Source code for baclassic._appmode

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""Contains ClassicAppMode."""
from __future__ import annotations

import os
import logging
from functools import partial
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, override

from import AppExperience
import babase
import bauiv1
from bauiv1lib.connectivity import wait_for_connectivity
from bauiv1lib.account.signin import show_sign_in_prompt

import _baclassic

    from typing import Callable, Any, Literal

    from import CallbackRegistration
    from bauiv1lib.chest import ChestWindow

# ba_meta export babase.AppMode
class ClassicAppMode(babase.AppMode):
    """AppMode for the classic BombSquad experience."""

    LEAGUE_VIS_VALS_CONFIG_KEY = 'ClassicLeagueVisVals'

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self._on_primary_account_changed_callback: (
            CallbackRegistration | None
        ) = None
        self._on_connectivity_changed_callback: CallbackRegistration | None = (
        self._test_sub: babase.CloudSubscription | None = None
        self._account_data_sub: babase.CloudSubscription | None = None

        self._have_account_values = False
        self._have_connectivity = False
        self._current_account_id: str | None = None
        self._should_restore_account_league_vis_vals = False

[docs] @override @classmethod def get_app_experience(cls) -> AppExperience: return AppExperience.MELEE
@override @classmethod def _can_handle_intent(cls, intent: babase.AppIntent) -> bool: # We support default and exec intents currently. return isinstance( intent, babase.AppIntentExec | babase.AppIntentDefault )
[docs] @override def handle_intent(self, intent: babase.AppIntent) -> None: if isinstance(intent, babase.AppIntentExec): _baclassic.classic_app_mode_handle_app_intent_exec(intent.code) return assert isinstance(intent, babase.AppIntentDefault) _baclassic.classic_app_mode_handle_app_intent_default()
[docs] @override def on_activate(self) -> None: # Let the native layer do its thing. _baclassic.classic_app_mode_activate() app = plus = assert plus is not None # Wire up the root ui to do what we want. ui = app.ui_v1 ui.root_ui_calls[ui.RootUIElement.ACCOUNT_BUTTON] = ( self._root_ui_account_press ) ui.root_ui_calls[ui.RootUIElement.MENU_BUTTON] = ( self._root_ui_menu_press ) ui.root_ui_calls[ui.RootUIElement.SQUAD_BUTTON] = ( self._root_ui_squad_press ) ui.root_ui_calls[ui.RootUIElement.SETTINGS_BUTTON] = ( self._root_ui_settings_press ) ui.root_ui_calls[ui.RootUIElement.STORE_BUTTON] = ( self._root_ui_store_press ) ui.root_ui_calls[ui.RootUIElement.INVENTORY_BUTTON] = ( self._root_ui_inventory_press ) ui.root_ui_calls[ui.RootUIElement.GET_TOKENS_BUTTON] = ( self._root_ui_get_tokens_press ) ui.root_ui_calls[ui.RootUIElement.INBOX_BUTTON] = ( self._root_ui_inbox_press ) ui.root_ui_calls[ui.RootUIElement.TICKETS_METER] = ( self._root_ui_tickets_meter_press ) ui.root_ui_calls[ui.RootUIElement.TOKENS_METER] = ( self._root_ui_tokens_meter_press ) ui.root_ui_calls[ui.RootUIElement.TROPHY_METER] = ( self._root_ui_trophy_meter_press ) ui.root_ui_calls[ui.RootUIElement.LEVEL_METER] = ( self._root_ui_level_meter_press ) ui.root_ui_calls[ui.RootUIElement.ACHIEVEMENTS_BUTTON] = ( self._root_ui_achievements_press ) ui.root_ui_calls[ui.RootUIElement.CHEST_SLOT_0] = partial( self._root_ui_chest_slot_pressed, 0 ) ui.root_ui_calls[ui.RootUIElement.CHEST_SLOT_1] = partial( self._root_ui_chest_slot_pressed, 1 ) ui.root_ui_calls[ui.RootUIElement.CHEST_SLOT_2] = partial( self._root_ui_chest_slot_pressed, 2 ) ui.root_ui_calls[ui.RootUIElement.CHEST_SLOT_3] = partial( self._root_ui_chest_slot_pressed, 3 ) # We want to be informed when connectivity changes. self._on_connectivity_changed_callback = ( self._update_for_connectivity_change ) ) # We want to be informed when primary account changes. self._on_primary_account_changed_callback = ( plus.accounts.on_primary_account_changed_callbacks.register( self._update_for_primary_account ) ) # Establish subscriptions/etc. for any current primary account. self._update_for_primary_account(plus.accounts.primary) self._have_connectivity = self._update_for_connectivity_change(self._have_connectivity)
[docs] @override def on_deactivate(self) -> None: classic = # Store latest league vis vals for any active account. self._save_account_league_vis_vals() # Stop being informed of account changes. self._on_primary_account_changed_callback = None # Remove anything following any current account. self._update_for_primary_account(None) # Save where we were in the UI so we return there next time. if classic is not None: classic.save_ui_state() # Let the native layer do its thing. _baclassic.classic_app_mode_deactivate()
[docs] @override def on_app_active_changed(self) -> None: if not # If we've gone inactive, bring up the main menu, which has the # side effect of pausing the action (when possible). babase.invoke_main_menu() # Also store any league vis state for the active account. # this may be our last chance to do this on mobile. self._save_account_league_vis_vals()
def _update_for_primary_account( self, account: babase.AccountV2Handle | None ) -> None: """Update subscriptions/etc. for a new primary account state.""" assert babase.in_logic_thread() plus = assert plus is not None classic = assert classic is not None if account is not None: self._current_account_id = account.accountid babase.set_ui_account_state(True, account.tag) self._should_restore_account_league_vis_vals = True else: # If we had an account, save any existing league vis state # so we'll properly animate to new values the next time we # sign in. self._save_account_league_vis_vals() self._current_account_id = None babase.set_ui_account_state(False) self._should_restore_account_league_vis_vals = False # For testing subscription functionality. if os.environ.get('BA_SUBSCRIPTION_TEST') == '1': if account is None: self._test_sub = None else: with account: self._test_sub = self._on_sub_test_update ) else: self._test_sub = None if account is None: classic.gold_pass = False classic.chest_dock_full = False classic.remove_ads = False self._account_data_sub = None _baclassic.set_root_ui_account_values( tickets=-1, tokens=-1, league_type='', league_number=-1, league_rank=-1, achievements_percent_text='', level_text='', xp_text='', inbox_count_text='', gold_pass=False, chest_0_appearance='', chest_1_appearance='', chest_2_appearance='', chest_3_appearance='', chest_0_unlock_time=-1.0, chest_1_unlock_time=-1.0, chest_2_unlock_time=-1.0, chest_3_unlock_time=-1.0, chest_0_ad_allow_time=-1.0, chest_1_ad_allow_time=-1.0, chest_2_ad_allow_time=-1.0, chest_3_ad_allow_time=-1.0, ) self._have_account_values = False self._update_ui_live_state() else: with account: self._account_data_sub = ( self._on_classic_account_data_change ) ) def _update_for_connectivity_change(self, connected: bool) -> None: """Update when the app's connectivity state changes.""" self._have_connectivity = connected self._update_ui_live_state() def _update_ui_live_state(self) -> None: # We want to show ui elements faded if we don't have a live # connection to the master-server OR if we haven't received a # set of account values from them yet. If we just plug in raw # connectivity state here we get UI stuff un-fading a moment or # two before values appear (since the subscriptions have not # sent us any values yet) which looks odd. _baclassic.set_root_ui_have_live_values( self._have_connectivity and self._have_account_values ) def _on_sub_test_update(self, val: int | None) -> None: print(f'GOT SUB TEST UPDATE: {val}') def _on_classic_account_data_change( self, val: ) -> None: # print('ACCOUNT CHANGED:', val) achp = round(val.achievements / max(val.achievements_total, 1) * 100.0) ibc = str(val.inbox_count) if val.inbox_count_is_max: ibc += '+' chest0 = val.chests.get('0') chest1 = val.chests.get('1') chest2 = val.chests.get('2') chest3 = val.chests.get('3') # Keep a few handy values on classic updated with the latest # data. classic = assert classic is not None classic.remove_ads = val.remove_ads classic.gold_pass = val.gold_pass classic.chest_dock_full = ( chest0 is not None and chest1 is not None and chest2 is not None and chest3 is not None ) _baclassic.set_root_ui_account_values(, tokens=val.tokens, league_type=( '' if val.league_type is None else val.league_type.value ), league_number=(-1 if val.league_num is None else val.league_num), league_rank=(-1 if val.league_rank is None else val.league_rank), achievements_percent_text=f'{achp}%', level_text=str(val.level), xp_text=f'{val.xp}/{val.xpmax}', inbox_count_text=ibc, gold_pass=val.gold_pass, chest_0_appearance=( '' if chest0 is None else chest0.appearance.value ), chest_1_appearance=( '' if chest1 is None else chest1.appearance.value ), chest_2_appearance=( '' if chest2 is None else chest2.appearance.value ), chest_3_appearance=( '' if chest3 is None else chest3.appearance.value ), chest_0_unlock_time=( -1.0 if chest0 is None else chest0.unlock_time.timestamp() ), chest_1_unlock_time=( -1.0 if chest1 is None else chest1.unlock_time.timestamp() ), chest_2_unlock_time=( -1.0 if chest2 is None else chest2.unlock_time.timestamp() ), chest_3_unlock_time=( -1.0 if chest3 is None else chest3.unlock_time.timestamp() ), chest_0_ad_allow_time=( -1.0 if chest0 is None or chest0.ad_allow_time is None else chest0.ad_allow_time.timestamp() ), chest_1_ad_allow_time=( -1.0 if chest1 is None or chest1.ad_allow_time is None else chest1.ad_allow_time.timestamp() ), chest_2_ad_allow_time=( -1.0 if chest2 is None or chest2.ad_allow_time is None else chest2.ad_allow_time.timestamp() ), chest_3_ad_allow_time=( -1.0 if chest3 is None or chest3.ad_allow_time is None else chest3.ad_allow_time.timestamp() ), ) if self._should_restore_account_league_vis_vals: # If we have previous league vis vals for this account, # restore them. This will cause us to animate or otherwise # display league changes that have occurred since we were # last visible. Note we need to do this *after* setting real # vals so there is something to animate to. self._restore_account_league_vis_vals() self._should_restore_account_league_vis_vals = False # Note that we have values and updated faded state accordingly. self._have_account_values = True self._update_ui_live_state() def _root_ui_menu_press(self) -> None: from babase import push_back_press ui = # If *any* main-window is up, kill it and resume play. old_window = ui.get_main_window() if old_window is not None: classic = assert classic is not None classic.resume() ui.clear_main_window() return # Otherwise push_back_press() def _root_ui_account_press(self) -> None: from bauiv1lib.account.settings import AccountSettingsWindow self._auxiliary_window_nav( win_type=AccountSettingsWindow, win_create_call=lambda: AccountSettingsWindow( origin_widget=bauiv1.get_special_widget('account_button') ), ) def _root_ui_squad_press(self) -> None: btn = bauiv1.get_special_widget('squad_button') center = btn.get_screen_space_center() if is not None: else: logging.warning('party_icon_activate: no classic.') def _root_ui_settings_press(self) -> None: from bauiv1lib.settings.allsettings import AllSettingsWindow self._auxiliary_window_nav( win_type=AllSettingsWindow, win_create_call=lambda: AllSettingsWindow( origin_widget=bauiv1.get_special_widget('settings_button') ), ) def _auxiliary_window_nav( self, win_type: type[bauiv1.MainWindow], win_create_call: Callable[[], bauiv1.MainWindow], ) -> None: """Navigate to or away from an Auxiliary window. Auxiliary windows can be thought of as 'side quests' in the window hierarchy; places such as settings windows or league ranking windows that the user might want to visit without losing their place in the regular hierarchy. """ # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck ui = current_main_window = ui.get_main_window() # Scan our ancestors for auxiliary states matching our type as # well as auxiliary states in general. aux_matching_state: bauiv1.MainWindowState | None = None aux_state: bauiv1.MainWindowState | None = None if current_main_window is None: raise RuntimeError( 'Not currently handling no-top-level-window case.' ) state = current_main_window.main_window_back_state while state is not None: assert state.window_type is not None if state.is_auxiliary: if state.window_type is win_type: aux_matching_state = state else: aux_state = state state = state.parent # If there's an ancestor auxiliary window-state matching our # type, back out past it (example: poking settings, navigating # down a level or two, and then poking settings again should # back out of settings). if aux_matching_state is not None: current_main_window.main_window_back_state = ( aux_matching_state.parent ) current_main_window.main_window_back() return # If there's an ancestory auxiliary state *not* matching our # type, crop the state and swap in our new auxiliary UI # (example: poking settings, then poking account, then poking # back should end up where things were before the settings # poke). if aux_state is not None: # Blow away the window stack and build a fresh one. ui.clear_main_window() ui.set_main_window( win_create_call(), from_window=False, # Disable from-check. back_state=aux_state.parent, suppress_warning=True, is_auxiliary=True, ) return # Ok, no auxiliary states found. Now if current window is # auxiliary and the type matches, simply do a back. if ( current_main_window.main_window_is_auxiliary and type(current_main_window) is win_type ): current_main_window.main_window_back() return # If current window is auxiliary but type doesn't match, # swap it out for our new auxiliary UI. if current_main_window.main_window_is_auxiliary: ui.clear_main_window() ui.set_main_window( win_create_call(), from_window=False, # Disable from-check. back_state=current_main_window.main_window_back_state, suppress_warning=True, is_auxiliary=True, ) return # Ok, no existing auxiliary stuff was found period. Just # navigate forward to this UI. current_main_window.main_window_replace( win_create_call(), is_auxiliary=True ) def _root_ui_achievements_press(self) -> None: from bauiv1lib.achievements import AchievementsWindow if not self._ensure_signed_in_v1(): return wait_for_connectivity( on_connected=lambda: self._auxiliary_window_nav( win_type=AchievementsWindow, win_create_call=lambda: AchievementsWindow( origin_widget=bauiv1.get_special_widget( 'achievements_button' ) ), ) ) def _root_ui_inbox_press(self) -> None: from bauiv1lib.inbox import InboxWindow if not self._ensure_signed_in(): return wait_for_connectivity( on_connected=lambda: self._auxiliary_window_nav( win_type=InboxWindow, win_create_call=lambda: InboxWindow( origin_widget=bauiv1.get_special_widget('inbox_button') ), ) ) def _root_ui_store_press(self) -> None: from import StoreBrowserWindow if not self._ensure_signed_in_v1(): return wait_for_connectivity( on_connected=lambda: self._auxiliary_window_nav( win_type=StoreBrowserWindow, win_create_call=lambda: StoreBrowserWindow( origin_widget=bauiv1.get_special_widget('store_button') ), ) ) def _root_ui_tickets_meter_press(self) -> None: from bauiv1lib.resourcetypeinfo import ResourceTypeInfoWindow ResourceTypeInfoWindow( 'tickets', origin_widget=bauiv1.get_special_widget('tickets_meter') ) def _root_ui_tokens_meter_press(self) -> None: from bauiv1lib.resourcetypeinfo import ResourceTypeInfoWindow ResourceTypeInfoWindow( 'tokens', origin_widget=bauiv1.get_special_widget('tokens_meter') ) def _root_ui_trophy_meter_press(self) -> None: from bauiv1lib.league.rankwindow import LeagueRankWindow if not self._ensure_signed_in_v1(): return self._auxiliary_window_nav( win_type=LeagueRankWindow, win_create_call=lambda: LeagueRankWindow( origin_widget=bauiv1.get_special_widget('trophy_meter') ), ) def _root_ui_level_meter_press(self) -> None: from bauiv1lib.resourcetypeinfo import ResourceTypeInfoWindow ResourceTypeInfoWindow( 'xp', origin_widget=bauiv1.get_special_widget('level_meter') ) def _root_ui_inventory_press(self) -> None: from bauiv1lib.inventory import InventoryWindow if not self._ensure_signed_in_v1(): return self._auxiliary_window_nav( win_type=InventoryWindow, win_create_call=lambda: InventoryWindow( origin_widget=bauiv1.get_special_widget('inventory_button') ), ) def _ensure_signed_in(self) -> bool: """Make sure we're signed in (requiring modern v2 accounts).""" plus = if plus is None: bauiv1.screenmessage('This requires plus.', color=(1, 0, 0)) bauiv1.getsound('error').play() return False if plus.accounts.primary is None: show_sign_in_prompt() return False return True def _ensure_signed_in_v1(self) -> bool: """Make sure we're signed in (allowing legacy v1-only accounts).""" plus = if plus is None: bauiv1.screenmessage('This requires plus.', color=(1, 0, 0)) bauiv1.getsound('error').play() return False if plus.get_v1_account_state() != 'signed_in': show_sign_in_prompt() return False return True def _root_ui_get_tokens_press(self) -> None: from bauiv1lib.gettokens import GetTokensWindow if not self._ensure_signed_in(): return self._auxiliary_window_nav( win_type=GetTokensWindow, win_create_call=lambda: GetTokensWindow( origin_widget=bauiv1.get_special_widget('get_tokens_button') ), ) def _root_ui_chest_slot_pressed(self, index: int) -> None: from bauiv1lib.chest import ( ChestWindow0, ChestWindow1, ChestWindow2, ChestWindow3, ) widgetid: Literal[ 'chest_0_button', 'chest_1_button', 'chest_2_button', 'chest_3_button', ] winclass: type[ChestWindow] if index == 0: widgetid = 'chest_0_button' winclass = ChestWindow0 elif index == 1: widgetid = 'chest_1_button' winclass = ChestWindow1 elif index == 2: widgetid = 'chest_2_button' winclass = ChestWindow2 elif index == 3: widgetid = 'chest_3_button' winclass = ChestWindow3 else: raise RuntimeError(f'Invalid index {index}') wait_for_connectivity( on_connected=lambda: self._auxiliary_window_nav( win_type=winclass, win_create_call=lambda: winclass( index=index, origin_widget=bauiv1.get_special_widget(widgetid), ), ) ) def _save_account_league_vis_vals(self) -> None: # If we currently have an account, save any currently-displayed # league info alongside the account id. We'll then restore this # state as a starting point the next time we are active, meaning # any changes that occur while we're away will be animated for # the user to see. if self._current_account_id is not None: vals = _baclassic.get_root_ui_account_league_vis_values() if vals is not None: assert 'a' not in vals vals['a'] = self._current_account_id cfg = cfg[self.LEAGUE_VIS_VALS_CONFIG_KEY] = vals cfg.commit() def _restore_account_league_vis_vals(self) -> None: # If we currently have an account and it matches vis-vals we have # stored in the config, restore those values. if self._current_account_id is not None: cfg = vals = cfg.get(self.LEAGUE_VIS_VALS_CONFIG_KEY) if isinstance(vals, dict): valsaccount = vals.get('a') if ( isinstance(valsaccount, str) and valsaccount == self._current_account_id ): _baclassic.set_root_ui_account_league_vis_values(vals)
[docs] def on_engine_will_reset(self) -> None: """Called just before classic resets the engine. This happens at various times such as session switches. """ self._save_account_league_vis_vals()
[docs] def on_engine_did_reset(self) -> None: """Called just after classic resets the engine. This happens at various times such as session switches. """ # Restore any old league vis state we had; this allows the user # to see league improvements/etc. that occurred while we were # gone. self._restore_account_league_vis_vals()