# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""Provides classic app subsystem."""
from __future__ import annotations
import random
import logging
import weakref
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, override, assert_never
from efro.dataclassio import dataclass_from_dict
import babase
import bauiv1
import bascenev1
import _baclassic
from baclassic._music import MusicSubsystem
from baclassic._accountv1 import AccountV1Subsystem
from baclassic._ads import AdsSubsystem
from baclassic._net import MasterServerResponseType, MasterServerV1CallThread
from baclassic._achievement import AchievementSubsystem
from baclassic._tips import get_all_tips
from baclassic._store import StoreSubsystem
from baclassic import _input
from typing import Callable, Any, Sequence
import bacommon.bs
from bascenev1lib.actor import spazappearance
from bauiv1lib.party import PartyWindow
from baclassic._servermode import ServerController
from baclassic._net import MasterServerCallback
class ClassicAppSubsystem(babase.AppSubsystem):
"""Subsystem for classic functionality in the app.
The single shared instance of this app can be accessed at
babase.app.classic. Note that it is possible for babase.app.classic to
be None if the classic package is not present, and code should handle
that case gracefully.
# pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
from baclassic._music import MusicPlayMode
def __init__(self) -> None:
self._env = babase.env()
self.accounts = AccountV1Subsystem()
self.ads = AdsSubsystem()
self.ach = AchievementSubsystem()
self.store = StoreSubsystem()
self.music = MusicSubsystem()
# Co-op Campaigns.
self.campaigns: dict[str, bascenev1.Campaign] = {}
self.custom_coop_practice_games: list[str] = []
# Lobby.
self.lobby_random_profile_index: int = 1
self.lobby_random_char_index_offset = random.randrange(1000)
self.lobby_account_profile_device_id: int | None = None
# Misc.
self.tips: list[str] = []
self.stress_test_update_timer: babase.AppTimer | None = None
self.stress_test_update_timer_2: babase.AppTimer | None = None
self.value_test_defaults: dict = {}
self.ping_thread_count = 0
self.allow_ticket_purchases: bool = True
# Classic-specific account state.
self.remove_ads = False
self.gold_pass = False
self.chest_dock_full = False
# Main Menu.
self.main_menu_did_initial_transition = False
self.main_menu_last_news_fetch_time: float | None = None
# Spaz.
self.spaz_appearances: dict[str, spazappearance.Appearance] = {}
self.last_spaz_turbo_warn_time = babase.AppTime(-99999.0)
# Server Mode.
self.server: ServerController | None = None
self.log_have_new = False
self.log_upload_timer_started = False
self.printed_live_object_warning = False
# We include this extra hash with shared input-mapping names so
# that we don't share mappings between differently-configured
# systems. For instance, different android devices may give
# different key values for the same controller type so we keep
# their mappings distinct.
self.input_map_hash: str | None = None
# Maps.
self.maps: dict[str, type[bascenev1.Map]] = {}
# Gameplay.
self.teams_series_length = 7 # Deprecated, left for old mods.
self.ffa_series_length = 24 # Deprecated, left for old mods.
self.coop_session_args: dict = {}
# UI.
self.first_main_menu = True # FIXME: Move to mainmenu class.
self.did_menu_intro = False # FIXME: Move to mainmenu class.
self.main_menu_window_refresh_check_count = 0 # FIXME: Mv to mainmenu.
self.invite_confirm_windows: list[Any] = [] # FIXME: Don't use Any.
self.party_window: weakref.ref[PartyWindow] | None = None
self.main_menu_resume_callbacks: list = []
self.saved_ui_state: bauiv1.MainWindowState | None = None
# Store.
self.store_layout: dict[str, list[dict[str, Any]]] | None = None
self.store_items: dict[str, dict] | None = None
self.pro_sale_start_time: int | None = None
self.pro_sale_start_val: int | None = None
def add_main_menu_close_callback(self, call: Callable[[], Any]) -> None:
# If there's no main window up, just call immediately.
if not babase.app.ui_v1.has_main_window():
with babase.ContextRef.empty():
def platform(self) -> str:
"""Name of the current platform.
Examples are: 'mac', 'windows', android'.
assert isinstance(self._env['platform'], str)
return self._env['platform']
def scene_v1_protocol_version(self) -> int:
return bascenev1.protocol_version()
def subplatform(self) -> str:
"""String for subplatform.
Can be empty. For the 'android' platform, subplatform may
be 'google', 'amazon', etc.
assert isinstance(self._env['subplatform'], str)
return self._env['subplatform']
def legacy_user_agent_string(self) -> str:
"""String containing various bits of info about OS/device/etc."""
assert isinstance(self._env['legacy_user_agent_string'], str)
return self._env['legacy_user_agent_string']
def on_app_loading(self) -> None:
from bascenev1lib.actor import spazappearance
from bascenev1lib import maps as stdmaps
plus = babase.app.plus
assert plus is not None
env = babase.app.env
cfg = babase.app.config
# Non-test, non-debug builds should generally be blessed; warn
# if not (so I don't accidentally release a build that can't
# play tourneys).
if not env.debug and not env.test and not plus.is_blessed():
babase.screenmessage('WARNING: NON-BLESSED BUILD', color=(1, 0, 0))
launch_count = cfg.get('launchCount', 0)
launch_count += 1
# So we know how many times we've run the game at various
# version milestones.
for key in ('lc14173', 'lc14292'):
cfg.setdefault(key, launch_count)
cfg['launchCount'] = launch_count
# If there's a leftover log file, attempt to upload it to the
# master-server and/or get rid of it.
def on_app_suspend(self) -> None:
def on_app_unsuspend(self) -> None:
def on_app_shutdown(self) -> None:
def pause(self) -> None:
"""Pause the game due to a user request or menu popping up.
If there's a foreground host-activity that says it's pausable, tell it
to pause. Note: we now no longer pause if there are connected clients.
activity: bascenev1.Activity | None = (
if (
activity is not None
and activity.allow_pausing
and not bascenev1.have_connected_clients()
from babase import Lstr
from bascenev1 import NodeActor
# FIXME: Shouldn't be touching scene stuff here; should just
# pass the request on to the host-session.
with activity.context:
globs = activity.globalsnode
if not globs.paused:
globs.paused = True
# FIXME: This should not be an attr on Actor.
activity.paused_text = NodeActor(
'text': Lstr(resource='pausedByHostText'),
'client_only': True,
'flatness': 1.0,
'h_align': 'center',
def resume(self) -> None:
"""Resume the game due to a user request or menu closing.
If there's a foreground host-activity that's currently paused, tell it
to resume.
# FIXME: Shouldn't be touching scene stuff here; should just
# pass the request on to the host-session.
activity = bascenev1.get_foreground_host_activity()
if activity is not None:
with activity.context:
globs = activity.globalsnode
if globs.paused:
globs.paused = False
# FIXME: This should not be an actor attr.
activity.paused_text = None
def add_coop_practice_level(self, level: bascenev1.Level) -> None:
"""Adds an individual level to the 'practice' section in Co-op."""
# Assign this level to our catch-all campaign.
# Make note to add it to our challenges UI.
def launch_coop_game(
self, game: str, force: bool = False, args: dict | None = None
) -> bool:
"""High level way to launch a local co-op session."""
# pylint: disable=cyclic-import
from bauiv1lib.coop.level import CoopLevelLockedWindow
assert babase.app.classic is not None
if args is None:
args = {}
if game == '':
raise ValueError('empty game name')
campaignname, levelname = game.split(':')
campaign = babase.app.classic.getcampaign(campaignname)
# If this campaign is sequential, make sure we've completed the
# one before this.
if campaign.sequential and not force:
for level in campaign.levels:
if level.name == levelname:
if not level.complete:
return False
# Save where we are in the UI to come back to when done.
# Ok, we're good to go.
self.coop_session_args = {
'campaign': campaignname,
'level': levelname,
for arg_name, arg_val in list(args.items()):
self.coop_session_args[arg_name] = arg_val
def _fade_end() -> None:
from bascenev1 import CoopSession
except Exception:
logging.exception('Error creating coopsession after fade end.')
from bascenev1lib.mainmenu import MainMenuSession
babase.fade_screen(False, endcall=_fade_end)
return True
def return_to_main_menu_session_gracefully(
self, reset_ui: bool = True
) -> None:
"""Attempt to cleanly get back to the main menu."""
# pylint: disable=cyclic-import
from baclassic import _benchmark
from bascenev1lib.mainmenu import MainMenuSession
plus = babase.app.plus
assert plus is not None
if reset_ui:
if isinstance(bascenev1.get_foreground_host_session(), MainMenuSession):
# It may be possible we're on the main menu but the screen
# is faded so fade back in.
_benchmark.stop_stress_test() # Stop stress-test if in progress.
# If we're in a host-session, tell them to end. This lets them
# tear themselves down gracefully.
host_session: bascenev1.Session | None = (
if host_session is not None:
# Kick off a little transaction so we'll hopefully have all
# the latest account state when we get back to the menu.
{'type': 'END_SESSION', 'sType': str(type(host_session))}
# Otherwise just force the issue.
babase.Call(bascenev1.new_host_session, MainMenuSession)
def getmaps(self, playtype: str) -> list[str]:
"""Return a list of bascenev1.Map types supporting a playtype str.
Category: **Asset Functions**
Maps supporting a given playtype must provide a particular set of
features and lend themselves to a certain style of play.
Play Types:
General fighting map.
Has one or more 'spawn' locations.
For games such as Capture The Flag where each team spawns by a flag.
Has two or more 'spawn' locations, each with a corresponding 'flag'
location (based on index).
For games such as King of the Hill or Keep Away where multiple teams
are fighting over a single flag.
Has two or more 'spawn' locations and 1 'flag_default' location.
For games such as Conquest where flags are spread throughout the map
- has 2+ 'flag' locations, 2+ 'spawn_by_flag' locations.
'king_of_the_hill' - has 2+ 'spawn' locations,
1+ 'flag_default' locations, and 1+ 'powerup_spawn' locations
For hockey games.
Has two 'goal' locations, corresponding 'spawn' locations, and one
'flag_default' location (for where puck spawns)
For football games.
Has two 'goal' locations, corresponding 'spawn' locations, and one
'flag_default' location (for where flag/ball/etc. spawns)
For racing games where players much touch each region in order.
Has two or more 'race_point' locations.
return sorted(
for key, val in self.maps.items()
if playtype in val.get_play_types()
def game_begin_analytics(self) -> None:
from baclassic import _analytics
def json_prep(cls, data: Any) -> Any:
"""Return a json-friendly version of the provided data.
This converts any tuples to lists and any bytes to strings
(interpreted as utf-8, ignoring errors). Logs errors (just once)
if any data is modified/discarded/unsupported.
if isinstance(data, dict):
return dict(
(cls.json_prep(key), cls.json_prep(value))
for key, value in list(data.items())
if isinstance(data, list):
return [cls.json_prep(element) for element in data]
if isinstance(data, tuple):
logging.exception('json_prep encountered tuple')
return [cls.json_prep(element) for element in data]
if isinstance(data, bytes):
return data.decode(errors='ignore')
except Exception:
logging.exception('json_prep encountered utf-8 decode error')
return data.decode(errors='ignore')
if not isinstance(data, (str, float, bool, type(None), int)):
'got unsupported type in json_prep: %s', type(data)
return data
def master_server_v1_get(
request: str,
data: dict[str, Any],
callback: MasterServerCallback | None = None,
response_type: MasterServerResponseType = MasterServerResponseType.JSON,
) -> None:
"""Make a call to the master server via a http GET."""
request, 'get', data, callback, response_type
def master_server_v1_post(
request: str,
data: dict[str, Any],
callback: MasterServerCallback | None = None,
response_type: MasterServerResponseType = MasterServerResponseType.JSON,
) -> None:
"""Make a call to the master server via a http POST."""
request, 'post', data, callback, response_type
def set_tournament_prize_image(
self, entry: dict[str, Any], index: int, image: bauiv1.Widget
) -> None:
"""Given a tournament entry, return strings for its prize levels."""
from baclassic import _tournament
return _tournament.set_tournament_prize_chest_image(entry, index, image)
def create_in_game_tournament_prize_image(
entry: dict[str, Any],
index: int,
position: tuple[float, float],
) -> None:
"""Given a tournament entry, return strings for its prize levels."""
from baclassic import _tournament
entry, index, position
def get_tournament_prize_strings(
self, entry: dict[str, Any], include_tickets: bool
) -> list[str]:
"""Given a tournament entry, return strings for its prize levels."""
from baclassic import _tournament
return _tournament.get_tournament_prize_strings(
entry, include_tickets=include_tickets
def getcampaign(self, name: str) -> bascenev1.Campaign:
"""Return a campaign by name."""
return self.campaigns[name]
def get_next_tip(self) -> str:
"""Returns the next tip to be displayed."""
if not self.tips:
for tip in get_all_tips():
self.tips.insert(random.randint(0, len(self.tips)), tip)
tip = self.tips.pop()
return tip
def run_cpu_benchmark(self) -> None:
"""Kick off a benchmark to test cpu speeds."""
from baclassic._benchmark import run_cpu_benchmark
def run_stress_test(
playlist_type: str = 'Random',
playlist_name: str = '__default__',
player_count: int = 8,
round_duration: int = 30,
attract_mode: bool = False,
) -> None:
"""Run a stress test."""
from baclassic._benchmark import run_stress_test
def get_player_colors(self) -> list[tuple[float, float, float]]:
"""Return user-selectable player colors."""
return bascenev1.get_player_colors()
def get_player_profile_icon(self, profilename: str) -> str:
"""Given a profile name, returns an icon string for it.
(non-account profiles only)
return bascenev1.get_player_profile_icon(profilename)
def get_player_profile_colors(
profilename: str | None,
profiles: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] | None = None,
) -> tuple[tuple[float, float, float], tuple[float, float, float]]:
"""Given a profile, return colors for them."""
return bascenev1.get_player_profile_colors(profilename, profiles)
def get_foreground_host_session(self) -> bascenev1.Session | None:
return bascenev1.get_foreground_host_session()
def get_foreground_host_activity(self) -> bascenev1.Activity | None:
return bascenev1.get_foreground_host_activity()
def value_test(
arg: str,
change: float | None = None,
absolute: float | None = None,
) -> float:
return _baclassic.value_test(arg, change, absolute)
def set_master_server_source(self, source: int) -> None:
def get_game_port(self) -> int:
return bascenev1.get_game_port()
def v2_upgrade_window(self, login_name: str, code: str) -> None:
from bauiv1lib.v2upgrade import V2UpgradeWindow
V2UpgradeWindow(login_name, code)
def account_link_code_window(self, data: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
from bauiv1lib.account.link import AccountLinkCodeWindow
def server_dialog(self, delay: float, data: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
from bauiv1lib.serverdialog import (
sddata = dataclass_from_dict(ServerDialogData, data)
except Exception:
sddata = None
'Got malformatted ServerDialogData: %s',
if sddata is not None:
babase.Call(ServerDialogWindow, sddata),
def show_url_window(self, address: str) -> None:
from bauiv1lib.url import ShowURLWindow
def quit_window(self, quit_type: babase.QuitType) -> None:
from bauiv1lib.confirm import QuitWindow
def tournament_entry_window(
tournament_id: str,
tournament_activity: bascenev1.Activity | None = None,
position: tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0),
delegate: Any = None,
scale: float | None = None,
offset: tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0),
on_close_call: Callable[[], Any] | None = None,
) -> None:
from bauiv1lib.tournamententry import TournamentEntryWindow
def get_main_menu_session(self) -> type[bascenev1.Session]:
from bascenev1lib.mainmenu import MainMenuSession
return MainMenuSession
def profile_browser_window(
transition: str = 'in_right',
origin_widget: bauiv1.Widget | None = None,
selected_profile: str | None = None,
) -> None:
from bauiv1lib.profile.browser import ProfileBrowserWindow
main_window = babase.app.ui_v1.get_main_window()
if main_window is not None:
' called with existing main window; should not happen.'
def party_icon_activate(self, origin: Sequence[float]) -> None:
from bauiv1lib.party import PartyWindow
from babase import app
assert app.env.gui
# Play explicit swish sound so it occurs due to keypresses/etc.
# This means we have to disable it for any button or else we get
# double.
# If it exists, dismiss it; otherwise make a new one.
party_window = (
None if self.party_window is None else self.party_window()
if party_window is not None:
self.party_window = weakref.ref(PartyWindow(origin=origin))
def save_ui_state(self) -> None:
"""Store our current place in the UI."""
ui = babase.app.ui_v1
mainwindow = ui.get_main_window()
if mainwindow is not None:
self.saved_ui_state = ui.save_main_window_state(mainwindow)
self.saved_ui_state = None
def invoke_main_menu_ui(self) -> None:
"""Bring up main menu ui."""
# Bring up the last place we were, or start at the main menu
# otherwise.
app = bauiv1.app
env = app.env
with bascenev1.ContextRef.empty():
assert app.classic is not None
if app.env.headless:
# UI stuff fails now in headless builds; avoid it.
# When coming back from a kiosk-mode game, jump to the
# kiosk start screen.
if env.demo or env.arcade:
# pylint: disable=cyclic-import
from bauiv1lib.kiosk import KioskWindow
KioskWindow(), is_top_level=True, suppress_warning=True
# If there's a saved ui state, restore that.
if self.saved_ui_state is not None:
# Otherwise start fresh at the main menu.
from bauiv1lib.mainmenu import MainMenuWindow
def run_bs_client_effects(effects: list[bacommon.bs.ClientEffect]) -> None:
"""Run client effects sent from the master server."""
from baclassic._clienteffect import run_bs_client_effects
def required_purchases_for_game(self, game: str) -> list[str]:
"""Return which purchase (if any) is required for a game."""
# pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
if game in (
'Challenges:Infinite Runaround',
'Challenges:Tournament Infinite Runaround',
# Special case: Pro used to unlock this.
return (
if self.accounts.have_pro()
else ['upgrades.infinite_runaround']
if game in (
'Challenges:Infinite Onslaught',
'Challenges:Tournament Infinite Onslaught',
# Special case: Pro used to unlock this.
return (
if self.accounts.have_pro()
else ['upgrades.infinite_onslaught']
if game in (
'Challenges:Meteor Shower',
'Challenges:Epic Meteor Shower',
return ['games.meteor_shower']
if game in (
'Challenges:Target Practice',
'Challenges:Target Practice B',
return ['games.target_practice']
if game in (
'Challenges:Ninja Fight',
'Challenges:Pro Ninja Fight',
return ['games.ninja_fight']
if game in ('Challenges:Race', 'Challenges:Pro Race'):
return ['games.race']
if game in ('Challenges:Lake Frigid Race',):
return ['games.race', 'maps.lake_frigid']
if game in (
'Challenges:Easter Egg Hunt',
'Challenges:Pro Easter Egg Hunt',
return ['games.easter_egg_hunt']
return []
def is_game_unlocked(self, game: str) -> bool:
"""Is a particular game unlocked?"""
plus = babase.app.plus
assert plus is not None
purchases = self.required_purchases_for_game(game)
if not purchases:
return True
for purchase in purchases:
if not plus.get_v1_account_product_purchased(purchase):
return False
return True