Source code for bauiv1._subsystem

# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
"""User interface related functionality."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import inspect
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, override

import babase

import _bauiv1

    from typing import Any, Callable

    from bauiv1._uitypes import UICleanupCheck, UIController
    import bauiv1

class UIV1Subsystem(babase.AppSubsystem):
    """Consolidated UI functionality for the app.

    Category: **App Classes**

    To use this class, access the single instance of it at ''.

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        env = babase.env()

        self.controller: UIController | None = None

        self._main_menu_window: bauiv1.Widget | None = None
        self._main_menu_location: str | None = None
        self.quit_window: bauiv1.Widget | None = None

        # From classic.
        self.main_menu_resume_callbacks: list = []  # Can probably go away.

        self._uiscale: babase.UIScale

        interfacetype ='UI Scale', env['ui_scale'])
        if interfacetype == 'auto':
            interfacetype = env['ui_scale']

        if interfacetype == 'large':
            self._uiscale = babase.UIScale.LARGE
        elif interfacetype == 'medium':
            self._uiscale = babase.UIScale.MEDIUM
        elif interfacetype == 'small':
            self._uiscale = babase.UIScale.SMALL
            raise RuntimeError(f'Invalid UIScale value: {interfacetype}')

        self.window_states: dict[type, Any] = {}  # FIXME: Kill this.
        self.main_menu_selection: str | None = None  # FIXME: Kill this.
        self.have_party_queue_window = False
        self.cleanupchecks: list[UICleanupCheck] = []
        self.upkeeptimer: babase.AppTimer | None = None
        self.use_toolbars = _bauiv1.toolbar_test()

        self.title_color = (0.72, 0.7, 0.75)
        self.heading_color = (0.72, 0.7, 0.75)
        self.infotextcolor = (0.7, 0.9, 0.7)

        # Switch our overall game selection UI flow between Play and
        # Private-party playlist selection modes; should do this in
        # a more elegant way once we revamp high level UI stuff a bit.
        self.selecting_private_party_playlist: bool = False

    def available(self) -> bool:
        """Can uiv1 currently be used?

        Code that may run in headless mode, before the UI has been spun up,
        while other ui systems are active, etc. can check this to avoid
        likely erroring.
        return _bauiv1.is_available()

    def uiscale(self) -> babase.UIScale:
        """Current ui scale for the app."""
        return self._uiscale

[docs] @override def on_app_loading(self) -> None: from bauiv1._uitypes import UIController, ui_upkeep # IMPORTANT: If tweaking UI stuff, make sure it behaves for small, # medium, and large UI modes. (doesn't run off screen, etc). # The overrides below can be used to test with different sizes. # Generally small is used on phones, medium is used on tablets/tvs, # and large is on desktop computers or perhaps large tablets. When # possible, run in windowed mode and resize the window to assure # this holds true at all aspect ratios. # UPDATE: A better way to test this is now by setting the environment # variable BA_UI_SCALE to "small", "medium", or "large". # This will affect system UIs not covered by the values below such # as screen-messages. The below values remain functional, however, # for cases such as Android where environment variables can't be set # easily. if bool(False): # force-test ui scale self._uiscale = babase.UIScale.SMALL with babase.ContextRef.empty(): babase.pushcall( lambda: babase.screenmessage( f'FORCING UISCALE {} FOR TESTING', color=(1, 0, 1), log=True, ) ) self.controller = UIController() # Kick off our periodic UI upkeep. # FIXME: Can probably kill this if we do immediate UI death checks. self.upkeeptimer = babase.AppTimer(2.6543, ui_upkeep, repeat=True)
[docs] def set_main_menu_window( self, window: bauiv1.Widget, from_window: bauiv1.Widget | None | bool = True, ) -> None: """Set the current 'main' window, replacing any existing. If 'from_window' is passed as a bauiv1.Widget or None, a warning will be issued if it that value does not match the current main window. This can help clean up flawed code that can lead to bad UI states. A value of False will disable the check. """ existing = self._main_menu_window try: if isinstance(from_window, bool): # For default val True we warn that the arg wasn't # passed. False can be explicitly passed to disable this # check. if from_window is True: caller_frame = inspect.stack()[1] caller_filename = caller_frame.filename caller_line_number = caller_frame.lineno logging.warning( 'set_main_menu_window() should be passed a' " 'from_window' value to help ensure proper UI behavior" ' (%s line %i).', caller_filename, caller_line_number, ) else: # For everything else, warn if what they passed wasn't # the previous main menu widget. if from_window is not existing: caller_frame = inspect.stack()[1] caller_filename = caller_frame.filename caller_line_number = caller_frame.lineno logging.warning( "set_main_menu_window() was passed 'from_window' %s" ' but existing main-menu-window is %s. (%s line %i).', from_window, existing, caller_filename, caller_line_number, ) except Exception: # Prevent any bugs in these checks from causing problems. logging.exception('Error checking from_window') # Once the above code leads to us fixing all leftover window bugs # at the source, we can kill the code below. # Let's grab the location where we were called from to report # if we have to force-kill the existing window (which normally # should not happen). frameline = None try: frame = inspect.currentframe() if frame is not None: frame = frame.f_back if frame is not None: frameinfo = inspect.getframeinfo(frame) frameline = f'{frameinfo.filename} {frameinfo.lineno}' except Exception: logging.exception('Error calcing line for set_main_menu_window') # With our legacy main-menu system, the caller is responsible for # clearing out the old main menu window when assigning the new. # However there are corner cases where that doesn't happen and we get # old windows stuck under the new main one. So let's guard against # that. However, we can't simply delete the existing main window when # a new one is assigned because the user may transition the old out # *after* the assignment. Sigh. So, as a happy medium, let's check in # on the old after a short bit of time and kill it if its still alive. # That will be a bit ugly on screen but at least should un-break # things. def _delay_kill() -> None: import time if existing: print( f'Killing old main_menu_window' f' when called at: {frameline} t={time.time():.3f}' ) existing.delete() babase.apptimer(1.0, _delay_kill) self._main_menu_window = window
[docs] def clear_main_menu_window(self, transition: str | None = None) -> None: """Clear any existing 'main' window with the provided transition.""" assert transition is None or not transition.endswith('_in') if self._main_menu_window: if ( transition is not None and not self._main_menu_window.transitioning_out ): _bauiv1.containerwidget( edit=self._main_menu_window, transition=transition ) else: self._main_menu_window.delete() self._main_menu_window = None
[docs] def add_main_menu_close_callback(self, call: Callable[[], Any]) -> None: """(internal)""" # If there's no main menu up, just call immediately. if not self.has_main_menu_window(): with babase.ContextRef.empty(): call() else: self.main_menu_resume_callbacks.append(call)
[docs] def has_main_menu_window(self) -> bool: """Return whether a main menu window is present.""" return bool(self._main_menu_window)
[docs] def set_main_menu_location(self, location: str) -> None: """Set the location represented by the current main menu window.""" self._main_menu_location = location
[docs] def get_main_menu_location(self) -> str | None: """Return the current named main menu location, if any.""" return self._main_menu_location