Source code for

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""Appearance functionality for spazzes."""
from __future__ import annotations

import bascenev1 as bs

[docs] def get_appearances(include_locked: bool = False) -> list[str]: """Get the list of available spaz appearances.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-statements # pylint: disable=too-many-branches plus = assert plus is not None assert is not None get_purchased = plus.get_v1_account_product_purchased disallowed = [] if not include_locked: # Hmm yeah this'll be tough to hack... if not get_purchased('characters.santa'): disallowed.append('Santa Claus') if not get_purchased('characters.frosty'): disallowed.append('Frosty') if not get_purchased('characters.bones'): disallowed.append('Bones') if not get_purchased('characters.bernard'): disallowed.append('Bernard') if not get_purchased('characters.pixie'): disallowed.append('Pixel') if not get_purchased('characters.pascal'): disallowed.append('Pascal') if not get_purchased('characters.actionhero'): disallowed.append('Todd McBurton') if not get_purchased('characters.taobaomascot'): disallowed.append('Taobao Mascot') if not get_purchased('characters.agent'): disallowed.append('Agent Johnson') if not get_purchased('characters.jumpsuit'): disallowed.append('Lee') if not get_purchased('characters.assassin'): disallowed.append('Zola') if not get_purchased('characters.wizard'): disallowed.append('Grumbledorf') if not get_purchased('characters.cowboy'): disallowed.append('Butch') if not get_purchased('characters.witch'): disallowed.append('Witch') if not get_purchased('characters.warrior'): disallowed.append('Warrior') if not get_purchased('characters.superhero'): disallowed.append('Middle-Man') if not get_purchased('characters.alien'): disallowed.append('Alien') if not get_purchased('characters.oldlady'): disallowed.append('OldLady') if not get_purchased('characters.gladiator'): disallowed.append('Gladiator') if not get_purchased('characters.wrestler'): disallowed.append('Wrestler') if not get_purchased('characters.operasinger'): disallowed.append('Gretel') if not get_purchased('characters.robot'): disallowed.append('Robot') if not get_purchased('characters.cyborg'): disallowed.append('B-9000') if not get_purchased('characters.bunny'): disallowed.append('Easter Bunny') if not get_purchased('characters.kronk'): disallowed.append('Kronk') if not get_purchased('characters.zoe'): disallowed.append('Zoe') if not get_purchased('characters.jackmorgan'): disallowed.append('Jack Morgan') if not get_purchased('characters.mel'): disallowed.append('Mel') if not get_purchased('characters.snakeshadow'): disallowed.append('Snake Shadow') return [ s for s in list( if s not in disallowed ]
[docs] class Appearance: """Create and fill out one of these suckers to define a spaz appearance.""" def __init__(self, name: str): assert is not None = name if in raise RuntimeError( f'spaz appearance name "{}" already exists.' )[] = self self.color_texture = '' self.color_mask_texture = '' self.icon_texture = '' self.icon_mask_texture = '' self.head_mesh = '' self.torso_mesh = '' self.pelvis_mesh = '' self.upper_arm_mesh = '' self.forearm_mesh = '' self.hand_mesh = '' self.upper_leg_mesh = '' self.lower_leg_mesh = '' self.toes_mesh = '' self.jump_sounds: list[str] = [] self.attack_sounds: list[str] = [] self.impact_sounds: list[str] = [] self.death_sounds: list[str] = [] self.pickup_sounds: list[str] = [] self.fall_sounds: list[str] = [] = 'spaz' self.default_color: tuple[float, float, float] | None = None self.default_highlight: tuple[float, float, float] | None = None
[docs] def register_appearances() -> None: """Register our builtin spaz appearances.""" # This is quite ugly but will be going away so not worth cleaning up. # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=too-many-statements # Spaz ####################################### t = Appearance('Spaz') t.color_texture = 'neoSpazColor' t.color_mask_texture = 'neoSpazColorMask' t.icon_texture = 'neoSpazIcon' t.icon_mask_texture = 'neoSpazIconColorMask' t.head_mesh = 'neoSpazHead' t.torso_mesh = 'neoSpazTorso' t.pelvis_mesh = 'neoSpazPelvis' t.upper_arm_mesh = 'neoSpazUpperArm' t.forearm_mesh = 'neoSpazForeArm' t.hand_mesh = 'neoSpazHand' t.upper_leg_mesh = 'neoSpazUpperLeg' t.lower_leg_mesh = 'neoSpazLowerLeg' t.toes_mesh = 'neoSpazToes' t.jump_sounds = ['spazJump01', 'spazJump02', 'spazJump03', 'spazJump04'] t.attack_sounds = [ 'spazAttack01', 'spazAttack02', 'spazAttack03', 'spazAttack04', ] t.impact_sounds = [ 'spazImpact01', 'spazImpact02', 'spazImpact03', 'spazImpact04', ] t.death_sounds = ['spazDeath01'] t.pickup_sounds = ['spazPickup01'] t.fall_sounds = ['spazFall01'] = 'spaz' # Zoe ##################################### t = Appearance('Zoe') t.color_texture = 'zoeColor' t.color_mask_texture = 'zoeColorMask' t.icon_texture = 'zoeIcon' t.icon_mask_texture = 'zoeIconColorMask' t.head_mesh = 'zoeHead' t.torso_mesh = 'zoeTorso' t.pelvis_mesh = 'zoePelvis' t.upper_arm_mesh = 'zoeUpperArm' t.forearm_mesh = 'zoeForeArm' t.hand_mesh = 'zoeHand' t.upper_leg_mesh = 'zoeUpperLeg' t.lower_leg_mesh = 'zoeLowerLeg' t.toes_mesh = 'zoeToes' t.jump_sounds = ['zoeJump01', 'zoeJump02', 'zoeJump03'] t.attack_sounds = [ 'zoeAttack01', 'zoeAttack02', 'zoeAttack03', 'zoeAttack04', ] t.impact_sounds = [ 'zoeImpact01', 'zoeImpact02', 'zoeImpact03', 'zoeImpact04', ] t.death_sounds = ['zoeDeath01'] t.pickup_sounds = ['zoePickup01'] t.fall_sounds = ['zoeFall01'] = 'female' t.default_color = (0.6, 0.6, 0.6) t.default_highlight = (0, 1, 0) # Ninja ########################################## t = Appearance('Snake Shadow') t.color_texture = 'ninjaColor' t.color_mask_texture = 'ninjaColorMask' t.icon_texture = 'ninjaIcon' t.icon_mask_texture = 'ninjaIconColorMask' t.head_mesh = 'ninjaHead' t.torso_mesh = 'ninjaTorso' t.pelvis_mesh = 'ninjaPelvis' t.upper_arm_mesh = 'ninjaUpperArm' t.forearm_mesh = 'ninjaForeArm' t.hand_mesh = 'ninjaHand' t.upper_leg_mesh = 'ninjaUpperLeg' t.lower_leg_mesh = 'ninjaLowerLeg' t.toes_mesh = 'ninjaToes' ninja_attacks = ['ninjaAttack' + str(i + 1) + '' for i in range(7)] ninja_hits = ['ninjaHit' + str(i + 1) + '' for i in range(8)] ninja_jumps = ['ninjaAttack' + str(i + 1) + '' for i in range(7)] t.jump_sounds = ninja_jumps t.attack_sounds = ninja_attacks t.impact_sounds = ninja_hits t.death_sounds = ['ninjaDeath1'] t.pickup_sounds = ninja_attacks t.fall_sounds = ['ninjaFall1'] = 'ninja' t.default_color = (1, 1, 1) t.default_highlight = (0.55, 0.8, 0.55) # Barbarian ##################################### t = Appearance('Kronk') t.color_texture = 'kronk' t.color_mask_texture = 'kronkColorMask' t.icon_texture = 'kronkIcon' t.icon_mask_texture = 'kronkIconColorMask' t.head_mesh = 'kronkHead' t.torso_mesh = 'kronkTorso' t.pelvis_mesh = 'kronkPelvis' t.upper_arm_mesh = 'kronkUpperArm' t.forearm_mesh = 'kronkForeArm' t.hand_mesh = 'kronkHand' t.upper_leg_mesh = 'kronkUpperLeg' t.lower_leg_mesh = 'kronkLowerLeg' t.toes_mesh = 'kronkToes' kronk_sounds = [ 'kronk1', 'kronk2', 'kronk3', 'kronk4', 'kronk5', 'kronk6', 'kronk7', 'kronk8', 'kronk9', 'kronk10', ] t.jump_sounds = kronk_sounds t.attack_sounds = kronk_sounds t.impact_sounds = kronk_sounds t.death_sounds = ['kronkDeath'] t.pickup_sounds = kronk_sounds t.fall_sounds = ['kronkFall'] = 'kronk' t.default_color = (0.4, 0.5, 0.4) t.default_highlight = (1, 0.5, 0.3) # Chef ########################################### t = Appearance('Mel') t.color_texture = 'melColor' t.color_mask_texture = 'melColorMask' t.icon_texture = 'melIcon' t.icon_mask_texture = 'melIconColorMask' t.head_mesh = 'melHead' t.torso_mesh = 'melTorso' t.pelvis_mesh = 'kronkPelvis' t.upper_arm_mesh = 'melUpperArm' t.forearm_mesh = 'melForeArm' t.hand_mesh = 'melHand' t.upper_leg_mesh = 'melUpperLeg' t.lower_leg_mesh = 'melLowerLeg' t.toes_mesh = 'melToes' mel_sounds = [ 'mel01', 'mel02', 'mel03', 'mel04', 'mel05', 'mel06', 'mel07', 'mel08', 'mel09', 'mel10', ] t.jump_sounds = mel_sounds t.attack_sounds = mel_sounds t.impact_sounds = mel_sounds t.death_sounds = ['melDeath01'] t.pickup_sounds = mel_sounds t.fall_sounds = ['melFall01'] = 'mel' t.default_color = (1, 1, 1) t.default_highlight = (0.1, 0.6, 0.1) # Pirate ####################################### t = Appearance('Jack Morgan') t.color_texture = 'jackColor' t.color_mask_texture = 'jackColorMask' t.icon_texture = 'jackIcon' t.icon_mask_texture = 'jackIconColorMask' t.head_mesh = 'jackHead' t.torso_mesh = 'jackTorso' t.pelvis_mesh = 'kronkPelvis' t.upper_arm_mesh = 'jackUpperArm' t.forearm_mesh = 'jackForeArm' t.hand_mesh = 'jackHand' t.upper_leg_mesh = 'jackUpperLeg' t.lower_leg_mesh = 'jackLowerLeg' t.toes_mesh = 'jackToes' hit_sounds = [ 'jackHit01', 'jackHit02', 'jackHit03', 'jackHit04', 'jackHit05', 'jackHit06', 'jackHit07', ] sounds = ['jack01', 'jack02', 'jack03', 'jack04', 'jack05', 'jack06'] t.jump_sounds = sounds t.attack_sounds = sounds t.impact_sounds = hit_sounds t.death_sounds = ['jackDeath01'] t.pickup_sounds = sounds t.fall_sounds = ['jackFall01'] = 'pirate' t.default_color = (1, 0.2, 0.1) t.default_highlight = (1, 1, 0) # Santa ###################################### t = Appearance('Santa Claus') t.color_texture = 'santaColor' t.color_mask_texture = 'santaColorMask' t.icon_texture = 'santaIcon' t.icon_mask_texture = 'santaIconColorMask' t.head_mesh = 'santaHead' t.torso_mesh = 'santaTorso' t.pelvis_mesh = 'kronkPelvis' t.upper_arm_mesh = 'santaUpperArm' t.forearm_mesh = 'santaForeArm' t.hand_mesh = 'santaHand' t.upper_leg_mesh = 'santaUpperLeg' t.lower_leg_mesh = 'santaLowerLeg' t.toes_mesh = 'santaToes' hit_sounds = ['santaHit01', 'santaHit02', 'santaHit03', 'santaHit04'] sounds = ['santa01', 'santa02', 'santa03', 'santa04', 'santa05'] t.jump_sounds = sounds t.attack_sounds = sounds t.impact_sounds = hit_sounds t.death_sounds = ['santaDeath'] t.pickup_sounds = sounds t.fall_sounds = ['santaFall'] = 'santa' t.default_color = (1, 0, 0) t.default_highlight = (1, 1, 1) # Snowman ################################### t = Appearance('Frosty') t.color_texture = 'frostyColor' t.color_mask_texture = 'frostyColorMask' t.icon_texture = 'frostyIcon' t.icon_mask_texture = 'frostyIconColorMask' t.head_mesh = 'frostyHead' t.torso_mesh = 'frostyTorso' t.pelvis_mesh = 'frostyPelvis' t.upper_arm_mesh = 'frostyUpperArm' t.forearm_mesh = 'frostyForeArm' t.hand_mesh = 'frostyHand' t.upper_leg_mesh = 'frostyUpperLeg' t.lower_leg_mesh = 'frostyLowerLeg' t.toes_mesh = 'frostyToes' frosty_sounds = ['frosty01', 'frosty02', 'frosty03', 'frosty04', 'frosty05'] frosty_hit_sounds = ['frostyHit01', 'frostyHit02', 'frostyHit03'] t.jump_sounds = frosty_sounds t.attack_sounds = frosty_sounds t.impact_sounds = frosty_hit_sounds t.death_sounds = ['frostyDeath'] t.pickup_sounds = frosty_sounds t.fall_sounds = ['frostyFall'] = 'frosty' t.default_color = (0.5, 0.5, 1) t.default_highlight = (1, 0.5, 0) # Skeleton ################################ t = Appearance('Bones') t.color_texture = 'bonesColor' t.color_mask_texture = 'bonesColorMask' t.icon_texture = 'bonesIcon' t.icon_mask_texture = 'bonesIconColorMask' t.head_mesh = 'bonesHead' t.torso_mesh = 'bonesTorso' t.pelvis_mesh = 'bonesPelvis' t.upper_arm_mesh = 'bonesUpperArm' t.forearm_mesh = 'bonesForeArm' t.hand_mesh = 'bonesHand' t.upper_leg_mesh = 'bonesUpperLeg' t.lower_leg_mesh = 'bonesLowerLeg' t.toes_mesh = 'bonesToes' bones_sounds = ['bones1', 'bones2', 'bones3'] bones_hit_sounds = ['bones1', 'bones2', 'bones3'] t.jump_sounds = bones_sounds t.attack_sounds = bones_sounds t.impact_sounds = bones_hit_sounds t.death_sounds = ['bonesDeath'] t.pickup_sounds = bones_sounds t.fall_sounds = ['bonesFall'] = 'bones' t.default_color = (0.6, 0.9, 1) t.default_highlight = (0.6, 0.9, 1) # Bear ################################### t = Appearance('Bernard') t.color_texture = 'bearColor' t.color_mask_texture = 'bearColorMask' t.icon_texture = 'bearIcon' t.icon_mask_texture = 'bearIconColorMask' t.head_mesh = 'bearHead' t.torso_mesh = 'bearTorso' t.pelvis_mesh = 'bearPelvis' t.upper_arm_mesh = 'bearUpperArm' t.forearm_mesh = 'bearForeArm' t.hand_mesh = 'bearHand' t.upper_leg_mesh = 'bearUpperLeg' t.lower_leg_mesh = 'bearLowerLeg' t.toes_mesh = 'bearToes' bear_sounds = ['bear1', 'bear2', 'bear3', 'bear4'] bear_hit_sounds = ['bearHit1', 'bearHit2'] t.jump_sounds = bear_sounds t.attack_sounds = bear_sounds t.impact_sounds = bear_hit_sounds t.death_sounds = ['bearDeath'] t.pickup_sounds = bear_sounds t.fall_sounds = ['bearFall'] = 'bear' t.default_color = (0.7, 0.5, 0.0) # Penguin ################################### t = Appearance('Pascal') t.color_texture = 'penguinColor' t.color_mask_texture = 'penguinColorMask' t.icon_texture = 'penguinIcon' t.icon_mask_texture = 'penguinIconColorMask' t.head_mesh = 'penguinHead' t.torso_mesh = 'penguinTorso' t.pelvis_mesh = 'penguinPelvis' t.upper_arm_mesh = 'penguinUpperArm' t.forearm_mesh = 'penguinForeArm' t.hand_mesh = 'penguinHand' t.upper_leg_mesh = 'penguinUpperLeg' t.lower_leg_mesh = 'penguinLowerLeg' t.toes_mesh = 'penguinToes' penguin_sounds = ['penguin1', 'penguin2', 'penguin3', 'penguin4'] penguin_hit_sounds = ['penguinHit1', 'penguinHit2'] t.jump_sounds = penguin_sounds t.attack_sounds = penguin_sounds t.impact_sounds = penguin_hit_sounds t.death_sounds = ['penguinDeath'] t.pickup_sounds = penguin_sounds t.fall_sounds = ['penguinFall'] = 'penguin' t.default_color = (0.3, 0.5, 0.8) t.default_highlight = (1, 0, 0) # Ali ################################### t = Appearance('Taobao Mascot') t.color_texture = 'aliColor' t.color_mask_texture = 'aliColorMask' t.icon_texture = 'aliIcon' t.icon_mask_texture = 'aliIconColorMask' t.head_mesh = 'aliHead' t.torso_mesh = 'aliTorso' t.pelvis_mesh = 'aliPelvis' t.upper_arm_mesh = 'aliUpperArm' t.forearm_mesh = 'aliForeArm' t.hand_mesh = 'aliHand' t.upper_leg_mesh = 'aliUpperLeg' t.lower_leg_mesh = 'aliLowerLeg' t.toes_mesh = 'aliToes' ali_sounds = ['ali1', 'ali2', 'ali3', 'ali4'] ali_hit_sounds = ['aliHit1', 'aliHit2'] t.jump_sounds = ali_sounds t.attack_sounds = ali_sounds t.impact_sounds = ali_hit_sounds t.death_sounds = ['aliDeath'] t.pickup_sounds = ali_sounds t.fall_sounds = ['aliFall'] = 'ali' t.default_color = (1, 0.5, 0) t.default_highlight = (1, 1, 1) # Cyborg ################################### t = Appearance('B-9000') t.color_texture = 'cyborgColor' t.color_mask_texture = 'cyborgColorMask' t.icon_texture = 'cyborgIcon' t.icon_mask_texture = 'cyborgIconColorMask' t.head_mesh = 'cyborgHead' t.torso_mesh = 'cyborgTorso' t.pelvis_mesh = 'cyborgPelvis' t.upper_arm_mesh = 'cyborgUpperArm' t.forearm_mesh = 'cyborgForeArm' t.hand_mesh = 'cyborgHand' t.upper_leg_mesh = 'cyborgUpperLeg' t.lower_leg_mesh = 'cyborgLowerLeg' t.toes_mesh = 'cyborgToes' cyborg_sounds = ['cyborg1', 'cyborg2', 'cyborg3', 'cyborg4'] cyborg_hit_sounds = ['cyborgHit1', 'cyborgHit2'] t.jump_sounds = cyborg_sounds t.attack_sounds = cyborg_sounds t.impact_sounds = cyborg_hit_sounds t.death_sounds = ['cyborgDeath'] t.pickup_sounds = cyborg_sounds t.fall_sounds = ['cyborgFall'] = 'cyborg' t.default_color = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) t.default_highlight = (1, 0, 0) # Agent ################################### t = Appearance('Agent Johnson') t.color_texture = 'agentColor' t.color_mask_texture = 'agentColorMask' t.icon_texture = 'agentIcon' t.icon_mask_texture = 'agentIconColorMask' t.head_mesh = 'agentHead' t.torso_mesh = 'agentTorso' t.pelvis_mesh = 'agentPelvis' t.upper_arm_mesh = 'agentUpperArm' t.forearm_mesh = 'agentForeArm' t.hand_mesh = 'agentHand' t.upper_leg_mesh = 'agentUpperLeg' t.lower_leg_mesh = 'agentLowerLeg' t.toes_mesh = 'agentToes' agent_sounds = ['agent1', 'agent2', 'agent3', 'agent4'] agent_hit_sounds = ['agentHit1', 'agentHit2'] t.jump_sounds = agent_sounds t.attack_sounds = agent_sounds t.impact_sounds = agent_hit_sounds t.death_sounds = ['agentDeath'] t.pickup_sounds = agent_sounds t.fall_sounds = ['agentFall'] = 'agent' t.default_color = (0.3, 0.3, 0.33) t.default_highlight = (1, 0.5, 0.3) # Jumpsuit ################################### t = Appearance('Lee') t.color_texture = 'jumpsuitColor' t.color_mask_texture = 'jumpsuitColorMask' t.icon_texture = 'jumpsuitIcon' t.icon_mask_texture = 'jumpsuitIconColorMask' t.head_mesh = 'jumpsuitHead' t.torso_mesh = 'jumpsuitTorso' t.pelvis_mesh = 'jumpsuitPelvis' t.upper_arm_mesh = 'jumpsuitUpperArm' t.forearm_mesh = 'jumpsuitForeArm' t.hand_mesh = 'jumpsuitHand' t.upper_leg_mesh = 'jumpsuitUpperLeg' t.lower_leg_mesh = 'jumpsuitLowerLeg' t.toes_mesh = 'jumpsuitToes' jumpsuit_sounds = ['jumpsuit1', 'jumpsuit2', 'jumpsuit3', 'jumpsuit4'] jumpsuit_hit_sounds = ['jumpsuitHit1', 'jumpsuitHit2'] t.jump_sounds = jumpsuit_sounds t.attack_sounds = jumpsuit_sounds t.impact_sounds = jumpsuit_hit_sounds t.death_sounds = ['jumpsuitDeath'] t.pickup_sounds = jumpsuit_sounds t.fall_sounds = ['jumpsuitFall'] = 'spaz' t.default_color = (0.3, 0.5, 0.8) t.default_highlight = (1, 0, 0) # ActionHero ################################### t = Appearance('Todd McBurton') t.color_texture = 'actionHeroColor' t.color_mask_texture = 'actionHeroColorMask' t.icon_texture = 'actionHeroIcon' t.icon_mask_texture = 'actionHeroIconColorMask' t.head_mesh = 'actionHeroHead' t.torso_mesh = 'actionHeroTorso' t.pelvis_mesh = 'actionHeroPelvis' t.upper_arm_mesh = 'actionHeroUpperArm' t.forearm_mesh = 'actionHeroForeArm' t.hand_mesh = 'actionHeroHand' t.upper_leg_mesh = 'actionHeroUpperLeg' t.lower_leg_mesh = 'actionHeroLowerLeg' t.toes_mesh = 'actionHeroToes' action_hero_sounds = [ 'actionHero1', 'actionHero2', 'actionHero3', 'actionHero4', ] action_hero_hit_sounds = ['actionHeroHit1', 'actionHeroHit2'] t.jump_sounds = action_hero_sounds t.attack_sounds = action_hero_sounds t.impact_sounds = action_hero_hit_sounds t.death_sounds = ['actionHeroDeath'] t.pickup_sounds = action_hero_sounds t.fall_sounds = ['actionHeroFall'] = 'spaz' t.default_color = (0.3, 0.5, 0.8) t.default_highlight = (1, 0, 0) # Assassin ################################### t = Appearance('Zola') t.color_texture = 'assassinColor' t.color_mask_texture = 'assassinColorMask' t.icon_texture = 'assassinIcon' t.icon_mask_texture = 'assassinIconColorMask' t.head_mesh = 'assassinHead' t.torso_mesh = 'assassinTorso' t.pelvis_mesh = 'assassinPelvis' t.upper_arm_mesh = 'assassinUpperArm' t.forearm_mesh = 'assassinForeArm' t.hand_mesh = 'assassinHand' t.upper_leg_mesh = 'assassinUpperLeg' t.lower_leg_mesh = 'assassinLowerLeg' t.toes_mesh = 'assassinToes' assassin_sounds = ['assassin1', 'assassin2', 'assassin3', 'assassin4'] assassin_hit_sounds = ['assassinHit1', 'assassinHit2'] t.jump_sounds = assassin_sounds t.attack_sounds = assassin_sounds t.impact_sounds = assassin_hit_sounds t.death_sounds = ['assassinDeath'] t.pickup_sounds = assassin_sounds t.fall_sounds = ['assassinFall'] = 'spaz' t.default_color = (0.3, 0.5, 0.8) t.default_highlight = (1, 0, 0) # Wizard ################################### t = Appearance('Grumbledorf') t.color_texture = 'wizardColor' t.color_mask_texture = 'wizardColorMask' t.icon_texture = 'wizardIcon' t.icon_mask_texture = 'wizardIconColorMask' t.head_mesh = 'wizardHead' t.torso_mesh = 'wizardTorso' t.pelvis_mesh = 'wizardPelvis' t.upper_arm_mesh = 'wizardUpperArm' t.forearm_mesh = 'wizardForeArm' t.hand_mesh = 'wizardHand' t.upper_leg_mesh = 'wizardUpperLeg' t.lower_leg_mesh = 'wizardLowerLeg' t.toes_mesh = 'wizardToes' wizard_sounds = ['wizard1', 'wizard2', 'wizard3', 'wizard4'] wizard_hit_sounds = ['wizardHit1', 'wizardHit2'] t.jump_sounds = wizard_sounds t.attack_sounds = wizard_sounds t.impact_sounds = wizard_hit_sounds t.death_sounds = ['wizardDeath'] t.pickup_sounds = wizard_sounds t.fall_sounds = ['wizardFall'] = 'spaz' t.default_color = (0.2, 0.4, 1.0) t.default_highlight = (0.06, 0.15, 0.4) # Cowboy ################################### t = Appearance('Butch') t.color_texture = 'cowboyColor' t.color_mask_texture = 'cowboyColorMask' t.icon_texture = 'cowboyIcon' t.icon_mask_texture = 'cowboyIconColorMask' t.head_mesh = 'cowboyHead' t.torso_mesh = 'cowboyTorso' t.pelvis_mesh = 'cowboyPelvis' t.upper_arm_mesh = 'cowboyUpperArm' t.forearm_mesh = 'cowboyForeArm' t.hand_mesh = 'cowboyHand' t.upper_leg_mesh = 'cowboyUpperLeg' t.lower_leg_mesh = 'cowboyLowerLeg' t.toes_mesh = 'cowboyToes' cowboy_sounds = ['cowboy1', 'cowboy2', 'cowboy3', 'cowboy4'] cowboy_hit_sounds = ['cowboyHit1', 'cowboyHit2'] t.jump_sounds = cowboy_sounds t.attack_sounds = cowboy_sounds t.impact_sounds = cowboy_hit_sounds t.death_sounds = ['cowboyDeath'] t.pickup_sounds = cowboy_sounds t.fall_sounds = ['cowboyFall'] = 'spaz' t.default_color = (0.3, 0.5, 0.8) t.default_highlight = (1, 0, 0) # Witch ################################### t = Appearance('Witch') t.color_texture = 'witchColor' t.color_mask_texture = 'witchColorMask' t.icon_texture = 'witchIcon' t.icon_mask_texture = 'witchIconColorMask' t.head_mesh = 'witchHead' t.torso_mesh = 'witchTorso' t.pelvis_mesh = 'witchPelvis' t.upper_arm_mesh = 'witchUpperArm' t.forearm_mesh = 'witchForeArm' t.hand_mesh = 'witchHand' t.upper_leg_mesh = 'witchUpperLeg' t.lower_leg_mesh = 'witchLowerLeg' t.toes_mesh = 'witchToes' witch_sounds = ['witch1', 'witch2', 'witch3', 'witch4'] witch_hit_sounds = ['witchHit1', 'witchHit2'] t.jump_sounds = witch_sounds t.attack_sounds = witch_sounds t.impact_sounds = witch_hit_sounds t.death_sounds = ['witchDeath'] t.pickup_sounds = witch_sounds t.fall_sounds = ['witchFall'] = 'spaz' t.default_color = (0.3, 0.5, 0.8) t.default_highlight = (1, 0, 0) # Warrior ################################### t = Appearance('Warrior') t.color_texture = 'warriorColor' t.color_mask_texture = 'warriorColorMask' t.icon_texture = 'warriorIcon' t.icon_mask_texture = 'warriorIconColorMask' t.head_mesh = 'warriorHead' t.torso_mesh = 'warriorTorso' t.pelvis_mesh = 'warriorPelvis' t.upper_arm_mesh = 'warriorUpperArm' t.forearm_mesh = 'warriorForeArm' t.hand_mesh = 'warriorHand' t.upper_leg_mesh = 'warriorUpperLeg' t.lower_leg_mesh = 'warriorLowerLeg' t.toes_mesh = 'warriorToes' warrior_sounds = ['warrior1', 'warrior2', 'warrior3', 'warrior4'] warrior_hit_sounds = ['warriorHit1', 'warriorHit2'] t.jump_sounds = warrior_sounds t.attack_sounds = warrior_sounds t.impact_sounds = warrior_hit_sounds t.death_sounds = ['warriorDeath'] t.pickup_sounds = warrior_sounds t.fall_sounds = ['warriorFall'] = 'spaz' t.default_color = (0.3, 0.5, 0.8) t.default_highlight = (1, 0, 0) # Superhero ################################### t = Appearance('Middle-Man') t.color_texture = 'superheroColor' t.color_mask_texture = 'superheroColorMask' t.icon_texture = 'superheroIcon' t.icon_mask_texture = 'superheroIconColorMask' t.head_mesh = 'superheroHead' t.torso_mesh = 'superheroTorso' t.pelvis_mesh = 'superheroPelvis' t.upper_arm_mesh = 'superheroUpperArm' t.forearm_mesh = 'superheroForeArm' t.hand_mesh = 'superheroHand' t.upper_leg_mesh = 'superheroUpperLeg' t.lower_leg_mesh = 'superheroLowerLeg' t.toes_mesh = 'superheroToes' superhero_sounds = ['superhero1', 'superhero2', 'superhero3', 'superhero4'] superhero_hit_sounds = ['superheroHit1', 'superheroHit2'] t.jump_sounds = superhero_sounds t.attack_sounds = superhero_sounds t.impact_sounds = superhero_hit_sounds t.death_sounds = ['superheroDeath'] t.pickup_sounds = superhero_sounds t.fall_sounds = ['superheroFall'] = 'spaz' t.default_color = (0.3, 0.5, 0.8) t.default_highlight = (1, 0, 0) # Alien ################################### t = Appearance('Alien') t.color_texture = 'alienColor' t.color_mask_texture = 'alienColorMask' t.icon_texture = 'alienIcon' t.icon_mask_texture = 'alienIconColorMask' t.head_mesh = 'alienHead' t.torso_mesh = 'alienTorso' t.pelvis_mesh = 'alienPelvis' t.upper_arm_mesh = 'alienUpperArm' t.forearm_mesh = 'alienForeArm' t.hand_mesh = 'alienHand' t.upper_leg_mesh = 'alienUpperLeg' t.lower_leg_mesh = 'alienLowerLeg' t.toes_mesh = 'alienToes' alien_sounds = ['alien1', 'alien2', 'alien3', 'alien4'] alien_hit_sounds = ['alienHit1', 'alienHit2'] t.jump_sounds = alien_sounds t.attack_sounds = alien_sounds t.impact_sounds = alien_hit_sounds t.death_sounds = ['alienDeath'] t.pickup_sounds = alien_sounds t.fall_sounds = ['alienFall'] = 'spaz' t.default_color = (0.3, 0.5, 0.8) t.default_highlight = (1, 0, 0) # OldLady ################################### t = Appearance('OldLady') t.color_texture = 'oldLadyColor' t.color_mask_texture = 'oldLadyColorMask' t.icon_texture = 'oldLadyIcon' t.icon_mask_texture = 'oldLadyIconColorMask' t.head_mesh = 'oldLadyHead' t.torso_mesh = 'oldLadyTorso' t.pelvis_mesh = 'oldLadyPelvis' t.upper_arm_mesh = 'oldLadyUpperArm' t.forearm_mesh = 'oldLadyForeArm' t.hand_mesh = 'oldLadyHand' t.upper_leg_mesh = 'oldLadyUpperLeg' t.lower_leg_mesh = 'oldLadyLowerLeg' t.toes_mesh = 'oldLadyToes' old_lady_sounds = ['oldLady1', 'oldLady2', 'oldLady3', 'oldLady4'] old_lady_hit_sounds = ['oldLadyHit1', 'oldLadyHit2'] t.jump_sounds = old_lady_sounds t.attack_sounds = old_lady_sounds t.impact_sounds = old_lady_hit_sounds t.death_sounds = ['oldLadyDeath'] t.pickup_sounds = old_lady_sounds t.fall_sounds = ['oldLadyFall'] = 'spaz' t.default_color = (0.3, 0.5, 0.8) t.default_highlight = (1, 0, 0) # Gladiator ################################### t = Appearance('Gladiator') t.color_texture = 'gladiatorColor' t.color_mask_texture = 'gladiatorColorMask' t.icon_texture = 'gladiatorIcon' t.icon_mask_texture = 'gladiatorIconColorMask' t.head_mesh = 'gladiatorHead' t.torso_mesh = 'gladiatorTorso' t.pelvis_mesh = 'gladiatorPelvis' t.upper_arm_mesh = 'gladiatorUpperArm' t.forearm_mesh = 'gladiatorForeArm' t.hand_mesh = 'gladiatorHand' t.upper_leg_mesh = 'gladiatorUpperLeg' t.lower_leg_mesh = 'gladiatorLowerLeg' t.toes_mesh = 'gladiatorToes' gladiator_sounds = ['gladiator1', 'gladiator2', 'gladiator3', 'gladiator4'] gladiator_hit_sounds = ['gladiatorHit1', 'gladiatorHit2'] t.jump_sounds = gladiator_sounds t.attack_sounds = gladiator_sounds t.impact_sounds = gladiator_hit_sounds t.death_sounds = ['gladiatorDeath'] t.pickup_sounds = gladiator_sounds t.fall_sounds = ['gladiatorFall'] = 'spaz' t.default_color = (0.3, 0.5, 0.8) t.default_highlight = (1, 0, 0) # Wrestler ################################### t = Appearance('Wrestler') t.color_texture = 'wrestlerColor' t.color_mask_texture = 'wrestlerColorMask' t.icon_texture = 'wrestlerIcon' t.icon_mask_texture = 'wrestlerIconColorMask' t.head_mesh = 'wrestlerHead' t.torso_mesh = 'wrestlerTorso' t.pelvis_mesh = 'wrestlerPelvis' t.upper_arm_mesh = 'wrestlerUpperArm' t.forearm_mesh = 'wrestlerForeArm' t.hand_mesh = 'wrestlerHand' t.upper_leg_mesh = 'wrestlerUpperLeg' t.lower_leg_mesh = 'wrestlerLowerLeg' t.toes_mesh = 'wrestlerToes' wrestler_sounds = ['wrestler1', 'wrestler2', 'wrestler3', 'wrestler4'] wrestler_hit_sounds = ['wrestlerHit1', 'wrestlerHit2'] t.jump_sounds = wrestler_sounds t.attack_sounds = wrestler_sounds t.impact_sounds = wrestler_hit_sounds t.death_sounds = ['wrestlerDeath'] t.pickup_sounds = wrestler_sounds t.fall_sounds = ['wrestlerFall'] = 'spaz' t.default_color = (0.3, 0.5, 0.8) t.default_highlight = (1, 0, 0) # OperaSinger ################################### t = Appearance('Gretel') t.color_texture = 'operaSingerColor' t.color_mask_texture = 'operaSingerColorMask' t.icon_texture = 'operaSingerIcon' t.icon_mask_texture = 'operaSingerIconColorMask' t.head_mesh = 'operaSingerHead' t.torso_mesh = 'operaSingerTorso' t.pelvis_mesh = 'operaSingerPelvis' t.upper_arm_mesh = 'operaSingerUpperArm' t.forearm_mesh = 'operaSingerForeArm' t.hand_mesh = 'operaSingerHand' t.upper_leg_mesh = 'operaSingerUpperLeg' t.lower_leg_mesh = 'operaSingerLowerLeg' t.toes_mesh = 'operaSingerToes' opera_singer_sounds = [ 'operaSinger1', 'operaSinger2', 'operaSinger3', 'operaSinger4', ] opera_singer_hit_sounds = ['operaSingerHit1', 'operaSingerHit2'] t.jump_sounds = opera_singer_sounds t.attack_sounds = opera_singer_sounds t.impact_sounds = opera_singer_hit_sounds t.death_sounds = ['operaSingerDeath'] t.pickup_sounds = opera_singer_sounds t.fall_sounds = ['operaSingerFall'] = 'spaz' t.default_color = (0.3, 0.5, 0.8) t.default_highlight = (1, 0, 0) # Pixie ################################### t = Appearance('Pixel') t.color_texture = 'pixieColor' t.color_mask_texture = 'pixieColorMask' t.icon_texture = 'pixieIcon' t.icon_mask_texture = 'pixieIconColorMask' t.head_mesh = 'pixieHead' t.torso_mesh = 'pixieTorso' t.pelvis_mesh = 'pixiePelvis' t.upper_arm_mesh = 'pixieUpperArm' t.forearm_mesh = 'pixieForeArm' t.hand_mesh = 'pixieHand' t.upper_leg_mesh = 'pixieUpperLeg' t.lower_leg_mesh = 'pixieLowerLeg' t.toes_mesh = 'pixieToes' pixie_sounds = ['pixie1', 'pixie2', 'pixie3', 'pixie4'] pixie_hit_sounds = ['pixieHit1', 'pixieHit2'] t.jump_sounds = pixie_sounds t.attack_sounds = pixie_sounds t.impact_sounds = pixie_hit_sounds t.death_sounds = ['pixieDeath'] t.pickup_sounds = pixie_sounds t.fall_sounds = ['pixieFall'] = 'pixie' t.default_color = (0, 1, 0.7) t.default_highlight = (0.65, 0.35, 0.75) # Robot ################################### t = Appearance('Robot') t.color_texture = 'robotColor' t.color_mask_texture = 'robotColorMask' t.icon_texture = 'robotIcon' t.icon_mask_texture = 'robotIconColorMask' t.head_mesh = 'robotHead' t.torso_mesh = 'robotTorso' t.pelvis_mesh = 'robotPelvis' t.upper_arm_mesh = 'robotUpperArm' t.forearm_mesh = 'robotForeArm' t.hand_mesh = 'robotHand' t.upper_leg_mesh = 'robotUpperLeg' t.lower_leg_mesh = 'robotLowerLeg' t.toes_mesh = 'robotToes' robot_sounds = ['robot1', 'robot2', 'robot3', 'robot4'] robot_hit_sounds = ['robotHit1', 'robotHit2'] t.jump_sounds = robot_sounds t.attack_sounds = robot_sounds t.impact_sounds = robot_hit_sounds t.death_sounds = ['robotDeath'] t.pickup_sounds = robot_sounds t.fall_sounds = ['robotFall'] = 'spaz' t.default_color = (0.3, 0.5, 0.8) t.default_highlight = (1, 0, 0) # Bunny ################################### t = Appearance('Easter Bunny') t.color_texture = 'bunnyColor' t.color_mask_texture = 'bunnyColorMask' t.icon_texture = 'bunnyIcon' t.icon_mask_texture = 'bunnyIconColorMask' t.head_mesh = 'bunnyHead' t.torso_mesh = 'bunnyTorso' t.pelvis_mesh = 'bunnyPelvis' t.upper_arm_mesh = 'bunnyUpperArm' t.forearm_mesh = 'bunnyForeArm' t.hand_mesh = 'bunnyHand' t.upper_leg_mesh = 'bunnyUpperLeg' t.lower_leg_mesh = 'bunnyLowerLeg' t.toes_mesh = 'bunnyToes' bunny_sounds = ['bunny1', 'bunny2', 'bunny3', 'bunny4'] bunny_hit_sounds = ['bunnyHit1', 'bunnyHit2'] t.jump_sounds = ['bunnyJump'] t.attack_sounds = bunny_sounds t.impact_sounds = bunny_hit_sounds t.death_sounds = ['bunnyDeath'] t.pickup_sounds = bunny_sounds t.fall_sounds = ['bunnyFall'] = 'bunny' t.default_color = (1, 1, 1) t.default_highlight = (1, 0.5, 0.5)