Source code for bauiv1lib.playlist.editgame

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""Provides UI for editing a game config."""

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import random
import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, cast, override

import bascenev1 as bs
import bauiv1 as bui

    from typing import Any, Callable

[docs] class PlaylistEditGameWindow(bui.MainWindow): """Window for editing a game config.""" def __init__( self, gametype: type[bs.GameActivity], sessiontype: type[bs.Session], config: dict[str, Any] | None, completion_call: Callable[[dict[str, Any] | None, bui.MainWindow], Any], default_selection: str | None = None, transition: str | None = 'in_right', origin_widget: bui.Widget | None = None, edit_info: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches # pylint: disable=too-many-positional-arguments # pylint: disable=too-many-statements # pylint: disable=too-many-locals from bascenev1 import ( get_filtered_map_name, get_map_class, get_map_display_string, ) assert is not None store = self._gametype = gametype self._sessiontype = sessiontype # If we're within an editing session we get passed edit_info # (returning from map selection window, etc). if edit_info is not None: self._edit_info = edit_info # ..otherwise determine whether we're adding or editing a game based # on whether an existing config was passed to us. else: if config is None: self._edit_info = {'editType': 'add'} else: self._edit_info = {'editType': 'edit'} self._r = 'gameSettingsWindow' valid_maps = gametype.get_supported_maps(sessiontype) if not valid_maps: bui.screenmessage(bui.Lstr(resource='noValidMapsErrorText')) raise RuntimeError('No valid maps found.') self._config = config self._settings_defs = gametype.get_available_settings(sessiontype) self._completion_call = completion_call # To start with, pick a random map out of the ones we own. unowned_maps = store.get_unowned_maps() valid_maps_owned = [m for m in valid_maps if m not in unowned_maps] if valid_maps_owned: self._map = valid_maps[random.randrange(len(valid_maps_owned))] # Hmmm.. we own none of these maps.. just pick a random un-owned one # I guess.. should this ever happen? else: self._map = valid_maps[random.randrange(len(valid_maps))] is_add = self._edit_info['editType'] == 'add' # If there's a valid map name in the existing config, use that. try: if ( config is not None and 'settings' in config and 'map' in config['settings'] ): filtered_map_name = get_filtered_map_name( config['settings']['map'] ) if filtered_map_name in valid_maps: self._map = filtered_map_name except Exception: logging.exception('Error getting map for editor.') if config is not None and 'settings' in config: self._settings = config['settings'] else: self._settings = {} self._choice_selections: dict[str, int] = {} uiscale = width = 820 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 620 x_inset = 100 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 0 height = ( 400 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 460 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.MEDIUM else 550 ) spacing = 52 y_extra = 15 y_extra2 = 21 yoffs = -30 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 0 map_tex_name = get_map_class(self._map).get_preview_texture_name() if map_tex_name is None: raise RuntimeError(f'No map preview tex found for {self._map}.') map_tex = bui.gettexture(map_tex_name) top_extra = 20 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 0 super().__init__( root_widget=bui.containerwidget( size=(width, height + top_extra), scale=( 2.3 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 1.35 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.MEDIUM else 1.0 ), stack_offset=( (0, 0) if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else (0, 0) ), ), transition=transition, origin_widget=origin_widget, ) btn = bui.buttonwidget( parent=self._root_widget, position=(45 + x_inset, height - 82 + y_extra2 + yoffs), size=(60, 48) if is_add else (180, 65), label=( bui.charstr(bui.SpecialChar.BACK) if is_add else bui.Lstr(resource='cancelText') ), button_type='backSmall' if is_add else None, autoselect=True, scale=1.0 if is_add else 0.75, text_scale=1.3, on_activate_call=bui.Call(self._cancel), ) bui.containerwidget(edit=self._root_widget, cancel_button=btn) add_button = bui.buttonwidget( parent=self._root_widget, position=(width - (193 + x_inset), height - 82 + y_extra2 + yoffs), size=(200, 65), scale=0.75, text_scale=1.3, label=( bui.Lstr(resource=f'{self._r}.addGameText') if is_add else bui.Lstr(resource='applyText') ), ) pbtn = bui.get_special_widget('squad_button') bui.widget(edit=add_button, right_widget=pbtn, up_widget=pbtn) bui.textwidget( parent=self._root_widget, position=(-8, height - 70 + y_extra2 + yoffs), size=(width, 25), text=gametype.get_display_string(),, maxwidth=235, scale=1.1, h_align='center', v_align='center', ) map_height = 100 scroll_height = map_height + 10 # map select and margin # Calc our total height we'll need scroll_height += spacing * len(self._settings_defs) scroll_width = width - (86 + 2 * x_inset) self._scrollwidget = bui.scrollwidget( parent=self._root_widget, position=( 44 + x_inset, (80 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 35) + y_extra + yoffs, ), size=( scroll_width, height - (166 if uiscale is bui.UIScale.SMALL else 116), ), highlight=False, claims_left_right=True, selection_loops_to_parent=True, border_opacity=0.4, ) self._subcontainer = bui.containerwidget( parent=self._scrollwidget, size=(scroll_width, scroll_height), background=False, claims_left_right=True, selection_loops_to_parent=True, ) v = scroll_height - 5 h = -40 # Keep track of all the selectable widgets we make so we can wire # them up conveniently. widget_column: list[list[bui.Widget]] = [] # Map select button. bui.textwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=(h + 49, v - 63), size=(100, 30), maxwidth=110, text=bui.Lstr(resource='mapText'), h_align='left', color=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0), v_align='center', ) bui.imagewidget( parent=self._subcontainer, size=(256 * 0.7, 125 * 0.7), position=(h + 261 - 128 + 128.0 * 0.56, v - 90), texture=map_tex, mesh_opaque=bui.getmesh('level_select_button_opaque'), mesh_transparent=bui.getmesh('level_select_button_transparent'), mask_texture=bui.gettexture('mapPreviewMask'), ) map_button = btn = bui.buttonwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, size=(140, 60), position=(h + 448, v - 72), on_activate_call=bui.Call(self._select_map), scale=0.7, label=bui.Lstr(resource='mapSelectText'), ) widget_column.append([btn]) bui.textwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=(h + 363 - 123, v - 114), size=(100, 30), flatness=1.0, shadow=1.0, scale=0.55, maxwidth=256 * 0.7 * 0.8, text=get_map_display_string(self._map), h_align='center', color=(0.6, 1.0, 0.6, 1.0), v_align='center', ) v -= map_height for setting in self._settings_defs: value = setting.default value_type = type(value) # Now, if there's an existing value for it in the config, # override with that. try: if ( config is not None and 'settings' in config and in config['settings'] ): value = value_type(config['settings'][]) except Exception: logging.exception('Error getting game setting.') # Shove the starting value in there to start. self._settings[] = value name_translated = self._get_localized_setting_name( mw1 = 280 mw2 = 70 # Handle types with choices specially: if isinstance(setting, bs.ChoiceSetting): for choice in setting.choices: if len(choice) != 2: raise ValueError( "Expected 2-member tuples for 'choices'; got: " + repr(choice) ) if not isinstance(choice[0], str): raise TypeError( 'First value for choice tuple must be a str; got: ' + repr(choice) ) if not isinstance(choice[1], value_type): raise TypeError( 'Choice type does not match default value; choice:' + repr(choice) + '; setting:' + repr(setting) ) if value_type not in (int, float): raise TypeError( 'Choice type setting must have int or float default; ' 'got: ' + repr(setting) ) # Start at the choice corresponding to the default if possible. self._choice_selections[] = 0 for index, choice in enumerate(setting.choices): if choice[1] == value: self._choice_selections[] = index break v -= spacing bui.textwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=(h + 50, v), size=(100, 30), maxwidth=mw1, text=name_translated, h_align='left', color=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0), v_align='center', ) txt = bui.textwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=(h + 509 - 95, v), size=(0, 28), text=self._get_localized_setting_name( setting.choices[self._choice_selections[]][ 0 ] ), editable=False, color=(0.6, 1.0, 0.6, 1.0), maxwidth=mw2, h_align='right', v_align='center', padding=2, ) btn1 = bui.buttonwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=(h + 509 - 50 - 1, v), size=(28, 28), label='<', autoselect=True, on_activate_call=bui.Call( self._choice_inc,, txt, setting, -1 ), repeat=True, ) btn2 = bui.buttonwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=(h + 509 + 5, v), size=(28, 28), label='>', autoselect=True, on_activate_call=bui.Call( self._choice_inc,, txt, setting, 1 ), repeat=True, ) widget_column.append([btn1, btn2]) elif isinstance(setting, (bs.IntSetting, bs.FloatSetting)): v -= spacing min_value = setting.min_value max_value = setting.max_value increment = setting.increment bui.textwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=(h + 50, v), size=(100, 30), text=name_translated, h_align='left', color=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0), v_align='center', maxwidth=mw1, ) txt = bui.textwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=(h + 509 - 95, v), size=(0, 28), text=str(value), editable=False, color=(0.6, 1.0, 0.6, 1.0), maxwidth=mw2, h_align='right', v_align='center', padding=2, ) btn1 = bui.buttonwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=(h + 509 - 50 - 1, v), size=(28, 28), label='-', autoselect=True, on_activate_call=bui.Call( self._inc, txt, min_value, max_value, -increment, value_type,, ), repeat=True, ) btn2 = bui.buttonwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=(h + 509 + 5, v), size=(28, 28), label='+', autoselect=True, on_activate_call=bui.Call( self._inc, txt, min_value, max_value, increment, value_type,, ), repeat=True, ) widget_column.append([btn1, btn2]) elif value_type == bool: v -= spacing bui.textwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=(h + 50, v), size=(100, 30), text=name_translated, h_align='left', color=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0), v_align='center', maxwidth=mw1, ) txt = bui.textwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, position=(h + 509 - 95, v), size=(0, 28), text=( bui.Lstr(resource='onText') if value else bui.Lstr(resource='offText') ), editable=False, color=(0.6, 1.0, 0.6, 1.0), maxwidth=mw2, h_align='right', v_align='center', padding=2, ) cbw = bui.checkboxwidget( parent=self._subcontainer, text='', position=(h + 505 - 50 - 5, v - 2), size=(200, 30), autoselect=True, textcolor=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), value=value, on_value_change_call=bui.Call( self._check_value_change,, txt ), ) widget_column.append([cbw]) else: raise TypeError(f'Invalid value type: {value_type}.') # Ok now wire up the column. try: prev_widgets: list[bui.Widget] | None = None for cwdg in widget_column: if prev_widgets is not None: # Wire our rightmost to their rightmost. bui.widget(edit=prev_widgets[-1], down_widget=cwdg[-1]) bui.widget(edit=cwdg[-1], up_widget=prev_widgets[-1]) # Wire our leftmost to their leftmost. bui.widget(edit=prev_widgets[0], down_widget=cwdg[0]) bui.widget(edit=cwdg[0], up_widget=prev_widgets[0]) prev_widgets = cwdg except Exception: logging.exception( 'Error wiring up game-settings-select widget column.' ) bui.buttonwidget(edit=add_button, on_activate_call=bui.Call(self._add)) bui.containerwidget( edit=self._root_widget, selected_child=add_button, start_button=add_button, ) if default_selection == 'map': bui.containerwidget( edit=self._root_widget, selected_child=self._scrollwidget ) bui.containerwidget( edit=self._subcontainer, selected_child=map_button )
[docs] @override def get_main_window_state(self) -> bui.MainWindowState: # Support recreating our window for back/refresh purposes. cls = type(self) # Pull things out of self here so we don't refer to self in the # lambda below which would keep us alive. gametype = self._gametype sessiontype = self._sessiontype config = self._config completion_call = self._completion_call return bui.BasicMainWindowState( create_call=lambda transition, origin_widget: cls( transition=transition, origin_widget=origin_widget, gametype=gametype, sessiontype=sessiontype, config=config, completion_call=completion_call, ) )
def _get_localized_setting_name(self, name: str) -> bui.Lstr: return bui.Lstr(translate=('settingNames', name)) def _select_map(self) -> None: # pylint: disable=cyclic-import from bauiv1lib.playlist.mapselect import PlaylistMapSelectWindow # No-op if we're not in control. if not self.main_window_has_control(): return self._config = self._getconfig() # Replace ourself with the map-select UI. self.main_window_replace( PlaylistMapSelectWindow( self._gametype, self._sessiontype, self._config, self._edit_info, self._completion_call, ) ) def _choice_inc( self, setting_name: str, widget: bui.Widget, setting: bs.ChoiceSetting, increment: int, ) -> None: choices = setting.choices if increment > 0: self._choice_selections[setting_name] = min( len(choices) - 1, self._choice_selections[setting_name] + 1 ) else: self._choice_selections[setting_name] = max( 0, self._choice_selections[setting_name] - 1 ) bui.textwidget( edit=widget, text=self._get_localized_setting_name( choices[self._choice_selections[setting_name]][0] ), ) self._settings[setting_name] = choices[ self._choice_selections[setting_name] ][1] def _cancel(self) -> None: self._completion_call(None, self) def _check_value_change( self, setting_name: str, widget: bui.Widget, value: int ) -> None: bui.textwidget( edit=widget, text=( bui.Lstr(resource='onText') if value else bui.Lstr(resource='offText') ), ) self._settings[setting_name] = value def _getconfig(self) -> dict[str, Any]: settings = copy.deepcopy(self._settings) settings['map'] = self._map return {'settings': settings} def _add(self) -> None: self._completion_call(self._getconfig(), self) def _inc( self, ctrl: bui.Widget, min_val: int | float, max_val: int | float, increment: int | float, setting_type: type, setting_name: str, ) -> None: # pylint: disable=too-many-positional-arguments if setting_type == float: val = float(cast(str, bui.textwidget(query=ctrl))) else: val = int(cast(str, bui.textwidget(query=ctrl))) val += increment val = max(min_val, min(val, max_val)) if setting_type == float: bui.textwidget(edit=ctrl, text=str(round(val, 2))) elif setting_type == int: bui.textwidget(edit=ctrl, text=str(int(val))) else: raise TypeError('invalid vartype: ' + str(setting_type)) self._settings[setting_name] = val