Source code for

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""Implements a flag used for marking bases, capture-the-flag games, etc."""

from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, override

import bascenev1 as bs

from bascenev1lib.gameutils import SharedObjects

    from typing import Any, Sequence

[docs] class FlagFactory: """Wraps up media and other resources used by `Flag`s. Category: **Gameplay Classes** A single instance of this is shared between all flags and can be retrieved via FlagFactory.get(). """ flagmaterial: bs.Material """The bs.Material applied to all `Flag`s.""" impact_sound: bs.Sound """The bs.Sound used when a `Flag` hits the ground.""" skid_sound: bs.Sound """The bs.Sound used when a `Flag` skids along the ground.""" no_hit_material: bs.Material """A bs.Material that prevents contact with most objects; applied to 'non-touchable' flags.""" flag_texture: bs.Texture """The bs.Texture for flags.""" _STORENAME = bs.storagename() def __init__(self) -> None: """Instantiate a `FlagFactory`. You shouldn't need to do this; call FlagFactory.get() to get a shared instance. """ shared = SharedObjects.get() self.flagmaterial = bs.Material() self.flagmaterial.add_actions( conditions=( ('we_are_younger_than', 100), 'and', ('they_have_material', shared.object_material), ), actions=('modify_node_collision', 'collide', False), ) self.flagmaterial.add_actions( conditions=( 'they_have_material', shared.footing_material, ), actions=( ('message', 'our_node', 'at_connect', 'footing', 1), ('message', 'our_node', 'at_disconnect', 'footing', -1), ), ) self.impact_sound = bs.getsound('metalHit') self.skid_sound = bs.getsound('metalSkid') self.flagmaterial.add_actions( conditions=( 'they_have_material', shared.footing_material, ), actions=( ('impact_sound', self.impact_sound, 2, 5), ('skid_sound', self.skid_sound, 2, 5), ), ) self.no_hit_material = bs.Material() self.no_hit_material.add_actions( conditions=( ('they_have_material', shared.pickup_material), 'or', ('they_have_material', shared.attack_material), ), actions=('modify_part_collision', 'collide', False), ) # We also don't want anything moving it. self.no_hit_material.add_actions( conditions=( ('they_have_material', shared.object_material), 'or', ('they_dont_have_material', shared.footing_material), ), actions=( ('modify_part_collision', 'collide', False), ('modify_part_collision', 'physical', False), ), ) self.flag_texture = bs.gettexture('flagColor')
[docs] @classmethod def get(cls) -> FlagFactory: """Get/create a shared `FlagFactory` instance.""" activity = bs.getactivity() factory = activity.customdata.get(cls._STORENAME) if factory is None: factory = FlagFactory() activity.customdata[cls._STORENAME] = factory assert isinstance(factory, FlagFactory) return factory
[docs] @dataclass class FlagPickedUpMessage: """A message saying a `Flag` has been picked up. Category: **Message Classes** """ flag: Flag """The `Flag` that has been picked up.""" node: bs.Node """The bs.Node doing the picking up."""
[docs] @dataclass class FlagDiedMessage: """A message saying a `Flag` has died. Category: **Message Classes** """ flag: Flag """The `Flag` that died.""" self_kill: bool = False """If the `Flag` killed itself or not."""
[docs] @dataclass class FlagDroppedMessage: """A message saying a `Flag` has been dropped. Category: **Message Classes** """ flag: Flag """The `Flag` that was dropped.""" node: bs.Node """The bs.Node that was holding it."""
[docs] class Flag(bs.Actor): """A flag; used in games such as capture-the-flag or king-of-the-hill. Category: **Gameplay Classes** Can be stationary or carry-able by players. """ def __init__( self, *, position: Sequence[float] = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), color: Sequence[float] = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), materials: Sequence[bs.Material] | None = None, touchable: bool = True, dropped_timeout: int | None = None, ): """Instantiate a flag. If 'touchable' is False, the flag will only touch terrain; useful for things like king-of-the-hill where players should not be moving the flag around. 'materials can be a list of extra `bs.Material`s to apply to the flag. If 'dropped_timeout' is provided (in seconds), the flag will die after remaining untouched for that long once it has been moved from its initial position. """ super().__init__() self._initial_position: Sequence[float] | None = None self._has_moved = False shared = SharedObjects.get() factory = FlagFactory.get() if materials is None: materials = [] elif not isinstance(materials, list): # In case they passed a tuple or whatnot. materials = list(materials) if not touchable: materials = [factory.no_hit_material] + materials finalmaterials = [ shared.object_material, factory.flagmaterial, ] + materials self.node = bs.newnode( 'flag', attrs={ 'position': (position[0], position[1] + 0.75, position[2]), 'color_texture': factory.flag_texture, 'color': color, 'materials': finalmaterials, }, delegate=self, ) if dropped_timeout is not None: dropped_timeout = int(dropped_timeout) self._dropped_timeout = dropped_timeout self._counter: bs.Node | None if self._dropped_timeout is not None: self._count = self._dropped_timeout self._tick_timer = bs.Timer( 1.0, call=bs.WeakCall(self._tick), repeat=True ) self._counter = bs.newnode( 'text', owner=self.node, attrs={ 'in_world': True, 'color': (1, 1, 1, 0.7), 'scale': 0.015, 'shadow': 0.5, 'flatness': 1.0, 'h_align': 'center', }, ) else: self._counter = None self._held_count = 0 self._score_text: bs.Node | None = None self._score_text_hide_timer: bs.Timer | None = None def _tick(self) -> None: if self.node: # Grab our initial position after one tick (in case we fall). if self._initial_position is None: self._initial_position = self.node.position # Keep track of when we first move; we don't count down # until then. if not self._has_moved: nodepos = self.node.position if ( max( abs(nodepos[i] - self._initial_position[i]) for i in list(range(3)) ) > 1.0 ): self._has_moved = True if self._held_count > 0 or not self._has_moved: assert self._dropped_timeout is not None assert self._counter self._count = self._dropped_timeout self._counter.text = '' else: self._count -= 1 if self._count <= 10: nodepos = self.node.position assert self._counter self._counter.position = ( nodepos[0], nodepos[1] + 1.3, nodepos[2], ) self._counter.text = str(self._count) if self._count < 1: self.handlemessage( bs.DieMessage(how=bs.DeathType.LEFT_GAME) ) else: assert self._counter self._counter.text = '' def _hide_score_text(self) -> None: assert self._score_text is not None assert isinstance(self._score_text.scale, float) bs.animate( self._score_text, 'scale', {0: self._score_text.scale, 0.2: 0} )
[docs] def set_score_text(self, text: str) -> None: """Show a message over the flag; handy for scores.""" if not self.node: return if not self._score_text: start_scale = 0.0 math = bs.newnode( 'math', owner=self.node, attrs={'input1': (0, 1.4, 0), 'operation': 'add'}, ) self.node.connectattr('position', math, 'input2') self._score_text = bs.newnode( 'text', owner=self.node, attrs={ 'text': text, 'in_world': True, 'scale': 0.02, 'shadow': 0.5, 'flatness': 1.0, 'h_align': 'center', }, ) math.connectattr('output', self._score_text, 'position') else: assert isinstance(self._score_text.scale, float) start_scale = self._score_text.scale self._score_text.text = text self._score_text.color = bs.safecolor(self.node.color) bs.animate(self._score_text, 'scale', {0: start_scale, 0.2: 0.02}) self._score_text_hide_timer = bs.Timer( 1.0, bs.WeakCall(self._hide_score_text) )
[docs] @override def handlemessage(self, msg: Any) -> Any: assert not self.expired if isinstance(msg, bs.DieMessage): if self.node: self.node.delete() if not msg.immediate: self.activity.handlemessage( FlagDiedMessage( self, ( is bs.DeathType.LEFT_GAME) ) ) elif isinstance(msg, bs.HitMessage): assert self.node assert msg.force_direction is not None self.node.handlemessage( 'impulse', msg.pos[0], msg.pos[1], msg.pos[2], msg.velocity[0], msg.velocity[1], msg.velocity[2], msg.magnitude, msg.velocity_magnitude, msg.radius, 0, msg.force_direction[0], msg.force_direction[1], msg.force_direction[2], ) elif isinstance(msg, bs.PickedUpMessage): self._held_count += 1 if self._held_count == 1 and self._counter is not None: self._counter.text = '' self.activity.handlemessage(FlagPickedUpMessage(self, msg.node)) elif isinstance(msg, bs.DroppedMessage): self._held_count -= 1 if self._held_count < 0: print('Flag held count < 0.') self._held_count = 0 self.activity.handlemessage(FlagDroppedMessage(self, msg.node)) else: super().handlemessage(msg)
[docs] @staticmethod def project_stand(pos: Sequence[float]) -> None: """Project a flag-stand onto the ground at the given position. Useful for games such as capture-the-flag to show where a movable flag originated from. """ assert len(pos) == 3 bs.emitfx(position=pos, emit_type='flag_stand')