Source code for batools.assetsmakefile

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""Updates src/assets/Makefile based on source assets present."""

from __future__ import annotations

import json
import os
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from efrotools.pyver import PYVERNODOT


PYC_SUFFIX = f'.cpython-{PYVERNODOT}.opt-1.pyc'

ASSETS_SRC = 'src/assets'
BUILD_DIR = 'build/assets'

def _get_targets(
    projroot: str,
    varname: str,
    inext: str,
    outext: str,
    all_targets: set,
    limit_to_prefix: str | None = None,
) -> str:
    """Generic function to map source extension to dst files."""
    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    # pylint: disable=too-many-positional-arguments

    src = ASSETS_SRC
    dst = BUILD_DIR
    targets = []

    # Create outext targets for all inext files we find.
    for root, _dname, fnames in os.walk(os.path.join(projroot, src)):
        src_abs = os.path.join(projroot, src)
        if limit_to_prefix is not None and not root.startswith(
            os.path.join(src_abs, limit_to_prefix)

        # Write the target to make sense from within src/assets/
        assert root.startswith(src_abs)
        dstrootvar = '$(BUILD_DIR)' + root.removeprefix(src_abs)
        dstfin = dst + root.removeprefix(src_abs)
        for fname in fnames:
            outname = fname[: -len(inext)] + outext
            if fname.endswith(inext):
                all_targets.add(os.path.join(dstfin, outname))
                targets.append(os.path.join(dstrootvar, outname))

    return '\n' + varname + ' = \\\n  ' + ' \\\n  '.join(sorted(targets))

def _get_py_targets(
    projroot: str,
    meta_manifests: dict[str, str],
    explicit_sources: set[str],
    src: str,
    dst: str,
    py_targets: list[str],
    pyc_targets: list[str],
    all_targets: set[str],
    subset: str,
) -> None:
    # pylint: disable=too-many-positional-arguments
    # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    # pylint: disable=too-many-statements

    py_generated_root = f'{ASSETS_SRC}/ba_data/python/babase/_mgen'

    def _do_get_targets(
        proot: str, fnames: list[str], is_explicit: bool = False
    ) -> None:
        # Special case: don't make targets for stuff in specific dirs.
        if proot in {
        assert proot.startswith(src), f'{proot} does not start with {src}'
        assert dst.startswith(BUILD_DIR)
        dstrootvar = (
            + dst.removeprefix(BUILD_DIR)
            + proot.removeprefix(src)
        dstfin = dst + proot[len(src) :]
        for fname in fnames:
            # Ignore non-python files and flycheck/emacs temp files.
            if (
                not fname.endswith('.py')
                or fname.startswith('flycheck_')
                or fname.startswith('.#')

            # Ignore any files in the list of explicit sources we got;
            # we explicitly add those at the end and don't want to do it
            # twice (since we don't know if this one will always exist
            # anyway).
            if (
                os.path.join(proot, fname) in explicit_sources
                and not is_explicit

            if proot.startswith(f'{ASSETS_SRC}/ba_data/python-site-packages'):
                in_subset = 'private-common'
            elif proot.startswith(f'{ASSETS_SRC}/ba_data') or proot.startswith(
                in_subset = 'public'
            elif proot.startswith('tools/efro') and not proot.startswith(
                # We want to pull just 'efro' out of tools; not efrotools.
                in_subset = 'public_tools'
            elif proot.startswith('tools/bacommon'):
                in_subset = 'public_tools'
            elif proot.startswith(f'{ASSETS_SRC}/windows/x64'):
                in_subset = 'private-windows-x64'
            elif proot.startswith(f'{ASSETS_SRC}/windows/Win32'):
                in_subset = 'private-windows-Win32'
            elif proot.startswith(f'{ASSETS_SRC}/pylib-apple'):
                in_subset = 'private-apple'
            elif proot.startswith(f'{ASSETS_SRC}/pylib-android'):
                in_subset = 'private-android'
                in_subset = 'private-common'

            if subset == 'all':
            elif subset != in_subset:

            # gamedata pass includes only data; otherwise do all else

            # .py:
            targetpath = os.path.join(dstfin, fname)
            assert targetpath not in all_targets
            py_targets.append(os.path.join(dstrootvar, fname))

            # and .pyc:
            fname_pyc = fname[:-3] + PYC_SUFFIX
            all_targets.add(os.path.join(dstfin, '__pycache__', fname_pyc))
                os.path.join(dstrootvar, '__pycache__', fname_pyc)

    # Create py and pyc targets for all physical scripts in src, with
    # the exception of our dynamically generated stuff.
    for physical_root, _dname, physical_fnames in os.walk(
        os.path.join(projroot, src)
        # Skip any generated files; we'll add those from the meta manifest.
        # (dont want our results to require a meta build beforehand)
        if physical_root == os.path.join(
            projroot, py_generated_root
        ) or physical_root.startswith(
            os.path.join(projroot, py_generated_root) + '/'

            physical_root.removeprefix(projroot + '/'), physical_fnames

    # Now create targets for any of our dynamically generated stuff that
    # lives under this dir.
    meta_targets: list[str] = []
    for manifest in meta_manifests.values():
        # Sanity check; make sure meta system is giving actual paths;
        # no accidental makefile vars.
        if '$' in manifest:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'meta-manifest value contains a $; probably a bug.'
        meta_targets += json.loads(manifest)

    meta_targets = [
        for t in meta_targets
        if t.startswith(src + '/') and t.startswith(py_generated_root + '/')

    for target in meta_targets:
            proot=os.path.dirname(target), fnames=[os.path.basename(target)]

    # Now create targets for any explicitly passed paths.
    for expsrc in explicit_sources:
        if expsrc.startswith(f'{src}/'):

def _get_py_targets_subset(
    projroot: str,
    meta_manifests: dict[str, str],
    explicit_sources: set[str],
    all_targets: set[str],
    subset: str,
    suffix: str,
) -> str:
    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    # pylint: disable=too-many-positional-arguments
    if subset == 'public_tools':
        src = 'tools'
        dst = f'{BUILD_DIR}/ba_data/python'
        copyrule = '$(BUILD_DIR)/ba_data/python/ : $(TOOLS_DIR)/'
        src = ASSETS_SRC
        dst = BUILD_DIR
        copyrule = '$(BUILD_DIR)/ :'

    # Separate these into '1' and '2'.
    py_targets: list[str] = []
    pyc_targets: list[str] = []


    # Need to sort these combined to keep pairs together.
    combined_targets = [
        (py_targets[i], pyc_targets[i]) for i in range(len(py_targets))
    py_targets = [t[0] for t in combined_targets]
    pyc_targets = [t[1] for t in combined_targets]

    out = (
        f'\nSCRIPT_TARGETS_PY{suffix} = \\\n  '
        + ' \\\n  '.join(py_targets)
        + '\n'

    out += (
        f'\nSCRIPT_TARGETS_PYC{suffix} = \\\n  '
        + ' \\\n  '.join(pyc_targets)
        + '\n'

    # We transform all non-public targets into efrocache-fetches in public.
    efc = '' if subset.startswith('public') else '# __EFROCACHE_TARGET__\n'

    out += (
        '\n# Rule to copy src asset scripts to dst.\n'
        '# (and make non-writable so I\'m less likely to '
        'accidentally edit them there)\n'
        f'{efc}$(SCRIPT_TARGETS_PY{suffix}) : {copyrule}\n'
        # '#\t@echo Copying script: $(subst $(BUILD_DIR)/,,$@)\n'
        '\t@$(PCOMMANDBATCH) copy_python_file $^ $@\n'

    # out += (
    #     '\n# Rule to copy src asset scripts to dst.\n'
    #     '# (and make non-writable so I\'m less likely to '
    #     'accidentally edit them there)\n'
    #     f'{efc}$(SCRIPT_TARGETS_PY{suffix}) : {copyrule}\n'
    #     '\t@echo Copying script: $(subst $(BUILD_DIR)/,,$@)\n'
    #     '\t@mkdir -p $(dir $@)\n'
    #     '\t@rm -f $@\n'
    #     '\t@cp $^ $@\n'
    #     '\t@chmod 444 $@\n'
    # )

    # Fancy new simple loop-based target generation.
    out += (
        f'\n# These are too complex to define in a pattern rule;\n'
        f'# Instead we generate individual targets in a loop.\n'
        f'$(foreach element,$(SCRIPT_TARGETS_PYC{suffix}),\\\n'
        f'$(eval $(call make-opt-pyc-target,$(element))))'

    # Old code to explicitly emit individual targets.
    if bool(False):
        out += (
            '\n# Looks like path mangling from py to pyc is too complex for'
            ' pattern rules so\n# just generating explicit targets'
            ' for each. Could perhaps look into using a\n# fancy for-loop'
            ' instead, but perhaps listing these explicitly isn\'t so bad.\n'
        for i, target in enumerate(pyc_targets):
            # Note: there's currently a bug which can cause python bytecode
            # generation to be non-deterministic. This can break our blessing
            # process since we bless in core but then regenerate bytecode in
            # spinoffs. See
            # For now setting PYTHONHASHSEED=1 is a workaround.
            out += (
                + target
                + ': \\\n      '
                + py_targets[i]
                + '\n\t@echo Compiling script: $(subst $(BUILD_DIR),,$^)\n'
                '\t@rm -rf $@ && PYTHONHASHSEED=1 $(TOOLS_DIR)/pcommand'
                ' compile_python_file $^'
                ' && chmod 444 $@\n'

    return out

def _get_extras_targets_win(
    projroot: str, all_targets: set[str], platform: str
) -> str:
    targets: list[str] = []
    base = f'{ASSETS_SRC}/windows'
    dstbase = 'windows'
    for root, _dnames, fnames in os.walk(os.path.join(projroot, base)):
        for fname in fnames:
            # Only include the platform we were passed.
            if not root.startswith(
                os.path.join(projroot, f'{ASSETS_SRC}/windows/{platform}')

            ext = os.path.splitext(fname)[-1]

            # "I don't like .DS_Store files. They're coarse and rough and
            # irritating and they get everywhere."
            if fname == '.DS_Store':

            # Ignore python files as they're handled separately.
            if ext in ['.py', '.pyc']:

            # Various stuff we expect to be there...
            if ext in [
            ] or fname in [
                base_abs = os.path.join(projroot, base)
                assert root.startswith(base_abs)
                targetpath = os.path.join(
                    dstbase + root.removeprefix(base_abs), fname
                # print(f'DSTBASE {dstbase} ROOT {root}
                # TARGETPATH {targetpath}')
                targets.append('$(BUILD_DIR)/' + targetpath)
                all_targets.add(BUILD_DIR + '/' + targetpath)

            # Complain if something new shows up instead of blindly
            # including it.
            raise RuntimeError(f'Unexpected extras file: {fname}')

    p_up = platform.upper()
    out = (
        f'\nEXTRAS_TARGETS_WIN_{p_up} = \\\n  ' + ' \\\n  '.join(targets) + '\n'

    # We transform all these targets into efrocache-fetches in public.
    out += (
        '\n# Rule to copy src extras to build.\n'
        f'# __EFROCACHE_TARGET__\n'
        f'$(EXTRAS_TARGETS_WIN_{p_up}) : $(BUILD_DIR)/% :'
        ' %\n'
        '\t@$(PCOMMANDBATCH) copy_win_extra_file $^ $@\n'
        # '\t@echo Copying file: $(subst $(BUILD_DIR)/,,$@)\n'
        # '\t@mkdir -p $(dir $@)\n'
        # '\t@rm -f $@\n'
        # '\t@cp $^ $@\n'

    return out

[docs] def generate_assets_makefile( projroot: str, fname: str, existing_data: str, meta_manifests: dict[str, str], explicit_sources: set[str], ) -> dict[str, str]: """Main script entry point.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-locals from efrotools.project import getprojectconfig from pathlib import Path public = getprojectconfig(Path(projroot))['public'] assert isinstance(public, bool) original = existing_data lines = original.splitlines() auto_start_public = lines.index('# __AUTOGENERATED_PUBLIC_BEGIN__') auto_end_public = lines.index('# __AUTOGENERATED_PUBLIC_END__') auto_start_private = lines.index('# __AUTOGENERATED_PRIVATE_BEGIN__') auto_end_private = lines.index('# __AUTOGENERATED_PRIVATE_END__') all_targets_public: set[str] = set() all_targets_private: set[str] = set() # We always auto-generate the public section. our_lines_public = [ _get_py_targets_subset( projroot, meta_manifests, explicit_sources, all_targets_public, subset='public', suffix='_PUBLIC', ), _get_py_targets_subset( projroot, meta_manifests, explicit_sources, all_targets_public, subset='public_tools', suffix='_PUBLIC_TOOLS', ), ] # Only auto-generate the private section in the private repo. if public: our_lines_private = lines[auto_start_private + 1 : auto_end_private] else: our_lines_private = [ _get_py_targets_subset( projroot, meta_manifests, explicit_sources, all_targets_private, subset='private-apple', suffix='_PRIVATE_APPLE', ), _get_py_targets_subset( projroot, meta_manifests, explicit_sources, all_targets_private, subset='private-android', suffix='_PRIVATE_ANDROID', ), _get_py_targets_subset( projroot, meta_manifests, explicit_sources, all_targets_private, subset='private-common', suffix='_PRIVATE_COMMON', ), _get_py_targets_subset( projroot, meta_manifests, explicit_sources, all_targets_private, subset='private-windows-Win32', suffix='_PRIVATE_WIN_WIN32', ), _get_py_targets_subset( projroot, meta_manifests, explicit_sources, all_targets_private, subset='private-windows-x64', suffix='_PRIVATE_WIN_X64', ), _get_targets( projroot, 'COB_TARGETS', '.collisionmesh.obj', '.cob', all_targets_private, ), _get_targets( projroot, 'BOB_TARGETS', '.mesh.obj', '.bob', all_targets_private, ), _get_targets( projroot, 'FONT_TARGETS', '.fdata', '.fdata', all_targets_private, ), _get_targets( projroot, 'PEM_TARGETS', '.pem', '.pem', all_targets_private, ), _get_targets( projroot, 'DATA_TARGETS', '.json', '.json', all_targets_private, limit_to_prefix='ba_data/data', ), _get_targets( projroot, 'AUDIO_TARGETS', '.wav', '.ogg', all_targets_private, ), _get_targets( projroot, 'TEX2D_DDS_TARGETS', '.tex2d.png', '.dds', all_targets_private, ), _get_targets( projroot, 'TEX2D_PVR_TARGETS', '.tex2d.png', '.pvr', all_targets_private, ), _get_targets( projroot, 'TEX2D_KTX_TARGETS', '.tex2d.png', '.ktx', all_targets_private, ), _get_targets( projroot, 'TEX2D_PREVIEW_PNG_TARGETS', '.tex2d.png', '_preview.png', all_targets_private, ), _get_extras_targets_win(projroot, all_targets_private, 'Win32'), _get_extras_targets_win(projroot, all_targets_private, 'x64'), ] filtered = ( lines[: auto_start_public + 1] + our_lines_public + lines[auto_end_public : auto_start_private + 1] + our_lines_private + lines[auto_end_private:] ) out_files: dict[str, str] = {} out = '\n'.join(filtered) + '\n' out_files[fname] = out # Write a simple manifest of the things we expect to have in build. # We can use this to clear out orphaned files as part of builds. out_files['src/assets/.asset_manifest_public.json'] = _gen_manifest( all_targets_public ) # Only *generate* the private manifest in the private repo. In public # we just give what's already on disk. manprivpath = 'src/assets/.asset_manifest_private.json' if not public: out_files[manprivpath] = _gen_manifest(all_targets_private) return out_files
def _gen_manifest(all_targets: set[str]) -> str: # Lastly, write a simple manifest of the things we expect to have # in build. We can use this to clear out orphaned files as part of builds. assert all(t.startswith(BUILD_DIR) for t in all_targets) manifest = sorted(t[13:] for t in all_targets) return json.dumps(manifest, indent=1)