-to-use pcommands for this package."""
from __future__ import annotations
# Note: import as little as possible here at the module level to
# keep launch times fast for small snippets.
import sys
from efrotools import pcommand
def gen_monolithic_register_modules() -> None:
"""Generate .h file for registering py modules."""
import os
import textwrap
from efro.error import CleanError
from batools.featureset import FeatureSet
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
raise CleanError('Expected 1 arg.')
outpath = sys.argv[2]
featuresets = FeatureSet.get_all_for_project(str(pcommand.PROJROOT))
# Filter out ones without native modules.
featuresets = [f for f in featuresets if f.has_python_binary_module]
pymodulenames = sorted(f.name_python_binary_module for f in featuresets)
def initname(mname: str) -> str:
# plus is a special case since we need to define that symbol
# ourself.
return f'DoPyInit_{mname}' if mname == '_baplus' else f'PyInit_{mname}'
extern_def_code = '\n'.join(
f'auto {initname(n)}() -> PyObject*;' for n in pymodulenames
py_register_code = '\n'.join(
f'PyImport_AppendInittab("{n}", &{initname(n)});' for n in pymodulenames
if '_baplus' in pymodulenames:
init_plus_code = (
'// Slight hack: because we are currently building baplus as a'
' static module\n'
'// and linking it in, symbols exported there (namely'
' PyInit__baplus) do not\n'
'// seem to be available through us when we are compiled as'
' a dynamic\n'
'// library. This leads to Python being unable to load baplus.'
' While I\'m sure\n'
'// there is some way to get those symbols exported, I\'m worried'
' it might be\n'
'// a messy platform-specific affair. So instead we\'re just'
' defining that\n'
'// function here when baplus is present and forwarding it through'
' to the\n'
'// static library version.\n'
'extern "C" auto PyInit__baplus() -> PyObject* {\n'
' return DoPyInit__baplus();\n'
init_plus_code = ''
base_code = """
// Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
#include "ballistica/shared/ballistica.h"
#include "ballistica/shared/python/python_sys.h"
extern "C" {
namespace ballistica {
/// Register init calls for all of our built-in Python modules.
/// Should only be used in monolithic builds. In modular builds
/// binary modules get located as .so files on disk as per regular
/// Python behavior.
void MonolithicRegisterPythonModules() {
if (g_buildconfig.monolithic_build()) {
} else {
"MonolithicRegisterPythonModules should not be called"
" in modular builds.");
} // namespace ballistica
out = (
.replace('${EXTERN_DEF_CODE}', extern_def_code)
'${PY_REGISTER_CODE}', textwrap.indent(py_register_code, ' ')
.replace('${PY_INIT_PLUS}', init_plus_code)
+ '\n'
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(outpath), exist_ok=True)
with open(outpath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile:
def py_examine() -> None:
"""Run a python examination at a given point in a given file."""
import os
from pathlib import Path
import efrotools.emacs
if len(sys.argv) != 7:
print('ERROR: expected 7 args')
filename = Path(sys.argv[2])
line = int(sys.argv[3])
column = int(sys.argv[4])
selection: str | None = None if sys.argv[5] == '' else sys.argv[5]
operation = sys.argv[6]
# This stuff assumes it is being run from project root.
# Set up pypaths so our main distro stuff works.
scriptsdir = os.path.abspath(
os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), '../src/assets/ba_data/python'
toolsdir = os.path.abspath(
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), '../tools')
if scriptsdir not in sys.path:
if toolsdir not in sys.path:
pcommand.PROJROOT, filename, line, column, selection, operation
def clean_orphaned_assets() -> None:
"""Remove asset files that are no longer part of the build."""
import os
import json
import subprocess
# Operate from dist root..
# Our manifest is split into 2 files (public and private)
with open(
'src/assets/.asset_manifest_public.json', encoding='utf-8'
) as infile:
manifest = set(json.loads(infile.read()))
with open(
'src/assets/.asset_manifest_private.json', encoding='utf-8'
) as infile:
for root, _dirs, fnames in os.walk('build/assets'):
for fname in fnames:
fpath = os.path.join(root, fname)
fpathrel = fpath[13:] # paths are relative to build/assets
if fpathrel not in manifest:
print(f'Removing orphaned asset file: {fpath}')
# Lastly, clear empty dirs.
'find build/assets -depth -empty -type d -delete',
def win_ci_install_prereqs() -> None:
"""Install bits needed for basic win ci."""
import json
from efrotools.efrocache import get_target
# We'll need to pull a handful of things out of efrocache for the
# build to succeed. Normally this would happen through our Makefile
# targets but we can't use them under raw Windows so we need to just
# hard-code whatever we need here.
lib_dbg_win32 = 'build/prefab/lib/windows/Debug_Win32'
needed_targets: set[str] = {
# Look through everything that gets generated by our meta builds
# and pick out anything we need for our basic builds/tests.
with open(
'src/meta/.meta_manifest_public.json', encoding='utf-8'
) as infile:
meta_public: list[str] = json.loads(infile.read())
with open(
'src/meta/.meta_manifest_private.json', encoding='utf-8'
) as infile:
meta_private: list[str] = json.loads(infile.read())
for target in meta_public + meta_private:
if (target.startswith('src/ballistica/') and '/mgen/' in target) or (
and '/_mgen/' in target
for target in needed_targets:
get_target(target, batch=pcommand.is_batch(), clr=pcommand.clr())
def win_ci_binary_build() -> None:
"""Simple windows binary build for ci."""
import subprocess
# Do the thing.
'C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2022\\'
def update_cmake_prefab_lib() -> None:
"""Update prefab internal libs; run as part of a build."""
import subprocess
import os
from efro.error import CleanError
from batools.build import PrefabPlatform
if len(sys.argv) != 5:
raise CleanError(
'Expected 3 args (standard/server, debug/release, build-dir)'
buildtype = sys.argv[2]
mode = sys.argv[3]
builddir = sys.argv[4]
if buildtype not in {'standard', 'server'}:
raise CleanError(f'Invalid buildtype: {buildtype}')
if mode not in {'debug', 'release'}:
raise CleanError(f'Invalid mode: {mode}')
# Our 'cmake' build targets use the Linux side of WSL; not native
# Windows.
platform = PrefabPlatform.get_current(wsl_targets_windows=False)
suffix = '_server' if buildtype == 'server' else '_gui'
target = (
# Build the target and then copy it to dst if it doesn't exist there
# yet or the existing one is older than our target.
subprocess.run(['make', target], check=True)
libdir = os.path.join(builddir, 'prefablib')
libpath = os.path.join(libdir, 'libballisticaplus.a')
update = True
time1 = os.path.getmtime(target)
if os.path.exists(libpath):
time2 = os.path.getmtime(libpath)
if time1 <= time2:
update = False
if update:
if not os.path.exists(libdir):
os.makedirs(libdir, exist_ok=True)
subprocess.run(['cp', target, libdir], check=True)
def android_archive_unstripped_libs() -> None:
"""Copy libs to a build archive."""
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
from efro.error import CleanError
from efro.terminal import Clr
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
raise CleanError('Expected 2 args; src-dir and dst-dir')
src = Path(sys.argv[2])
dst = Path(sys.argv[3])
if dst.exists():
subprocess.run(['rm', '-rf', dst], check=True)
dst.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
if not src.is_dir():
raise CleanError(f"Source dir not found: '{src}'")
libname = 'libmain'
libext = '.so'
for abi, abishort in [
('armeabi-v7a', 'arm'),
('arm64-v8a', 'arm64'),
('x86', 'x86'),
('x86_64', 'x86-64'),
srcpath = Path(src, abi, libname + libext)
dstname = f'{libname}_{abishort}{libext}'
dstpath = Path(dst, dstname)
if srcpath.exists():
print(f'Archiving unstripped library: {Clr.BLD}{dstname}{Clr.RST}')
subprocess.run(['cp', srcpath, dstpath], check=True)
['tar', '-zcf', dstname + '.tgz', dstname], cwd=dst, check=True
subprocess.run(['rm', dstpath], check=True)
def spinoff_test() -> None:
"""Test spinoff functionality."""
import batools.spinoff
def spinoff_check_submodule_parent() -> None:
"""Make sure this dst proj has a submodule parent."""
import os
from efro.error import CleanError
# Make sure we're a spinoff dst project. The spinoff command will be
# a symlink if this is the case.
if not os.path.exists('tools/spinoff'):
raise CleanError(
'This does not appear to be a spinoff-enabled project.'
if not os.path.islink('tools/spinoff'):
raise CleanError('This project is a spinoff parent; we require a dst.')
if not os.path.isdir('submodules/ballistica'):
raise CleanError(
'This project is not using a submodule for its parent.\n'
'To set one up, run `tools/spinoff add-submodule-parent`'
def gen_python_init_module() -> None:
"""Generate a basic __init__.py."""
import os
from efro.error import CleanError
from efro.terminal import Clr
from batools.project import project_centric_path
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
raise CleanError('Expected an outfile arg.')
outfilename = sys.argv[2]
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(outfilename), exist_ok=True)
prettypath = project_centric_path(
projroot=str(pcommand.PROJROOT), path=outfilename
print(f'Meta-building {Clr.BLD}{prettypath}{Clr.RST}')
with open(outfilename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile:
'# Released under the MIT License.'
' See LICENSE for details.\n'
def tests_warm_start() -> None:
"""Warm-start some stuff needed by tests.
This keeps logs clearer by showing any binary builds/downloads we
need to do instead of having those silently happen as part of
from batools import apprun
# We do lots of apprun.python_command() within test. Pre-build the
# binary that they need to do their thing.
if not apprun.test_runs_disabled():
apprun.acquire_binary_for_python_command(purpose='running tests')
def wsl_build_check_win_drive() -> None:
"""Make sure we're building on a windows drive."""
import os
import subprocess
import textwrap
from efro.error import CleanError
from efrotools.util import (
# We use env vars to influence our behavior and thus can't support
# batch.
if (
['which', 'wslpath'], check=False, capture_output=True
!= 0
raise CleanError(
"'wslpath' not found. This does not seem to be a WSL environment."
if os.environ.get('WSL_BUILD_CHECK_WIN_DRIVE_IGNORE') == '1':
nativepath = os.getcwd()
# Get a windows path to the current dir.
winpath = (
['wslpath', '-w', '-a', nativepath],
def _wrap(txt: str) -> str:
return textwrap.fill(txt, 76)
# If we're sitting under the linux filesystem, our path will start
# with '\\wsl$' or '\\wsl.localhost' or '\\wsl\'; fail in that case
# and explain why.
if any(
winpath.startswith(x) for x in ['\\\\wsl$', '\\\\wsl.', '\\\\wsl\\']
raise CleanError(
'ERROR: This project appears to live'
' on the Linux filesystem.'
'Visual Studio compiles will error here'
' for reasons related to Linux filesystem'
' case-sensitivity, and thus are disallowed.'
' Clone the repo to a location that maps to a native'
' Windows drive such as \'/mnt/c/ballistica\''
' and try again.'
'Note that WSL2 filesystem performance'
' is poor when accessing native Windows drives,'
' so if Visual Studio builds are not needed it may'
' be best to keep things here on the Linux filesystem.'
' This behavior may differ under WSL1 (untested).'
'Set env-var WSL_BUILD_CHECK_WIN_DRIVE_IGNORE=1 to skip'
' this check.'
# We also now require this check to be true. We key off this same
# check in other places to introduce various workarounds to deal
# with funky permissions issues/etc.
# Note that we could rely on *only* this check, but it might be nice
# to leave the above one in as well to better explain the Linux
# filesystem situation.
if not is_wsl_windows_build_path(nativepath):
reqs = wsl_windows_build_path_description()
raise CleanError(
f'ERROR: This project\'s path ({nativepath})'
f' is not valid for WSL Windows builds.'
f' Path must be: {reqs}.'
def wsl_path_to_win() -> None:
"""Forward escape slashes in a provided win path arg."""
import subprocess
import logging
import os
from efro.error import CleanError
create = False
escape = False
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
raise CleanError('Expected at least 1 path arg.')
wsl_path: str | None = None
for arg in sys.argv[2:]:
if arg == '--create':
create = True
elif arg == '--escape':
escape = True
if wsl_path is not None:
raise CleanError('More than one path provided.')
wsl_path = arg
if wsl_path is None:
raise CleanError('No path provided.')
# wslpath fails on nonexistent paths; make it clear when that happens.
if create:
os.makedirs(wsl_path, exist_ok=True)
if not os.path.exists(wsl_path):
raise CleanError(f'Path \'{wsl_path}\' does not exist.')
results = subprocess.run(
['wslpath', '-w', '-a', wsl_path], capture_output=True, check=True
except Exception:
# This gets used in a makefile so our returncode is ignored;
# let's try to make our failure known in other ways.
logging.exception('wsl_to_escaped_win_path failed.')
print('wsl_to_escaped_win_path_error_occurred', end='')
out = results.stdout.decode().strip()
# If our input ended with a slash, match in the output.
if wsl_path.endswith('/') and not out.endswith('\\'):
out += '\\'
if escape:
out = out.replace('\\', '\\\\')
print(out, end='')
def get_modern_make() -> None:
"""Print name of a modern make command."""
import platform
import subprocess
# Mac gnu make is outdated (due to newer versions using GPL3 I believe).
# so let's return 'gmake' there which will point to homebrew make which
# should be up to date.
if platform.system() == 'Darwin':
if (
['which', 'gmake'], check=False, capture_output=True
!= 0
'WARNING: this requires gmake (mac system make is too old).'
" Install it with 'brew install make'",
def asset_package_resolve() -> None:
"""Resolve exact asset-package-version we'll use (if any)."""
import os
from efro.error import CleanError
from efrotools.project import getprojectconfig
args = pcommand.get_args()
if len(args) != 1:
raise CleanError('Expected 1 arg.')
resolve_path = args[0]
apversion = getprojectconfig(pcommand.PROJROOT).get('assets')
if apversion is None:
raise CleanError("No 'assets' value found in projectconfig.")
splits = apversion.split('.')
if len(splits) != 3:
raise CleanError(
f"'{apversion}' is not a valid asset-package-version id."
# 'dev' versions are a special case; in that case we don't create
# a resolve file, which effectively causes our manifest fetch logic
# to run each time.
if splits[2] == 'dev':
if os.path.exists(resolve_path):
with open(resolve_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile:
def asset_package_assemble() -> None:
"""Assemble asset package data and its manifest."""
import os
import subprocess
from efro.error import CleanError
from efro.terminal import Clr
from efrotools.project import getprojectconfig
args = pcommand.get_args()
if len(args) != 2:
raise CleanError('Expected 2 args.')
resolve_path, flavor = args
# If resolve path exists, it is the exact asset-package-version we
# should use.
apversion: str | None
if os.path.exists(resolve_path):
with open(resolve_path, encoding='utf-8') as infile:
apversion = infile.read()
# If there's no resolve file, look up the value directly from
# project-config. Generally this means it's set to a dev
# version.
apversion = getprojectconfig(pcommand.PROJROOT).get('assets')
if not isinstance(apversion, str):
raise CleanError(
f'Expected a string asset-package-version; got {type(apversion)}.'
f'{Clr.BLU}Assembling {apversion} ({flavor} flavor)...', flush=True
except Exception as exc:
raise CleanError(
f'Failed to assemble {apversion} ({flavor} flavor).'
) from exc