Source code for batools.enumspython

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""Generate a Python module containing Enum classes from C++ code.

Note that the general strategy moving forward is the opposite of
this: to generate C++ code as needed from Python sources. That is
generally a better direction to go since introspecting Python objects
or source code ast is more foolproof than the text based parsing we
are doing here.
from __future__ import annotations

import re
import os
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from efro.terminal import Clr
from efrotools.project import get_public_legal_notice


[docs] def camel_case_convert(name: str) -> str: """Convert camel-case text to upcase-with-underscores.""" str1 = re.sub('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)', r'\1_\2', name) return re.sub('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', str1).upper()
def _gen_enums(infilename: str) -> str: out = '' enum_lnums: list[int] = [] with open(infilename, encoding='utf-8') as infile: lines = # Tally up all places tagged for exporting python enums. for i, line in enumerate(lines): if '// BA_EXPORT_PYTHON_ENUM' in line: enum_lnums.append(i + 1) # Now export each of them. for lnum in enum_lnums: doclines, lnum = _parse_doc_lines(lines, lnum) enum_name = _parse_name(lines, lnum) out += f'\n\nclass {enum_name}(Enum):\n """' out += '\n '.join(doclines) if len(doclines) > 1: out += '\n """\n\n' else: out += '"""\n' lnumend = _find_enum_end(lines, lnum) out = _parse_values(lines, lnum, lnumend, out) # Clear lines with only spaces. return ( '\n'.join('' if line == ' ' else line for line in out.splitlines()) + '\n' ) def _parse_name(lines: list[str], lnum: int) -> str: bits = lines[lnum].split(' ') # Special case: allow for specifying underlying type. if len(bits) == 6 and bits[3] == ':' and bits[4] in {'uint8_t', 'uint16_t'}: bits = [bits[0], bits[1], bits[2], bits[5]] if ( len(bits) != 4 or bits[0] != 'enum' or bits[1] != 'class' or bits[3] != '{' ): raise RuntimeError(f'Unexpected format for enum on line {lnum + 1}.') enum_name = bits[2] return enum_name def _parse_values(lines: list[str], lnum: int, lnumend: int, out: str) -> str: val = 0 for i in range(lnum + 1, lnumend): line = lines[i] if line.strip().startswith('//'): continue # Strip off any trailing comment. if '//' in line: line = line.split('//')[0].strip() # Strip off any trailing comma. if line.endswith(','): line = line[:-1].strip() # If they're explicitly assigning a value, parse it. if '=' in line: splits = line.split() if ( len(splits) != 3 or splits[1] != '=' or not splits[2].isnumeric() ): raise RuntimeError(f'Unable to parse enum value for: {line}') name = splits[0] val = int(splits[2]) else: name = line # name = line.split(',')[0].split('//')[0].strip() if not name.startswith('k') or len(name) < 2: raise RuntimeError(f"Expected name to start with 'k'; got {name}") # We require kLast to be the final value # (C++ requires this for bounds checking) if i == lnumend - 1: if name != 'kLast': raise RuntimeError( f'Expected last enum value of kLast; found {name}.' ) continue name = camel_case_convert(name[1:]) out += f' {name} = {val}\n' val += 1 return out def _find_enum_end(lines: list[str], lnum: int) -> int: lnumend = lnum + 1 while True: if lnumend > len(lines) - 1: raise RuntimeError(f'No end found for enum on line {lnum + 1}.') if '};' in lines[lnumend]: break lnumend += 1 return lnumend def _parse_doc_lines(lines: list[str], lnum: int) -> tuple[list[str], int]: # First parse the doc-string doclines: list[str] = [] lnumorig = lnum while True: if lnum > len(lines) - 1: raise RuntimeError( f'No end found for enum docstr line {lnumorig + 1}.' ) if lines[lnum].startswith('enum class '): break if not lines[lnum].startswith('///'): raise RuntimeError(f'Invalid docstr at line {lnum + 1}.') doclines.append(lines[lnum][4:]) lnum += 1 return doclines, lnum
[docs] def generate(projroot: str, infilename: str, outfilename: str) -> None: """Main script entry point.""" from batools.project import project_centric_path out = ( get_public_legal_notice('python') + f'\n"""Enum vals generated by {__name__}; do not edit by hand."""' f'\n\nfrom enum import Enum\n' ) out += _gen_enums(infilename) path = project_centric_path(projroot=projroot, path=outfilename) print(f'Meta-building {Clr.BLD}{path}{Clr.RST}') os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(outfilename), exist_ok=True) with open(outfilename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile: outfile.write(out)