Source code for

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""General functionality related to running builds."""

from __future__ import annotations

import os
import sys
import subprocess
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, assert_never

from efro.error import CleanError
from efro.terminal import Clr
from efrotools.lazybuild import LazyBuildContext

    from typing import Sequence, Any

[docs] class PrefabTarget(Enum): """Types of prefab builds able to be run.""" GUI_DEBUG = 'gui-debug' SERVER_DEBUG = 'server-debug' GUI_RELEASE = 'gui-release' SERVER_RELEASE = 'server-release' @property def buildtype(self) -> str: """Return the build type for this target.""" return self.value.split('-')[0] @property def buildmode(self) -> str: """Return the build mode for this target.""" return self.value.split('-')[1]
[docs] class PrefabPlatform(Enum): """Distinct os/cpu-arch/etc. combos we support for prefab builds.""" MAC_X86_64 = 'mac_x86_64' MAC_ARM64 = 'mac_arm64' WINDOWS_X86 = 'windows_x86' LINUX_X86_64 = 'linux_x86_64' LINUX_ARM64 = 'linux_arm64'
[docs] @classmethod def get_current( cls, wsl_targets_windows: bool | None = None ) -> PrefabPlatform: """Get an identifier for the platform running this build. Pass a bool `wsl_targets_windows` value to cause WSL to target either native Windows (True) or Linux (False). If this value is not passed, the env var BA_WSL_TARGETS_WINDOWS is used, and if that is not set, the default is False (Linux builds). Throws a RuntimeError on unsupported platforms. """ import platform if wsl_targets_windows is None: wsl_targets_windows = ( os.environ.get('BA_WSL_TARGETS_WINDOWS', '0') == '1' ) system = platform.system() machine = platform.machine() if system == 'Darwin': if machine == 'x86_64': return cls.MAC_X86_64 if machine == 'arm64': return cls.MAC_ARM64 raise RuntimeError( f'PrefabPlatform.get_current:' f' unsupported mac machine type:' f' {machine}.' ) if system == 'Linux': # If it looks like we're in Windows Subsystem for Linux, we may # want to operate on Windows versions. if wsl_targets_windows: if 'microsoft' in platform.uname().release.lower(): if machine == 'x86_64': # Currently always targeting 32 bit for prefab stuff. return cls.WINDOWS_X86 # TODO: add support for arm windows raise RuntimeError( f'make_prefab: unsupported win machine type: {machine}.' ) if machine == 'x86_64': return cls.LINUX_X86_64 if machine == 'aarch64': return cls.LINUX_ARM64 raise RuntimeError( f'PrefabPlatform.get_current:' f' unsupported linux machine type:' f' {machine}.' ) raise RuntimeError( f'PrefabPlatform.get_current:' f' unrecognized platform:' f' {platform.system()}.' )
[docs] class LazyBuildCategory(Enum): """Types of sources.""" RESOURCES = 'resources_src' ASSETS = 'assets_src' META = 'meta_src' CMAKE = 'cmake_src' WIN = 'win_src' DUMMYMODULES = 'dummymodules_src'
[docs] def lazybuild(target: str, category: LazyBuildCategory, command: str) -> None: """Run some lazybuild presets.""" # Meta builds. if category is LazyBuildCategory.META: LazyBuildContext( target=target, command=command, # Since this category can kick off cleans and blow things # away, its not safe to have multiple builds going with it # at once. buildlockname=category.value, # Regular paths; changes to these will trigger meta build. srcpaths=[ 'Makefile', 'src/meta', 'src/ballistica/shared/foundation/types.h', '.efrocachemap', ], # Our meta Makefile targets generally don't list tools # scripts that can affect their creation as sources, so # let's set up a catch-all here: when any of our tools stuff # changes we'll blow away all existing meta builds. # # Update: also including featureset-defs here; any time # we're mucking with those it's good to start things fresh # to be safe. srcpaths_fullclean=[ 'tools/efrotools', 'tools/efrotoolsinternal', 'tools/batools', 'tools/batoolsinternal', 'config/featuresets', ], # Maintain a hash of all srcpaths and do a full-clean # whenever that changes. Takes care of orphaned files if a # featureset is removed/etc. manifest_file=f'.cache/lazybuild/manifest_{category.value}', command_fullclean='make meta-clean', ).run() # CMake builds. elif category is LazyBuildCategory.CMAKE: LazyBuildContext( target=target, # It should be safe to have multiple cmake build going at # once I think; different targets should never stomp on each # other. Actually if anything maybe we'd want to plug target # path into this to watch for the same target getting built # redundantly? buildlockname=None, srcpaths=[ 'Makefile', 'src', 'ballisticakit-cmake/CMakeLists.txt', '.efrocachemap', ], dirfilter=( lambda root, dirname: not ( root == 'src' and dirname in {'meta', 'tools', 'external'} ) ), command=command, ).run() # Windows binary builds. elif category is LazyBuildCategory.WIN: def _win_dirfilter(root: str, dirname: str) -> bool: if root == 'src' and dirname in {'meta', 'tools'}: return False if root == 'src/external' and dirname != 'windows': return False return True LazyBuildContext( target=target, # It should be safe to have multiple of these build going at # once I think; different targets should never stomp on each # other. Actually if anything maybe we'd want to plug target # path into this to watch for the same target getting built # redundantly? buildlockname=None, srcpaths=[ 'Makefile', 'src', 'ballisticakit-windows', '.efrocachemap', ], dirfilter=_win_dirfilter, command=command, ).run() # Resource builds. elif category is LazyBuildCategory.RESOURCES: LazyBuildContext( target=target, # Even though this category currently doesn't run any clean # commands, going to restrict to one use at a time for now # in case we want to add that. buildlockname=category.value, srcpaths=[ 'Makefile', 'tools/pcommand', 'src/resources', '.efrocachemap', ], command=command, ).run() # Asset builds. elif category is LazyBuildCategory.ASSETS: def _filefilter(root: str, filename: str) -> bool: # Exclude tools/spinoff; it doesn't affect asset builds and # we don't want to break if it is a symlink pointing to a # not-present parent repo. if root == 'tools' and filename == 'spinoff': return False return True LazyBuildContext( target=target, # Even though this category currently doesn't run any clean # commands, going to restrict to one use at a time for now # in case we want to add that. # buildlockname=category.value, srcpaths=[ 'Makefile', 'tools', 'src/assets', '.efrocachemap', # Needed to rebuild on asset-package changes. 'config/projectconfig.json', ], # This file won't exist if we are using a dev asset-package, # in which case we want to always run so we can ask the # server for package updates each time. srcpaths_exist=[ '.cache/asset_package_resolved', ], command=command, filefilter=_filefilter, ).run() # Dummymodule builds. elif category is LazyBuildCategory.DUMMYMODULES: def _filefilter(root: str, filename: str) -> bool: # In our C++ sources, only look at stuff with 'python' in # the name. if root.startswith('ballistica'): return 'python' in filename # In other srcpaths use everything. return True LazyBuildContext( target=target, # This category builds binaries and other crazy stuff so we # definitely want to restrict to one at a time. buildlockname=category.value, srcpaths=[ 'config/featuresets', 'tools/batools/', 'src/ballistica', '.efrocachemap', ], command=command, filefilter=_filefilter, # Maintain a hash of all srcpaths and do a full-clean # whenever that changes. Takes care of orphaned files if a # featureset is removed/etc. manifest_file=f'.cache/lazybuild/manifest_{category.value}', command_fullclean='make dummymodules-clean', ).run() else: assert_never(category)
[docs] def archive_old_builds( ssh_server: str, builds_dir: str, ssh_args: list[str] ) -> None: """Stuff our old public builds into the 'old' dir. (called after we push newer ones) """ def ssh_run(cmd: str) -> str: val: str = subprocess.check_output( ['ssh'] + ssh_args + [ssh_server, cmd] ).decode() return val files = ssh_run('ls -1t "' + builds_dir + '"').splitlines() # For every file we find, gather all the ones with the same prefix; # we'll want to archive all but the first one. files_to_archive = set() for fname in files: if '_' not in fname: continue prefix = '_'.join(fname.split('_')[:-1]) for old_file in [f for f in files if f.startswith(prefix)][1:]: files_to_archive.add(old_file) # Would be more efficient to package this into a single command but # this works. for fname in sorted(files_to_archive): print('Archiving ' + fname, file=sys.stderr) ssh_run( 'mv "' + builds_dir + '/' + fname + '" "' + builds_dir + '/old/"' )
def _vstr(nums: Sequence[int]) -> str: return '.'.join(str(i) for i in nums)
[docs] def checkenv() -> None: """Check for tools necessary to build and run the app.""" from efrotools.pyver import PYVER print(f'{Clr.BLD}Checking environment...{Clr.RST}', flush=True) # Make sure they've got curl. if ( ['which', 'curl'], check=False, capture_output=True ).returncode != 0 ): raise CleanError( 'curl is required; please install it via apt, brew, etc.' ) # Make sure they've got rsync. if ( ['which', 'rsync'], check=False, capture_output=True ).returncode != 0 ): raise CleanError( 'rsync is required; please install it via apt, brew, etc.' ) # Make sure rsync is version 3.1.0 or newer. # # Macs come with ancient rsync versions with significant downsides # such as single second file mod time resolution which has started # to cause problems with build setups. So now am trying to make sure # my Macs have an up-to-date one installed (via homebrew). rsyncver = tuple( int(s) for s in ['rsync', '--version'], check=True, capture_output=True ) .stdout.decode() .splitlines()[0] .split()[2] .split('.')[:2] ) if rsyncver < (3, 1): raise CleanError( 'rsync version 3.1 or greater not found;' ' please install it via apt, brew, etc.' ) # Make sure we're running under the Python version the project # expects. cur_ver = f'{sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}' if cur_ver != PYVER: raise CleanError( f'We expect to be running under Python {PYVER},' f' but found {cur_ver}.' ) # Make sure they've got clang-format. if ( ['which', 'clang-format'], check=False, capture_output=True ).returncode != 0 ): raise CleanError( 'clang-format is required; please install it via apt, brew, etc.' ) # Make sure they've got pip for that python version. if ( [sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', '--version'], check=False, capture_output=True, ).returncode != 0 ): raise CleanError( f'pip (for {sys.executable}) is required; please install it.' ) print(f'{Clr.BLD}Environment ok.{Clr.RST}', flush=True)
def _get_server_config_raw_contents(projroot: str) -> str: import textwrap with open( os.path.join(projroot, 'tools/bacommon/'), encoding='utf-8', ) as infile: lines = firstline = lines.index('class ServerConfig:') + 1 lastline = firstline + 1 while True: line = lines[lastline] if line != '' and not line.startswith(' '): break lastline += 1 # Move first line past doc-string to the first comment. while not lines[firstline].startswith(' #'): firstline += 1 # Back last line up to before last empty lines. lastline -= 1 while lines[lastline] == '': lastline -= 1 return textwrap.dedent('\n'.join(lines[firstline : lastline + 1])) def _get_server_config_template_toml(projroot: str) -> str: from tomlkit import document, dumps from bacommon.servermanager import ServerConfig cfg = ServerConfig() # Override some defaults with values we want to display commented # out instead. cfg.playlist_code = 12345 cfg.stats_url = '${ACCOUNT}' cfg.clean_exit_minutes = 60 cfg.unclean_exit_minutes = 90 cfg.idle_exit_minutes = 20 cfg.admins = ['pb-yOuRAccOuNtIdHErE', 'pb-aNdMayBeAnotherHeRE'] cfg.protocol_version = 35 cfg.session_max_players_override = 8 cfg.playlist_inline = [] cfg.team_names = ('Red', 'Blue') cfg.team_colors = ((0.1, 0.25, 1.0), (1.0, 0.25, 0.2)) cfg.public_ipv4_address = '' cfg.public_ipv6_address = '123A::A123:23A1:A312:12A3:A213:2A13' lines_in = _get_server_config_raw_contents(projroot).splitlines() # Convert to double quotes only (we'll convert back at the end). # UPDATE: No longer doing this. Turns out single quotes in toml have # special meaning (no escapes applied). So we'll stick with doubles. # assert all(('"' not in l) for l in lines_in) # lines_in = [l.replace("'", '"') for l in lines_in] lines_out: list[str] = [] ignore_vars = {'stress_test_players'} for line in lines_in: # Replace attr declarations with commented out toml values. if line != '' and not line.startswith('#') and ':' in line: before_colon, _after_colon = line.split(':', 1) vname = before_colon.strip() if vname in ignore_vars: continue vval: Any = getattr(cfg, vname) doc = document() # Toml doesn't support None/null if vval is None: raise RuntimeError( f"ServerManager value '{vname}' has value None." f' This is not allowed in toml;' f' please provide a dummy value.' ) assert vval is not None doc[vname] = vval lines_out += ['#' + l for l in dumps(doc).strip().splitlines()] # Preserve blank lines, but only one in a row. elif line == '': if not lines_out or lines_out[-1] != '': lines_out.append(line) # Preserve comment lines. elif line.startswith('#'): # Convert comments referring to python bools to toml bools. line = line.replace('True', 'true').replace('False', 'false') if '(internal)' not in line: lines_out.append(line) out = '\n'.join(lines_out) # Convert back to single quotes only. # UPDATE: Not doing this. See above note. # assert "'" not in out # out = out.replace('"', "'") return out
[docs] def filter_server_config_toml(projroot: str, infilepath: str) -> str: """Add commented-out config options to a server config.""" with open(infilepath, encoding='utf-8') as infile: cfg = return cfg.replace( '# __CONFIG_TEMPLATE_VALUES__', _get_server_config_template_toml(projroot), )
[docs] def cmake_prep_dir(dirname: str, verbose: bool = False) -> None: """Create a dir, recreating it when cmake/python/etc. versions change. Useful to prevent builds from breaking when cmake or other components are updated. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals import json from efrotools.pyver import PYVER @dataclass class Entry: """Item examined for presence/change.""" name: str current_value: str # Start with an entry we can explicitly increment if we want to blow # away all cmake builds everywhere (to keep things clean if we # rename or move something in the build dir or if we change # something cmake doesn't properly handle without a fresh start). entries: list[Entry] = [Entry('explicit cmake rebuild', '4')] # Start fresh if cmake version changes. cmake_ver_output = ['cmake', '--version'], check=True, capture_output=True ).stdout.decode() cmake_ver = cmake_ver_output.splitlines()[0].split('cmake version ')[1] entries.append(Entry('cmake version', cmake_ver)) # ...or if the actual location of cmake on disk changes. cmake_path = os.path.realpath(['which', 'cmake'], check=True, capture_output=True) .stdout.decode() .strip() ) entries.append(Entry('cmake path', cmake_path)) # ...or if Python's version changes. python_ver_output = ( [f'python{PYVER}', '--version'], check=True, capture_output=True ) .stdout.decode() .strip() ) python_ver = python_ver_output.splitlines()[0].split('Python ')[1] entries.append(Entry('python_version', python_ver)) # ...or if the actual location of python on disk changes. python_path = os.path.realpath( ['which', f'python{PYVER}'], check=True, capture_output=True ).stdout.decode() ) entries.append(Entry('python_path', python_path)) # ...or if mac xcode sdk paths change mac_xcode_sdks_dir = ( '/Applications/' 'Developer/SDKs/' ) mac_xcode_sdks = ( ','.join(sorted(os.listdir(mac_xcode_sdks_dir))) if os.path.isdir(mac_xcode_sdks_dir) else '' ) entries.append(Entry('mac_xcode_sdks', mac_xcode_sdks)) # ...or if homebrew SDL.h resolved path changes (happens for updates) sdl_h_path = Path('/opt/homebrew/include/SDL2/SDL.h') homebrew_sdl_h_resolved: str = ( str(sdl_h_path.resolve()) if sdl_h_path.exists() else '' ) entries.append(Entry('homebrew_sdl_h_resolved', homebrew_sdl_h_resolved)) # Ok; do the thing. verfilename = os.path.join(dirname, '.ba_cmake_env') title = 'cmake_prep_dir' versions: dict[str, str] if os.path.isfile(verfilename): with open(verfilename, encoding='utf-8') as infile: versions = json.loads( assert isinstance(versions, dict) assert all(isinstance(x, str) for x in versions.keys()) assert all(isinstance(x, str) for x in versions.values()) else: versions = {} changed = False for entry in entries: previous_value = versions.get( if entry.current_value != previous_value: print( f'{Clr.BLU}{} changed from {previous_value}' f' to {entry.current_value}; clearing any existing build at' f' "{dirname}".{Clr.RST}' ) changed = True break if changed: if verbose: print( f'{Clr.BLD}{title}:{Clr.RST} Blowing away existing build dir.' )['rm', '-rf', dirname], check=True) os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True) with open(verfilename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outfile: outfile.write( json.dumps( { entry.current_value for entry in entries} ) ) else: if verbose: print(f'{Clr.BLD}{title}:{Clr.RST} Keeping existing build dir.')