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_batemplatefs module

A dummy stub module for the real _batemplatefs.

The real _batemplatefs is a compiled extension module and only available in the live engine. This dummy-module allows Pylint/Mypy/etc. to function reasonably well outside of that environment.

Make sure this file is never included in dirs seen by the engine!

In the future perhaps this can be a stub (.pyi) file, but we will need to make sure that it works with all our tools (mypy, pylint, pycharm).

NOTE: This file was autogenerated by batools.dummymodule; do not edit by hand.

class _batemplatefs.Hello[source]

Bases: object

Simple example.

testmethod(val: int = 0) None[source]

Just testing.

_batemplatefs._uninferrable() Any[source]

Get an “Any” in mypy and “uninferrable” in Pylint.

_batemplatefs.hello_again_world() None[source]

Another hello world print.