Source code for

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""Network related data and functionality."""

from __future__ import annotations

import datetime
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Annotated
from dataclasses import dataclass, field

from efro.dataclassio import ioprepped, IOAttrs


[docs] @ioprepped @dataclass class ServerNodeEntry: """Information about a specific server.""" zone: Annotated[str, IOAttrs('r')] # TODO: Remove soft_default after all master-servers upgraded. latlong: Annotated[ tuple[float, float] | None, IOAttrs('ll', soft_default=None) ] address: Annotated[str, IOAttrs('a')] port: Annotated[int, IOAttrs('p')]
[docs] @ioprepped @dataclass class ServerNodeQueryResponse: """A response to a query about server-nodes.""" # The current utc time on the master server. time: Annotated[datetime.datetime, IOAttrs('t')] # Where the master server sees the query as coming from. latlong: Annotated[tuple[float, float] | None, IOAttrs('ll')] ping_per_dist: Annotated[float, IOAttrs('ppd')] max_dist: Annotated[float, IOAttrs('md')] debug_log_seconds: Annotated[ float | None, IOAttrs('d', store_default=False) ] = None # If present, something went wrong, and this describes it. error: Annotated[str | None, IOAttrs('e', store_default=False)] = None # The set of servernodes. servers: Annotated[ list[ServerNodeEntry], IOAttrs('s', store_default=False) ] = field(default_factory=list)
[docs] @ioprepped @dataclass class PrivateHostingState: """Combined state of whether we're hosting, whether we can, etc.""" unavailable_error: str | None = None party_code: str | None = None tickets_to_host_now: int = 0 tokens_to_host_now: int = 0 minutes_until_free_host: float | None = None free_host_minutes_remaining: float | None = None
[docs] @ioprepped @dataclass class PrivateHostingConfig: """Config provided when hosting a private party.""" session_type: str = 'ffa' playlist_name: str = 'Unknown' randomize: bool = False tutorial: bool = False custom_team_names: tuple[str, str] | None = None custom_team_colors: ( tuple[tuple[float, float, float], tuple[float, float, float]] | None ) = None playlist: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None exit_minutes: float = 120.0 exit_minutes_unclean: float = 180.0 exit_minutes_idle: float = 10.0
[docs] @ioprepped @dataclass class PrivatePartyConnectResult: """Info about a server we get back when connecting.""" error: str | None = None address4: Annotated[str | None, IOAttrs('addr')] = None address6: Annotated[str | None, IOAttrs('addr6')] = None port: int | None = None password: str | None = None