Source code for batools.metamakefile

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""Procedurally regenerates our code Makefile.

This Makefiles builds our generated code such as encrypted python strings,
node types, etc).
from __future__ import annotations

import os
import json
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from dataclasses import dataclass

from efro.error import CleanError
from efrotools.project import getprojectconfig


# These paths need to be relative to the dir we're writing the Makefile to.
PROJ_DIR = '../..'
TOOLS_DIR = f'{PROJ_DIR}/tools'

# These should only be used for make targets since they use makefile
# vars. Our makefile vars have the same names as above. We could inline
# vars ourself but it's nice to build a makefile that feels like one
# we'd build by hand.
OUT_DIR_ROOT_CPP = '$(PROJ_SRC_DIR)/ballistica'
OUT_DIR_BASE_PYTHON = '$(PROJ_SRC_DIR)/assets/ba_data/python/babase/_mgen'

[docs] @dataclass class Target: """A target to be added to the Makefile.""" src: list[str] dst: str cmd: str mkdir: bool = False
[docs] def emit(self) -> str: """Gen a Makefile target.""" out: str = self.dst.replace(' ', '\\ ') out += ( ' : ' + ' '.join(s for s in self.src) + ( ('\n\t@mkdir -p "' + os.path.dirname(self.dst) + '"') if self.mkdir else '' ) + '\n\t@' + self.cmd + '\n' ) return out
[docs] def generate_meta_makefile(projroot: str, existing_data: str) -> dict[str, str]: """Update the project meta Makefile. Returns file names and contents. """ return MetaMakefileGenerator(projroot, existing_data).run()
[docs] class MetaMakefileGenerator: """Thing that does the thing.""" def __init__(self, projroot: str, existing_data: str) -> None: from batools.featureset import FeatureSet self._existing_data = existing_data self._projroot = projroot self._featuresets = FeatureSet.get_all_for_project(projroot)
[docs] def run(self) -> dict[str, str]: """Do the thing.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-locals public = getprojectconfig(Path(self._projroot))['public'] assert isinstance(public, bool) fname = 'src/meta/Makefile' fname_pub_man = 'src/meta/.meta_manifest_public.json' fname_priv_man = 'src/meta/.meta_manifest_private.json' original = self._existing_data lines = original.splitlines() # We'll generate manifests of all public/private files we # generate (not private-internal though). all_dsts_public: set[str] = set() all_dsts_private: set[str] = set() auto_start_public = lines.index('# __AUTOGENERATED_PUBLIC_BEGIN__') auto_end_public = lines.index('# __AUTOGENERATED_PUBLIC_END__') auto_start_private = lines.index('# __AUTOGENERATED_PRIVATE_BEGIN__') auto_end_private = lines.index('# __AUTOGENERATED_PRIVATE_END__') # Public targets (stuff with full sources available in public # repo). targets: list[Target] = [] pubtargets = targets self._add_monolithic_register_modules_target(targets) self._add_pyembed_targets(targets) # Base feature set bits. if os.path.exists( f'{self._projroot}/config/featuresets/' ): self._add_init_module_target(targets, moduledir=OUT_DIR_BASE_PYTHON) self._add_base_enums_module_target(targets) our_lines_public = ( _empty_line_if(bool(targets)) + self._emit_sources_lines(targets) + [t.emit() for t in targets] ) all_dsts_public.update(t.dst for t in targets) # Only rewrite the private section in the private repo; # otherwise keep the existing one intact. if public: our_lines_private = lines[auto_start_private + 1 : auto_end_private] else: # Private targets (but available in public through # efrocache). targets = [] our_lines_private_1 = ( _empty_line_if(bool(targets)) + self._emit_sources_lines(targets) + ['# __EFROCACHE_TARGET__\n' + t.emit() for t in targets] + [ '\n#' ' Note: we include our public targets in efrocache even\n' '# though they are buildable in public. This allows us to\n' '# fetch them to bootstrap binary builds in cases where\n' '# we can\'t use our full Makefiles (like Windows CI).\n' ] + self._emit_efrocache_lines(pubtargets + targets) ) all_dsts_private.update(t.dst for t in targets) # Private-internal targets (not available at all in public). targets = [] self._add_pyembed_targets_internal(targets) self._add_extra_targets_internal(targets) our_lines_private_2 = ( ['# __PUBSYNC_STRIP_BEGIN__'] + _empty_line_if(bool(targets)) + self._emit_sources_lines(targets) + [t.emit() for t in targets] + ['# __PUBSYNC_STRIP_END__'] ) our_lines_private = our_lines_private_1 + our_lines_private_2 filtered = ( lines[: auto_start_public + 1] + our_lines_public + lines[auto_end_public : auto_start_private + 1] + our_lines_private + lines[auto_end_private:] ) out = '\n'.join(filtered) + '\n' out_files: dict[str, str] = {} out_pub_man = json.dumps( sorted(self._filter_manifest_path(p) for p in all_dsts_public), indent=1, ) out_priv_man = json.dumps( sorted(self._filter_manifest_path(p) for p in all_dsts_private), indent=1, ) out_files[fname] = out out_files[fname_pub_man] = out_pub_man out_files[fname_priv_man] = out_priv_man return out_files
def _emit_sources_lines(self, targets: list[Target]) -> list[str]: """Gen lines to build provided targets.""" out: list[str] = [] if not targets: return out all_dsts = set() for target in targets: all_dsts.add(target.dst) out.append( 'sources: \\\n ' + ' \\\n '.join( dst.replace(' ', '\\ ') for dst in sorted(all_dsts) ) + '\n' ) return out def _emit_efrocache_lines(self, targets: list[Target]) -> list[str]: """Gen lines to cache provided targets.""" out: list[str] = [] if not targets: return out all_dsts = set() for target in targets: # We may need to make pipeline adjustments if/when we get # filenames with spaces in them. if ' ' in target.dst: raise CleanError( 'FIXME: need to account for spaces in filename' f' "{target.dst}".' ) all_dsts.add(target.dst) out.append( 'efrocache-list:\n\t@echo ' + ' \\\n '.join('"' + dst + '"' for dst in sorted(all_dsts)) + '\n' ) out.append('efrocache-build: sources\n') return out def _add_base_enums_module_target(self, targets: list[Target]) -> None: targets.append( Target( src=[ '$(PROJ_DIR)/src/ballistica/shared/foundation/types.h', '$(TOOLS_DIR)/batools/', ], dst=os.path.join(OUT_DIR_BASE_PYTHON, ''), cmd='$(PCOMMAND) gen_python_enums_module $< $@', ) ) def _add_init_module_target( self, targets: list[Target], moduledir: str ) -> None: targets.append( Target( src=['$(TOOLS_DIR)/batools/'], dst=os.path.join(moduledir, ''), cmd='$(PCOMMAND) gen_python_init_module $@', ) ) def _add_monolithic_register_modules_target( self, targets: list[Target] ) -> None: # When any of our featuresets configs changes, rebuild our # snippet of code that registers them all. featureset_fnames = [ n for n in os.listdir( os.path.join(self._projroot, 'config/featuresets') ) if n.startswith('featureset_') and n.endswith('.py') ] targets.append( Target( src=[ f'$(PROJ_DIR)/config/featuresets/{n}' for n in sorted(featureset_fnames) ], dst=f'{OUT_DIR_ROOT_CPP}/core/mgen/python_modules_monolithic.h', cmd='$(PCOMMAND) gen_monolithic_register_modules $@', ) ) def _add_featureset_entries( self, entries: list[tuple[str, str]], internal: bool ) -> None: featuresets = [f for f in self._featuresets if internal == f.internal] # For featureset 'foo_bar', stuff under 'bafoobarmeta' goes into # 'ballistica/foo_bar/mgen'. for featureset in featuresets: entries.append( ( featureset.name_python_package_meta, os.path.join(OUT_DIR_ROOT_CPP,, 'mgen'), ) ) def _create_featureset_targets( self, entries: list[tuple[str, str]], targets: list[Target], internal: bool, ) -> None: for pkg, out_dir in entries: base_src_dir = os.path.join(self._projroot, f'src/meta/{pkg}') if not os.path.exists(base_src_dir): continue # Note: sort to keep things deterministic. for fname in sorted(os.listdir(f'{base_src_dir}/pyembed')): if ( not fname.endswith('.py') or fname == '' or 'flycheck' in fname ): continue name = os.path.splitext(fname)[0] src = [ f'{pkg}/pyembed/{name}.py', ] dst = os.path.join(out_dir, 'pyembed', f'{name}.inc') if name.startswith('binding_'): targets.append( Target( src=src, dst=dst, cmd='$(PCOMMAND) gen_binding_code $< $@', ) ) else: if internal: targets.append( Target( src=src, dst=dst, cmd=( '$(PCOMMAND) gen_encrypted_python_code' ' $< $@' ), ) ) else: targets.append( Target( src=src, dst=dst, cmd=f'$(PCOMMAND) gen_flat_data_code' f' $< $@ {name}_code', ) ) def _add_pyembed_targets(self, targets: list[Target]) -> None: entries: list[tuple[str, str]] = [] # Map stuff from other featureset meta packages to a mgen dir # under their C++ root. self._add_featureset_entries(entries, internal=False) self._create_featureset_targets(entries, targets, internal=False) def _add_pyembed_targets_internal(self, targets: list[Target]) -> None: entries: list[tuple[str, str]] = [] self._add_featureset_entries(entries, internal=True) self._create_featureset_targets(entries, targets, internal=True) def _add_extra_targets_internal(self, targets: list[Target]) -> None: if os.path.exists( f'{self._projroot}/config/featuresets/' ): # Add targets to generate message sender/receiver classes # for our basn/client protocols. Their outputs go to 'mgen' # so they don't get added to git. self._add_init_module_target(targets, moduledir='baplusmeta/mgen') for srcname, dstname, gencmd in [ ('batocloud', 'basnmessagesender', 'gen_basn_msg_sender'), ('cloudtoba', 'basnmessagereceiver', 'gen_basn_msg_receiver'), ]: targets.append( Target( src=[f'baplusmeta/pyembed/{srcname}.py'], dst=f'baplusmeta/mgen/{dstname}.py', cmd=f'$(PCOMMAND) {gencmd} $@', ) ) # Now add explicit targets to generate embedded code for the # resulting classes. We can't simply place them in a scanned # dir like pyembed because they might not exist yet at # update time. for name in ['basnmessagesender', 'basnmessagereceiver']: targets.append( Target( src=[f'baplusmeta/mgen/{name}.py'], dst=os.path.join( OUT_DIR_ROOT_CPP, 'plus', 'mgen', 'pyembed', f'{name}.inc', ), cmd='$(PCOMMAND) gen_encrypted_python_code $< $@', ) ) def _filter_manifest_path(self, path: str) -> str: """Given a path we dumped into our makefile, generate an abs one.""" # Our makefile paths contain vars to be subbed by the makefile. # We need to do those same subs now. for pair in [ ('$(PROJ_DIR)', PROJ_DIR), ('$(TOOLS_DIR)', TOOLS_DIR), ('$(PROJ_SRC_DIR)', PROJ_SRC_DIR), ]: path = path.replace(pair[0], pair[1]) projpath = f'{self._projroot}/' assert '\\' not in projpath # Don't expect to work on windows. abspath = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(self._projroot, 'src', 'meta', path) ) if not abspath.startswith(projpath): raise RuntimeError( f'Path "{abspath}" is not under project root "{projpath}"' ) return abspath[len(projpath) :]
def _empty_line_if(condition: bool) -> list[str]: return [''] if condition else []