Source code for

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""Functionality related to player-controlled Spazzes."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, TypeVar, overload, override

import bascenev1 as bs

from import Spaz

    from typing import Any, Sequence, Literal

PlayerT = TypeVar('PlayerT', bound=bs.Player)

[docs] class PlayerSpazHurtMessage: """A message saying a PlayerSpaz was hurt. Category: **Message Classes** """ spaz: PlayerSpaz """The PlayerSpaz that was hurt""" def __init__(self, spaz: PlayerSpaz): """Instantiate with the given bascenev1.Spaz value.""" self.spaz = spaz
[docs] class PlayerSpaz(Spaz): """A Spaz subclass meant to be controlled by a bascenev1.Player. Category: **Gameplay Classes** When a PlayerSpaz dies, it delivers a bascenev1.PlayerDiedMessage to the current bascenev1.Activity. (unless the death was the result of the player leaving the game, in which case no message is sent) When a PlayerSpaz is hurt, it delivers a PlayerSpazHurtMessage to the current bascenev1.Activity. """ def __init__( self, player: bs.Player, *, color: Sequence[float] = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), highlight: Sequence[float] = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), character: str = 'Spaz', powerups_expire: bool = True, ): """Create a spaz for the provided bascenev1.Player. Note: this does not wire up any controls; you must call connect_controls_to_player() to do so. """ super().__init__( color=color, highlight=highlight, character=character, source_player=player, start_invincible=True, powerups_expire=powerups_expire, ) self.last_player_attacked_by: bs.Player | None = None self.last_attacked_time = 0.0 self.last_attacked_type: tuple[str, str] | None = None self.held_count = 0 self.last_player_held_by: bs.Player | None = None self._player = player self._drive_player_position() # Overloads to tell the type system our return type based on doraise val. @overload def getplayer( self, playertype: type[PlayerT], doraise: Literal[False] = False ) -> PlayerT | None: ... @overload def getplayer( self, playertype: type[PlayerT], doraise: Literal[True] ) -> PlayerT: ...
[docs] def getplayer( self, playertype: type[PlayerT], doraise: bool = False ) -> PlayerT | None: """Get the bascenev1.Player associated with this Spaz. By default this will return None if the Player no longer exists. If you are logically certain that the Player still exists, pass doraise=False to get a non-optional return type. """ player: Any = self._player assert isinstance(player, playertype) if not player.exists() and doraise: raise bs.PlayerNotFoundError() return player if player.exists() else None
[docs] def connect_controls_to_player( self, *, enable_jump: bool = True, enable_punch: bool = True, enable_pickup: bool = True, enable_bomb: bool = True, enable_run: bool = True, enable_fly: bool = True, ) -> None: """Wire this spaz up to the provided bascenev1.Player. Full control of the character is given by default but can be selectively limited by passing False to specific arguments. """ player = self.getplayer(bs.Player) assert player # Reset any currently connected player and/or the player we're # wiring up. if self._connected_to_player: if player != self._connected_to_player: player.resetinput() self.disconnect_controls_from_player() else: player.resetinput() player.assigninput(bs.InputType.UP_DOWN, self.on_move_up_down) player.assigninput(bs.InputType.LEFT_RIGHT, self.on_move_left_right) player.assigninput( bs.InputType.HOLD_POSITION_PRESS, self.on_hold_position_press ) player.assigninput( bs.InputType.HOLD_POSITION_RELEASE, self.on_hold_position_release, ) intp = bs.InputType if enable_jump: player.assigninput(intp.JUMP_PRESS, self.on_jump_press) player.assigninput(intp.JUMP_RELEASE, self.on_jump_release) if enable_pickup: player.assigninput(intp.PICK_UP_PRESS, self.on_pickup_press) player.assigninput(intp.PICK_UP_RELEASE, self.on_pickup_release) if enable_punch: player.assigninput(intp.PUNCH_PRESS, self.on_punch_press) player.assigninput(intp.PUNCH_RELEASE, self.on_punch_release) if enable_bomb: player.assigninput(intp.BOMB_PRESS, self.on_bomb_press) player.assigninput(intp.BOMB_RELEASE, self.on_bomb_release) if enable_run: player.assigninput(intp.RUN, self.on_run) if enable_fly: player.assigninput(intp.FLY_PRESS, self.on_fly_press) player.assigninput(intp.FLY_RELEASE, self.on_fly_release) self._connected_to_player = player
[docs] def disconnect_controls_from_player(self) -> None: """ Completely sever any previously connected bascenev1.Player from control of this spaz. """ if self._connected_to_player: self._connected_to_player.resetinput() self._connected_to_player = None # Send releases for anything in case its held. self.on_move_up_down(0) self.on_move_left_right(0) self.on_hold_position_release() self.on_jump_release() self.on_pickup_release() self.on_punch_release() self.on_bomb_release() self.on_run(0.0) self.on_fly_release() else: print( 'WARNING: disconnect_controls_from_player() called for' ' non-connected player' )
[docs] @override def handlemessage(self, msg: Any) -> Any: # FIXME: Tidy this up. # pylint: disable=too-many-branches # pylint: disable=too-many-statements # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks assert not self.expired # Keep track of if we're being held and by who most recently. if isinstance(msg, bs.PickedUpMessage): # Augment standard behavior. super().handlemessage(msg) self.held_count += 1 picked_up_by = msg.node.source_player if picked_up_by: self.last_player_held_by = picked_up_by elif isinstance(msg, bs.DroppedMessage): # Augment standard behavior. super().handlemessage(msg) self.held_count -= 1 if self.held_count < 0: print('ERROR: spaz held_count < 0') # Let's count someone dropping us as an attack. picked_up_by = msg.node.source_player if picked_up_by: self.last_player_attacked_by = picked_up_by self.last_attacked_time = bs.time() self.last_attacked_type = ('picked_up', 'default') elif isinstance(msg, bs.StandMessage): super().handlemessage(msg) # Augment standard behavior. # Our Spaz was just moved somewhere. Explicitly update # our associated player's position in case it is being used # for logic (otherwise it will be out of date until next step) self._drive_player_position() elif isinstance(msg, bs.DieMessage): # Report player deaths to the game. if not self._dead: # Was this player killed while being held? was_held = self.held_count > 0 and self.last_player_held_by # Was this player attacked before death? was_attacked_recently = ( self.last_player_attacked_by and bs.time() - self.last_attacked_time < 4.0 ) # Leaving the game doesn't count as a kill *unless* # someone does it intentionally while being attacked. left_game_cleanly = is bs.DeathType.LEFT_GAME and not ( was_held or was_attacked_recently ) killed = not (msg.immediate or left_game_cleanly) activity = self._activity() player = self.getplayer(bs.Player, False) if not killed: killerplayer = None else: # If this player was being held at the time of death, # the holder is the killer. if was_held: killerplayer = self.last_player_held_by else: # Otherwise, if they were attacked by someone in the # last few seconds, that person is the killer. # Otherwise it was a suicide. # FIXME: Currently disabling suicides in Co-Op since # all bot kills would register as suicides; need to # change this from last_player_attacked_by to # something like last_actor_attacked_by to fix that. if was_attacked_recently: killerplayer = self.last_player_attacked_by else: # ok, call it a suicide unless we're in co-op if activity is not None and not isinstance( activity.session, bs.CoopSession ): killerplayer = player else: killerplayer = None # We should never wind up with a dead-reference here; # we want to use None in that case. assert killerplayer is None or killerplayer # Only report if both the player and the activity still exist. if killed and activity is not None and player: activity.handlemessage( bs.PlayerDiedMessage( player, killed, killerplayer, ) ) super().handlemessage(msg) # Augment standard behavior. # Keep track of the player who last hit us for point rewarding. elif isinstance(msg, bs.HitMessage): source_player = msg.get_source_player(type(self._player)) if source_player: self.last_player_attacked_by = source_player self.last_attacked_time = bs.time() self.last_attacked_type = (msg.hit_type, msg.hit_subtype) super().handlemessage(msg) # Augment standard behavior. activity = self._activity() if activity is not None and self._player.exists(): activity.handlemessage(PlayerSpazHurtMessage(self)) else: return super().handlemessage(msg) return None
def _drive_player_position(self) -> None: """Drive our bascenev1.Player's official position If our position is changed explicitly, this should be called again to instantly update the player position (otherwise it would be out of date until the next sim step) """ player = self._player if player: assert self.node assert player.node self.node.connectattr('torso_position', player.node, 'position')