Source code for

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""Documentation generation functionality."""

# pyright: reportPrivateImportUsage=false

from __future__ import annotations

import os
import sys
import subprocess
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from efro.terminal import Clr


[docs] @dataclass class AttributeInfo: """Info about an attribute of a class.""" name: str attr_type: str | None = None docs: str | None = None
_g_genned_pdoc_with_dummy_modules = False # pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs] def parse_docs_attrs(attrs: list[AttributeInfo], docs: str) -> str: """Given a docs str, parses attribute descriptions contained within.""" docs_lines = docs.splitlines() attr_line = None for i, line in enumerate(docs_lines): if line.strip() in ['Attributes:', 'Attrs:']: attr_line = i break if attr_line is not None: # Docs is now everything *up to* this. docs = '\n'.join(docs_lines[:attr_line]) # Go through remaining lines creating attrs and docs for each. cur_attr: AttributeInfo | None = None for i in range(attr_line + 1, len(docs_lines)): line = docs_lines[i].strip() # A line with a single alphanumeric word preceding a colon # is a new attr. splits = line.split(' ', maxsplit=1) if splits[0].replace('_', '').isalnum() and splits[-1].endswith( ':' ): if cur_attr is not None: attrs.append(cur_attr) cur_attr = AttributeInfo(name=splits[0]) if len(splits) == 2: # Remove brackets and convert from # (type): to type. cur_attr.attr_type = splits[1][1:-2] # Any other line gets tacked onto the current attr. else: if cur_attr is not None: if is None: = '' += line + '\n' # Finish out last. if cur_attr is not None: attrs.append(cur_attr) for attr in attrs: if is not None: = return docs
[docs] def generate_pdoc(projroot: str) -> None: """Generate a set of pdoc documentation.""" del projroot # Unused. if bool(False): _run_pdoc_in_engine() else: _run_pdoc_with_dummy_modules()
def _run_pdoc_in_engine() -> None: """Generate docs from within the running engine. The upside of this way is we have all built-in native modules available. The downside is that we don't have typing information for those modules aside from what's embedded in their docstrings (which is not parsed by pdoc). So we get lots of ugly 'unknown' arg types in docs/etc. The ideal solution might be to start writing .pyi files for our native modules to provide their type information instead of or in addition to our dummy-module approach. Just need to see how that works with our pipeline. """ from batools import apprun # Assemble and launch an app and do our docs generation from there. # Note: we set EFRO_SUPPRESS_SET_CANONICAL_MODULE_NAMES because pdoc # spits out lots of "UserWarning: cannot determine where FOO was # taken from" warnings if not. Haven't actually seen what difference # it makes in the output though. Basically the canonical names stuff # makes things like bascenev1._actor.Actor show up as # bascenev1.Actor instead. # Grab names from live objects so things don't break if names # change. pycmd = f'import {__name__}; {__name__}.{_run_pdoc.__name__}()' apprun.python_command( pycmd, purpose='pdocs generation', include_project_tools=True, env=dict(os.environ, EFRO_SUPPRESS_SET_CANONICAL_MODULE_NAMES='1'), ) def _run_pdoc_with_dummy_modules() -> None: """Generate docs outside of the engine using our dummy modules. Dummy modules stand in for native engine modules, and should be just intact enough for us to spit out docs from. The upside is that dummy modules have full typing information about arguments/etc. so some docs will be more complete than if we talk to the live engine. The downside is that we have to hack the engine a bit to be able to spin itself up this way and there may be bits missing that would otherwise not be when running in a live engine. """ # Not that this is likely to happen, but we muck with sys paths and # whatnot here so let's make sure we only do this once. global _g_genned_pdoc_with_dummy_modules # pylint: disable=global-statement if _g_genned_pdoc_with_dummy_modules: raise RuntimeError( 'Can only run this once; it mucks with the environment.' ) _g_genned_pdoc_with_dummy_modules = True # Make sure dummy-modules are up to date and make them discoverable # to Python.['make', 'dummymodules'], check=True) sys.path.append('build/dummymodules') # Turn off canonical module name muckery (see longer note above). os.environ['EFRO_SUPPRESS_SET_CANONICAL_MODULE_NAMES'] = '1' # Short circuits a few things in our Python code allowing this to # work. os.environ['BA_RUNNING_WITH_DUMMY_MODULES'] = '1' # Use raw sources for our other stuff. sys.path.append('src/assets/ba_data/python') # We're using raw source dirs in this case, and we don't want Python # dumping .pyc files there as it causes various small headaches with # build pipeline stuff. sys.dont_write_bytecode = True _run_pdoc() def _run_pdoc() -> None: """Do the actual docs generation with pdoc.""" import time import pdoc from batools.version import get_current_version starttime = time.monotonic() # Tell pdoc to go through all the modules in ba_data/python. modulenames = [ n.removesuffix('.py') for n in os.listdir('src/assets/ba_data/python') if not n.startswith('.') ] assert modulenames # Also add in a few common ones from tools. for mname in ['efro', 'bacommon']: assert mname not in modulenames modulenames.append(mname) modulenames.sort() # Just in case it matters. templatesdir = Path('src/assets/pdoc/templates') assert templatesdir.is_dir() version, buildnum = get_current_version() pdoc.render.env.globals['ba_version'] = version pdoc.render.env.globals['ba_build'] = buildnum pdoc.render.configure( search=True, show_source=True, template_directory=Path('src/assets/pdoc/templates'), ) pdoc.pdoc(*modulenames, output_directory=Path('build/docs_pdoc_html')) duration = time.monotonic() - starttime print(f'{Clr.GRN}Generated pdoc documentation in {duration:.1f}s.{Clr.RST}')
[docs] def generate_sphinxdoc() -> None: """Generate a set of pdoc documentation.""" _run_sphinx()
def _run_sphinx( project_name: str = 'ballistica', project_author: str = 'Efroemling', copyright_text: str = '2024, Efroemling', generate_dummymodules_doc: bool = True, generate_tools_doc: bool = True, ) -> None: """Do the actual docs generation with sphinx.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-locals import time from batools.version import get_current_version from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader version, buildnum = get_current_version() assets_dirs: dict = { 'ba_data': 'src/assets/ba_data/python/', 'dummy_modules': 'build/dummymodules/', 'efro_tools': 'tools/', # for efro and bacommon package } paths: dict = { 'sphinx_src': 'src/assets/sphinx/', 'build_dir': 'build/sphinx/', 'sphinx_cache_dir': '.cache/sphinx/', } paths.update( { 'template_dir': paths['sphinx_src'] + 'template/', 'static_dir': paths['sphinx_src'] + 'static/', } ) assert Path(paths['template_dir']).is_dir() assert Path(paths['static_dir']).is_dir() os.makedirs(paths['build_dir'], exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(paths['sphinx_cache_dir'], exist_ok=True) os.environ['BALLISTICA_ROOT'] = os.getcwd() # used in sphinx os.environ['BA_RUNNING_WITH_DUMMY_MODULES'] = '1' os.environ['SPHINX_SETTINGS'] = str( { 'project_name': project_name, 'project_author': project_author, 'copyright': copyright_text, 'version': version, 'buildnum': buildnum, 'ballistica_logo': '', # pylint: disable=line-too-long } ) file_loader = FileSystemLoader(paths['template_dir']) env = Environment(loader=file_loader) index_template = env.get_template('index.rst_t') # maybe make it automatically render all files in templates dir in future with open( paths['sphinx_cache_dir'] + 'index.rst', 'w', encoding='utf-8' ) as index_rst: data = { # 'ballistica_image_url': '', # pylint: disable=line-too-long 'version_no': version, 'build_no': str(buildnum), } index_rst.write(index_template.render(data=data)) starttime = time.monotonic() apidoc_cmd = [ 'sphinx-apidoc', # '-f', # Force overwriting of any existing generated files. '-H', project_name, '-A', project_author, '-V', str(version), # version '-R', str(buildnum), # release # '--templatedir', template_dir, '-o', paths['sphinx_cache_dir'], ] # Prevents Python from writing __pycache__ dirs in our source tree # which leads to slight annoyances. environ = dict(os.environ, PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE='1') if generate_dummymodules_doc: apidoc_cmd + [assets_dirs['dummy_modules']] + ['--private'], check=True, env=environ, ) if generate_tools_doc: apidoc_cmd + [assets_dirs['efro_tools']], check=True, env=environ, ) apidoc_cmd + [assets_dirs['ba_data'], '-f'], check=True, env=environ, ) # -f for regenerating index page so it contains the ba_data modules [ 'sphinx-build', '-c', # config file dir paths['static_dir'], paths['sphinx_cache_dir'], # input dir paths['build_dir'], # output dir '-d', paths['sphinx_cache_dir'], # '-Q', #quiet now ], check=True, env=environ, ) duration = time.monotonic() - starttime print(f'Generated sphinx documentation in {duration:.1f}s.')