Source code for batools.metabuild

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""Functionality used in meta-builds (dynamically generated sources)."""
from __future__ import annotations

import os
import json

from efro.terminal import Clr

# Can be plugged into hashes/etc to give us a convenient way to blow away
# all built meta output on CI/etc. (by incrementing this value).

[docs] def gen_flat_data_code( projroot: str, in_path: str, out_path: str, var_name: str ) -> None: """Generate a C++ include file from a Python file.""" out_dir = os.path.dirname(out_path) if not os.path.exists(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) with open(in_path, 'rb') as infileb: svalin = # JSON should do the trick for us here as far as char escaping/etc. # There's corner cases where it can differ from C strings but in this # simple case we shouldn't run into them. sval_out = f'const char* {var_name} =' # Store in ballistica's simple xor encryption to at least # slightly slow down hackers. sval = svalin sval1: bytes | None sval1 = sval while sval1: sval_out += ' ' + json.dumps(sval1[:1000].decode()) sval1 = sval1[1000:] sval_out += ';\n' pretty_path = os.path.abspath(out_path) if pretty_path.startswith(projroot + '/'): pretty_path = pretty_path[len(projroot) + 1 :] print(f'Meta-building {Clr.BLD}{pretty_path}{Clr.RST}') with open(out_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile: outfile.write(sval_out)
[docs] def gen_binding_code(projroot: str, in_path: str, out_path: str) -> None: """Generate file.""" out_dir = os.path.dirname(out_path) if not os.path.exists(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) with open(in_path, encoding='utf-8') as infile: pycode = # Double quotes cause errors. if '"' in pycode: raise RuntimeError('bindings file can\'t contain double quotes.') # Look for all lines associating some Python value with a constant. entries = [ l.strip().split(', # ') for l in pycode.splitlines() if l.startswith(' ') and '#' in l ] if not all(len(l) == 2 for l in entries): raise RuntimeError('malformatted data.') # Our C++ code first execs our input as a string. ccode = '{\n' f'// Python code from {in_path}:\n' 'const char* bindcode =' for line in pycode.splitlines(): ccode += f'\n "{line}\\n"' ccode += ( ';\n' '\n' '// Exec the Python code in an empty context.\n' 'auto ctx = PythonRef::Stolen(PyDict_New());\n' ) ccode += ( 'bool success = PythonCommand(bindcode, "' + os.path.basename(in_path) + '").Exec(true,' ' *ctx, *ctx);\n' 'if (!success) {\n' ' FatalError("Error fetching required Python objects.");\n' '}\n' ) # Then it grabs the 'values' var that should have been defined. ccode += ( '\n' "// Grab the 'values' list that the binding code created.\n" 'auto bindvals = ctx.DictGetItem("values");\n' 'if (!bindvals.Exists() || !PyList_Check(*bindvals)) {\n' ' FatalError("Error binding required Python objects.");\n' '}\n' '\n' '// Pull our various obj_ values from the values list.\n' ) # Then it pulls the individual values out of the returned tuple. for i, entry in enumerate(entries): storecmd = ( 'objs_.StoreCallable' if entry[1].endswith('Class') or entry[1].endswith('Call') else 'objs_.Store' ) ccode += ( f'{storecmd}(ObjID::{entry[1]},' f' PyList_GET_ITEM(bindvals.Get(), {i}));\n' ) ccode += '}\n' pretty_path = os.path.abspath(out_path) if pretty_path.startswith(projroot + '/'): pretty_path = pretty_path[len(projroot) + 1 :] print(f'Meta-building {Clr.BLD}{pretty_path}{Clr.RST}') with open(out_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile: outfile.write(ccode)