Source code for

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""Defines a capture-the-flag game."""

# ba_meta require api 9
# (see

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, override

import bascenev1 as bs

from import PlayerSpaz
from import Scoreboard
from import (

    from typing import Any, Sequence

[docs] class CTFFlag(Flag): """Special flag type for CTF games.""" activity: CaptureTheFlagGame def __init__(self, team: Team): assert team.flagmaterial is not None super().__init__( materials=[team.flagmaterial], position=team.base_pos, color=team.color, ) self._team = team self.held_count = 0 self.counter = bs.newnode( 'text', owner=self.node, attrs={'in_world': True, 'scale': 0.02, 'h_align': 'center'}, ) self.reset_return_times() self.last_player_to_hold: Player | None = None self.time_out_respawn_time: int | None = None self.touch_return_time: float | None = None
[docs] def reset_return_times(self) -> None: """Clear flag related times in the activity.""" self.time_out_respawn_time = int(self.activity.flag_idle_return_time) self.touch_return_time = float(self.activity.flag_touch_return_time)
@property def team(self) -> Team: """The flag's team.""" return self._team
[docs] class Player(bs.Player['Team']): """Our player type for this game.""" def __init__(self) -> None: self.touching_own_flag = 0
[docs] class Team(bs.Team[Player]): """Our team type for this game.""" def __init__( self, *, base_pos: Sequence[float], base_region_material: bs.Material, base_region: bs.Node, spaz_material_no_flag_physical: bs.Material, spaz_material_no_flag_collide: bs.Material, flagmaterial: bs.Material, ): self.base_pos = base_pos self.base_region_material = base_region_material self.base_region = base_region self.spaz_material_no_flag_physical = spaz_material_no_flag_physical self.spaz_material_no_flag_collide = spaz_material_no_flag_collide self.flagmaterial = flagmaterial self.score = 0 self.flag_return_touches = 0 self.home_flag_at_base = True self.touch_return_timer: bs.Timer | None = None self.enemy_flag_at_base = False self.flag: CTFFlag | None = None self.last_flag_leave_time: float | None = None self.touch_return_timer_ticking: bs.NodeActor | None = None
# ba_meta export bascenev1.GameActivity
[docs] class CaptureTheFlagGame(bs.TeamGameActivity[Player, Team]): """Game of stealing other team's flag and returning it to your base.""" name = 'Capture the Flag' description = 'Return the enemy flag to score.' available_settings = [ bs.IntSetting('Score to Win', min_value=1, default=3), bs.IntSetting( 'Flag Touch Return Time', min_value=0, default=0, increment=1, ), bs.IntSetting( 'Flag Idle Return Time', min_value=5, default=30, increment=5, ), bs.IntChoiceSetting( 'Time Limit', choices=[ ('None', 0), ('1 Minute', 60), ('2 Minutes', 120), ('5 Minutes', 300), ('10 Minutes', 600), ('20 Minutes', 1200), ], default=0, ), bs.FloatChoiceSetting( 'Respawn Times', choices=[ ('Shorter', 0.25), ('Short', 0.5), ('Normal', 1.0), ('Long', 2.0), ('Longer', 4.0), ], default=1.0, ), bs.BoolSetting('Epic Mode', default=False), ]
[docs] @override @classmethod def supports_session_type(cls, sessiontype: type[bs.Session]) -> bool: return issubclass(sessiontype, bs.DualTeamSession)
[docs] @override @classmethod def get_supported_maps(cls, sessiontype: type[bs.Session]) -> list[str]: assert is not None return'team_flag')
def __init__(self, settings: dict): super().__init__(settings) self._scoreboard = Scoreboard() self._alarmsound = bs.getsound('alarm') self._ticking_sound = bs.getsound('ticking') self._score_sound = bs.getsound('score') self._swipsound = bs.getsound('swip') self._last_score_time = 0 self._all_bases_material = bs.Material() self._last_home_flag_notice_print_time = 0.0 self._score_to_win = int(settings['Score to Win']) self._epic_mode = bool(settings['Epic Mode']) self._time_limit = float(settings['Time Limit']) self.flag_touch_return_time = float(settings['Flag Touch Return Time']) self.flag_idle_return_time = float(settings['Flag Idle Return Time']) # Base class overrides. self.slow_motion = self._epic_mode self.default_music = ( bs.MusicType.EPIC if self._epic_mode else bs.MusicType.FLAG_CATCHER )
[docs] @override def get_instance_description(self) -> str | Sequence: if self._score_to_win == 1: return 'Steal the enemy flag.' return 'Steal the enemy flag ${ARG1} times.', self._score_to_win
[docs] @override def get_instance_description_short(self) -> str | Sequence: if self._score_to_win == 1: return 'return 1 flag' return 'return ${ARG1} flags', self._score_to_win
[docs] @override def create_team(self, sessionteam: bs.SessionTeam) -> Team: # Create our team instance and its initial values. base_pos = Flag.project_stand(base_pos) bs.newnode( 'light', attrs={ 'position': base_pos, 'intensity': 0.6, 'height_attenuated': False, 'volume_intensity_scale': 0.1, 'radius': 0.1, 'color': sessionteam.color, }, ) base_region_mat = bs.Material() pos = base_pos base_region = bs.newnode( 'region', attrs={ 'position': (pos[0], pos[1] + 0.75, pos[2]), 'scale': (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), 'type': 'sphere', 'materials': [base_region_mat, self._all_bases_material], }, ) spaz_mat_no_flag_physical = bs.Material() spaz_mat_no_flag_collide = bs.Material() flagmat = bs.Material() team = Team( base_pos=base_pos, base_region_material=base_region_mat, base_region=base_region, spaz_material_no_flag_physical=spaz_mat_no_flag_physical, spaz_material_no_flag_collide=spaz_mat_no_flag_collide, flagmaterial=flagmat, ) # Some parts of our spazzes don't collide physically with our # flags but generate callbacks. spaz_mat_no_flag_physical.add_actions( conditions=('they_have_material', flagmat), actions=( ('modify_part_collision', 'physical', False), ( 'call', 'at_connect', lambda: self._handle_touching_own_flag(team, True), ), ( 'call', 'at_disconnect', lambda: self._handle_touching_own_flag(team, False), ), ), ) # Other parts of our spazzes don't collide with our flags at all. spaz_mat_no_flag_collide.add_actions( conditions=('they_have_material', flagmat), actions=('modify_part_collision', 'collide', False), ) # We wanna know when *any* flag enters/leaves our base. base_region_mat.add_actions( conditions=('they_have_material', FlagFactory.get().flagmaterial), actions=( ('modify_part_collision', 'collide', True), ('modify_part_collision', 'physical', False), ( 'call', 'at_connect', lambda: self._handle_flag_entered_base(team), ), ( 'call', 'at_disconnect', lambda: self._handle_flag_left_base(team), ), ), ) return team
[docs] @override def on_team_join(self, team: Team) -> None: # Can't do this in create_team because the team's color/etc. have # not been wired up yet at that point. self._spawn_flag_for_team(team) self._update_scoreboard()
[docs] @override def on_begin(self) -> None: super().on_begin() self.setup_standard_time_limit(self._time_limit) self.setup_standard_powerup_drops() bs.timer(1.0, call=self._tick, repeat=True)
def _spawn_flag_for_team(self, team: Team) -> None: team.flag = CTFFlag(team) team.flag_return_touches = 0 self._flash_base(team, length=1.0) assert team.flag.node def _handle_flag_entered_base(self, team: Team) -> None: try: flag = bs.getcollision().opposingnode.getdelegate(CTFFlag, True) except bs.NotFoundError: # Don't think this should logically ever happen. print('Error getting CTFFlag in entering-base callback.') return if is team: team.home_flag_at_base = True # If the enemy flag is already here, score! if team.enemy_flag_at_base: # And show team name which scored (but actually we could # show here player who returned enemy flag). self.show_zoom_message( bs.Lstr( resource='nameScoresText', subs=[('${NAME}',] ), color=team.color, ) self._score(team) else: team.enemy_flag_at_base = True if team.home_flag_at_base: # Award points to whoever was carrying the enemy flag. player = flag.last_player_to_hold if player and is team: self.stats.player_scored(player, 50, big_message=True) # Update score and reset flags. self._score(team) # If the home-team flag isn't here, print a message to that effect. else: # Don't want slo-mo affecting this curtime = bs.basetime() if curtime - self._last_home_flag_notice_print_time > 5.0: self._last_home_flag_notice_print_time = curtime bpos = team.base_pos tval = bs.Lstr(resource='ownFlagAtYourBaseWarning') tnode = bs.newnode( 'text', attrs={ 'text': tval, 'in_world': True, 'scale': 0.013, 'color': (1, 1, 0, 1), 'h_align': 'center', 'position': (bpos[0], bpos[1] + 3.2, bpos[2]), }, ) bs.timer(5.1, tnode.delete) bs.animate( tnode, 'scale', {0.0: 0, 0.2: 0.013, 4.8: 0.013, 5.0: 0} ) def _tick(self) -> None: # If either flag is away from base and not being held, tick down its # respawn timer. for team in self.teams: flag = team.flag assert flag is not None if not team.home_flag_at_base and flag.held_count == 0: time_out_counting_down = True if flag.time_out_respawn_time is None: flag.reset_return_times() assert flag.time_out_respawn_time is not None flag.time_out_respawn_time -= 1 if flag.time_out_respawn_time <= 0: flag.handlemessage(bs.DieMessage()) else: time_out_counting_down = False if flag.node and flag.counter: pos = flag.node.position flag.counter.position = (pos[0], pos[1] + 1.3, pos[2]) # If there's no self-touches on this flag, set its text # to show its auto-return counter. (if there's self-touches # its showing that time). if team.flag_return_touches == 0: flag.counter.text = ( str(flag.time_out_respawn_time) if ( time_out_counting_down and flag.time_out_respawn_time is not None and flag.time_out_respawn_time <= 10 ) else '' ) flag.counter.color = (1, 1, 1, 0.5) flag.counter.scale = 0.014 def _score(self, team: Team) -> None: team.score += 1 self._flash_base(team) self._update_scoreboard() # Have teammates celebrate. for player in team.players: if # Reset all flags/state. for reset_team in self.teams: if not reset_team.home_flag_at_base: assert reset_team.flag is not None reset_team.flag.handlemessage(bs.DieMessage()) reset_team.enemy_flag_at_base = False if team.score >= self._score_to_win: self.end_game()
[docs] @override def end_game(self) -> None: results = bs.GameResults() for team in self.teams: results.set_team_score(team, team.score) self.end(results=results, announce_delay=0.8)
def _handle_flag_left_base(self, team: Team) -> None: cur_time = bs.time() try: flag = bs.getcollision().opposingnode.getdelegate(CTFFlag, True) except bs.NotFoundError: # This can happen if the flag stops touching us due to being # deleted; that's ok. return if is team: # Check times here to prevent too much flashing. if ( team.last_flag_leave_time is None or cur_time - team.last_flag_leave_time > 3.0 ): self._flash_base(team) team.last_flag_leave_time = cur_time team.home_flag_at_base = False else: team.enemy_flag_at_base = False def _touch_return_update(self, team: Team) -> None: # Count down only while its away from base and not being held. assert team.flag is not None if team.home_flag_at_base or team.flag.held_count > 0: team.touch_return_timer_ticking = None return # No need to return when its at home. if team.touch_return_timer_ticking is None: team.touch_return_timer_ticking = bs.NodeActor( bs.newnode( 'sound', attrs={ 'sound': self._ticking_sound, 'positional': False, 'loop': True, }, ) ) flag = team.flag if flag.touch_return_time is not None: flag.touch_return_time -= 0.1 if flag.counter: flag.counter.text = f'{flag.touch_return_time:.1f}' flag.counter.color = (1, 1, 0, 1) flag.counter.scale = 0.02 if flag.touch_return_time <= 0.0: self._award_players_touching_own_flag(team) flag.handlemessage(bs.DieMessage()) def _award_players_touching_own_flag(self, team: Team) -> None: for player in team.players: if player.touching_own_flag > 0: return_score = 10 + 5 * int(self.flag_touch_return_time) self.stats.player_scored( player, return_score, screenmessage=False ) def _handle_touching_own_flag(self, team: Team, connecting: bool) -> None: """Called when a player touches or stops touching their own team flag. We keep track of when each player is touching their own flag so we can award points when returned. """ player: Player | None try: spaz = bs.getcollision().sourcenode.getdelegate(PlayerSpaz, True) except bs.NotFoundError: return player = spaz.getplayer(Player, True) if player: player.touching_own_flag += 1 if connecting else -1 # If return-time is zero, just kill it immediately.. otherwise keep # track of touches and count down. if float(self.flag_touch_return_time) <= 0.0: assert team.flag is not None if ( connecting and not team.home_flag_at_base and team.flag.held_count == 0 ): self._award_players_touching_own_flag(team) bs.getcollision().opposingnode.handlemessage(bs.DieMessage()) # Takes a non-zero amount of time to return. else: if connecting: team.flag_return_touches += 1 if team.flag_return_touches == 1: team.touch_return_timer = bs.Timer( 0.1, call=bs.Call(self._touch_return_update, team), repeat=True, ) team.touch_return_timer_ticking = None else: team.flag_return_touches -= 1 if team.flag_return_touches == 0: team.touch_return_timer = None team.touch_return_timer_ticking = None if team.flag_return_touches < 0: logging.error('CTF flag_return_touches < 0', stack_info=True) def _handle_death_flag_capture(self, player: Player) -> None: """Handles flag values when a player dies or leaves the game.""" # Don't do anything if the player hasn't touched the flag at all. if not player.touching_own_flag: return team = # For each "point" our player has touched theflag (Could be # multiple), deduct one from both our player and the flag's # return touches variable. for _ in range(player.touching_own_flag): # Deduct player.touching_own_flag -= 1 # (This was only incremented if we have non-zero # return-times). if float(self.flag_touch_return_time) > 0.0: team.flag_return_touches -= 1 # Update our flag's timer accordingly # (Prevents immediate resets in case # there might be more people touching it). if team.flag_return_touches == 0: team.touch_return_timer = None team.touch_return_timer_ticking = None # Safety check, just to be sure! if team.flag_return_touches < 0: logging.error( 'CTF flag_return_touches < 0', stack_info=True ) def _flash_base(self, team: Team, length: float = 2.0) -> None: light = bs.newnode( 'light', attrs={ 'position': team.base_pos, 'height_attenuated': False, 'radius': 0.3, 'color': team.color, }, ) bs.animate(light, 'intensity', {0.0: 0, 0.25: 2.0, 0.5: 0}, loop=True) bs.timer(length, light.delete)
[docs] @override def spawn_player_spaz( self, player: Player, position: Sequence[float] | None = None, angle: float | None = None, ) -> PlayerSpaz: """Intercept new spazzes and add our team material for them.""" spaz = super().spawn_player_spaz(player, position, angle) player = spaz.getplayer(Player, True) team: Team = player.touching_own_flag = 0 no_physical_mats: list[bs.Material] = [ team.spaz_material_no_flag_physical ] no_collide_mats: list[bs.Material] = [ team.spaz_material_no_flag_collide ] # Our normal parts should still collide; just not physically # (so we can calc restores). assert spaz.node spaz.node.materials = list(spaz.node.materials) + no_physical_mats spaz.node.roller_materials = ( list(spaz.node.roller_materials) + no_physical_mats ) # Pickups and punches shouldn't hit at all though. spaz.node.punch_materials = ( list(spaz.node.punch_materials) + no_collide_mats ) spaz.node.pickup_materials = ( list(spaz.node.pickup_materials) + no_collide_mats ) spaz.node.extras_material = ( list(spaz.node.extras_material) + no_collide_mats ) return spaz
def _update_scoreboard(self) -> None: for team in self.teams: self._scoreboard.set_team_value( team, team.score, self._score_to_win )
[docs] @override def handlemessage(self, msg: Any) -> Any: if isinstance(msg, bs.PlayerDiedMessage): super().handlemessage(msg) # Augment standard behavior. self._handle_death_flag_capture(msg.getplayer(Player)) self.respawn_player(msg.getplayer(Player)) elif isinstance(msg, FlagDiedMessage): assert isinstance(msg.flag, CTFFlag) bs.timer(0.1, bs.Call(self._spawn_flag_for_team, elif isinstance(msg, FlagPickedUpMessage): # Store the last player to hold the flag for scoring purposes. assert isinstance(msg.flag, CTFFlag) try: msg.flag.last_player_to_hold = msg.node.getdelegate( PlayerSpaz, True ).getplayer(Player, True) except bs.NotFoundError: pass msg.flag.held_count += 1 msg.flag.reset_return_times() elif isinstance(msg, FlagDroppedMessage): # Store the last player to hold the flag for scoring purposes. assert isinstance(msg.flag, CTFFlag) msg.flag.held_count -= 1 else: super().handlemessage(msg)
[docs] @override def on_player_leave(self, player: Player) -> None: """Prevents leaving players from capturing their flag.""" self._handle_death_flag_capture(player)