Source code for efro.terminal

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""Functionality related to terminal IO."""
from __future__ import annotations

import sys
import os
from enum import Enum, unique
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

    from typing import Any, ClassVar

[docs] @unique class TerminalColor(Enum): """Color codes for printing to terminals. Generally the Clr class should be used when incorporating color into terminal output, as it handles non-color-supporting terminals/etc. """ # Styles RESET = '\033[0m' BOLD = '\033[1m' UNDERLINE = '\033[4m' INVERSE = '\033[7m' # Normal foreground colors BLACK = '\033[30m' RED = '\033[31m' GREEN = '\033[32m' YELLOW = '\033[33m' BLUE = '\033[34m' MAGENTA = '\033[35m' CYAN = '\033[36m' WHITE = '\033[37m' # Normal background colors. BG_BLACK = '\033[40m' BG_RED = '\033[41m' BG_GREEN = '\033[42m' BG_YELLOW = '\033[43m' BG_BLUE = '\033[44m' BG_MAGENTA = '\033[45m' BG_CYAN = '\033[46m' BG_WHITE = '\033[47m' # Strong foreground colors STRONG_BLACK = '\033[90m' STRONG_RED = '\033[91m' STRONG_GREEN = '\033[92m' STRONG_YELLOW = '\033[93m' STRONG_BLUE = '\033[94m' STRONG_MAGENTA = '\033[95m' STRONG_CYAN = '\033[96m' STRONG_WHITE = '\033[97m' # Strong background colors. STRONG_BG_BLACK = '\033[100m' STRONG_BG_RED = '\033[101m' STRONG_BG_GREEN = '\033[102m' STRONG_BG_YELLOW = '\033[103m' STRONG_BG_BLUE = '\033[104m' STRONG_BG_MAGENTA = '\033[105m' STRONG_BG_CYAN = '\033[106m' STRONG_BG_WHITE = '\033[107m'
def _default_color_enabled() -> bool: """Return whether we enable ANSI color codes by default.""" import platform # If our stdout is not attached to a terminal, go with no-color. assert sys.__stdout__ is not None if not sys.__stdout__.isatty(): return False termenv = os.environ.get('TERM') # If TERM is unset, don't attempt color (this is currently the case # in xcode). if termenv is None: return False # A common way to say the terminal can't do fancy stuff like color. if termenv == 'dumb': return False # On windows, try to enable ANSI color mode. if platform.system() == 'Windows': return _windows_enable_color() # We seem to be a terminal with color support; let's do it! return True # noinspection PyPep8Naming def _windows_enable_color() -> bool: """Attempt to enable ANSI color on windows terminal; return success.""" # pylint: disable=invalid-name, import-error, undefined-variable # Pulled from: import msvcrt import ctypes from ctypes import wintypes kernel32 = ctypes.WinDLL('kernel32', use_last_error=True) # type: ignore ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER = 0x0057 ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING = 0x0004 def _check_bool(result: Any, _func: Any, args: Any) -> Any: if not result: raise ctypes.WinError(ctypes.get_last_error()) # type: ignore return args LPDWORD = ctypes.POINTER(wintypes.DWORD) kernel32.GetConsoleMode.errcheck = _check_bool kernel32.GetConsoleMode.argtypes = (wintypes.HANDLE, LPDWORD) kernel32.SetConsoleMode.errcheck = _check_bool kernel32.SetConsoleMode.argtypes = (wintypes.HANDLE, wintypes.DWORD) def set_conout_mode(new_mode: int, mask: int = 0xFFFFFFFF) -> int: # don't assume StandardOutput is a console. # open CONOUT$ instead fdout ='CONOUT$', os.O_RDWR) try: hout = msvcrt.get_osfhandle(fdout) # type: ignore # pylint: disable=useless-suppression # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter old_mode = wintypes.DWORD() # pylint: enable=useless-suppression kernel32.GetConsoleMode(hout, ctypes.byref(old_mode)) mode = (new_mode & mask) | (old_mode.value & ~mask) kernel32.SetConsoleMode(hout, mode) return old_mode.value finally: os.close(fdout) def enable_vt_mode() -> int: mode = mask = ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING try: return set_conout_mode(mode, mask) except WindowsError as exc: # type: ignore if exc.winerror == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: raise NotImplementedError from exc raise try: enable_vt_mode() return True except NotImplementedError: return False
[docs] class ClrBase: """Base class for color convenience class.""" RST: ClassVar[str] BLD: ClassVar[str] UND: ClassVar[str] INV: ClassVar[str] # Normal foreground colors BLK: ClassVar[str] RED: ClassVar[str] GRN: ClassVar[str] YLW: ClassVar[str] BLU: ClassVar[str] MAG: ClassVar[str] CYN: ClassVar[str] WHT: ClassVar[str] # Normal background colors. BBLK: ClassVar[str] BRED: ClassVar[str] BGRN: ClassVar[str] BYLW: ClassVar[str] BBLU: ClassVar[str] BMAG: ClassVar[str] BCYN: ClassVar[str] BWHT: ClassVar[str] # Strong foreground colors SBLK: ClassVar[str] SRED: ClassVar[str] SGRN: ClassVar[str] SYLW: ClassVar[str] SBLU: ClassVar[str] SMAG: ClassVar[str] SCYN: ClassVar[str] SWHT: ClassVar[str] # Strong background colors. SBBLK: ClassVar[str] SBRED: ClassVar[str] SBGRN: ClassVar[str] SBYLW: ClassVar[str] SBBLU: ClassVar[str] SBMAG: ClassVar[str] SBCYN: ClassVar[str] SBWHT: ClassVar[str]
[docs] class ClrAlways(ClrBase): """Convenience class for color terminal output. This version has colors always enabled. Generally you should use Clr which points to the correct enabled/disabled class depending on the environment. """ color_enabled = True # Styles RST = TerminalColor.RESET.value BLD = TerminalColor.BOLD.value UND = TerminalColor.UNDERLINE.value INV = TerminalColor.INVERSE.value # Normal foreground colors BLK = TerminalColor.BLACK.value RED = TerminalColor.RED.value GRN = TerminalColor.GREEN.value YLW = TerminalColor.YELLOW.value BLU = TerminalColor.BLUE.value MAG = TerminalColor.MAGENTA.value CYN = TerminalColor.CYAN.value WHT = TerminalColor.WHITE.value # Normal background colors. BBLK = TerminalColor.BG_BLACK.value BRED = TerminalColor.BG_RED.value BGRN = TerminalColor.BG_GREEN.value BYLW = TerminalColor.BG_YELLOW.value BBLU = TerminalColor.BG_BLUE.value BMAG = TerminalColor.BG_MAGENTA.value BCYN = TerminalColor.BG_CYAN.value BWHT = TerminalColor.BG_WHITE.value # Strong foreground colors SBLK = TerminalColor.STRONG_BLACK.value SRED = TerminalColor.STRONG_RED.value SGRN = TerminalColor.STRONG_GREEN.value SYLW = TerminalColor.STRONG_YELLOW.value SBLU = TerminalColor.STRONG_BLUE.value SMAG = TerminalColor.STRONG_MAGENTA.value SCYN = TerminalColor.STRONG_CYAN.value SWHT = TerminalColor.STRONG_WHITE.value # Strong background colors. SBBLK = TerminalColor.STRONG_BG_BLACK.value SBRED = TerminalColor.STRONG_BG_RED.value SBGRN = TerminalColor.STRONG_BG_GREEN.value SBYLW = TerminalColor.STRONG_BG_YELLOW.value SBBLU = TerminalColor.STRONG_BG_BLUE.value SBMAG = TerminalColor.STRONG_BG_MAGENTA.value SBCYN = TerminalColor.STRONG_BG_CYAN.value SBWHT = TerminalColor.STRONG_BG_WHITE.value
[docs] class ClrNever(ClrBase): """Convenience class for color terminal output. This version has colors disabled. Generally you should use Clr which points to the correct enabled/disabled class depending on the environment. """ color_enabled = False # Styles RST = '' BLD = '' UND = '' INV = '' # Normal foreground colors BLK = '' RED = '' GRN = '' YLW = '' BLU = '' MAG = '' CYN = '' WHT = '' # Normal background colors. BBLK = '' BRED = '' BGRN = '' BYLW = '' BBLU = '' BMAG = '' BCYN = '' BWHT = '' # Strong foreground colors SBLK = '' SRED = '' SGRN = '' SYLW = '' SBLU = '' SMAG = '' SCYN = '' SWHT = '' # Strong background colors. SBBLK = '' SBRED = '' SBGRN = '' SBYLW = '' SBBLU = '' SBMAG = '' SBCYN = '' SBWHT = ''
_envval = os.environ.get('EFRO_TERMCOLORS') color_enabled: bool = ( True if _envval == '1' else False if _envval == '0' else _default_color_enabled() ) Clr: type[ClrBase] = ClrAlways if color_enabled else ClrNever